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Rolf Harris

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I was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term.

Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up.

It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.

He apparently did it openly, and gained a reputation for it. Even though he was known as The Octopus as a result of this, he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort.

It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women.

Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus.

I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here.

Your thoughts……
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 2 July 2014 10:50:39 PM
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I think it's a crystal clear case of the true face of feminism in its whole glory. The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up. I know ordinary blokes who are no different but their behaviour is tolerated because they have no fame nor money. Many feminists are just so callous & opportunistic.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 6:24:18 AM
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Bet you two wouldnt be saying that if it was your daughters that he groped.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 3 July 2014 7:09:41 AM
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LUDWIG...jesus in acim/talks of........extreem examples/that

dam/caps...anyhow/christ is the embodyment/of love thy neighbour
rolf/as much\as i wish/the same powers/ we buIld in/DE-SPOILING\oUR KIDS/THAT raises he little demons/as if christ/incarnate\GODHEADS/thinking....they\are/god.

the sheeple\love the power/too much
and thats fine/groping your nutsac/is fine/TOO?/ok great
but maTE/IN\THE NEXT LIFE'.Ianything we thinking/is known to all
between mind reading/and voice-projection/there are no secrets/there

and rolf/and his mother/will soon/'be there'
he is 88?..still tied\to his mothers breast\warming his arm
thing is/.it shouldnt be/a big issue/but funny enough i got three techings/in it\just yesterday

case one\was a/3times/mother/plus-pram'in blue-jeans/who seemed to/be out walking/the vieuw was breathtaking/but i resisted/the demons/and walked past\briskly/not even\looking back/.i put the flowers.on dads grave.and went/to\the shops/deep-in\thought..

so deep/in thought/i missed/the front-vieuw\butt/by chance glanced/to seea beyonce/tight short skirt cradeling a botT/BEYONCE WOULD ENVEY
by/then i was facING AWAY\FROM THE SHOP/S0/JUST BREATHED=IN/THE GLORY/.........damm caps

anyhow'she turned\the corner/a thought came-out rush/down/the side street/just to see\the front/the rear/was perfection/but then my angels showed me;.stalking scum/and i turned/back/to the SHOP

AS I WANDERD/ON\I RECALLED.....THE MATURE TREES/KILLED CAUSE THEY WERE PLANTED/eOVER A SEWR/50 YEARS AGO/AND/.damm caps.there was a watcher/watching they didnt disturb/the bats\in a drained swamp/fast turning into/a rubbish pit..

anyhow yarned/with this shiela/mentioned/that\i been finding flowers/in rubbish bins-of late/mature/she said/i love flowers/so setting off\to the shop/I]thought/if still there/i would bring he a bunch.[just for fun]

anyhow the bins were empty/so i set oFF HOME/remembering the flowrs thing/started creating\an amasing bunch/of flowers/but in baCK-TRACKING TO THE SWAMP/CHANGED MY MIND\AND LEFT THEM NEar the cemetry

went home

now some/would have talked/.with diry minds
in the spirit-realm/we talk/only in our minds
thus in heaven/she would have seen\the the the lust.
and that/lust demon-lust be reigned in/.if only god didnt make them so cute[but i think its not god but satan/

by what right\do we even/have these tests

if its good/we will meet-in the next life
they will know/i loved/butt/from/a-far-having
no need to polute/such pureity\by the likes/such as me,
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 3 July 2014 7:45:28 AM
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Bet you two wouldnt be saying that if it was your daughters that he groped.
my daughters would be telling him off & that'd be it ! (well, I don't have daughters) It's when kids were brought up in this warm'n fozzy PC world that they allow things like that to happen. You know, silly parents, even more silly kids.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 8:17:59 AM
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"....The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up...."

Bloody Hell!

We are talking about quite young girls here. Notwithstanding that Harris's "groping" appears to be at the lower end of this sort of scale - if he'd done it to me or my daughter, I would have been shocked.

Just where does any man (or woman) get off putting his hands in anyone's private places - especially in the circumstance of a first meeting?

How do you lead someone on when you're only just meeting them and find their hands caressing your buttocks?

Rolf always seemed to me warm and generous. My childhood is imbued with that. If I'd met him and he'd done that, I would have been very confused and upset...just like those girls...not knowing what to do about it.

That's why he got away with it for so long.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 8:58:02 AM
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We totally agree with Ludwig. Groping is totally different to rape. Groping was quite common behavior in the 50's and not treated seriously. Parents should have taught their children how to deal with this sort of thing. Poor Rolf was apparently well known for being "tactile" and parents should have taken more care of their offspring. Or were they more interested in getting their children to the top. It would seem that money might well be the driving force for the current case. If he was not famous (and rich) we would not be hearing anything about this. I hope all the likely future "damages" suits will be dismissed or the plaintiffs awarded just $1 only
Posted by Dickybird, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:19:45 AM
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How do you lead someone on when you're only just meeting them and find their hands caressing your buttocks?
You're having me on aren't you ? In my world when you just met someone you start off with talking to them etc.. If there's a mutual attraction then instinct will guide you. If someone, let me re-phrase that, if a strange woman started to pat me up & down within moments of meeting I'd be pulling away as fast as Hasbben did from his aircraft carrier. Even as a youngster I'd have reacted that way. What it was in this case, the girls were besotted because they were with a celebrity & therefore didn't want to reject him. Had any normal off-the-street bloke behaved that way they'd have screamed blue murder if he as much as looked at them. They simply got caught up in their own pursuit of a little closeness to fame & when they realised a few years later that it didn't get them anywhere they started the molesting caper. Was the judge in that case a male lookalike feminist by any chance ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:47:40 AM
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".... if a strange woman started to pat me up & down within moments of meeting I'd be pulling away as fast as Hasbben did from his aircraft carrier....."

This is what I'm saying. Meeting a celebrity, especially one renowned for his cuddly warm image like Rolf, receiving a "hug" and finding his hand in a place way beyond what's acceptable would be a shock. Everyone knows when someone has one "too far" in that respect. Imagine if we were hearing of a female celebrity meeting 13 year-old boys and putting her hand down their backs, caressing their buttocks and anything else in the vicinity.

And because his "groping" of relative strangers appears to be at the low end of molestation, you are blaming the girls because they didn't make a song and dance about it while his hands were still roaming.

Young girls meeting a friendly warm entertainer don't expect to be groped in areas that should be private, especially on a first meeting with celebrities.

Don't get me wrong, If there's one person I would have nominated to live next door to, it would have been Rolf, because he always seemed so lovely. I'm sad that my ideal "nice guy" has fallen from such heights.

I'll add that this :

"....They simply got caught up in their own pursuit of a little closeness to fame & when they realised a few years later that it didn't get them anywhere they started the molesting caper. Was the judge in that case a male lookalike feminist by any chance ?..." crap!
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:18:13 AM
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Come off Indi and co, how can you push such a nonsensical line. Harris is a predictor who will get what he deserves! Just as Robert Hughes gets what he deserved. The pattern with these types of crimes, and make no mistake they people are criminals, a person perceived as an authority figure, be they an actor, or a Catholic priest, or what ever, take advantage of that position of authority to perpetrate crimes against vulnerable members of society, children!

Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:29:40 AM
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Quoting some the nonsense posted so far!

<<It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping,>> Diminished responsibility.

<<he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort>> Who by? Other perverts and pedophiles, Harris wasn't a member of the club? That must be comforting to his victims.
<<Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus>> Prove your innocence by pointing to worse offenders. Gee, Ivan Milat should have used that one, he could have pointed to Martin Bryant as a worse offender, could have got off.

<<The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up>> It was the victims fault, they had an ulterior motive, they wanted to some time in the future make money. No was was it done for the pleasure of the perpetrator, it was done for the future money making aspirations of children.

<<I know ordinary blokes who are no different>> That's nice, you a few criminals also.

<<my daughters would be telling him off & that'd be it>> The childs fault, you must be wise in the ways of the world before you are 3, otherwise you cop what you deserve.

<<Groping is totally different to rape>> So is

<<Parents should have taught their children how to deal with this sort of thing>> So, if you can't blame the children then blame their parents, but never blame the perpetrator, don't forget he is a nice guy!
<<Poor Rolf>> The poor perpetrator, he been found out, shocking isn't it. My heart bleeds for poor Rolf.

I think we should just tie his kangaroo down sport, and cut off his extra leg! and that is the opinion of Jake the Peg.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:30:35 AM
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What Rolf is alleged to have done was wrong, it was wrong in 1960 and it's still wrong in 2014, however....
The hysteria surrounding the case is way out of proportion to the offences and what's particularly disturbing is the way the organisations with which he was associated are taking this scorched earth approach to his life and works, in spite of his lewdness he did actually do some good in the world.
What also upsets me is that all these journo's and bloggers are now saying "Looking back there was always something a bit off about him".
Balls! Nobody thought that way until about 18 months ago, he fell from grace to be sure but he was never seen as a disgraceful character beforehand.
The other problem I have is with the hypocrisy over Harris, Saville and all is that other celebrities with higher profiles who are known or suspected to have had relations with underage girls are given the benefit of the doubt while the baying crowds are set upon B-list dorks and minor sensations from the seventies.
Where does it end? Should Charlie Chaplin's films be banned? The music of Jerry Lee Lewis, Ted Nugent, Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:34:52 AM
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I'm quite astounded at the poor Rolf aspect to this thread.
This is about someone who was doing their groping inside the pants of quite young girls, not a misunderstanding over consent with another adult.

Its not a case of some innocent hugs with someone later deciding that Rolfs hand was a little out of place. Quite clear sexual abuse of children which while seemingly popular with some not as far as I'm aware socially or legally acceptable at the time.

I do get bothered by the difficulty a defendant would face providing clear recollections so many years after the events but I've not got the impression that the guilty verdict was based on flimsy evidence. I don't know neat answers to that issue, child sexual abuse is an issue where the victims often feel powerless to address the issue for a long time afterwards especially when the abuser has such a high and popular profile. Its only relatively recently that I've seen much indication that authorities will go after celebraties on that issue.

It seems quite credible to me that after years of feeling powerless to have an abuser brought to justice a trigger event such as public awards for the abuser might be enough for the abused to take the risk of getting it dealt with.

There are people who end up on the wrong side of the justice system who deserve some sympathy. Someone who uses their profile to prey on children for their own satisfaction is not one of them.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:45:41 AM
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I actually "revolted" by your comments....blaming the girls.

I'm sure, you'd be thrilled, if you had daughters, if what happened to me when I was ten had happened to them.

Sexually innocent ten year-old is lured by step-father of friend to sit on his knee...other people in the room....hands roaming to definitely where they shouldn't have been.

Child (me) "shocked!"...speechless...goes outside feeling dirty and confused.

My fault was it?

Men with your attitude disgust me.

And men who take the opportunity like cuddly Rolf did need to be brought to account.

(Btw...that revolting step-father of friend tried it again...and was stopped in his tracks by the ten-year old me)
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:48:25 AM
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Oh come on Poirot,
You're only getting dirty because old Rolf wasn't one of your leftie touching boys brigade. His crime was being a heterosexual.
Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 11:40:22 AM
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There's no pleasing you is there Ludwig...

You complain about inaction on the part of police in pursuing allegations (of traffic related offences) and manage to also complain when they do (in this case of sexual assault).

Rolf Harris has had his day (well months, really) in court, obtained expensive defense council to present his case, been judged by a jury of ordinary people who unlike anyone here had the opportunity to listen to all of the evidence presented, and was found guilty.

Occasionally a legal system can deliver justice.

But my sentences are not the ones Rolf Harris will be concerned with.
Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 3 July 2014 11:51:55 AM
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There are no winners in this.

I get a sense of hysteria around this topic, with a number of inquiries going on at the moment.

woe betide an innocent who gets caught up in it.
Posted by Wolly B, Thursday, 3 July 2014 11:53:25 AM
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Sorry Poirot, I don't know what it is with some people, are they just ignorant? It happened in my partners family, where a stepfather done I think 7 years for rape of a woman in NZ. Now back with partners sister, in NZ, and niece wont have a bar of him. We thought it was all to do with his crime of rape. We only recently found out from the niece, she is a grown woman now, after a very long talk, that her reason is not the rape of another person, all those years ago, so much, but the fact he (stepfather) molested her (the niece) when she was a child. Her mum can't understand why she wont have anything to do with the stepfather, "after all he's done time for a crime" and "he didn't do all that much to he didn't rape you to". Now after hearing what her niece had to say, my partner is on her side, so am I. Yet we still cant abandon my partners sister, and we certainly wont abandon her niece. Its all very sad indeed.
Niece told her mother a long time ago what the stepfather had done to her, but although my partner and sister are so close, she never said one word about the molesting of her own daughter, only about the rape, which was public knowledge anyway, and let her sister believe it was the reason for the rift with her daughter. People are strange at times indeed. Niece does not want my partner to tell her mother thst she now knows what happened to her, unless sister tells her, which she never has, even though they have talked many times about the relationship.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 July 2014 11:54:31 AM
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This case, like that of Robert Hughs, was based on events that happened thirty or forty years ago in some circumstances and, while I'm not suggesting the guy is not guilty, this was also a time when incest was a common occurrence and, unlike pedophillia, incest was usually swept under the carpet.

I also have a problem with victims who for some reason wait thirty of forty years to come foreword. Now if the waitined until they were adults I might understand, but not
as long as they do as it opens the way for copy cats in my view.

Ludwig, may i suggest that digitally penetrating a young girl goes well beyond just groping her.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 3 July 2014 12:03:12 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

I have absolutely no problem with Rolf Harris being found guilty of molesting these young girls. It is a crime now and it was a crime then. All those who are questioning whether or not the indictment should have been brought in the first place are either misguided or in at least one case determinately misogynistic.

It is in the sentencing where the severity of his actions should be reflected. If they are commensurate with someone who had raped these girls instead of molesting them then I think there will be a case to made that Harris has been treated unfairly however I think this will be unlikely. We need to wait and see.

In any event I do think such a high profile case will serve as a deterrent to those who think they are above the law because of their wealth and fame. This can only be a good thing.

I an sure that these events will impact slightly on my enjoyment of his classics from the past but 'Two little Boys', 'Jake the Peg' and 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport'' will remain great memories from my childhood. It is sobering to think there are some kids whose memories of him will be very dark indeed.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 3 July 2014 12:25:26 PM
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Of course such behaviour can't be condoned but to make hypocritical & opportunistic use of something that happened in a person's life decades ago is questionable.
We never get to hear about ordinary offenders i.e. non-celebrity. Child molesterers usually get shunted around from community to community until they re-offend again & again.
Authorities are famous for failing those victimes but if it involves a celebrity it's another story.
I just can't subscribe to the selective traumas out there. When I copped crap from theft no-one cared even though it really impacted on me & my family. When people who have been married for many years suddenly turn around & claim trauma I find it jus a tad opportunistic.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 12:29:25 PM
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"Oh come on Poirot,
You're only getting dirty because old Rolf wasn't one of your leftie touching boys brigade. His crime was being a heterosexual.
Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?"

Well, well...that's about as cretinous as it gets on OLO.

I was merely attempting to demonstrate how it is for a young child/person who is suddenly confronted with an adult in authority doing something like that.

I've had my doubts about your "ethics" for a while on this forum, but dismissing my recount with such venomous partiality is highly enlightening.

So are you saying that if heterosexuals molest young girls - that's fine - because they're heterosexuals?

So an innocent ten year-old is molested by a an adult and the best you can say is what you posted?

We'd have to travel quite a long way on this forum to come upon that kind of grotesque morality.

Shows you up for the way your mind works nicely.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 1:50:59 PM
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You're talking about the U.K where Rolf Harris has lived for most of his life so can you prove that incest was more common there from the 1960's to the 1990's when Harris is alleged to have offended against girls?
When I was a kid we were warned about "dirty old men" and "fairies" who might want to cuddle,touch us or "interfere" with us, we were told who the "pervs" were in the community and warned not to go near them.
The thing is though that some of the "pervs" were just harmless eccentrics, loners or simpletons who didn't deserve the epithet and as it happened it was my basketball coach who was the biggest "fairy" in town, he molested many young boys and is now in jail.
Nobody called Rolf a "Perv" when I was a kid, he was just seen as a daggy performer who all the oldies liked, he sat in the pantheon of squares and goody-goodies alongside Darryl Somers, The Seekers and Johnny Young.
The media outrage over Rolf is mostly faked or contrived by people who were not even born when he was on television or who are snobs who looked down on his hokey act from the beginning.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 3 July 2014 2:04:17 PM
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Where the offender is the moneymaker for an industry that contributes hugely to advertisers, a complainant 'whistleblower' would be very unlikely to risk it until others came forward.

Harris hasn't been sentenced. He has been found guilty after having the best defence his wealth could buy. That defence, the entrepreneurs who make money out of him and thousands of kiddie-fiddlers can be expected to wage a spin war against the victims and even to claim some deficiencies in the police investigation and the Court itself.

However the real question is why didn't the self-proclaimed fearless seekers of the truth and protectors of public interest, the media, sniff it out and report earlier? I suspect that the answer to that is in my opening paragraph - the well-off and powerful escape the attention of the media. Even where the rug is occasionally lifted, the powerful do not even have to life a finger, for there are many sycophant columnists and editors who immediately, proactively, spring to their defence.

Where a Court can finally obtain a conviction against the powerful who have grievously abused the trust placed in them by the public - a trust encouraged and burnished thorough the accolades and honours conferred on them by other by community leaders and pillars of society - it is appropriate and incumbent upon the Court to punish severely as an example to others.

Offenders choose to commit their crimes. Some choose to offend numerous times having found sly means to avoid accountability earlier. Lets not allow spin to convince us that the victims are actually the ones at fault.

We should be getting more curious at the uncomfortable relationship between those who should be protecting us and the powerful knobs, male and female, who do not believe that the laws should ever apply to them.

Freedom of speech is our only chance, but there are always those who want to limit it and censor.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 3 July 2014 2:04:29 PM
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Dear individual,

So 13 years old young girls “just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up”?

I don't think even runner would stoop to such amoral depths.

And you blame feminism?

Misogynistic clap trap.

You need help my friend.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:12:54 PM
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From a police point of view and from many years ago there was plenty of dirt about the man back then but nothing that would stick.
The same went for "Hey Dad" and another host of a major children's show so maybe someone will come forward about him.
Let him die in prison and strip his money and give it to the victums while his family lives in shame and poverty.
There can be no forgiveness for any sex offender.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:18:03 PM
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Jay of Melbourne, "The thing is though that some of the "pervs" were just harmless eccentrics, loners or simpletons who didn't deserve the epithet and as it happened it was my basketball coach who was the biggest "fairy" in town, he molested many young boys and is now in jail."

I didn't see your post before posting.

A story.
Not so long ago a local primary school called the police and had a well-publicised 'lock-down', heaps of hysteria with 'concerned' parents, the full disaster, after a teacher reported a possible 'Child Molester' allegedly grooming children at a boundary fence.

The truth was that it was a frail old gent who always walked in full view on the pedestrian walkway at the front of the school. In the last year he has not been making it to his bus seat pit-stop, but stops short to gather his breath. His wife is dead and children long departed to the four winds to pursue work. He is clean, neat and will be proudly independent to the end. He is a good citizen and a positive role model.

In the next school assembly the teacher was lauded by the obviously concerned headmistress and children were warned of the constant dangers posed by lurking men. If I had been the principal I would have been wondering about the teacher's maturity and judgement, and asking why she didn't casually stroll over to the old chap to greet him with a flask of water and ensure he wasn't about to drop in the hot sun.

We have to manage the risk presented by the very few real threats, while keeping the good in our culture.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:19:02 PM
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SteeleRedux & Poirot,
Thank you for your criticism, you popped up as expected in your full glory of goody-good.
Now tell me about those poor kids that have lost their family harmony because of your Leftie idealist ALP governments have ruined so many families ? Ah, I see that's different, no sex involved, just a financial shafting when dads lost their jobs.
What about the morons next door in high density housing whose babies suffer the agony of music noise.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:40:43 PM
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I think the issue worth noting here, is that Harris "targeted" young girls for his "groping".

The majority appear to have been around 13-14 years of age.

Who thinks a grown man doing that is doing the right thing?

He might have received the name "Octopus" as some flighty description of a fun loving tactile guy - and perhaps he would have carried on taking his chances "if" his chosen cuddles were from grown women. They would have put up with it or put him in his place rather speedily.

Instead we have testimony along the lines of

"However, she told the court the entertainer began indecently assaulting her at age 13, when she joined the Harris family on an overseas holiday in 1978.

The woman told the court she was taking a shower at their Hawaii hotel and was wrapped only in a towel when Harris gave her "one of his big hugs and tickles".

She said the performer then put his fingers into her crotch area.

The woman said she felt "numb" and disgusted after the abuse happened.

When she was 15, she said Harris sexually assaulted her in her bedroom, before laughing and joking with her parents downstairs."


"A second witness told the court she was 13 or 14 when Rolf Harris groped her buttocks at a celebrity event in Cambridge."


"A third witness said she was only seven or eight years old when the entertainer assaulted her in Portsmouth after she had asked him for an autograph.

She said the entertainer put his hand down her back and between her legs. He then did it a second time, she told the jury."

And I think this one was quite young - and in the pub as part of theatre troupe celebration with Harris...

"Another Australian witness, Tonya Lee, asserted that Harris had indecently assaulted her twice in an English pub during a theatre trip to the UK in 1986."

Grown men interfering with young adolescent or pre-pubescent girls is not matter how many people say you're only having a "grope".
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:43:27 PM
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Sexual abuse of children is horrendous and intolerable.

The fact that Rolf Harris committed many of these offences in
plain sight of people - indicates that he thought his
celebrity status placed him above the law.

We haven't even begun to calculate the damage that
Mr Harris's crimes have done to the victims.
There is no doubt that Mr Harris's reputation
has taken a severe battering.
Rightly so.

Mr Harris was an adult who misused his position -
preying on vulnerable - innocent children. And there is no
excuse for that behaviour.

In addition to the 4 complainants in the trial, another 6 women
gave supporting evidence that the artist and entertainer had abused them in Australia, New Zealand, and Malta, between 1969 and 1991.
None of the accusers knew each other.

It is very important that we all do everything we humanly
can to protect vulnerable young people.

Excusing the behaviour of men like Mr Harris
is not the way to do it.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 July 2014 3:51:15 PM
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A simple, sordid tale of a pathetic dirty old man, having exploited his cheesy avuncular image to stick his fingers inside vulnerable children.

The fact that he is a successful, if somewhat daggy, entertainer should be entirely irrelevant to the case. The only reason the trial went on for so long was because he had the resources mount an expensive defence, unlike your common-or-garden pervert. If you strip away the celebrity aspects, and concentrate on the evidence presented over the seven weeks of the trial, it is pretty clear that he saw nothing wrong with exercising his fantasies on children, careless of the impact on their lives.

In the words of one (Australian) reporter from the trial:

"...we’ve also heard the dull, dead voice of a woman who blamed her ruined life on abuse by one of Australia’s til-now-favourite sons.
And we have heard of others left scarred, disgusted and disillusioned by their encounter with a man they had admired, even loved."

I hope they put him away. Ideally, with a six-foot-six tattooed father-of-teenage-daughters as a cellmate.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 3 July 2014 4:14:00 PM
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really pleased to see that even the 'progressives ' display that they don't believe in moral relativism unless of course it suites their cause. The porn Rolf seemed addicted to obviously fed his appetites. Oh thats right it can't harm anyone.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 July 2014 4:41:59 PM
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So Harris went down on twelve counts. I believe he's eighty four, obviously well past his performing days other than painting I suppose ? The presiding judge warned him that he could expect gaol on his return to Court for sentence tomorrow, Friday (I think?).

So what'll he get ? I don't know, but I can hazard a guess at what he's already received...? Total public humiliation. Having most, if not all of his art works, which currently hang in some very prominent places, removed. Being stripped of all his awards, both here and in the UK. Plus many other penalties, punitive actions, and sanctions, he's yet to even encounter ?

I've heard several of the victims have issued a criminal compensatory writ with a large firm of lawyers in Melbourne ? So it would appear Harris will encounter some pretty costly civil pecuniary penalties (if successful) too ? I'm not sure in British jurisprudence, if the Court can impose a solid fine, together with a custodial penalty for such offences ?

Boy oh boy, if that's what many of us really wish to witness, this eighty four old individual punished VERY severely, we'll most assuredly see it, there'll be no doubt of that !

I for one will have no delight in seeing it happen, notwithstanding I hate and detest 'kiddie .....s !

Sung wu.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 July 2014 5:08:25 PM
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Thanks to RObert, Paul and Foxy (and others) for making reasonable unemotional sense in their posts.

I think Pericles nailed it in his post.

I'm afraid Rolf Harris has only himself to blame for all this.

He should have kept his hands to himself.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 5:12:31 PM
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I think that there ought to be some limitation on the length of time between an offence and prosecution, memories dim and witnesses may have died or be in the grip of dementia.
If people don't come forward once they pass the voting age by five years then the matter ought to be let rest.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 3 July 2014 6:19:07 PM
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o sung wu,
You and I both know that this sub culture of sick humanity was there in our day and is still there.
There is only one answer to the problem but unfortunately Australia does not subscribe to capital punishment.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 3 July 2014 7:05:55 PM
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o sung wu, I've been trying to determine the known time period that the offences occurred over. Nothing definate so far other than comments that the abuses occurred over a period of around 30 years starting sometime in the 70's. It's not some bad mistake made in his teens and its clear that Harris has never tried to put it right. This was not a one off incident from someone in a short term bad place, rather a string of abuses occuring over many years against children both known to him and trustedin his care and complete strangers who he happened to have access to.

I don't think in that case his age matters.

I would be in favor of leniency if he had at some stage in the past sought treatment and taken steps to undo as much of the damage as he could. He has done none of that, instead denying his abusive behaviour.

