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Back to The Future
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In case you missed it, yesterday marked 100 years since the bolsheviks took over Russia. Now we seem to be at a point where we risk being taken back 100 years to the same thing in the West.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 10:28:30 AM
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But back a hundred years ago the Communists were Red not Green, given that green is seen as a friendly colour. especially if one is a Muslim, then some may see it as progress.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 1:43:14 PM
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We'll see if Soros' Brownshirts stir up a civil war or it just fizzles next Saturday, November 4.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 2:51:25 PM
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The Bolshevik Green sailors aim naval guns at the Stock Exchange with Muslim dictators as allies in the civil war. The use of armored trains and artillery trains takes the war to Barrier Reef and Snowy mountains.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 3:02:13 PM
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Although the revolution happened in Russia on their 25 October, they were operating under the old Julian calendar. Under the Georgian calendar which we use, the event occurred on 7 November. You went off prematurely tbbn.
No matter, the event was a disaster for humankind. Best guess is that 170 million people died in the 20th century as a result of the rise of Marxism and at the hands of the various Marxist governments. Of coarse, the deaths continue into the 21st century in places like Venezuela, Cuba and Nth Korea. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 4:36:53 PM
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Russian Civil War (1917-22): 9,000,000
+ 1933, Ukraine and the other Soviet republics. The total number of population losses (famine death and birth deficit) across the entire Soviet Union is estimated as 6–7 million. + Mortality in Gulag camps . The estimated total number of those who died in imprisonment in 1930–53 is at least 1.76 million + radioactivity from Chernobyl caused them, including about a dozen fatalities. 16, 760,012 Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 5:34:51 PM
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Yeah, and in case you also missed it
Hillary and the DNC funded the Trump / Russia PP Dossier Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 October 2017 7:37:40 AM
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Soviet extermination during the civil war by the Red Army: 5 - 7 million
Holodomor : 10-25 million Stalinist purges through the 1930's: 20-35 million: No one will ever know. When census takers in the late 30s came up with a total population proving a massive decline, they were purged and executed. Their replacements came up with a more 'appropriate' population number. Execution of 'troublesome' conquered peoples post-WW2 (eg Katyn) ~ 1 million Other communist states: China: Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, post revolution purges 70- 100 million North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia: ~10 million East European states ~ 1 million Latin America: 500000 Africa: 2 - 3 million Afghanistan ~2million "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 October 2017 7:49:42 AM
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As stated in "The New KGB" by William R. Corson and
Robert T. Crowley: "There is no dispute about the enormity of Hitler's Holocaust. But it is equally important to be as aware of the accomplishments of the Soviet secret police, which brought death to at least four times as many Russians, poles, Jews, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Gypsies, and Romanians (among others) as Hitler did in his eleven years as a leader of the '1,000-year Reich." History is clear that in 1939, Stalin and Hitler were allies against the free people of Europe. They were both, by then accomplished killers, even though Stalin led the score in victims tortured, starved, and massacred. Each created panic and chaos throughout Europe. Each produced millions of refugees and homeless. Each expanded and built concentration camps in which millions of innocent victims would perish. Both were set on their conquests. The two dictators used the same methods to deal with their domestic opposition - terror. Stalin and Hitler escaped retribution by dying without having been brought to justice. While half of the criminals, the Nazis, have been pursued all over the world for their crimes, the other half, the communist criminals, were allowed to go free. They were, in effect, given tacit permission to continue the operation of their concentration camps, to expand their draconian systems to include psychiatric wards, thereby raising torture, suppression, and murder to a science. The fact that the process persisted was vividly disclosed to the free world by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his book, "The Gulag Archipelago". David E. Springer, American lawyer stated: "At all times, vigilance is the price of liberty. We must remain vigilant because while it might be us today, it will be some other group down the road 20 years from now. The measure of our society over history is our fidelity to our principles. We must remind our government and our people to remain faithful to those principles or otherwise our society, like so many in the past, will be swept on the ash heap of history." Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 October 2017 9:13:04 AM
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cont'd ...
