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Not just women

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"Abuse of young boys rife in Hollywood after cocaine fuelled parties held by gang of Hollywood paedophiles.
While the world reels over the Harvey Weinstein scandal, there’s another dark Hollywood secret that needs to be told, and it’s even more sickening."

The entertainment industry - they'd mount anything with a heartbeat.

Not the place for any ethics or principles. Yet the media so often go to their colleagues in the entertainment industry to virtue-signal and stoop to lecture the public on the politically correct 'isms'. Oz TV is replete with panels of entertainment industry flogs who are the media-appointed soothsayers and experts on anything from alphabetical sex education for toddlers through to international diplomacy.

Brains of a chicken, the insight of an earthworm and the morals of an alley cat. Overpaid.
But what about minding their own backyard?
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 19 October 2017 1:34:52 PM
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Thats old news, and I haven't been keeping up with all my news sources but I've heard the pedophilia might come out.
Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg, but Hollywood will move to playdown and cover-up all the seedy stuff because it's not good for business.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 19 October 2017 2:18:38 PM
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If you are there to fill your pockets by wasting away the lives of others, with no remorse over making vulnerable souls spend their precious lives in front of screens with moving pictures, then why be surprised about what other evils you are capable of?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 19 October 2017 2:30:57 PM
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//The entertainment industry - they'd mount anything with a heartbeat.//

Really? The entire entertainment industry? I do hope you have sufficient cannon to back up such a broad-sided attack.

Because as far as I can tell, the working definition of 'the entertainment industry' includes everybody who job it is - or was, at least until their work is in the public domain - to entertain us for profit. My three favourite entertainers are men who wrote/write books that entertain me. Douglas Adams and Sir Terry Pratchett have been dead for long enough that any dirty secrets would have come out long ago. I really, really hope that Neil Gaiman doesn't rape people, because it would shatter my world.

//Not the place for any ethics or principles.//

Place? What place? Entertainment is where you find it; it's not confined to a specific place. Or time.

//Yet the media so often go to their colleagues in the entertainment industry to virtue-signal and stoop to lecture the public on the politically correct 'isms'.//

I don't think I've ever seen a journalist seeking the opinions of an author on current affairs other than Salman Rushdie. Except for book plugs, and that's paid journalism so it doesn't really count.

But it sounds like a nice change from the dull stuff I usually watch. You were rather vague in your post: which particular programs should I watch to find journalists interviewing entertaining people on local and international current affairs?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 19 October 2017 2:50:23 PM
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Yep no wonder Hilary supporters make up fake news about Trump and denonise him in order to deflect attention from own behaviour. Same as many left wing journalist. We all know Hillary's Bill was such an angel. Anybody that denies the corrupt nature of man and woman is pitifully ignorance.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 19 October 2017 2:59:57 PM
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TV and movies aren't the only entertainment industries with an issue. I've heard the music industry has it's issues too. (Though doesn't seem to get as much notice, so might not be as bad). Any industry that is known for drug issues, is going to have other abuses just around the corner. The entertainment industry is known for it's drug problems and rehab visits. Sad kids have to get hurt too though.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 19 October 2017 5:15:44 PM
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"Any industry that is known for drug issues, is going to have other abuses just around the corner. The entertainment industry is known for it's drug problems and rehab visits."

I hadn't thought about it that way but you are right no doubt.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 19 October 2017 6:39:32 PM
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Strangely enough its those who are preaching the gw religion that R among the worse. Look at the smug self righteous getup clowns mixed with antifa thugs who justify their violence against anyone who disagrees with them.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 19 October 2017 6:42:12 PM
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Surely people don't think all the stories about Hollywood's casting couches are merely figments of someone's vivid imagination?
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 19 October 2017 7:32:00 PM
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Runner, do you include the Catholic Church as part of the entertainment industry. They, like all religions rely on hocus pocus, and slight of hand to suck in the gullible, and true to leoj description of the entertainment industry they have their fair share of paedophiles as well.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 19 October 2017 7:49:15 PM
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As you say it is starting to come out.

THE LOST BOYS How Hollywood paedophile ring behind child abuse ‘as horrific as Jimmy Savile’s’ could finally be exposed in wake of Weinstein scandal

Actors including The Goonies star Corey Feldman have said US laws have prevented them from naming child abusers.

A RING of high-powered Hollywood paedophiles – whose abuse was as horrific as Jimmy Savile’s – is set to be exposed in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal.

Actors including The Goonies star Corey Feldman have said US laws have prevented them from naming child abusers who allegedly assaulted them as children.

The pair, who appeared in 80's hit The Lost Boys, spoke harrowingly of the sexual abuse they endured as child actors

And Feldman has claimed his fellow child star Corey Haim was raped on the set of a film when he was just 11.

The Lost Boys star, who struggled with drug abuse throughout his life and died at the age of 38 in 2010, was allegedly attacked by an unidentified man on the set of 1986 film Lucas.

The extent of the abuse was laid bare in a 2014 documentary that revealed boys were raped at gunpoint and take cocaine at Hollywood parties.

A film source in LA said: "Harvey’s case, as bad as it is, really is simply the tip of the iceberg in terms of the sexual abuse that has been rampant in Hollywood for decades."

Rest of story at above link too long to copy here.
Worth reading see how the law protects them.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 19 October 2017 11:48:35 PM
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To Paul1405.

There's a difference between the enviornment of the entertainment industry and the religous enviornments. It's not good to combine both when facing pedophilia issues. The issues get muddied and solutions disappear when combining different causes of crime.

While I think the entertainment industry is known for it's parties and drugs, it's not known for being a safe haven for people or where people trust those working in the it's field. I think one large contributing factor for religous enviornments is that they are a place of trust. Teachers and family members raping children I think are closer to the issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church. Solutions to that would likely be different then in the entertainment industry. When drugs are involved all bets are off. Just saying.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Friday, 20 October 2017 2:58:14 AM
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//While I think the entertainment industry is known for it's parties and drugs//

Another generalisation from a small subset of the industry to the entire industry. Roald Dahl and J.R.R. Tolkien, for example, are not infamous for the drug-fulled orgies they didn't hold.

Although Lewis Carroll probably used laudanum (because everybody did at the time) and may well have been a paedophile.

So I guess you'll now be happy to generalise that all authors are degenerate, drug-abusing rock-spiders.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 20 October 2017 5:35:00 AM
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