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Could this happen here in Aus

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Some time back we were informed of the horrors of Rotherham and I had thought it was over and the police and local councils there had the situation in hand and there have been some prosecution.

Now I read of another situation in Yorkshire where there are many young girls being sexually exploited. See link below

I would like to think the article is not correct but with so many other occurances lately it may just have been put aside.

I wonder when our politicians will take practical action to stop further entry of Islamists into Australia. They must realize that the less muslims we have the less likely we will have a terrorist attack or an occurance like the above.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 6:50:44 PM
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Given the stupidity and ignorance of our politicians, and the bizarre utterance of the fool who is head of ASIO, we are unlikely to see a crack down on Muslim immigration any time soon.

Turnbull is still 'standing with' (whatever that means) overseas countries wracked by serious Muslim terrorism, and asking how a Somali terrorist was let out on bail. He is not expecting an answer, and will not be getting one. What he should be doing is getting rid of judges and magistrates who are not up to the job of protecting the public, being too corrupt or frightened to do their duty.

Any body who hurts us should be returned the compliment in spades; but our 'authorities' don't have the balls or the backbones to do that.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 10:35:57 AM
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as long as the lefties brainwash people into thinking that if you are born 'gay', born black, born woman,born muslim or born aboriginal you should be proud of that fact, then you excuse behaviour on basis of identity. Of course if you are born white and male and are proud of it you are a racist bigot. When we treat people equally on basis of behaviour and character then we might get somewhere. Look at the recent dozens of aboriginals caught up in paedophile. Hardly any news reports. It might change people's views as to their ability to manage their own affairs. Secularism has failed dismally as identity politics blinds itself to the obvious.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 10:43:52 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Child sexual abuse already exists in Australia.

The Royal Commission into child sexual abuse -
has identified 1,880 alleged perpetrators in
the Catholic Church alone.

We should all be concerned about
the sexual abuse of children no matter what religion
or what community they come from in this country.

For example -
The link listed below tells us
that "Aboriginal communities and families are
collapsing. It affects Aboriginal children and teenagers'
sexual health and drags them into a vicious circle of

It's a devastating article.

Hopefully the Royal Commission will do its job and look
into the child sexual abuse by all groups and communities.
Not only a select few because all children deserve our
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:24:08 AM
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Muslim Imams know to take over a nation for Allah to first send in the criminal Muslim thugs to disturb the society to such an extent that the community call on the so called moderates to take control, [i.e. London Mayor] so Islam becomes the dominant voice in the society. This was how they gained control of much of the African continent. They are at war with the democratic West, so rape, theft and murder of innocent kafir is their strategy.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:10:10 PM
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I'd like to know why that Somali terrorist was still here after reading his rap sheet.
He should have been gone after the first time he broke the law. I also read there are something like 400 muslims on the watch list.

Why aren't they on the deportation list
Posted by moonshine, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 2:55:17 PM
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@Foxy, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:24:08 AM

You are up to your usual deflections and red herrings. It is necessary to dispel what you have posted and hoping that the thread will not be hijacked from the OP.

Where Catholic priests offended against children, the individual clergy, their bishops and the church are held responsible.

Yet where indigenous men are raping children you hand them a 'get out of gaol free card' by shifting the blame to the Australian public, or 'whites' as you usually have it.

How does that work?

This is the reality that you always duck (see post below),

<The women may think they are protecting the girls but in reality their actions do little.
I have lived in a community and I have grandchildren currently living in communities. The most common protective gesture is teaching girls to wear several layers of clothes, especially bottom half.
A little girl will wear a pair of knickers, covered by cycle shorts, covered by leggings or jeans or floppy shorts. The girls don't know why, it's just always been told to them.
Some mothers do put a lock on a door but that's a worry in case of fire when the women are gone playIng cards all night.
What the women don't do is report the men. Neither do many of the girls report what is happening because the first time they tried it they got slapped for speaking up or got told to learn to live with it, it's normal.
You can't even raise the issue in public sessions because the aboriginal people who hate that this happens also are terrified they are going to be labelled the same so all they want to do is bury the information.
Small efforts to make change will not work. We need a " rip the bandaide off quickly" approach. Communities should have been included in the recent Royal Commission.
Posted by Big Nana, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 6:21:04 PM>
Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 4:30:52 PM
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What occurred in Rotherham, and apparently is still going on in other places in Briton, is large scale, organized coaching and exploitation of underage girls. These girls are exploited with the use of drink, drugs and later threats and intimidation to become low priced prostitutes that provide income for their 'so called' boyfriends.

