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Renewables part in South Australia's network collapse

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Hi SM,
I'm pleased you took the trouble to do some research instead of just blurting out the first politically expedient thing that came to mind, as you usually do.

Of course I know that voltage and current are in phase. I should apologise to Bazz, who did catch my lie, but was then bamboozled by some gobbledegook. I was hoping for a little more argument, but my apparently authoritative confidence was enough for him to accept my completely erroneous claim.

Does any of that strike you as familiar?
Posted by Craig Minns, Friday, 7 October 2016 7:29:45 AM
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Hmmm Craig, are you trying to be a technical troll ?
The difference between phases is 120 deg, which was why I suggested
the current phase difference 60 deg. However I forgot the third phase.
Then the pages you referred to had formulae which is now beyond my
comprehension and gave a result of 30 deg.

Anyway, your last offering means that even in technical discussions
you can not be trusted to be honest and from now on anything you post
simply must be ignored.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 7 October 2016 7:58:36 AM
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I'm sorry you feel that way Bazz. I guess I was being a "technical troll" and I'll offer a mea culpa, but I'd like to think it was for a good purpose.

I would hope that you would check whatever anybody says that sounds dodgy, rather than simply "ignoring" it. I do and if I care enough about the subject I'll offer a correction. That's the way knowledge advances. It's not the way that this site has worked for some time though, with group-identity being the main driver.

Anyway, I do apologise for picking on you, there was nothing personal in it. You should have realised something was up when I brushed off your query with the comment about it being very hard to understand. Distribution networks are complex, but phase relationships aren't.

I will always try to give a proper explanation if questioned, or acknowledge if I can't in general.

Lacking knowledge isn't a crime, but claiming knowledge you don't have to support a case that is simply wrong, as is so often the case on sites like this, should be recognised for the dangerous tomfoolery that it is.
Posted by Craig Minns, Friday, 7 October 2016 8:38:19 AM
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When you have sunk to the bottom, stop digging. You are all too quick to rubbish the posts of others whilst not bothering to check your facts. I note that you have yet to successfully challenge a single post of mine.

I never post technical or other information without some reading and if I do get it wrong I readily admit it. Similarly, I don't blurt out the first political expendient thing that comes to minds as you so dishonestly suggested. While you might try and baffle people with BS, I don't. I don't have the mendacious reputation that you clearly do.

I have designed, installed and commissioned co generation systems, transmission lines, protection and auto synch controls, (mostly more than a decade ago) and am more than familiar with the stability problems that intermittent supplies cause.

If you want a genuine debate on the merits, I am happy to oblige until then I request that you keep the trolling to a minimum.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 October 2016 1:16:31 PM
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SM, your posts aren't often worth fact checking, because you will draw the same conclusions whichever facts are presented. Your argument is derived from advocacy for a predetermined ideological/partisan political position rather than on improving understanding or exploring an issue to arrive at a best solution.

Therefore, there's no point in getting into a slanging match about facts - they're simply not relevant to your arguments.

On the other hand, you love to try to nitpick tiny flaws in other people's factual statements and try to pretend that this invalidates their entire argument, because what you really can't risk is an argument on fundamental principles.

I will take your claims to expertise at face value, but with a grain of salt. Your initial post in this thread was quite good and to a large extent I agree with it, but then you discovered that there was a political witch hunt being launched on renewables (what a shock) and changed your tune accordingly.

If you genuinely understand the problems of grids under large transient load variations, then you have a responsibility not to mislead people by giving them bad information, as you did. That was the point of this exercise.

Anyway, I think my point has been made. Try to do better.
Posted by Craig Minns, Friday, 7 October 2016 1:41:37 PM
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I'm primarily a transport planner, but there's a lot of overlap between that and rail engineering.

In railcars and LRVs, IGBTs have, as Shadow said, been dominant since the 1990s. But until the 21st century they weren't regarded as a practical replacement for GTOs in locomotives because the amount of power they could handle was too small, so a lot of them were required in parallel. But improving technology has decreased the number required.

I originally took your phase discrepancy comments to mean that current is 30º out of phase with voltage because the load's inductive not resistive. But now it appears that's complete rubbish, and you may have been clumsily trying to make the point that (voltage and current) between two phases is 30º out of phase with one of the phases. Was that what you were trying to say?

'Tis best to keep trolling to zero, otherwise not only will you get flamed, but your arguments will lose all credibility in the eyes of most readers.

ttbn, I'm well aware what "outhouse" meant, but the "outhouse rat" nickname seems to be used exclusively by you, and it wasn't clear who you were referring to (though I presume you mean Weatherill) or why. What does your (almost certainly fictional) allegation of expecting to get "near the maximum of one Vic power station" have to do with anything?

If the problem originated at the wind farms themselves rather than on the powerlines they connected to, I wouldn't've expected the shutdown to be anywhere near that rapid. And we do know that faults in the powerlines started to occur before the supply droopy. But I guess we're going to have to wait for the final report for a definitive answer.

If you really do have evidence of the closures, perhaps you'd like to post a link to it?
Otherwise I remain skeptical, as earlier this week you were denying the gas plants even existed!

And SA certainly doesn't rely on charity from Victoria for our power. It's business, not charity, and Victoria has similar arrangements with NSW and Tasmania.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 7 October 2016 3:15:09 PM
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