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Should refugees and immigrants get more lenient sentences in courts

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I am now convinced the refugees and immigrants get most lenient sentences by our courts. I fact have now started to keep a record of reported crimes by new comers.

example 1. A baby girl 9mts was taken to Indonesia and subjected to FGM, type 3 (the most severe) and the father received a 12 mts Suspended sentence for his actions. Authorities claim such is a serious offence?

example 2, A refugee 23 was convicted of the rape of a 15yo girl and walked out of court with a 12mts suspended sentence. Yet the other day a former state rep footballer was sentenced for 6 years for the rape of a 14yo girl.

Example3. A student male nurse, from Kenya, just this week was allowed out on bail, charged with 21 counts of rape and 8 counts of assault and threatening the life of the woman he was caring for in her home.

I recall an Afghan refugee having his case dismissed for trying to steal a little girl from a park, lucky her father interviened. Another case involved sexual assault at a swimming pool and another at a uni dormitory.

It seems the refugees claim ignorance and get away with it. Yet our gov gives information to all visa applicants, about our society and laws, in 30 different languages.

It is high time we insisted refugees and immigrants obeyed our laws and paid the same penalties. Our sentences are too lenient anyway
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 18 February 2017 8:38:22 AM
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Dear Banjo,

I'm not a lawyer so I can only speak from my
limited knowledge of the criminal justice
system in this country. From my understanding
though I believe that the law is applied within
the framework set by parliaments. Of course there
are variations within the court process and
individual offenders. I don't know what is involved
in a judge's decision in these matters. However,
if one sees problems repeatedly occurring with certain
classes of offenders as you obviously do in this
case - then you should try to get the system changed.
It's the system that appears flawed and needs reforming
Perhaps contacting your MP might help steer you in the
right direction.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 18 February 2017 1:11:20 PM
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cont'd ...

Dear Banjo,

It just occurred to me - Can a refugee who commits
a crime in Australia be deported?
I vaguely recall something about it being in the
news not so long ago.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 18 February 2017 3:02:10 PM
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For interest i Googled just one of your examples,

You are right.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 18 February 2017 3:17:42 PM
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One does not have to be a lawyer to recognize light sentences for serious crimes. Our governments tell us the crimes are serious but the courts continue to hand out light sentences, especially more so to refugees and immigrants.

How can a court only give 1 year jail, suspended, for type 3 FGM, which involves clitoris removal and sowing the labia majora together, closing off the vagina. All performed on an innocent little girl. The cell key should be tossed in the sea.

How can a refugee be allowed bail when charged with 21 counts of rape, 8 of assault and threats to life of his victim. That is ridiculous but is happening now. The courts are favouring the refugees like spoilt kids'

What is the point of NSW increasing penalties for FGM from 14 to 21 years if the courts issue suspended sentences for serious offences?

Perhaps we need more Jails and judges with backbone
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 18 February 2017 3:57:11 PM
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Dear Banjo,

I can't really comment on all the intricacies
and complexities involved. I don't know the
individual cases or why as you point out the
judges are so lenient and yet so harsh when it
comes to sentencing our Aboriginal people. As you say, it
does not make sense. I shall have to do more research
into this matter. It does sound incredible from what
you describe that the law is so unfairly applied in
these cases. Are the judges hands tied under some other
sort of rulings when it comes to refugees? By international
laws, for example? I simply don't know. But as you state
it makes no sense.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:04:37 PM
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Aboriginal offenders are getting far lighter sentences for offences than other offenders by judges trying to get their representation down in prisons.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:26:19 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Then why are their imprisonment and suicide
rates so high?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:33:24 PM
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Dear Banjo,

Back on your familiar bandwagon resplendent with the usual half truths and lies. Don't you ever give up?

And we know why you hardly ever put links don't we, because you distort, embellish, and outright lie in attempt to inflame and divide. You have been caught out numerous times doing this but you really have no shame.

I wasn't going to bother going through your latest examples but leoj decided to post a link so I thought what the heck.

And lookie here, the accused was not and immigrant nor was he a refugee as you claimed but rather he was here on a student visa.

Here is another student visa case;

So should we now stop all overseas student visa holders from entering this country and in so doing wreak the third largest export earner this country has going? Or should we take each case on its merits like the civilised country we are?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:51:01 PM
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The student nurse from Kenya handed in his passport.
"The matter is due to be heard again next month." We haven't heard the last of this.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:53:11 PM
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nicknamenick Quote "The student nurse from Kenya handed in his passport."

A little while ago an Indian national handed his passport in then promptly borrowed one of someone else and left the country.
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 18 February 2017 5:38:34 PM
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OK where are the half truths and lies in my first post?
You need to put up.

Here is example 2.

Thank you for the link posted, I must follow it up and see the verdict on Mr Gong. Good to see immigration actually canceling visas of persons that should not be here. There will always be some overstayers.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 18 February 2017 5:51:32 PM
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"Justice Michael Elkaim told the court the images were found by police when they searched his home.

"The telephone contained 67 images of the complainant either naked or in underwear, but all in sexual poses, and also 23 videos of the complainant again showing sexual poses," he told the court."

So after a bit of enticing him she complained.
I don't wonder at the light sentence.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 18 February 2017 6:16:17 PM
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I can't say that I have taken much notice of sentencing when it comes to immigrants. They certainly should not be getting lighter sentences because they are immigrants. The they need to be taught very quickly what is expected of them.

I would be inclined to kick them out of the country. We have our own criminals; we don't need those of other countries.

All sentencing in Australia is inadequate. The people who are supposed to be looking after our interests - politicians - need to start looking into light sentencing and the magistrates and judges who are handing them out.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 February 2017 6:28:28 PM
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Dear Banjo,

The Kenyan nurse was neither a refugee or an immigrant as you had claimed in your first sentence. Not having looked up the others I suspect you were loose with the truth about them as well.

As to light sentences are you keeping score of all the senior Christians receiving little to no gaol time for their crimes against children?

If Mr Gong receives a harsher sentence than Mr Byrne will you then call it out or are you determined to stay focused on refugees and immigrants?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 18 February 2017 6:47:55 PM
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"A little while ago an Indian national handed his passport in then promptly borrowed one of someone else and left the country."
OK an Eskimo Hindu studying Manus Island luxury resort management could do a fake dodge. Normally Australian police don't shoot suspects on the spot and try to get verbals typed up which takes a while to get it right.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 18 February 2017 6:56:24 PM
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The real question is should we allow immigrants in who we know are going to cause much pain in society. Obviously people from certain Islamic background falls into this category. Kevin Andrews tried to warn pig headed liberals about consequences of allowing so many Sudanese refugees. He was mocked and labelled racist. Malcolm Fraser was warned about the trouble Lebanese muslims would cause. The ones making the decisions to let these guys in should be gaoled for their pig headed blind ignorance and loyalty to ideology and dogma rather than to Australia. Thankfully most our immigrants (mainly from Christian based nations) are a great asset.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 18 February 2017 7:49:01 PM
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runner - Years ago the Government admitted only a small percentage of the so called refugees were properly checked out, there is the problem unless all are thoroughly checked out we really do not know anything about them.
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 18 February 2017 8:37:56 PM
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So all you can find is one small error on my part, by referring to an student from overseas as a refugee. Big deal, and you call that half truths, lies and distortion. what a farse you are. Then you try and change the subject. If you wish to discuss sexual abuse of school children by religions post it yourself, I may even post my view.

The fact is I post on subject that concern me and in that process bare some truths that does not suit your lefty ideology and you don't like it.

Try arguing that refugees and migrants should get lighter sentences than citizens for crimes committed.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 18 February 2017 9:11:47 PM
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Dear Banjo,

Small detail? Really? The very first thing I checked and you were wrong. If it were an isolated incident perhaps I would view this differently, but it isn't is it. You do this constantly, beating the drums with scant evidence, deceit, and a hatefilled ideology that brooks no nuance at all.

The reason I raised the buggering Christians was to illustrate how hypocritical you are. Many of these perpetrators were imported priests. Do you favour a ban on foreign priests into this country?

Look mate while you have this deep determination to flog this issue to death I'm pretty determined to see your type of divisiveness challenged. It is harmful to this country and the chances of its wide mix of peoples living in relative harmony.

Refugees and immigrants do not get lighter sentences than ordinary Australians in fact far from it. Added to that the risk of deportation hangs over the heads of many, something we do not have to fear.

So let me ask you again, if Mr Gong receives greater punishment than Mr Byrne will you reverse your opinion?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 18 February 2017 11:49:29 PM
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The levels of crime and violence are far higher in aboriginal communities by at least an order of magnitude. I was listening to a program on the ABC where an aboriginal elder (woman) was discussing that in her community DV was 30 to 40x that of non aboriginal populations and that the judges tried not to incarcerate the offenders and were often just sending them back with a slap on the wrist.