Joseph Sobran expressed a similar opinion in The Washington Times, April 23, 1985 (although ages ago is still relevant today). Mr Sobran stated that: "Hitler, it is well to remember, was only one of the practitioners of the century's most ghastly innovations...and he was not even the worst. Lenin preceded him in numbers; Stalin and Mao killed far more people... Communism has proved a far more potent and persistent evil than Nazism, which was a brief flare-up by comparison...But this generation, my generation, the generation that was spared the experience of Hitler, has no right to denounce "the Holocaust" as long as we shut our eyes to the holocaust in progress." Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 October 2017 9:26:20 AM
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Yes Foxy,
As I said 1917 was a disaster for humankind. But sympathisers have worked assiduously over the years to sanitise the ideology such that these great crimes of the 20th century remain either unknown to the majority of people or the vile extent downplayed. Even at the time of the deaths we had people like the Webbs, GB Shaw and the despicable Walter Duranty hiding the truth. And recently we've see the New York Times providing a series of articles about the 100 years but avoiding (to date) any real examination of the various holocausts but pronouncing that communism gave women better orgasms! This is one of the reasons we see the same mistakes happen again and again and why many people continue to beleive Marxism is the answer. Remember when many of Australia's 'best and brightest' were lauding the communist take-over in Venezuela? They're not so laudatory these days! The saddest thing for me is to see ignorant but self-righteous kids and young adults turning up to anti-Nazi rallies in the US wearing Che t-shirts. Morons all. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 October 2017 10:23:06 AM
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Dear mhaze,
Thank You for that. My family experienced communism first-hand. Family members were brutally murdered, others sent to the Gulags. I'm familiar with GB Shaw telling everyone how great the Soviet Regime was (when he visited there and was given the VIP treatment). He was of course only shown what they wanted him to see. Education is the best answer for young people. And today there are so many films and books available. But is our education system doing a good job? I'm not so sure. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 October 2017 10:36:46 AM
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Hitler was a saint compared to what Communism did, I've read things about the NKVD.
Like cutting your stomach open, cutting your intestines and nailing it to a telegraph pole and whipping you round the pole till you pull your entire stomach out. One person would be shot, their brains fed to the you, the next day you would be shot and your brains would be fed to someone else. And remember Trotsky that started the revolution was Jewish; the whole entire Bolshevik thing was Jews. Jews would have us forget about the Holodomor and keep constantly reminding us about the Holocaust and that they were the victims; As far as I'm concerned there were millions killed and displaced in WWII from many nationalities, and it wasn't just because it what Hitler did - It was because of what 'JEWS' and Hitler did. Jews pronounced war upon Germany in 1933 and the only thing that came out of that mess was that Jews got their national homeland. Jews should have a picture of Hitler on their walls. Modern Israel may not exist if it weren't for him. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 October 2017 11:48:29 AM
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Please tell me this is a (failed) attempt at satire or parody. Surely no one (this side of the padded cell) believes this sort of utter rubbish these days..I hope. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 October 2017 1:00:19 PM
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I might well be wrong in terms of sheer numbers, there've been a few despots operating in the Dark Continent, who should've faced a Criminal Trial for mass murder. Chief among them was Idi AMIN and his psychotic little mate Robert MUGABE (thank you Mr Malcolm FRASER) still their victims were mainly 'black' thus of little or no consequence! It's tool late for that overweight buffoon AMIN, but I hope with MUGABE; that he'll decay slowly while still living, with the ghosts of his many thousands of victims, never giving him a moment of peace nor a night's sleep.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 26 October 2017 1:23:44 PM
