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4 year terms

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Sorry Foxy I can't answer that one. I hope David is well, and did nothing more than give it away, as many past regulars have. As there is no private messaging on the forum, it is impossible to ask.

Just noticed your post about Senate pre-selection. There is only one other realistic candidate up against Lee Rhiannon. I have spoken with my choice and I have wished her well, and offered whatever support I can give. Despite what you might read on here posted by him, I have never aligned myself with any particular person or group within the party. On issues, I tend to be a pragmatic center right person, but that is in the context of progressive politics. From talking to others, I look forward to change at the federal level, and I think its coming, but not without a fight.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 17 August 2017 6:14:45 AM
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Dear Paul,

Thanks for responding.

I do hope that David comes back and posts. I do miss him.

I watched a TV program recently on the problems that Lee
Rhiannon is causing for the Greens. Hopefully she'll
not get voted back in and somebody else will be given a
chance. Someone who's more of a team player. Still, I guess
the Liberals have their own problems as well - with Tony
Abbott. And of course there's Cory Bernardi stirring the
pot. Then we have Barnaby Joyce whose future is not set
in concrete one would hope. And Julie Bishop did her
position a dis-service with her recent hysteria. As for
Mr Turnbull - the less said the better. Interesting times
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 17 August 2017 6:13:32 PM
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Hi Foxy, I also watched the 4 Corners program. Don't get me wrong, I have tremendous respect for Lee Rhiannon. We may not always agree on issues, but she has been a tireless and committed worker for the progressive side of politics. Lee has made a significant contribution over many years, no one can deny that.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 17 August 2017 7:40:43 PM
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Dear Paul,

You probably know more about Lee Rhiannon than I do.
However I have to admit that I found her actions
over the public school funding of going behind the
wishes of her own party and undermining their
decisions somewhat disturbing. Also the fact that
all the previous leaders of the Greens seem to find
her self-interest to be greater than anything else
is concerning.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 18 August 2017 11:00:23 AM
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Hi Foxy, I do know Lee and have spoken with her many times, even spent time door knocking together,. Actually a likable person, easy to talk to. But on the political side very driven, and I can't deny what others say. I think the education issue was handled badly by all, I was on the side of the leadership and the majority of Senators.
In the Senate pre-selection in NSW I am supporting a good friend who is also a candidate. Not just because she is a friend, but because she would make an outstanding Senator.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 18 August 2017 11:58:41 AM
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