I understand that other crimes and violence are also nearly as prevalent and that most judges while trying not to over incarcerate aboriginals eventually have to imprison repeat offenders.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 19 February 2017 6:30:50 AM
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"One does not have to be a lawyer to recognize light sentences for serious crimes."

Ones knowledge of the crime is often based on a 30 second grab on the 6 o'clock news. The popular media does a good job of whipping up public outrage, it sell "newspapers". A simple one line post on a forum like this is totally insufficient to draw any conclusions about any legal case.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 February 2017 8:12:23 AM
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Precisely, Paul, precisely.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 19 February 2017 8:35:33 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Back to my original question - why are Aboriginal prison
rates so high if as you claim they get more lenient
sentences? You need to look at the big picture instead
of simply claiming that they get lighter sentences.

The following link may help:

According to the link things like inadequate legal
representation, lack of community services, lack of
accommodation, inflexible sentencing acts, health problems,
family breakdowns, lack of language skills, people's
attitudes, social and economic situations, offence
criminalisation (swearing & behaviour), police behaviour,
unemployment, are just some of the things listed.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 19 February 2017 9:54:56 AM
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"Should refugees and immigrants get more lenient sentences in courts?"

No, they should receive exactly the same punishment as anyone else.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 19 February 2017 10:21:05 AM
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You had better get used to it because I intend to keep a record of crimes and cases by refugees and immigrants and expose them when the opportunity arises. I may not get them all, but enough to establish a pattern of light sentences imposed by the courts.

Immigration issues are far more important to people than the major parties acknowledge and is why they colluded not to debate immigration, brokered by Hawke PM. High immigration and multiculturalism has done much to change the social fabric of this country, because of the introduction of alien cultural practices.

Underage marriages, polygamy and FGM comes high on that list and I hope that Pauline Hanson gets enough support to force the major parties to face and debate the issues. Interesting times ahead.

Deportation is no threat as it requires a 2 year jail sentence to be considered. How many times have you seen a non citizen get a 2 year, or more, sentence for even a quite serious crime. Rape and FGM are supposed to be serious crimes.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 19 February 2017 2:31:11 PM
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If your predisposition is to dislike and mistrust a certain group in society, any negativity directed towards that group is easily absorbed as damning evidence of the entire groups culpability, and will further reinforce the negative stereotyping of those so hated. Negative content of news reports about an individual within the despised group will reinforce prejudicial opinions already held about the entire group, If you are so inclined it is easy to extrapolate from an individual case, to cover all those within that group.

Take Banjo's opening to this thread.

"I am now convinced the refugees and immigrants get most lenient sentences by our courts"

Given your track record on the forum, when were you ever not convinced?

That is followed up with; "I fact have now started to keep a record of reported crimes by new comers."

No need Banjo as you are "convinced", what is the follow up evidence for? To un-convince yourself. Hardly likely.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 February 2017 2:45:30 PM
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The answer is simple, Aboriginals are incarcerated at far higher rates than non aboriginals because they offend at far higher rates.

The reasons for this can be debated, but in general aboriginal areas are not safe.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 19 February 2017 3:16:20 PM
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//I intend to keep a record of crimes and cases by refugees and immigrants and expose them when the opportunity arises. I may not get them all, but enough to establish a pattern of light sentences imposed by the courts.//

Unless you're also keeping a record of crimes and cases by not-refugees & immigrants and exposing them when opportune, you won't be establishing anything. Without that record we won't have any basis for comparison, and with no data to establish if not-refugees & immigrants are receiving heavier sentences than refugees & immigrants any conclusions drawn will be meaningless.

The most you will be able to establish is that judges sometimes deliver sentences which do not fit the crime - but you won't be able to establish whether they are more or less likely to give those sentences to refugees & immigrants.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 19 February 2017 3:54:08 PM
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Dear Toni,

I can assure you this is not an exercise in seeking truth by Banjo and his motives are hardly ulterior. They are driven solely by his 'bash the immigrant/refugee' shtick.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 19 February 2017 4:37:49 PM
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Banjo, you are certainly going to be busy. checking constantly on state, territory and federal jurisdiction. Not only checking on the penalties handed out to the bad guys, but also to the good guys.
To compare apples to apples you are going to have to sift through volumes of court transcripts of evidence from all over Australia.

I believe the name Ivan is a terrible monica to have. As a kid, I had an Uncle Ivan, and no matter how I looked at Uncle I came to the conclusion he was an a-hole, yep an a-hole, pure and simple. Since uncle was the only Ivan I knew I though it must be the name that makes him such an unadulterated b, after all he had the same last name as me, so it couldn't be that, I'm such a loverable guy myself.
Knowing no other Ivan's and having no means of doing research on the Ivan's of the world, until I got a 'puter, and was able to 'Google' Ivan The Terrible Name, to do a bit of research, you wont believe it up pops this other Ivan, a bit better looking than my Uncle Ivan, but on reading about him, it certainly confirmed what I had known all along ivan is a terrible name. Since this other Ivan was a refo' (Russian), I though I should do a bit more research, and since the other Ivan was a real bad dude, I trusted fate once more and Googled, Ivan mass murderer. Shocking up pops Ivan Milat, mass murderer and obviously another refo'!
No need for research I knew Ian was a terrible name, ever since the day when i was 8 years old and Uncle Ivan caught me smoke'n behind his back shed, and gave me a boot up the backside. .
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 February 2017 5:30:11 PM
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If I get busy collecting information om the type of crimes refugees mostly commit, then another stat will show up and that is that refugees are more often involved in sexual type crimes than we generally think. To date the problem is that, although the MSM report the crimes, people soon forget. A daily check on the main papers in the state capitals will supply the info I require as the refugees use their status to obtain lower sentences. The types of crimes I will look for are rape of women, especially underage girls, sexual assaults, underage marriages.

It has become obvious that, like Europe, our young females have become the sacrificial lambs by those promoting multiculturalism and the diversity they claim we need. Those promoting MC care nought for the adverse impact it has on our culture. Yes, we need the diversity and more alien culture like another hole in our heads.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 February 2017 7:28:26 AM
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Banjo two highly publicized cases;

1. Farmer, Ian Turnbull murders environmental officer Glen Turner, Turnbull receives 35 years jail.

2. Girl friend of Man Monis, Amirah Droudis murder Monis's ex-wife Helen Lee, Droudis receives 44 years jail.

It not sex crime, but please tell me all about it, did Turnbull receive a light sentence, did Droudis receive too harsh a sentence, did they both receive too harsh a sentence, or too light a sentence, or was it all okay by you. The permutations are somewhat long. Then if one or both sentences are wrong, what should they be?

"The types of crimes I (Banjo) will look for are rape of women, especially underage girls, sexual assaults, underage marriages." Better not look at car thieves, might turn up some of the good guys.

hummmmm interesting, okay. other crimes don't rate. I know its a dirty job, but someones got to do it. Whatever turns you on.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:05:07 AM
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"Better not look at car thieves"
Bronwyn Bishop was a helicopter thief and got a House arrest with life pension which is way too much.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:24:48 AM
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"Former prime minister Paul Keating on the Greens: 'A bunch of opportunistic Trots ... trying to pretend they are the Labor party'"

The Labor Party has to its great misfortune had a lot to do with the Greens and Keating would know what they are like.

Paul1405, the typical Greens, constantly demands that others provide all manner of evidence, which he promptly disregards, but where his own wild assertions are concerned he supplies no evidentiary facts whatsoever, just made-up yarns instead.

Australian governments have been gutless and too concerned about marginal electorates. For decades government and police commissioners denied that mass immigration had introduced the Mafia to Australia. Now there is no way of denying that Australia is the second strongest country for the Mafia.

In Australia the political correctness of multiculturalism and the fear and aversion of politicians of accountability have decreed that police and other agencies do not keep statistics of ethnicity and crime, especially recividism and recently, domestic violence.

However there is plenty of evidence coming from the European experience, where even the most politically correct countries like Sweden, now the 'Rape Capital of the West' are deeply concerned about crime and the invasion of Muslim men.

Of course successive federal governments have failed to be accountable to the public. Immigration policies and numbers will be a hot contentious subject in all future elections. It is no longer a sacred cow that cannot be discussed except in glowing praise.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:39:38 AM
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Leo W, you are sounding more and more like that idiotic poster from the past onthebeach. Desperate to invoke some kind of Green hate hysteria, you have taken to soliciting the opinions of one you despise, Paul Keating, he can't be half bad, after all his name is Paul. Keating also described Liberal MP's as "scumbags" and "Unrepresentative swill".

Keating on your mob Leo, Pauline Hanson and her 'One Nutters'; "shameless regressive politics"..."rooted in ignorance, prejudice and fear"..."ugly face of racism"..."dangerously divisive and deeply hurtful"..."perpetrates, a myth, a fantasy, a lie."..."the myth of monoculture".

Leo, has Keating got you tagged right?