Is Mise there is a good case for some kind of statute of limitations for any offence where the offender can be located, clearly Harris is in that category. I do though think the shift to a willingness by authorities to prosecute high profile abusers has been slow in coming and there are good reasons why some of these cases have not been dealt with earlier. I'm not entirely happy with any answer I can see to that aspect of the issue.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 3 July 2014 7:13:16 PM
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Hats off to the police for excellent detective work, going the long hard yards and for handling it all so discreetly to protect all parties and the evidence against the ratbags of the media. If there was ever a case that could easily have ended in a mistrial through media stupidity, sensationalism and arrogance it was this one.

Thanks to the police here too, serving and past, for dealing with scum and often while being criticised by tabloids and headline hunting politicians. Thank God so many police make it personal and give so much of themselves to the job.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 3 July 2014 7:46:26 PM
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So many people are in a state of denial about this - looking for excuses or conspiracies. It somehow challenges their world view and perhaps even the memory of their childhood.

The simple truth is that he was just another celebrity who thought his fame meant he could get away with inappropriate behaviour. He's not the first and will certainly not be the last.

It seems tame compared to the long-term institutionalised abuse still being investigated in this country but was still wrong.

Prison seems rather harsh because he will now live out the rest of his life in disgrace and as an object of loathing for many.

There is no joy in this for anybody but I find it difficult to feel genuinely sorry for him.

I feel more sorry for myself because of the now-tainted memories I have of him.

The feelings of the girls involved seem to have been brushed aside too.
Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 3 July 2014 8:49:51 PM
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Individual seems to have a strange fetish for talking about the "lefty ALP" at every opportunity.

I think he'll find that most sexual perverts and predators present themselves publicly as being extremely conservative and typically homophobic.

That includes chair-sniffing Liberal politicians and the occasional right-wing shock-jock. These are the biggest hypocrites of all.
Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 3 July 2014 8:58:13 PM
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<< …because his "groping" of relative strangers appears to be at the low end of molestation, you [individual] are blaming the girls because they didn't make a song and dance about it while his hands were still roaming.

Yes Poirot, right at the lowest end of molestation, if at all. I would say not molestation at all. Not by a long way actually.

He did this openly and gained a reputation for it.

What does that tell us?

I think it pretty clearly says that neither he nor anyone else thought too much of it… certainly not to the extent of it being illegal, paedophilic or molestationary.

There is something very wrong in our society that his actions can now be classed as being of a very serious nature.

This is completely different to the surreptitious activities of paedophile priests who knew they were doing bad things, and the cover-ups by the churches other institutions.

We’ve been disgusted by child abuse in many faith-based and other institutions. Well, I think we need be very careful to cop the real offenders and to not tar everyone with the same brush who may have done something which was in any way a little bit less than proper.

I think Rolf has been caught up in this paedophile purge, and that we are going to look back on his punishment with a lot of regret in a few years’ time, as being a very over-the-top reaction, promulgated much more by large-scale disgust over decades of hidden child abuse than by his actual activities.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:00:39 PM
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<< What Rolf is alleged to have done was wrong, it was wrong in 1960 and it's still wrong in 2014, however.... The hysteria surrounding the case is way out of proportion to the offences and what's particularly disturbing is the way the organisations with which he was associated are taking this scorched earth approach to his life and works… >>

Absolutely, Jay. There are too many people thinking in simplistic black and white terms, who can see only that he has been convicted and is therefore a despicable pervert, end of story.

Quite frankly I think there are a lot of quite disgusting people out there who are far too ready to completely condemn and destroy someone, if they are just given the opportunity.

<< …in spite of his lewdness he did actually do some good in the world. >>

Yes. We could all do with a bit of perspective as to what he has achieved and given to us compared to the magnitude of his wrongdoings.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:31:12 PM
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Pericles "I hope they put him away. Ideally, with a six-foot-six tattooed father-of-teenage-daughters as a cellmate."

Yes, exactly.

Ludwig, you are a disgrace.
Harris digitally penetrated girls aged 7 to 15. If that isn't a paedophile, what is?
Would you feel that he was not guilty if it was a female relative of yours?

Harris had all the money and power in the world to pay for great lawyers, but they still couldn't get him off could they?
He deserves the same punishment as any common paedophile ...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:55:05 PM
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"Yes Poirot, right at the lowest end of molestation, if at all. I would say not molestation at all. Not by a long way actually.

He did this openly and gained a reputation for it.

What does that tell us?"

We are talking about "adolescent and pre-pubescent" girls.

How is caressing girls' buttocks and putting his hand in a girl's crotch "not molestation"?

I mean really...that's a serious question.

And many of these instances were on first meeting the man. would you feel if someone you just met reached down your back, caressed your buttocks and then had a bit of a feel of your crotch?

I'm sure you'd be thrilled to know that a stranger took that liberty with your body...(and you're not a young girl who's just been taken advantage of by a celebrity.)

You say:

"This is completely different to the surreptitious activities of paedophile priests who knew they were doing bad things..."

Why is it completely different?

The reality is that it's not "completely different". This man repeatedly targeted young girls and felt them up for his own pleasure - totally disregarding the impact those actions had on their lives.

The message I'm getting is don't bat an eyelid if a stranger touches up your young's only a bit of a grope...stop yer griping.

Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 3 July 2014 9:58:32 PM
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<< The fact that Rolf Harris committed many of these offences in plain sight of people - indicates that he thought his celebrity status placed him above the law. >>

That’s an interesting assertion Foxy.

It doesn’t make sense. Why would he think that?

Everyone else around him would have to have thought that too, wouldn’t they. It would only have taken one person to think that he was acting in an unacceptable manner to have gone to the authorities with a complaint.

There doesn’t seem to be any indication that anyone ever went to the police during the decades that he was doing this stuff. Correct me if you know otherwise.

Not every single person around Rolf would have been an avid fan or devotee. There would surely have been a few who would have gone to the authorities if they had thought that he was behaving in a seriously unacceptable manner.

This all suggests that he was behaving in a manner that was acceptable or tolerable or at worst; considered a bit dodgy but not to the extent of warranting police action.

I put it to you that he behaved in a manner that he came to understand was not going to get him into trouble.

I would have thought that he would think along the lines that his celebrity status, and hence the very many people who came to know about his ‘octopus’ activities, would have made him much more vulnerable to lawful action if he thought he was behaving in a seriously bad manner.

<< Excusing the behaviour of men like Mr Harris is not the way to do it. >>


I am not excusing his behaviour. But it does need to be put into context. And it would seem to me that what he is now facing is far and away too severe a penalty. (We’ll find out tomorrow just how severe the jail term is going to be).
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:34:45 PM
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Hi there ROBERT & CHRISGAFF1000...

It should be noted herein, I'd already finished typing a response to you both, and I've just lost the bloody lot !


Under British jurisprudence I'm sure some crimes impose a 'statute of limitations', as to what they are; I don't really know ? To my way of thinking, offences of this category should never be 'statute barred'. Serious and heinous crimes against children, I'm sure are open to prosecution, ad infinitum.


Your suggestion does have substantial merit, particularly as the 'rock spider' concerned never has the opportunity to again defile a child. There's a lot to be said for a suspended sentence ?

Another remedy (though not available to us here, sadly) which is practised widely both in Singapore and Malaysia, is up to a dozen strokes of the rotan. There's substantial evidence suggesting this distinctive method of 'behaviour modification' does have great eminence amongst the judiciary presiding in both nations.

Apparently it has the effect of frightening the bedevil out of those contemplating further or repeat excursions into 'crimes of similar facts'. That gave most of 'em their initial introduction to the inimitable rotan.

Though one would never know what's in the mind of some of these people ? The mere act of sexually assaulting a child, is beyond comprehension of any normal man or women ? Anything that might masquerade as a successful cure for such offenders, is far from the grasp of most Psychiatrists and other Medico's ? It'll take many years before they can ever originate drugs of a kind, that ensures complete protection from these offenders, for the community at large. Until then, we must identify and lock-up these evil, albeit 'sick' critters, in order to safeguard our precious children.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 July 2014 10:38:09 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

Forgive me if I am misinterpreting you.

You appear to be saying because Rolf Harris has had the fame and glory as a public entertainer taken from him he has been punished enough. Doesn't the argument follow that someone without that measure of public recognition to lose should face jail instead.

This is a ludicrous proposition.

And what of the countless young girls who had their trust of adults broken in a very disturbing manner through his actions. How do we judge the long term damage wrought? Where is their measure of justice? I think the likelihood of success in court if any one of them alone had brought an action against Harris would have been slim. However law enforcement and the courts we able to bring a number of victims together to present a more formidable case against this man and his resources, resources provided to him by his fame and success as an entertainer.

No I think at this stage justice has bee served.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 3 July 2014 11:30:08 PM
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No-one says that harris's antics weren't wrong. As a matter of interest I don't recall hearing anything about actual intercourse so the term abuse is already out of context.
As several posters have already stated crystal clear it is the inconsitency with which Harris is treated vs non-celebrities . We had one who had actual sexual intercourse with 10 or so year old & he went to jail for 1 year. He had all his rotten teeth fixed while decent peole can't get near a dentist no matter how hard they try. We have an older bloke who consistently has very young girls around whom he provides openly with alcohol in return for alleged sexual favours but nothing is being done. I can't hear any do-gooders getting upset there so the celebrity component must have something to do with it & of course the publicity in this age of extreme vanity.
Posted by individual, Friday, 4 July 2014 6:24:58 AM
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Actually it's quite interesting that I find myself arguing fairly hard against the actions of Harris.

When the story first broke I was sad. I thought perhaps someone was mistaken and it would all be sorted out. Who was more likeable and trustworthy than our own Rolf?

But as the details emerged, it appeared this man relied on his celebrity status to get away with behaviour that wouldn't be tolerated otherwise.

Ludwig says:

"This all suggests that he was behaving in a manner that was acceptable or tolerable or at worst; considered a bit dodgy but not to the extent of warranting police action.

I put it to you that he behaved in a manner that he came to understand was not going to get him into trouble."

It's more likely that he discovered early on that his particular reputation and celebrity status acted as some sort of shield for his actions. Targeting quite young girls with gropes to their private parts would be understood by any reasonable measure as "taboo".

Why, in that case, Ludwig, was his defence in a couple of instances built on denying that he had met the girls and was never where they said they met him?....That they were "making it up"?

A defence which was blown away during the trial.

Why did he not just say that he considered his groping acceptable because he thought everyone knew about it and he hadn't yet been charged with anything?

"Harris denied inappropriately touching any of the alleged victims and pleaded not guilty in court. "They are all making it up," he told the jury in late May."

"Harris initially denied being in the city at that time. However, he later admitted he had been there after TV footage was dramatically uncovered mid-trial of him taking part in a 1978 episode of Star Games in Cambridge."

"Harris's defence counsel suggested the entertainer had never been to the community centre in question and the witness must have confused him with another man."

I think you are excusing his behaviour.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 8:18:28 AM
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SteeleRedux, excellent post <<This is a ludicrous proposition...>>
could not agree more. I am pleased that this discussion has been in the main kept apolitical by posters who generally show political diversity on most subject, but not on this one. I did say most.

Indi, Indi, Indi, "No-one says that harris's antics weren't wrong" Indi you must not read your own posts! What other conclusion can one draw from what you put up so far?

I'll just grab one of your spurious posts on the subject;

<<I think it's a crystal clear case of the true face of feminism in its whole glory. The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up. I know ordinary blokes who are no different but their behaviour is tolerated because they have no fame nor money. Many feminists are just so callous & opportunistic.>>

My interpretation of the above is it was all the fault of the victim.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 4 July 2014 8:57:25 AM
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<< You appear to be saying because Rolf Harris has had the fame and glory as a public entertainer taken from him he has been punished enough. Doesn't the argument follow that someone without that measure of public recognition to lose should face jail instead. >>

Steele, I think we need to look at the overall punishment. Harris has got an awful lot to lose, as opposed to someone who doesn’t have much to lose. Perhaps the jail sentence needs to reflect this. Perhaps it IS appropriate that he receives a lighter jail sentence than someone in the equivalent position would receive who does not have the recognition or enormous accumulated life works and reputation to lose.

Harris built up his wealth and reputation by doing a great deal of good stuff by way of entertaining millions of people for several decades. This is now all in tatters. I don’t think that you should just set that aside and say that he should otherwise be punished with a jail term as if he hadn’t already copped a very severed penalty or as if these enormous losses were not relevant to the magnitude of a formal sentence.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 4 July 2014 9:00:54 AM
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<< When the story first broke I was sad. I thought perhaps someone was mistaken and it would all be sorted out. Who was more likeable and trustworthy than our own Rolf? >>

My sentiments exactly, Poirot.

He is the same age as my parents. I grew up Perth. My mother has always been a great fan. He has always been one of the main solid unquestionably good people in my life, if of somewhat daggy and marginal entertainment value.

I’m having a great deal of trouble coming to terms with the current state of affairs. I can’t write this without bloody tears streaming down my face…. and I’m sitting in a café amongst lots of people writing this on my laptop.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 4 July 2014 9:02:22 AM
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Yes, it's startling.

But of course, you and I are judging Harris from his public persona.

Often in life, we hear of people whose conduct in private is at odds with their public reputation.

As I mentioned earlier, Harris would have been one of my top picks for a fantasy "perfect neighbour".

That says it all.

It's hard to splice up the image when we have the instance of an 84 year-old "nice guy" exposed also as someone who repeatedly targeted "young girls" in this manner.

Not an honourable way for any man to conduct himself - and he appears to have done it in a serial manner with no regard whatsoever for the shock and disgust it generated in his victims - accusing them of "making it up".

That's pretty low on any scale...for with celebrity comes an even greater onus on right conduct.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 9:15:17 AM
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we all/share your pain/and tears ludwig
but fail to see/why this needs upset you so.

you surely know/of this thing called the appeal process
[we see the pitcures of him going/yo lock-up
he gets special protection/hooks up with fellow protected-custody/deviants/who gave in to un-civil habbits[he wil do a few weeks/then win the appeal/on teqnicality

its important to reMEMBE/HARRIS FELL OUT WITH THOSE IN THE INCROWD/THUS WAS THROWN TO THE LIONS/but i couldnt cares less where rolfy spends his time hiding from all the tears/the faulse-god/wiTH FEET OF CLAY/USED TO BE ABLE TO MAKE GO AWAY.

but now/cannot
i suggest that google-eyED bbc/CLOWN/HIs parter in crime coached ol roffle harras..but the punitive instincts of man/who abused/even the dead/cripple-insane/are n0thing to the punitive pu..andrgatives he gets pumped into him non stop in hell

i dont want any-of it/by tying my wagon to his fate
many men hear the cry/but few refuse the call..
if any young girl/is on stage/the old guy/gal.

[LIKE HAIRLESS...BITS/that look like innocent kids
there is no justification for seeking the [pleasure from innocenits their child-hood we dont even get into it/he wont get the time/HIS BETRAYAL/HAS EARNED

to whom much was given
much better was only to be expected.
yes they creep/into our heart/but onlyto break-it/by taking/our kids;innocence/

unless it happens/to-you[it did/my uncle\IT WAS JUST FONDLING/MUTUAL MASTERBATION[i say just/because iT MADE ME THE WANKlER I NOW AM[it forces adult awareness/the need to be wary/but worse revealed/the potential/to unleash/the same beast[in me]

i cant hug kids without hearing the caution/adults touching kids is sick

a ex mate/once offerd sweeties/to my kid/for a kiss
i never saw him agaIN/teaching my daughter to sell kissing for sweets/is the first step.[when i se a/man/with a kid/in the park/the rush/of submerged emotion/near makes me sic*

Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 July 2014 9:35:34 AM
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"i cant hug kids without hearing the caution/adults touching kids is sick"

While I understand the point you are trying to make, it's actions like those of Harris which add fuel to the fire.

If Harris had hugged those girls "appropriately" there would be no problem regarding the ones who he met at events.(although he'd still have some explaining to do regarding the children he was personally associated with) The problem arises with his overstepping decent physical interaction with young girls who he is first meeting.

How anyone can excuse any man (famous or not) with greeting a young girl by caressing her buttocks and/or feeling around her crotch is beyond me.

And behviour such as this by a grown man to an 11-12 year-old:

"Another witness against Harris was an Australian woman who said the entertainer assaulted her at the home of family friends in Darwin when she was 11 or 12 years old in the late 1960s.

The woman said she froze as Harris approached her, put his arms around her and gave her a tongue kiss."

I was that age once - there is no way that behaviour is acceptable, especially to under-age girls. A grown woman at least can make the judgement to put up with it or tell the perpetrator in no uncertain terms to desist. Girls just emerging from childhood feel powerlessness, violation and shame - especially when a "big star" is the one doing the deed.

There is a line...Harris crossed it repeatedly.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 10:33:23 AM
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Dear Ludwig,

In answer to your earlier question here is a link
regarding Rolf Harris's behaviour and what the police
and investigators stated according to testimonies
and the evidence they found.

Mr Harris committed many offences in molesting young children in
plain sight of people. According to investigators and the
police - Mr Harris thought his celebrity status placed him
above the law.
In addition to the 4 complainants in the trial -
another 6 women gave supporting evidence that the artist and
entertainer abused them in Australia, New Zealand, and Malta,
between 1969 and 1991. None of the accusers knew each other,
yet they told similar stories of what had happened.

The evidence is there.
And no excuses can be made for the abuse of children.
"Rolfie wants a cuddle!"
However, the man did more than just "cuddle!"
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 4 July 2014 11:11:52 AM
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It is interesting that often the perpetrator of a sex crime will blame the victim "she was asking for it!" or some such line, or will diminish the seriousness of the crime with "After all, I didn't do all that much, I didn't rape her!" or some such rubbish. Interesting that other criminals rarely use such a defense, I can't imagine a bank robber saying "The bank should not have been there!" or "After all, I only stole $10,000, its not that much theses days."
I see the apologists for Harris on here peddle the same line. Remember when a thief breaks into your house and steals your big flat screen TV, its your fault, anyway its not that serious, after all, he didn't steal you car from the garage!"
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 4 July 2014 11:42:49 AM
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I think you have this absolutely right, Ludwig.

>>I think Rolf has been caught up in this paedophile purge<<

But unlike you, I think this is a good outcome.

Many people who previously did not have, or did not feel they had, a voice to complain, found the necessary support that allowed them to bring these acts into the daylight. Case in point - one girl actually wrote to the Queen at the time her maj was having her portrait done by Mr Harris.

"'He ruined my life. You need to know what kind of man you’ve let near the Queen,' she wrote to royal staff. The notes, which remained anonymous, were handed to Scotland Yard’s Royal Protection Group, who certified their credibility and filed them as evidence. However, they remained uninvestigated until Harris became an official suspect in 2012."

How powerless must this person have felt. Even writing to the Queen didn't get the attention of the police - just another crank, I expect they said to themselves. Only when the extent of Jimmy Savile's predations became widely known, did they feel sufficiently confident to tell somebody.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 4 July 2014 12:12:20 PM
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Ludwig there are in my view a range of problems with the idea that Harris should get a smaller sentence because of what he has to loose.

I don't really want to see exta time for the factors I mention, making a point to highlight the problems I see with what you have posted.

- Its very subjective
From outward appearances Harris wife and daughter have stuck by him (some suggestions that Bindy may not be as close as court appearance were made to look). My impression is that Harris is very fortunate to have a spouse that still supports him after what has been exposed. For many family is all they really have and it can be gone for far less cause than what Harris has admitted to let alone what he has been found guilt of. Perhaps a harsher sentence because he has support that others don't have.
- Its unlikely his family will be left broke regardless of how any suggested lawsuits go. Harris wife would almost certainly have ownership of enough assets to ensure that she never need to be sleeping rough. Other criminals may not have that luxury and spend their time inside worrying about their families financial situation. Perhaps a little more time for that as well.
- Most people as you point out have never enjoyed fame, recognition and fortune. Many of those have given much to the community in various ways without any rewards of the type Harris has enjoyed. Perhaps a little more time for that.

I feel bad doing this when you are upset however your defense of someone who has shown himself to be a serial betrayer of the privileged position he enjoyed, someone who has betrayed over an extended period the trust of family, friends and fans is not something that I can leave be.

If there is evidence that the conviction was a setup then present it but dismissing touching up little girls as trivial as you appear to be doing does you no credit and does not fit with the character I know from OLO.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 4 July 2014 1:37:24 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

From your words I can see how distressed you are with the turn of events. In a way you, like so many others who have taken his songs and other works into their memories, often very fond childhood ones, are victims too.

I am of the opinion the hurt you are feeling possibly has you reacting to this news in a manner you might not have otherwise countenanced.

Perhaps if Harris had shown contrition and apologised to his victims I might have been inclined to support in a small way the position you are taking. He did not so nor do I.

R0bert has pointed out that Harris seemingly has retained the support of his family. Would you consider a less famous person being completely rejected by his wife and family because of his actions as having lost more that Mr Harris?

The point I am making is that I think we are on a very slippery slope when trying to judge the manner of personal loss in cases like this. I feel there would need to be highly extenuating circumstances for these things to be given much weight in sentencing. I am as equally uneasy about making an 'example' of someone through heavier sentencing because of their fame. Let us hope the judge resists the temptation either way.

Dear individual,

Your quote again;

“I think it's a crystal clear case of the true face of feminism in its whole glory. The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up. I know ordinary blokes who are no different but their behaviour is tolerated because they have no fame nor money. Many feminists are just so callous & opportunistic.”

Just nick off.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 4 July 2014 5:33:12 PM
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Just to reiterate the difference between a high profile celebrity targeting "young girls" and grown women.

This is interesting...

"Maggie Barry, a sitting MP, said the incident gave her a chilling insight into the dark side of the Australian-born entertainer, who was convicted in London on Monday of a string of sex assaults against girls between 1968 and 1986.

Barry said she was in her mid-20s and working at a regional radio station when she lined up an interview with Harris, who was touring the country."

"When he put his hand on my leg I said, 'You can stop that right now', and I stood up and said, 'You're a sleazy creep.' At that point he got a bit nasty and the publicist came in and smoothed things over."

She said that after she confronted Harris over his behaviour he "began to cut up rough [became angry] and protest and called me a couple of names" before the publicist intervened and he apologised.

But she said it showed Harris thought he could act with impunity because of his fame and the situation could have been far more serious if he had molested someone who was younger or more vulnerable and not willing to stand up to him.

"It seemed that he was pretty confident and arrogant if he thought he could try it on with someone like me," she said."
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 6:57:34 PM
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O sung wu,

The rattan as wielded in Singapore is a fearsome punishment and the recipients spend at least a week (and more) sleeping on their stomachs after an application, they are literally black and blue.
I have seen a video of a Singaporean recovery cell, courtesy of an Indian Police Officer of my acquaintance. Not nice.

On limitations; 72 years ago I and some of my school mates were groped and kissed by a male teacher; should I now sue the organization to which he belonged for compensation and have him posthumously branded a kiddie fiddler?
He left the organization, married and had a family and, by all accounts, thereafter led a blameless life; should the effect on his family be taken into account whilst thinking about suing?

We called him "Slobber Lips" bye the way!
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 4 July 2014 8:03:28 PM
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Hi there IS MISE...

Your last paragraph raised some interesting propositions concerning the unlawful activities of 'slobber lips' seventy years in the past ? Does 'time' mitigate in anyway this man's actions all these years ago ? Ostensibly since his marriage and the birth of his children, is it appropriate now to publically denounce him to the world, for the crimes, that he'd perpetrated seventy odd years ago ? Is that justice ? Obviously he's deceased ? Therefore, who'd receive the punishment ?

Imagine the pain, the public humiliation and the enduring sadness that his surviving family must carry for the balance of their own existence ? Surely that's only punishing the innocent.

You might ask what would I do ? I really have no idea. What I will admit too, is the awful pain and anguish I've had occasion to purposely and wilfully impose and inflict on many poor bastards when I was working as a detective ? Perhaps if I'd handled things a little differently, there would've been less misery left in the wake of some of my jobs (investigations) notwithstanding positive results generally ensured. You see,'fear' is a tool that must be wielded very judiciously and definitely, NOT indiscriminately. It's not our (police) job to punish.

The question of 'appropriate' punishment, has in recent years, caused me much disillusionment and cynicism. I guess that's the reason why the whole Harris case, has me quite ambivalent as to an appropriate punishment for this eighty four year old man ?
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 4 July 2014 10:13:02 PM
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Rolf Harris has been sentenced to five years nine months.

More information has been released in the wake of his conviction.

"Rolf Harris browsed websites showing images of girls believed to be as young as 13, it can now be reported following his conviction for indecent assault.

When detectives examined the 84-year-old entertainer's desktop computer after they searched his home in Bray, Berkshire, in 2012 while investigating historical claims of indecent assault, they discovered he had visited websites with such names as "My little nieces", "Tiny teen girlfriends" and "Russian girlfriends".

They also found a note in Harris's diary, in his handwriting, with instructions on how to delete the history on his internet browser programme."
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 10:27:53 PM
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Anyone still of the notion that all Rolf was up to was a little harmless groping might like to peruse the Judge's sentencing remarks.

Ludwig, if you read this, I think you'll realise why Rolf has been convicted.

Not "groping"...but full on sexual abuse.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 4 July 2014 11:31:06 PM
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This all makes me wonder why those who are (rightly) so against this kind of behaviour, are so quiet about Australian sex tourists going to Asia & callously exploit the poverty of families there. There are Australians who have their their own child sex network & no-one seems to think anything of it. I spoke with a fairly high ranking bureaucrat who proudly claimed to have "gone through a thousand" girls in an asian country. Perhaps they were of sufficient age for his conscience but could he have "achived" this here ? Let's focus on those asian sex tourist Australians now that Rolf is put away. Probably not as high profile if we can't find a celebrity but probably even more perverse. Anyone see the TV show what really happens in Bali ? Well, they conveniently forgot about the australian perverts latching onto the little kids of poor families.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 7:48:01 AM
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Poirot high lighted Harris's use of child porn. Thats been mentioned earlier as well and is the subject of strong views by some.

