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Guilty No Matter What
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Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 January 2018 9:37:41 AM
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ttbn, men have not had rights since the Wimmins Movement came into town, with Lionel Murphy, Gough Whitlam, the Family Law Act (1974) et al, led around by the vested interests ably assisted by the Electronic Whorehouse.
Re: Family Law Act, if you have a vagina, no matter what the other evidence before the court, the person in the court proceedings ie. Jones v Jones, the one with female genitalia will win in the end. As a sole parent Dad who brought up 2 sons alone, the Child Support Agency - against all evidence contrary will in every instance give preference to the parent without a penis. 25 years after the event, with Taxation files and such submitted to the courts to prove her assets, the boys mother still owes them Child Support monies which I suspect will never be chased up by CSA/ATO. Different story if you are the bloke owing the CSA though. When I see a female Fitter/Boilermaker alongside me on the next Pilbara shutdown, swinging a 7 pound hammer, grovelling through oil up to her waist, covered in grease and iron ore dust...then I'll probably agree with 'equality' and paying her the commensurate $. I don't care if you're covered in tattoos and look like your face has gone head first into someones fishing tackle box. The suicide rates amongst male 'non custodial parents' rises every year, but we just spent $124 Million on a postal parasite...sorry plebiscite, about who is going to marry their cat (which is next in line after the 72 recognised "sexual identities" we currently are supposed to recognise). The family unit has been steadily eroded and diluted by enactments (laws) and such, not strengthened. It makes me chuckle though when sitting outside the courts or nearby cafes, you overhear the faded old bull dykes and their ilk cry into their cups of coffee,..."Oh we're so sorry, we didn't see the effects of all this would have on our grandkids when we marched down ANZAC Parade arm in arm with Germaine Greer all those years ago." Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 11 January 2018 11:09:23 AM
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As far as I'm concerned, if the lady did not report it to authorities with in hours, either it did not happen, or did so with their complete consent.
If the career benefits hoped for when performing do not appear, it is then too late to scream abuse, it simply means the bait was not good enough to hook the prize. Get over it girls, your anatomy is not all that valuable, & you have proved it with your actions. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:08:05 PM
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Craig McLachlan is being accused of indecent assault and
sexual harrassment by not one but three women who are being backed and their testimonies apparently supported by the rest of the cast and crew of the Rocky Horror Show who have witnessed the goings on. The women at the time did complain to Management about all this, but nothing was done. Its now in the hands of the authorities to investigate the accusations. And we'll see what comes out in the wash. As we did with Rolf Harris and others who also denied everything at the time. Mr McLachlan has been replaced in The Rocky Horror Show. However, in all fairness, we should wait and see what happens next before making judgements about his guilt or innocence. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:20:23 PM
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Here's a link that explains the situation: Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:23:12 PM
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Hi there TTBN...
You've covered the Topic admirably in my opinion. One of the important tenets in our (British) legal system; is the 'presumption of innocence' and by extension, 'Everyone is entitled to his day in a Court of Law'. An individual can have their life utterly ruined for all time, purely by innuendo allusion and aspersion, without them being given the benefit to have it tested, in a properly convened Law Court. Those learned members of the judiciary who sit in Equity, must realise what harm may come, when an innocent is defamed? Perhaps we should consider returning to instruments like the 16th Century 'Gossip's Bridle' or the 'Widows Dunking Stool' or similar, for those individuals who like convicting others via innuendo. G'day there ALBIE MANTON in DARWIN... Mate I always like reading your 'Posts' simply because they're so imbedded with common sense. And here's another real 'gem' '...since the Wimmins (sic) Movement came to town with Messrs MURPHY & WHITLAM, the Family Law Act (1974) et al...'? There's no doubt my friend when you take aim and fire, you always hit with your 'Double Tap' centre mass! I thought there was a general prohibition for some corpulent Dykes, from wearing Body Armour? Then Albie me ol' mate, you went and spoiled it all by mentioning that, that, 'female' person - Germaine QUEER (sic)? Spot on as always! Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:29:32 PM
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I understand that the whole of the Rocky Horror show is perverted. The facts that people want to be entertained by such vomit is amazing. Maybe they should all be charged with indecency including the women.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:32:27 PM
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I have totally lost any small trace of sympathy I may have had for these " harassed" women since Oprah made her impassioned speech at the recent media awards.