They are pimped out cheaply to lots of clients of similar ethnic groups who apparently are prepared to queue up for the service.

Now I have not heard of this happening here in Aus and one of the reasons for posting the thread is to let people know it is taking place still in the UK. Secondly the local government in UK handles more social services, housing, etc. than do our Local governments. So I am wondering if the different LG set up or services has a bearing on the susceptibility of councilors, staff being corrupted or turning a 'blind eye' to what is happening in their community. Or is it purely that Brits are more scared of being labeled racist if concerns are raised.

Or is there other reasons why this large scale exploitation of underage girls has yet to occur here. It certainly gives a new meaning to multiculturalism in action.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 5:46:12 PM
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Some time back we were informed of the horrors of Rotherham and I had thought it was over.

Now I read of another situation in Yorkshire where there are many young girls being sexually exploited. See link below

I would like to think the article is not correct but with so many other occurances lately it may just have been put aside.

I wonder when our politicians will take practical action to stop further entry of Islamists into Australia.

This goes way, way higher than the Muslims.

see here:

and here:

and here:
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 7:01:55 PM
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You seem to have not read the devastating link I posted
on Aboriginal sexual abuse of children
and you totally miss-interpreted what I wrote.

I am
responsible for what I write, but not for your
interpretation of what I write. I have no control
over that. The same as I have no control over what you
think or say or the false assumptions you continually
make about people and their posts. It is you who continually
deflects discussions with your persistent personal attacks.
You need to try adding something to the discussions apart
from deflections, red herrings, and personal attacks on
your chosen people. Nobody else does it as well as you.And
It's got to stop.

Now back to the topic.

sexual abuse is horrendous in the Aboriginal
communities. And,
Big Nana's post confirms the points that
I raised in my previous post. Aboriginal
sexual abuse of children is horrendous.
And, The Royal
Commission should investigate these (and all
other communities), in this country.
It needs to take its job seriously in the
protection of all children.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 7:18:57 PM
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Eddie4 Mabo was a pedophile who attacked young boys on the beach on Murray Island.
Tribal Law banished him from the island and confiscated his lands. Ask any islander
and they will tell you the truth about the man.
How can we expect any real change from a government that has enshrined this beast
as an historical hero?
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 7:44:48 PM
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Can you have another go at those links

I tried the first by typing it in and NO GO

If they do not work can you give a brief post on what they are about
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 7:50:05 PM
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Dear Banjo,

Here is a link that is worth a read:

Islam is the 3rd largest religion in Australia but there is
no information on sexual abuse against children within
Islam done by the Royal Commission as far as I could gather.
The Royal Commission has investigated Catholics, Anglicans,
Pentecostals, Jewish Communities, Jehovah's Witnesses,
even obscure cults along with sporting groups and the
entertainment industry. Zero on Islamic Communities.
We need to look into forced child marriages, FGM, and child
sex. The same applies into Aboriginal Communities in this
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 8:09:25 PM
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That link won't open for me, it has a pay wall.

Yes I have seen other mentions of the royal commission not investigating Islam and I thought it was over and reported on.

There was a report in the NT that lead to the intervention.

But this thread was put up to let people know that sexual exploitation of young girls for profit was still taking place in the UK and, hopefully, gather more information about that. Also to gauge the possibility of the same happening here.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 8:38:18 PM
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Your 'poor me' is unconvincing where it was your debating tactics that were the subject of criticism. Here again from page 2 and you might care to explain the difference this time,

"@Foxy, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:24:08 AM

You are up to your usual deflections and red herrings. It is necessary to dispel what you have posted and hoping that the thread will not be hijacked from the OP.

Where Catholic priests offended against children, the individual clergy, their bishops and the church are held responsible.

Yet where indigenous men are raping children you hand them a 'get out of gaol free card' by shifting the blame to the Australian public, or 'whites' as you usually have it.

How does that work?"

Returning to the subject of the thread, the prevailing political correctness (UK media this time) demands that the offenders be described globally as 'Asians' (as some of the media and UK Labor Party did in the Rotherham scandal).

The intent of that political correctness is to disguise the flawed diversity policies and reckless 'open door' immigration behind the immigration 'mistakes'.

Where Australia is such a desirable country for migrants, why would federal governments be putting 'diversity' up as an aim of immigration policy anyhow? Why have federal governments played fast and loose with security and the values that Australians hold dear, such as freedom of speech, democracy and secular government?

