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The Forum > General Discussion > Aboriginal Housing in remote areas etc.

Aboriginal Housing in remote areas etc.

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Dear runner,

Define "regressives."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 May 2018 10:35:38 AM
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Define "regressives."

those 'who claim to be progressive however in reality take society backwoods often using pseudo science as justication'. Truth and facts are ignored.No copyright on definition if you want to use it Foxy. It describes about 90% of abc presenters.
Posted by runner, Friday, 11 May 2018 10:48:32 AM
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Everything that can be said about remote-living aborigines has been said - over, and over and over again. Nothing changes. Nothing is done apart from slinging 30 billion dollars a year at them, and look how that has worked. All the waffle and waste of money is an insult to the majority aboriginal-Australians who have made decent lives for themselves. It's an insult to all Australians. It's a crying bloody shame; and if we are not all ashamed of it, we bloody well should be.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 May 2018 11:01:29 AM
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Dear runner,

I worry about you. It appears that for you it's
all a matter of, "I fear and distrust anything
that's different."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 May 2018 11:06:01 AM
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Dear Is Mise,

I have spent any spare time over the last six weeks resurrecting a rental property that suffered markedly from the last tenants. As well as time and effort it will cost us over $25,000 to pull it back to presentable. The property had been managed by a real estate company (admittedly not very well) which I suspect is not a service that would be available in many remote communities.

Two different tradesmen I got in both told of rental properties they currently own needing substantial work after tenant abuse. VCAT visits and magistrate court proceedings to recover damages were also being employed.

In each instance these were European Australians. In the city close to us there are housing commission homes where very few trades people are prepared to work in because of their condition. In the last census the indigenous population was about 1% in those two suburbs and most certainly not a factor.

While it is not the whole answer social disadvantage IS a factor that can not be dismissed. Surely money spent addressing that disadvantage in communities is well spent.

Yet you are determinedly singling out race as the only factor. It is wrong and short sighted and needs to be shown for what it is.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 May 2018 11:09:37 AM
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' I worry about you. It appears that for you it's
all a matter of, "I fear and distrust anything
that's different."'

fair enough Foxy but what that has to do with the epidemic problem of aboriginals and others destroying houses I am not sure.
Posted by runner, Friday, 11 May 2018 3:24:18 PM
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