There is too much we don't know to be certain in Harris case but one aspect I wonder about in this issue generally is the role of access to child porn. Some are adamant that access to porn contributes to the problem, I suspect it may give an outlet to divert the problem away from physical contact with children.

All of the known offences in Harris's case occurred prior to the type of ready access to porn that the internet made possible. In this instance Harris's known abuses according to the sentencing notes seemed to have ceased a few years before the internet became popular (mid 1990's).

Its been covered previously but there is some evidence that internet takeup has some correlation with reduction in sexual assault rates.

I'm of the view that the majority of church workers who have sexually abused children would not have had much access to porn during the era when the abuses seemed to have mostly occurred.

Its possible that porn plays a similar role to that played by nicotene substitutes for people with nicotene addictions in diverting the cravings for the real thing.

Clearly the later view still has the massive problem that porn is based around images of real people, that some of it involves high level abuse of real children. Even if access to child porn does reduce the incidence of fresh offences the source of those images does not appear to have leave an ethical way to allow such access.

I think there is a good case for more open investigation of ways of dealing with the issue, that paedophiles are people with mental health problem's which they have to deal with constantly seemingly with few options for support to deal with it.

Sometimes the level of disgust at a problem is so high it hinders societies constructive dealing with it to then point that does more to perpetuate the problem than reduce it.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 5 July 2014 8:47:06 AM
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INDY.KINDY\QUOTE..<<>.This[?]..all makes me wonder/why those\who are (rightly) so against/this kind of behaviour,/are so quiet about Australian/sex tourists..going to Asia/callously exploit\the poverty of families there.>>

govts/are\formed/by loyalty/ties
having the 'dirt'..on your man[oe woman]//ensures they rise/to the top/or else/we do a roffle*harris..[a/to ya[..get-it


we judge/the beast/as just/more baser/than/us
if its some-supreemist/or cult/thing..regardless of informed concent/ite vile.

KIDS/LIKE FEELING GOOD/all the things that parents love/kids love
kids/smoke/have erections/act girlly/but its the despoiling of innocence/thATS really a sin.

'sex/with children/is perfectly/fine[in hell]
infact/the first impression/of hell/is usually/noting all the ugly kids/the second usually/is realisation/your body has reverted/to its child[new-incarnated/form/AGAIN NOTICING/THE CHANGE/CAN TAKE DECADES

BUT ARROUND/you are infinite perverse evil lives/realised/now in hell
[we become/that we love/insatiable sex addicts/come back as say rabbits/and as humans need submerge/this baser urge[look arroud/you/all life=is equal/before god/but for your tiny/goodnes/your body could have been anyone/of them

like dogs/think/nothing\of\age/relation/but
the urge for mating[in in/is\season]even dogs get a break/till they men0*sterate

<<>>There are Australians/own child sex network>>

yes/run/by//the public-service\actualy deliverd/in come car\
i have met two/and they loved it/grew up with the power people[they love them tiny people[not darwfs]both i met/were under 5 foot/croan-up

butjudges/policelawyers/the public sevants/its 24/7
but they do get a taste/for the good-life
[sp[iritualy/its measured/by\its fruits

<<>no-one seems to think/anything of it.>>

thats/unfair/many/OF-us/came\here/to end/the delusions/but we so love our material peversionillusion[delusions]..that we became as lost as the rest of us

our cries attract/do-gooder spirits
just trying to help our cries/end the lies
they come/into the honey trap/as helpless as our cries

so i refuse to cry/to trick/yet another spirit/to help the karma/we this satans/realm

<<>.nyone see the TV show/what really Bali?>>

yes/the system/recrutes/kids/with-lost/minds
to blackmail\into corrupting their spirit[karma]

<<>Well,./they conveniently/forgot/about the australian perverts latching..onto the/poor poor families>>.


damm caps
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 July 2014 8:47:41 AM
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I wasn't aware of any particular predilection regarding Harris and porn until I read that article about him sourcing it on the internet after his conviction.

He seems to have been particularly attracted to young pubescent girls.

Whether his perusing of those sites occurred simply because he could do it with relative ease - as opposed to getting hold of hard copy which would have been a risk with his renown.

I'm more inclined to think it had less to do with porn and more to do with the fact he just decided he fancied young girls and was going to allow himself to indulge his appetite whenever it was possible.

I will say that reading the judges remarks on his abuse of his daughter's friend, that Harris's actions displayed classic abuse behaviour - a man of fifty targeting for sexual activity a 13-15 year old family friend over many years...really is the most damning of all the evidence.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 9:10:49 AM
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Like most people, I was shocked about the allegations firstly and then the conviction of Rolf Harris. Hard to believe and I do not have any idea what an appropriate punishment should be. I feel let down, I suppose like finding a trusted friend or employee has been lying or stealing from you. Or your partner has been unfaithful. There are many questions of why and how could it be. No answers are readily available.

Having said that, I do also think that the affect on the victims is exaggerated in most. I think kids are far more resilient than many adults acknowledge. While such has an affect at the time, like many other adverse experiences, kids deal with it generally over time.

There have been millions of kids subjected to pedophillia and incest since the beginning of time. Did all have their life 'ruined'? What about the horrible things kids see in war zones or in other aspects of life. Only a day ago there were press pictures of a bloke in Syria or Iraq being crucified and a heap of kids looking on. I have seen videos of a kid being shown how to cut a persons throat. As a kid I saw and learnt about slaughtering animals for food and hunting. What about the girls that suffer FGM by the very ones they trusted to care and protect them. How could they inflict so much pain if they loved them? But they get over it and inflict the same pain to their own daughters, which is hard to believe.

So I take the claims of 'ruined' their lives with a pinch of salt, or does that only apply to us in the modern western world as incest and pedophillia is still part of society and culturally acceptable in many societies.

I think kids learn to deal with many unpleasant experiences they encounter in life, far more than many adults give them credit for. We cannot shield our kids from every thing, as much as we would like to, but kids do learn from experiences.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 5 July 2014 10:14:36 AM
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Thanks for all those responses since my teary crack-up yesterday morning. Much appreciated.

<< I am of the opinion the hurt you are feeling possibly has you reacting to this news in a manner you might not have otherwise countenanced. >>

Fair enough, Steele.

But I’m sure the opposite is true for many, including several respondents on this thread. They have been too ready to take a very harsh line, without having sufficient knowledge, having relied only on the often very sensationalist media coverage.

Now, having read the sentencing remarks of Justice Sweeney (thanks for the link Poirot), I can at last have a high degree of confidence in the nature and magnitude of the offences. But up until that point, I was not willing to accept what I was hearing in the media to any more than a general extent, while considering the possibility that it was being beat up out of all proportion. I think that was a wise thing to do.

Consider this story (again, thanks Poirot):

< Harris was charged with four counts of making indecent images of children – the notion of "making" an image, based on a 1978 law, also includes viewing them on a computer >

Who would ever have thought that making an image included simply viewing an image on your computer?

Obviously without that explanation, everyone would have thought that Rolf had been right into some really hard-core child porn activity, rather than just viewing images (which incidentally are absolutely borderline at being interpreted as child porn). We have to be so careful about what we read. There is so much scope for us to be wildly misled.

I’m not trying to downplay Rolf’s activities here, just trying to elucidate an accurate perspective.

I think we now have an accurate overall perspective of this issue. It would seem to me that a jail term of two years, five and a half months (half of what he was sentenced to… the judge saying that he will serve half of his sentence in jail), is all considered quite reasonable.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 5 July 2014 10:43:24 AM
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Yeah, Banjo...I dunno.

The girl who was Bindy's friend who endured years of abuse followed by years of alcoholism...before she could even bring herself to tell her family, is a case where a life was ruined.

What we have to keep in mind is that in our culture there is a"huge taboo" on sexually interfering with a minor. Minor's themselves are well aware of it, and anybody whose raised children knows that at around ten years of age, kids generally start to become more private regarding their bodies. They start to cover up and seek privacy for their hygiene issues.

They become aware of the taboo.

So when an adult comes along and violates it, they feel the weight of societal mores - they feel violated and grubby. That's quite a big psychological load to take on, especially when it all rests on the actions of an adult who decided to help themselves to someone's body by taking advantage of trust.

I mentioned earlier my own experience (one which individual chose to ridicule) It was no laughing matter - and even though I stopped the next attempt, it did leave me scarred. The thing is that there is no way I would have dreamed of telling an adult. I don't know why that is, but a psychologist could probably tell me. It was my own private shame that this man had done that. It was "taboo" and I was left feeling shame, confusion and powerlessness.

Strangely enough, I appear to have processed it quite healthily, as I'm now waffling about it on this forum...but for most of the years of my life I kept it private, told was a significant scar on my psyche.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 10:45:30 AM
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Excellent posts R0bert and Banjo. Very thought-provoking stuff.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 5 July 2014 10:47:52 AM
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Whether children report sexual assault or not seems to depend a lot on the prevailing adult attitudes and the relationship between parents and the aggressor.

In our case at school most of us apparently told our parents and in my case, at least, after some initial doubt my father, by some astute questioning, believed me.
He told me many years later that he raised the matter with some of the other fathers, compared notes, and the teacher voluntarily left both the school and the organization.

We all got on with life and generally forgot about it, my first conscious remembering of the incidents was at a class reunion about 20 years later when we had a bit of a chuckle about it.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 5 July 2014 11:13:17 AM
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Is Mise,

"Whether children report sexual assault or not seems to depend a lot on the prevailing adult attitudes and the relationship between parents and the aggressor."


In my case I had been taken in by this family after my father had gone off on one his tangents and abandoned me for that period.

The perpetrator was the step-father of the other kids in the house. I wish I had spoken up, even to the other kids, but I was mortally ashamed of what had happened (and like some of Rolf's actions, it happened when other people were around)...anyway I felt isolated in my predicament - and was mightily relieved when some short time later this man left.

(I suspect he may have done even worse to his step-daughter...but again, nothing was ever said.)



"Who would ever have thought that making an image included simply viewing an image on your computer?

Obviously without that explanation, everyone would have thought that Rolf had been right into some really hard-core child porn activity, rather than just viewing images (which incidentally are absolutely borderline at being interpreted as child porn)."

I think you're splitting hairs here...viewing them, but not downloading them, printing them...whatever. It fits in with his predilection for young pubescent girls. In any case, those charges are not going to be pursued.

Also, the UK Attorney General's Office tweeted last night that Rolf Harris's sentence has been referred to them under the unduly lenient sentences scheme.

For my part, I think there is little to be gained from increasing his sentence. Justice has been served for his victims. He'll endure jail time and his reputation is in tatters now the truth of his actions has been revealed.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 11:31:15 AM
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Ludwig>> It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

Luddy for me the form or extent of sexual predation does not enter into it. It is all about the vulnerability of the “selected” victim.

Luddy Harris’s moral crime is in the act of choosing a victim that is physically psychologically and in terms of credibility substantially less powerful than him, Age of consent laws are in place to protect children from cowards like Harris.

To choose a child or adolescent as your victim deserves jail time for just the predatory behaviour. In sheer moral terms you would have to have more respect for a bank robber than Harris.

>> Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus.<<

There are no degrees in the crime of unlawful under age carnal knowledge. Five years on top is not enough for the number of convictions, five years inside would fit my moral scale better.

Luddy whatever Harris got busted for you can be assured that he and Saville shared their experiences and as constant child predators got up to worse. Primarily because an overt libido coupled with a psychological penchant for children and that is a sexually driven power trip that they don’t grow out of...they grow into it.

So I don't agree with your thought process Luddy, its morally unbalanced.
Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 5 July 2014 11:56:30 AM
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I can't help wondering about the feelings of
Mr Harris's wife and daughter in all of this.
How must they be feeling at this time?

Did they know anything or suspect
anything about their husband and father over all
these years? Surely there must have been tell-tale
signs that something was wrong with his behaviour.
Especially in the case of the daughter's best-friend
being molested while they were on holidays together
and the daughter sleeping in the next bed.

What possible explanation could be made for turning
a blind eye to all this?

I read somewhere that Mr Harris's daughter is financially
dependent on her father (he gives her a monthly alowance).
In 2012 Bindi wrote to her father to ask if she was the
sole inheritor of his 11 million pound estate.

I suppose money could be a good motivator for someone's silence.
Money, fame, love - a combination of all three perhaps?
- who knows? But now that things are out in the open -
and Mr Harris's reputation has taken such a battering -
where does that leave his wife and daughter?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 5 July 2014 12:49:23 PM
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IM GLAD/YOUR\AT/PEACE..ludwig/but you do raise/an interesting point
and i will as usual jump-in/where even demons wouldthin/twice.

i love porn/i love looking at shapes sizes/seeing the vast extreems god goes to
and even/the greater/lenGTHS/WE OURSELF GO TO

i have looked at the entrY veils/of the gates/by which humanity gains HER admitance/its just perfect/in all its shapes designs signes of wear and tear/point being/it calms one who was awakend/early

and loved/it
but dont want to get real/with a real person
as im so over the lot/of it/yet slave to the porn
so many faces/looking with eye contact/unashamed/like eve

it want the porn that screwed roffle harris/it was fame/and people pandering to him from birth telling him how special he is/then he met savlon/and aopted the role model/we coached encouraged nurtured him into/because he too was awoken/to adult-hood adult try

if only woman were on heat/like the 20s/40/s..and 60's
the way we are suposed to be[we are herd beasts/we need peers
we dont need to be tied to a faulse reality[like living with mum
or with'the boys' traditional society/they have division/of\the sexes[to redirect sex drive into ..serfdom\

my life is mess enought/without messing up[or getting iNTO THE MESS/OF OTHERS//PORN FILLS THE NEED/TO KNOW/why it is so/BACKTO the place of our birth[cause im not obsesed with the staff/of\life..

anyhow a come on/must be clear
never asume permission/when its shock

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 July 2014 1:20:31 PM
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With respect, those inferences are unfair and could be construed as allegations of complicity for financial gain. I hope you meant none of that.

Sometimes there is no better explanation than the trust that an offender abused, and his/her victims are the people close to him/her as well as the more obvious, direct victims who are the complainants.

I my voluntary work I have listened to the very sad stories of a number of people. The simple fact is that criminals (and Harris is one) are very manipulative people who can be adept at leading double lives. I could relate the story of a lovely old fellow I visit whose wife, a professional, led (and continues to lead!) not two but three parallel lives and managed to strip the family assets. She even had a house where she lived operated from when not at the family home (which she returned to at night) and then another.. He found out some of it through accident, but the available family finances are so 'shot' and controlled by her that he cannot achieve any separation.

That was a long story and to some unbelievable, but it is fact and anyone in community work could tell many.

The court arrived at the view that Rolf Harris was highly manipulative and unrepentant. His wife and daughter may never have known anything and you can be sure from the court evidence that Harris made very few slip-ups. We should believe the court. There is no sharing of blame, he did it all himself. He is a very nasty s.o.b to put everyone through the long legal processes and court appearances. We should be reminded too, that behaviour generalises.

The penalty is soft for the lives ruined by him.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 5 July 2014 1:24:25 PM
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Please stop making things up here, I did not riducle your experience, far from it. Trying to put things into perspective is not ridicule in any thesaurus.
Come to think of it when some high profile Labor people were charged with worse, the media was far less like the bloodhounds onto Rolf Harris. Any particular reason ? What about that Qld. Labor leader Keith Wright ? The hounding wasn't very long at all there was it ? Then there was that insufferable fat slob from the NT who topped himself. Not much hounding there either. I wonder how many more would surface after a little digging ?
Why not ? Because they din't fit the profile of the feminist cosshair on account of being conservative in politics.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 1:35:27 PM
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Dear OTB,

Thank You for pulling me up on what I wrote.

Re-reading that post of mine I can now see
that I should have
phrased things differently and made it clearer.

I did not mean to cast any blame on the wife
and daughter.

And of course - You're absolutely right - clever
people can manipulate others - and can lead double-lives
very successfully as history teaches us.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 5 July 2014 1:40:24 PM
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I didn't imagine you were blame shifting.

Referring to the story I related about the elderly chap, it is difficult to understand how he didn't spot the duplicity. However that is in hindsight and many who trust their spouse to manage the finances would not have fared any better. He is dealing with a dangerous woman.

Rolf Harris' spouse and daughter were and are dealing with a dangerous man. He is shameless and unrepentant. I would be very surprised indeed if his behaviour doesn't generalise. Deceit goes hand in hand with a range of other nasty behaviours, blackmail, coercion and bullying being possible examples. Is he a ruthless, manipulative, puppeteer? Probably.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 5 July 2014 2:42:09 PM
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Dear OTB,

Thank You for that.

Food for thought.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 5 July 2014 2:53:44 PM
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You are so full of it.....

What do we make of this?

"[Poirot] Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?"

I'll let the rest of the posters on this thread draw their own conclusion on that.

You have no cred here whatsoever...having spent the first part of this thread blaming his victims for Harris's predation.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 3:21:58 PM
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Well, What did you do ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 3:56:07 PM
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A couple of things I'd like to raise;

I think it was POIROT who said how hard it must be for a child to firstly approach, and then inform an adult that they've been 'interfered with' or sexually assaulted ? It would be extremely arduous and even terrifying for the child to initially, know who to speak with ? Mum or Dad ? Will they believe me ? Will I get into trouble ? Particularly if the assault was occasioned by a family member or friend ? The poor little buggers ?

Police may suspect even know, of many people engaged in this disgusting behaviour ? And yes, it's not entirely unknown where there are instances when innocent men have had their character absolutely besmirched by some vindictive, acrimonious men and women, by making a totally spurious allegation, merely because of some vengeful issue which has absolutely nothing to do with their behaviour ?

Evidence of this crime, may be occasionally seen in the Family Law Court. Neither is it entirely remote as a sequel to this falsification, the unjustly accused person, suicides as a consequence of this deception.

In conclusion, coppers may suspect even know an individual is guilty of an offence. But he must prove it to a point beyond that of a reasonable doubt.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 5 July 2014 4:11:56 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

In the case of Rolf Harris - the proof is beyond a
reasonable doubt. And nothing excuses his behaviour.

We also as a society need to stop this blame shifting
onto the victims. We need to get the message across -
you do the crime - you do the time!

And we need to say No! To child abuse, domestic violence
(male and female), rape, and other abuses. These crimes touch
virtually all of us. With blame shifting -
victims are often reluctant to report the crime, because
they're afraid that other people - including family,
friends and jurors will suspect they did something to
"ask for it." Many victims are unwilling to relive
the experience in submitting to police interrogation,
medical examination, and court proceedings.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 5 July 2014 4:27:54 PM
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having spent the first part of this thread blaming his victims for Harris's predation.
The show business is renowned for sexual weirdoity, in fact I doubt if there were an ABC if it weren't for homosexuality or the SBS for that matter.
So, when mums push their georgeous little darlings literally into the laps of celebrities they're flushed with dreams of grandeur in showbiz. Then, when things don't go according to plan, the blame game starts & nowadays it's grubby lawyers first stop. Absolutely no-one can plead ignorance with the goings-on in showbiz. To stop celebrities from groping the little darlings, don't push them into the environment. Blame yourselves.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 5:25:24 PM
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you are quite something.

Not content with posting this bilge early in the thread:

"....The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up...."


"....They simply got caught up in their own pursuit of a little closeness to fame & when they realised a few years later that it didn't get them anywhere they started the molesting caper. Was the judge in that case a male lookalike feminist by any chance ?"


"You're only getting dirty because old Rolf wasn't one of your leftie touching boys brigade. His crime was being a heterosexual.
Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?"

You now post this...

"...So, when mums push their georgeous little darlings literally into the laps of celebrities they're flushed with dreams of grandeur in showbiz. Then, when things don't go according to plan, the blame game starts & nowadays it's grubby lawyers first stop. Absolutely no-one can plead ignorance with the goings-on in showbiz. To stop celebrities from groping the little darlings, don't push them into the environment. Blame yourselves."

So here we have lovable Rolf Harris. Before all this came to light, which parent wouldn't trust a bloke like Rolf? He was the quintessential nice guy next door. You're blaming the mum of that 8 year-old for allowing her daughter to try and get Rolf's autograph. For Gawd's sake, she hadn't pushed her daughter into the lap of a heavy metal rocker smelling of was Rolf.

She was waiting for "an autograph".

And what happened to that young girl? Rolf, in that initial and brief encounter, put his hand up her skirt and indecently assaulted her in the crotch over her underpants.

How can you possibly blame a parent for that sort of thing happening with a celebrity of the reputation of Rolf?

You're still contorting yourself ridiculously in order to lay the blame anywhere but at Rolf's feet.

Did you even read the sentencing remarks and what he did to Bindy's friend?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 5:57:48 PM
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I find it interesting that the likes of Jim Saville, Rolf Harris, Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods all set up charities. Is this to compensate for evil done?
Posted by runner, Saturday, 5 July 2014 6:00:00 PM
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Just once more. I am not excusing what Harris did. If you choose to read things out of context well, sorry, can't help you.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 6:49:40 PM
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Dear Poirot,

One of the rules of this forum is Do not Flame.

I certainly consider individual's first post on this thread as flaming.

But even more disturbing is the attitude he has displayed. The obvious lack of empathy and the 'blame the victim' mentality which speaks to me, in this regard at least, as the same mindset as that of Rolf Harris.

Dear individual,

This again is your quote;

“I think it's a crystal clear case of the true face of feminism in its whole glory. The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up. I know ordinary blokes who are no different but their behaviour is tolerated because they have no fame nor money. Many feminists are just so callous & opportunistic.”

There is absolutely no way you can claim anybody has taken this out of context. If you had retracted and apologise for it I think most of us would have moved on. You have instead decided to double down.

And do not try and claim you were not excusing what Harris did. That was exactly what you did when you blamed the girls, their mothers and feminism instead of him.

It is evident that your politics has placed a millstone around your morality and we are left with a very toxic individual. Well may you say “I can't help you” well neither can we because that help only comes via a professional.

Just a real shocker.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 5 July 2014 7:17:42 PM
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".... If you choose to read things out of context well, sorry, can't help you."

What can you possibly mean by that? You've done nothing on this thread but blame the victims - or their mums - or the lawyers (which, oddly enough in this situation, you refer to as "grubby").


"The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up......"

"....They simply got caught up in their own pursuit of a little closeness to fame...."

"....His crime was being a heterosexual....

"....So, when mums push their georgeous little darlings literally into the laps of celebrities...."

"...blame game starts & nowadays it's grubby lawyers first stop".....

"...Blame yourselves."

If that's "not excusing" what Harris did - I'd hate to see what was.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 5 July 2014 7:38:24 PM
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Indi, Not only is Poirot, reading your comments "out of context" as you put it, so am I. and I suspect a whole lot of other contributes are as well! Your line of "Naughty old Rolf, but, but, is the list of the guilty.

1. The victims, first and foremost
2. The parents for selling their children
3. The feminists for being female
4. The lefties for being lefties
5. The ABC for being homosexual, its always the ABC's fault anyway.
6. The media for reporting un-newsworthy news
7. The judge for thinking he is a number 3
8. The jury for not having a real job
9. The lawyers for making a quid
10 The law makers for making stupid laws
11 The cops for not chasing real crooks

Indi that about covers the list of wrong doers in this case, does it not. Can't for the life of me think of anyone else who might have done something wrong in this matter, can you?...
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 July 2014 7:44:41 PM
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I wrote in the opening post:

>> It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that. <<

Soggy, you replied:

<< Luddy for me the form or extent of sexual predation does not enter into it. It is all about the vulnerability of the “selected” victim. >>

I find that quite extraordinary. Surely the extent of predation, whether it be groping, digital penetration or rape… and the severity and frequency of it, has got a whole lot to do with it.

I wrote:

>> Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus.<<

You replied:

<< There are no degrees in the crime of unlawful under age carnal knowledge. >>

There are most definitely extents of severity.

<< Luddy whatever Harris got busted for you can be assured that he and Saville shared their experiences and as constant child predators got up to worse… >>

No, we can’t be assured of that at all.

<< …Primarily because an overt libido coupled with a psychological penchant for children and that is a sexually driven power trip that they don’t grow out of...they grow into it. >>

You can’t assert that. There seems to be no continuation of this sort of behaviour from Harris over the last ?25 years.

<< So I don't agree with your thought process Luddy, its morally unbalanced. >>

Sorry Soggy, but I think your thought process is a bit off-balance here. You are making assertions beyond what has been determined and beyond what we can know. You certainly can’t assert this sort of thing as fact.

This is one of the reasons that I didn’t believe what was being said in the media, and indeed didn’t accept any of it until I read the judge’s sentencing remarks:- There are just too many people, in the media, and all manner of ‘expert’ commentators, who are just too willing to project things to a far worse or stronger extent than what they should be.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 5 July 2014 8:17:40 PM
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Out of that ganging up lot you definitely get the crown. Give me a day to look up your mentality in the thesaurus.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 July 2014 8:19:00 PM
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Hi there FOXY...

I couldn't agree with you more. There are no winners in matters such as the Rolf Harris crimes. Despite the best efforts of law enforcement, the judiciary, the medical profession and anyone else who might claim to be a stake holder, this type of heinous crime (paedophilia) has been around since time in memorial. Without any prospect of either a cure or favourable change.

Unfortunately, there are some crimes, generally those against the person, particularly of a sexual nature, we'll never manage to eradicate them. I guess we all realize that human nature being what it is, has some inherently evil components within. And there's nothing much that can be done about that.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 5 July 2014 9:38:30 PM
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o sung wu,
" coppers may suspect even know an individual is guilty of an offense. But he must prove it to a point beyond that of a reasonable doubt"
Mate, that is how far backward "the job" has gone.
I remember a case involving the head of the old Tramways Union (Tommy Juno) who had half the kids on the North Shore of Sydney acting out sex roles for his camera which he sold on to his pedophile associates.
He was so far entrenched in the corrupt system of government of the day that he was untouchable.
They found him in a open grave at Botany cemetery with his legs, all three of them, chopped off and bled out.
One of the coppers they believed to have carried out the extra judicial "topping" was my brother who was on paid suspension from that day to the day he retired (22 years later and three ranks up),
The courts couldn't or wouldn't convict so there were willing men who did the tasks on behalf of the community.
Warren Lamfranchi was a classic case of coppers knowing and courts failing to act. Roger did.
Not today so the community suffers in silence
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 5 July 2014 9:48:54 PM
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Hi there CHRISGAFF1000...

