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Andrew Bolt Attacked

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Hi Paul,

God, I love that logic: if someone could conceivably gain something from something, therefore no need for evidence, they musta done it !

Christ knowing that his crucifixion would rally half-wits to his rat-bag cause ? So he must have be in on it with Pilate ! Yeah, no need for evidence. Not even evidence that Christ existed :) Sorry, Runner.

As whites moved out into the interior of Australia, it's logical that they would benefit from slaughtering Aboriginal people, at least from one angle. Therefore they did. No need for a single forensic investigation; ergo, not one forensic investigation yet. [Of course, massacres were very likely, but some proof would help.]

Somehow the Yanks or the Jews might benefit from sooling the media onto Al Qa'ida, therefore they did 9/11.

Wow, this is fun, it saves all sorts of problems, like looking for evidence. Let's see: Andrew Bolt might benefit from being beaten up: therefore organise it. Yeah.

Hmmmm, I thought you might be close to those thugs, Paul: what, you don't know which of the dumb-arse 'Left' were involved ? You're losing your touch :)

Any other paranoid theories ? ISIS doesn't exist, except on a film-lot in Arizona ? There's never been a famine in Africa - in fact, Africa doesn't exist ? Costa Rica did well out of remaining neutral during WW II, therefore its current government are all Nazis ? The real differential for Pi is 4 - 3.1429 or whatever was a Macedonian plot ? When Newton invented gravity, he belonged to a secret Christian sect which was opposed to people flying ?

The world is full of bastards ? Well, yeah, you got that right, a vast spectrum of them from Left to Right, mostly at each others' throats.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 8 June 2017 10:51:25 AM
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The video footage was put up on YouTube by the person who took the video, who was a member of the three man group who attacked Bolt. ANTIFA have apparently claimed it was some of their " family" members who did the attack.
No one has to stage these cowardly events, it's fast becoming the norm for people who can't tolerate any opinion different to theirs.
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 8 June 2017 10:59:14 AM
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Being assaulted for your opinion is wrong whether
you're John Howard (shoe throwing incident on TV),
or Andrew Bolt, or at the National Gallery of
Victoria attending an Institute of Public Affairs

This recent incident on Bolt though does appear to
be the stuff that "The Chaser" crowd might take part
in. How was Bolt "attacked?" We might ask.
With a knife, a gun? king-hit? a baseball bat?

Nope, nothing that would seriously qualify as a weapon.
That would do serious damage.
Instead these so called "thugs" used shaving-cream and glitter.
The only damage done was to his suit. And he fought back.
Supposedly kicking one in the groin, and
bruising the other's face.

There even appeared video footage
to show Bolt's heroics and the man wrote a column about it.
Stressing he wanted no sympathy from anyone.
He after all was not a "loser."
He forced them to flee. And he knew that they were
"Left-wing fascists." Who else could they be?

Uni students on a dare - perhaps? Melbourne University
campus is within walking distance of the restaurant.

We've probably not heard the end of this. I suspect that
it's going to be milked for all its worth.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 11:42:43 AM
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'; Instead these so called "thugs" used shaving-cream and glitter.
The only damage done was to his suit. And he fought back.
Supposedly kicking one in the groin, and
bruising the other's face. '

yes Foxy as about harmful as a pie in the face. Interesting to see the different punishment for both crimes.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 8 June 2017 12:06:17 PM
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It seems it needed two brave thugs to do it, an another to film it. If it were me, I hope I would get in a couple of knees to the knuts before one of them (for all Bolt knew) stuck the knife in. or - for all he knew - the poison started to work.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 8 June 2017 1:23:18 PM
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I think ANTIFA set the whole thing up to make it look like Bolt set the whole thing up.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 8 June 2017 2:06:03 PM
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