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Greyhound Racing Gone To The Dogs
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Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 13 July 2016 11:57:09 AM
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To put things into some perspective, 460-550 million broiler (meat) chickens (see 3-5 million turkeys (see 8 million ducks (see 4-5 million pigs (see 11-12 million layer hens (see 4 million bulls, bullocks and steers 3 million cows and heifers 7 million cattle 700000-900000 calves (“waste products” of the dairy industry) 5-7 million sheep 17-19 million lambs Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 13 July 2016 12:24:07 PM
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Dear Paul,
You and I sincerely believe that the greyhound people are doing the wrong thing. I am in fact disgusted by this practice. Just as well, we are quite likely to have things that are very dear to us which JBowyer sincerely believes are wrong. Suppose, purely for the sake of example, that you are in a loving homosexual relationship and JBowyer is sincerely and utterly convinced that unless you cease and repent you would be going to hell for all eternity. If we have a right to legislate against greyhound-racing just because we happen to be in the majority, then why shouldn't JBowyer legislate against homosexuality if s/he happens to be in the majority? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 13 July 2016 12:38:10 PM
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Yuyutsu, in an ideal democracy laws should reflect the wishes of the majority. In the case of homosexuality, in the past the majority were opposed, and the laws reflected that majority opinion. Today public opinion has shifted, and polititions have to gauge what their constituency want and adjust the laws accordingly.
Greyhound racing has operated in the past with the peoples approval. Baird in his wisdom commissioned a report into greyhound racing in NSW. Having the knowledge of that report Baird acted in a way that he believes the majority of the people of NSW would want him to. Is Mise, what is the Shooters Parties justification for keeping greyhound racing in NSW? What else has the elephant killer Borsak had to say on the subject. Are the Shooters and Hooters expecting a big donation from the greyhound killers, or something. Are you supporting your party on this one? And your post. what is the point, is there a hidden justification for killing 17,000 greyhound in Australia each year. I fail to see it. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 14 July 2016 11:01:08 AM
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If killing 70,000 greyhounds annually is wrong then killing 700,000-900,000 calves (“waste products” of the dairy industry) is demonstrably worse So why isn't Baird going after the perpetrators, where are the Greens? When this subject came up before I expressed my opposition to the industry but had concerns for peoples' jobs etc. I still have those concerns and concern for the process of Law. If all that has been alleged is true where is the record of successful prosecutions? Baird has bitten off more than he can chew and is bound to lose in the Courts. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 14 July 2016 1:11:54 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
If you don't know the difference then let me educate you. In this country dogs are deemed 'man's best friend'. Our society believes they deserve a higher degree of protection than cattle. They are loyal companions for the most part and give great comfort particularly to our elderly when living alone. This is not the case in all countries. When I lived abroad as a teenager I ate dog meat for a couple of years without realising it. It was pure ignorance that I was unaware that my favourite dish, meat filled dumplings, contained it (just quietly it isn't too bad). It is considered a real treat in Korea when dogs are often hung by their necks and beaten to death as the adrenaline is deemed to soften the meat. Our value system is different and I for one am happy that it is. You often seem quite put out by the culture we have developed in this country whether it is accepting things like multiculturalism, gun control, and legislating against a very cruel sport. Perhaps you should seriously consider migrating. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 14 July 2016 2:21:31 PM
The old red herring, what about the lions etc, what rubbish.
There there are the kiddies mouths to feed, what will daddy do now for a living if he can't be cruel to animals. Get a real job.