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The Forum > General Discussion > Obama's Oval Office Address

Obama's Oval Office Address

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Looks like Obama was trying to justify the US-Coalitions position in fighting ISIS (even thought its illegal under international law) and turn the US No-Fly list into the No-Buy list (guns).

There's some reason to think that possibly some of these mass shootings in America might be staged in order to go after the guns.

I have to agree with you guys that there are plenty of other ways to kill people without guns if a person was really that inclined to harm others.

The US has been targeting Syrian infrastructure for some time.
Water treatment plants, Power Plants, Grain Silos etc.

One question you might want to ask regards the oil is that Britain bombed an IS oil refinery a few days back.
Why didn't the US bomb it?
They've been there for over a year.

If you cant bring yourself to consider that IS is a skeleten key US tool to destabilise countries, then at the very least you have to accept that the US has been passively using IS to further its own objectives.

Assad is right when he says the US plan will fail.
No nation can fight terrorism on its own, and they are not going to be effective without a ground component.
They will fail without the help of the Syrian government, no matter what your position is on Assad.

The only reason they keep this insanity going is because the US views Assad as a greater threat than IS (which is absurd) and has invested too much money and political capital to have their plans stymied by Russia.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 11:31:35 AM
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Another thing I heard was that the US had Turkey shoot down the Su-24M to force Russia to provide fighter cover and expose its electronic warfare systems. The US has nothing to counter these systems and was looking for a way to get intel.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 11:42:29 AM
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Also forgot to mention some interesting info about the US strikes on the Syrian Army in Deir ez-Zour province.
Apparently the Russians killed 600 militants there on 20 November.
I'm thinking this was more of a US response rather than a mistake.,7340,L-4728686,00.html

The article also state the Russians took out 15 oil facilities.
How can the US miss 15 oil facilities when they've been there 14mths?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 11:52:34 AM
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It is absurd to claim that any western attack on any of the moslem
countries is illegal.
Everyone of them except Jordan has harboured Islamic organisations
that have made attacks on western countries, such as US, UK, France
Belgium and no doubt others.
Just because those countries nominal governments have not declared
war on the western countries is irrelevant.
They have allowed those organisations to operate out of their territories
and so they cannot escape responsibility by denial.

They cannot use the excuse that they have no control over those
organisations as that is tantamount to declaring they are not the government.
So it must be assumed that the country does not have a government.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 12:45:45 PM
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It is illegal under international law.
If you send troops into another country without their permission it is considered an invasion.
Russia is the only one doing things by the book.

Neither Syria or Iraq want US troops in their countries - look it up.

Don't get me wrong I sure as hell am not sticking up for IS.
I want them dealt with as much as anyone, and the sooner the better.

The problem is the Islam countries starting all the trouble are the US allies, and the Western coalitions priority is Assad not IS.
The US started the trouble I don't think they can be trusted to fix the situation.
They only ever make things worse, with their lies, frauds and deceptions.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 2:51:50 PM
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AC, it is illogical for a government that does not control its country
to either grant permission or deny permission.
It is nonsense.
They do not have the power to grant or deny.
It really is as simple as that.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 3:36:24 PM
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