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Will Morrison Dump Paris?

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Here's a link on the difference between Trump
and the late Senator McCain:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 August 2018 1:07:55 PM
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what makes a man a hero
I've often thought this through
It's not someone who brags a lot
It's someone who is true.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 August 2018 2:17:17 PM
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My neighbor says pretty much what you're saying & whilst I agree Abbott was nb. was, a superior option to Rudd it pains me to say that Abbott turned out to be a huge let-down. As so many of his supporters I too was nothing short of extremely pleased that he got the Coalition back into the driver's seat. But, as so many of his supporters I too feel shafted by his administration.
I do realise that even though a conservative Govt is at the helm, the bulk of the administration, the Public servants, are Labor. So, yes it is understandable that it is incredibly difficult to juggle effective governing whilst fending off the incessant sabotaging by Leftists in opposition & media in paricular, I still fail to see why nothing was done to sort out welfare rorting & persecuting old age pensioners with asset testing.
Unfortunately, as petty as the two inidents (HRH Phil & Drug Mules) are now , they were the catalyst to ruin peoples' confidence in Abbott. Petty deed, massive mistake.
As you said i should not wait for Morrison to take my advise, I'm not waiting but he'd be better off if he did. You see, i'm not an opportunistic grabber so I can quite confidently say that all other non-opportunists will agree with me & only non-opportunists will understand.
There is a huge difference between real patriots & the pretend variety.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 30 August 2018 2:24:04 PM
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Someone called Jackie Higgins, co-chair of something called the ‘National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples’, has started barking about Abbott before anyone, including Abbott, has any idea of what the 'job’ is all about. Before moving on to this woman's gripe - “Australia's first peoples” ? There was no such place called Australia until 230 years ago, so there is no way that the original inhabitants of the continent are anyone’s idea of the first people of Australia.

Higgins claims that Abbott “ …. has a track record in terms of denying Aboriginal people their rights to social justice, but also to self-determination”. Beg your pardon, lady: Abbott had a good record when he held the full portfolio under Howard and, since when was a tiny minority of Australians entitled to something other than that which all other Australians have!

“We’re all very dismayed at the outcome”, says Higgins. Well, a good many Australians are amazed at the mucking about with, the wasting off billions of dollars on, and the treating of people merely by dint of being related, no matter how tenuously, to the original inhabitants as though they weren't perfectly capable of looking after themselves like the rest of us. Added to all the waste of money and time - which has earned only complaints and abuse from the recipients of our largesse, they now want “voice in Parliament”.

Like all do-gooders and spenders of other people's money, Morrison was stupid to create such a thing as an 'envoy’ for aboriginal matters. How many more years does this nonsense have to last before the Canberra clowns get the message that some people will never be satisfied no matter how much they give them.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 August 2018 2:27:04 PM
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I agree that Abbott didn't follow through with his promises, particularly on freedom of speech and the AGW fraud. But I think he has been well and truly punished for his sins. He is yesterday's man now; it is clear that there will be no come back for him and he is no threat to anyone.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 August 2018 2:34:00 PM
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" the difference between Trump
and the late Senator McCain"

Another difference...Trump became President and McCain became bitter.

Meanwhile this tweet from Geraldo Rivera bought a smile...

1-record stock market
2-GDP revises up/economy humming
3-minority and youth unemployment record lows
4-NAFTA revising
5-trade deals being forged
6-Collusion/Illusion floundering
7-candidates endorsed winning.
For a “disastrous” presidency dude’s not doing too badly"
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 30 August 2018 2:49:35 PM
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