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Milking Globalisation excuses.
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Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 16 August 2016 1:36:03 PM
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Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 18 August 2016 10:49:09 AM
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Globalisation, like 'free trade deal' is a blight, foisted on Australia by the likes of Andrew Robb, who hastely left politics after the ridiculous charade he was involved in with China.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 18 August 2016 12:00:22 PM
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Yep, globalisation has been a disaster.... Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 18 August 2016 12:24:20 PM
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Australian milk industry is a another example of boom bust capitalism blame busts on free market forces influenced by globalisation.
What's happening to the milk industry is similar to the North Australian live cattle export industry. So called experts encourage Australian industry to export products to other countries. Governments lower trade tariffs, family industries are encouraged to borrow money and buy: neighbouring farms; invest in milking equipment; trucks to deliver supplies and materials to mining camps. Borrowers told the future is bright, feeling good about believing optimistic predictions, many poor emotional thinking previously out of work hopeful people buying into booming priced houses on long term bright future predictions. Globalisation is a trap: over supply of commodities, competition sending commodity prices down; currency exchange market prices change to market forces excuses; as interest rates decrease, countries invest in competing industries, eventually putting pressure on governments to raise trade tariffs to protect new industries against foreign competition. New foreign industry producers send over-supplied products into new market making the same products. Barriers go up to protect local industries. Which are why trade tariffs exist in the first place. Countries not raising tariffs, holding onto Globalisation will fix inflation, lowering interest rates to aid further industry borrowing, increasing investment, increasing productivity, too much competition producing too much of what people don't want to buy, lowering prices. Lowering prices does not mean increased customer purchasing. Subsidised dumping over supplied commodities lowers demand for unsubsidised production. Unsubsidised manufacturing fails, closing down, firing workers until balanced between demand for products and availability for providing products returns, rising prices turns into inflation, increasing interest rates, which increases borrowing costs making manufacturing products more expensive to produce, increasing prices on products up for sale: boom bust going back to normal production, supply equals demand cost effective manufacturing industry. In the resulting boom bust cycle, employment increase working class long term borrowing, many working class end in worse poverty than before a boom borrowing period began. I recently heard, “the mining industry would be better off if the mining boom never happened”. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:08:54 PM
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Because bad things happen to a number of industries, the many people not effected by boom busts, aren't complaining as they are more distracted by their own concerns and distractions.
Having watched August 15, Four Corners. World milk markets are over supplied: EU removed quoters on the dairy industry; Russia stopped importing milk products; Milk powder sold to China mentioned on Four Corners, then without any stated reasons, “China crashed”. What seems to have happened was milk co-op executives signed up co-op milk producers using complex worded contracts promoted by verbal assurances that gave Murray Goulburn executives and board members the legal rights to do what they wanted. Milk co-op was floated, shares given to who knows, I expect, removing co-op members of influencing co-op policies. Four Corner program details are selective and vague, spending too much time of the 45 minutes on showing farmers cattle. Two milk companies mentioned, executives used the over supply of milk to sign up agreements with big supermarkets to supply milk at below farm gate sustainable profit making prices. “Supermarket Brand” low priced milk persuades supermarket customers to buy cheaper Supermarket Brand priced milk, reducing demand on more expensive brand milks, reducing better incomes for milk producers. Its bad enough to compete with lower priced foreign competitors milk products, local milk co-op packing companies made local milk producers compete against their own below retail priced “dumped” milk... subsidised by milk farm producers. As China was blamed for dumping below cost to produce steel onto world markets, Australian steel producers can't compete, shutting down. Australian milk companies used Australian produced milk to shut down Australian and New Zealand producing milk industry. Even worse, Murray Goulburn milk company demanding previously paid money to milk producers, to pay back AU$200 million back to a share holders owned milk company. Fonterra milk company seems to want undefined money back from milk producers. Milk producers contracted agreements with co-ops, leave milk producers less money after “told to pay back” co-op deductions, having milk passed onto co-ops. Government offering low interest loans, more debt. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:14:14 PM
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I often say, there exists a hidden ruling class establishment. I said more than 1 year ago, 2016 is the year of a share market crash. There seems to be an illusion of share markets holding up due to a stated by Alan Kohler of a world supply of cash needing somewhere to go, cash having left European markets soon after Brexit, placed in non European share and bond markets. The obvious fear is when cash runs out of these falsely inflated over priced markets.