How the job has changed. I don't believe I'd survive in it today. What you say is spot on. A bit of 'sidewalk' justice did wonders with some of the slugs we had to deal with then. Today there's no fear, nor respect, even any assistance rendered to the coppers now. Your body armour is worn backwards to protect yourself from both peers and superiors alike...a sad, sad state of affairs.

Remember, the Oceanic and Coogee Bay pubs back in those days, they were part of the Millers group ? Saturday arvo, you'd have your snouts informing on their mothers if you'd let 'em - the likes of 'Dutchy van Hooten, Mick the Turk and other notables at the bottom bar of the Oceanic. With big Roy Thurger wandering around stunned because he was always pissed, as the 'Doorman'. You'd possibly remember he was shot dead outside his Laundrymat, as he attended there to pick-up his takings from the place ? He could hold his hands up though, only beaten (points) by Bobby Dunlop for the Empire Light Heavyweight title. He was also an associate too of Joe Meisner (incorrect spelling, sorry) some sort of karate champion, anyway he'd take care of many of the SP bookies with their enormous takings.

Times have changed Chris, and so have we I suspect ? Take it easy mate.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 5 July 2014 11:22:47 PM
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"Out of that ganging up lot you definitely get the crown...."

I'm going to address that comment as you now appear to think we're ganging up on you.

Did it ever occur to you that not only have your comments on this thread been controversial, but for you, late in the thread, to deny the gist of them is an insult to fellow posters' intelligence?

You came onto this thread with all guns blazing, with seemingly the main intention to deflect blame from the perpetrator, Rolf Harris, and plant it squarely at the feet of his victims and their defenders.

Some of your comments have been outrageous - not least your reply to me after I had related my own painful experience from childhood.

It's not all that easy to talk about things like that on a public forum, but I was genuinely trying to add another dimension to the discussion by telling it from an assaulted child's point of view.

To have you reply thus

"Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?"

...was gobsmackingly offensive. Here again you displayed a complete lack of empathy for a child's plight in that situation. Your despicable comment is probably the worst of its kind I've encountered in all my time on OLO.

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that you would dismiss my own childhood experience with such cruelty. You have flitted about on this thread variously accusing Harris's victims of setting him up, trying to get fame, to make money from cooking up molestation stories. You've blamed feminists. You've tried to divert the thread to talk about the sex trade in Asia. You've had a go at lefties and Labor, mums, lawyers.......anyone but bloody Rolf Harris!

If you're feeling the heat from criticism - you're the one who's been stoking the fire.



Yes : )
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 6 July 2014 1:19:28 AM
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Thanks Poirot.

Indi, I thank you for the crown. As I read it Harris has been fairly treated by the British justice system, and he was entitled to nothing less than fair treatment under the law. he got it and it will continue for him. Unfortunately, fair treatment wasn't something he afforded his victims.
The "good" thing to come out of this, is not Harris's conviction, but the fact that it has promoted many other victims of these types of crimes to come forward and report what happened to them in the past. I'm sure that was never good old Rolf's intention, but lets "thank"him for that.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 6 July 2014 6:44:18 AM
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IM Pposting this here/cause its to topic

ant way of redirection<<..A skype interview with Dr Shakhova below...There are clips showing how ice containing methane can be lit.
Posted by ant>>>

that revealeD HOW/his claimed experience*[with a hundred square miles of melting tundra[is clearly localised/but he compounds his ERROR*

the point where this life isnt black/nor white
its about how EVERYstory has two sides[and once we judged/ANYTHING*..we became one-eyed

i think/nothing better reveals/this inherant human weakness [loVE]
hw once we love/things..we blind ourselves/to the other things

its rumoured god is one-eyed/he only sees us via our loves
we dont notice when he 'sins'..cause we dont dare judge god

lets face it/rolf is a bloke*
made a faulse god..[and every false-god/hAS feet rooted in the dirt

lets return/to the falty reasoning[of the one in call ant]


<<..In relation to methane; disputing methane shows a misunderstanding of what happens when permafrost melts>>

mate/the area\..of the melt' minute/in relation/to the total combines methane emisions from wormfarms/and far less than home compost bins/or rpotting food we never een ate/yet transported arround the world/frozeN/THEN DEFROSTED/PURE METHANE BMEASUABLE/IN LIGHT-YEARS/AND YOR CRYING ABOUT A LOCAL-EVENT?

<<>>and how it reacts in water>>

MATEY//ICE MELT=water..99 percent the tundra=still under ice/you got a few hundred square miles/a local event

>>,,.The science is there,..>>

but its been manipulated/modeled modified/set up to fail
paid to blog bloggers speading one eyed science bling

<<>.no way of challenging it.>>
cause your one eye/wont see/your own reproof
you bought into the lie/roffle harris is a pervert

dont want to know more
but we all sinned/none of us has clean hands
we all fight our imnnerr demons/but few act it out[even fewer get bent out of shaPE/BY A LOCALISED EVENT

<<MORE/ANT-RANT> \..It's a bit like
challenging the existence of oxygen.>>

one-eyed/mate..why/because you judged.


love you so much poirot*
the one thing never forgot.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 July 2014 9:44:07 AM
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I have been wondering why they picked on Harris. There must be just so many more even higher profile celebrities, lawyers, judges, politicians etc who'd offer even more interesting exposure than him ?
I can't help thinking that it was because of his nice bloke image that they came down on him so heavily. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he's only been a "groper" or similar. Have they picked him to take the pressure off some of the pillars of our society ? I just can't help thinking that this is the case. You know the real penetrators. I can smell a Rat here.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 6 July 2014 4:26:35 PM
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INDY/quote..<<.,I have been wondering/why they picked on Harris.>

once/you\fall-out/of favour
or/the counter-dirty person you got the/dirt on dies
[WE/KNOW-FOR/SURE;.there are many more[like last years there was a huge list]........and he is the only one[and they didnt need persue/the porn/link.

its a big issue/indy/but your to forgiving
[as far as god is concerned/he neveR ALLOWS/a bigger burden/then we can bare.//.[the innocent cant come/here\.plus we ech/got\a life-previeuw/and bought the ticket[got our life in sentience

[i noted on the street.and at nimbin[everyone/there had early awaken

<<./There must be just so many more/even higher profile celebrities>

mATE/ITS NEAR ALL OF EM/ i said/only when they get like clinton/or that bbc jerk[or like dikk cheecky/who shoots lawyers/hge dont agree with

girlguides.priests[wherer kids/are.its a moving feast[that kid/with
the old folks it was one in four/get molesterd
now its near one to one[two to one[at bst]

the red shirt/KID/Ihad 400 perverts withn 100 mile radius

<<>who'd offer even more/interesting exposure\than him/HARRIS>>?

satans realm/is really sick

<<>>Correct me if I'm wrong>

you are

<>>but I think he's only\..what/ibeen a "groper">>
a fat oppertuity/fish?f\he hugged/you
and licked/hids finger/and shuved-it/where te sun dont shine
better or worse that me/isnt an excuse
its not a rating/

they picked him to take the pressure off some
of the pillars of our society

<<>You know the real penetrators.>>>..
we all/see\them..on\tv/everynight
ask/why/they only convicted/the lackeys[murdocs mates got off/cause via secret recordings/ya get all the dirt/

suspende sentance/he can be bought

</I can smell a Rat here...>>
be carefull/mate\they got your dirt/too[no secrets/means\just that

no secrets*]full-stop[*
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 July 2014 4:52:46 PM
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It's possibly not really worth my time and trouble at this stage of the proceedings, but since you're still defending Rolf and attempting any line of mitigation for his "crimes, I'll take you up on your offer.

"....Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he's only been a "groper" or similar...."

You are wrong...and I'm happy to correct you.

Read this:

Contained in it are all the grizzly details of Harris's predation and his sexual abuse of one teenager in particular. I can't post the pertinent passages here because they are quite graphic - you'll have to read them for yourself.

(Other posters on this thread made themselves aware of the detail - why haven't you before now?)

(Hint: - they go way beyond "groping")

Even this ABC News article contains this warning:

"Read Justice Nigel Sweeney's sentencing of Rolf Harris in full - WARNING: CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT"

Will be waiting patiently for your next spiel attempting to paint this predator as "hard done by".
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 6 July 2014 5:34:18 PM
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Are you stupid ? How many more times do I have to tell you I'm not defending Harris ? Are you so thick that you can't read anything as it is meant. Why don't you just give up wasting our time here.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 6 July 2014 6:46:06 PM
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Okay mate....gloves off.

I have possibly been mistaken that you have been defending Harris's depraved behaviour because you were being purposely belligerent.

I've now come to the conclusion that you really are "thick".

The judge's sentencing remarks have been up on this thread now for a day or so, and I have been urging fellow posters to read them because it squashes any doubt that Harris was merely a "playful groper" and has been unduly slammed by the establishment.

Ludwig read them...and he now understands why they went after Harris.

You, on the other hand, have sailed merrily along ignoring the detail of the case - detail that we were not all privy to during the trial. You haven't sought to apprise yourself of the gory detail of what Harris perpetrated against his daughter's friend serially and over many years. Anyone who read it would feel disgust.

Have you read it - are you going to?

And then you toodle along here after 104 posts and say ".......Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he's only been a "groper" or similar...."


You say to me "Are you stupid?"

One of us is...but I suspect it ain't me.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 6 July 2014 7:03:31 PM
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Indi, you can't be that stupid, after all you can tap on a keyboard and post your drivel. read the links Poirot has provided and then tell us it just "a bit of groping".

Poirot, Indi must be getting some perverse pleasure geeing you up with his crap. But then again he does claim to have "mates" up there in the wilds of North Queensland who do the same sort of thing as Harris and everyone in that neck of the woods thinks its all okay.
Indi, if you have such "mates" they certainly are a strange bunch indeed, you included. Take some advice, I would suggest you get some new "mates" as well. After all your known by the company you keep!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 6 July 2014 8:39:40 PM
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o sung wu,
That sure is one classic "Rogues Gallery" you bring to life there old pal.
Over the years you start to forget the names but the deeds never go away.
I remember Roy Thurger and the Oceanic and Coogee Bay pubs and I think I actually miss them in some small way.
I actually had a conversation with an old colleague the other day and we were talking about how easy it really was to 'handle' the hoods of the day. Today you wouldn't wander amongst the crims with less than a 12g pump and a 223 semi and plenty of back up.
90% of the 'knockabouts' I knew could well have been called 'gentlemen' compared to these gits today.
The old "Bunch of C#@ts" in Sussex St and the "The Bells" were my favored intel gathering spotes and we used to sort info out with the beaks and crime reporters in the old "Ox on the Rocks" over the best steaks and mussels in town.
God I miss it.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 6 July 2014 9:26:36 PM
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"I have been wondering why they picked on Harris. There must be just so many more even higher profile celebrities, lawyers, judges, politicians etc who'd offer even more interesting exposure than him ?
Be very circumspect and careful when you enter this domain.
You are entering the arena of the pedophile networks (alive and well today)
There a couple of us on this forum that could tell you a lot more than would be good for you to know, but that;s another story.
Remember Franka Arena (Tina Arena's mum and remember her fate when she started to air the dirty washing in parliament}
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 6 July 2014 9:32:26 PM
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Dear individual,

How dare you.

You sir are utterly contemptible.

I remind you again that these are your words;

“I think it's a crystal clear case of the true face of feminism in its whole glory. The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up. I know ordinary blokes who are no different but their behaviour is tolerated because they have no fame nor money. Many feminists are just so callous & opportunistic.”

8 to 13 year old girls leading him on?

Instead you simper “I'm not defending Harris”. That is a deflection. You have not been accused of defending his behavior instead you stand rightfully condemned of attacking the victims saying they 'led him on'. It is cowardly, low and spiteful.

You have not retreated nor apologised in any manner for this ignorant, chauvinistic, hateful comment and now you are attacking someone who has herself been a victim.

Why are you still here?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 6 July 2014 10:13:59 PM
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< History to be rewritten after conviction

Now, history must be rewritten. There are awards and titles to be revoked, plaques and paintings to be removed. >

Hold on! Too much too soon.

Harris’ awards and artwork have got nothing to with his misdemeanours.

There is something fundamentally wrong with awards being revoked when they were given for a certain reason and now taken away for an entirely different reason which quite frankly has got nothing to do with why he got those awards in the first place.

Same logic with the removal of his artwork.

People need to be careful about overreacting here…. and regretting it later.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 6 July 2014 10:24:11 PM
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in Indigenous communities child sexual abuse has been shown to be up to 50 times that of the wider community. Not the same outrage however except for any Govt. that tries to do something about it.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 6 July 2014 10:31:29 PM
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'evening to you CHRISGAFF1000...

You're spot on with what you say about todays crooks ! They're not a patch on some of the blokes you and I would know from times past ? Today if you wanted to clear the public bar of any pub, you'd hose 'em out, because you'd never want to touch 'em, pure filth.

Speaking of pubs, and the old 'Bells', Jimmy Carruthers was the licensee down there for some time, I seem to recall ? His licence permitted him 'early opening' (0600h) in order to accommodate the change of shifts of the wharfies at Garden Island. You're right, sometimes you do get a bit nostalgic when you hear a name, or an event, or something ? There were some good blokes in the job, I often wonder what happened to them, where they are and what they're doing ? Musing upon days gone by, an indelible sign of my advancing dotage I'm afraid.
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 6 July 2014 11:01:52 PM
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I'm wondering if some have taken the wrong inference from some of individuals comments. Wish I could underline the word some by the way.

I came across an article regarding a missing dossier on a paedophile ring amongst british politicians

There is in my view some basis for a view that politicians and the judicary protect each other to some extent, actually writing that I also think the media is also part of that protection when it suits. Thats the aspect that stuck out for me in one of recent posts by individual that has drawn some ire. Not helped by the suggestion that it was only groping, as if that makes it a minor issue.

Ludwig, I've not found specifics on what the awards were for but my impression is that Harris got generalised awards rather than ones for specific achievements. Being an all round nice guy and giving entertainers a good image type awards rather than best painting, best song type awards. If thats the case then his actions wiped any basis for those awards out. I still can't see why you are so bothered by the consequences Harris is wearing for his actions, they are far less harsh than many people wear for one off incidents or sometimes no wrongdoing at all. Harris was a serial sexual abuser who has shown no regard for the consequences of his actions on others. There are far worse abusers around but that does not take away from his actions.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:48:13 AM
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now you are attacking someone who has herself been a victim.
I did ask her to explain what action she took with her stepfather but she chose not to. As for 8 to 13 year old girls leading him on? Is that so impossible ? Are you trying to tell me that at that age some kids are not capable of doing that ? What with so much around us in media & advertising you're trying to tell me there's no such influence ? Come on now, if it's not about money then it's about sexual exploitataion & connotation. Why, even toys have been produced to that effect for even younger children. What about the Wiggles ? Even they have tried it with their two Mommies or two Daddies ? What age is their target group ?
Chrisgaff1000 has it spot-on. Disagreeing with reality is the one thing you Lefties are so terribly wrong at. Accepting it is virtually beyond you. Much easier cop-out to attack those who think deeper.
Posted by individual, Monday, 7 July 2014 6:25:54 AM
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RObert, you say <<There is in my view some basis for a view that politicians and the judicary protect each other to some extent,>> that may well be true, but in its self has no bearing on the Harris case.
Its not in dispute Harris received various awards, and some of those awards were for meritorious community works. But, in noway does such awards lessen Harris' offences, nor should they be used as a 'get out of jail free card'. It would be just as irrelevant to say Harris' music was good and loved by millions therefore that is mitigation for his crimes, its not.
<< As for 8 to 13 year old girls leading him on? Is that so impossible ?>> Indi, read the judges comments, you seem to choose not to, and instead choose to put your own ill-informed comments in their place.
<<Much easier cop-out to attack those who think deeper.>> Indi, based on some of your comments, you do not appear to "think" at all.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 7 July 2014 7:06:11 AM
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Well, Good morning...

I did think perhaps I might be finished here, having spent way longer on this subject than I intended to...mainly due to being constantly appalled by everything that dribbles off individual's fingers onto his keyboard.

And he hasn't disappointed me today.

individual says....

"I did ask her to explain what action she took with her stepfather but she chose not to..."

What weasel words are they!...this guy should be a pollie.

This is what you said to me after I related my story.

""Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?"

The insinuation loaded in that sentence is palpable, You weren't interested at all in what, if any, action came of my own experience. Your despicable reply was a barbed attack on myself, because you appear to be a nasty piece of goods who has little sympathy for any "youngster" who is taken advantage of by an adult.

You have done nothing on this thread but seek to mitigate Rolf's culpability in his own demise.

RObert says:
"I'm wondering if some have taken the wrong inference from some of individuals comments..."

No we haven't. Do you need any better example for individual trying to weasel out of his original point than the one I have written above?

And now he compounds it with..

"As for 8 to 13 year old girls leading him on? Is that so impossible ?"

Yes, I can imagine how an 8 Year-old waiting for an autograph could be construed by an innocent middle-aged entertainer as a come on - and deserving of a grope in the crotch.

Here we go again....individual is insinuating that it couldn't possibly have been Harris who availed himself of opportunities to do what he did, the poor bloke was perhaps led on, not only by a girl he saw often, but by complete strangers he'd just met...and that explains his serial abuses

(individual: "What about the Wiggles ?"....What about them?)
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 July 2014 8:16:41 AM
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ITS Beginning:to look like\obsessiveness/to_the_point

<<I did/ask her>......BEFORE/OR\AFTER?

for titillation/or\rectification/guilt?\blame?/shame?
its clearto the/30 people witnessing your word/IT FEELS\LIKE THE LATTER

TITILATE/INDY<</explain/what action\she"

AS AN/II YEAR-OLD<<took with/the\]stepfather""
CUT-OFf HIS\tiny-PENIS/jammed-it/down his throat

\she took/his two brains\and turned them
into eye-balls[get it],;feel better/now\knowing?

<<..but she/chose/not to"

revealing\she-has more control/over her-self/than\you have[over your/selfishness]

.<<As for;....8 to 13 year/old girls/leading*him-on?""


<<Is\that/so impossible?..""

clearly/you-have some/past issues
no/13 years olds dont/'lead you on'[its demons/in your mind\feeding your\selfishness/how your god/and\their snot.].

[how-to\tell/the individual/we get
what\he/obsess-over[but]no young/girl\even wants_to\talk/to him

in fact/there's\a creepy individual-page/on facebook\saYing beware of this wwwcanker/he thinKs\like a dog does/that girls-old enough to bleed /want to\MOTHER/YOUR-SPAWN/OR/THAT-BIT\OF-YOU;SO-FORELORN[RELEASE/YA-GRIP/YOUR-LOSING/BLOOD-FLOW/TO YA HEAD

<<Are you\trying-to tell\me/that/at that
age\some kids/are-not capabl/of doing-that?""

because/the issue\needs clarification/no
BEING\yet/kids/themselves\the damage/done-to/child-brides/damaged/trying to give-birth/is-clear

but/kids\like groan-ups/can\do/'act'/re-act/feign/or\go intO SHOCK/

maTE/let\the issue/drop
stop playing-with yourself/or\us.......[adjust]

your nice-niece isnt giving you the come-on/neither is pure/0

<<.What/with\so\much around/us in media>"


yes/buy/this\pheromoan/GROAN/and all\little girls
wil\ want only to please-you

LORDy/oh/please/cant you see/the/absurdity\out-grow/ya\fantasy?

think/;they have/father-issues/and
your abusing-mental-cases[demeaning\thyself...................

<<you're trying/to tell me/there's\no such influence>''

we each/have repeatedly\tried/to tell you
you need spend/less time\OBSESSIVLY-thinking/about little
BOY-TOYS/AND\girls needing any


Come on now,GROW-UP/
groan woman/are so-much better/FUN
KNOW/REALIZE\that\BE-IT/little girls/boys/or family pets/
your\a big boy now/,SO-do/try becoming a toy-boy/in the\old folks hom0

[and stop taking\them blue pills
[thats not\the real you/but\you lost\the real you/long ago

usually at this stage/we get some repentance
but/your obsessive demons/just drone-on

<<if it's not\about money/lollies/toys

<<then it's /aboutsexual-exploitation""

and\by law/your the exploiter

remains/this guy\individal/really believes/this/

danger will*/robbing-some

<<>Why,/even toys>''

tickle-me/elmo[was only\produced/to redirect/
exposure/that\of\its/actors/love of abusing innocents/
a true sock-puppet/thats where\your heading-to/[or comming from]

<<What age/is their target group""?

usualy under-8/they think/somehow/
/but rejection/from adult=woman\dont make-OUT/OR\EVEN/WISH-TO/SPEAK/to you

so\your/choing\to not-let/it-go
obsessivly/so/just so/ya-know

<<Lefties are\so terribly/wrong at>


.i thank-goD
[OR RATHER HOPE]<<.Accepting it-is\virtually beyond you.>


<<Much easier\cop-out>

<<>to attack\those/who think deeper.>
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 July 2014 8:39:04 AM
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Did you ever frequent the first floor of the Crystal Palace just up from Mick Smith's in George St?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 7 July 2014 9:18:59 AM
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Dear OUG,

Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 10:21:08 AM
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Yes, OUG,

Your last post on this thread was amongst the most unintelligible you have ever posted.

Do you want us to read your views or just scroll past?

Notwithstanding my respect for originality, you need to have a bit of respect for your audience.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 July 2014 10:35:49 AM
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IM Sorry the key board is dying
my anger busts/em to bits
dtto the mouse

but guys the curse wasnt aimed at you
it was between an individual [who shall remain unmamed]/and the anger[at my sympathy]/in me at his wurds

mate/WE EACH Got a life previeuw/I SHOULD'A PAYED
MORE ATTENTION TO THE FINE DETAILS/ but didnt wanT to individualise it

but yet generalities abound
the lates thing going is the dot dot dot
as i wait for the words forms to shape my commentary

yet again
im sorry
and individual/i feel for you/but after it was done to me
i simply cant awake others ever again/i must speak in code and riddles lest i sat things im not supposed to give away/its turning into a witch hunt/it will BREAK yet more famliy lies up

but we need break the past
we all have feet/of clay*/secrets to keep/moral hurdles to leap

go johan
o o

/ \
= =

Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 July 2014 11:20:36 AM
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Dear Poirot,

I feel the perception of any of OUG's posts often comes down to one's frame of mind at the time of reading. There have been occasions when others have lauded a particular piece which I have found unintelligible nonsense, virtually scat poetry done for effect.

To me his last post was a pretty sweeping evisceration of individual and once on board I happily went with the flow.

Dear individual,

You claim;

“I did ask her to explain what action she took with her stepfather but she chose not to.”

No you instead said “You're only getting dirty because old Rolf wasn't one of your leftie touching boys brigade. His crime was being a heterosexual.
Btw, did you end up getting your stepfather locked up or wasn't he famous enough ?”

The intimation, given your earlier post was that he didn't have the money of fame to induce her to file a report. Utter gutter stuff.

I think there is some small part of you that acknowledges what you said was completely out of line but instead of retracting it you have decided to bully your way forward. It is time to stop shovelling my friend, the hole is as deep as it possibly could be.

Then again you may well see nothing wrong with what you have been posting here and no empathy for Harris' victims because 'they led him on'. In that case the label psychopathic would seem to be an appropriate.

“ defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduringantisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior.”
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 11:28:52 AM
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i need to fore*give and let-IT BE*live

_o o_
+/ \+
=\ /=

Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 July 2014 11:29:40 AM
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What weasel words are they!..
Now that's what a Leftie would call a really logical explanation. I' just so proud of you.
Also re 'an 8 Year-old..' you conveniently left out the 13 year old because there could more than likely be some truth to it at that age than an 8 year old which is unlikely to the extreme.
How young were Harris's victims ?
(individual: "What about the Wiggles ?"....What about them?) Or was it Play School, Google it ! Ask SteeleRedux, he's bound to have a link stashed away on that.
My point & it is a point you don't want to get, is that I believe Harris although obviously guilty is a scapegoat to prevent bigger names from popping up. I hope for the kids sake that it fails.
Posted by individual, Monday, 7 July 2014 11:41:06 AM
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Dear individual,

This was your before;

“The girls just led him on until they realised money could be made by stitching a bloke up.”

And this is your after;

“My point & it is a point you don't want to get, is that I believe Harris although obviously guilty is a scapegoat to prevent bigger names from popping up. I hope for the kids sake that it fails.”

As OUG so succinctly put it;


for titillation/or\rectification/guilt?\blame?/shame?
its clear to the/30 people witnessing your word/IT FEELS\LIKE THE LATTER”

Titillation to attempted rectification. Sums it up beautifully.

Mate if you can't or don't want to see how to properly address this then I can't help you. Swallow some pride and act like an adult.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 11:58:20 AM
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I agree with Ludwig in his opening post where he says "it was just a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risque activity, and nothing worse than that" and "it was nothing more than playful behavior" and "I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here".

Rolf is the victim here. The victim of opportunistic female gold diggers. Rolf's a touchy feely person, so big deal if his hand slipped down too low. Girls like being touched up anyway. So Ludwig is right, and they should free Rolf immediately.
Posted by Right Is Right, Monday, 7 July 2014 1:09:19 PM
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Swallow some pride and act like an adult.
Nothing to do with pride whatsoever. When terms like 'assault' are used for a hand sliding to where it shouldn't then it is in my opinion way out of context.
Hence, my suspicion of Harris being a scapegoat for more serious offenders who more than likely actually did "assault".
Poirot still hasn't told us if she was "assaulted" or inappropriately touched.
Posted by individual, Monday, 7 July 2014 2:58:36 PM
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Dear individual,

You wrote;

“Poirot still hasn't told us if she was "assaulted" or inappropriately touched.”

And why on god's earth should she have to tell you that?

