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I am currently undertaking my Masters of Clinical Psychology and I am looking for MALE participants to help me with my research. My research aims to explore community understanding and awareness of child abuse and mandatory reporting legislation.

If you have a spare 15 - 20 minutes, I would really appreciate it if you could please fill out a short confidential survey.

Below is the link to complete the survey and please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like any more information.

Anyone is welcome to participate so feel free to share the link and get the community talking about this important issue.

Thanks in advance
Posted by AlanaP, Friday, 3 November 2017 6:32:03 PM
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So here we have another bit of feminist propaganda being pushed by feminists, using a make believe discipline, from academia.

I wonder if they will find the fact that most child abuse is perpetrated by mothers?
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 4 November 2017 8:44:22 AM
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The researcher recently posted a community survey on the same subject,

'Research - Community awareness of child abuse & mandatory reporting legislation'

Now there is an urgent headline for the same survey singling out males exclusively. There is no mention of any findings of the community survey for the interest of previous respondents.

Some explanation is warranted.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 4 November 2017 9:27:52 AM
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Self-serving ratbags and cheapo, non paying advertisers should be blocked from the site.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 November 2017 11:07:38 AM
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Hmmm, seems a bit sexist - what with 57+ different genders to choose from now.
Maybe we're just special, or evil; it is fashionable to blame everything on the 'white males' these days.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 November 2017 12:06:56 PM
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You would do well starting with all the Hilary supporters who have spewed such hatred at Trump. Currently their paedophile and raping is being exposed on a regular basis.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 4 November 2017 6:06:49 PM
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I thought this post looked familiar. Thanks for pointing out the link.


What were the results for the last survey?
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 5 November 2017 4:54:21 PM
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To armchair critic.

I just took the survey to see what it was. It doesn't look like it was trying to pin men as the blame. Therefore I assume the last survey sample didn't have much of a male response. So she's asking for another.

It sounds like the survey is partially designed to find out what people count as abusive, and then the ther part to also to put into the community the question of having everyone mandated to report child abuse, not just professionals.

To AlanaP. Something I'd like as part of the survey (or part of the paper explaining the results) would be a link to what the current definitions of abuse is legally and what are common signs of those kinds of abuse. It might help, even if there's no legislation to mandate everyone to report an issue, to know what really counts as abuse instead of good vs bad parenting, and the signs of that kind of abuse. Just some thoughts.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 5 November 2017 5:34:17 PM
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Many would enlarge that to include such nasties as parent, grandparent, and family alienation - which appears to be rife in Australia and dooms the following generation to suffer the same and the cycle continues (and is NOT helped by the inordinately legalistic, drawn-out and insanely expensive proceedings of the Federal Court (Family Court).
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 5 November 2017 9:24:42 PM
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Hey Not_Now.Soon
I was being facetious; I already took the survey last time, if it's the same one.

Personally I think when it comes to kids these policies are designed by people who think they know how to deal with these problems but couldn't handle 1 day looking after some of these kids.

My friends, they mostly all have good kids, but one couple in particular have an 11 or 12 year old son. Now he knows all the rules, that he's not allowed to be hit, or locked in his room, and is required to be fed properly.

Now what do you do when you've got an 11 year old, who flogs his mother up when he loses his temper, like - just walks up and starts punching her in the back of the head on the way home from school... That he will abuse his father - call him an f'ing pedophile and all sorts of names and not listen and run off and do whatever he wants to do. Beats up his sister, harms the family dog, they put him in a 'school for troubled kids' - 1 week in he absconds with other kids who brought an ice pipe to school.

Threatens to attack his mother with a lump of wood with nails hanging out of it. There is a new story every time I see them. The parents are in a war zone, have tried everything and it's cost them 10's of thousands in all sorts of treatments and nothing seems to help.

When you take away the ability for parents to discipline kids and then you have kids who deliberately run wild knowing full well the police will not take them away and they can do whatever they want, then the parents become the victims.
And this kids almost guaranteed to end up in jail, and why?
Because society taught him for years that he could do whatever he wanted without any punishment or retribution.

Basically these know-it-alls psychologists are helping nurture sociopaths and future criminals.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 November 2017 4:49:20 AM
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"Start with Hillary supporters". No they're too pink to know if Bill abused Monica or the other way around. (answer : Billy was the victim).

"It sounds like the survey is partially designed to find out what people count as abusive, and then the ther part to also to put into the community the question of having everyone mandated to report child abuse, not just professionals."
There's heaps of strong opinions in this thread , go for it.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 6 November 2017 6:03:15 AM
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To Armchair Critic.

I completely agree. In the long term lack of discipline should count as a type of neglect.

I've been looking at the picture from the other angle though too. People keep redefining abuse to new degrees and in some ways this just adds resources for children to be taken away from their parents (or at least the fear and lack of discipline because of it). But it doesn't garentee that children will be placed into better homes. So if it is acted on it needs to be important enough to act on. Unless there is actual abuse or neglect let the parents do their job. They might do much better then the potential replacements.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Monday, 6 November 2017 6:08:57 PM
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Computerised parenting is the way forward.

The emergence of artificial intelligence needs a way to control it Stephen Hawking said , "computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it."

According to Bill Gates, if a robot is going to do a human's job, it should also pay a person's income taxes , "we can do a better job of reaching out to the elderly, having smaller class size, helping kids with special needs," says Gates. "You can't just give up that income tax," he says. "Some of it can come on the profits that are generated by the labor-saving efficiency there. Some of it can come directly from some type of robot tax."
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 8:21:39 AM
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Hi Leoj, Armchair Critic and Not_Now.Soon,

Just letting you know that this is the same survey that I posted recently on this forum. The reason we are advertising only for male participants now is that we have had a large number of female participants and are struggling to recruit males for this study. Anybody is welcome to participate in this study, regardless of gender.

Thanks for your interest in my research!
Posted by AlanaP, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 11:06:01 AM
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