One manipulating idea is that finance media scare listeners about over priced markets so often, seeing nothing happening, listeners can never know when to be aware of a future crises. Western Australia; South Australia and Queensland are having difficulties getting over there boom periods. Westpack allowing for increased bad and doubtful debts. Holden and Ford having not yet closed down. South Australia aren't beginning to built submarines for another 10 years. Glenn Stephens lowering interest rates, banks maximising lending to borrowers on borrowers ability to service lower interest loans. Many other borrowers bank supported borrowings, bidding up property auctions. Good for sellers of property, bad for buyers of property. Most property are old already built buildings which maybe subject to renovating, consuming money, sellers having newly acquired cash placed into banks, adding to banks needing to lend new cash deposits, creating “margin spread” profits. Money could have been used to build new buildings over a longer period. Here is a history example, possible future scary indicator: Second World War baby boom generation born around 1946, aged around aged 70 years. Now... in 2016, could be a metaphorically speaking “end of time”. In between 1987 to 1989 boom period followed by a 1989 bust Paul Keating's “This is the recession Australia had to have”, was the First World War born around 1919, 70 year old working class citizens metaphorically speaking “end of time”. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:20:44 PM
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March 1983 elected Bob Hawke Labor party floating Australian dollar removed fixed currency protectionism, allowing Australian farmers to be borrowing money from Swiss banks at low interest rates. When Australian interest rates declined, not shown in RBA statistics, yet mentioned on an Australian documentary “Making Australia Great: Inside Our Longest Boom”. Australian currency went from AU$1.00 buys US$1.40 to AU$1.00 buys US$0.80. Resulting in Australian farmers having taken advice from banks to borrow Swiss Franks, eventually farmers debt obligations in Swiss Franks doubled, sending many farmers bankrupt, many farmers losing their farms. Bankrupt farmers are forgotten while Bob Hawke and Paul Keating are praised by financial media historians and the federal Liberal party.
Federal banking and corporate laws allow establishment controlled banks and share market traded companies, all about maximising profits for share holder excuses, to carry out unethical behaviour, catholic church written bible end of time ideology to get away with manipulating accumulated wealth out of the control of working class. Church ethical excuses being “working class having no money to purchase limited resources is good for the environment”. As priests blamed a far away god, CEOs through media blame “Globalisation” far away global market forces. Malcolm Turnbull and N.S.W. premier Mike Baird have already stated they are Catholics. So you have only to blame your own ignorance and denial for not wanting to take notice of what's happening, falling for finance media's “set up to be used in the future” bad excuses federal budget deficit concerns and politicians acting helplessness behaviours. Federal government leader tax cut statements, are like saying, “only market forces capitalism can run and or fix economies” and because taxes were cut, budget deficits were not managed for fixing a future crises. I could speculate, all the resent media on how problems in society: Nauru child molesting; aboriginal detention centres; budget deficits; school NAPLAN results; Hospital administration. Are propaganda conditioning Australian judgemental reactions to except “governments can't fix anything”. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:26:17 PM
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Correctly educated citizens I believe wouldn't easily believe the lies. Traumatised, badly educated citizens I truly believe can't help themselves, having to believe the years of lies, otherwise they feel fear for being incorrectly believing what was believed in the past.