Was not to kind to Bob Hawke, and others of the Labor Party, other than Paul Keating who did he think was the greatest person that ever lived.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 February 2017 9:23:33 AM
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Is Mise,
Your posts are usually much more practical, so I was a little surprised that this time you appeared ignorant of the reason for us having an 'age of consent' law of 16 years.

It is deemed that younger people are not mature enough to make such decisions and that they must be protected from older predators. So sex with a younger person is deemed rape, whether the younger person agrees or not.

You may also note that she told him she was 15 and that the judge did not believe the man who claimed ignorance as he had been here 3 years. Also that the man enticed the girl for the photos. It is termed grooming. Despite this he was only given a suspended sentence.

Most people agree with our age of consent laws, it is only the Greens that advocate lowering the age to give predators more access to our kids.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 February 2017 10:54:21 AM
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In practical terms there is no "on-off " switch in sentencing. A 15 yr old girl would be months away from 16 and able to comprehend photo sessions with a man. Kids of that age are well able to complain of sex abuse , 5 year olds can. These days with mobiles it's all out there for kids.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 20 February 2017 11:16:37 AM
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I'm not convinced Banjo needs to compare the outcomes of Non-Muslim or immigrant cases with Muslim or immigrant cases to establish whether or not they are shown leniency.

If a magistrate or judge makes a statement in his sentencing that he 'accepts the accused suffers lower opportunities and/or increased hardship in assimilation' or something to that effect does that in itself not establish leniency?

But then does it not also create a dilemma?
That not taking those factors into account in sentencing would also seen as a form of discrimination?

A fine line...
You may be right about the leniency Banjo, but I'm not sure you're going to win the battle.
I certainly support your efforts to keep an eye on it though.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 20 February 2017 11:47:32 AM
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In nearly 25 years not much has changed in regards to the 'pendulum swing of justice' when it comes to: (1) female offenders,(2) female offenders from overseas countries, (3) female offenders who are "Permanent Residents" e.g. having become so by marrying an Australian Citizen.

The only change of note is that a PR, who today commits a crime attracting a sentence of more than 1 year in custody (that's full time prison) - not Periodic Detention or a reduced sentence via inducements/deals with the police involved, the Immigration Department or any other government agency - that offender will usually be deported back to their country of origin.

The Domestic Violence Industry, run as it has been by the misandrist, hairy armpit brigade - hell bent on creating more and more man hating females, with an agenda we see in the droning mantra of "men are the perpetrators". All of which does nothing for the children involved. Given the proliferation of private firearms ownership has dropped per capita in that time, why do we see an increase in the number of female partners/spouses killed over that same period ? Is it time to enact a national registry of kitchen knife ownership, and bring in a restricted category for semi-automatic knives, as was done with firearms post Port Arthur Massacre ?

We see instead, more and more concocted statistics which ignore, at great peril to the children involved, to justify Wimmins Rights, 'Wimmins this and Wimmins that'...all funded by the taxpayer. To that end, the availability of "refuges, shelters and emergency accommodation for male victims" (of domestic violence) has not kept up with the actual realities of Australian society today. The courts perpetuate this emasculation.

In 1993 my then Permanent Resident wife was arrested on charges of: Malicious Damage, Assault, Grievous Bodily Harm and Threatening to Kill, after which she was promptly released on bail to clean out our matrimonial home of all goods and chattels with assistance from 'sisters' at the Marcia Womens Refuge at Campbelltown.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 20 February 2017 12:38:50 PM
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Dear Albie,

Research in Australia suggests that women in Australia
who have been born in other countries or who identify
strongly with other cultures through language, custom,
and religion are even more likely to experience violence
and abuse.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 20 February 2017 1:25:40 PM
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This is a very interesting topic that seems to have generated various views and opinions? And I really can't say whether those people from other countries receive more lenient treatment from the judiciary then others, who're native to this country ?

There are several matters however that do cause me, and many of my former police colleagues, some substantial degree of trepidation and angst. That do clearly fall within the purview of the judiciary itself. That is the relatively lenient sentences that have been, and continue to be, passed down right across the entire spectrum of the criminal justice system, particularly for those abominable crimes, perpetrated against young children and other victims.

And the inordinately ridiculous Bail Laws that are currently imposed by the Magistracy in the lower Courts. Which in many instances simply means cutting loose hardened criminals, in order they may continue to roam the streets like malevolent predators looking for further hapless prey.

One colleague asks another '...didn't we lockup that bloke last night for 'glassing' his girlfriend, doing him for one count of 'malicious wounding'...' his response, '...sure, but he made bail...'? What a positively friggin' joke eh ! As the two coppers scurry away in shame lest the crook sees 'em and laughs at their legal impotence !
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 February 2017 2:16:45 PM
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The law is a complete joke as one get treated more harshly for trapping an annoying flying fox or keeping an under sized fish or crab than actually commiting a serious crime.

The other bit that sucks is the way many grubs get bail, only to reofend, often for similar crimes.

Our entire system is full up with sh1t scared political correctness. Even Pauline is being called a racist for suggesting serious issues with the salary of the Oz post CEO as it is being called an anti Muslim rant.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 20 February 2017 3:09:36 PM
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Should refugees and immigrants get more lenient sentences in courts?

Why the hell should they? They get enough assistance to enable them to understand Australia and its laws and culture to enable them to comply with the law.

Giving them preferential treatment in the courts is only encourages them to repeat the behaviours that got them there.

For how long would preferential treatment go on for?

In relation to what offences is it proposed they get preferential treatment?
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Monday, 20 February 2017 7:22:26 PM
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In relation to the example 3 I gave in my first post, I do not understand how any person could expect bail with so many serious charges facing him.

Yet he applied for bail and got it.

I now await for the case to be heard so we may be informed of the circumstances, surely the press will report on this.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:08:42 PM
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Speaking of leniency by the judiciary ? Has the Muslim woman who refused to stand and acknowledge the authority of the Court been charged with contempt yet ? It's my understanding the AG has brought about further punitive measures for those individuals who seek to ignore thus dilute the power of the Court and it's system of law. Why then has this same lady not been placed before the Court in order that she can furnish the Court with an apology, for her past errant behaviour and misdemeanor.

To ensure no further errors of judgement are made by our Muslim folk, the Registrars in all Courts should explain basic Court behaviour and etiquette in and about our Courts and it's curtilages.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:24:33 PM
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"Maximum penalty: 14 days imprisonment or 10 penalty units, or both."
There is discretion allowed to the judge. Maybe Islamic contempt could come under religious conscience , particularly if expressed in non-belligerent tone.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 20 February 2017 8:46:44 PM
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//Why the hell should they? They get enough assistance to enable them to understand Australia and its laws and culture to enable them to comply with the law.

Giving them preferential treatment in the courts is only encourages them to repeat the behaviours that got them there.

For how long would preferential treatment go on for?

In relation to what offences is it proposed they get preferential treatment?//

How do you tell the difference between proper questions and rhetorical questions?

Should we care about rhetorical questions which are used as sticks with which to beat dirty smelly foreign devils?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 20 February 2017 9:02:30 PM
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Banjo, you ducked my question, re the sentences handed to the following;

1. Farmer, Ian Turnbull murders environmental officer Glen Turner, Turnbull receives 35 years jail.

2. Girl friend of Man Monis, Amirah Droudis murders Monis's ex-wife Helen Lee, Droudis receives 44 years jail.

Based on your simple minded calculations, Turnbull must have received a 9 year discount on his sentence for being a farmer, white, christian, anti-environmentalists, supporter of the status quo, male Anglo Saxon. Can there be any other reason.

On the other hand, Droudis must have received a 9 year penalty on her sentence for being a woman, a Muslim, girlfriend of a notorious killer, city dweller, and not being British.

I'll be checking the right wing establishment media, to see if this preferential treatment of, male, white, Anglo Saxon, Christian, anti-environmentalist murdering farmers is systemic. Like the vast silent majority of Australians, I believe it is!

What's your opinion.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 5:19:40 AM
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If your 15 year old daughter is having unprotected sex, it is far more likely to be with her pimply faced 16 year old boyfriend than anyone else. if she should fall pregnant nothing in the criminal justice system is going to rectify the social problems it will cause. You can throw the book at 'Pimples' if you like, it will do a fat lot of good.

Sexual Predators on young girls are far more likely to be an immediate family member, a member of the extended family, or a family friend. The strangers are actually a very small minority, but they all need to be dealt with, the priority should be, first and foremost, the abused child victim, can't legislate for that.

Talking with a friend last night, a professional counselor, on this very subject, telling me about a 14 year old boy, who is going off the rails. He is the son of a 30 year old single mum, she has good job, with good income, they live together in a unit.According to my friend, the problem is not the boy, its mum she is "neurotic", can't form a lasting relationship with anyone, including her son. According to my friend she should not have had a child at 16, nor should she have a child at 30. Regardless of age, some people are not equipped for children, can't handle themselves, let alone a child.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 6:01:34 AM
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Hows this one:
Man stabs his wife to death, then expects bail so he can go back to work...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 7:56:00 AM
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//Man stabs his wife to death, then expects bail so he can go back to work//

Because Australian born criminals never apply for bail after committing violent offences? Sure, AC. Whatever you reckon, buddy.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 8:11:32 AM
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o sung wu,
Thanks for reminding us about the case of the woman refusing to stand in court, I believe she has been charged but the case has not yet come up. It happened late last year.