When one of the most influential women in American Media claims that women have been powerless and had no voice to condem these practises the whole movement lost any little credibility it may have had. Anyone who believes Oprah knew nothing about apparent rampant sexual abuse within her industry is being disingenuous to say the least. The fact that she chose to say nothing, despite the media power she wields, confirms my belief that the accusing women were happy to play along with the practise as long as it suited them. Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 11 January 2018 12:43:59 PM
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Dear Big Nana,
Perhaps justice was not an option in the era in which Oprah, a black female, rose to fame. She lived (as many white women have lived) too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men. However, it seems that now the time is up and women are speaking out and beginning to support each other. Take a look at the comments thus far on this discussion. How many men are there who even sympathise with the possibility of a woman being sexually harrassed and assaulted? Count the men. How many? Any? Condemnation not explanation seems to be at play. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 1:37:15 PM
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Foxy, Oprah has been a power in media circles for decades now. She has had her own production company for years. She has spoken openly about her own experience with sexual abuse. I refuse to accept that she could say nothing, or offer support to women who had complaints.
I don't know about you, but if I had ever been sexually harassed at work and couldn't do anything about it, I would have changed jobs. If women were willing to put up with it in order to keep their jobs then they are complicit in the act. How are men supposed to know they are not wanted if women don't say anything? Sounds harsh but there are actresses who have refused roles that were distasteful and their career don't seem to have suffered. In any case, personally I would have scrubbed toilets rather than subject myself to something I found repulsive. Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 11 January 2018 2:06:53 PM
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Where politics and Hollywood collide, truth is the first casualty. Selfish, complicated lives and the morals of alley cats, Who is Oprah kissing? Posted by leoj, Thursday, 11 January 2018 2:43:17 PM
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Dear Big Nana,
You're right. Most of the women I know, myself included, would just simply resign from the job. I have learned from the experience of others that you can never go against the establishment or those in charge and win. Rarely happens. And its your reputation that will get tarnished. Also, the stigma associated with the entire business I'm sure few women could bear. I was brought up to not rock the boat so to speak in any situation and just quietly walk away. I'm sure that many feminists would look down on me for that. As for judging Oprah? I don't know enough about the reasons for why she didn't speak up earlier. Perhaps one day she'll write a book and explain. I know I'd buy it - and read it. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 2:59:20 PM
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Dear Big Nana,
Perhaps this might explain something about the culture, at least in Hollywood - which probably has tentacles everywhere that might explain Oprah's reluctance in the past: Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 3:37:47 PM
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Hollywood has promoted perversion, treachery, deceit (gw scam)and every other indecent thing a human can think on. Now a few of the promoters (men and women) want to preach morals to everyone else. PLssss.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 11 January 2018 4:00:30 PM
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The left are a hypocritical mob. That applies in spades to the US Democrats and their mates in the entertainment industry, which is liberal, where liberal means anything goes.
In the news the Obamas are now distancing themselves from Harvey Weinstein, but they had no trouble accepting his friendship and assistance with political donations, and Malia Obama was an intern for Weinstein earlier this year. [see the links I supplied in a previous post] The Clintons were very pally, touchy and feely, with Weinstein. But now at least as far as the public perception is concerned they are ducking. Is there anything outside of neurotic sex-crazed alley cats that is anywhere near on a par with the irresponsible behaviour of the left? Posted by leoj, Thursday, 11 January 2018 5:03:08 PM
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I did not realise that irresponsible behaviour
belonged to only one group. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 5:42:43 PM
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Dear Big Nana,
So you wouldn't have spoken up either, just left without saying anything, leaving some scumbag to prey on others who perhaps has less opportunity to move on? You my dear appear to be just as much an enabler as those you accuse. If one of my nieces was intimidated by sexual advances at her job so that she felt the need to leave it then I would be looking to rip someone's head off. There is no way in the world they should have to put up with that kind of rubbish. Of course I know that not every female requires a cantankerous male to step in for them and in an ideal world the law should be providing these protections. We moving toward that now. The fact that a few waspy old farts here are feeling a little disempowered and threatened by women standing up to them is pretty telling and not a little sad. Get over it. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 11 January 2018 6:06:10 PM
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Dear Steele,
I've come across a link that goes a long way in explaining why many women don't report sexual harassment in the workforce. Although it relates to the American experience, it can be applied to this country as well. The article explains that of course sexual harrassment in the work place is distressing - but if you need the job, you need the money, and until a better opportunity comes along, you endure. I remember the time that mine was the only secure income in our family and while I found my boss extremely difficult. I was in no position to either report him or walk out of the job. And as the article points out - you're going to need that person for a reference for your next job. Telling a prospective employer that you left because you were being sexually harassed does not make you an attractive hire. In my case - I did find another position and was able to leave. I was probably a coward for not reporting, but I did not have a choice at that time. My family came first. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2018 6:51:10 PM
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o sung wu Quote "is the 'presumption of innocence'"
That is not entirely right in the training of British Police, who have recently had to make changes to training methods which in the past has taught officers to automatically believe rape allegations. The number of cases that were successfully prosecuted and later disproved is growing, there was one female that over a short period had made rape allegations with 4 different people a number were prosecuted and jailed before they realized what she was doing. The above relates to Britain but you can bet it to some extent in Australia. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 11 January 2018 9:48:25 PM
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Thanks Steele and Foxy, thanks Steele for telling how it should be, and thanks Foxy for telling how it is.