There's a scene in the Four Corners program where a man is describing a Murray Goulburn director telling the man, “you don't understand, we have our matrix operating”. The word matrix was used twice in the Four Corners program. One version of what a matrix means is the 1999 movie “The Matrix”. The Matrix movie is more visually explained, rather than being explained using words. The Matrix movie seems to be about real humans plugged into a machine which creates a delusion and or an illusion of people working in a city full of high rise buildings. The buildings at times become rubbery. If I were to assume what the Four Corners Murray Goulburn director meant using the word matrix, I could speculate that banking money tokens go around the banking system, being lent, 5 business days clearance period, paying depositors interest on first day money tokens are deposited into accounts, relent after 5 business days. Following one token being lent to borrowers 52 times in each single year. Before the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Church considered lending money for the purpose of collecting interest was a sin, labelled “usury”. The Catholic Church was all about selling after death afterlife promises; prayers and masses to parishioners. Using money to repair and build churches. In 1400s Catholic societies, Jews were often allowed to lend money, Jews benefiting from interest. I could assume introduced protestants also were excused from lending money, benefiting from interest earnings, hence a persuasive reason protestant religions began. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:33:25 PM
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When economic hardship is blamed on collapsing financial borrowing systems, exampling Adolf Hitler blaming Jews for losing a war, too much borrowed debt. Hitler blaming Jews maybe an in-the-know establishment joke coming from ideas about “usury”, running economies on borrowed money. If this being true, a limited number of people being aware of the “in-the-know joke”, limited to whom I say is a hidden establishment, why not explain the joke on the Four Corners program?
Australia has 23 million population with AU$2 trillion in superannuation management. U.S. America has more than 320 million population with US$19 trillion national debt clock. Australia has a national debt clock. Media often going on about debt, fear debt stories must merely be part of the matrix, in that debt must exist, constantly increasing. Wage inflation aids borrowers ability to borrow and service more debt. The things citizens buy with money may show little inflation, allowing money to look valuable, slowing needs to buy goods, allowing savers to hold money without intending to buy things people don't need to buy. The matrix is balance between: earning; saving; spending; borrowing. End of time economic collapsing banking systems may well be part of some establishment intentional matrix delusion. …......................... Australian Survivor, people living on an island, far away from civilisation, is one more end of time confidence trick preparation, to get future media listeners to sell property assets quickly during a below normal market prices period, similar to 1999 very low property prices, the year the 1999 movie The Matrix was created. Followed by media threats using explained in society death symbols and radio program “people believe Jesus is coming” reminders, not to constantly tell people of the tricks establishment governments get up to. The matrix movie may well be one attraction getting memory prompted to awareness during a media confidence gaining radio program, “we know you know too much, so we won't mess you around” eventually messing listeners around, getting listeners to sell property cheaply and head off to an isolated place. Using Survivor series and many other Apocalypse theme ideas to aid compliance. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 18 August 2016 2:41:06 PM
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Not to be confused with global trade, which has been going on since Columbus contributed to discovering America.
Australia exporting many unprocessed commodities to many countries. Australia imports clothing, manufactured motor vehicles and advanced electrical equipment. Share holders of exporting companies collect dividends, hopefully spending money in Australia, investing money in housing and other Australian companies. My argument is money is only a token of exchange established within the country money credits are recorded on a financial institution balance sheet statement. People of each country recognising the value of a currency to buy products in the country a currency originates from and or another country with better products up for sale, guarantees a pegged or limited floats a value with a country who has a lesser valued currency. Currency credits are generally an illusion of confidence, the value and desires to purchase desired commodities using money tokens, believing tokens are worth the effort to work long hours and or difficult labours, and limited alternatives that being poverty if no tokens were obtained. A country becoming rich with balance sheet credits are in danger of not having the value of accumulated credits not equaling retail product future demand. Australia builds houses and high rise units, offering property to foreign buyers prompting international currency exchange... or not? Major city house prices are often stated as over priced, due to local and foreign demand, I speculate, too much Australian currency lending money turn over, wealth creation. The: lending turn over supply of money credits; demand; no where else to invest savings credits because world interest rates are averaged zero; Chinese savers, being the world's largest growth expansionist country, Chinese companies are buying Australian property at any price. The above post reads like a school lesson... or not. Several movies show and occasional documentaries mention how after major wars, usually there are building expansion periods, The Wolf and the Three Pigs, story. Wolf metaphor for war, wolf blowing down houses of straw and sticks, wolf failed to blow down a house made of bricks. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:33:58 PM
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The 1861 to 1865 American Civil War 1865 end, began a railway driven moving west expansion period. Railway share traded companies went bust after expectation period of railways where transporting cattle to eastern states predicted earnings, failed to eventuate.
