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Drugs dealers in Death

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Well we will always get the smug let them die flipancy comments but try it if a bright young member of your family dies as a result.
Then talk of fools doing it to them self but ignore what grog in all its forms does to even more
Ignore the dealers in death, unless they come from an ethnic group we do not like.
But without drugs it would be a betterworld
Posted by Belly, Monday, 17 September 2018 5:47:43 PM
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The Government found that it was far more expensive and
problematic - to
have addicts in emergency rooms in hospitals, being cared
for, or, overdosing on the streets, and so on. Whereas
having them being weaned off drugs as part of a controlled
program in injecting rooms - was working. Less people were
overdosing - the figures of drug users had fallen - and hospitals
were reporting less numbers of drug users having to be handled
by overworked staff and doctors. It
was a good outcome all round for the state.

I hope that helps you understand.

Shutting down or ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.
It's not a question of "buying beer" for alcoholics as you
put it. It's a question of getting them off the beer - by
appropriate methods - as in injection rooms for drugs or
rehab facilities for alcoholics.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 17 September 2018 6:35:14 PM
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//Right now ICE kills more every day, it ruins lives by the thousands, it destroys familys.//

Yep, it's dreadful stuff. Mind you, what else you can possibly expect from f*&king bikies attempting complicated organic syntheses in their garden shed? These were the kids who failed junior school science... I can confidently state know a lot more about chemistry than them, and that I wouldn't be willing to consume any organic compounds that I synthesised with my limited grasp of organic chemistry using jerry-rigged lab equipment.

//The party drugs on sale at rave party can include pure poision//

Yeah, we need pill-testing at music festivals. There was a good opinion piece in today's Sydney Morning Herald on this subject:
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 17 September 2018 7:50:10 PM
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//I have seen people pretty spaced-out just after a couple of joints & drinks. I am certain there were many road deaths because of this. So, your implying that dope is not as bad as hard drugs is not quite in perspective.//

Oh yeah, you definitely shouldn't do drugs and operate heavy machinery. I wouldn't recommend driving under the influence of weed any more that I would drink-driving. Although curiously enough, I've never felt as zombified off any illegal drugs as the time I did my back falling off a retaining wall and spent a few days on opiate killers. Those things pack a hell of a lot more wallop than my herbal brownies. Greg, the stop sign!

Sorry, not all that relevant, I just love TISM.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 17 September 2018 8:07:15 PM
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//Yeah I agree, legalize dope and stop Ambos treating ODs at dance parties, and on the street and clubs, after all if they are silly enough to take the rubbish why should we bother to come to their aid. Ambos can better ways to spend their time and treat genuine accident victims.//

OK Banjo, and how do we tell the difference between somebody who has passed put because they've taken the drugs that you don't approve of, and somebody who's just had too much to drink which is totally fine because getting plastered is the Australian way? For that matter, how do we tell if they've passed out due to intoxication or just had a stroke or collapsed from heat exhaustion or whatever?

As a first aider - I'm qualified to do no more - all that is expected is that you render assistance as best as you are able, and contact those who can better provide assistance, i.e. paramedics.

It's not your place to pass moral judgement formed on the basis of f%^k all medical knowledge. If somebody collapses, you check for danger, send for help, and apply what first aid you can.

You don't ask all the surrounding bystanders if they've done any drugs before you decide to send for help or not. Because if you do, you're going to: 1) look an almighty twat, 2) have to live with your own conscience for ever, 3) possibly face legal repercussions, if you let somebody die of causes unrelated to drugs whilst you're busy playing silly buggers instead of helping them.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 17 September 2018 8:25:13 PM
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//Any info on how much it costs a drug abuser to visit there ?//

They're free; junkies spend all their money on smack.

//Are these facilities paid for by us taxpayers ?//

No idea.

//If so why ?//

Because it's a hell of a lot cheaper to just give junkies free syringes than to have them share needles and diseases. Syringes really aren't that expensive, especially when you consider the saving they represent. Prevention is not only better than cure... it's a damn sight cheaper. I don't know if safe injecting rooms are private charities or state-funded, but if it's the latter then I'm fine with that: I'd rather see my taxes spent on roads and schools than treating junkies for diseases that could have been easily prevented by just giving them a clean needle, even if that does make Tories sad. Poor little Tories.

//Do alcoholics get a free drink ?//

No, why would they? Junkies don't get free smack, they get free needles. Maybe you could ask them for a free glass or a bottle-opener?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 17 September 2018 8:40:58 PM
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