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The Forum > General Discussion > Extend the GST to Share Trades.

Extend the GST to Share Trades.

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Shadow, are you off the planet? Slavishly repeating the bull dust published in the Murdoch gutter press.

Now lets take a look at two MP's from South Australia and compare their expenditure as published by The Australian Governments Department of Finance for the latest reporting period January 1st 2015 to June 30th 2015.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young claimed approx $144,000 in expenditure.

MP Tony Baloney Pasin claimed approx $370,000 in expenditure.

The Monarch of Mt Gamnier notched up more than double the expenditure of the Greens Sarah Hanson-Young, in fact he spent apprx $226,000 more,

Just imagine how much this bloke would cost if he actually done something useful for the taxpayer, millions!

Yeah Shadow some puffed up local councilors like to think they are running a "city" population 3, when the reality is they can't even tie their shoelaces without help.
As I said Shadow, you are a crack up!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 27 April 2016 8:08:20 PM
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Most people buy shares only to make a profit, whereas the other "investments" you mentioned are things that enable them either to do what they couldn't otherwise do or to avoid unexpected costs.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 26 April 2016 10:39:37 PM

Same arguement again mate, we buy things besides shares to try and make a profit. Many of them incur GEST to.

How many more times do I have keep making this point.

For those of you who think that taxing anything from which a profit could be made, is bad, then for christ sake say so and say so for that reason. Don't try n come up reasons for not taxing share trades just because you think it stifles incentive, when just about everything else we buy and or invest in is taxed. It does just not hold water.

You all face this choice, Continue to see wage and salary earners continue to pay more and more of the nations tax, which means you will pay more tax,if you are a wage or salary earner, while at the same time see the this vast untapped source of tax sits there that is mostly only there for business and the top end of town, both of whom do not pay much tax anyway, to use.

When I went out to work in 1968 the company tax was 60% today is 30% and falling. If you want to pay more tax so the top end of town can continue to pay little, good luck to you.

Of course the top of town will scream the sky will fall in and the economic will grind to a stop.
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Wednesday, 27 April 2016 9:23:45 PM
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Well I've never said that taxing something that turns a profit is bad.
You can't exactly tax something that doesn't you idiot.

I said 'INCREASE THE TAX on PROFITS' if you must;

Are you mentally challenged or something?
It's you that doesn't seem to get it that its A FINANCIAL PRODUCT EQUAL TO MONEY and NOT a GOODS or a SERVICE;
- And that what you're suggesting will destroy the economy, ffs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 April 2016 7:10:49 AM
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- Not only that, its double dipping and blatent theft.

ANY company I choose to buy shares and invest in already paid GST on all its assets that I'm buying into.

What should I pay GST when buying a share of those assets that GST has already been paid on?

Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 April 2016 7:26:39 AM
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Given that you have not tried to defend your odious senators essentially means that you can't and are simply trying to say that the liberals are nearly as bad as the Greens.

Larissa Marcos Waters and Sarah Obeid Young have respectively spent $414k on office redecoration and $1m on travel in 6yrs while neither having a specific electorate to represent.

Neither have achieved anything in the senate to justify their wanton waste and ganGreen corruption
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 28 April 2016 8:30:01 AM
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Shadow, I put up facts from the Department of Finance, you put up unsubstantiated hog wash from the Murdoch gutter press. Others can be the judge. I'll debate the merits of any Green politician against the political log, the Liberal Tony Pasin. I know I'm on a winner, the blokes useless, and hopefully he'll be shunted next election.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 April 2016 8:55:13 PM
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