Great Briton during similar time period, experiencing similar end of railway expansionism, railway companies went bust. After the First World War, a building boom began, labelled the Roaring Twenties. A documentary stated before the 1929 Wall Street Crash, share markets were having a 2 year speculative boom. President Hoover was vaguely warning people about a market bubble. After the Second World War, a building boom began: rebuilding Europe; USA were building multiple lane highways; B52 bombers, cold war employment; commercial airports; residential housing; high rise office buildings. 1972 Richard Nixon “we're all Keynesians now” statement stating a 1929 bust was not going to happen. History has shown how a long periods of building development leads to a speculative boom, ending in a bust. Large company CEO's would have far more historical knowledge, warning CEOs not to buy companies at the top of a bubble; buy low, sell high, if CEOs can find other CEOs to buy companies at the top end of a bubble, basing company valuations according to recent profits and overly speculated commodity prices. Buying assets during a bubble is historically often proven a mistake. If such purchased assets are said to have been purchased at too higher price, I would consider statements to be lies. When I hear how companies are floated and or taken over during historically very low interest rates and or during historically high boom commodity prices, I speculate the company is going to be poor man on the verge of bankruptcy, pushing labour costs down and or abandoning company liability and previous signed worker union agreement obligations. Getting workers into debt on booming local property, bankrupting workers during following busts. All the globalisation propaganda excuses are often blaming problems on what's happening in other countries. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:36:45 PM
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It is so obvious to me, “bad things in history keep repeating”. Bad events must be intentional. Reasons why I take notice to remember, to know of these events, that media bothered to state relevant information, are that media are intending to use accumulated knowledge in order to trick people as in 1999, to trust media spokes person's statements scam because “listeners know too much”, to convince listeners to sell property at cheap prices during a repressed property market because not selling property soon after being told, becomes too late.
My focus is foreign investment which I try to argue are more lies than reality. Sub-prime mortgage 2007 share market decline. 2008 GFC began and limited to U.S.A. Lehman Brothers bankruptcy then came other global companies and banks needing to be propped up. Federal Labor party leader Kevin Rudd and political mates made a big deal out of how Australia needs to stimulate Australia's economy: school libraries; insulation bats subsides; Australian bank deposit government guarantees, prompted by treasury secretary's daughter. The result was the insulation subsidy was suddenly cancelled, sending many people taking advantage of the subsidy out of business after investing a considerable amount of money in their business, I speculate many using borrowed house mortgage money. I heard a property investment company eventually declared bankruptcy, being stated as after many investors rushed out of the property investment company, placing their money into government guaranteed depositors banks. The property investment company froze further withdrawals. I speculate, theoretically having margin call problems. Property company investors losing considerable money. I am speculating, the whole GFC was faked to allow panic runs into banks. The insulation subsidy debt, media constantly being reminded for many years after 2008. Late 2008 Australian Share Market declined. Bank term deposits offered at as high a rate as 8%, drawing people out of shares into bank guaranteed bank term deposits. Soon share market runs up, catching investors unaware, losing increased share price opportunities, while court by media scare tactics, share market investors stuck in bank term deposits for 6 months. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:40:18 PM
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Difficult to find a reading on the Internet relating to 2008 bank term deposits, as Finance News information are more self-promotional motivation. The spin doctors of babble leave actual knowledge to the fairies.
…................................ Chinese, who are buying Australian property are most probably importing Chinese manufactured goods using companies registered as Australian companies. Selling goods to wholesalers and retailers who are most probably partly owned by Chinese share holders, collecting Australian dollars, retailers then sell goods onto Australians. Australians buying Chinese imported goods are financing Australian big city high property prices and buying Australian ASX shares, earning dividends, buying more property and Australian shares. Chinese money accused of coming from “international money laundering experts”, other stated reasons are little more than media “governments can't control” scandalous sounding redirections. The Great Wall of Money Countries don't make war on each other, countries buy out countries, gradually taking over property, money and political influence. The single pentagram star on the Australian flag could have been considered a star of a state of the USA, now could be considered a star of a province of China. Australian children, aged 5 years attending school, many children can be diagnosed with clinical depression and or hyperactivity at aged 7 years, using “Revolution Schools” analogy. Children guided onto sports fields, children self-medicating classroom boredom and mental stress disorders, using hyperactivity. Children constantly trying to keep themselves dumb, believing media redirecting stories. Children growing into adults, many children through to adulthood are disliking anything representing media that resembles teachers educating listeners, other than if information is already and or easily understood, exampling animal and sports programs. Many media listeners refuse and or find it difficult to take too much notice of news programs quick moving repetitive presentations. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:44:41 PM
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New religion... sports, are occupying viewers attention span with the same repetitive images, game playing using moving balls over: fields; tennis courts; golf courses. Viewers of sports not knowing what's going to happen next, are stimulated by experiencing satisfied anticipation. If by seeing a match for the second time, memories flood back, expressing the match has been seen before. The difference between the two viewings, first seen and having seen sports events before, to me have little difference as sports are merely limited to a number of predictable outcomes. Sports are little more than childhood distracting from mental illness, self-medication childhood tactics, brought on by early childhood classroom schooling.