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Why, does it offend you? Do you think it's anti-semitic? Well 18D says defenses to 18C include 'fair comment that is an expression of genuine belief'. Did it sound like I was joking? Maybe you consider my comment distasteful, because it goes against the 'official' narrative (the unspoken one that says no-one is allowed to criticise Jews or Israel) When exactly have I ever bought into the establishment narrative? Maybe you want to set me straight by pointing out which parts I mentioned are untrue? Then we can talk about which facts are distasteful. No offense and nothing personal - I am what I am. My life is not defined by anything Hitler did sorry... (Except my family went and fought and shed blood on the side that liberated the Jews whilst leaving our nation unguarded...) - If you want to criticise me? I don't really know what else to say, but if you have any more questions I'll share whatever I know. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:14:27 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,
World War II produced tens of millions of victims. Some were combatants, some civilian casualties of the war. Others were victims of genocide planned by the warring powers. Both the Nazis and the Communists had committed unheard of cruelties. Concentration camps - on both sides of the front operated at a high pitch prior to and during the war years. While the USSR policy of mass murder preceded that of Nazi Germany, most notably with the artificial Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33, the wholesale destruction of the Russian peasantry, and later the peasantry and intelligentsia in the occupied territories as well, the Nazis as history tells us - soon matched Soviet terror with their wholesale slaughter of Jews, Gypsies, and others in equal numbers. Anyway, what we should remember is that there were Jews who interceded with their lives to save persecuted Christians, there were Christians who died in their attempts to save Jews. They died, some along with their entire families, or accepted their fates in concentration camps rather than betray their fellow men. Some are known, but most perished and are known only to God. These heroes embody human nobility in its highest form and stand as beacons in the other wise bleak history of World War II. It is therefore wrong to blame any one group. Among those who, out of greed or cowardice, chose to collaborate with the evil minions of the NKVD and the Gestapo were Christians and Jews, Germans and Russians, members of all nations caught in the merciless war. No faith, no nationality, no race was free of cowards or collaborators. No group was spared from killers and traitors in its midst. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:19:16 PM
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I want you to think real hard for a second.
What would happen if the Muslims in Australia turned around tomorrow and this was on the cover of tomorrows Australian: Muslims Declare War on Australia Muslims of the World Unite In Action - Boycott Australian Goods. Give it a couple of years for everyone to really get putrid on each other, what do you think will happen? - Really Do Tell - BDS is supposed to be Anti-Semitic too isn't it. If I were to fart right now will that be Anti-Semitic too? Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:28:46 PM
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"Jews pronounced war upon Germany in 1933"
Stalin tortured 267million and China did 3821million closely followed by Guevara and Mugabe . Half the world is dead from AIDS. Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:34:18 PM
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Armchair Critic asks: “Did it sound like I was joking?”
That can be difficult to tell. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:37:17 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,
History is clear that in 1939, Stalin and Hitler were allies against the free people of Europe. In accomplishing their mutual goals, the dictators used their respective political parties, the Communist Party of the USSR and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, to rid their societies of all political opposition. Each party had its enforcers - the Communists, their NKVD (now the KGB) and the Nazis their Gestapo. For all practical purposes, both security police organisations used the same inhumane methods in their operations. The NKVD and the Gestapo used informers, collaborators and assistants from among the very people they set out to enslave or destroy. Some assisted voluntarily, while others collaborated because of fear or weakness. And as stated earlier there were also, of course, numerous courageous men and women who refused to participate in the subjugation and destruction of the targeted groups and individuals. Surely today - there is enough hatred in the world without us adding to it? What we should be concerned about is trying to ensure that our children and grand-children do not have to experience the atrocities that our past generations did. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 October 2017 3:55:59 PM
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AC wrote: “Did it sound like I was joking?”