Has OUG hit the nail on the head? Are you obsessing over under age sex or in his words “GIVING-IN/TO\THE DEMONS/FEEDING-just\ON/YA LUST”.

Then you come out with;

“Hence, my suspicion of Harris being a scapegoat for more serious offenders who more than likely actually did "assault".”

So spitting on his fingers and digitally penetrating two of the under age girls is not assault in your book? Just 'inappropriate touching' huh?

That's right, I forgot, they were just gagging for it weren't they. Look at what you are saying, it is disturbing, it is creepy, it is sick, it does lack empathy for the victims and most of all it is frightening that you feel no remorse about making these views public here.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 3:31:33 PM
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Yup,...certainly a little weird stuff going on here with individual.

Here's individual...still attempting to mitigate convicted Rolf Harris's crimes against minor's. He's made a career out of it on this thread. The fault is anyone's but the perpetrator, Harris.

So now he's having a go at the 13 year-old insinuating that she possibly led him on...

He says...

"Also re 'an 8 Year-old..' you conveniently left out the 13 year old because there could more than likely be some truth to it at that age...."

individual refuses (apparently) to read the judge's sentencing remarks, and continues in the weirdo vein of trying to plant responsibility for these crimes on the 13-15 year-old victim.

Nice one, individual.

"Poirot still hasn't told us if she was "assaulted" or inappropriately touched."

Being inappropriately touched "is" being assaulted....that's why Harris was convicted of "indecent assault" not only on the more serious sexual charges with his daughter's friend, but also on the other charges of touching and groping inappropriately.

I love this...

"When terms like 'assault' are used for a hand sliding to where it shouldn't then it is in my opinion way out of context."

What would you call it then, individual? I can assure that a child being subject to a "hand sliding" anywhere private - and then staying there for some time - is a particularly unsettling, even horrifying experience.

Who gives any unbalanced adult the right to invade a child's (or anyone's) private places?

Of course it's assault. top it off, he's now mitigating the seriousness of Harris's crimes by claiming he's a "scapegoat" because other profile people are likely up to the same thing.

It doesn't seem to matter which tack he comes up with, he's determined to make non-stop excuses for the fact that Rolf Harris carried out these actions with free will, serially and over many years.

For someone who claims he's not defending Harris, you've gone way out of your way to excuses his actions, play them down or write them off altogether.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 July 2014 3:37:50 PM
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Of course it's assault.
if a crook Police officer wants to lay an assault charge he can do so by simply saying you assaulted him when you merely tapped him on the arm to get his attention.
I got the distinct feeling you & Steele are of the same calibre as such a copper.
as for your personal situation I can only say YOU brought that up, not I.
To quite honest I doubt your story of assault now that you've exposed your despicable mentality.
Posted by individual, Monday, 7 July 2014 3:56:34 PM
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This is fascinating.

A classic example of trolling.

After all, no-one in real life could actually hold the views espoused by individual, could they?

Outside a fully-operational paedophile ring, that is.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 7 July 2014 4:28:01 PM
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Pericles is so right!

"This is fascinating.

A classic example of trolling.

After all, no-one in real life could actually hold the views espoused by individual, could they?

Outside a fully-operational paedophile ring, that is."

And one does wonder why I've been so sucked in to debating with individual and his decidedly "creepy" argument.

Fascinating though...

His latest.

"If a crook Police officer wants to lay an assault charge he can do so by simply saying you assaulted him when you merely tapped him on the arm to get his attention.
I got the distinct feeling you & Steele are of the same calibre as such a copper.
as for your personal situation I can only say YOU brought that up, not I.
To quite honest I doubt your story of assault now that you've exposed your despicable mentality."

Who gives a flying toss whether you believe me or not, indy. You're lurching now from one ridiculous argument to another. We're all beginning to get a little sea sick...what with that and your nauseating excuses for these crimes.

Step it up a bit...the only value you have now on this subject is entertainment...and even that is waning.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:08:59 PM
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Dear Pericles,

I'm not so sure it is trolling since individual's attempts at mitigation and diversion (as feeble as they were) are not that typical of a troll which is why I chose to describe it as flaming.

I think it might be a case of various hangups coalescing in a perfect storm.

Hatred of feminists, of the left, of PC, of do-gooders, of those who disagree with him on this forum I think have resulted in him originally posting a comment that he might not have if he had given it more thought.

Possibly if the condemnation had come from others on his side of politics then we may well have seen a retraction but given the primary source of disapproval he felt he had to stick to his guns and defend the indefensible.

He had most certainly been showing signs of testiness before this but his actions here have firmly placed him with the other OLO fringe dwellers with whom rational debate is a waste of time.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:18:37 PM
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Individual is so right. It's not assault at all. If it was, just about every man in existence would now be doing jail time. I bet Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and all the hundreds of other 60s stars still alive, are now shaking in their boots because of the Rolf Harris case. These guys must have touched up thousands of girls, and as soon as one gold digger comes forward with a "story" for sale it opens up the floodgates.
Posted by Right Is Right, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:21:14 PM
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Good afternoon to you INDIVIDUAL...

You made a remark some little time back, where you inferred there were probably much higher profile individuals than Rolf Harris, who've committed worst crimes against children - or words to that effect ? Well you're quite correct.

I often marvel at the capriciousness of people when they're on a specific tangent ? An example if I may, years back I'd been on the periphery of a job involving a bloke by the name of Leonard Keith LAWSON (dec). This individual had committed some atrocious crimes against the person, (CHRISGAFF1000 would know him?) including that of murder, rape, abduction, including a young school girl, at an exclusive Moss Vale Boarding School for girls, in NSW. And amazingly, abducting and assaulting a girl 'inside' the Chapel of Parramatta Gaol !

LAWSON was a particularly gifted artist. In fact prior to gaol he was a commercial artist and a Comic Book author/artist penning the successful comic, 'The Lone Avenger' Cowboy series. He therefore continued with his art, the entire duration he was in custody. People from all strata of the community, sought out and purchased LAWSON'S artwork. Some of his works were even hung, in a NSW government display at 'The Rocks', Circular Quay.

How so ? One could well argue, society had knowledge of LAWSON'S crimes ? Whereas, Rolf HARRIS was a beacon of the Aussie musical society, and a brilliant Artist as well ? Until recently, when his dark antecedents were ultimately and publically disseminated.

An interesting proposition I would've though ?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:22:54 PM
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Poirot, I hope you saw my wish to highlight the word some. I don't see any benefit in me adding to the discussion about the other parts. I've already said as clearly as I can my views on the idea that it's only groping. Compounded by some of todays posts. I'm still trying to work out if RightIsRight was having a stir or was serious. Looking at some of his or her other posts I' concerned it may have been genuine.

I was though interested in the point raised regarding those they don't go after and to be clear Paul I agreed it does not mitigate anything about Harris but he is in jail and I think the discussion about him has bogged down into largely entrenched positions however the broader topic of dealing with paedophiles need not sit there. The loss of a dossier on a paedophile ring amongst british parlimentarians and the seeming lack of action on that does seem relevant. Likewise individuals point about the seemingly low levels of action over what is as far as I know very high levels of child sexual abuse in indiginous communities.

Given the polarised nature that parts of this debate have taken on I'll clarify a couple of points.

I don't generally work with the assumption that because I disagree with most or much of what someone says on a topic that everything they say on the topic is invalid. Sometimes those people are the ones that help me think outside the box the best.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:28:36 PM
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Part 2
I very strongly disagree with the claims being made that Harris actions were minor (although there are far worse things in the world).
The characterisation of digital penetration of children and other forms of groping as hand slipage and minor is deeply concerning. I don't agree that Harris should have a reduced sentence because of other things he has lost. To clarify for Paul my point about the awards was that as far as I'm aware they seem to have been general recogition awards rather than for specific actions, given what Harris had been doing there is not no basis for an award for service to the arts (or similar) to be valid.

Overall I disagree with much of what I've read of individuals posts on this topic but I do think the points he makes about the way others are not dealt with is an aspect that is worthy of discussion.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:29:06 PM
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I do take your point...and yes the discussion has become bogged down regarding individual's intransigence in the face of all the evidence. I'm inclined, as you know, to respond when I'm impugned and individual has "got right up my nose" several times in this discussion.

Being as this thread is ostensibly about Rolf Harris, I'd like to point out in the face of some lamenting that others are getting away with the things he was pinged for, how long he got away with his behaviour - just being known as the "Octopus".

Tale upon tale of him not only groping, but slipping his hand in quick time under women's panties. It seems he had no shame - on live TV, at garden parties - you name it, he was trying it on.

Only the fact that most of these instances were with grown women stopped him from going further and enabled him to keep getting away with the behaviour.

(Right is Right ain't getting a reply to his/her loony comments from me)
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:48:05 PM
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It was all circumstantial evidence, hearsay evidence, and he said she said evidence. So the jury had to make a decision based not on empirical evidence, but on opinion, old stories and hate from the witness box against Rolf Harris.

He was convicted on the 'opinion' from the witness box, that transferred to 'opinion' from the jury. Empirical proof? Nah, there was none and nobody cared about that. They just wanted their name in lights, their 5 minutes of glory and a conviction. They succeeded, they got what they wanted, and the press made a fortune in extra sales. That's how the system works, and justice based on proper evidence be damned.
Posted by Lester1, Monday, 7 July 2014 5:51:28 PM
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Dear R0bert,

You wrote;

“Overall I disagree with much of what I've read of individuals posts on this topic but I do think the points he makes about the way others are not dealt with is an aspect that is worthy of discussion.”

Of course the proposition that some are not dealt with even handedly in matters such as this is worthy of discussion.

But I don't think it is an excuse to move past individual's comments either.

Firstly because his points were on the whole flippant and dismissive of the gravity of child molestation. Recall his cry for those who have 'lost their family harmony because of your Leftie idealist ALP governments” or “in high density housing whose babies suffer the agony of music noise”.

Secondly there would have been many who had observed Harris acting inappropriately and assuaged their guilt by saying 'well it is at the bottom end of the scale so I won't make a fuss', 'anyway look at all his art and good works he does'.

I have no doubt if he had been brought to book earlier children, many of them yet unnamed would have been spared sexual assaults from him.

One of the primary lessons from the whole sorry case is that we should challenge and act on inappropriate behaviour.

I'm not sure there are too many people who feel individual's behaviour on this thread was in any manner appropriate. Since he has not dealt with it then I feel it is incumbent on the rest of us to state quite clearly that he has crossed the line and not be allowed to shirk the responsibility of his words.

As to Right is Right and Lester1 they are either individual's sock puppets or a true trolls, hollow men.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 7 July 2014 6:00:04 PM
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Poirot, no disagreement on that. I'm not convinced that you will make a difference but I've had my moments when I've felt the need to stick with similar issues.

Steeleredux, "One of the primary lessons from the whole sorry case is that we should challenge and act on inappropriate behaviour". That's been a thought on my mind in regard to this. I have the impression that there were a number of adults who at the time made the assumption that the behaviour was isolated and didn't act on it.

I understand that stance but wonder if there are ways the legal system could track "minor" complaints to help identify patterns without creating opportunity for malicious witchhunts. I use the word "minor" to indicate offences where the person making the complaint does not consider it in isolation to be worth the pain of a prosecution but which if part of a larger pattern would warrent action.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 7 July 2014 6:29:28 PM
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and then there came the which hunts

we saw you looking[a thought crime]
nanny state gone mad

rob/QUOTE<<,but wonder if there are ways\the legal system could track "minor" complaints to help identify patterns without creating opportunity for malicious witchhunts."~


LOOK ROB/ALLREADY WE ARE MORE SURVEILED THAN ANY who came before us[high security clearance/excepted]

but te point is/w allrwady bein watched/more kiddy fiddlers than ever in the prison higer education/crime incarceration-system

mate police need police crime not everytime a guy is caught looking

its gotten insane/i lived in the 60's]saw the beginning of this freelove thing[and watched as govt destrOYED IT WITH DRUG WARS AND/the war against 'aids[putting into our minds/the thought my next lover could kill me

it ended the love/over night
just a the elite wanted/decentralise what stuff and nonsense/divide and conqueer

<<I use the word "minor" to indicate offences""

offences againt qwho/the machines watyching the few?

<<<where the person making the complaint""

oops do i hear natzie stasie nsa/mosad asio/
you westate?does not consider it in isolation to bvill monitor old men/looking foa thrill

and them old bagsthat admit to liking sall boys
or baby smelling/bewares/your realising hell on earth

<< worth the pain of a prosecution but which if part of a larger pattern would warrent action.""

i have this app[for a mobile phone]
you push the app button/and every recording device in the vicinity switches itself on

one scream/the causation is gone
a pannic button[or monitor te kids heart rate/is how the spirit/judges

as we know its not the name/lablke of what we do
but the fruits be they bitter or sweet
its the result/of our act*

what good did your act do
what inury/why send little girls to stand on stages/in little skirts/just like groan-sups/flirt*

its a morrass/what fear will govt instil uin us next
to yet further divide us/rolf IS A BETTER MAN THAN GEORGE BUSH
yet they arnt as low as we humans have become/the pussy-mess needed airing
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 July 2014 7:32:27 PM
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o sung wu,
Yes, I knew Lennie very well.
He did a 10+ year sentence for rape. His art, the church and his community reputation eventually got him parole.
He lasted a few month before he was back at molestation and rape.
Inside he was a constant source of Intel information from inside the prison.
He was so hated that he had his own cell with an inside lock to stop other prisoners from getting to him. He actually had two cells with an arch cut in the adjoining wall giving him a bedroom and sitting/studio room.
He used to sit in the front row with a guard at all the visiting concerts, because he was basically the verger in the prison church/concert hall, no doubt to pander to his deviant sexual tastes given the show girls that visited with the concerts.
It was one of these girls that he attacked holding her hostage in the theater with a knife to her throat.
When we arrived the guards had secured the scene and he was in the padded cell.
From memory I thing the AG refused to prosecute on the grounds of his mental condition but it was rumored that he had a couple of Lawson's paintings hanging in his office.
The victim received no compensation because of a disclaimer they had to sign when entering the prison.
Frensham was the girls school and he took a group of them into the local bush ostensibly to photo shoot a Red Indian Girl scene for an add.
He tied them all up to trees and proceeded to rape them all managing to kill one of them when the police tried to arrest him.
He died in prison around 2002 pr 2003.
Lennie was a classic example of plausibility.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 7 July 2014 8:27:05 PM
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Hi there CHRISGAFF1000...

Re LAWSON, it's quite bizarre really, an individual like him; so talented, so academically intuitive, yet a complete emotional f....-up ? Yeah, you're right he died in Grafton around that time, ten or twelve years ago. I do remember he was a quietly spoken sort of bloke who rarely swore (that I heard, at least). Yet extremely dangerous around women, nevertheless.

I reckon 'I've exhausted my memory your worship, may I refer to my notes' ? Speak with you later Chris.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 7 July 2014 8:51:14 PM
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Right Is Right and others gives Harris's actions the okay with this;

<< agree with Ludwig in his opening post where he says "it was just a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risque activity, and nothing worse than that" and "it was nothing more than playful behavior" and "I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here".>>

Either you have not read the judges comments or you are perverted.
As it is now public knowledge as to the sex acts Harris performed on his victims I'll post an extract from the full judgment as follows;

" On this occasion after Bindi had got up, and whilst she and/or your wife were in the house, and again in breach of trust, you went into the bedroom where ‘C’ was still in bed. You took her pants down, spat on the fingers of one of your hands, and digitally penetrated her vagina (Count 5), then you took off your glasses bent down to her vagina and started licking it (Count 6) - continuing until she closed her legs and pushed you away."

Read more:

The girl was 15 at this time! Harris was 50, there was absolutely no evidence presented that the girl in anyway "invited" or encouraged Harris to do anything. I am as open minded as the next person, and what consenting adults do in their bedroom is fine by me.
I believe the girl would most likely have been terrified and sickened by Harris's action, and for you and others to label it;

"somewhat risque activity, and nothing worse than that" makes you and others in my book SICKO'S!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 6:48:29 AM
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just to prove/peer-pressure/works
[quote/from/other-roffle harras thread

steel/quote<<.<<Dear individual,

You wrote;“Just like I agree that child sex tourists should be charged on their return to Australia notwitstanding (sic) them being Australian.”

No you most certainly do not.

You thought..>>


indies/new point..<<>.SteeleRedux,
To defend these sicko Australians who prey on the poverty of the families up there is the height of a lack of integrity.
One thing Harris did not have to do & that is look for cheap sex like so many australian sex tourists do in Asia.>>

but then

,,<<the child prostitutes/in Asia>>

have no option/screw/OR YA SCREWED/ITS PURE oppertuinism

<<>.are just leading our Aussie blokes on>>

oh lordy/indy\why ya doing this to yaself?

like you say/they-d?..<< get at their money
and they are the dinky di victims not the girls.>>

OK MAYBE/PEER\presure-failed

<<>.They'r ruining thousands of lives with as yet unimaginable consequences...

who is they masked crusadist?


INDY/BI-POLAR/QUOTE..<<>.What Harris did is not to be tolerated, what Australians do in Asia is tolerated by other Australians or at least I see no evidence of any being treated like Harris..>>

AND/ not saying bi-polar/leads to kiddy fiddling
in fact i suggest its caused by it*
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 6:53:21 AM
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R0bert, to say <<the way others are not dealt with is an aspect that is worthy of discussion.>> I agree it is worth discussion, but the actions of others, in no way should be used by Harris or anyone charged with a crime as some sort of defense. The only relevance that unrelated similar crimes should have are as a guide for the sentencing judge. nothing more than that.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 7:35:17 AM
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Sexual abuse of children in state care ‘endemic’ in Victoria

Nearly three-quarters of the reported incidents took place in residential care homes, where about 500 children are currently placed.

Sexual abuse in Victoria’s out-of-home care system has been described as “endemic” after leaked documents revealed hundreds of reports of alleged rape, indecent assault and exploitation of minors in the year to March.

Internal documents reveal a total of 342 critical incidents of a sexual nature reported in the state’s child protection system, which houses children who are removed from their parents due to significant risk of harm.

The total includes 98 alleged rapes, 96 reports of indecent sexual assault and 73 alleged incidents of sexual exploitation, where children are abused in exchange for cash or other gifts, the ABC reported.

is untended consequence/30 years ago/the incidence of
autism/ran about 1 in 1000[its NOW 1 IN 30]
MANY SUGGEST ITS THE MERCURY/preservative/but who knows[i cal it child abuse/plus these new vacines are made by gmo-viris/putting the vacine/info-into bacteria/almost as bad as putting it/into chok egGS
but there ya go/most damage is by ignorance
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 7:36:15 AM
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you may have heard..about a recent case..where internationally a cyber child-porn/ring..was busted..[near 1000 australians were named...but the police/sat on the the end word got out/and hurredly they busted from memory about 40

you see..the names of the people..needed to get veted via chanels..[like..some criminals..have done deals/witness protection etc..[plus others are so high up..[running the courts,govt,schools..[and docs as well as ngo's,..they need the slow/ be made even more slower

you cant blatent these child/lovers..[pediphiles].,are...govt-cars/deliver the children to govt members/judges and seniour public may..[or may not] having the dirt..on certain people..keeps them in the party-line]

this child issue goes trans-generational..i have talked to third generation mothers..[where grandmother let her children be abused,..then the mother let it happen..[and the kids..[now as adults are terrified..often homeless living on the streets..[or in nut houses because they couldnt stop it their kids]

much of the feigned power..of a certain religion comes from their ability to conduct pediastry upon the young..[as autherised in the un holy talmud]
quotations;from the Soncino Edition of the Talmud,(Book)

YEBAMOTH,60b...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an inquiry..and..'found' it..the daughter of a..'proselyte'..who was under the age of three years and one day...,and Rabbi declared her eligible to live with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years and one day may be married by a priest...And was a priest.

(i.e.,permitted to continue to live with her'husband'."]


SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?...Rab said:..Pederasty with a child below nine years of not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..the passive..'subject'/victim..of sodomy
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 11:10:38 AM
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Rolf Harris should appeal. As someone else said earlier, he is the victim here. If he wasn't famous and rich he wouldn't have been targeted by the money grabbers.
Posted by Right Is Right, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 2:33:10 PM
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we shall know them*[you]by their works\
ie the fruits/OF CHILD PERVERSION is hell..just as the fruit of war=/death

here we got\the joke of a secular..*[god-free/gods lands]SCREWING UP KIDS/LIVES/VIA RELIGIOUS-ZEALof the demmons/their works earn
god gave us/yet we are establishing a secular state
is compounded/by the kiddy perversion//hIDEN BEHND WALLSOF WARWEARY KIDS

[mate secular/ISRAEL\is code for demon*state..[as
per revelations/the/UPON KI\demons/stand-in/the holy oDDIES BODESf holies]

Child sacrifice..was practised in ancient offering to the Ammonite god Molech..a worship of natural fertility..*which was forbidden*by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18:21; 20:1 - 5; 1Kings 11:7; 2 Kings 1717; 21:6; 27:10; Jeremiah 32:35; Ezekiel 16:21.

[is/this..what the settlers,,[under..THE ATHEIST[secular] the deserts..of/the..lampstand..[the/fox/in..the hen-house?]

tell me...ever heard..of the/clean hands doctrine?

No-one..would get\killed if/duel/passport-holder secular-Israeli civilians...simple/went/Home..and left/god\fix the godless...alone

the/god\of-life..isnot any death

know them*/by..their secular works

what settlers..
in..dark/places..[inothers lands/with duel passorts
diplomatic immunity..etc..[what HOLY under?

talmudic [sic*].law?
quotations;..from the Soncino Edition
of the Talmud,(Book]

SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?...

Rab said:..Pederasty with a child
below nine years of not deemed
as pederasty..with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..
the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy


now lets..go younger

YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it

the daughter of a..'proselyte'..
who was under..the age of three years[and one day]...,

and Rabbi declared her/eligible*
to live with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years
and one day married by a priest...

*And was a priest.

(i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."]

[not gods in./.the bible

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 4:30:39 PM
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Right is Right, Oh! ye the wise one, pray, please tell us. How do we stop those naughty 8 year old girls from molesting 50 year old men.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 6:52:14 PM
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That, Paul, is a bloody good question; the answers should be illuminating (if there are any).
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 11:01:25 PM
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Paul, they are NOT 8 year old girls, they are grown women making claims about what they "said" happened decades ago. No eye witnesses, no proof, just claims. One has already sold her story. Rolf Harris had a sexual relationship with just ONE of them, and that was when she was an adult. Money is the motive. Rolf Harris is an easy target for them.

Just about every star in the history of entertainment has groped hundreds of girls ... are we to put them all in jail?
Posted by Right Is Right, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 11:03:22 PM
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Every time I go to address RightisRights disturbing attitude to the sexual molestation of young girls I end up deleting the post, far to close to flaming without evidence to support what I want to say.

For others who may not have followed the detail, there were a number of victims who as far as we know did not know each other making similar allegations regarding Harris's abuse of them. Very similar patterns of behaviour on Harris part.

The onus at this point is for those who claim its a setup to provide some evidence to back those claims. Evidence that the women had colluded before going to the police or some other credible cause to question the evidence. At this point there is no sign of credible evidence that Harris has been unfairly convicted, just an apparent desire from some that victims of abuse not be believed.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:28:18 AM
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RisR To say <<Just about every star in the history of entertainment has groped hundreds of girls ... are we to put them all in jail?>>

Like Indi's claim that all his mates are "doing it" down at his local or some such place, is simply denying the reality of the situation. You play down the seriousness with which the community, and consequently the courts, views Harris's actions. You, like Indi seem to choose to ignore, or failed to read, what the judge had to say about what Harris actually done. No wonder so many victims wont come forward when so many in our community hold the views that you and others do. Not only do victims have to live with the personal torment as to what happened to them when they were children, but then have to be subjected to another form of abuse when seeking justice as adults!
Your attitude to sex abuse victims is not uncommon, its not uncommon for the victim to be blamed for what happened by family members, by the police, and by many in community in general. Talk about making a tough situation, tougher, you people take the cake!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:58:47 AM
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right is wrong
but i see where he is comming from
lest/we forget getting a rock band/is a good way to get layed

where right became wrong/was boringly/wrong
is/labling all 8 year olds as gold =diggers-and horn-bags
then implYING there making it up/when we know what comes off on tour stays in the tour rEcords.

thing is if loving 8 is wrong/then mr right/needs see he is wrong
sure in the ideal world/its possible to say to the\super/ego's..[stars]
i love ya music but not ya dong a nong.

there lies the crux of the issue/we guys say she is a nice sort
go up to the super starle/hoping she is a harlot/but with these stars/front is all they got/the parts they play/get confused

if someone comes up gushing saying they will do anything
well mr right/taking advantage of such adulation is wrong
if their under age/even if one did COME UP TO Mr RIGHT CRYING DO ME RIGHT OH RITE ROTE ONE...ignore the age limitation/you go to jail..[regardless is right feels right or wrong.]

we all know the rules are there to protect the weakest
so mr right/simply admit it was put out there wrong.

right is often a matter/of meeting need within the law/
even if the law seems wrong/change it dont ignore it/

look the kiddy sex topic/must end.
if adult woman hate you realize\your chasing the wrong sex.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:36:22 AM
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RObert and Paul,

I think we can dismiss Right is Right's boneheaded comments with the contempt they deserve.

No better way than to reprise Pericles' comment to individual and apply it to those of Right is Right...

"This is fascinating.

A classic example of trolling.

After all, no-one in real life could actually hold the views espoused by individual, could they?

Outside a fully-operational paedophile ring, that is."
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:43:19 AM
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the courts have now ruled*
christian kiddy camps must admiot homo.s

it shares a bit of a moral/guidence

<<>.Instead of allowing greater freedom to express religious belief in the public sphere, the impact of a tyranny of tolerance religion is to confine religion to the private, subjective realm of the mind.

But belief and practice are inseparable. Freedom to believe must surely be accompanied by the freedom to speak so long as no threat is posed to social cohesion and the well-being of others.