I recall another similar case that occurred over a traffic incident, where a woman accused an officer of racism and other things. However it was caught on dash cam and she got more than she bargained for. she was exposed as a liar and received a heavy fine.

Be interesting to see the result of the latest case. She should be deported. It pays to keep a file of such incidents. Remember the blokes on rape charges shouting abuse in court, we let them get away with far too much.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 9:31:07 AM
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"A finding of being in contempt of court may result from publication of material or non-disclosure of material, which in doing so is deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial." Sub- judice matters were the offence of publishing views about a court process but now is defined as a charge or summons. An opinion about this woman is therefore contempt and you need pyjamas and toothbrush for 2 weeks.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 9:49:15 AM
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Off thread - apologies.

So we ponder the prevalence in (western) culture regarding lgbti relationships, anal sex, the greater number of child abuse cases being reported and the social experiment(s) carried out by proxy via the Family Court, Child Support agency and vested interests. The ‘Wimmins Industry’ shovelling their vitriol down our throats, per Hollywood, the MSM and news stand magazines …?

Rosie Batty became the 'chosen megaphone' here in Australia.The feminazis had a new champion.

See below from:

Propaganda began with "male bashing." Every male had to find his "feminine" side. "Insensitive men" were given politically correct labels which included chauvinist, deadbeat dad, batterer, rapist, and sexual predator.

Media blitzes and pop feminist literature beat up men who worked long hours. Men didn't spend enough time with their children, wives, or girlfriends. A requirement of a good father was mandatory attendance at birthing classes and birth of children. To assure future pop feminist goals, bonding became important for feminists. "Bonding" and "quality time" were new buzz words used by pop feminists.

Fathers experienced fatherhood from a new perspective unknown to their predecessors. It became apparent fathers did make great parents. Soon, pop feminists began using children as pawns and tools to control men.

Criticism, control, and sensitivity indoctrination persisted until almost every male trait was eliminated. Men started exhibiting effeminate traits, and being "male" was no longer socially acceptable.

See also:

BTW Foxy, being one of those "hidden statistics" & by my very existence, never mentioned because we dare not challenge the status quo by raising our heads above the parapet, for the Wimmins Industry has many snipers - all ready and primed in so, so many facets of our lives, to take us out at the knees. Or with a head shot if necessary.

What we see today in fact is the rise of creeping fascism, now exhibited against every voice of protest, valid or not. It's not a about Islam, Gay Rights or even about freedoms per's all about social control by reducing or removing 'family units' and all about conformity.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 9:53:32 AM
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Dear Albie,

A great deal has changed in the past decades. New
economic roles have brought many women greater
equality with men and also many fresh opportunities.
Particularly the chance to experience careers and
achievements in the world beyond the home. For
their part men have generally reacted positively to
the growing equality of women. In fact in many cases
their roles have become complimentary to those of
women. Our society today is individualistic and
highly open to change and experimentation. Men and
women are able to explore a wide variety of
possible roles. Today all sorts of options are becoming
possible and equally acceptable for both sexes.
Today, for many - a person's individual human
qualities, rather than his or her biological sex is
the primary measure of that person's worth and

Of course society still has many problems as you point out.
There is an astonishing amount of family violence -
between spouses, between parents and offspring, and among the
offspring themselves. We know that wives assault their
husbands as often as husbands assault their wives, and
spouses are equally likely to kill each other. Although
wives are rarely a match for their husbands in a fistfight,
they are more likely to use lethal weapons (kitchen knives).
In most nonfatal physical violence between the spouses,
however, wives are very much the victims, for wife-beating is
a widespread and very serious problem.

I won't even go into child-abuse. That too is alarmingly
common and probably causes many of the million runaways
that happen each year.

Our law system definitely needs to be reformed. And the cuts
to the family court system need to be stopped.
I watched "Q and A" last night with George Brandis as a
guest on the panel. He was pathetic. Same old political
rhetoric. We need a new election - and soon, in this
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 10:37:20 AM
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cont'd ...

Dear Albie,

I forgot to add that I am so sorry for your bad
personal experiences. I wish you well in the
future. May you find greater fulfillment in the
years that lie ahead.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 10:47:24 AM
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Dear o sung wu,

Good to see you are still punching away.

A question if I may. When the matter of someone refusing to stand in court was first addressed by then NSW Attorney-General Brad Hazzard he confirmed that refusing to stand for a judge “did not meet the threshold required for contempt of charges.”

And it was noted by others in the profession;

“It is also worth keeping in mind that the proposal is already highly political, and more in response to dog-whistling from the Daily Telegraph than a serious need for legislative reform in this area.”

In England when a similar incident occurred this was the exchange;

"Appearing at Camberwell Green magistrates court in south London on Saturday, the woman indicated she would plead not guilty after refusing to stand in the dock before the district judge Susan Green. The defendant told the judge: “I’m sorry, it’s part of my religion, so I would prefer to sit down.” Judge Green responded: “I’m not going to argue. Get on with the case.”"

What is responsible for our proverbial bee in the bonnet? Why do you think it has got so much coverage here with so much confected outrage that we felt the need to go to all the trouble to change the law?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 11:34:39 AM
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Cheers Foxy, yes I'd like to see a more honest representation of the facts.

The CSA/Family Court travesty needs a serious look at, but it is now so entrenched on the political gravy train for aspiring/practicing lawyers, psycho-babblers, counsellors, university Bachelors degrees in basket weaving etc, that I suspect even a Royal Commission somehow wouldn't be able to touch it.

A generation on and the RC into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody has achieved little in reducing deaths.

Similar results would be expected if we ever did investigate suicide rates in Australian males in the 16 -36 yr age bracket...the sum total of diddly squat ! Ditto with suicides amongst returning veterans.

As I wrote, the whole thing is orchestrated, manipulated, concocted and by design aimed at reducing the family unit. Whoever is behind it will hopefully, in good time, be exposed and shown to all to be as greedy, corrupt and sinister as the agendas they promote.

A-G Brandis, and before him A-G Ruddock, with all their predecessors going back to Whitlam and Lionel Murphy - all complicit in the creeping fascism I mentioned. The 1974 Family Law legislation, of which I have copies of the first readings and subsequent bills as read to parliament. At it's heart all seemed benign, beneficent and for the good of children, but upon flowering the plant became a toxic weed infesting every facet of family life from the day it was enacted. Like Lantana it is difficult to navigate, and entirely consuming wherever its tendrils reach.

I can only hope and pray that my sons do not have to hack their way through it during their lives.

Back to the thread...yes, my "opinion" as this OLO, is that when in Rome you do as the Romans do, you learn the lingua franca, you assimilate and you obey the laws of the land...just as I would expect to do in whichever country the Islamic faith has rule.

Simple as, you do drugs in Bali, you get caught, you get executed. Do adultery in Saudi Arabia you get stoned to death....easy peasy Japanesy !
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 11:40:41 AM
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Dear Albie,

I always read your posts with great interest.

Please keep up the good work.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 12:08:33 PM
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G'day there BANJO...

Instances of individuals failing to comply with normal judiciary courtesy is quite unusual here. And I must admit I've never seen an incident when I've attended court.

Somehow, and I could be wrong; because this lady failed to stand claiming she was of the Islamic faith and she'd only stand for her God. You would accept that these days, anything that's noteworthy and directly concerns 'Islam' is always topical to the extent, there seems to be an automatic default button of community indignation expressing Society's rage about '...people coming to our country, and not assimilating nor abiding by our customs and laws...', sort of thing ?
Her behaviour was certainly annoying, and disrespectful, but at that precise time didn't (technically) amount to the offence of contempt.

However she was either badly advised (if she was advised at all) or not all that bright, not to show due respect to the ol' beak. As it was he, who was to arbitrate upon the legitimacy of her application for costs, if think it was ? In any event I really think her judgement was seriously flawed ?

