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World looking to copy Australia's boat turn around success.

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Dear Spindoc,

So in your opinion, I deserve everything that
I get from now on?

Well, that's a relief.

It certainly has to be an improvement on what I've
been getting from you lately.

You sound over-heated and quite shrill.

Perhaps you need to worry less about me and what
in your opinion "I'm becoming" and worry more
about what you're becoming.

The spindoc that I remember from the past - was
a totally different person to the one I'm seeing now.
He was someone I could inter-act with. The current
spindoc just seems interested in shouting matches
and mud-slinging.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 May 2015 1:49:26 PM
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'morning Foxy,

I guess you are once again refusing to address your "cheating" headline? Yep Foxy, we get you.

What was it I was saying about your "Your narrow, self referential values, your refusal to debate the very content you launch, your endless supply of Unicorns and diversions"?

One has to wonder if you have children and just what such values you impart to them? I suppose when they get challenged by society on your "values" it will all be someone else's fault?

Of course, you could always admit your distortion of that headline and apologise to us, fat chance eh?
Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 16 May 2015 2:14:09 PM
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Dear Spindoc,

No. Sadly you don't get me at all.

However, I shall try to explain things to you.
This discussion was raised by Shadow Minister.
He claimed as indicated by his chosen title that
the world was looking to copy Australia's boat
turn around success.

I responded by giving him the website taken from
the Sydney Morning Herald which clearly stated the
comments made by our Foreign Minister while she
was overseas that what worked for Australia may not
work for Europe due to entirely different circumstances
and geography, as she explained. I do not understand
why you're carrying on about the Minister's comments or
your reference to my "cheating headline?" or
what reason you found to bring my children into this
discussion. Most inappropriate behaviour and no way
to argue.

You're beginning to sound slightly unhinged
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 May 2015 3:44:03 PM
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'morning Foxy,

Yes, we can read Foxy and we know what the article said, but you said;

"Even our Foreign Minister Julie Bishop casts doubt on
the PM's "stop the boats" policy".

Why do you find it so difficult to acknowledge your deliberate attempt to verbal JB and yes, dishonesty is a nasty trait to pass to your kids.

Still, if that's as close as you can get to an acknowledgement, I guess we will have to roll with you again doing a "Foxy".
Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 16 May 2015 4:53:40 PM
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spindoc says of Foxy:

"You are rapidly degenerating into a vexatious poster with declining credibility...."


Best example I've heard all month of the pot calling the kettle vexatious.

Btw, spindoc, while we're here, could you give me an example of a post where you're addressing someone of opposing opinion where you don't impugn them to some degree?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 16 May 2015 5:30:25 PM
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Dear Poirot,

Hopefully the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
(UNHCR) along with financial support from countries globally
will be able to come up with a workable solution to this current
massive global refugee problem. I don't think that most of us fully
realise the seriousness of it.

According to the UN Refugee records during WWII millions
of displaced persons ended up in Allied Occupied European
territory and UNRRA was established to deal with a problem
at a time of severe global shortages and worldwide transportaion
problems. UNRRA working with organisations like the
International Refugee Organisation, World Health Organisation
and others, managed to solve the problem for millions of
people displaced by war.

Today's problem is growing and while the US Government funded
close to half of UNRRA's budget and other countries contributed
as well. We have a different situation on our hands economically
today. All one can do today - is put the pressure onto
our political leaders to contribute financially to ensuring
the success in terms of providing aid, food, and medicine and
helping the UN and Europe aid these refugees on the path to recovery.
They need our help.

Dear Spindoc,

My statement was immediately followed by the given web-site
in which Julie Bishop's comments made it quite clear as to
what she was referring to. I know that Shadow Minister was
more than capable of understanding the point that was being
made. A point that he originally brought up by way of discussion.

Your comprehension skills however are beyond my control.

I think you are now simply stirring and trying to divert
this discussion.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 May 2015 7:17:11 PM
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