Children are restricted from talking to each-other while in classrooms, children learn to feel punished, that children can't talk to other children. Sports being mostly visual pleasures, provide reasons why children learn to feel satisfied by not needing begin unnecessary conversations other than sports with other people. Reasons married couples don't talk to each-other, children not needing to respond to other children, feeling teachers classroom rules for children not to talk to each-other, children grown into adults, adults can't think to formulate sentences, feeling more comfortable about thought provoking attentions being focused on selective sports. Teachers and media often seen talking about other people, third party being teachers and media stories focused attentions. Human viewers understanding of limited themes, leaves aged 7 years undiagnosed with clinical depression and or ADHD older human listeners understanding of prompted to awareness ideas, having been guided by childhood school classroom conditioning, adults limited to what people's topics are spoken. Simply put, few people are capable of having an inspirational thought of their own. Group Thought: a group of people talking amongst themselves, learn to emotionally reward themselves for having similar beliefs, agreeing with all the members of a group, and or agreeing with recognised leaders of a group. Hence how religions begin and or exist. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:45:58 PM
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Prime time news starts with what's coming up head lines: begins news with so called important murder stories, and or several quick spoken words from politicians; moves onto a science story or real estate price boom update; moves onto finance news directly before sports, ending with important weather.
News media are high emotional fueling judgmental pointless to remember details distractions, listeners aren't required to do anything, doing nothing, shallow entertainment. Listeners don't need to remember anything, conditioning listeners into not needing to remember anything. To test this theory, start a conversation using a media topic to find most people, other than a well known person's name, don't care to continue the conversation. The Chinese are supplying flat screen televisions, which are used to distract working class populations from thinking about their own child-like limited skilful thinking abilities. Media redirecting what maybe really happening, using transparency corruption scandals, governments can't seem to get their act together, can't do anything propaganda. Meanwhile a generation of rich people in charge, are living the dream. …............................ August 10, 2016. Lateline brought a Stephen Long video stream about a mining company purchased by a foreign company during the mining boom. What is described in the Stephen Long presentation according to the Lateline presenter is happening to many workers not merely in the town of Collie by their employers: The arguments going on about having a Royal Commission having powers to ask questions that people being questioned must answer otherwise people can be placed in jail and or fined. The alternative is a least effective no obligation to answer, having amnesia, no obligation to supply emails and or documents to parliament questioner, excuses. Government makes laws to service the system in which government are often held responsible for how economic and tax paying systems behaviour. I theorise the establishment doesn't want to investigate itself. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:49:20 PM
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The Man Monis Lindt Cafe Siege Inquest has been going on for three months. The inquest has been stated to have been the longest running inquest in state history. Almost every weekday news devotes a short segment reminder of the siege. High ranking N.S.W. police are being perceived as embarrassed in lacking in their professionalism. My theory is the lack of other inquiries due to cost and effective outcomes, are being addressed by the effectiveness association Lindt Cafe Siege Inquest. No high ranking police are going to jail.