FOI I've seen the odd occasion where a Court (the old Quarter Sessions at Parramatta) was cleared because the 'peanut' went off his head during the sentencing stage, and he was about to rearrange the 'Chairman's' (the Judge) physiology completely. Whereas he commenced knocking over, coppers, brief's, witnesses, and anybody else in the way during his violent advance towards the Bench ! I never laughed so much in Court ! Another instance happened in Grafton Magistrates Court, (traffic matter) not nearly so colourful though. It's nice to see the judiciary scrambling away for safety, for a change!
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 1:07:40 PM
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o sung wu,

In the old Court House/Police Station at Hill End (NSW) there is a bullet lodged in a door of one of the cupboards (all thick cedar) in the Court Room.
The accused got stroppy and tried to shoot the Judge but a quick Constable grabbed his arm and diverted the shot.
The local constable shewed it to me back in the 1960s; about .32 at a guess as only part of the bullet can be seen.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 1:55:46 PM
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A Ned Kelly site has :"four Webly revolvers, , eight revolvers , another revolver, two cap-and-ball revolvers, one of which was the Navy Colt .."
but he didn't manage to keep on one in his boot to show the judge. The order to stand before the judge could have had a different meaning.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 2:08:18 PM
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I'm not sure where you live, but the old police station at the Rocks in Sydney, built sometime in the mid 1850's has a Lion set above the ornate stone front door. In the Lion's mouth is this old wooden baton, been there for years, and nobody knows, how, when or why, it was placed thereupon ? Tons of speculation and hearsay (you know what liars coppers are?), but the truth eludes them all.


I honestly can't say what it's all about, though I sent BANJO a response (herein) which might go in some way of explaining all the hysteria associated with this event? As you say the AG Mr HAZZARD didn't think there was much to it, in the scheme of things and neither did many of those on the Bench apparently?

I've always been taught, the Court demands obedience and respect, but can it enforce it, I'm not entirely sure. Something I can attest to, is any crook who wishes to cause the Bench any heartburn, should first pause, then remember it's the Bench who determines their fate.

For that Islamic woman to test the resolve of the Court by failing to observe generations of respect for our system of jurisprudence and legal resolution, is just plain impertinent. I find it utterly incongruous with their willingness to accept our generous succour and benevolence, but not to show due deference and courtesy for our institutions. I'm not for a moment implying this woman is receiving any C'Wealth benefits, other than she lives 'safely' in this beautiful free land Australia.
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 3:10:49 PM
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Is Mise...I read with heart in mouth that recollection, hoping the aforementioned copper had steadied the aim of the defendant in the dock at Hill End.

Metal detectors at courthouses have taken away the fun, with the stipends worrying a lot less I'd imagine.

NNN, young Ned was felled due to blood loss evidently, then capture and eventual hanging. Even though the custom made ironware prevented hits in vital areas, it was no match for the shotgun pellets & .58 &.62 calibre lead projectiles at the short ranges involved.



[Bodies used to support the study of anatomy through dissection tended at the time to be those in a subordinate position within society – criminals, the mentally ill, Aboriginals,and the unclaimed poor – and as such were considered government property, with institutions operating under “a shared understanding of the body as owned not by the subject, but by one or other official body."]

Lest you become unemployed, leading to poorness, leading to being mentally ill - or worse still a non conformist, beware politicians and politically motivated groups. For at the stroke of a pen, the spectre of ideas such as studies of phrenology, as in the past could raise their ugly heads.

Privatising former government entities, these being sold off, "assetisation" of prisons, public housing and the like herald the beginning of the journey to that dark place in our not too distant future. Being aware of the hallmarks of those seeking to undermine and erode democratic principles needs people to be educated and the vested interests hate nothing more than an educated populace.

[Anonymity in all of its forms is the enemy of democracy; transparency, identification and accountability advance the public good. When individuals are permitted to influence political discussions and elections anonymously, whether through PACS or on blogs, democracy suffers as the public discourse inevitably becomes more shrill, more caustic, more negative, more mean-spirited. Civility in public discourse is more likely to be assured when every participant knows the real identity of every other person who is engaged in a political discussion.]

Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 4:23:13 PM
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It's interesting how monarchs being executed or Ned being hung usually obeyed the Law and put their head on the block or in the noose. It would be interesting to just lie on the floor , go limp and talk non-stop until the voice stopped. The person becomes real not just a dead crim and so puts the justice in question. "Such is life" is a good line but the Eureka republic could do with a bit more.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 21 February 2017 8:48:18 PM
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G'day there ALBIE MANTON in DARWIN...

As always you speak a lot of common sense, '...anonymity in all its forms is the enemy of democracy, transparency, identification and accountability advance the public good...' et al.

Often our politically leaders claim it's best they don't acquaint the electorate with all the facts in some contentious matter(s). Alternatively they much prefer to embellish or adorn their announcement(s) with some ebullient language together with equally irrepressible syntax that's less nauseating. For fear it may agitate and perturb us, as if we're all a species of quivering cry baby's who can't be trusted with candour and corroboration from our politicians.

Thank you ALBIE, I found Darwin a delightful place, though the 'silly season' does tend to get a mite uncomfortable I found.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 2:25:03 PM
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Hey Albie Manton in Darwin,

"Anonymity in all of its forms is the enemy of democracy; transparency, identification and accountability advance the public good. When individuals are permitted to influence political discussions and elections anonymously, whether through PACS or on blogs, democracy suffers as the public discourse inevitably becomes more shrill, more caustic, more negative, more mean-spirited. Civility in public discourse is more likely to be assured when every participant knows the real identity of every other person who is engaged in a political discussion."

As an anonymous poster, I'd like to defend my position a little:

I don't post anonymously because I want the right to freely insult and discriminate against others without any repercussion;

What I want is the right to speak freely on issues that are important to me, without having my life completely undermined by those of the left who would deliberately go out of their way to do harm to those who don't agree with them.

People these days will go to extremes, even as far as contacting employers to get people fired and all sorts of things to silence other peoples voices, and that's a drama I can do without.

I know that by posting anonymously others may not take my comments seriously, or think my comments aren't genuine, but that's a price I'm willing to pay in order to be able to speak my mind.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 3:12:02 PM
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This is interesting...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 3:24:39 PM
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Linguists argue against mislabeling:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 4:19:06 PM
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Bungee jumping off the Harbour Bridge , cutting the rope and hopping onto a passing ferry is extreme sport and a Muslim exponent is extremist and an illegal passenger. Extremely illegal if she falls on the legal helmsman , the boat veers towards Mecca and sinks a tourist ship extremely fast drowning legal immigrants.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 5:21:20 PM
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Hey Foxy,
In a way you've proved my point for me.
All these people are funded by elites who are using these activists to pursue an anti-sovereign globalist agenda.
This article relates to the people discussed in your article and also shows a connection of those people to George Soros.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 5:57:35 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

Breitbart News Network is known to paradoxically publish
falsehoods and conspiracy theories, as well as intentionally
misleading stories. The New York Times describes the
organisation as having "ideologically driven journalists"
who "generate controversy over material that has been
called misogynist, xenophobic and racist."
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 6:26:39 PM
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Here is a recent case where a bloke only on one charge of sexual intercourse with a person under care is denied bail. He is named in the paper and even a clear picture of him is included. Note there is no rape charge.

If one looks at the example I gave in my OP the difference in treatment can be seen.

In the case involving the temporary immigrant student, he has many serious charges but was granted bail. His picture is pixelated and name suppressed even though he is 21 yo.

It is reasonable to ask why the difference in treatment
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 8:31:20 PM
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Hey Foxy,
Breitbart, Drudge Report, Infowars, Fox News, etc are all being targeted as fake news.
Yesterday Google moved to cut access to Infowars ad revenue.
Really good short interview at 19:00.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 8:46:18 PM
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Armchair Critic,

I'm encouraged to hear that Google is cutting ad revenue to fake news sites. Facebook is apparently doing the same.

I'd like to learn more, but unfortunately you've only linked us to more fake news for further information. I guess I'll have to Google it.

I'm seeing a lot of this on OLO lately. The last one was about the rape crisis Sweden isn't having. I suppose when academia is unable to produce the facts that you lot want, you have to invent your own.

"Managed by Alex Jones. [Infowars] previously claimed that millions of people have voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election, that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, and that the Democratic Party was hosting a child sex slave ring out of a pizza restaurant." (
Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 9:16:30 PM
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It may be because the teacher groomed a teenage school kid. "According to online profiles, Mr Majoor taught holiday sports programs for primary school students, ."
The Kenyan case was a woman who was able to travel overseas.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 9:35:47 PM
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Can see reason why the teacher was denied bail, its a serious charge. Pity to see two young lives ruined for a quickie, but not the first time it has happened, and won't be the last.

But can see no reason for the African bloke to get bail as he has a heap of serious charges, including life threats to the victim. He is the greater risk of not turning up at court. 20 rape charges is not very common!
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 23 February 2017 3:06:44 AM
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Welcome to Newspeak, the political sanitisation of the English language to massage out unwelcome thoughts, as foreseen by George Orwell in his book 1984.

"Newspeak is the official language of Oceania, scheduled for official adoption around 2050, and designed to make the ideological premises of Ingsoc (Newspeak for English Socialism, the Party’s official political alignment) the only expressible doctrine. Newspeak is engineered to remove even the possibility of rebellious thoughts—the words by which such thoughts might be articulated have been eliminated from the language. Newspeak contains no negative terms. For example, the only way to express the meaning of “bad” is through the word “ungood.” Something extremely bad is called “doubleplus ungood.”

