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The Politicisation And Emasculation of Our Defence Force
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Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 26 May 2018 8:31:10 AM
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Dear Paul1405,
This was the General's stance on repeat offenders of family violence; “When one of my people engages in the illegal and ill-disciplined use of violence at home, in training or on exercise, my confidence in them to execute their duties lawfully and discriminately in circumstances of immense stress on the battlefield is deeply undermined,’’ he said. “They are not living by the army’s values: I see cowardice, not courage, comfortable habit not the initiative to break the cycle. I don’t trust them to respect the innocent, the weak and the wounded, nor to serve the team rather than themselves. “Perpetrators of family and domestic violence are fundamentally at odds with the meaning and profession of Australian soldiering.” Pretty frank. He does appear to have quite a lot of respect through the ranks given the responses to his appointment before the latest news about symbols. I suspect that will continue. Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 26 May 2018 8:39:26 AM
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Hey Individual,
Our soldiers become mercenaries anytime they step foot off the continent, sadly. And they are used in that context. Look at East Timor. Were we 'peacekeepers' or oil theives?,11113 Smedley Butler told us war is a racket, and it's as true today as it was then. Sun Tzu spoke about a moral component needed for a nation and its people to endure a war, I'm not sure we (or the US for that matter) have this. I'd be willing to pick up arms and defend this country from invaders if need be, (though I don't agree with both political parties following US foreign policy nor the trouble that brings) but my efforts to do so may depend on the righteousness of my government, and the front line will always end on my continent where the sand meets the sea. 'Are soldiers mugs'? Well if they are asking themselves that question, then I think the questions already answered. Regards the nation, where are we headed is it all about leftist agenda and the rights of everyone else? Not sure it's worth fighting for anymore in that respect, after all the 'war on white people' and all that. Maybe the question is better directed at us instead 'Are we mugs'? Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 26 May 2018 8:54:26 AM
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Armchair Critic,
This is why I keep harping on about a Non-military National Service with the option of going into the military IF aptitude & mentality are proven beyond reasonable doubt. After all, isn't it to be a Defence Force to defend this Nation ? There is already an internal war brewing it's just that too many can't see it. We really need to start getting organised & a National service will help immensely. Just don't let it slip your mind that Australias enemies are already speaking fluent "Strayn" & live here at our peril. Posted by individual, Saturday, 26 May 2018 9:17:23 AM
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“Our soldiers become mercenaries anytime they step foot off the continent, sadly”.
Absolute rubbish! It takes a warped mind to come up with that one. On Friday, Paul said: “I have no problem with these wannabe Rambo’s (sic)”. Today, the same Paul says: “No place for Rambo wannabes in today's professional army”. Make up your mind, sunshine! Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 26 May 2018 10:16:39 AM
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Steelie: Pretty frank. He does appear to have quite a lot of respect through the ranks given the responses to his appointment before the latest news about symbols. I suspect that will continue.
Unfortunately it hasn't. Moral has dropped to a low again, after the last pansy he replaced. The words he is using are to appease the PC & leftists. He knows that is not the case with the men. Steelie are the troops supposed to be nice to the people that are trying to kill them. It seems like you think it's Ok tor them to kill out troops by any means they can devise but you want out troops to ask them for permission to fire back at them. Is that so? Being somewhat of a Coward yourself, I suspect, I could never see you putting yourself in harms way to even protect your own family. Just going by your posts over the years. Always on the side of the Bad guys. Why is that? Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 26 May 2018 11:55:13 AM
The insignia is a combination of, Bravado, Warning, Company, Platoon & individual Hype. Most of them are borne of something that happened in Training.
Eg; D Company, 8 R.A.R. was a mountain goat on a Pogo Stick jumping over a mountain. This came about form an incident when the Company had to do a Company attack. 2 Platoon up in a straight line, CHQ behind them then the 3rd Platoon behind them in reserve.
Unfortunately the attack took place along the side of a mountain with multiple spurs running off the side of the mountain. The Company had to attack across the line of spurs.
Now a little imagination is required here. One side of the spur is about 50 metres high the other end is about 10 metres high the line stretches about 500 metres long & heavily timbered with low scrub. In an attack the line is to be kept straight & moving forward evenly. Do you see the problem?
It wasn't long before the whole attack was a shambles. The CO & the CSM going right off at the troops for not getting it right & keeping the line absolutely straight.
Most of the Diggers, including myself, had not long come back from Vietnam & were not used to being, F#9K#D around by officers & NCO's who didn't have a clue what they were doing. They were at odds ends to stop the laughing when it all eventually came totally undone. Hence the Mountain Goat on a Pogo Stick jumping over a Mountain. A stark reminder to the Battalions hierarchy. So you see insignia do serve a purpose.
The D Coy 8/9 R.A.R. insignia now is the head of a Mountain Sheep & they have no idea of it's origins. The other insignia is a set of dice, one on top of the other with the two 4's up. indicating the 4th Company of 8 R.A.R., D Coy.