The ABC Checkout program selectively exposing ACCC laws, recommending what consumers rights are, exposing bank card charges and alternative methods. I have been watching The Checkout program each season, having noticed how people from other countries, ringing Australians on land line phones, asking people to turn on their computer, guiding people to yellow coloured triangles, scamming $400 or $500, which has being going for at least 5 years. At least 6 separate events, foreign people have been ringing me, telling me they represent Microsoft. I know of 2 people who while on their laptops, connected to the Internet, were prompted on their laptops, told their computer was infected with viruses, and computer needed to be cleaned immediately, charging them $500 each. They both pulled out their credit card, both paying $500. Companies were believed to be legitimate U.S. based companies. Only in this year 2016, have I witnessed The Checkout program warning people not to except telephone fix computer promotions. My point being that The Checkout program warns people about better Bank Card choices and associated charges. The Checkout falls short of warning ABC viewers of banks legal yet unethical lending behaviours. The Checkout gives viewers a reduced sense of awareness (other than read the fine print), towards banks lending behaviours, “if there was something wrong, the media would tell us” by The Checkout being a consumer watchdog, yet not mentioning bank behaviours well after problems are reported by late night Lateline programs few people are watching. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:50:57 PM
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Traumatising school education's long hours being made to process trivial information and maths. The mental stress of thinking out real life concerns, gets ignored for football concerns about which team is going to win what football match. Anything that maybe stressful gets redirected towards least stressful thoughts.
As I bring many ideas together, creating arguments supporting one idea, people are influenced by what seems similar ideas: The Checkout, going on about consumer rights; inquests into N.S.W. police performance during the Lindt Cafe Siege. The many news items highlighting government inefficiencies, embarrassing news. Listeners are being propagandised, conditioned into doing nothing. Future problems effecting people including the self. People feel, therefore believe, nothing good happens after complaining, there is no point to complain. School children learn at school, “there is no point to complain”. School to many children is like 'youth detention centres punishment' 6 hours a day plus homework. When children are found needing to be punished, children may be told to spend time in detention classrooms after school hours have ended. The punishment for being bad is more time spent in a classroom. Establishment getting people believing Globalisation excuses, bad education, traumatising children's thinking behaviours allows far away Globalisation excuses to be believed. Suddenly not believing lies feels traumatising. Posted by steve101, Monday, 22 August 2016 2:55:17 PM
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Pauline Hanson was a member of the Liberal party, disendorsed before the 1996 federal election, Pauline won the division of Oxley seat as an independent. I theorise, Pauline Hanson was chosen by the establishment, running Pauline as an independent candidate, using her obvious dry character traits and introduced by the establishment independent from the Liberal party believed anti racist personal beliefs, scaring Australians into believing Australia was in danger of being overrun by Asians. Elections have many independent candidates as well as candidates running on the two main party tickets. Yet, Pauline Hanson received far more attention by national media, having entered federal parliament after the 1996 federal election than many other independent politicians could of dreamed. The Pauline Hanson founded the One Nation party in 1997 gathering media momentum in news stories leading up to the 1998 following election when Pauline lost her seat. During a recent Pauline Hanson history reminder, it was said Asian news papers during Pauline's time in federal parliament were using Australian media stories “as they always do” printing Pauline Hanson's comments. I speculate, because the Tiger Economies at the time were experiencing a bubble, finally busting in July 1997 to may 1998. Asians were looking for somewhere outside of Asia to invest their money... property being a favoured investment. During late 1990s, Australian property was being depressed, while share markets were reaching high valuations... peeking in mid 1998, on the back of lowering interest rates. I suggest, Pauline Hanson was scaring Asians out of investing wealth in Australian property at a time Australian property was cheap to buy. Once the Asian share market crash came and went, Pauline Hanson had done her job, and was no longer needed. 1999 came the Y2K scare, low property prices, media scaring people out of their property “me included” while property values were low. Property prices continued to be low until the 2002 to 2004 property boom, 9/11 Twin Towers trade centre in fear of world trade collapse was used to further lower interest rates. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 2:49:38 PM
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Globalisation, promoted as investing superannuation and USA 401K savings in many different countries. People managing their own investment portfolio accounts.