Here we have the attempt by the socialist overlords to remove the term "illegal immigrant" defined as "a person who migrates across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country"
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 23 February 2017 4:36:04 AM
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I just googled and the first page has Oz:
Jan 16, 2017 - Three teens charged over the alleged sexual assault of a young woman have been granted conditional bail after two of their families agreed to ...

2017 .Man accused of raping 'multiple children' in Gold Coast home granted bai ... Despite the horrific nature of the crime, the accused was granted bail ..
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 23 February 2017 6:19:31 AM
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Morning all.

Foxy, AJP, AC, OSW, NNN & quote AC's earlier post: "I know that by posting anonymously others may not take my comments seriously, or think my comments aren't genuine, but that's a price I'm willing to pay in order to be able to speak my mind."

Agree totally. I cut n pasted the text from the reference to bring attention to what it possibly is by being on blogs/forums and expressing your thoughts & comments via that avenue. What concerns me is the actual volume of "disinformation" now available.

I'd like to ask a question of you all here and that is: " When do you think the good sources of online 'answers' that one could get by Googling/Yahooing/- wherever it was that you searched on the weird wired web. After what incident did it all dry up ? "

For mine, I believe it was just after the London & Madrid bombings. Where formerly you could get 15 - 20 good hits with 'independent news sources' from all over the globe and even some half sensible academically based research to link it all up. Navigation through the cesspit that passes for 'news' today is like being up the proverbial creek without a paddle (in a barbed wire canoe).

Today there is a dearth of anything meaningful, as OSW wrote: "For fear it may agitate and perturb us, as if we're all a species of quivering cry baby's who can't be trusted with candour and corroboration from our politicians."

No, I believe it is nothing more than perception management, with its aim of creating that Orwellian nightmare society in '1984'.
So "You are with us and if you are not with us you are against us...simple as that and you will be treated accordingly."

As anonymous as we'd like to think we are online, all it takes is the IP address, your mobile telephone and a 'live circuit' for our minders to track us down. With the thought of preserving some of my anonymity, several months ago I shut down my BookFace account...I've never been happier !
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 23 February 2017 9:31:16 AM
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Well I don't believe you are Albie , or in Darwin or are human. That last post was done by chimpanzees . Just google it.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 23 February 2017 10:23:13 AM
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In the early days in South Australia, an Aboriginal bloke who beat his wife to death would be arrested and tried, with an interpreter if necessary (or freed if one couldn't be found; yes, true) but not sentenced to death, as he would have been if he were non-Aboriginal, but given two years. Somehow the authorities squared that with the status of all Aboriginal people as British subjects.

However, from the records, it seems that if an Aboriginal bloke was living European-style in a cottage, was working, was literate, etc., he would be treated fully by the law as a British subject, with no leniency. One bloke who murdered his wife in the Mallee in 1958 went off to Adelaide Gaol.

The last Aboriginal person executed in SA was hanged in 1862 (for multiple murder), and the last person to be executed in SA was hanged in 1964. 1862. 1964. Clearly, Aboriginal people in SA have usually been very law-abiding since 1862, at least in terms of capital crimes. Check it out on my web-site: - Protector's Page.

In 1840, Governor Hindmarsh exceeded his authority by having two Aboriginal men hanged on the Coorong for the murder of twenty eight castaways from the 'Maria'. He was immediately (a relative term at the time) recalled and replaced by George Grey in 1841.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 23 February 2017 10:31:02 AM
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Begorrah Nick and Eureka !

Typing in the following (Google) search: "chimpanzees post albie manton's opinion's online" produced this wonderful ABC item:

But of course, the correlation of butts and facial recognition is almost entirely about what we are doing here - regularly posting our opinions about the sad state of Australian society in respect to those who 'represent' us...and there we have it ! The troglodytes dragging their knuckles down the corridors of Capital Hill having far too much power and sway in our everyday lives.

If only the average voter in the electorate knew just how much influence he/she/we have individually under our Constitution, the sheer terror it would bring to each and every parliamentarian once those like minds exercised their will and got off their backsides and wrote/emailed to their local/state/federal member, the situation would change within months - if not weeks.

There would be no need for concern from the spectre of Ms Hanson's maiden speech, no cause to fear the MSM induced 'Islamic invasion' and no anxiety about the creeping fascism that has steadily infected all facets of our lives here. Educating ones self about the situation requires a bit more than Googling though, but it can steer you in the right direction if you enquire with an open mind.

And NNN...well spotted - I'm not in Darwin these days, but living (very happily FB free) in sunny Perth.

Cheers AM.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 23 February 2017 1:34:17 PM
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I'll be mountain in the wind.
Got it.
"We have some great day walking trails right on our doorstep here in Perth and there’s nothing better for recharging the batteries than heading out for a day of bushwalking. Plus, these day walks are a fantastic way to train for our longer, guided walking tours like the Cape to Cape Track, the Bibbulmun Track or in the Stirling Ranges."
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 23 February 2017 4:25:38 PM
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Hey AJ Philips,
I can accept you hold a different opinion, but I don't know why you would.

This targeting of 'fake news' isn't really about 'fake news' at all.
It's politically motivated to target conservative pro-sovereign websites, and websites critical of the establishment or supportive of Trump.
If Hillary Clinton had've won the'd be going after the 'alt-right' anyway.
I read that 'Reddit' have also deleted a popular Trump forum as well.

- So what you have is Silicon Valley working together to deliberately cut the funding and shut down the speech of people they don't agree with.
I really shouldn't have to go further into this topic and the danger this represents.

"The last one was about the rape crisis Sweden isn't having."
Really? Well you've obviously been eating up the crap they spoon feed you.
Here's a good one; 'Swedish Prime Minister Mocks Trump Hours Before Riots Break Out In Stockholm'
Interesting... Obviously your news didn't inform you of that one...
What about this: 'Swedish Police: Government Covering Up Huge Migrant Crime Spree'
Did you hear about how liberal left girls went to a festival to welcome the migrants; and then got gang raped for hours while the police and security looked on?
No because their government are progressive feminists and you could be put in jail talking about this is a 'hate crime'.

Maybe you have 'Stockholm Syndrome'?
I'm betting you're just watching the wrong news.

"Managed by Alex Jones..."
I don't need someone else's opinion of what the show is.
I watch it often enough to form my own opinion.
Feel free to try it and find out.
If you find anything 'fake' let me know.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 February 2017 9:30:18 PM
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I've now also seen evidence of Google removing sites (including individual pages) from it's search index.
One of the sites that was recently threatened to attack or be destroyed has now been completely delisted.
None of its 140,000 pages of content are accessible through google search.

You do all realise that none of our own national freedom of speech laws will matter in a globalist world where the rules are dictated by the corporations?

Albie Manton from Darwin,
You think around 2005 hey?
After Facebook started but before the GFC?
Sounds almost spot on actually because it coincides around the exact time 'Media Matters' came on the scene, a year earlier in mid 2004.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 February 2017 2:08:28 AM
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Banjo, how are those stats going? Any tends emerging? I asked you to comment on a couple of high profile murder cases which fitted your bill oerfectly, but not a peep out of you. Are you simply a far right blowhard who see everything through his minds eye and nothing else.

A bit of a refresher;

1. Farmer, Ian Turnbull murders environmental officer Glen Turner, Turnbull receives 35 years jail.

2. Girl friend of Man Monis, Amirah Droudis murder Monis's ex-wife Helen Lee, Droudis receives 44 years jail.

It not sex crime, but please tell me all about it, did Turnbull receive a light sentence, did Droudis receive too harsh a sentence, did they both receive too harsh a sentence, or too light a sentence, or was it all okay by you. The permutations are somewhat long. Then if one or both sentences are wrong, what should they be?

"The types of crimes I (Banjo) will look for are rape of women, especially underage girls, sexual assaults, underage marriages." Better not look at car thieves, might turn up some of the good guys.

If I missed your reply among all the other rubbish I apologist in advance.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 February 2017 10:12:00 AM
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Typical Paul1405, constantly demanding that others provide evidence - which he takes no notice of anyhow and immediately changes the goal posts - but he himself never sees why he should give any facts at all.

What the OP is asking about is real enough, but it needs to be put another way. In sentencing there are objective and subjective matters considered. Objective could be that the rape was committed against a girl minor. Subjective could be that the gang who committed the rape are indigenous, or from the Sudan, where their upbringing/exposure excused or diminished rape and/or it was a common offence, or what Australian law would also construe as other serious offences , were being committed. It is not enough that the offender knew it was an offence there and in Australia, nor that he chose to commit the crime.

It is not the ethnicity that might reduce the sentence but the defence barrister's claimed sorry background of the offender. However, multicultural political correctness that is often reflected in government policy can also influence judges, and police and prosecutors too, who know that some cases can be thrown out of court or treated leniently.