However, it may often be the case that those whose ways of life are guided by the search for meaning and solemn obligation to live dutifully may clash with the values of the secular state.

For example, if the search for ultimate truth leads to an individual believing that same sex marriage is wrong, she or he may face accusations of hate speech and homophobia.

Yet it is in just such circumstances that the religious believer may demand the freedom to express in public his or her religiously inspired views about human sexuality.

It is not hard to see that if those actions are met with the coercive force of the state, broader rights of freedom of association and freedom of expression are bound to be put at risk.>>

so now we know/the difference between whats right and whats wrong
till next time the pedophiles[meaning siply child-lover.]..move on/but i find these kiddy fiddlers are all deficient; something
that feels much like empathy or c0mpassion misguided missdirected.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:54:41 AM
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I said in my opening post:

>> Sorry but this doesn’t add up <<

Well, having studied the judge’s sentencing remarks, I’ve got to say that there are definitely things that don’t seem to add up.

I struggle with this issue. I find myself vacillating somewhat as to the extent of accepting Harris as a pedophile, or a bit of a grub, or just a pretty normal human being.

I am inclined to see him as a flawed human being in much the same way as has been evident amongst many others throughout the eons…. and indeed in a manner in which literally millions of men behave and get away with without ever being brought to task.

In short, I often feel as though the sort of things he did are just par for the course. Many young women, in many cultures around the world including ours, must have similar and much worse experiences.

Indeed we all have seminal moments where people wrong-do us in a manner that changes us and relieves us very suddenly of some of our naivety. In that regard, we shouldn’t be pulling out sexual activity as being significantly different or worse than all manner of other stuff that affects us.

It is very hard to come to terms with. But ultimately I find myself strongly disagreeing with Paul1405, Pericles and others who have condemned Harris.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:43:44 AM
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I’d like to express a critical analysis of Judge Sweeney’s remarks.

Regarding Count 1: ‘A’ in 1969:

< …you twice put your hand up her skirt between her legs and touched her vagina over her clothing. >

That was the entirety of the action.

< In her Victim Impact Statement ‘A’ states, which I am sure is true, that you took her childhood innocence; for which she blamed herself and became an angry child and teenager, unable to express herself and unable to trust men. >

Well hold on. I wonder how intensively cross-examined ‘A’ was over this assertion. It seems like a leap too far for such an action to cause such consequences. And it is surely not at all verifiable nor reasonable to assume that her anger as a child and teenager and lack of expression and trust for men all arose from this single very quick once-off event. Did the court hear about any other things that happened in this girl’s life, or was the assumption that she was telling the truth just blithely accepted?

It is all very easy to say things like this. Very easy to beat up the consequences of all manner of bad encounters with people. And I would suggest that in this case, having gone to the extent of making a complaint, it was in ‘A’s interest to maximise the negative consequences of Harris’ actions and make them seem as bad as possible.

I am concerned greatly about this. I wonder how thoroughly scrutinised these claims were in court. Should they have been dismissed? Or considered as probable but not proven and quite possibly not anywhere near as bad as stated?

Very likely she was just telling the truth without any exaggeration. But we just don’t know.

Harris got nine months imprisonment for that.

Well I think that is just outrageous. Something in the order of a three hundred dollar fine would have been much more appropriate.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:45:41 AM
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Regarding Count 2: ‘B’ in July 1978:

< You groped her bottom, squeezing her left buttock a number of times. >

That was the entirety of the action.

Well…. really….. that’s pretty damn light-on indeed.

Harris got six months imprisonment for that. He should have received NO penalty at all for such a non-issue.

Regarding Counts 3 to 9: ‘C’ starting in 1978:

On Count 3:

< You left your wife and ‘C’’s parents downstairs and you went up to ‘C’’s bedroom on the top floor of the house.

You spat on the fingers of one hand, put that hand down her jeans and knickers, and digitally penetrated her vagina. The episode lasted for about a minute until she managed to get away. >

Well… how did it last for a minute? There is no suggestion that Harris was preventing her from ‘getting away’. Surely if she had not wanted it to happen, she would have got away immediately or rolled over or otherwise made her private parts inaccessible.
On Count 4:

< You spat on the fingers of one hand, put that hand down her dungarees and knickers and digitally penetrated her vagina. You continued for up to a minute until she managed to get away >

Same thing again. What is with the time-frame of about a minute? How did she manage to get away after that time and not before?

On Counts 5 & 6:

< ‘C’ was visiting Bindi at Bray and was permitted by her parents to stay – sleeping in one of two single beds in Bindi’s room. >

Surely, if ‘C’ had been repulsed by Harris’ previous actions, she would not have been staying overnight in his house on this occasion. She would have known by this time that there must have been a considerable likelihood of further contact from Harris.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:46:56 AM
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< You took her pants down, spat on the fingers of one of your hands, and digitally penetrated her vagina (Count 5), then you took off your glasses bent down to her vagina and started licking it (Count 6) &#8208; continuing until she closed her legs and pushed you away. >

Two counts from this one action. Sorry, but that is absurd.

So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.

< Counts 7 & 8 arose from another single incident in the same period between the autumn of 1980 and Easter 1981– and thus when ‘C’ was still aged 15 and you were aged 50. Again ‘C’ was visiting Bindi at Bray and was sleeping in one of the two single beds in Bindi’s room. >

Again ‘C’ had placed herself right in the position where surely she knew, and expected, Harris to physically contact her again.

< you entered the room, again in breach of trust, pulled ‘C’’s pants down to her ankles, spat on the fingers of one hand and digitally penetrated her vagina (Count 7), then you licked her vagina again keeping an eye on Bindi (who was still asleep) as you did so (Count 8) &#8208; continuing until ‘C’ closed her legs and pushed you away. >

Again two counts from one action, which is surely absurd.

Again, how could this happen without ‘C’s tacit approval?

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:47:26 AM
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On Count 9:

< …in 1984 when she was aged 19… >

< ‘C’ was using the indoor swimming pool when you appeared in your swimming trunks and got in. >

< you touched ‘C’s breasts and then put one of your hands down her bikini bottom and digitally penetrated her vagina. >
Well… she was 19 and she let him do it. There is no offence.

< Whilst I do not sentence you in relation to what you did to ‘C’ in the decade that followed that offence, I am sure that offences against her continued until 1994. >

How can the judge say that?

How could ‘C’ continue to put herself in the position where Harris could physically contact here if she was repulsed and deeply negatively affected by the experiences?

< I have no doubt, in view of the evidence given at trial by ‘C’, and by the doctors and counsellors who treated her, that it was your crimes against her that resulted in her becoming an alcoholic for many years with all that that entailed, and that thus (as I have already touched on) you caused her severe psychological harm >

Again, how can the judge say that?
I would suggest that ‘C’ must have gone along with it all the way up to1994 when she was 29…. and indeed went along with it right from the start in 1978 when she was 13.

No other conclusion makes any sense!

Ok, maybe I’m wrong. But the point is surely that the judge and the jury could not be sure that what ‘C’ has said in her Victim Impact Statement was true at face value. And if they couldn’t be sure…. and I would suggest there was a very large reasonable doubt… then it should not have been allowed to weigh against Harris’ defence.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:49:22 AM
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It would seem that in each of their encounters Harris was very gentle and brief. ‘C’ kept putting herself in situations where those encounters could happen. She then continued to have encounters with him long after her childhood.

Conclusion: Nothing of any great consequence ever happened there. Yes it was illegal to touch an underaged girl in the way that Harris did. But in the circumstances…. as far as I can glean entirely from the judge’s sentencing remarks; it was all pretty benign.

On Count 3 Harris got 15 months imprisonment. Well sorry but I think that is just outrageous. A $1000 fine would have been more appropriate.

On Counts 3 to 9, some of which he got concurrent sentences, he received a total of 42 months imprisonment.

I do not see these offences, all added together, as the sort of misdemeanour that someone should be sent to prison for.

On Counts 10, 11 & 12:

< …you got Tonya to sit on your knee, put your hand on her thigh under her skirt and moved it up to her vagina over her tights and knickers and fondled her there until she managed to make an excuse and fled to the Ladies toilet. >

< Counts 11 & 12 arose from a single incident after she came out. >

< You got her in a forceful bear hug, put one hand down her top and into her bra and played with one of her breasts for about 30 seconds, fondling and squeezing it (Count 11). Then, really quickly, you moved the same hand under her skirt, down her tights and knickers and quickly digitally penetrated her vagina (Count 12). You then stopped and walked away. >

Three counts from this one action. That is absurd.

But yes, that was bit rich. Harris should certainly be ashamed of himself for that effort.

He received 21 months imprisonment for this. Well, that really is a very hefty sort of sentence. Again I would think that it is not something to send someone to prison over.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:50:06 AM
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I have spoken to quite a lot of people about this in recent days. Responses fall into two categories – those who don’t really care and don’t have any feeling for the detail of the situation and just go along with the media in thinking that Harris is a despicable pedophile, and those who have more interest and can see it in a broader perspective and think that Harris has been very badly done-by here, and that the sorts of things that he has done are really just as common as dishwater, and are very meek in the greater scheme of things.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:50:50 AM
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I've skimmed through all the posts on this subject and feel sorry that Rolf Harris's demise does not seem to lead to anything that resolves or solves the problems of child abuse. I have no argument against his guilt or jail time, but all men are rubbished and the price of sex just goes up and up and understood less than ever.
Many of the posts are personal attacks on others which is not good.
One thing positive was, I think, was the testimony from some of the female victims that their mental health suffered and they felt dirty, tarnished etc. afterwards. I think men, growing up post war especially, do not appreciate the danger of casual and random sexual molestation. In that period after the war, dysfunction was obviously very high. All men, from every nation was fighting "with GOD" and millions were killed. No surprise that "with God" did not have much meaning after the war. IMO religion did not make any adjustments and just got more fundamentalist.

In the 60's when Rolf and I were growing up, boys would have heard about the scoring system,with one been a kiss and 10 "all the way". We all heard about the local "bike". Personally I never found the "local bike" and I didn't look. I expected that if I worked hard, got a good job, that relationships would follow as it had in the past. She'd be sweet. BIg mistake!

Rolf's problem is that by his own diagnosis he is "touchy, feely"
I am sure that today there is scientific explanation for this and medical science could fix the "touchy, feely" syndrome
SADLY, I don't think this will be allowed to happen, and the sex business will just roll on.
Posted by laz91, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:06:30 AM
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The problem with a guy who diagnoses himself "touch feely" is that, in Rolf's case, his touchy feeliness was directed uninvited to underage girls and women who in some cases he'd just met. Also his touchy feely habits were directed straight to the private areas.

As I've mentioned before, our society has a social taboo on the feeling up of underage girls - and also to the uninvited touching of private parts of women who you've just met.

I imagine if Rolf had been caught trying any of his antics by the fathers or partners of his victims, he would have had his block knocked off.

Another thing I'll add for those attempting to blame the girls and women for leading him on is that this man daggy but "lovable" entertainer is no Brad Pitt or George Clooney. A guy like Rolf is definitely not the type to get a woman's heart thumping with desire.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:29:03 AM
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LUDWIG/<<.Regarding Count 1: ‘A’ in 1969:

< …you twice put your hand up her skirt>>

see that is a little thing[if it occured once]
but the twice/well.ok benifit of the doudt

but twice..<<between her legs and touched her vagina over her clothing. >..

thats a bit discusting[under law]..and i suppose will happen near anytime a girl in in a crowd/but.[and i gues here is thE RUB].that stranger in he crowd/or boy-in the playground/hasnt got that public face[that reminds you every time/to over think things

yes its true a good lawyer[not mnoralk lawyer].could have made this into a non EVENT/researched her past broken her as happens everyday s cases where THEY GET 7 MOTHS JAIL DISMISSED FOR TIME SERVED/or suspended rape

see rape is prevelant/i suggest that all rape is serial-rape
its just the way they found that works[like a pick up teqnique/that assures getting layed/With just thREE STEPS/saying their name 3 times

but we dont need blck magic/we need reason this issue out
because it cghurned in her mind/everytime/for his fame/the ongoing extention/of a simple gropE

yes sorry mate
its the rethinking that does the damages
a random stranger groping may cause upset [via recall\in crowds/
but a man such as harras and that other looney tunes who screwed the dead/i resent seeing him wheeling the corpse arround/in tv footage
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:55:52 AM
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mate its not what he did
but the damage seeing him eventually did
[i like inteligent conversation/while making love/not childish innocence/destroyed..unthiningly]

<<That was the entirety of the action>

for him/and he no doudt instantly forgot
he didnt do it for perversion[guys often tougch each other up

sorry not yelling/im with you\but we must see this through

<<>you took her childhood innocence;>>

[she never had even 'touched'/herself
now touching it reminds her of him[imprinted;the first they never forget.

<<for which she blamed herself
<<became an angry child and teenager,
<<unable to express herself and unable to trust men. >

sexualy frustrated/because he took away her\very identity;

but guys do it all the time?
its just the way/it is*[fame has privledge/and burden;to whom much is given/;much better is t be expected

the higher they crawl
the bigger te fall*
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:57:02 AM
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I have no doubt that child abuse is even more prevelant today than in past decades. People are naive and deliberatlely blind to the fact that the sexualisation of children (especially young girls)which is essentially pornography leads to the únivited touching of private parts. The denial of the adamic nature leads to many men and woman living in fairyland. Somehow in their mind they could not comprehend how an arty/farty could be a child molestor. The porn industry I have no doubt feeds numerous men and woman to carry out acts of their adamic nature. That's why some deviant judge (see SMH today) and others are now seeing child molesting as 'natural' just like homosexuality. Nothing will change because dads and mums still think its cute to dress nine year olds like tarts and send them to Madonna or Pink concerts.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 10 July 2014 11:22:54 AM
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I am in no way condoning what he did in any way, I do think some of it was blown out of proportion. It wasn't that long ago that a pat on the butt or a hand on a thigh was not sexual but simple affection. It does sound like to me that he is a sleaze, however in nearly every report I have read it seems all the victims would wait until they had a chance to get away without causing a scene. This in itself enables him to continue. Why didn't anyone jump away instantly and make a scene? That's what I did when I was groped by a school bus driver. And guess what, he lost his job and was known to be a perv, which made others aware to stay away from him.
Posted by Bec_young mum of 2, Thursday, 10 July 2014 11:25:19 AM
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Dear Ludwig,

I have expressed sympathy for the distress you have felt at Harris' fall from grace. It is for that reason I intend to go gently here.

Your 4 posts contain a lot of material so forgive me if I just address the first of your points about victim A.

If I had an 8 year old daughter a 39 year old man approached her in a shopping centre, lifted her dress and rubbed her vagina not once but twice, he would have placed his life at risk if I had been in the vicinity and if I hadn't I would have demanded he be dealt with by the full force of the law. I do know that would have been a traumatic episode for my child and would most certainly have dramatically raised their anxiety levels when around strangers. I would want the perpetrator assessed and given mandatory treatment before he was released back in to the public. What you are saying is that he should have been given a $300 fine be free to do the same thing to another child.

Well sir I think that is outrageous.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 10 July 2014 12:14:34 PM
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Ludwig, include me in the list of those condeming Harris for his actions.

I don't agree that groping the privates of anybody you have just met without clear adult consent is a trivial matter. In most cases that appears to have been what occured other than with his daughters friend. I'm not much of a fan of the idea of sentencing based on specific outcomes rather than actions other than within the context of norms and identifable risk. We will rarely know all of the circumstances that lead to long term outcomes. Harris actions in groping the girls were not generally socially acceptable nor legal at the time, he took a risk in groping them for which he now pays the penalty.

Agreed that as an adult the choices Bindi's friend made after the first assault occurred don't make a lot of sense. I get the impression that she was confused by the whole thing, flattered and repulsed at the same time. The thing to keep in mind is that when that started she was still a young child and Harris was a far older adult, the responsibility for those actions rests entirely with him. Her choices as a young adult would have been influenced by all that had gone before including grooming by Harris.

Some aspects are messy, attempts to mitigate blame from Harris on that basis fail on the simple basis that Harris was the adult involved. On a lesser note he also appears to have been the initiator of the events so its not even as though he was caught by surprise by someone elses choices and failed to respond appropriately or quickly enough.

Nothing said so far has indicated that any of the girls initiated sexual activity with Harris, even apart from the adult vs child aspect that puts the responsibility firmly withnHarris. Remember these were children being abused by an enormously popular and well liked celebrity.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 10 July 2014 12:27:37 PM
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"....those who don’t really care and don’t have any feeling for the detail of the situation and just go along with the media in thinking that Harris is a despicable pedophile, and those who have more interest and can see it in a broader perspective and think that Harris has been very badly done-by here, and that the sorts of things that he has done are really just as common as dishwater, and are very meek in the greater scheme of things."

So if I read this (how's that for detail, eh?)...and come away thinking Harris is a despicable paedophile, according to you "I don't really care".

But if I read the judge's sentencing remarks and come to the conclusion Harris was (in your words) "very badly done by"...then I'm looking at in a broader perspective.

What kind of "broader perspective" excuses Harris's perverted conduct and allows someone to think he was "very badly done by"? He chose to do those things. He broke the law. How is it that he becomes the victim here...according to you?



Does it occur to you that these young girls may have been rather startled that a major personality like Rolf touched them privately? Can you imagine what sort of confused thoughts would have coursed through their minds? He's not a nobody bus driver...he's famous lovable kindly guy-next-door Rolf. And many of his adult victims gave him short shrift, but took it no further because they were able to stop him before he had a chance to go further.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 12:55:54 PM
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Come to think of it, Ludwig, I'm "astounded" that after reading the judge's remarks that you continue to attempt to mitigate Harris's culpability in his own crimes - and the seriousness of his conduct.

Just because others might be up to the same thing - or worse - is no reason to excuse his behaviour - especially resting on your line that he has been "very badly done by".

Justice has been served. Harris must have known that if his activities ever came in for scrutiny that he had further to fall than the average molester.

And still he did it.

He knew what he was doing and what he had to lose if it ever came to light.

How can you say he has fared badly?
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 2:47:33 PM
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Poiret, that is exactly why this situation stinks. People are more worried and upset about the situation because the perp is a "somebody rather than a "nobody". It shouldn't make any difference. Did it occur to you the shock you receive when someone you walk past every week day, have come to know and have even befriended for years touches you privately. Ever heard of stranger danger? Just because someones image and name is world wide doesn't mean you know them. My bus driver was literally the "lovable kindly guy-next-door" guy.
We condition our children to be in awe of people we don't even know. I feel extremely sorry for these young girls and lady's, and hope that they can get past this.
Posted by Bec_young mum of 2, Thursday, 10 July 2014 4:45:57 PM
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If you had read the entirety of this thread, you would realise that "some" posters here are attempting to diminish Harris's culpability in his crimes by saying that he has been targeted because he's a "somebody".

Nothing about Haris's being brought to justice "stinks" at all.

He's a man who molested underage girls...full stop.

Btw....I've already related an "experience" here, so there's no need to wonder what I think about such an occurrence.

"We condition our children to be in awe of people we don't even know. ..."

That is no reason to excuse the fact that Harris elected to molest an 8 year-old waiting for an autograph. It's uncommonly perverted behaviour from anyone....and that's beside the rest of his crimes.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:08:23 PM
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After reading the posts by Ludwig on page 28, plus some other posts from him, let me say that if I knew who Ludwig was in real life I would never let any of my 3 children anywhere near him, whether supervised or unsupervised. If I lived next door to Ludwig I would move my children away asap, and if I was ever in a position where I couldn't move them asap I would inform the police of his sexual attitudes towards molestation of young children, and take all steps that could be taken to have him legally monitored, for the protection of my children.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:36:00 PM
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about someone you dont know/hope/WONDER/re your third post\

your wrong
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:50:49 PM
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Wow!...I failed to notice Ludwig's very long and detailed defence of Rolf's crimes on page 28.

Extraordinary that he should defend a man in his 50's taking liberties with an underage girl...and Ludwig appears to be intimating that she asked for it by being in his orbit on an ongoing basis...and poor old Rolf was just doing what came naturally.

Will examine his mitigations for Harris when I have a little more time.

Again, it's astounding to have Ludwig continue to make excuses for a middle-aged man molesting underage if Harris was lured by some experienced femme fatales - and had no control over his own deviance.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:47:21 PM
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Hold on there Poirot.

You say:

<< Will examine his mitigations for Harris when I have a little more time. >>

How about doing that before you lambast me for my very carefully considered views on this subject.

Look at it all in the detail that I have looked at it…. and then pass judgement.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:16:21 PM
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o sung wu,
"may I refer to my notebook your Honor?"
I came across an interesting co incidence after our discussion about Lennie Lawson the other night.
The girl who Lawson took as hostage in Parramatta prison was the same girl that Dr. Harry Bailey, of Chelsford "Deep Sleep" fame, married and later killed with psychotropic drugs although the coroner said it was suicide.
An interesting sight you might like to look at is this one.Some interesting name in the photos.
God I'd hate to be in the 'job' today.
Sleep well old mate.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:27:37 PM
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Regarding your opening post on page 28.

You say...

"I find myself vacillating somewhat as to the extent of accepting Harris as a pedophile, or a bit of a grub, or just a pretty normal human being.'

"In short, I often feel as though the sort of things he did are just par for the course...."

"Indeed we all have seminal moments where people wrong-do us in a manner that changes us and relieves us very suddenly of some of our naivety. In that regard, we shouldn’t be pulling out sexual activity as being significantly different or worse than all manner of other stuff that affects us."

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, I'll remind you that touching up young girls is socially, and therefore, criminally taboo in our culture.

It may have been "par for the course" for Rolf Harris to see young girls as opportunities to indulge his sexuality, either fleetingly, or in the case of his daughter's friend, more intimately...but as a grown man he knew what he was doing was beynd the pale.

I'm afraid our society does pull out all manner of sexual activity for censure...that's the way it works in our culture. Harris knew that. He may have shown limited bravado, and engendered an extra thrill, in ambushing his young victims in public settings, but it's not something he went round bragging about. According to him "They were all making it up"!

He also knew that his behaviour if exposed and convicted, would receive the derision of the community he inhabited.

The fact that he committed these offences serially and over a considerable period of time, tells us that they weren't aberrations of character, they were calculated behaviours to take advantage of young people for his own selfish pleasures.

That is contemptible.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 July 2014 11:50:50 PM
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"Regarding Count 1: ‘A’ in 1969:

< …you twice put your hand up her skirt between her legs and touched her vagina over her clothing. >"

You say...

"That was the entirety of the action."

This young child was 8 when this occurred - Rolf Harris was 39.

This 8 year-old was waiting for an autograph.

39 year-old Harris apparently took it upon himself (par for the course?) to put his hand up her skirt and and touch her vagina over her clothing.

He was found guilty of doing just that...and you appear to think that a $300 fine is just the ants pants for such a deed.

I can just hear the judge in Ludwig's court..."No problem there, Mr Harris just pop a few bob in the naughty jar and she'll be apples."

Most inappropriate for something our culture holds in contempt!



"Regarding Count 2: ‘B’ in July 1978:

< You groped her bottom, squeezing her left buttock a number of times. >

That was the entirety of the action.

Well…. really….. that’s pretty damn light-on indeed.

Harris got six months imprisonment for that. He should have received NO penalty at all for such a non-issue."

Interesting that you think a 48 year-old man taking liberties and groping the buttocks of a 16 year-old is a "non-issue".

I wonder how "light-on" you'd consider it if you met someone famous and before too long they had their hands around your buttocks?

If he'd have kept his hands to himself it would have been a "non-issue". Just where does he get off putting his hands all over people without an invitation in any case?
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 12:25:03 AM
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Poirot, Ludwig has shown by his posts he's a pedophilia supporter. People like that don't change in the face of reasoned, intelligent debate. Please don't give him status by even bothering to argue points with him, as it just empowers him. Let's just hope and pray he doesn't ever put his attitudes into practice, if he hasn't done so already.

We must protect our innocent children.
Posted by Jay123, Friday, 11 July 2014 12:56:54 AM
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Ludwig, your attempt to disarm the judges's findings in the Harris case is interesting. I have confidence that the finding of Mr Justice Nigel Sweeney in the case were both measured, and only determined after careful consideration of all the evidence by his honour.
Your attempt to add mitigation to Harris's action is in my opinion unrealistic. This by you sums up your general attitude to what the judge said <<Well…. really….. that’s pretty damn light-on indeed.>>

My only question is; Do you drink down at Individuals local pub? Where the men are men, and the kiddies are there for their pleasure, whilst the gals look on.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 July 2014 6:18:18 AM
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i have seen bum smaking live on tv
i have seen ballbag busting on tv

my wife was raped before i met her
it took me three decade to realise every time 'we made love'
for her it was like being raped again/so yeah rape stinks

but humans are touchy feely//and this is way post defacto
point being in the sceme of things no invasion was occasioned
and te jury clearly used info from other cases to arrive at a judgment

the point being we know it wll be appealed/and cleaned up on appeal
if fonding is a crime/its on the exreem limits of criminality[legaly speaking]/however wrong repugnant physicly

but next time its clear he needs rape them/its te same jail time
in fact its way more than rapists get

loo its clear from our reactions/w dont come from huggy feely families
in fact our famiy goe to great lengths to avoid any contact at all[its lie we are priests AND TOUCHING EACH OTHER IS SICK

damm faking caps/THE NEW GUY is just too intrested in luddy/his writing style seems familiour/footballers do it even basket ballers do it/and net ballers do it too/its clear you lot never been in a change room

but let we forget/the topic is rolf harraS
Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 July 2014 7:37:06 AM
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Regarding "C" - and your attempts to shift partial responsibility onto her for Harris's crimes.

Here you have contorted your reasoning grotesquely to defend Harris's actions.

Pedophiles rely on the shock, fear, shame and muteness of their victims for the continuation of their perversions. So although Harris was a fifty year-old man and "C" was fifteen and traumatised, we have you intimating that because she wasn't quick-witted enough to cut him short in under a minute or brave enough to shout the house down...that she was giving him "tacit approval" to indecently assault her.