No it didn't...but I was just hoping that you were because the alternative is too sad for contemplation. "Why, does it offend you?" Well I am generally offended by a-historic claptrap not because the views are offensive but because the monumental ignorance and wanton desire to be lead down the garden path is offensive. OTOH your comment/views are in a league of their own. That someone would continue to think that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are valid or that Hitler only acted against the Jews as a defensive measure is astonishing. I guess it demonstrates yet again that people driven by hatred and ignorance are capable of believing anything. But there's little point in arguing the issue... you can't reason someone out of an erroneous view when they weren't reasoned into it. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 October 2017 4:56:46 PM
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"War and Peace"
Either way, not a choice for the masses at all! Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 26 October 2017 8:12:14 PM
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Hey Foxy,
I think in all wars, its the innocent citizens that end up paying the greatest cost. And I don't wish to argue over which regime did the most evil things, suffice to say that I agree terrible things do happen in wars. The West is by no means without criticism either, take 'The Phoenix Program' in Vietnam as an example. On one end of the scale human beings are capable of committing awe inspiring acts of love and kindness, on the other end unspeakable atrocities. This is a fair statement in all races and cultures. I don't doubt that there have been Jews who have interceded to save persecuted Christians, nor would I have reason to doubt that Christians have interceded to save persecuted Jews. I'm sure theres an almost infinite number of times Jews, Christians, Muslims and those of other religious denominations have all simply helped a fellow human being on need, regardless of religion or ethnicity. I agree with your last statement; I think its kind of wrong to blame any one group. Some of the readers might think I'm not as harsh towards Hitlers Germany as I should be; Or maybe many think I lack a compassion towards Israel, and I guess this would be fair. It's not necessarily about choosing sides, but rather simply looking at the facts, and I don't always get it right, I certainly don't know everything; and I reserve the right to change my position if and when new facts become known to me. I agree there's enough hatred in the world, but I think when the facts get twisted so does everything else. I don't dispute anything you said, (except the KGB of the Soviet Union is now the FSB in Russia) and I like your general attitude of 'trying to ensure that our children and grand-children do not have to experience the atrocities that our past generations did'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 October 2017 1:09:07 AM
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Hey AJ Philips,
I suppose I must've come across in a way where people weren't sure whether I was joking or serious. But if my comments were not a 'fair comment that was an expression of genuine belief' I probably wouldn't have said it as it might've been construed as being malicious and in breach of 18C. It's a fine line to walk, but I like having the freedom to express my thoughts and opinions unrestricted. Thanks for the Poe's Law education, I know what they were talking about but didn't know it had a name. - sometimes even text messages can be misconstrued without an emoji. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 October 2017 1:41:13 AM
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Hey mhaze,
I accept your opinion but I only argue the facts, and if my facts are correct and your're being ignorant of them, then that's a situation I myself find just as distasteful. Do you disagree the Bolsheviks were all mainly Jewish and atrocities under Stalin were done under their orders? Or that Israel acts hypocritical saying BDS is Anti-Semitic when they themselves used the same tactic? Do you disagree that their pronunciation of war against Germany helped fuel the coming conflict? And have you forgotten or do you dispute that Jews were historically kicked out of many nations across Europe for their attitude of making themselves masters and the common folk being downtrodden beneath them a situation that also happened in Germany prior to WWII? I think it's your side involved in revising History. I'm quite happy for you to be offended if you choose to be, but I'd prefer it if you didn't. There's no law against 'being offended'. Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion. I never mentioned it, you did, are you trying to bait me into an argument? I don't really want to go there, argue back and forwards.... You can argue that it was proven false, and I would point out a Jew presided over the matter. - Which makes as much sense as asking Charles Manson to investigate his own murders and report back. To me it's like hypothesising the sky is blue, true or false many of the protocols seem to ring true. I'd rather argue 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East', that's one you can't say is fake. "I guess it demonstrates yet again that people driven by hatred and ignorance are capable of believing anything". Now why did you have to go there? - To try to win the argument with accusations of hatred and ignorance instead of arguing the facts like I asked? I believe the real reason you 'claimed' that conclusion and avoided my questions is because you can't actually argue with facts. Sharpen your debating skills and knowledge of history and then get back to me. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 October 2017 1:51:52 AM
