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The Forum > General Discussion > The media- surely it is a risk to report some news.

The media- surely it is a risk to report some news.

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Well, I've done it again, another link.

This time it's about a balloon causing chaos to the Sydney rail network.

Given this is such a simple way to disrupt the network, is it wise to report such for fear of copy cats.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 19 August 2018 8:30:11 AM
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No Butch, we should not sanitize the news for fear of offending people, or causing distress, or even creating copy cats. News should be reported without fear or favor. Suppression is censorship and its what will lead to dictatorial rule. Its balloons today, its concentration camps tomorrow.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 August 2018 6:46:30 AM
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I will settle for honesty in news and unfortunately that is not the intention of some of our media Read both sides of the Turnbull issue this morning for evidence to back that claim, the smell of burning flesh? ask me about 2pm tommorow
Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 August 2018 7:02:52 AM
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///Well, I've done it again, another link.//

No, this is a link:

See how it's a different colour to the rest of the text, and when you click on it it takes you to a different website? That's how you tell.

//This time it's about a balloon causing chaos to the Sydney rail network.//

More specifically, it's a about a balloon shorting out a circuit.

"It is my understanding [that on Friday] evening a metallic balloon found its way into a tunnel and caused an overhead electricity wire to short," Mr Constance said. "This led to a major incident in which Sydney Trains had to disembark passengers in a tunnel."

Any student of high school science (basic circuit theory is covered in the junior syllabus and is thus unavoidable) would be able to figure that one out for themselves. Overhead wires for trains have to be bare so they can conduct power to the pantographs, so all that is required to short them out is to bridge them with anything conductive. It usually happens with tree branches and only causes minor issues; the article was newsworthy because the poor handling of that incident combined with IT problems led to massive chaos within the rail network.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 20 August 2018 7:20:00 AM
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Hi Belly, are you referring to moves by Murdoch to transfer his support away from Turnbull to that dud Dutton. Been widely reported in the Murdoch no news News very Ltd this morning that The Dud is gearing up to challenge Money Bags before Santa arrives.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 August 2018 7:20:41 AM
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Paul 1405 my morning swim in the news avoids at all costs the Murdock propaganda factories, subscribe to one watch all 4 TV channels for news in the am,yes the 6 percentage points lost by this alleged government breathed new life back in to a past thread, the shrinking primary vote of the big two, my mob, seems at times alergic to mass appeal, took one point, greens and the Liberals pet pup Hanson shared the other 5 percent, after two party prefered it is 55 to 45? stunning stuff
Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 August 2018 2:01:26 PM
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Well I'm sceptical of the whole thing.

I'm no expert but how does a thin metallic balloon short out wires as thick as a thumb or more?

Is there any footage of this balloon and shorted out wire taken by commuters or rail staff?

If not, why not?

Is it possible this balloon story is just a cover-up for more serious issues with the rail network?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 20 August 2018 3:16:46 PM
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No, this the same link;

Install it on your menu bar.
Get the tinyurl link for the bar at

Save a lot of hassle.
The way to make the original clickable is to edit the https to be http

When the balloon shorted the 1500 vdc a large amount of current would
have passed through it and the arc would have lasted long enough for
the protection equipment to have operated.
Not knowing the cause someone would have had to go and have a physical
look. That means getting the power turned off, finding where it
happened, taking a ladder in, removing it and then getting out and
turning the power back on.
It all takes time.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 August 2018 4:46:06 PM
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"No Butch, we should not sanitize the news for fear of offending people, or causing distress, or even creating copy cats."

A great argument for ditching 18c.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 7:13:49 AM
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No way I support shutting down news, from any source, I do however see it slanted in every place we see it,not sure if this morning's news is a brilliant effort in foresight or just foolishness, but it will bring support because it,while not news just a person's opinion, SMH Abbott to replace Turnbull, highlights we must in our own minds draw a line under what is news and what is someone's opinion
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 7:56:23 AM
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Shadow, as a libertarian never been a big supporter of 18c. Let the fanatics and other right wing ratbags blow off some steam at times. Okay by me, if they go too far over the top, we'll just have to lock em' up, or promote them in the Liberal Party under PM Dud.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 8:35:00 AM
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How's this one.
Seriously they must take us all for idiots.

She was directed by ISIS to marry an Aussie, now claims victimhood and wants free entry.

She says she's not going to tell the kid about his father.
Thinks somehow that she's going to able to keep it all under wraps after being on 60 minutes..

Seriously the news is so illogical and focussed on catering to emotion and selling victimhood it's become sick and twisted.
It's bad when they selectively edit to obscure the truth but even worse when they try being honest.

These are the people informing us?
Their reporting is cancerous.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 8:41:46 AM
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//Seriously they must take us all for idiots.//

Armchair, have a look at your own link. What comes after bit, Arcmchair? Oh yes, it's /entertainment, which means that this story is in the category of entertainment 'news'.

Everybody knows entertainment 'news' isn't real news, just pointless gossip. If you're looking in the entertainment section of news websites for proper news, then yes, you're an idiot.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 9:21:37 AM
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Toni, I am disappointed that you would not believe the gossip column in one of Rupert's rags, its more truthful that the News news.
Next thing you know, you'll be saying this weeks exclusive in 'Shocker' magazine is untrue. An in the know Liberal Party insider told Fanny Scoop from 'Shocker' that the government has been taken over by far right space aliens extremists and they intend to install a robotic clone called Pete Dud to replace poor old Money Bags Malcolm. If its in 'Shocker' you better believe it!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 10:09:03 AM
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Turnbull did walk his green mile, our media is thriving on it too, but as it turned out that walk was only a test to see no mistake takes place on the not very far away true execution, next week? next month? the shop window dressing dummy about to replace him will not be around long
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 11:58:04 AM
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As wildly reported, and egged on by Murdoch's gutter press, Money Bags called a spill, Dud Dutton threw his beanie into the ring, so did Turnball's. Loan behold, Turnball's came out on top 48-35. What a united party, Turnball's only has 35 enemies within. Plus all the Nationals!
This government is a joke!

BTW, Duds moved to the back bench, sitting right next to the Mad Monk, Corny Banana, Barnyard etc etc.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 12:55:19 PM
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//BTW, Duds moved to the back bench//

Praise the lord! Now let's hope he doesn't do an Abbott and that's the last we hear from him. Not holding my breath, mind you. I'm sure the Mad Monk and the Killer Potato are hatching nefarious plans as we speak.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 1:38:30 PM
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I don't know what went wrong. Dud counted up the votes in his office before the meeting. He named one vote for every finger, declaring; "There's 13 votes!" then he took off his shoes and socks and counted one vote for every toe; "That's another 23 for me!...13 plus 23, yes 47 vote for The Devine One!" Being good at arithmetic Dud thinks he should be PM and Treasurer combined. What went wrong?
The Mad Monk did offer poor Pete a consoling drink of holy water, vintage 1923, from his personal stock afterwards. With shouts of "We'll get him next time!" the pair of old disciples retired to the chapel for some personal flagellation, and a bit more plotting.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 2:18:15 PM
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