My experience as a union delegate, and serious sexual harassment in the workplace. Over 10 years ago a young female member, about 20, working in a male dominated enterprise came to me with allegations about not one, but in the end six male co-workers. She detailed the sorts of things that were happening, and how she had handled them, which was she had basically shrugged them off. Things were getting worse, more often and more provocative. Frankly I did not know what to do, I asked advice from an organizer. I went to the young girl and told her this. What has happened previously is going to be denied, and therefore its going to come down to your word against theirs. but what we can do from here on in, is build a case. I gave her a diary, told her to write in it, the when, where, and by whom, and what happened with every incident from now on, no matter how minor, and keep it to herself (most important). Told her do not attempt to build evidence by trying to instigate, just carry on as you have in the past. As often as possible come to me, tell me what has taken place and I will record our conversation. within 4 or 5 weeks she had plenty, from minor suggestive comments, to touchy, to finally a flasher, he was the worse, these guys ranged in age from early 20's to about 60. On the Monday I made a written request for a meeting with management, asked the union organiser to attend along with the young victim. cont Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 9:19:16 AM
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After several meetings/discussions, and fronting 'Fair Work' twice, none of the perpetrators were required to attend, or supply statements, that came from the company representative, an addmission. The young victim ended up with $6k compensation, and a written apology from the company. She chose to leave the job, the only one penalised from the six. was "flasher" who was sacked for proven willful misconduct. Sexual harassment was admitted, but what the registrar hearing the matter concentrated on was the company's failure in its duty of care to the employee. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 9:21:25 AM
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SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT 1984 - SECT 28A If what some here are implying is true, that sexual harassment covered by the Act is rife and victims have nowhere to go and are likely being re-victimsed by the provisions, then there are hundreds of responsible bureaucrats to be disciplined for shirking their responsibilities and and the ineffective, empire-building Australian Human Rights Commission needs to be de-funded and abolished forthwith. Posted by leoj, Friday, 12 January 2018 10:06:53 AM
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OSW, when I read: "The Female Eunuch" as a 14 yr old at secondary school, I thought the whole thing was, in a word "unnatural". Later as an young man I saw graffiti written on a wall in the Rocks saying: "My mother made me a lesbian"...underneath which was written: "If I give her a ball of wool, will she knit me one too ?" I took it upon myself & donated as many balls of different coloured wool, (should I say all colours of the rainbow ?) that I could over the years.
We need more lesbians. In 2006, I sat in the public gallery of the NT Parliament with my 2 sons (then aged 16 & 14), to observe the passing of the Bill ushering in the "lowering of the age of male homosexual consent". In the opposite gallery were the raucous (none too polite in their language) Rainbow Flag Mob. As the Speaker read out the ayes & nays I stood and said to the assorted oxygen thieves below: " What a travesty !" All eyes in the chamber swung up to see me and quite a few then hung their heads, as I knew a few members were actually against it and were planning to cross the floor against the bill. In later conversations I found out from my then local member, Gerry Woods that "party lines" were to be adhered to, or you lost your seat. My partner, who works in her capacities for a government department dealing with Sexual Offenders will tell you stories about the sheer amount of false allegations coming before the courts, later to be dropped when the blowtorch of a defence beak begins their line of questioning. I believe in these matters we would do better to adopt the European courts Inquisitorial System and use this instead of the Adversarial System. I'm not saying that we change entirely to the European legal system though. There was a well publicised case in NZ a few years back where the offender was gaoled, then later acquitted after the complainant recanted her story. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 12 January 2018 10:41:07 AM
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Steele, I suggest you reread my comment. I said that I would leave if I couldn't do anything about it. Nowhere did I say I would be silent.