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"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
This is particularity true for today's youth whose version of history is focused on identity politics and whom are drawn to the siren call of socialism and cannot remember millions of corpses of those that went before. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 27 October 2017 4:30:14 AM
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It is almost impossible for young people to learn from history because nothing historically significant is taught to them; the little that they learn has been re-written by Leftists. Today, most people seem to think that history started the day they were born.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 October 2017 8:02:24 AM
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Talking about learning from history - Here's one way
of doing it: Christmas is just around the corner and there's a great book that's available to buy as a gift - It's called - "Only eleven came back," by Stasys Jameikis. It deals with - "Thousands of innocent local people were deported from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) to Russia and Siberia, in 1941 - 1953. To avoid bad publicity for the Soviet occupation authorities, the prisoners' fate was frequently shrouded in total silence. However, one young man named Stasys Jameikis survived his 13 years' cruel treatment in Soviet concentration camps and later wrote a book titled "Only Eleven Came Back". This title reflected the fact that, when arrested in 1941, Stasys was in a group of 1,505 men. By 1953, only 11 of them were still alive and returning home." Stasys' book was originally published in the Lithuanian language, in 1994. The second edition appeared in Lithuania,' in 2014. The English translation had to wait until this year (2017). This book has attracted a great deal of interest in Australia. This book may be ordered directly from the publishers: Baltic Research Foundation PO Box 777, Sandy Bay Tasmania 7006 The price is $20, including postage to any address in the world. I have bought six copies of it to give as gifts at Christmas. Stasys Jameikis was born on 21 March, 1914 in the village of Gipenai, district of Zarasai, Lithuania. He died at the age of 76, on 18th June, 1990, in the city of Kaunas. The book is an outstanding work work, revealing the atrocities of the Soviet occupation. It is worth purchasing to give to people who need to be told what happened under the Soviet regime. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 October 2017 8:59:26 AM
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//Do you disagree the Bolsheviks were all mainly Jewish and atrocities under Stalin were done under their orders?
Or that Israel acts hypocritical saying BDS is Anti-Semitic when they themselves used the same tactic? Do you disagree that their pronunciation of war against Germany helped fuel the coming conflict? And have you forgotten or do you dispute that Jews were historically kicked out of many nations across Europe for their attitude of making themselves masters and the common folk being downtrodden beneath them a situation that also happened in Germany prior to WWII?// And don't forget them poisoning wells, or sacrificing babies for blood to bake matzos. //Now why did you have to go there? - To try to win the argument with accusations of hatred and ignorance instead of arguing the facts like I asked?// Yeah, I wouldn't bother if I were you, mhaze. I've been there, done that and bought the T-shirt... our Armchair Critic has been known to argue that HCN (hydrogen cyanide) is not all that toxic, actually. You might as well try to teach antelopes to the play the recorder. He's a fully paid up, card-carrying Holocaust denier... a lost cause. //Sharpen your debating skills and knowledge of history// Mind you, he's good for a laugh. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 27 October 2017 5:31:15 PM
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Where do you think socialism comes from?
Kibbutz. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 October 2017 7:42:28 PM
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And where do you think all these refugees came from?
They came from the US intervening in other countries in the M/E The US, who is more or less puppet nation to Israel; And Israel who has had a long standing policy of destabilising it's neighbours. 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East' Look it up. All this stuff is pro-Israel neoconservative agenda. Wesley Clark 7 wars in 5 years Toni, you're right I've played these games plenty of times before. And I've seen time and time again how the pro-Israel side act. Of course you had to come in and scream 'Holocaust' like a halfwit to try and change the subject and constantly reinforce the idea Israel is a victim. You'll never enter into rational discussion on these topics because it would just shed light on certain facts that go against the official 'narrative'. So all you mob ever do is scream Holocaust and Anti-Semite to avoid any discussion with facts you'd rather not acknowledge. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 October 2017 8:22:23 PM
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//Toni, you're right I've played these games plenty of times before.