Banjo and many others in the electorate are experiencing difficulty understanding why factors arising from the membership of a particular ethnic group should excuse and diminish their culpability and the sentencing. In similar threads n example was cited of community pressure resulting in the successful Qld appeal against the slap on the wrist for the rape of an indigenous child minor by indigenous gang rapists.

Of course the Greens are soft on criminals and are forever going on about criminals rights, and are always forgetful where the rights of victims of crime and public safety are concerned.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 25 February 2017 11:36:15 AM
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Armchair Critic,

What constitutes fake news has nothing to do with the political persuasion of the news. Fake news is the deliberate spreading of misinformation, and it’s easy to spot.

Even Trump uses the term, only he applies it to real news.

<<Really? Well you've obviously been eating up the crap they spoon feed you.>>

Yes, really. This touches on my area of expertise, so I have the know-how to quickly to verify the claim myself without having to be “spoon fed” anything.

In short, the number of REPORTED rapes in Sweden has claimed dramatically and there are two factors influencing this increase: increased reporting rates, and the broadening of the scope of what constitutes a rape. The most accurate way of determining the actual rate of rapes is through victim report surveys, and these indicate that there has been no change in the last 10 years.

Sweden is not in the midst of a rape crisis. This is a right-wing internet rumour.

Thanks for the links, but most lead to fake news sites. Can you provide some credible sources?
Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 25 February 2017 11:42:27 AM
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Of course, that should read "RISEN dramatically".
Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 25 February 2017 12:16:02 PM
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G'day there PAUL1405...

Sentencing has always proved controversial in Oz, more often than not aligned to an emotional perspective. If you were to canvas a group of detectives, as a general rule the length of penal servitude is always patently insufficient. Whereas if you were to discuss it with say the NSW Prisoner's Action Group, the penalties are always excessive and dreadfully unfair.

The worst crime in my (operational) memory was the Virginia MORSE murder. Though I can make no claim to be an integral part of that investigation, I was nevertheless on the periphery of the matter, and so horrid were the circumstances, a senior detective who was among those at the very coal face needed to be restrained when he removed his revolver and was about to shoot the pair (Messrs CRUMP & BAKER) out of hand ! There were several members who openly wept, when dealing with Mrs MORSE'S remains at the crime scene.

I believe crimes against the person resonate far more with the public's perception of adequate penalties, than property crimes. Whether foreigners should or shouldn't receive exactly the same penalty as anyone else, is immaterial. Any member of the judiciary worth their salt, should be quite impartial when the ethnicity of an individual bears any relationship, apropos their degree of culpability, or the degree of punishment, as long as all the other safeguards and standards are appropriately observed. Specifically the mens rea (guilty mind) and the actus reus (the criminal act) are stringently preserved and safeguarded.

That is why police add the additional 'anunga (sic) rules' to the ordinary 'judges rules' at the point of arrest of an aboriginal for a serious indictable offence. It simply provides additional protections for the charged (aboriginal) individual, as more often than not, they've not got a clue as to what's going on, to a greater or lessor degree.

Likewise police must always ensure ethnic people fully comprehend what's occurring, whenever they come under police notice, to do otherwise, you'll lose a heap of bark from the presiding judiciary whenever you 'jump the box' so to speak.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 25 February 2017 1:08:58 PM
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Speaking of far right blowhards, Leo W can't say its good to hear from the 'reincarnated one' as you obliviously are, but never the less here you are slogging away at The Greens as if you had never left the forum and gone into several months of hibernation. Were you incarcerated for a time, what was the wrap. Can we compare your time out with that of notorious evil doer Achmad Muhammad? If for no other reason than have Banjo add you both to his ever growing list of statistics.
Or you could comment on the outcomes of the two murder cases I put forward.

Hi o sung wu,

I totally agree, crimes against the person should always attract a higher penalty than property crime.
My point on this thread is, it is both impossible and unreasonable to believe that any of us, including Banjo, can some how make a reasonable estimate as to the fairness or otherwise of sentence based on a scant media report.
It would like asking was is the penalty for failing an RBT? The answer it varies according to the reading. the circumstance. the history etc.
I once sat on a jury for several months in a criminal case, and the evidence was painstaking, volumes of it, daily transcripts, the lot. What was presented in the court room, compared to what was reported in the papers was chalk and cheese.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 February 2017 4:07:05 PM
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You do carry on like when the facts do not support your opinions.

Rather than fly into rage and invective you would be better off pulling your head in and educating yourself. Those years of exposure to politics that you claim is a long time to be ignorant of the basics.

Start with s21A(1), Crime (Sentencing procedures) Act.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 25 February 2017 4:33:43 PM
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Hey AJ Philips,
"What constitutes fake news has nothing to do with the political persuasion of the news.
Fake news is the deliberate spreading of misinformation, and it’s easy to spot."

I can tell you I see elements of biased reporting, mistruths, deliberate omission facts etc. in a lot of mainstream media articles; maybe as much as half.
You can argue all you want and maybe you and others are too stupid to spot it, but tha'ts how it is.
I've actually looked at and watched many different sources within the independent so-called 'alt-right' media for years so I see both sides of the story, not just the one side you get.
Your being played and you're too stupid to see it.

Even Huffington Post admitted Trump was right, but they must've got the phone call to take the article down.

How bout this one?

Let me ask you do you know The Washington Post got a $600 million contract from the CIA?

You're right they aren't spoon feeding you.
You're face down in the trough slurping it up.

They want control of three things: Currency, Government, Flow of Information.
They need to control the flow of information, this is why they started the campaign for 'fake' news.
People are starting to listen to other media sources and not the corporate media.
The people are starting to realise the corporate media is not reporting on whats really going on and that they're using propaganda to convince people.

Heres another Sweden article btw.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 February 2017 8:09:32 PM
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How many times does the mainstream media and the 'useful idiots' bang on about Russia stealing Crimea?
Where's the reporting the facts that Victoria Nuland admitted US spent $5bln in connection with Soros groups organising and mounting a coup?

What about Libya?
Where's the reporting that that Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice etc, overthrew Ghaddafi, destroyed an entire nation and created 2 million refugees that entered Europe, and opened the door to other African refugees?

What about Assad?
That the US has been training arming and funding the rebels, who are not 'moderate', knowingly used IS and allowed them to expand based on an Anti-Assad agenda?

What about WMD's in Iraq?
It's all lies, there's plenty of evidence to see in white papers and other publications if you simply go looking for it.

Everything they accuse Trump of they've been doing themselves.
Did you know Bill Clinton sent a team to Russia to help get Yeltsin re-elected?
Or that he signed off allowing the consolidation of the media into the 6 main US companies today?
McCain soliciting Electoral contributions from Russia?
Clinton Foundation receiving payment for selling 20% US Uranium to Russia?

At this point I think its fair to say the Trump administration is under siege, (though this will have to be business as usual) and I'd expect a few things to unfold in the following months.
The protest movements and media attacks on Trump will increase, coinciding with attacks on the Pro-Trump Pro-Sovereign Independent media by Tech Giants to shut down their funding and silence them.
This is an attempt to divide Trump from his supporters.
There's also going to be a push to have Trump removed using the 25th Amendment saying he's 'unfit for office'.
If Trump can be undermined enough that his administration is in shambles AND divided from his supporters and his approval rating lowered by a complicit media, the bought-and-paid-for Republican Establishment will go along with Trumps removal.

It's pretty much sink or swim for Trumpy at the moment, and I'm not sure he's capable of fighting off the attacks against him.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 February 2017 9:11:12 PM
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Leo W, "fly into rage" I never fly into anything including a rage. You may have the desire to play amateur legal eagle, so be it, I have no such desire.
Your obvious hate obsession with all things Green clouds your judgement and colors your opinions. example: "the Greens are soft on criminals", an unsubstantiated load of nonsense if ever there was one, possibly you were in a fit of rage when you made that silly statement.

On this topic, no evidence has been produced that shows refugees and immigrants get more lenient sentences in courts, and i see no reason why they should. The only so called evidence is the one eyed perception of right wing ratbags posting nonsense. Evidence it is clearly not.

Leo do you have any evidence? Or are you in the same boat.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 February 2017 9:37:00 PM
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Your comprehension fails you. But then no-one really expects you to do any better than your self-revealing, racist 'joke' directed at Chinese where you speculated there was an export market (conducted by and for Asians one presumes). Here it is,

"Could there be a verging export market here?

"One evening several friends went out to a local Chinese restaurant for a celebratory meal. Half way through the meal one of the party suddenly started to cough and choke. Thoroughly alarmed they rushed her to hospital and she had to undergo minor surgery to remove a small bone stuck in her throat.

The surgeon who removed the bone was somewhat perplexed as he did not recognise the type of bone found. He therefore sent it off for analysis and the report came back saying that it was a cat bone.

The public health department immediately visited the restaurant to inspect the kitchens and in the fridge they found numerous frozen cats, half an Alsatian dog and several rats all waiting to be served up."

