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Welcome back RBA

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So the RBA has finally managed to remove their heads from their backsides to realize that our economy is not as strong as they thought.

Well hello!

What hope have we got when we have people like these, our so called 'brains trust' incapable of seeing the Forrest from the trees.

Let me give them the "heads up', wages/conditions are about to be slashed because it's pointless being the highest paid unemployed in the region.

These so called experts are unbelievable and need to take their heads out of the sand more often.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 4 February 2015 7:56:05 PM
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Don't forget these so called experts, advisers are all on very high salaries or pay per contract deals.
I don't begrudge them that if they deliver the results that benefit Australia as a whole not the interests of big business at the expense of others.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 5 February 2015 11:44:24 AM
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The point is Philip, they haven't delivered the results because it's only just now that that have awoken from their obvious deep sleep. Il bet they have still been paid their big bucks though!
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 5 February 2015 12:00:56 PM
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Did they awake from sleep or they could justify how far backward we have gone because they were biasing decision for the wrong sector and it was starting to become more obvious they were in the pocket of big business?
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 5 February 2015 12:15:15 PM
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Did they awake from sleep or they could not justify how far backward we have gone because they were biasing decision for the wrong sector and it was starting to become more obvious they were in the pocket of big business?
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 5 February 2015 12:16:52 PM
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Either way Philip, big business is the ultimate driving force of our economy, simply because medium and small business all feed off big business. It's big business that hold most of the projects that are managed, and medium to small do the work and employ the masses.

Even looking at the likes of Coles and Wollies, they provide a space for producers to market their wares, when all the big two really do is place a product on the self and take the money and even that process (taking the money) is being handed back to the consumer.

Unfortunately big business holds the cards nowadays.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 5 February 2015 2:42:06 PM
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rehctub, if you think that lower interest rates will save us, you are mistaken.

The cycle of the debt money creation system is coming to an end. They now have to create exponentially more debt money now, to pay for the debt money of the past. They cannot put up rates because the system will collapse. Many people now have debt on their mortgages in excess of $600,000 with little equity in their houses.What happens when the system collapses?

Just use this time of cheap money to pay down debt because nearly all asset classes are way over valued.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 5 February 2015 6:43:56 PM
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Well, well, well, how the worm has turned. Those who were only 18 months ago calling for Labor's blood over party insurrection and lack of economic control are now realising how bad this Abbott mob really are.
Butch, you say " What hope have we got when we have people like these, our so called 'brains trust' incapable of seeing the Forrest from the trees."
That 'brains trust' would not be The Mad Monk and his "faithful" companion, Cocky Joe Hockey, by any chance?
As for party disunity in government, just have a read of your favorite fish wrapper, even the Murdoch ones can no longer stand Abbott, and wish him gone. The only industry these economic buffoons are driving full steam ahead is the unemployment industry. We should all realise by now the country is being run by a band of the totally, economically, incompetent!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 6 February 2015 6:13:30 AM
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There is good reason why Abbott should be preserved in a jar just like farlap’s heart. He is by far the most extreme politician ever. They don’t come like that every day. How would you like a wax model of him so we don’t forget his kind wisdom.

It's ok saying big business wants lower rates, it does nothing for persons living on self funding.

AU is an expensive place to live, by running down funding there will be a whole lot more on the pension.
Posted by 579, Friday, 6 February 2015 6:41:44 AM
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Good morning 579, could not the Pope make our Tone a Papal Knight (he would love that) and call him to Rome, maybe put him in charge of the Vatican economy, when is Vatican Day? The day Governor Peter sailed into Vatican Harbour with boat loads of saints and sinners and took over the place from the Romans. I think it was 32AD, about tea time.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 6 February 2015 7:05:59 AM
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Tony Abbott's rating as a leader flounders somewhere between asbestos and Ebola, and history suggests he doesn't have the time to turn this image around and stave off a backbencher attack.

Ratings will be at an all time high next Tuesday, when Turnbull gets the nod. Abbott is not going to be in good shape by Tuesday. How long can you go without sleep.

Abbott and hockey and pine all have to go, a fresh start to a terminal regime. Conservatism has run it’s race. Lets get back to liberalism and see this term of govt; through.

