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Vladamir Putin: More Western Than Westerners Used to Be
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 July 2018 10:48:37 PM
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Conservatism is not a particularly western value, and the east has long been more conservative than the west. Nor is Trump a particularly conservative president.
The real western values are the rule of law, freedom, democratic accountability etc. Things Putin has always opposed! Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 26 July 2018 11:08:18 AM
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When I was last in England many years ago now, I was told by a number of naval officers, members of that most traditional of British services, that the group leading the most traditional "British" life style were the Indian immigrants. They had moved to Britain to be part of the stiff upper lip, service to Queen & Country lifestyle they admired.
Fifty years ago among defence force people there was a strong feeling that if we had another one, [major war], it was more likely to be us & Russia against the Chinese. I'm too far away from things today to know much, but I believe, perhaps naively, that Chinese actions in the china sea & other places is more defensive than aggressive. Hopefully they are now too dependant on trade with the west for war to be an attractive option. Russia is now interdependent on Europe. They depend on gas sales to Europe, but have Europe controlled by that need for Russian gas. We are all now too interdependent on each other for war, other than minor skirmishes, to be attractive to any. We need now to have rational leaders who recognise this for a peaceful future. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 26 July 2018 11:09:35 AM
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"Is it true that there is freedom of speech in Russia,
just like there is in the USA? Yes! In the USA, you can stand in front of the White House and yell, "Down with Trump!" and you won't be punished. You cal also stand in Red Square in Moscow and yell, "Down with Trump!" and you won't be punished either." Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 July 2018 11:39:50 AM
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That's an old Reagan joke.. (go to the 2 minute mark) Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 July 2018 1:22:55 PM
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Don't get conservatism confused with being western.
Conservatism (depending on how you might define it) can and has existed throughout the world and throughout the ages. Western values have never applied in Russia. Peter the Great tried to westernise Russia but wanted to cherry-pick what is really a complete package. As the old Soviet Union unravelled under the Reagan led pressure, and it became apparent just how far behind the Russia standard of living had fallen, the majority (I think) of Russians dreamed of adopting western values and modernising their country. It just so happened that I spent a deal of time at that time in Russia and around Russians (I was in Moscow when Gorbachev took over) and it was clear then that Russians misunderstood the nature of westernisation. They thought they could establish a market economy relatively quickly and open up some degree of freedom of speech without fundamentally altering Russian values. And they failed to understand that this was a package which would entail serious pain before any gain. To be far, many in the west made the same mistake and advisers poured into Russia in the early 1990s to explain how it could be done. That they utterly failed is clear. Their were too main reasons: 1. The rulers weren't prepared to cede their rule and sought to maintain it by taking control of the now free-wheeling Russian economy. These were the beginning of the current oligarchy who were almost to a man ex-KGB. /cont Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 July 2018 2:21:00 PM
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2. The people were shocked at how much Russia-ness was being sacrificed in order to gain the western life-style they craved. In the end, and to the wonderment of the west, they were prepared, even happy, to have a lower living standard if they could retain their Russian value. And it was inevitable that a Putin would come along and promise them just that. Russia doesn't have a free press and most Russians are fine with that. Ditto free elections. Free market. Individual liberty. Part of the problem for us and indeed for many of the Russians we tend to here from, is the thinking that Moscow is Russia. But when you get out of Moscow/St Petersburg you find a very different mind-set. I suspect that Putin is well aware of that just as Trump is well aware that DC and the MSM don't represent the views of the average Usian. Putin will play the defender of the west if and when it suits. But I suspect he's way to savvy to fall for his own propaganda. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 July 2018 2:21:16 PM
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It's an old Soviet joke that can be adapted accordingly. It's still relevant today. The shop front may have changed - been given different names and lables, a different "appearance" but the inside of the shop remains the same - with the same people running the place. BTW: Have you read Masha Gessen's book, "The Man Without A Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin?" Worth a read. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 July 2018 3:51:56 PM
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It's also possible and increasingly likely that Trump is indebted to Putin and his associated oligarchs who bailed him out of dire financial straits years ago and financed many of his ventures.
When the Soviet Union collapsed back in 1998, many corrupt oligarchs stashed and laundered their money into US Real Estate. In Trump World Tower, which broke ground in 1998, a third of units by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states. Reuters reported that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida. Russians are huge investors in Trump organisations and it's no wonder Trump is reluctant to publicly produce recent Tax Returns. Putin - a corrupt thug - seems to be holding something significant over Trump for him to travel to Helsinki for the sake of publicly sucking up to Putin but later backing down over "I meant wouldn't" when the event bombed. It's got nothing to do with conservatism but everything to do with self-interest and self-preservation from both leaders. Posted by rache, Friday, 27 July 2018 10:04:11 AM
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'We'd rather go to Moscow' Paris becomes tourist no-go zone after wave of crime and terror Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 10:07:12 PM
Russia seems more adept at promoting Western civilisation than man leaders of the Western world itself, and European opponents of multiculturalism have a positive attitude to Putin's Russia. Opponents of Russia who used to criticise the country for its communism, now complain about its conservative world view.
While anti-traditional values have been adopted in the West, Putin has taken over as the leader willing to to fight for the traditional way of life. In a recent speech he indicated that he wants to cultivate an image of Russia as a moral crusader. When Russia was criticised for its attitude to homosexuality, he lamented the decline of morality in the West; he referred to the “moral disorienting impact of Western – style social engineering”, saying that it is the destruction of traditional values from above; it is “anti-democratic” because it “runs counter to the will of the majority of people”.
After the speech, he was hailed as “Putin: world conservativism's new leader – a global saviour of of traditional values”.
Putin's admonishment of the West echos that of the Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn's address at Harvard University in 1978. Solzhenitsyn was “appalled by the nihilism and weariness” that dominated Western societies. He said that the Western world had “lost its civil courage”; he also said that the decline was particularly noticeable “among the ruling groups and intellectual elite”. Forty years on, and we are still racing to the bottom.