Posted by Big Nana, Friday, 12 January 2018 10:56:10 AM
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Dear Paul,
Thank You for sharing your experience and it was good to learn that things ended up well for the young girl. Your advice to her was excellent. And the matter was handled very well. BTW - Congratulations on the appointment of your colleague as a Greens Senator. You must be very pleased. It should prove to be an interesting year for us all. Have you read that Oprah Winfrey may be planning to run for the American Presidency? What on earth is that all about? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 12 January 2018 5:53:48 PM
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Hi Foxy, can't count the chickens yet, Mehreen has to get elected at the next federal poll. With the membership endorsing her for the number one spot, her chances are rather good. I was always confident that she would win top spot, Mehreen no so, but I spoke with many party members and I was of the opinion beforehand she had the vote 2 to 1 but you never can tell, in the end it was 1000/700.
Oprah Winfrey with her finger on the button, okayyyyy. These days of personality politics, she certainly would be acceptable and electable and rich enough to pull it off. I'm not all that interested in American politics, its all much of a muchness, Republican/Democrat, all Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum stuff to me. Don't know what the Americans get so excited about. Michelle Obama has also been touted as a possible candidate, seems a woman of ability. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 January 2018 6:57:55 PM
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Dear Paul,
Fingers crossed that Senator Faruqi wins the seat. As for Oprah Winfrey running for office. I just don't get it. What makes Americans want celebrities as leaders? Ah well. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 12 January 2018 10:20:46 PM
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"Seal calls out Oprah Winfrey for hypocrisy, calls her 'part of the problem'" Now Seal is doing unconvincing backflips. -A study in how the brute power of a billionaire and the grovellers who depend on or seek sponsorship, or even a look from the very wealthy, can distort news and re-write history. "Seal singles out Fox News' coverage of his Oprah Winfrey Twitter post, ignores other outlets' similar stories" Posted by leoj, Saturday, 13 January 2018 9:36:37 AM
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Oh dear now its saint Oprah. Psss.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 13 January 2018 10:02:51 AM
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When the yanks were stupid enough to re elect Obama, they did prove they are too dumb to learn from their mistakes, so I guess they could be stupid enough to elect Oprah.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 13 January 2018 6:26:07 PM
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Foxy & Hasbeen;
The American writer James Kunstler wrote recently; Politics has become entertainment and entertainment has become politics !" .,.,. There appears to be a widening drive to put down all white men. You can say anything about them and you do not have to prove it. These sexual allegations are just a development of that phenomena. Society has disturbed the ancient relationship between men and women. Of course many say and not before time. This disturbance is obvious with working women. Their changed circumstances puts a considerable strain on them. An example is the women's movement demand in the 1970s I think it was that the government force lending authorities to lend on two incomes. Now that was great for a young couple wanting to buy a home. However, almost every good idea has a catch22. Because twice as much money was being pushed into the market place the prices did what every market does when more money arrives. Up went prices, and if you borrow on two incomes you need two incomes to pay the mortgage. So the original hope that the husbands income would pay the mortgage when children came along was scuppered by the increased cost of houses. So the wives went on the merrygoround working part time if they could get it or paying exorbitant child minding costs which burnt up most of their after tax pay. It was an unmitigated disaster. Fortunately I was not affected but friends of mine were and it put a strain on them. A friend was a bank loans officer and he had couples coming in in tears, not knowing what to do. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 15 January 2018 3:48:29 PM
Once upon a time, when Australia was a fairly sane place, a victim made a complaint to police, who investigated the complaint, passed it on to the DPS if warranted and a court reporter was able to pass the news onto Joe Public. There was a trial where judgement was made or there was a guilty plea merely requiring sentence.
Not any more. Any unknown female in the entertainment industry can now blurt it all out to the media, and a career, reputation and life is ruined before a man in the industry knows what has hit him. We accepted that Rolf Harris did what at he did because his case came about in the 'old fashioned' innocent-until-proved-guilty way. But now, from Harvey Weinstein to Geoffrey Rush or Don Burke and Craig McLachlan (Michael Douglas has had aspersions cast at him this morning's media) unknown wannabes and some better know performers who suddenly remember who groped them 'thirty years down the track', can, in cahoots with the stinking media, bring a persons life into disrepute. Some of these harpies don't even have their names mentioned.
The cessation of natural justice and innocent until guilty has arrived. Given the chuntering on about 2018 being the 'year of women', it is easy to believe that all this indiscriminate trashing of reputations is part of it. There is no sign of imminent legal action. Just smears and innuendo. Men no longer seem to have rights.