You also intimate that because she continued to visit the Harris house that she was perhaps inviting his attentions. You don't know how powerless she felt to avoid such an outcome. It took her years and a bout of alcoholism before she could even bring herself to tell her family.

So instead of analysing "C", I hope you don't mind if I analyse you.

It seems to me that you, Ludwig, are taking Harris's fall from grace "personally". You don't seem to be able to digest the fact that your hero has been found guilty of these crimes. If it was anyone else, I believe you wouldn't give two hoots.

But because it's "nice guy" Rolf whom you always looked up to, you feel a big chunk of your invested "self" has been trashed significantly.
That's why you're going to such ridiculous lengths to diminish the actions of Harris - and to transfer responsibility, at least partly, to anyone else including his victims and the judiciary.

Your, lament, Ludwig, appears to have less to do with the actualities of the case, and more to do with a facade torn asunder exposing the sordid underbelly of all-round nice guy, Rolf.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 9:01:46 AM
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Thanks Poirot for having a closer look at my critique of the judge’s sentencing remarks.

Regarding Count 1: ‘A’ in 1969:

Do you really think nine months in jail is warranted for such an action?

"Regarding Count 2: ‘B’ in July 1978:

Surely you don’t think that the six months jail time he got for simply squeezing this girls left buttock is appropriate.

It is a matter of appropriate penalties, and should NOT be a matter of utter condemnation for lower-end-of-the-scale actions, as seems to be the mindset of the likes of Jay.

Two seminal moments happened to me at school, which killed my respect for two people that I had held in the highest regard and left me totally bewildered, angry and very wary of all authoritiy figures, if not all people. Years later I very strongly wanted to get back at both of them.

Firstly, I was bullied a fair bit at school. On one occasion I was bullied and there was a bit of a scuffle. The deputy head master just happened by right at that moment. He was completely disinterested in the details or who was in the wrong, even though he would have known that the other kid was a bully and I was most likely the victim on that occasion. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to have sorted that out. But he just couldn’t be bothered. He just caned us both. The bully didn’t think anything of being caned yet again. But that was the one and only caning that I ever got, for having done absolutely nothing wrong. Caning was the top punishment. Only the really bad kids got caned for doing really bad things. Well, that was what we had been led to believe.

Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 11 July 2014 12:58:15 PM
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Dear Jay123,

As you appear to be new to this forum, although it is hard to know these days, welcome. You will find there is rigorous and sometimes even rancorous debate but on the whole there are some niceties that are observed.

When viewing what you claimed of Ludwig;

“Let's just hope and pray he doesn't ever put his attitudes into practice, if he hasn't done so already.”

plus what you wrote in your earlier comment I think you went too far. There is no evidence that Ludwig is a danger to children no is there any indication that he is ever likely to be.

Obviously my posts to individual indicate the line might be somewhat nuanced but it is still there nonetheless.

I hope you enjoy OLO.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 July 2014 12:59:23 PM
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Secondly, some kid picked a fight after school and threw me to the ground on the school verandah, just completely out of the blue. The headmaster just happened by right at that moment. He told us both to stay put until he came back. Then he just went home and left us there. The other kid nicked off quickly. I was left waiting, by myself, alone in an empty school, too afraid to go as it would have been in direct violation of what the top authority figure of the school had told me to do. Eventually I left... at about sunset.

In both these simple instances, authority figures stuffed up very badly, and yet their actions were presumably normal practice. This had a huge impact on me. But even if I had made a big deal of these episodes, there would have been no come-back on them at all, let alone court cases, sackings, public condemnation and jail sentences.

Poirot, the actions of these two men was every bit as bad as Harris’ simple groping activities, IMHO.

We all have seminal moments like this. We all get wrongly-done by. Many people would have had much more significant experiences than I had in my childhood. I do not think that sexual matters, at the lower end of the scale as with Harris, should be treated in a far worse way than all manner of other things that affect us.

The trouble is that we have terribly blinkered people like Jay, who just jump straight to the end of the spectrum and completely condemn people, and are perfectly happy to see them completely destroyed, as a result of really pretty minor misdemeanours.

I wonder if Jay can appreciate my school experiences at all, or whether he/she would tell me that they were non-events and that I was a total woose for letting them affect me so deeply, and that non-sexual things like those are completely different to anything with a sexual connotation?

I will reply to your post regarding ‘C’ later.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 11 July 2014 1:01:34 PM
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Ludwig, "Do you really think nine months in jail is warranted for such an action?"

I don't have a daughter but my partner does, I can assure you that if some creep took it upon himself to grope her in the way that Harris groped his victims I'd and her family would consider 9 months far to small a sentence. Likewise if someone chose to grope the boys in our care.

I still don't get why you are so determined to stick up for Harris. This was not a one off incident, a really bad day for him where he just lost the plot. It wasn't a carelessly placed hand.

Now days a headmaster who did what yours did would most likely lose their job, possibly facing more serious consequences than that even if it was just an oversight rather than a deliberate and repeated action. Harris was not a one time offender, he was a serial abuser who showed no concern for the impact of his actions on his victims.

Yes there are other things that people do to hurt others some of which we find it much harder to put clear boundaries around. That in no way mitigates Harris actions.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 11 July 2014 1:34:09 PM
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Ludwig continues on with his support of pedophilia. He has just written that he considers the pedophilia of Rolf Harris to be "really pretty minor misdemeanors".

THIS is precisely why men like Ludwig are a potential danger to our children. To these type of men, it's never a real crime, it's just "having a bit of fun, playing around".

People, by debating specific points with Ludwig you are making him feel empowered. He clearly has absolutely no insight into these matters and certainly no intention of changing.

People like Ludwig need medical and psychiatric help, and he won't get that here. Please don't allow him to feel empowered. Think of the innocent victims of pedophilia.
Posted by Jay123, Friday, 11 July 2014 2:07:48 PM
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I appreciate that you, like all of us, experience instances of unfairness...and that authority figures are prone to dumping everyone in the same basket and not addressing individual blame.

You ask...

"Do you really think nine months in jail is warranted for such an action?"

The difference between your story and Rolf's is that he "did" perpetrate the crimes.

You appear to be regarding each incident as an isolated aberration...not something that Harris did purposely and serially that was targeted, as in this case, at a very young child.

Just take a step back and put yourself in the shoes of, not only the child, but the parents.

Off we go to an event, and we're a little bit excited because we know that lovely Rolf Harris is going to be there. He's a great guy who's entertained us for years and even hosted a show about animals being treated in an Animal Hospital...just the thing an 8 year-old would find appealing.

So Mum and/or Dad, full of trust and not a care in the world, send Miss 8 off to line up for an autograph.

And 39 year-old Rolf goes straight to it and feels up the 8 year-old in the crotch.

Of course, it wouldn't matter if the perpetrator was friendly Mr Smigginblooper the janitor....a 39 year-old man getting his jollies from feeling up an 8 year-old is not on!

In this case, Rolf made use his fame and reputation to draw people to him...and then...

...abused them.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 2:12:50 PM
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Poirot, please don't enable Ludwig to feel empowered by debating specific points with him. Both you and I surely know he has absolutely no intention of changing, no matter what you say. Debating with him won't change him, it only makes him feel empowered. He needs medical/psychiatric help in order to change. Society doesn't need Ludwig's empowerment. Let's all think of the innocent victims instead.
Posted by Jay123, Friday, 11 July 2014 2:21:39 PM
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We've been communicating with Ludwig for years...none of us think he's a pedophile.

I do however, think he's uncommonly hung up on Rolf's situation - and I might add - making himself look a tad ridiculous by defending him.

I mentioned in an earlier post that Ludwig appears to be taking Rolf's situation personally, because of a long held admiration for this man...and finding it difficult to digest the gravity of Harris's digression from acceptable behaviour.

He mentioned earlier in the thread that he was almost in tears at the verdict.

I think Ludwig would do well to examine his own apparent adherence to Rolf's "former public image" and allow himself to accept that Harris is profoundly flawed in this matter...irregardless of his years as family entertainer and all-round good guy.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 2:23:02 PM
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dear robert/please know..i love michael*jackson/his music sooths me
from his earliest days..woman and men have had..and desired him/he had his\soul/spirit/driven out of him.

from his father/who expected\every gesture to be perfect
to his brothers doing as brothers do/enjoy the spoils of fame

there can~be no doubt/that many\horrid things was done/to micheal
the rich./and famouse\demand their playthings/its loose loose

so michael slept\with children/HED/LOST-HIS*OWN[inner-child]
i love him yet/the beauty\of his music makes for no regret
its said i will never falL in love again/but their wrong
y\u can be loving your hating/thats no love at all;SEE?

i dare y0u to lisen\to michaels music/and not/feel his pain
we*/all feel pain/no s0meone big wanted a media detractioIS
the very good at hiding ITS SINS/+\RED~HERRINGS*

ludwig/i too\got strap-once
unjustly/that seems a big*key..[much like molestation
getting accused and hurt severly/when you done nuthin wrong for trying to speak-up/well that cuts deep/opens our eyes just like being touched up.

i know me/and\if any movie*STARharlet*TOUCHED ME UP
well wooopppeeE[i have been~that lonely]
\i met 20 year old virgins[ie they stopped loving\for 20 years
[i recall this old lady/went o the police STATION/for her rewards[it seems her mother*told her as a 12 years-old;stay a virgin till your 80/and\the police two grand

thing is nuns have earned their heaven
but reject heaven\but briefly first to visit hell /;get-to release/\some pent~up heat-out/get\the kinks out-of\a cramped/up life expectation
[im told sex-is great\for period cramps]but that some 'girls begin tO MENTRAIT AT 8/they are-tmo sexualised/plus the female horemoans in our plastics drinks..and food .

THAT BBC pervert\loved loving these dead and defective
who are we to judge the love\returned from a corpse/as cold as stone
[in budism/they say enlightenment reaches out with the thought of oneness one gets of sitting with 'the dead'..then realization/that we the dead and the living are one/complete/energy circular event/of energy changing STATE/yet what is iT THAT makes THESE shaped scratchings have form/in\min/that inform the mind/via the seeing linkages of our minds eye;]
Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 July 2014 2:38:25 PM
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Personally, I find the people who had to sit in Southwark Crown Court for six weeks, who heard the evidence first-hand and passed their judgement, far more convincing than someone 11,000 miles away, reading a couple of newspaper articles, and then pontificating on what is right and what is wrong.

But hey, who am I to make such a wild call.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 11 July 2014 6:48:26 PM
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Dear Pericles,

Are we allowed to pontificate on this one?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 July 2014 11:31:01 PM
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To All,

I am totally confident that the whole legal process with Harris has been followed to the letter of the law in Britain. The sentence applied has been appropriate, given the nature of the crime and believe the sentencing judge has acted fairly towards Harris giving him 5 years and 9 months.
Poirot, I too have been and still are an admirer of Harris's music, artwork etc, but in no way does that lessen his crime. If Fred Harris the house painter, and part time bath time crooner had done exactly the same as the more famous Rolf Harris, I would now expect Fred would be doing 5 years and 9 months in a cell next door to the more famous Rolf.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 6:38:58 AM
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<<A judge (Garry Neilson) in Australia has been criticised after saying incest may no longer be a taboo and that the community may now accept consensual sex between adult siblings.>>

SteeleRedux, I am opposed to incest if for no other reason it is genetically dangerous. Just take one look at the British Royal Family! I rest my case.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 6:46:58 AM
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Very interesting. I was just about to post that exact link Steele, when I noticed that you have beaten me to it.

Now THERE is something to really be concerned about. This judge’s thinking is terrible!

In an earlier post (Thursday, 10 July 2014 12:14:34 PM) you said regarding my comments about ‘A’,

<< Well sir I think that is outrageous. >>

However you did not address my main concern, which was whether ‘A’s assertions about the effect it had on her were properly scrutinised in court or basically just taken entirely at face value.

I would suggest that there is a very large reasonable doubt there about the extent of the claimed effects. It is quite probably totally true, but it could also be blown right out of all proportion.

It is surely the role of the court to make sure that something is true beyond a reasonable doubt, or else treat it very carefully if not dismiss it completely. I don’t think the court did this.

I also note that you said:

<< …lifted her dress and rubbed her vagina not once but twice… >>

Judge Sweeney said:

< you twice put your hand up her skirt between her legs and touched her vagina over her clothing >

He just touched the front of her pants by all accounts. Where does your ‘rubbed’ reference come from?

See, you’ve overstated it, Steele. Not deliberately of course, but overstated and incorrectly stated nonetheless.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 8:40:53 AM
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This is exactly why I have taken the approach that I have – because I perceive a whole lot of this tendency to assume that Harris’ actions are worse than they really are, that all are interpreted in the worst manner that they can, or are just not viewed at all in a level-headed manner.

So I have set about to show that it all can be viewed really quite differently, in a much less terrible manner.

I think my views here have at least much merit as the views of those that can’t help but see the worst interpretation.

OK, maybe my suggestion of a $300 fine for Count 1 regarding ‘A’ was a little light-on. Maybe. But nine months jail for this, for a first offence, or what had to be assumed by the court to be a first offence, is surely completely outrageous.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 8:42:23 AM
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"This is exactly why I have taken the approach that I have – because I perceive a whole lot of this tendency to assume that Harris’ actions are worse than they really are, that all are interpreted in the worst manner that they can, or are just not viewed at all in a level-headed manner.

So I have set about to show that it all can be viewed really quite differently, in a much less terrible manner."

But you aren't viewing Harris's crimes in a level-headed manner. You are viewing them from a skewed vantage point - one where you've sought to mitigate nearly every action he perpetrated.

If we examine your defence of Harris, we'll notice that as the details of his actions emerged, your defence has been ratcheted up incrementally to match your knowledge of the gravity of crimes.

You initiated this thread claiming Harris was no-more than a playful groper - and everyone knew what he was doing.

We've gone from that to you forensically itemising his actions - even his most heinous ones (not denying them, mind you) - but instead, in the most grave case, attempting to pin partial responsibility onto his victim.

I'll repeat that a 39 year-old man putting his hand up a "small" child's" dress and interfering with her private parts, even over her knickers, is worthy of jail time....especially in conjunction with all the other similar crimes he was found guilty of in the same trial.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:00:31 AM
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You said "I am opposed to incest if for no other reason it is genetically dangerous. Just take one look at the British Royal Family! I rest my case."

That's a cheap shot, care to illustrate your point with reference to any of the current members of the Royal Family?

The Judge's remarks seem reasonable to me and I fail to see what the furor is about.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 12 July 2014 10:18:04 AM
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Poirot, regarding your reply to me re: ‘C’…

There was a whole series of very similar touching events, which all seemed to last for about one minute. After multiple episodes of touching by Harris, the girl slept over in Harris’ house with Bindi, entirely voluntarily, not with her parents present. She then continued to have occasional contact with Harris, clearly of her own volition, for years after her childhood.

What does this tell us?

Sorry, but it just flies in the face of the interpretation of ‘C’s experiences amounting to serious pedophilia. or of the girl becoming an alcoholic as a result.

Hey, you might be right in your interpretation, but please see the very real possibility that I might be right, or that the truth might lie somewhere in between.

<< So instead of analysing "C", I hope you don't mind if I analyse you. It seems to me that you, Ludwig, are taking Harris's fall from grace "personally". >>

No Poirot. I explained in my previous post to SteeleRedux why I see the need to take a different interpretation to the predominating one.

<< You don't seem to be able to digest the fact that your hero has been found guilty of these crimes. >>

Hey, that’s exactly what I have done – very carefully digest it. And I think you will agree that the judge’s sentencing comments is just about the best single document on which to base this ‘digestion’.

<< If it was anyone else, I believe you wouldn't give two hoots. >>

Careful, you wouldn’t have a clue about that. You set yourself up to be knocked down with statements like that. Maybe you would remember a thread I started on Bill Henson. And I was also very close to starting one on Robert Hughes.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 10:52:16 AM
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<< That's why you're going to such ridiculous lengths to diminish the actions of Harris… >>

I implore you to not close your mind. It is all too easy to just dismiss the different interpretation that I am putting forward, or to consider the very real possibility that the truth lies somewhere in between your interp and mine.

<< Your, lament, Ludwig, appears to have less to do with the actualities of the case, and more to do with a facade torn asunder exposing the sordid underbelly of all-round nice guy, Rolf. >>

Maybe not such a ‘sordid underbelly’, Poirot. You use strongly emotive language. You see, you’ve totally made up your mind on this issue, based on a hard-line interpretation of all that has eventuated in the trial, and with no consideration that there is enormous scope for it all being interpreted quite differently, and not actually being anywhere near as bad as what you have come to believe.

Maybe your interp is right.

Maybe it is a long way off the mark. Please consider that possibility.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 10:53:59 AM
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Earlier in this thread you attempted to mitigate the gravity of Harris's action by comparing them to similar actions (as in the case of "C") committed by Savile and Catholic priests.

Since then you've learned that Harris's actions aren't far removed from such examples at all.

I'm sure that if you were able to forensically examine the actions of convicted priests, Savile and countless other pedophiles in the same way you have done with Harris, you would be able to apply the same types of mitigation that you have done for him.

Does it occur to you that if you have to contort your argument to such an extent to remove blame or gravity from Harris's crimes, that you are barking up the wrong tree?

We have laws which reflect what is and is not acceptable conduct in our culture.

Harris violated these tenets, and has been duly convicted and punished.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 12 July 2014 11:07:27 AM
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"You see, you’ve totally made up your mind on this issue, based on a hard-line interpretation of all that has eventuated in the trial, and with no consideration that there is enormous scope for it all being interpreted quite differently, and not actually being anywhere near as bad as what you have come to believe."

What do you mean, Ludwig... the interpretation of all that eventuated in the trial made by the jury who were there, or the quite different interpretation presented by the defence, or the the scope of the interpretation of it being only as bad as that believed and expressed by the judge?

Let's apply the same logic of interpretation to the expressions of expiation, remorse, mitigation, explanation or apology made by Rolf Harris...

[sounds of crickets chirping]

If you find Rolf Harris appealing in the future... offer your services to his legal team.
Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 12 July 2014 11:50:19 AM
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Ludwig, "< you twice put your hand up her skirt between her legs and touched her vagina over her clothing >

He just touched the front of her pants by all accounts. Where does your ‘rubbed’ reference come from?"

Step back and have loom at what you are doing here please. You are so desperate to place better look to Harris's actions that you are doing exactly what you accuse others of in the opposite direction. Touching the front of someones pants leaves a lot of room for non sexual contact, touching the area where the vagina is located leaves very little. Was the girl wearing pants under her skirt or a pair of undies, some mixed use if the term I admit but referring to undies as pants looks like an attempt to make the actiin less than it was.

Are you so caught up in defending that you have lost track of the context of what you are actually writing? Do you really believe that touching young girls on or in the vagina is a trivial point?

I'm intrigued by the way the discussion has gone. Your determination to defend Harris and the lengths you have gone to to recast his actions illustrates the hurdles victims of sexual assault face when their assailant is a popular and trusted figure (the local priest etc). The continued refusal of those of us who like and respect you to believe that you really mean what you say is also telling, on the face of it I should be forming a similar view to the one Jay123 has formed and I'm struggling to come to grips with that. The views you ar expressing here are abhorent and I just don't want to believe you really mean them.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 12 July 2014 12:46:15 PM
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That's a cheap shot, care to illustrate your point with reference to any of the current members of the Royal Family?

Yeah! The Queen of England and Prince Phil are cousins! The Queen and Prince Philip both have Queen Victoria as a great-great-grandmother. They are also related through Prince Philip's father's side. His paternal grandfather, King George I of Greece, was Queen Alexandra's brother.
Proof they are inbreeds. Except for Harry, he's okay.
p/s Charlie was related to Di.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 1:08:21 PM
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Poirot, Catholic Priests! It was all the Altar Boys fault, have you not seen the provocative way they get about, in those frilly little dresses.

Ludwig you are doing your best to act as an apologists for Harris, and all you seem to be doing is dragging yourself down. You went as far as claiming in your own judgement, that for one offence Harris should have been slapped with a parking fine ($300), yeah for parking his grubby hand in the wrong place. You have blamed everyone associated with the case, except the perpetrator himself, Harris.
If Harris believes he has been harshly dealt with, he has the right of appeal before a different judge(s). You can't say Harris has not been given full opportunity to defend himself, he has
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 1:35:12 PM
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Still a cheap shot, you have not illustrated one incestuous relationship within the current Royal Family and if you intended to indicate that the members of that family are in anyway physically or mentally impaired by being the product of close (but legal) relationships; then we await your examples.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 12 July 2014 2:06:10 PM
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"<< If it was anyone else, I believe you wouldn't give two hoots. >>

Careful, you wouldn’t have a clue about that. You set yourself up to be knocked down with statements like that. Maybe you would remember a thread I started on Bill Henson. And I was also very close to starting one on Robert Hughes. "

Okay, well that indicates to moi that you apparently have a problem with those of renown being accused or convicted of sex crimes against minors.

Have you ever thought of starting a thread whenever the average Joe Bloggs has been convicted of a sex crime?

Regarding "C"....irrespective of the fact that you are attempting to pin partial responsibility onto a 15 year-old who was abused by 50 year-old Harris...

How does that excuse the choice he made to indecesntly assault this young girl?

I mean tell me how that even partially exonerates Harris?

Harris of his own volition and free will, knowing that it is a crime to sexually touch a minor, decides that he is going to sexually touch a minor....not just once but many times in the most intimate of ways.

So disregarding you theory of "C"'s behaviour tantamount to "asking for it" (which I find repugnant in the extreme) - explain to me how a man indulging in a criminal act of his own free will is mitigated in any way of his crime?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 12 July 2014 2:18:26 PM
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Paul1405 you said on the previous page, "Ludwig you are doing your best to act as an apologist for Harris".

Paul, it is FAR more serious and insidious than that. Yes, Ludwig is an apologist for Harris, but he goes MUCH further by detailing specific acts of pedophilia and then saying it's not really all that serious and/or he attacks the child victims and 'their' actions. Ludwig is blatantly and insidiously defending pedophilia itself.

Pedophiles, and their supporters, are not grubby little men in raincoats hanging around schools and instantly visible. Pedophiles and their supporters are your pleasant dads, your compassionate priests, your caring teachers, your funny entertainers, your grandfathers, your uncles, your sons .... and your nice, reasonable, lovely men who write on forums.

By engaging with Ludwig directly, you will NEVER change him. He feels empowered by your attention to his pedophilia support, and his dismissal of the victims of pedophilia.

Please be aware Ludwig is not merely supporting Harris, he is...and this is vital to realise .... supporting the actual pedophile actions themselves by attempting (unsuccessfully) to diminish the actual pedophilia itself and to diminish the victims.

As I said before, Ludwig and people like Ludwig will only change if they seek medical/psychiatric assistance. I doubt Ludwig will ever do that, as he clearly lacks insight into his affliction.

Discuss the subject yes, but by directly engaging with Ludwig on the specific points he raises only makes him feel empowered.
Posted by Jay123, Saturday, 12 July 2014 3:15:17 PM
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I would like to back up the point made by WmTrevor.

I feel there would have been some implications for the length of Harris' sentence from the impact it has on the victims but the judge would have given far more weight to the lack of admission, contrition and empathy for the victims shown by Harris, I mean the guy even sang Jake the Peg in the witness box for crying out loud and had denied even being in that town.

Referring to my earlier scenario of a 39 year old twice lifting an 8 year old's dress to touch her vagina if that person had pleaded guilty, been a first time offender, given evidence of emotion imbalance due to illness or deep stress of some kind, shown convincing remorse for his actions, committed to getting the appropriate treatment and offered heartfelt apologies to his victim and her family I may have countenanced a lesser sentence that that given to Harris. Since none of these were offered in his case then what he got was entirely appropriate.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:04:07 PM
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<< Okay, well that indicates to moi that you apparently have a problem with those of renown being accused or convicted of sex crimes against minors. >>

Poirot, you could choose to take that negative view of it, or you could take the view that this indicates that I do have a considerably broader interest in the whole subject than just regarding Rolf Harris, and that I have given it a lot of thought over a lot of years.

See, if I may be so bold; you do go straight to the negative state, and very strongly so (mind you, only about 1% as much as Jay! [reincarnated Nhoj?] who must by now be a considerable embarrassment to your side of this debate!)

It indicates to me Poirot that you are not going to see anything I write in anything other than a very negative manner.

And therein lies one of the big reasons why I am so interested in this whole subject:

Someone does something wrong (and Harris has clearly done that), and then there are many people who just jump straight to the worst possible interpretation, and just cannot be pulled back from it no matter what more moderate people might say about it. Courts and judges get swayed by this. Over-the-top findings can be made by a jury and over-the-top punishment enforced by a judge.

I am not saying that this is definitely the case with Harris, but I am saying that there is a very real possibility of it being so.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:27:24 PM
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<< Regarding "C"....irrespective of the fact that you are attempting to pin partial responsibility onto a 15 year-old who was abused by 50 year-old Harris... How does that excuse the choice he made to indecesntly assault this young girl? >>

I doesn’t.

Again Poirot, I am offering a different less severe perspective, not an exoneration of Harris.

<< I mean tell me how that even partially exonerates Harris? >>

It is certainly grounds for some mitigation. Firstly, all those episodes of genital contact, certainly beyond the first one or two, would not have happened if the girl had been really repulsed by it and had thus not put herself in the position where they could happen.

Sorry but that seems to be the case, in a very straightforward manner. And what’s with her continuation of contact with Harris, for many years up to the age of 29, if she was so repulsed by his actions?

I see a really quite blatant disconnect here, again based entirely on the judge’s sentencing remarks. Please Poirot, consider this very closely.

Again… and I feel the need to say this repeatedly…. you and the judge might be right, but please consider the possibility that my interpretation could be correct or that something in between yours and mine is closest to the truth.