The honorable thing to do would be to resign for family reasons of course, and have the change with out any infighting. Abbott being Power drunk makes that option a hard pill to swallow.

If the situation gets any uglier than it is there won’t even be a rating with a name to classify it. Although Abbott says it is not a popularity contest, but it would be nice to have some friends, even if it is your dog. News is at feverpitch, while toxic Tony says it is democracy at work
Posted by 579, Friday, 6 February 2015 9:58:58 AM
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579, "The honorable thing to do would be to resign for family reasons of course," Could our Tone give that family reason, being not only does The Liberal Party Family hate me, but all the other Australian Families hate me as well.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 6 February 2015 10:33:38 AM
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As a one time Abbott supporter myself I must agree he is on the nose.

The trouble is his colleagues are making a rod for their own backs by backing him because blind Freddie can see he has run his race. Best they dump him like a school bag, in fact, he shouldn't even be given a front bench position.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 6 February 2015 4:46:33 PM
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No matter who gets in power,the bankers control politics and our economic system. Austerity is their medicine which will force us into grinding poverty like Greece.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 6 February 2015 5:30:48 PM
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Rehctub there is only one problem with your post. You did not mention who you would have replace Abbott.

I will admit I can not understand the indecision that has characterized this government, unless it is down to Turnbull, being a Rudd clone, has been fermenting it among disappointed would be ministers.

I can't believe the coalition could be so stupid as to go with Turnbull, a banker, & the poster boy of the left. They would immediately lose 25% of their support, in people who would never vote for a Rudd in a blue shirt.

Personally, & I know a number who feel the same, I could never vote for Bishop, she is far too much a believer in global warming, as is Turnbull of course. This alone shows a lack of understanding of very simple things, & perhaps a laziness to try to get to the truth. Again I could just not trust her to do the right thing by the country.

Who is left who is being considered?

What we need is a good surgeon, who could hammer a stainless steel backbone into Tony, otherwise it is probably Labor, & another million bureaucrats on the payroll.

God help us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 6 February 2015 5:47:14 PM
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The rats are abandoning the sinking ship! Had a couple of mates around for a BBQ and a few beers, soon turned into a happy wake for the soon to be politically 'The Departed One'
p/s I actually hope he is still there after Tuesday. Hi Butch, Hi Hasbeen, I admire your loyalty.Typical Liberal votes as soon as the going gets tough, they cut and run.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 6 February 2015 10:34:09 PM
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We have a lame duck in parliament. Will he do the honorable thing and resign or will he fight on and create a mess. If he declares the PM position open, can’t someone re nominate him.

If he waits till he is removed whether it be next week or next year, there is always going to be uncertainty. Abbott being Abbott it would not take long for him to put his foot in it again and again. Turnbull is the most likely contender, and probably the most capable.

After all, Turnbull has made no secret about the fact that he shares their deep concern about the damaging effects on humankind from global warming. Back in 2009, while opposition leader, he even stated: “I will not lead a party that is not as committed to effective action on climate change as I am.”

This went to the point where he crossed the floor in defiance of the rest of his party, to vote in favor of the Rudd-Wong Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme legislation for an emissions trading scheme. Turnbull will be our reinstated PM.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 7 February 2015 7:13:51 AM
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Rehctub>>These so called experts are unbelievable and need to take their heads out of the sand more often.<<
Butch something that made me laugh was part of the IMF press release from the recent Brisbane G conference. In relation to Australia, the “goal post” setting IMF said we can no longer rely on the commodities we must focus on production........what production.........the IMF strip the tariffs and wound down production over the past 40 years, and now we are expected to start it up...theoretical and sadly practical “European Bank” serving bankers.

Arjay is right about the rule through debt concept.......and Labors populist strategy coupled with their legendary fiscal incompetence lost us what little control of our destiny we had.

Paul 1405>>Well, well, well, how the worm has turned. Those who were only 18 months ago calling for Labor's blood over party insurrection and lack of economic control are now realising how bad this Abbott mob really are.<<

Paul ....Abbott broke most of his core promises the first week. He and Hockey targeted the weak and poor. Hockey threw out legislative changes that Labor had tabled to stop tax payer money funding corporate ventures.......overseas corporate ventures at that.