And I've seen time and time again how the pro-Israel side act.// I'm not pro-Israel. Those guys are dicks. Nice attempt at a strawman, though. But I am anti-genocide. It saddens me that you're not. You do realise that the attempted genocide wasn't just against Jews, right? Gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled... all in the firing line as well. Maybe I'm just pro-Gypsie. Or pro-disabled.... Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 28 October 2017 6:03:53 AM
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Damned if I know how this thread lead to some of the comments made, particularly the Israel-bashing. Remember, Israel is the only democratic bulwark against Islam in the Middle- East. Personal feelings about Israel, Jews etc. are irrelevant in the war against Islam, which the West should be fighting with the utmost vigour, instead of the current no-viglour-at all gutlessness and cowardice.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2017 7:52:46 AM
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Hey ttbn,
I'm sorry if I took the thread in a different direction than you wanted. What happens is I make an opinion like everyone is entitled to and then I get challenged for having the opinion I do, and I'm forced to defend my statements. Now that said, I think its a valid point to point out the connection between Jews and 'Socialism / Communism'. I understand you're pro-Israel, and I don't really mean to disrespect you by taking a thread you started in a direction that you might oppose. Here's a link I found - Not sure how accurate the information is but it resembles the kind of stuff I came across years ago that lead me to have this view. On the other side of the argument, Wikipedia seems to hold an alternative point of view. Regardless of my criticisms or perceived bias for one side of an argument or the other I always try to stay true to the facts. Here's a point I can give as an example - You know I have no love of GetUp! and the neo-liberal fascists of the Soros Brownshirt variety. But there is one issue that I actually support them on. - And that is, retaining Medicare. There is another point I want to make, and I was considering starting a thread for it. - You used the word 'democracy', and I was considering starting a thread entitled: 'Foreign Policy: Is Western 'Democracy' Terrorism?' - And then I would discuss that Western 'democratic' foreign policy primarily consists of undermining other nations with the use of 'Regime Change'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 October 2017 9:28:16 AM
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"But I am anti-genocide. It saddens me that you're not." Really? That's the conclusion you come to? I've told you all before - I support freedom and liberty for everyone, I think everyone should have the right to live however they choose so long as it does not affect anyone else in an adverse manner. And I challenge official 'narratives', when it looks like theres more to the story because I think that when the facts get twisted, so does everything else. All pretty simple... Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 October 2017 9:36:47 AM
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You are entitled to your opinions, of course; and you are not "forced to defend your statements", unless you wish to do so - certainly not from me, anyway. You in no way "disrespected" me; it's just that things get a bit messy when we get off the subject. I wish more people would start threads rather than latching onto something that might only vaguely match what they want to get across. It takes the sting out of what you wish to say, I believe. I am more interested in what my peers (with a couple of exceptions) have to say than the over-long articles contributed to the main forum. There's often more honesty and common sense from the 'ordinary' folk than there is from professional or academic BS artists. While I do not agree with you on Israel, there are many of your thoughts and opinions I do agree with. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2017 11:23:32 AM
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Hey ttbn,
The thing about starting new threads is you can't just have your opinion and be done with it, you have to 'manage' the thread and respond to commenters that responded to your opening comment, so it seems a little more responsibility when starting threads rather than just responding to others threads. Also we only see 5 threads in default in the general category, and when they go off the general page they start to become less focused on. Of course you're right that when things go off topic the original discussion or issue and points surrounding it or become less focussed upon. "There's often more honesty and common sense from the 'ordinary' folk than there is from professional or academic BS artists." You're right about that, often it seems individual commenters or the commenters combined have a much broader and better view of the topic than the authors. That's probably where the real value in this forum lies I think, as well as our ability to speak more or less freely without censorship. I've never had a comment deleted by Graham, but I know sometimes I might come close. Yes we do have different opinions in regards to Israel, and I do have my criticisms as I do with many other topics. But I'd like to make known my criticisms are simply an extension of the many different things I've learned, not at all based on any personal resentment or hatred. I also agree with many of your thought and opinions; it's very rare that I disagree with your opinions other than on the topic of Israel. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 October 2017 12:26:56 PM