Remember our motto here at 'Paulie's Prepared Foods'..."WHEN COOKED IT ALL TASTES LIKE CHICKEN!"

Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:04:56 AM

What bald-faced hypocrisy and you don't even seem to recognise that fact.

As regards my earlier post, s21A(1), Crime (Sentencing procedures) Act is highly relevant to this thread and I explained why. I gave an example from Qld and any discussion of this Section of NSW law will give case law examples from NSW.

In your case it is never possible to elevate the discussion. However other posters might like to elevate the discussion above your childish taunts and posturing and get something out of the thread.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 26 February 2017 10:25:00 AM
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Leo W. you have "cleverly" changed your nick on the forum to no doubt distance yourself from the blatant racism you displayed time and again previously. That post of mine was a cut and paste straight off the internet, from reliable news, not the work of yours truly at all. You who bang on repeatedly about the absurdity of political correctness when it suits, hypocritically wants to take the moral high ground when you perceive there is some advantage in it for you. No all are as sensitive as you, who would cross the street or vote Hanson, to avoid those you believe to be inferior, yet stick yourself on an anonymous forum where you can take um-bridge at something that does not offend anyone.

I am still waiting for evidence that supports the original proposition. It is not forthcoming because it does not exist.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 February 2017 11:50:43 AM
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Leo, the CRIMES (SENTENCING PROCEDURE) ACT 1999 - SECT 21A, makes no reference to refugees or immigrants, what are you on about? As an amateur legal spoof maybe you can read something into it that others can not.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 February 2017 12:03:53 PM
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@Paul1405, Sunday, 26 February 2017 11:50:43 AM

I will disregard your defensive bluster and forum bait. However you have not apologised for that disgraceful slur against Chinese. Greens hypocrisy.

@Paul1405, Sunday, 26 February 2017 12:03:53 PM

You are wrong,

Just as I said in my earlier post, before you went on with all of that rot.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 26 February 2017 1:34:33 PM
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Interesting Leo W that you find it "racists" if one makes reference to others carniverous eating habits, as published in the US media, and on a threat discussing feral cats, be it the consumption of cats, dogs, mutton birds or pigs etc etc, something I have no problem with. Some Asian people will eat cats and dogs, that is a fact, they probably enjoy them, so what, I know a mutton bird eater, tried it myself. does that make me racists?

What is racists is the way you support One Nation and the racists remakes of Pauline Hanson, past remakes about Australia being over run by Asians, here relentless criticism of Muslims, refugees, immigrants, and our Indigenous people. in fact, like you she has never had a good word to say about non-whites in general, and you claim not to be racists, a hypocrite of the highest order.

For you and others the title of the thread is nothing but a rhetorical question, there is no evidence that will sway you from your raciest beliefs.

As for your link, what do you conclude from that particular law?
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 February 2017 10:30:11 PM
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You try to blame-shift for your Chinese restaurant 'joke' that YOU posted on OLO.

Do the decent thing and apologise for that disgraceful slur against Chinese.

Greens double standards and hypocrisy.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 8:08:12 AM
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Leo W, or whatever you are calling yourself this week, like your distorted views on race, it was a cut past from a news article, not a joke at all, other than the type of restaurant, no race was mentioned, you are the one stereotyping Chinese, if its a Chinese restaurant it must be run by Chinese, why? How is it raciest to make reference to what people eat, Mexicans eat grasshoppers, and do you know what goes into the Aussie meat pie, is that racists? Your racists held views are the joke. As for doing anything you might suggest, that will be the day. I take it as a Hansonite, racism is your prerogative.

What should one make of that law you posted, is is suppose to prove your case, if it is, you are a very poor lawyer.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 9:13:27 AM
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Still squirming trying to get out of it, Paul1405?
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 1:09:51 PM
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Chinese take away beef is usually soft without fibre and may well be cat / dog / panda with bamboo shoots.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 1:51:05 PM
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"Used car salesman turned Bigfoot 'hunter' claims he is able to prove he killed the legendary beast and is now touring with its corpse . Rick Dyer claims to have killed the Bigfoot in Texas in September 2012 . Says he shot the creature dead after luring it with pork ribs nailed to a tree ."

Uncyclopedia, in collaboration with the famous Restaurant Le Cadavre proudly presents: A Connoisseur's Guide to Dishes on Endangered Species!

Baby Baked Panda Parmesan Pasta

Ingredients: one baby Panda (serves eight), 2 1/4 cups grated Parmesan cheese, divided
Capture panda from local zoo (unless you happen to live in China, in which case you might find one in a forest near a grove of bamboo). Evade zookeepers and police vehicles. Preheat oven to 400F.
While oven is preheating, shoot and butcher panda. Take care not to shoot yourself in the bigfoot. Then clean up the broken glass and damage panda did to your house while you were chasing it around.
While panda is cooking, put broccoli into a large saucepan; add water to cover
Bake panda until lightly browned and bubbly, about 25 minutes.
Serving Suggestions: Serve with red Italian Tosca wine. Afterwards, why not phone a lesbian (ex-girlfriend or something) and tell her how good your meal was? For a special treat: Find a cave to hide out in until law enforcement agents stop looking for you. Wear bite-proof pants in case they send in the K-9 unit.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 2:12:48 PM
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"migrants too, who lob in Sydney and stay near to Centrelink."

There you go LeoW, stereotyping and vilifying ALL migrants as lazy, layabouts who have to hang around Centrelink, and live off the public purse! Could be seen as racists, as your dislike for migrants for what ever reasons is well known. As a Hansonite you see it as your right to be racists.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 March 2017 9:45:25 AM
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You are sure squirming. Taking things out of context and putting your spin on them is a usual for you to blame shift.

Whereas your offensive 'joke' directed at Chinese is here and forever witness to your and Greens, hypocrisy. Here it is, courtesy of amateur funnyman Paul1405,

"Could there be a verging export market here?

"One evening several friends went out to a local Chinese restaurant for a celebratory meal. Half way through the meal one of the party suddenly started to cough and choke. Thoroughly alarmed they rushed her to hospital and she had to undergo minor surgery to remove a small bone stuck in her throat.

The surgeon who removed the bone was somewhat perplexed as he did not recognise the type of bone found. He therefore sent it off for analysis and the report came back saying that it was a cat bone.

The public health department immediately visited the restaurant to inspect the kitchens and in the fridge they found numerous frozen cats, half an Alsatian dog and several rats all waiting to be served up."

Remember our motto here at 'Paulie's Prepared Foods'..."WHEN COOKED IT ALL TASTES LIKE CHICKEN!"

Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:04:56 AM

What bald-faced hypocrisy and you don't even see any need to apologise to the Asian community on OLO. Typical Greens.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 2 March 2017 10:48:38 AM
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Let's hope the dog meat is Australian Kelpie and not Chinese Shar pei or the Japanese dog breed Akita. Asian dog meat is not Australian value.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 2 March 2017 11:20:27 AM
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Dachshund sausages are goot.
"French news sources from the late 19th century carried stories reporting lines of people buying dog meat, which was described as being "beautiful and light". During the Siege of Paris (1870–1871), there were lines at butchers' shops of people waiting to purchase dog meat. Dog meat was also reported as being sold by some butchers in Paris in 1910.

Dog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis since, at least, the time of Frederick the Great, and is commonly referred to as "blockade mutton". In the early 20th century, high meat prices led to widespread consumption of horse and dog meat in Germany. The consumption of dog meat continued in the 1920s."
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 2 March 2017 11:32:02 AM
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Don't blame the Australian white population for the perceptions of
Aboriginals and Muslims, the blame lies with the members of their own people
Who cannot behave.

It's Muslims like Isis and their threats and plots against Western people and their countries that have caused the suspicion and mistrust of Muslims.

The Aboriginals, Like the ones here in my town, who steal 27cars a month, and
who are roaming the streets in groups looking for opportunities to break in
while hard working families are at work and school. A group of them recently
drove a stolen car to the courthouse for their hearing day.
The reason why, they're so brazen? Ask the local police,who tell the local newspaper
that these abo youth are repeat offenders. They constantly catch them, but they
get 2or3weeks in detention and they catch them doing exactly the same thing in a few weeks time.
People here are sick to death of the little and not so little 16 &17year old thugs.

I just shake my head in disbelief, when I hear the down south people talk on TV
about the unfair bias against the aboriginals for being thieves and little troublemakers.
Come up here to this big northern city and talk to the residents and the
local newspaper.
Get the true story and stop believing the aboriginal blame shifting.
Never any mention of the victims of these Abo criminals, the trauma of having their
house broken into, windows smashed. Having to deal with the family car being trashed.
Let's hear this mentioned on the ABC and SBS shows.

On a few Occasions growing up in this city I could have taken aboriginal groups
To court under 18C if it had existed then.
Never hear the story from the Decent white people do we. Just abo lies.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 2 March 2017 11:06:13 PM
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