I recently remembered, how I noticed, how the DOW Industrial and Australian ASX index rises over a period of months. Stop rising to hold around the same index number. Soon falling back to around the same low index number as had been earlier. The DOW has patterns of highs and lows. I speculate, having absolutely no supporting evidence, investors are being drawn into investing in share markets due to these rising periods, holding periods, and falling quicker that rising periods. The last time the DOW Industrial rose to new highs. Scary financial news reporter Alan Kohler saying no one know why, as indexes finished the run up, Alan Kohler was going on about how Brexit and EU money was looking for a place to go. Two mentioned share indexes have stopped, holding around their highs. I pose the no significant range movement is encouraging investors into other investments, being that shares have appeared to have ended a run up. Japanese and European banks never providing any significant interest on bank deposits. Persuading any investors with investment desires to seek other countries for income. Globalisation: Japanese banks; Italian banks in fear of insolvency; Greece; Brexit; etc. its like investors, “go some where else, this country doesn't want your money”. Donald Trump closing borders could be a designed intentional tactic, scaring local and foreign investors from investing in the U.S.A. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 2:51:24 PM
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Money is a token of exchange. Holding money rather than spending money saves the environment. Losing money, saves the environment, depending on who the money is lost to.
I speculate, governments would like citizens to believe governments can't merely print money: to get government out of government debt; to reduce need for taxes; to provide essential services to people who can't afford to buy essential services, unemployment through to medical care. Whether foreign investment invests in local shares, buys local labour to build new buildings, and or buys existing buildings. The idea of taking foreign currency, exchanging foreign currency credits for another country's currency credits is no different than governments creating currency credits to pay for essential services. Which I say governments do in any case. I suggest, most all governments allow local companies to offer services, investment products that can be purchased overseas: investment packages; shares and bonds; etc. yet no money credits leaves the country: investment packages don't exist; no shares or bonds are purchased in other countries. Buying shares and bonds from other countries is an allusion, allowing people to believe in globalisation investment. No local money governing institutions wants other countries money when they can merely invent credits. What some other countries may not want is for citizens to spend money on local property to build new buildings for themselves. Money supposedly invested in other countries are merely recorded as credits. When investors want money returned: charges; foreign exchange; management fees; foreign stock broker fees; etc, are removed from supposedly returned money form foreign countries to investors. Money supposedly held in other countries, misappropriated, lost in financial collapses, etc, are least likely to be recovered after fees and legal proceedings. Their is no difference between: governments inventing currency credits and foreign currency exchanged into another currency buying local labour. Local labour saving earned money in banks and or servicing their own debt. Either way increased credits exist. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 2:53:18 PM
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A country raising interest rates to restrain CPI inflation, slowing banks lending money to borrowers, borrowers paying more money out of their wages back to banks, leaving borrowers with less money for buying everyday items.
The myth that higher interest rates attracts foreign investment into that higher interest rate country to earn higher interest rates, has banks needing to lend the increased volume of foreign money credits, further overheating an economy, increasing inflation. When foreign investment leaves a country, for another country for whatever reason, the volume of money circulating into an economy reduces, unemployment increases, workers lose employment, losing an ability to service debt, becoming globalisation excuses. Most countries restrict local currency actual notes from being removed from the country of origin. USA currency an exception. Too many banked deposited credits regardless how much borrowed debt exists, the risk of money suddenly coming out of banks buying Australian imported retail goods up for sale, exposing the limited value of money token credits, limited supply of retail goods rising in price, having workers wanting wage increases to buy even higher priced limited supply of retail goods. Governments not printing money for reason of run away inflation, is but a myth. Because Australia has a supposed limited number of ASX company shares to go around. The many years workers have been saving money, wages increasing, buying shares. Shares can always be purchased as though there is no limit to the number of shares that can be purchased. Believing people in other countries are also buying Australian shares, yet after finance media have mentioned money from Europe is looking for somewhere to place the money, I suggest, Australian share prices have not increased that much to indicate any real purchasing of Australian shares. Considering China have increasing numbers of billionaires, having Chinese billionaires wanting safety for their ever increasing wealth. Again Australian shares are not that volatile as could finance media globalisation mythology would have people believe. Chinese billionaires want to buy Australians shares, no Chinese currency left China, entering Australia. Hence why I say, “everything is a lie”. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 2:55:06 PM
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Lately, sexual abuse inside Australian: university students; military services; corporation office buildings. Narcissism is a state where human incentives to be better than other people, a type of misplaced pride in what the self does, a misplaced sense of self-esteem. Narcissism found in a psychology dictionary as a child behaviour which children grow out of as children become older, narcissism may persist into adulthood.
