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The Forum > General Discussion > Brumby Cull

Brumby Cull

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The Tasmanian Tiger was viewed as a pest and a dangerous threat to livestock, though many of these claims were highly exaggerated. Over 2,000 bounties were paid by the government between 1888 to 1909 to eradicate the species. A sudden decline in the thylacine population was reported in the early 1900s, and the species was declared extinct in 1936. Shot to extinction by the gunnies!

Good to see the gunnies are making some small recompense with Tasmanian Devils after they shot all the Tasmanian Tigers.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 6 June 2018 9:47:30 PM
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Issy, where does the SSAA get the dosh from to be able to splash the cash like a drunken sailor? From very dubious foreign sources I suspect, hummmmm NRA springs to mind?. Not from the Sunday avo chook raffle down at the gunnie club, that's for sure. Now, no "pork pies" please.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 6 June 2018 10:03:12 PM
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The money comes from various sources, donations, sponsors, membership fees etc., etc.
All monies are accounted for and none comes from undisclosed sources.

If you have any evidence that it does then it is your duty, as a citizen, to make your knowledge available to the appropriate authorities.

Do you know where the three members of Gun Control Australia get their finances from?

"Shot to extinction by the gunnies!"
Hardly so, many (if not most) of the Tassie Tigers were trapped or poisoned, the Government didn't care what method was used, the blame for their extinction lies with the Government of the day.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 7 June 2018 12:03:23 PM
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" But I, at least, do not live under a rock. I've met a few blokes that go pigging; I know what they are like and the sort of things they get up too. These are not people who give the slightest crap about the environment; it simply doesn't enter into their thinking. They just want to kill things"

There are bad eggs in every field of endeavour, but I don't know any firearms owners who are not responsible law abiding people and they do care about the environment.
You seem to mix with a rather lower strata of society than I do, still to each his own.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 7 June 2018 12:08:44 PM
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