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The Forum > General Discussion > Fiduciary Responsibility and Conflict of Interest

Fiduciary Responsibility and Conflict of Interest

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If workers aren't so sensitive to the corruption of their unions, why is union membership dropping so much? Union membership has dropped from 23% in 2003 to less than 17% today, much of which is made up by public servants? membership outside the public service is as low as 1/9.

Workers are not stupid and realise that they are being sold out.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 19 July 2015 10:52:39 AM
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We need an independent federal agency to fight
corruption in political parties and other places
including trade unions, sports bodies and of course
companies. An agency that is independent from
the influence of the government.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 19 July 2015 10:57:41 AM
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There are many independent bodies that regulate activities. Lawyers have the Bar association, Companies have to have their books independently audited, and report to shareholder directors, Doctors have the medical association, Traders have their oversight, etc.

The problem with the unions is that anytime any legislation is put in place to oversee the unions, it is removed or reduced by labor to be completely useless.

For example, the unions' books have no independent scrutiny, and unions only have to submit a general vague statement to the FWA every year, for which most unions are years behind. Corruption and dodgy deals such as in the HSU and the AWU can go on for years with no one knowing. The unions all have a monopoly on their fiefdoms, where no one else is legally allowed to challenge them for the right to represent people, and it has all the markings of organised crime.

If a lawyer was representing Cleanevent workers and took money from Cleanevent, the Bar association would ensure he never worked as a lawyer again. The book keeper that invoiced for non existent training would go to jail, etc, etc.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 19 July 2015 11:47:01 AM
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The lower end workers know they don,t have to be members to get the benefits. The union has always looked after the workers across the board, members or not.
The decline in manufacturing has something to do with it also.
Some are more than happy to pay fees for their workers. It’s a matter of choice for management.
Abbott has resurrection of work choices in his agenda, as we all know. So don’t believe anything he says as a proven professor of mass pork, his credibility has holes doesn’t it.
Labor is not in the business of treading on the workers, or disadvantaged persons, that is a coalition thing. Labor believes in a fair go for all, workers and employers. You could say Labor stands for middle ground.
The term so far of this parliament has not been good , we have not advanced at all. The first 3 months was nothing but one big backflip as Abbott’s mandate faded into oblivion. We can’t just mark time and hope corrections will take place without effort.
I think we may find out that billions of $ have been spent on our behalf which we are not allowed to know about, and for what benefit to the nation. Not a good look at all.
White collar crime in this country is what needs cleaning up, starting at the very top of authority in this nation. When we have persons roarting the system under the guise of parliamentary privilege something is grossly wrong.
Posted by doog, Sunday, 19 July 2015 11:55:07 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Let us see if what the Coalition is proposing will
pass muster in the Senate. Will the agency (ABCC) that the
Coalition is proposing to bring back be an
independent statutory body or will it be accountable to the

Just asking.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 19 July 2015 11:55:44 AM
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"The Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner (ABCC) (2005–2012) was an independent, statutory authority, responsible for monitoring and promoting workplace relations in the Australian building and construction industry. The ABCC provided education, investigated workplace complaints and enforced compliance with national workplace laws in the industry. The ABCC did this by:

Providing information, education and advice on Commonwealth workplace laws;
Investigating complaints or suspected contraventions of workplace laws; and
Taking court action to enforce workplace laws."
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 19 July 2015 12:46:21 PM
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