Young children being bored and or mentally stressed at school, needing self-medication, delusional beliefs to induce chemical rewarding endorphins, children fall into what allows then to feel intelligent, more emotionally intelligent than rationally intelligent. An emotional child-like desire to feel smart, to have friends see an individual being smart, the type of smart only emotional child-like intelligence would understand, that being a narcissist. Child-like emotional self-gratifying males, having seen pornography, are going to want to progress into what's perceived as adulthood, using ideas seen on pornographic media. Pornographic media have been around long before the Internet become an easy forum to post pornography. Regardless how illegal pornography has been, pornographic images can be obtained. That being stated, I suggest that not mentioned by the media establishment has been providing pornographic images for many years. Narcissism behaviour which very young children develop and retain for longer than children should, to ward off: boredom; mental stress; embarrassment denial. I accuse school education of providing an ideal environment for children suffering from describes symptoms, to continue child-like behaviours long after child-like behaviours should have faded away, leaving a mature adult. Environments: schools; military training; any place where embarrassing humans that can't defend themselves against authority, exists. Out side these environments, narcissism behaviours will resurface in the least able to think clearly human subconscious. For the same reasons narcissism exists in memories therefore behaviours of people who believe (who feel) they are highly intelligent, the same people can't think to think they have been fooled by globalisation excuses. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 3:04:47 PM
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Comes down to, school's limited education curriculum, taught while children are being punished for learning what is simple trivial knowledge memory learning, most every child not being mentally stressed, should have been able to remember.
School examinations are about whether children can function while being mentally stressed, memorising simple trivial knowledge including the felt mental stress traumas. Students being able to manage remembering trivial knowledge repressing memorised mental stress traumas, in order to answer examination A to F questions... are what examinations are about. All the metal depression: school students; soldiers; many professions complain about, I strongly suggest, comes from early childhood schooling. Prescribed drugs, alcoholism and illegal drug addictions are coming from medicating school student increasing mental stress as students progress through the system. Why I see globalisation excuses and political lies are because I left school long before HSC examinations, having ignored schooling, never suffering from mental stress. Because so much emotional gratification and fear is associated with remembering academic information. That so little need to associate school learnt information in some rational terms and value, instead school learnt information is emotional, understanding simple information is emotionally rewarding, providing reasons why information is determined true or false on how information feels. My above theories are difficult to except, difficult to feel quick rewarding gratification. Most educated humans want to feel good, don't want to feel they're learning something entirely different unless there exists a prolonged reward. Understanding difficult information as a challenge should feel rewards, yet, long term learning stress will convince readers to reject something that feels them to be stressed and or less intelligent than what they felt they were, learning something entirely new. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 3:07:25 PM
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Many Australians are suffering from mental depression and many other mental illnesses, many people are undiagnosed.
I say education keeps humans dumb, so governments and corporations can do bad things to citizens, citizens can't realise bad things are intentionally being done to them at times bad things are being done to them. The media brings to citizens attention all the problems existing in Australia: mental illnesses; drug addictions; family violence; etc. I say attending school at too earlier an age, teenagers held in school classrooms for too many years, learning nothing new; more teenagers going to higher education universities to learn subjects that could have been learnt in high schools. All illnesses and waste of times increase the number of government supported employment expenditures. School teachers; Centrelink workers; police addressing teenagers and adults whom have failed managing their behaviours while under repressing daily school incarceration. All the social illnesses are never going to be addressed, as social illnesses are providing employment to those who managed their mentally stressful repressing bad education without feeling needs to complain. All free speech media complaints appears to look like citizens live in a citizens free speech democracy, yet, government failing to solve all or any media complaints are proving to be more dictatorship government by the lack of action to complaints. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 25 August 2016 3:11:36 PM
Was the Australian milk industry out competed by Australia’s own over supply of milk. Dumping cheap milk onto their-own market?
Is globalisation the hidden cause for Australian over-priced Sydney housing property market?