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The Forum > General Discussion > Salary $130,000 a year only need 2 days training

Salary $130,000 a year only need 2 days training

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The rabid right are frothing at the mouth over the legitimate action of the workers friend, and best union in Australia the CFMEU. If they still give out those Order of Aussie gongs, around this time of the year I think one for Brian Parker NSW Union Secretary would be most appropriate, for services to the workers of Australia. Possibly Malcolm has him on the list already, after last years unfortunate oversight.

Leoj you will have to stop reading such Murdoch rubbish.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 6:33:44 PM
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Nah, nicknick, I want something iron clad and rock solid like the Capitalists latest folly, BITCOIN. Millions to be made here. Come in sucker! This leaves the aeroplane scam for dead.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator. ... Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009."

"Cryptocurrency" you do tell, nothing like a pocket full of cryptodollars to feed the masses. Don't be concerned about the young lady with the lolly pop sign, and a fist full of earned dollars. Be very concerned about the speculators and profiteers, who produce nothing but take the lot. Did someone say Tuesday, October 29, 1929 is not far off. The Donald's working on it.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 9:36:02 PM
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Paul1405, please don't glorify these terrorist groups.

I don't condone the theft that some of these companies engage in at the expense of the workers, but the unions, like the govt are not there to help anyone but themselves.

I cannot look past absolute idiots like Hawke.

He is just one of the con-men who took advantage of the working class all the while secretly strengthening his own agenda.

And he succeeded, laughing like an idiot at all the fools that helped him along the way, when they were stupid enough to think he was helping them.

These union tactics are nothing new. They are in fact illegal in most other countries.

But everywhere else in the world it is called the 'Mafia'.

'Legitimate action', 'workers friend'? Paul who the hell are you? A union terrorist, or what?

By law, yes, by law, they should all be rounded up and jailed. Any way you look at it, it is a mob, that gets unruly as a matter of course, spurred on by this moron with political ambitions.

But that's OK carry on and keep pushing for more pay, so everything around you will automatically increase in price, putting us and Australia at a huge dis-advantage and eventually send us crashing into third world status or at least recession, or worse.

So, keep looking for that dream, but remember, the nightmare is not far behind it.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:01:08 PM
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ALTRAV thanks it makes it much easier to read.

Union corruption, Gillard when she was with S&G setting up slush funds for union bosses and blaming it on others
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 10:30:04 PM
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Philip S, you're welcome.

Don't get me started on that, so and so.

I usually call such women, maggots, but I will refrain this time and let people fill in her title as they see fit.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 26 December 2017 11:31:09 PM
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I think the crooks in charge of the should be awarded a pair of bracelets by the NSW police
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 27 December 2017 7:06:14 AM
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