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The Forum > General Discussion > Are fines in Australian Law equitable?

Are fines in Australian Law equitable?

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Get yourself a digital spedo, that operates on GPS, It comes with beeps when you are over the precise limit. When the speed signs change it beeps if you misjudged it. Even when you speed up before you pass a sign that says it is ok to speed up.
New cars this year are coming with GPS speedo's

You do not have any excuse for not complying. If you do not trust your thick speedo needles well back off 5.
Posted by doog, Monday, 24 July 2017 3:06:26 PM
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Although I have not had fines for a several years now, grown out of the Porsches, most of my vehicles are registered in company names. When you receive a notice in the mail you are offered the option of nominating the driver, then paying applicable fine, or you can opt for the much larger fine, 300% from memory if you pay through the company. I guess it keeps many of our much needed traffic on the road. Revenue raising at its best.

As for wealth/income, I think we have enough subsidies in place already.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 6:01:39 AM
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Rechtub, and therein lies a tale.
Under the law you do not have to provide information for any offence.
You have the right to silence.
My understanding is that speeding is a criminal offence and the
prosecutor has to prove identity.
The "deemed" identity is I think illegal.

I wish someone would take that up in court and settle it once and for all.
The government makes all sorts of assumptions that it can get away with.
For instance the people in Queensland who do not pay the tolls because
there is no toll collector present.
Payment by electronic means is illegal as per Australian Constitution.
An ancient law says that if no toll collector is present then the
debt is forgiven.
The constitution requires payment by "coin of the realm".

The people in Queensland have not paid tolls for years.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 8:45:55 AM
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The people in Queensland have not paid tolls for years.

That sounds like all people in Queensland are not paying tolls.
What I really meant that the few people that have challenged the
legislation are still not paying the tolls & fines last I heard.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 9:45:17 AM
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In the 60s I was booked 4 years in a row driving to Bathurst for the Easter race meeting.

They would flood the roads over the blue mountains with cops, & find some excuse to book anything that looked even vaguely like a sports car. Revenue raising at it's finest.

One year I vowed to beat them. I drove so slowly I was a pain in the ass mobile chicane to all other drivers. They still got me. In those days of mandatory hand signals, I was booked for "failure to hold my stop signal for a long enough time" when pulling into a service station.

I then switched to racing a Brabham Formula 2, which I towed to Bathurst in a fully enclosed trailer. Never was troubled by revenue raising traffic cops again.

Can't remember when I was last booked, decades at least. When you have travelled down Conrod straight at over 180 miles/hour, speed on the public road is of no interest at all.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 10:43:30 AM
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Seems many on here can not go deeper than the shallow simplistic parroting of "obey the law."

the point is that the entire infringement system is designed to raise money, safety is not the primary driver.

The infringement system is designed to reverse the burden of proof, to remove the right to silence, remove the right not self incriminate and to make accusation by government proof of the accusation.

To say nothing of overturning the Common-wealth constitution section 8 subsection 12 of the Imperial Applications Act that all fines of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void -

Please dont believe me. Look it up and please prove me wrong.
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Monday, 31 July 2017 7:01:03 PM
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