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Psychiatrist and lecturer at the university of Toronto, Norman Doige MD, believes that millennials, people aged 18-34 years in 2015, have suffered from intellectual and moral neglect. In his forward to Jordan Peterson's '12 Rules for Life: An Antidote To Chaos', Dr. Doige blames his own generation teaching in schools, colleges and universities for leaving millennials “disappointed and uncertain, and, more tragically, deprived of riches they don't even know exist.”

Certainly, things like history are ignored or misinterpreted to suit teachers not much older than their students who have been trained by tenured ex-hippies in universities who started to kick over the traces in the 1960s; Christianity, the basis for Western way of life is hated and sneered at; relativism is a big thing – all cultures are equal (Western culture not so equal); there are different 'truths',and so on. Then there's the gender-bending, 'safe' schools and a lot more nonsense drilled into students by politically active teachers. We all know them – too many to list. But there are quite a few Doiges around and quite a few older, experienced teachers were around during the millennials 'learning' years, so surely the blame cannot be entirely laid at the feet of the system?

Bad parents are another cause. But the millennials themselves seem to have flaws that previous generations did not have that makes them pains in the backside and a totally wasted generation. One example of this can be found in The Telegraph of 20th. January.

Kerry Parnell under 'Our education system's biggest threat? Millenials', writes of a conversation between two millennial university students she heard on the train. One of them hoping to be a journalist was telling his companion about a lecturer who was a photographer explaining “some s..t about framing” and who wanted his group to go outside and take photos of something newsworthy. Smarty pants had left the lecture because he had been “taking pictures on my phone for 12 years – I don't need to learn anything”
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 6:52:51 AM
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Parnell wonders: "What sort of millennial muppet pays thousands of dollars for a degree and can't be bothered to listen to what it teaches".

If these people are the future of our society, God help us because nothing else will.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 8:04:45 AM
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Dear Ttbn,

You seem very keen on Western culture: If you wish to promote it, then perhaps you should attempt to prove why it is superior by breaking it apart into its constituent traditions and values.

I notice that on the other thread you denounce alcohol-drinking and I definitely agree with you there. However, alcohol is part of the Western culture. Would you be happy for example if teachers taught millennials to drink alcohol?


"What sort of millennial muppet pays thousands of dollars for a degree and can't be bothered to listen to what it teaches"

1. Did they actually pay those thousands of dollars, or did in fact you and I, being tax-payers, foot the bill while the recipient of the "education" "loan" never intends to repay it?

2. Did the professor actually have something worthwhile to teach?

3. A university degree to become a journalist?

Better accept that a significant portion of worthwhile jobs that actually help others, was taken by machines, then let those who aspire for airy-fairy jobs like journalism or university-teaching, or even for harmful jobs (like accountants, lawyers and politicians who strive on ever-increasing government red-tape), not to speak of the gambling and alcohol industries, etc., let them live on the dole instead, it would really cost us less.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 4:16:49 PM
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Of course I am keen on Western culture, but I don't see what that has to do with this topic. Drinking has nothing to do with this topic either.

1. As you know, we pay and they are SUPPOSED TO pay us back.

2. Yes. Framing and perspective are very important. Anyone using a mobile phone in lieu of of a camera wouldn't know that.

3. Yes. Silly is it not? They used to get a job with a paper as a cadet, learning on the way. In my view, standards have slipped back since the degree was a requirement.

I don't think anyone capable of work should be paid the dole.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 January 2018 7:34:38 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

The connection of Western culture with this topic, is that you regret that the Western culture is not respected by university teachers: "all cultures are equal (Western culture not so equal)".

The connection with alcohol is that alcohol-drinking is part of the Western culture.

Thus, you cannot ask uni-teachers to unreservedly promote Western culture, but rather you need to break it apart and be selective, so only the positive ingredients of Western culture are taught - because otherwise those teachers would, for example, include alcohol-drinking in their teachings.

Yes, framing is important in photography, but one doesn't need a university course for that. Rather, one could simply read the camera's instruction manual. Besides... how many photographers do we really need?

Regarding the dole, given that there is not enough USEFUL work around for everyone, it is significantly less expensive to have people on the dole, than to pay people even more to perform useless and even harmful work. Both public-"servants" and accountants, for example, are employed only because government created artificial life-complicating laws to keep them busy. They cost the tax-payer around $100,000 p.a., whereas if they were on the dole, they would only cost us around $14000 - that's a big difference!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 25 January 2018 1:19:06 PM
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I think you need a more historical perspective in your judgements.
The millennial generation are the most pampered generation in all history of western culture.

They have never suffered the debilitation of broken family members returning from war. Never faced the prospect of the disruption of war on daily life. Their life has been totally immersed in peace and stability.

This generation is living in a dream of a world, never imagined possible by past generations.

If this is the attitude (as you describe), peace breeds, then is peace desirable?
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 26 January 2018 8:41:28 PM
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