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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Australia become a republic?

Should Australia become a republic?

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Yes, the queen and her hanger onners have passed their use by date.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 18 October 2015 8:25:54 AM
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"Like gay marriage, it is another political distraction." Beach, I though you conservatives were big on "multi tasking", or don't you think Australians are intelligent enough to conduct a rational debate about such an issue as a republic, whilst at the same time tackling the myriad of other issues and problems that confront the nation. You refer to but three, there is a thounsand other like problems, all worthy of our attention.
"Not that Labor and Greens ever displayed any interest. Nope, too busy obsessing about gay marriage and now the 'republic' as well." Your man Abbott had two years in government to show interest, did he, nope, more interested in a knighthood for fuddy duddy Phil, and taxpayer funded wrought's for himself and his cronies such as the useless political parasite Bronwyn Bishop. A couple of royalists I am sure you admire.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 October 2015 8:29:35 AM
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From a business and employment and prosperity point of view it was the British that initiated and helped develop Australia to what it is today.

What would a republic do economically for Australia?
In contrast, even an idiot can have some idea of what setting up a republic might cost.

Why not think about teamwork between nations, to stimulate and reinvigorate and further develop national economies.
Instead of whinging and talking non-sense
Posted by JF Aus, Sunday, 18 October 2015 8:40:37 AM
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Butch, with statements like that you are never going to be offered access to the 'Melbourne Club', not even through the tradesmen's entrance! Sir Robert would turn in his grave, on hearing that kind of communist talk from you. LOL
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 October 2015 8:53:56 AM
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JF Aus,

"From a business and employment and prosperity point of view it was the British that initiated and helped develop Australia to what it is today.

What would a republic do economically for Australia?"

Erm...can you inform the forum what employment and prosperity is forthcoming to Australia in 2015 by having the Queen formally appoint the GG on the advice of the Prime Minister?

What does being a constitutional monarchy do economically for Australia that being a republic couldn't do?

"Why not think about teamwork between nations, to stimulate and reinvigorate and further develop national economies."

Why, if Australia decided to cut the remaining ties of mere formality, would that preclude teamwork and stimulation between nations to reinvigorate and further develop our national economies?

We're an independent nation already - It's all very well that once we were an outpost of the British Empire...that is no longer the case.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 18 October 2015 8:58:23 AM
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Because the Monarchy is one of our traditions; it's part of our history. The Queen doesn't meddle with our government or way of life, so why go to the trouble and expense of changing to a republic? Change just for the sake of change is ridiculous. Tearing down something that has served us extremely well for over 200 years (it has also worked well for NZ and Canada, too) seems to me to demonstrate a petulance born of malcontentedness and a desire to vent frustrations that have more to do with Left-wing, anarchy than the good of Australia and Australians. Compare Australia with the largest and most 'successful' republics - the USA & GERMANY. NO thanks! Our way of life is much better than theirs.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 18 October 2015 9:18:46 AM
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