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Is freedom of speech being denied
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Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 21 April 2018 9:15:04 PM
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//"On all religious matters the Pope is infallible, so teaches the Catholic Church."
Wrong again.// For those of you playing at home, the correct answer is that the Pope is infallible when "he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church." But I really doubt that there are many people - even among Catholics - who actually believe the Pope is infallible. It's just one of those weird bits of Catholic dogma we like to make fun of them over. And mostly, they're pretty good sports about it because they also realise that Catholicism has some downright silly traditions. Mind you, so does everybody else. Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 21 April 2018 9:31:55 PM
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Thanks Toni, I'll buy that.
As the forums only confessed member of the one true apostolic church, that being the Church of Rome, The Catholic Church. I would just like to reiterate my fervent belief as the Holy Father in Rome, not this Holy father but a previous Holy Father, had pontificated; "All Protestants will burn in HELL!" unless of course they repent their evil ways and renounce their sins and join with us the true believers. Its all up to you fellas. BTW; who said this Israel Falou is such a great shakes as a Rugby player, our Wanabes regularly get thumped by those gay loving All Blacks. Disgraceful, if not down right sinful. Rugby is the game played in Heaven, so they say. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 22 April 2018 7:56:11 AM
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Bad news, Paul: there is no Hell. There is no Heaven. There's not even a waiting-room.
So how can anyone get upset about what Folau said ? Yes, all those homosexual Christians of course and homosexuals of other faiths too. Devout Muslim homosexuals must torment themselves with what the Koran says about it all. Hindu homosexuals must pray that they'll come back as some other species which tolerates homosexuality, maybe as chickens or donkeys or Khaki Campbells. But I suspect that quite a few homosexuals are agnostic or atheist, so it should be like water off a duck's back, nothing more than a bit of a joke. But the bottom line is that, of course, we are all, each of us, entitled to our opinions, provided we can defend them rationally and civilly, without degenerating into ad hominem attacks, which are always a sign of weakness-of-argument. Wouldn't you agree ? Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 22 April 2018 5:53:05 PM
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Dear Joe (Loudmouth),
So you really didn't mean your "kiss my hairy arse" comment on page 8 then. Good to know. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 22 April 2018 6:14:02 PM
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Dearest Foxy,
Them that tell don't know, and them that know don't tell :) Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 22 April 2018 6:17:07 PM
//So homosexuals, rapists, thieves and atheists can clearly state there is NO HELL, but you cannot post there is a Hell for unrepentant sinners. So only one view can be posted. So you cannot express a personal view of what you hold as sin.//
Yeah, that's not how twitter works, Josephus. I don't use the platform but I've still seen/heard plenty of tweets quoted elsewhere, and from what I've observed it's obvious that you have quite a lot of freedom in what you post on Twitter. Considerably more than you do on OLO, for example.
//That denies the right of those that believe sinful behaviour has eternal consequences to express it.//
No, as far as Twitter is concerned they have all the right in the world to post that.
But if you post something that your employer takes a dim view of, you might find yourself in trouble. If a woodwork teacher at a Christian private school was to start tweeting that it's OK to be gay, that a woman should have the right to choose, and that Dungeons & Dragons is actually quite a lot of fun, Twitter wouldn't care. But I daresay the headmaster would show them the door pretty quickly even though their personal views have nothing to do with woodwork - and as a religious school, they'd be exempt from the normal anti-discrimination laws that would make it an unlawful dismissal.