No the Libs have lost me if stopping the boats is the only promise they kept.....
Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 7 February 2015 10:33:59 AM
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Hasbeen my pick has always been Morrison, simply because he's a doer. The trouble is the hand out brigade can't accept that when they vote a government in that wastes so much and places so many IR restrictions on business that they are now quite gun shy, not to mention carbon and mining taxes, both cripplers, someone, at some point, has to take measures to pay the debt back, without a mining boom I might add.

Stupid people didn't realize that the hand outs they received and the waste they supported could not continue, but then stupid people are also allowed to vote.

The other huge drain we have inherited is the free loaders Rudd and Gillard let in, because they are being cared for now, of cause at the expense of our own people. This is why I say Morrison, because he said he would stop the boats, and he did.

Let's hope he now hunts the bludgers to extintion.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 8 February 2015 8:45:54 AM
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Paul, The party is not the problem and, unlike the labor debacle, the libs have an admirable problem, that's which they can choose from. Who's capable of replacing Shorten?

Tony Abbott has allowed his monarchist opinions to get in the way of his job which resulted in a complete loss of the people's trust, because let's face it, it's the world that's in trouble and the royals are seen by many as a waste or tax layers dollars, especially given the economic instability they are surrounded by and for Abbott to openly pledge his allegance to the monarchy has cost him the trust of most of his own people and that trust can never be won back.

Just in the way society has changed, very few want to do the hard yards anyone.

Sure, our debt is still low when compared other countries, but it is some 600 BILLION times higher than it was before Kevin 07 came to town and labor and it's supporters have no real plan to pay it back and with mining on it's knees and manufacturing something you have to google now to see what it means, where to now.

Of cause it's typical of your type to say just tax the rich a bit more, giving no consideration to the fact that less than three out if every ten actually fund our economy, while the other seven feed off it.

So we are now at a cross roads Paul, because the people don't want the coalitions plan to pay down the debt, so do you think the labor/greens partnersip have the answers, if so, how? Or will they just borrow more and let future generations worry about it.

QLD is likely to become a test pilot for the labor/greens/lone ranger strategy of running a state, with huge debts and no real plan to repay debts.

My tip, we are headed fir a recession the likes we haven't seen before.

Do you beg to differ?
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 8 February 2015 8:47:31 AM
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The leadership spill goes far beyond the party room it has the support of the community. If Abbott somehow survives it will be only round one. There is to much smoke in the air for it not to be a fire.

They can change leader or they can cause chaos for the rest of the year. With no one listening to Abbott, it best change.

Before you boo hoo any one else you have to clean up your own act, what makes you think Abbott’s plan is the only possible one to have. His plan was that lopsided that he lost all credibility. You can’t get business going by making the ones that buy the goods poor, you end up with a basket case.

Even Abbott has conceded that his plan was not right, he all of a sudden talks about family, that is a complete turnaround, or as he says. But then again he is likely to say anything isn’t he. Turnbull is your man butch he will stitch you right up.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 8 February 2015 10:18:45 AM
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I really don't know enough about Morrison rehctub to know if he would be a good leader, but I don't see much wrong with Abbott, if he had a few who would grow a backbone, support decent policies, & stop the backflips.

I know for sure most I voters around here would never vote for Turnbull. I also doubt many would trust an avowed warmist like Bishop. If she is dumb enough to fall for the global warming scam, she would be pretty useless. If her support of the scam is just vote buying, I don't want her at any cost. That is too much Labor like for me.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 8 February 2015 11:58:45 AM
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I'll always vote conservative as long as my backside points down. I don't know what's happened with Tony ABBOTT, he's as resilient as they come. I think the constant attacks from the other Parties, and being constantly 'white-anted' by some of the cowardly maggots in his own Party, may've weakened his resolve, and perhaps clouded his judgement. I don't know ?

I guess it's much easier to face an identifiable foe, but much tougher dealing with your more covert adversary, particularly one within your own party, assuring you they 'have your back' ? The 'morality' of many of our politicians is far beneath many of the crooks I've known !

As far as my support for Malcolm TURNBULL; should he happen to win out in Tuesday's Party room 'spill'...? Well I detest 'Joe Blakes' and I'd place Mr TURNBULL well below them !
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 8 February 2015 12:14:02 PM
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