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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Marriage Equality just a clever viral marketing campaign?

Is Marriage Equality just a clever viral marketing campaign?

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It's an interesting question to ponder, is the marriage equality movement really a progressive social trend or part of a competitive marketing campaign by giant globalist companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook, among others?
Events at the recent Chicago and San Francisco Gay pride marches would indicate that at least some of the more radical tendencies within the Gay rights movement are starting to smell a rat.
The big tech and social media companies also devote billions to research into how information spreads within their networks and how viewpoints and consumption habits can be influenced by online trends.
This whole Marriage Equality movement appears to be a more technologically advanced form of older campaigns such as Benetton's UNHATE "United Colours" marketing philosophy which began in the 1980's, it has the same problem/reaction/solution structure. Like "Hate" Gay marriage is an artificial social problem creatively calculated to cause a reaction and result in a solution, that solution being financial profit on the one hand and the accumulation of greater political influence by today's mega-corporations. One could also argue that the misfired social media led campaigns such as Kony 2012 and Occupy were prototypes or rehearsals for the bigger marketing efforts such as Gay marriage and that the campaigns have become more audacious as the reach and sophistication of social networking has grown.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 3 July 2015 2:46:27 PM
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So Jay, Who is the butt of the joke, us or them?

To me the whole thing is about as important wondering why there are tits on a bull.

Such things do herald the death throws of our society. It is only when a people have nothing of importance in their lives, that such rubbish rises to fill the void.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 4 July 2015 1:23:09 AM
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Well indeed, Facebook and Twitter in particular have been very successful in creating their own virtual societies with their own virtual reality. William Gibson writing in 1983 predicted the rise of a virtual world which was as real to the people immersed in it as the world outside their doors, he wrote of a "consensual hallucination" all controlled by giant globalist corporations, real society and real values are withering as the virtual society with it's virtual values and moral code takes over. Of course you would expect a global mega corporation to be centered on ideals like "inclusiveness", it makes perfect sense from a business point of view. Look at Facebook, what's a Facebook group but a sort of virtual commune, each group has it's own subset of values abut those values,no matter how weird are still subject to moderation according to the overarching value system of the company. We're not at the point where the virtual world has taken over completely and it probably never will but it's confronting for older people to see what can happen when the internet world crosses over into the real world, I mean that's how we ended up with ISIS right? ISIS is based around a sophisticated online marketing campaign with remarkably high production values, it's turned the (allegedly) widely accepted practices of the Mohammedan faith and turned them upside down, the same can be said of Marriage Equality, obviously though the two ideals are very different because they come from different corporate cultures but you get my drift right? We talk about kids being radicalised by their online world and going off to fight in Syria but the process is the same for all the virtual "social justice" causes, the Marriage Equality package is every bit as radical and insidious as the ISIS message in that it focuses only on an idealised interpretation of history with a nebulous vision of the world to come and skips over the present and the real implications of taking that course of action.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 4 July 2015 7:25:16 AM
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Jay - could you please consider breaking your posts into paragraphs. I personally would find it easier to read your comments if they were separated. This is no reflection on the contents of your comments.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 4 July 2015 8:42:26 AM
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Today this is the case in every marriage where you get the just opposite of this and so got divorced thanks to my lawyers from for helping me to get out of this.
Posted by Kimharris, Saturday, 4 July 2015 6:23:31 PM
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No need to worry, it will all collapse in a heap when the internet
drops dead.

Whats that you say, the internet will go on forever !

Ha Ha Ha !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 6 July 2015 8:37:26 AM
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Today the situation has changed and accepting this question is the reality for everyone now to deal with this question and i have to say that i was fortunate to get this help from
Posted by Kimharris, Monday, 13 July 2015 3:48:31 PM
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Posted by Josephus, Monday, 13 July 2015 8:46:05 PM
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