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Aggregation Of Exclusion.

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Exclusion from participating in upper management decisions, effecting the well being of citizenry, I contest are major priorities of existing management classes.

Pleasurable: pleasing to the eye surroundings; void of physical exhausting work; socially privileged, exampling Malcolm Turnbull states “he loves his job as prime minister”, contributes much of Malcolm Turnbull’s success as do many successful people in management professions to the lack of management decision making ability/skills in working class society.

I speculate, to point out that most federal political candidates chosen for political office, recently stated as 80% of whom are federal government politicians came from past politicians office clerical staff and/or in the business of supporting a political party, whom I speculate are “yes” personality weak inexperienced decision makers... always agreeing with upper management to the letter, optimising employees careers.

As only a limited number of federal politicians are seen and heard in media forums, I safely assume remaining 100 plus federal parliament politicians are chosen to merely make up the numbers, jobs for obedience to behind the scenes “whip” real political power manipulators.

Above being an example, I speculate within government bureaucratic and corporate management exists difficult to replace management employment security cultures. Hiring new employees often finds clerical ability school certified credentials, justifies hiring while inquiring whether independent thought capable of upper management decision making candidates for employment are rejected.

Exampling: movie RoboCop corporate management were competing with each other for the bosses complementary attention to further middle management’s own careers.

Boys clubs over millenniums have formulated practices, passing practices down through management, modern political systems both: government bureaucrats and corporate upper management insist exclusions must continue, in maintaining a birth right management class.

Another example: Catholic Church produced/invented many saints performing miracle stories devoted to specific purposes, people didn’t think to solve problem issues, instead prayed to a specific saint for deliverance from troubling issues, I speculate were designed to prevent peasant class from experiencing advance problem solving thought. Societies dumb down with story myths and god magic praying, do nothing other than pray, whatever happens is god’s will.

Move to come
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 10:14:22 AM
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Desirable upper management careers reserved for (excluded by excessive fees) selective private school applicants, recommended by existing establishment parents, exampling Bob Hawke’s uncle once premier of W.A.

In today’s information economy employment society, careers are often specialised while all other skills are self-repressed by schooling learning traumas, explained in my previous posts.

Below aged 25 years motor vehicle insurance companies require higher insurance premiums due to below aged 25 years motor vehicle drivers have a higher proportion of accidents to that of above aged 25 years drivers.

I speculate, below aged 25 years are more likely to begin a period of: smoking tobacco; taking illegal drugs; developing delusional mental illnesses; committing suicide that being unrelated to old age; find employment difficult to obtain compared to above aged 25 years workers, being that most employment tasks require every little/few prolonged thought skilful intelligence.

Tradesman apprenticeships often take 4 years to complete, merely to obtain a tradesmen’s certificate. Apprentices are generally little more than cheap labour, doing simple tasks, while remaining tradesmen perform simple work tasks, exampling plumbers: soldering copper tubing, laying down PVC plastic sewer piping to a set fall measurement, similar to PVC gluing Lego blocks together. Many building trades contain few rules which could be quickly learnt, excepting that school education has traumatised memory learning behaviours, apprentices are slow to retain basic knowledge, repressing associating memorised knowledge varying images needing alterations... repressing torturous thought traumas.

Limited knowledge understanding can be ignored by memory repressive poor tradesman awareness to not get work done correctly so problems won’t happen in the future forcing tradesmen to return to fix problem issues. Repressive school education hatred for work tasks, 13 years of subconscious programming, have tradesmen more concerned with distracting fun opportunities and getting to hotels to consume as many beers before going home. Alcohol being a proficient dummying down liquid medium, justifies exclusion from executive management intelligence skills.

A factor that teenagers want to consume alcohol to medicate school education mental stress to points of being unable to stand up, walking a straight line, one more ignored The Drum discussion topic.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 11:50:50 AM
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Media entertainments contain many examples of poor decision making, action scene, dangerous impulsive actions, generally resulting in actors acting as though action scenes failed to damage human bodies, Fast and Furious movie series scenes, resulting viewers stimuli supports subconscious realistic thought delusional decision making stimulation. Below aged 25 years adults retaining emotionally pleasurable imagery, make poor emotionally driven decisions, void of any rational thought, chose to pursue sudden feel good decisions, ending poorly thought out actions lying on hospital beds, in jail or in a coffin.

Media often begin news stories with short several word headline statements, thereafter hurrying through “as it happened” stories, occasionally interviewing eyewitnesses expressing irrelevant shorts comments by not increasing “as it happened” event accident stories knowledge. News stories deprive listeners of relevant analogies.
Finance news analogies often express that days market movements as more of a reason. Provided futuristic warnings never actually eventuate, I theorise before some hidden crisis suddenly causing market collapse hides the true nature of previously stated warnings.

I theorise, headline statements’ followed up details are designed to be fast moving simple to understand, extremely limited in new ideas prompting zero thought: “as it happened” accidents; bad weather; crime; murders; political announcement headline statements, thereafter turning attacking statements to other people’s personal credibility; Internet hacking; NBN roll out delays and complaints.