As for the question, 'Could this happen in Australia?' the answer is most likely yes, but Australia's political correctness is so strictly censorious of any alleged 'racism' that revealing statistics are not gathered and analysed, and more likely are being destroyed instead.

Why? -Because immigration is a sacred cow that cannot be subjected to any independent scrutiny.
Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 10:40:20 PM
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Foxy, the Rotherham sex business was the first that came to public attention.
There have been multiple towns where the same business plan was instituted.
We saw the start of it here with the Sydney Bel Al gang.
I would be very surprised if there are not more gangs now operating.

You must understand that because the girls are infidels they are
available for sex any time a moslem wishes.
If you take them by the right hand you can take them for sex and keep
them as a sex slave. This is taught to the boys as it is part of
the Koran that they must learn.

That is what it is all about. You should read about what is going on
in Germany these days.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 10:48:59 PM
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Before it becomes 'what about Rolf Harris' and sex offending 'can happen anywhere even in good suburbs' and it is all back to taws with the already dispelled rationalisations and excuses of previous threads exhumed and dusted off for another go, the Rotherham child sex grooming, introduction to drugs, the sex-trafficking of minors and the involvement of Pakistanis, were all known to authorities - to Labour, councillors, health workers and to police. Complaints had been made for years.

In short, these were well coordinated gangs who were not necessarily covert, nor it appears did they need to be. They operated a system that was well proved and apparently also known to authorities and to the Labour Party.

Can there be any doubt that authorities with their skills and intel, and bureaucrats and politicians with their contacts, would not have known or at least suspected that the same ethnic gangs might be operating elsewhere?

As for Australia, exactly what exists that does not exist in the UK that would prevent similar gangs operating here? What could ensure that their child victims, likely addicted to drugs and brainwashed at well, might come forward?
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 8 June 2017 1:57:31 AM
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Dear Banjo,

The Institute of Family Studies has publications that
may be of interest covering the trafficking of women (and girls) for sexual exploitation and the situation in Australia:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 11:54:44 AM
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Dear Bazz,

You might also be interested in the two links I
have cited to Banjo about the trafficking of
women and girls in Australia produced by the
Institute of Family Studies. Although the publications
are a bit dated I think they are still relevant today.
This problem undoubtedly still exists.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 12:01:55 PM
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Hello Foxy,
Yes just read them. You are confusing two different rackets.
Your references are about importing Asian girls.

The one we are discussing here is the Pakistani system in the UK where
moslems take the Koran literally and first by grooming usually by boys
at the same school as the girls then introduce them to their circle of
friends and then when "broken in" start shopping them around to a
wider circle of acquaintances. It covered most of Northern England.
In Rotherham it was reported that 1200 girls were involved.

In Sydney this was the Lebanese system that ran for a while but it
took one brave girl to go to police and lay a complaint.
They got 35 years.
I don't think we heard just how widespread it became.
BTW Pakistanis are known in the UK as Pakis or Asians.
For some reason they object to being called Paki.

I remember their families got quite put out that they were in trouble.
There we even fights on the court steps.
Probably because it was not what Allah said they could do.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 June 2017 2:19:42 PM
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Although some of the Bankstown Lebs had Aussie girlfriends whom they made available to mates when they tired of them, their usual way was to straight out sex assault/rape thee girls they picked up and then discarded them. The police did good work in convicting about 9 of them, but the police received about 60 instances of gang rape during that period, so they did not catch them all. The police concerned by the number of rapes occurring issued a press statement advising the public to be aware and cautious. However the Sydney media colluded and decided not to publish the release because it may impact the upcoming Olympic games. That disgusts me.

The only likeness to Rotherham that I can see is that the ideology was the same in that all the 'users' viewed the girls as 'whores' because they did not dress in Islamic attire. The Rotherham blokes groomed the girls to earn them money by prostitution.

Those links are much closer to my object of posting. I feel so sorry for the girls and I think there is trafficing between UK and Eastern Europe, as well as Asia to here. What a world we live in!

This and Rotherham make me grateful that I was raised in a normal large family, poor but no violence, no drunkenness, and always plenty to eat and clothes that mum made, Dad had vege garden, chooks and milked a cow. How lucky was my siblings and me?
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 8 June 2017 2:26:00 PM
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Dear Bazz and Banjo,

Thanks for all the info.

Yes there are different worlds to the ones most of us
live in. Different worlds indeed. I shall have to do
much more research into this topic and how it affects
us here in Australia.

I'll get back to you as I uncover more.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 3:17:06 PM
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