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We all do what we think is best, and I 'get' your comments on managing threads, and this is something I notice you do. However, I think that you are being too hard on yourself – knocking yourself out. I think it is a total waste of time responding to people who disagree with you. They have the right to disagree; they have the right tell you they disagree. But I no longer respond to criticism because it is tiresome and a waste of time. I would rather encourage people I agree with rather than argue with Left wing tossers whose only interest is trying to shut down anyone who disagrees with their holy writ. Nevertheless, you certainly should stick to what you believe; I won't presume to dub you as being as conservatives I am, but you are certainly one of more intelligent and thoughtful posters on OLO. You are probably less cynical than I am. Not a bad thing. PS. You know that very few contributors on the main forum every respond to our comments. But, they get their message across, and keep on coming back. Something to think about? Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 October 2017 10:08:03 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,
Don't be too concerned about people who use labelling as a tactic on this forum and then talk about people trying to close them down when they in effect are trying to do precisely that to posters whose views don't agree with theirs. There's usually a reason why some people get responses while others don't. A very good reason. Sometimes it's the lack of civility in their posts that is lacking, other times is might be arguments that are illogical and abusive that are being presented. In any case, most of us who have been on this forum for quite a few years take all of this in our stride. This is a public forum after all and it attracts a wide variety of views. Some logical, others bordering on the downright weird. But how boring would it be if we all agreed - and the forum became simply an echo chamber of our own views. How dull and boring. At the same time how awful would it be if the forum became a snake pit where viciousness was allowed to rule - simply because opinions differed. One of the things that most posters like about this forum is the different views presented. Anyway, you certainly are entitled to your opinions, as we all are. However, I guess we have to be prepared to be challenged by other people who don't agree with our opinions. That's part of life on a public forum such as this one. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 October 2017 2:56:21 PM
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There you go AC. See what I mean?
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 29 October 2017 6:27:59 PM
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Thank You for proving my point brilliantly! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 October 2017 6:33:24 PM
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You just have to keep yapping don't you, you sanctimonious ratbag. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 29 October 2017 9:49:49 PM
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I am merely responding to your comments directed at me. Why is it acceptable for you to behave badly - but not for me to point it out? Sanctimonious ratbag? You don't even know me. You should be ashamed of yourself. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 October 2017 10:23:14 PM
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You really need to get over yourself; everybody else has, except for a few 'gallants' who think that they have to make allowance for nonsense if it comes from a woman. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 October 2017 7:23:47 AM
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You're telling me to "get over it" while calling me a "Left-wing ideologue who cannot think before she sprays", and other "endearments". And then you bring gender into it. Bad behaviour should not be tolerated from anyone and abuse directed at anyone whose opinions don't agree with yours should not be tolerated. It has nothing to do with gender. I have no control over the behaviour of others on this forum, only of my own. I usually do try to avoid confrontations but sometimes a reply becomes necessary when falsehoods and abuse are being bandied about. You will find that civility does wonders. And if practiced usually comes back to you. Try it - the results just may surprise you. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 October 2017 10:39:58 AM
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You are repeating yourself, Foxy. I know that you place great importance on having the last say, so I'll leave you to it. That way you might avoid embarrassing yourself any further.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 October 2017 12:42:08 PM
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Talking about embarrassment... Reminds me of the following joke: "Early in our marriage my husband found it difficult to get the last word in any discussion. With time he learned how to get the last two words in every discussion. He made sure the words were - Yes dear". Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 October 2017 5:44:15 PM