My often criticising school education, teaching: histories; geography; written English; high school science; mathematics; sports… provides credentials for a limited number of graduated students, while providing no relevant credentials for manual labour transport/truck drivers and building skills workers, other than indicating academic form filling in studying failed. School leavers need to be taught by job centre providers to formulate employment resumes. I accuse all classroom grades are being deprived of intelligent inquisition, where students formulate intelligent decisions based on multiple exampled experiences.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 11:55:51 AM
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Students on ending each school day are mentally exhausted, favour listening to load music to block out mental stresses, pursue ball chasing sports activities, students failing to proficiently communicate to adults due to fears of increasing mental anxiety in subconsciously formulating conversational sentences, as well as believing parents will only force school teacher’s homework. School education drives a wedge between youthful poor emotional decision making and parent wise supervision. Parents themselves are void of doubtful thought as parents witness their children’s continued anxieties and not acknowledged complaints.

Media programs like ABC The Drum now 45 minutes long compared to previous 30 minutes long, I speculate few people take any notice, 45 minutes of constant opinions introduced by earlier media headline statements, people listening are merely listening to remember key statements, remaining information is in one hear and out the other ear. Presented moral opinions and should do whatever? Statements are low level management employment skilled information. A fact that government bureaucratic and corporate management cultures other than financial advisor incentives are rarely if ever criticised.

Could be said, many media presented events being criticised draw public attentions away from more important to upper management classes, having many years ago experienced working class revolution threats to upper management classes, after manipulated events caused social anger: market crashes; 1934 banks freezing deposits; bank loans being defaulted; Paul Keating’s recession.
I could speculate, late 1940s early 1950s “reds under the bed” communist threat was all a ruling class “cold war” hoax, used to scare many people into not building houses. Manufacturing industry after the war were not prepared to build many houses for aging childless post WW1 baby boomers.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 12:00:08 PM
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Occasional headline length comments that school academic education doesn’t suit low graded school students, as I say is important to all ages mental health: mental depression; suicide; drug addictions; gambling addictions, adults having learnt maths, repress thought on gambling chances to win, following emotional desires as though delusional future rewards will equal or better gambling losses. Delusional desires overwhelms rationally proven realities. A lack of skilled thought prevents people pursuing complex hobbies, exampling assembling electronic kits, inquiring how electronic circuits work.

The Drum examples “social study” discussion, yet merely because panel program discussions exist expressing society’s social inequity opinions, I state selective topics related to dummying down populations by political leaders using long hours of school education curriculum. Educating populations to scan memories for schooling and media stated knowledge provided by news media propaganda and panel discussion programs, rather than humans experiencing rationalised argument doubtful thought… 13 years of mental stress school learning results in life long (OCD) obsessive compulsive disorder repressing new ideas thought behaviours, a lack of independent thought (spent time without being influenced by school/homework punishing learning traumas), repressive experiences can’t stop.

Many “A” grade students turning boring irrelevant to everyday life curriculum into enthusiasm for learning, lower graded students bored by repetitive tasks, learning nothing which can be used outside school confinements and/or re-memorised during life time other than television trivial quiz programs… students doped up on self-medicating brain chemical endorphins opioid, denied intelligent thought experiences, seek out intellectually dummying, exciting to see, stimulating visual imagery: sports; fast action stunt movies; gambling on whose going to win competitions… boredom, fuelling human incentives to achieve something, perform risky tasks, shown examples on “World’s Craziest Fools” and “The Science Of Stupid”.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 12:05:02 PM
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I have stated in previous posts, mental depression triggered by sudden problem issues, are primarily caused by years of school work studying task mental stress memorised with learning material made worse during pre-examination forced reading, repressed memories awareness ignored, plus self-addictive behaviours to induce endorphins opioid to medicate repressed mental stress awareness, repressing thought by spending time watching sports actions, anticipating exciting outcomes which have zero intellectual need to think.

A process need for self-medication and distraction, lead teenagers towards felt positive sexual relationships outside classrooms and homework felt stressful confinements. Endorphins residual opioid feelings of reward by not having to pretend think school work conscious awareness, visual imagery, as does shorts imagery, induces feelings of pleasure. The mere sight of moving people and pets felt previously after daily schooling, stimulates distracting happy feeling opioid residual pleasures.

When novelties erode and/or problems build up, disappointment turns to decision making repressed thought, anger and betrayal, fuelling repressing thought bipolar angry behaviours.

Male aggression family violence can easily be argued that repressing new knowledge thought behaviours, anger distracts repressed thinking behaviours, primarily caused by school mental stress pointless curriculum information pretend thought learning repressing.

The saying, “when force is applied, force creates an equal opposite reaction”. By firing a bullet out of a gun, the bullet leaving a barrel forces the gun back towards the person who pulled the trigger. So by applying many hours of mental stress onto children in order to fake educating children, mental stress forces children’s natural emotional learning behaviours to reject school teacher forced behaviours, generally in favour of opposite intentions, dummying themselves using sports and fun activities.

Evidence can be found by watching Revolution Schools Victorian school students complaining, confused, child-like appreciation for non-school-classroom activities. Allowing teachers talking poor listening learning ability students, classroom periods beginning with 10 minutes of no teacher talking silent student reading. The Revolution incentive self-learning at students’ individual capable emotional excepted learning memorising speed. Yet, it’s easy to read a book, and not memorise anything, as no building up to conclusions, where presented worth remembering.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 12:11:35 PM
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