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The Forum > General Discussion > Is freedom of speech being denied

Is freedom of speech being denied

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A Jewish Eunuch of whom Jesus spoke was one who abstained from all forms of sex because they believed it made them unclean, not one that engaged in anal sex [a very unclean practise]. Read the Dead sea scrolls on purity. They were obsessed with purity and washings as they lived in caves in the desert from which John the baptizer emerged, washing in the Jordan. Jesus raised differently first appeared blessing a wedding in Cana with wine and was later accused of eating food without washing his hands.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 21 April 2018 6:12:13 AM
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In the US a while ago there was commotion about a man disrespecting the nation by not standing for the national anthem. He apparently did this as a sign of protest over police abuses. The issue grew and grew, and had more people take one side of the issue or another.

Long story short, in the aftermath nothing substantial happened except that the sport was dragged through the mud and people being sick of the debate that was once their pastime entertainment, said that politicizing a sport will only harm it.

Take a warning from this. For those of you who want to continue to watch rugby and not have it about freedom of speach/religous rights verses politically correct/offended censorship; then make it an early appeal before rugby snowballs into a focus for other debates. Make it known that rugby is the main focus of rugby, and that other issues about the players, or their politics and beliefs are not the main focus of the game.

I don't watch too much of either sport, but I have an opinion on the issues that are being addressed in both situtions. If you like watching your sport, then make sure that people like me who aren't intreasted in it as much aren't bogging the sport down because of politics and issues people support. Because a lot of people will flood in about this rugby issue who don't give two hoots about rugby on any other day.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Saturday, 21 April 2018 6:30:34 AM
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It was once the reasoning of Christians that black people did not go to heaven, by virtue of the fact they didn't have a soul, the rationale used to justify slavery. Where did they go? Folau is not white, and there are still probably some good ol' boys (god fearing Christians they be) down south who think all nigs will burn in Hell, Folau included.

In 1452 and 1455, Pope Nicolas V (Christian) issued a series of papal bulls that granted Christians the right to enslave sub-Saharan Africans. Church leaders argued that slavery and the Christianizing influence served as a natural deterrent to paganism, preventing barbarous behavior among pagans. On all religious matters the Pope is infallible, so teaches the Catholic Church.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 21 April 2018 7:10:19 AM
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ttbn, you misunderstand the meaning, and what it is to be a bigot. A bigot is someone who is intolerant of the opinions and/or beliefs and practices of others. In the case of Christianity I am not intolerant of their beliefs or practices, In fact I hold many of the same beliefs. For example those Christians that believe "love thy neighbour" hold the same belief as me.
The fact I take issue with the Catholic Church (an organization) and organized religions in general, does not make me a bigot. Your irrational and total hatred of all Muslims shows you are extremely prejudiced, but it does not make you a bigot.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 21 April 2018 8:03:14 AM
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I misunderstand nothing. I agree with your definition of 'bigot', and it describes you to a tee. Your “irrational and total hatred of (Catholics) … makes you a bigot. Your assertion that I am “irrational” - while you are not – makes you a bigot. You also thing I'm a bigot. So be it. You obviously cannot 'get' my comments about Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot (let's throw in di Natale). None of us can ever be completely free of the belief that we are right, and everyone else is wrong. It's called 'human nature', and the trouble with the Left is that you think can manipulate natural instincts our of existence, just like you think that you can change nature by putting electricity prices!
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 21 April 2018 9:32:03 AM
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Paul you do bring up some nonsense. One of the first Gentile Christians mentioned in the NT was an Ethiopian as black as any person on Earth Acts 8: 26. Jesus said to the disciples go into all the Earth and make disciples of every nation. He did not exclude persons of dark pigmented skin. You are desperate looking for fools to accuse.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 21 April 2018 9:54:59 AM
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