There ARE potential mitigating circumstances here. This does not mean that Harris wasn’t very wrong, but it does mean that the magnitude of the offences could be considerably less than what you think.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:30:00 PM
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<< Harris of his own volition and free will, knowing that it is a crime to sexually touch a minor, decides that he is going to sexually touch a minor....not just once but many times in the most intimate of ways. >>

Yes. But that is far from the full story. It is not just totally black and white.

<< So disregarding you theory of "C"'s behaviour tantamount to "asking for it" (which I find repugnant in the extreme) >>

Why do you find this so repugnant? Why are you so closed-minded as to not think that this is a very real possibility?

Please reread the sentencing remarks, and particularly consider how all the repeated episodes of Harris’ contact with ‘C’ could happen… and continue for about a minute each time before she apparently very gently pushed him away.

<< …explain to me how a man indulging in a criminal act of his own free will is mitigated in any way of his crime? >>

If the other party is actually letting him do it, then there is a very big mitigating factor.

And here I go again saying that you might be right, but please consider the possibility that I am right – that ‘C’ did indeed allow him to do it. If this was so, it wouldn’t exonerate Harris, but it surely would be considerable mitigating circumstances.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:31:41 PM
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Let's get this straight, Ludwig. Regarding Harris's repeated indecent assaults of "C" - there is "no" mitigating factor before the law.

He was sexually interfering with a minor.

That's it.

"If the other party is actually letting him do it, then there is a very big mitigating factor."

No it's not a mitigating factor at all. Not in the case a middle-aged man indecently assaulting a minor.

What is it with you that you keep attempting to excuse Harris's perversions?

Do you not realise that a mature man (and especially one of Harris standing) rely on the trauma and the shame of their victims to keep their lips well and truly sealed. I know because the one time it happened to me, I was totally immobilised by the shock and shame of it.

"C" was being secretly abused by Harris. Perhaps she felt she had little choice but to continue to visit as Bindy's friend. She couldn't tell anyone why she didn't want to go to the Harris house, could she.

That's what perverts depend on which is why it often takes a long time for these things to come to light

Others have said here that it's a wonder any minors come forward at all when people like you are on hand to blame the victims.

And I agree with the others that it's obvious Rolf was still relying on his fame and nice guy reputation to protect him in the witness box. Who else up on charges for indecent assault of minors would stoop to singing ditties in the witness box?

"They're all making it up", he says. "I was never in Cambridge", he says.

So when you say: "See, if I may be so bold; you do go straight to the negative state, and very strongly so.."

You're darn tootin' I do...after reading the sentencing remarks, no-one of reasonable morality could do anything else.

I'm flabbergasted that you continue to defend this paedophile...and your argument has done more to define his evil actions to me than anything else I've read on the matter, save the judge's comments.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 12 July 2014 10:05:33 PM
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Wow Poirot. You’ve totally hardened your stance. There is a whole bunch of statements in your last post that amount to assertions that you cannot make. You can suggest that they possibly or probably or are likely to be the case, but you can’t assert them as facts.

My oft-repeated fundamental principle here; that a less severe interpretation of Harris’ misdemeanours is perhaps closer to reality, perhaps not, but certainly worth considering… has fallen on deaf ears and a closed mind.

Crikey, all you needed to say is: “Yes Ludwig, I can see your point. There is a possibility that it is not as bad as it seems, and that interpretations other than mine [Poirot’s] are possibilities. Highly unlikely, but yes; possible ”

That would have settled this discussion. But alas, you have totally closed your mind and asserted that you are right, end of story.

Damn pity that is.

<< I'm flabbergasted that you continue to defend this paedophile. >>

It seems like you are flabbergasted that I offer anything whatsoever that is different to your HARDLINE interpretation of this whole affair.

Hey, how many times do I have to say it – I’m offering a different somewhat less severe interpretation, not a defence of Harris for his wrongdoings. And I have been doing so in a very logical and cool-headed manner.

We have always got along well on this forum, for some years now. I thought I could have a friendly or at least neutral debate with you. But alas, it was not to be.

Go ahead and think the absolute worst of Harris. Don’t let anything stop you from doing that. Don’t consider my comments regarding the disconnect that I found in the judge’s comments. Do continue to see things in very black and white terms.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 12 July 2014 10:36:28 PM
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Poirot, and others, I beg you to stop communicating directly with Ludwig on this subject. You are only making Ludwig feel empowered.

He only sees his excuses for pedophilia and his diminishing of the victims, in black and white terms. We all know he lacks insight and compassion on this issue, not because he admires Harris, but because he is defending the actual pedophile actions themselves and is also attempting to diminish victims of pedophilia.

Nothing whatsoever that you say directly to him will influence him in any way at all.

Please, I implore you to not make Ludwig feel he has status on pedophile issues. You are paying close attention to what he says and this makes him feel empowered on the issue.

I'm praying that pedophile victims are not reading his posts, as I could barely imagine the deep extent of their hurt, dismay and pain regarding Ludwig's posts. That a grown man could be that lacking in insight would be deeply hurtful to any victim of pedophilia.

Please Poirot, Paul, Steele, RObert, WM Trevor carry on the discussion, but I implore you to exclude Ludwig, just ignore him. He will never change. He needs help, and he can't get it here on this forum, and he doesn't want it anyway. Please don't empower that man by paying attention to his repugnant defense of certain types of pedophilia.
Posted by Jay123, Saturday, 12 July 2014 11:35:18 PM
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I agree Jay123.
I think Ludwig protests too much.

At the end of the day, Harris was convicted beyond reasonable doubt, and is in prison possibly until he dies.
One can only hope he is doing his time very unpleasantly...
Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 13 July 2014 1:33:58 AM
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Jay123, I'd need more evidence before I was ready to accept that this is an empowerment issue for Ludwig.

I tend to only ever cut off communication where continuing the communication seems to increase a risk of harm or if the communication is so bad that conversation is unworkable. I'd rather see bad ideas out in the open and rebutted than have some sense left that they have been silenced because opponents could not rebut them.

We may not change Ludwig's mind on this but I tend to work from an assumption that other may not not be as entrenched in their views.

I am reaching the point where the arguments seem far to repetitive and there may be little point in continuing the discussion on the existing points.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 13 July 2014 6:04:56 AM
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OK about a new angle
i will change nappies/but some nappies are more messy than others
so when the naby girl has poop every where/where is the parent allowed to clean/what areas not to clean/the thing is at what point are we cleaning too much.

i see woman getting great joys from baby sniffing but is a man goes arround BABY sniffing hes the peRvert/AND EVEN I AM QUICK TO CAST THE LABLE

we live in an era where they put no go areas/a man taking his grandaughter to play in the park geTs nought but foul looks
jusT out shopping with the clearly younger mother and daughter/you get the constant judgements

LIFE I FULL OF THESE SMPLE ABSURD we have a male teacher shortage caus we know is gong to arise if you even tak individualy with a student.

we tend to throw our sins at we are thinking/on others
is us thinKing him a pervert/his problem or ours/cleaRly its his/but then we become that wE DISPISE


if you never been an older male/seen out walking\with kid
you got no clue untill ya do\and there is nothing better than a pevert in the media/to alianate the father comforter figure[anyhow its our cros to bare]

all i know is backWARDS j's abc or rather 1 2 and threes
seems like a secret mystery j to me/but i dont care who he is/we each should be able to speak freely/if only that we not nuthing we are shamed of.

are all/most some or all;
lawyers defending murder..are they murderers too?

i see j321 just trying out his vengeance/bile\on some specific one

just remember this

And next time you unthinkingly
are forced/to change a poopy nappy...
a lot of crrrr ap falls into the cracks/some you can
clean others need a woman to do it cause we need more feminists.

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 July 2014 7:52:17 AM
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oug, are you playing games or do you genuinely think Harris was checking to see if nappies needed changing?

There is a concept called reasonable doubt used in western legal system. No sane person could confuse Harris's actions with that of a parent changing a nappy (or any if the other actions parents, doctors etc sometimes need to take) to care for the needs of children.

I've got no respect for the kind of spin and contortions implied in that part of your post. Its dishonest BS.

I agree that the hype around men and children has been badly over played in some circles. As a single parent I noticed how adament my sons friends mums generally were that play dates would happen at their place, not mine.

On the other hand I've often taken my partners kids on outings without my partner and never encountered negative reactions out and about despite being an older male caring for children.

Negative stereotypes about men and children won't be helped by those of you claim poor comprehension of the boundaries around appropriate touch (and other interaction) and inappropriate touch etc with children. There are some complexities at the boundaries, medical emergencies etc but for all of the situations raised so far in regard to Harris and all of my dealings with children other than my own those complexities have never been an issue.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 13 July 2014 8:59:45 AM
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Don't be so puerile, OUG. Cleaning up babies after "pooping" isn't particularly different for either gender. I've had one of each - and for both a good wipe is sufficient. There is no requirement to go probing any further on a female baby...which appears to be the ridiculous point you are trying to make.



You appear to be getting cross with me because I refuse to come around to your way of thinking.

Problem is that I can't countenance why you are going to so much trouble to mitigate Harris's actions...except that you have long admired his public persona and are having trouble dealing with the fact that "such a nice guy" has been convicted of such crimes.

Whether it's you partially blaming the victim - or you complaining about the sentence severity, it seems you hop about coming up with any and every excuse for the fact that a grown man purposely committed these offences.

And that's after you were apprised of the detail. Before that, according to you, he was just being a risque groper.

It's just been one long episode of you not liking the fact that "Rolf Harris" got pinged for such crimes - and seeking, therefore, to grasp any mitigating factor your imagination can come up with.

And you criticise me because I'm not buying any of them.


RObert is right that we are now repeating our arguments so it's probably no use going on much longer.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:03:22 AM
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To All

Harris has done the crime, and now he must do the time. I have confidence in the British legal system to believe Harris got a fair trial, the verdict was correct and the sentence was appropriate. Despite all the media hype, and all the sensationalism applied to the case, which is understandable given Harris is a high profile person. To its credit the British legal system was able to divorce itself from the hype surrounding the case, and acted in a clinical fashion, ensuring Harris got a very fair trial indeed. I am please that Harris got that fair trial he was entitled to, and that once again justice has been served.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:40:30 AM
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R0bert, you are another long-time good OLO buddy. Twice as long as for Poirot. Going on for nine years now.

Firstly, I say to you the much-repeated bottom line of my argument – that there is a possibility that things are not as they seem and that other interpretations of a less harsh manner regarding Harris’ wrongdoings are possible, and very much worth considering.

You wrote:

<< Step back and have loom at what you are doing here please. You are so desperate to place better look to Harris's actions that you are doing exactly what you accuse others of in the opposite direction. >>

Ok, I have stepped back and had a good hard close look at my approach to this issue.

My assessment is…. that I really am just gently and calmly putting forward suggestions as to how things could be viewed somewhat differently. And it seems that some people on this thread just completely can’t handle that.

I would hazard to say that perhaps others can, and have simply chosen not to comment further, as they can see the hard time Ludwig is getting from Poirot and company, let alone the utter absurdity and defamation that Jay/Nhoj is pumping out, and they are loathe to get embroiled in that. Maybe. Who knows.

<< Your determination to defend Harris… >>

I do find this sort of statement incredible. I was very much aware of the way that many people think – in very black and white terms, which is why I keep abundantly repeating my motive – to suggest that there are other possible interpretations of this whole affair, and NOT to exonerate Harris.

But alas, it seems that no amount of emphasis on this is going to cut through the polarised thinking of some people (No offence R0bert, but crikey I do find it very frustrating, and really quite amazing that I can get no traction here with intelligent articulate skilled debaters such as you and Poirot).

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:41:50 AM
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Please; there are shades of grey here, or points on a spectrum, as with all manner of things. The judge had to very carefully assess a whole host of things and to decide accordingly what penalty to apply on a spectrum from nil to extremely harsh.

The judge has made a call, based on all factors. But he could very easily have made quite a different decision about the length of Harris’ sentence, if he’d seen things even just a little bit differently.

He could very easily have declared that his sentence be twenty years. Or he could have decided that there is a lot of uncertainty about the exact veracity of some of the claims put forward in court, and declared on this basis that he get a non-custodial sentence.

Views differ enormously on this.

All I am saying is that one should have an open mind.

When you look at the total spectrum of pedophilia / child-molestation / child-touching offences, and you look at the uncertainties in the Harris affair, then surely you can see that maybe…just maybe, he shouldn’t be outrightly condemned for his actions and have his life and legacy destroyed as a result.

It is fascinating that every person that I spoken to about this whole affair is further towards the view that Harris has been too severely dealt with than I am. Not one person, who has any interest in the subject, has expressed views in line with you or Poirot.

I think that there are lots of people out there who feel similarly to what I do, as is evident with some of the early comments on this thread, but who are just not willing to get embroiled in an inevitably narky online conversation with those who won’t consider anything other than a very hardline view.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:43:46 AM
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topic is sickening/but in the sceme of things isnt like someone burnt down yo\r house or stole your car/or lobbied that govt tax you for smoking but not drinking..

look there..are\real evils-in the world/things govt do
that need.the guilt/shame/to follow the party line

we hear of\these child-solders kilLing\raping
AMPUTATING..and we can forgive them?U

bt not\an..old foggie/whos best-aTe\sleeps..with the dead
guys/the in crowd=is=..the in crow\because*the MASTERS have/the dirt on them.

get=that=as long as\those/ power think
their l0ving of worse..than stealing\the peoplES ASETS/PEACE-OF/MIND,..STEALING-US\blind by lies..

[i have met two of them]..remember//and they were fine/playing the game[EVENTUALLY/ITS/just,like\the casting be a bigger crimethan stealing\the nations/pension-funds[like bill\clinton did]

its about hOw..we laughed/AT..that rogue]kelly]..that killed two coppers..but lock-up and get fanny petting..[look;my uncle masterbated me/at 13/ opened-up my eyeS/i\havnt trusted adults ever since/point made me\the scum-bag..i am

SO YES\its eVil/i have..punished my selF..\for..oVer a/HALF-century
but..i now/Know/..too ..any by far\..are in hell simply/because they couldnt..*let it go..[willingly\remain/victims][n0t/my-fault;its~theirs.]

/all this carry-on/its\time we moved on.

how about[THE-killing 42 kids[in israel]..this-time..
00 last-time[the secret\of life/Im not seeing\the same vengence/ ending wars.

think to ask why?
the media gives you're herrings..[LAUGH/..NOW-CRY]
here worry/about\this fanny petting\not kids being disemboweled and irradiated with cancer causing heavy metals in god-hole lands

[lets honor mass murders/?\by loCking-up kiddy fiddlers

i think the big-thing is/did you inhale/ENJOY[OR/ANNOY]
well thats..stockholms sin/drone[SEE PSHYCS]

[im sick of/reading
/hithe kiddy porn/like petting her bits/..RIGHT;HERE.

just quoting this junk*is sick

ok a mindless fool touched ya up
and the kid reminds you of it..[it wasnt the kids]NOR;YOUR\fault]

sex is a issue/if groan-up woman..did it..[these/imbecilic/sic*idiots wouldnt look twice\at kids..but/if yOUR BUTT UGLY..LIKE FERGUSON.OR PRETTY-personally repulsive\like roffle*harrass

if you dont forgive/you join hell
most in hell simply couldnt forgive..[as far/as\moral-sins go]
your un*forgiving of yourself\becomes the bigger sin/

screw the lot of em.
only/that-we/reallY WANT-]TO/KNOW]..SEEPS-IN.

im so over thinking/about this rubbish any Further
its only post limits/why the hell do we need kidS on all?

think about that~!
someones getting tittilated/or fixated
makE these\TV-children..wear day clothing not/SEXED-UP/sleep ware
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 July 2014 10:15:35 AM
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"When you look at the total spectrum of pedophilia / child-molestation / child-touching offences, and you look at the uncertainties in the Harris affair, then surely you can see that maybe…just maybe, he shouldn’t be outrightly condemned for his actions and have his life and legacy destroyed as a result."

Which "uncertainties", Ludwig?

Beside the mitigatory factors that "you" are suggesting - which aren't "uncertainties" at all.

There was no "uncertainty" according to Rolf Harris.

According to him "The were all making it up."

That's "all" making it up.

So while you've been bouncing around attempting to ascribe all kinds of mitigation for Harris's actions...the man himself realised that the allegations were "beyond the pale". He knew if the allegations were believed by the jury that there could be "no" mitigating factors. Not for a grown man to be indecently dealing with minors of his own free will.

That's why his only defence was that "all" those testifying were making it up. The only other defence he had in support of that (and which was shot down spectacularly during the trial) was that he'd never been to the place where the crime was alleged to have occurred.

So Harris and his legal team knew that if he was found guilty, there would be no mitigation...which is why they stuck to the line that none of it ever happened. Implicit in that defence was that all of Harris's accusers were liars.

That's the kind of man you are defending and attempting to provide mitigation for.

I think overall, considering the subject mater, that this discussion has been reasonably civil between us.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 13 July 2014 10:24:54 AM
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Dear Ludwig,

When it comes to the sexual abuse of children
there is only a hardline view that has to be taken.
Nothing excuses this behaviour. Nothing!
And nobody - no matter how famous - is above the law.
And that is the way it should be.

Rolf Harris is not a vulnerable target. He brought
this upon himself - and got away with it for decades.
And rightly his reputation has little hope of ever
recovering. He does not deserve sympathy. His victims

As I've stated previously - we have not yet even begun
to calculate the damage that his actions have done
to his victims. Mr Harris misused his position.
And he deserves everything (and more) that he's

He certainly does not desrve any sympathy!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 13 July 2014 1:49:59 PM
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Ludwig, yes we do go back a long way. Hence my determination to try and talk this out with you.

"I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here."
"But alas, it seems that no amount of emphasis on this is going to cut through the polarised thinking of some people"

Have you considered that it may be far worse than has been to court so far? There may have been victims too badly impacted by his actions to yet be at a point where they could deal with the trauma of being a witness. That others may not have coped with the long term impact and not survived to make a complaint. We don't know about the latter but just as it's possible to try and repaint all his actions in a benign or less serious light there are also opportunities to believe that his actions were in fact far worse than has been proven. That's a pointless game.

There are lines adults should never cross in the types of situations were Harris offended. He repeatedly chose to cross those lines, with a variety of children. There was no case of confusion about the children's age, no room to view the touching as an accidentally misplaced hand during horse play with a child, no confusion about which parts of the children's anatomy Harris was seeking out.

Do you understand that there is nothing about the interactions Harris should have had with those children that made it OK for his hands to go anywhere near their genitals? That there was nothing about those interactions that made a legitimate reason for him to reach under a skirt and touch any part of undies let alone as noted by the judge the vagina, covered by undies or not?

Do you understand that in interactions with children that it's the adults legal responsibility to restrain themselves even if they do feel led on sexually?

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 13 July 2014 5:11:44 PM
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I'm not sure that I should have let this thread through. Certainly some of the discussion has been extremely unpleasant to read.

I can't believe that anyone could try to justify any of the acts that Harris has been found guilty of. My only doubt during the whole process was whether he was being falsely accused. The evidence is far too overwhelming for that to be the case.

Harris is a similar age to my mother, so I remember being a child at the time when these things were happening. Society certainly took these types of crimes seriously, but didn't necessarily deal with them via police and the courts. A good thumping or moving the offender away was a more likely punishment, but Harris does not seem to have faced even that.

Sentencing him isn't just a matter of punishing him for his crimes, it also performs an educative function for all those who might (incredibly) think betraying the trust that is placed in adults in their relations with children by sexually abusing a child, but stopping short of full intercourse, is somehow not too serious.

It is serious, and has always been serious. And these days, not matter who you are it will ruin your career when it comes out. If you're even vaguely tempted, don't do it. It is definitely not worth it.

However, I think erasing Harris from his various awards etc. is going too far. We should leave him there as an object lesson at how easy it is for society to fail in its duty.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 13 July 2014 6:06:34 PM
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I don't think you erred in letting the thread through.

I might say that a few of the posters (not including Ludwig, even though I'm intrigued by his view) have been a little difficult to read because their posts were "over the top".

I think also that the subject matter evolved as more detail became available after Harris's sentencing. I must say I initially balked at posting some of the more intimate detail of the judge's sentencing remarks because I thought they were too graphic for the forum. However, others posted them, including Ludwig who forensically went through them in order to employ them as mitigation for Harris's actions. I then joined in with the renewed discussion.

I agree with your post, Graham...summed up well.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 13 July 2014 6:29:42 PM
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i have/no doubt\he~[harass],has been pulled up\a few times
[and even\that people.\have officially complained/but in the end didnt proceed/of course\these issue are separate.

my big concern/after i-was awoken/too early\was\that classic victim guilt/[there are incidents\that lead into/these things/in my case for xmass..i got..a microscope/and having learned.\about sperma/decided to check out/a sample/the suggestion is\the uncle caught wind/0f the childish experiment;..CURIOSITY

damm caps..there is no thinking to\reason about the unreasonable/these people dont think\like we do[as i\said my family dont touch each\other ever..dont hug\kissie kissie/no contact/that perverted the only one\to ever touch/me..its the shock/of contact.

im noting..this gay on tv/he was..a very cute 'boy'
he looks very young/when he begun...which brings us\to/the likes of swimming coatches/and adults..going on trips\with kids.


that/kids\need be prepared[like on abc\just before/there was..a story about woman/sex-hassas* brazil?..who get\molestation/wistling;being-followed every day/

they began thinking\about not dressing/like streetwalkers.
and the harrasment\begins a..puberty.

where/they rape-kids;to..'cure;-aids

some tribes\allow BE KIDS
others say .it WILl DROP OFF\IF YOU DARE LOoK..AT IT
[one i know\has made life hel for her kids t\he spitting image of their father]

life is sick/this*is satans realm
we rejected heaven/to be incarnated[one-life*term>]here
there are\no nnocents/hitler was born as babe
he rebirTHED..AS A BABE/will he do\the same/who cares/


you attact evil/

see tv witces /chanting a spell/
its the same/like you\are what you love*..
to eat/OR\INthinking it..THE THOUGHT;ALONE..atracts the ones
pleased\energized/[OK*empowered] the thought\your mind is emoting

the higher the person/the more joy\they \[demons] bringing us/mortals/down.but we know/that
thou/we may walk.through satans realm/we shalt not fear .no evil.

and saying/the elites running\this two party autocracy/via supplying a endless supply\of kids is just\the way it is/its ok to know/.its not ignore what you know,

politricks is way dirtier
than any of us..can know.

and sex\is political..but
fondling children is moral-perversion
A MORAl peversion/we are soon/to..evolve away..;..from

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 July 2014 7:33:18 PM
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I agree with GrahamY, Foxy and Poirot. Several people here including Ludwig should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for the way they've attempted to diminish and make excuses for acts of pedophilia.

Ludwig has an insensitive, black and white view thoroughly lacking in insight, showing utter disregard for pedophilia victims, and worst of all he just doesn't care about that.

When a grown man sexually interferes with a little child the following things apply, [a]the child is NEVER at fault, no matter what [b] the pedophile is ALWAYS at fault, no matter what.

Ludwig and his several supporters, there's just one or two them, are a disgrace and should hang their heads in shame. Our innocent little children deserve better than these people.

Let's protect our children from pedophilia, not blame them.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 13 July 2014 7:48:02 PM
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Thanks for your support in previous posts OUG. You are indeed saying some interesting things. By and large, I agree with your perspective.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:03:46 PM
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<< When it comes to the sexual abuse of children there is only a hardline view that has to be taken. Nothing excuses this behaviour. Nothing! And nobody - no matter how famous - is above the law. And that is the way it should be. >>

Foxy, there are degrees of severity.

We must absolutely NOT condemn and destroy someone who has done things at the minor end of the spectrum to just the same extent as we would for things at the other end of the spectrum.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:04:42 PM
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I believe that you are a little naive when you say that no one is above the law, especially in this country.
There are plenty of examples of unchecked illegal activity.
Right now the Scott Volkers case is re surfacing.
A classic case of someone above the law although that may be about to change.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 13 July 2014 9:35:39 PM
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The next person to post an explicit comment on this thread will be suspended. No exceptions or special pleading. I've just deleted two and I don't intend to spend my time moderating comments that intelligent adults should know are too OTT for an open forum.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 13 July 2014 10:25:51 PM
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I saw that horrible post from a Ludwig supporter and I'm so glad it was deleted. As I said earlier, I would not let Ludwig, or that person as well, if I knew who they were in real life, anywhere near my children. That person and Ludwig are falsely asserting there's such thing as a 'minor' end of the spectrum of pedophilia. That disgraceful belief is a fallacy. ALL pedophilia acts are major, and some are more major than others. But Ludwig has shown he just doesn't care.

I deeply apologise to any pedophile victims who have read the horrid posts of Ludwig and his one or two supporters. Almost all the posters here have shown they are against the barbaric attitudes presented by these few writers.

To all victims of pedophilia who read this thread, the decent people here which is the vast majority, support you.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 13 July 2014 10:50:56 PM
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"We must absolutely NOT condemn and destroy someone who has done things at the minor end of the spectrum to just the same extent as we would for things at the other end of the spectrum."

Harris's repeated indecent assaults of "C" weren't at the minor end of the spectrum (regardless of you attempting to pin partial responsibility for them onto her).

They were calculated and ongoing indecent assaults over a number of years.

How you can continue to opine that Harris is a minor offender after being apprised of those findings, is beyond me.

So if, as you suggest, we "should" condemn things at the higher end of the spectrum (which by definition includes Harris's abuse of "C") why are you still attempting to mitigate his actions?
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 13 July 2014 10:52:59 PM
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Poirot, his use of the term "minor" shows he just doesn't care and has scant regard for pedophilia victims. It's so sad that men like that exist, and it must be personally devastating for any pedophilia victim should they unfortunately read his writings here

The survivors of pedophilia are the real heroes, and nothing that people like Ludwig and his followers say can mitigate that fact.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 13 July 2014 11:00:35 PM
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Yeah, Jay...I think this is the point where I should pack up my kit bag on this one.

I still believe Ludwig is personally offended that someone he admires so greatly has been found guilty of these crimes. It's an affront to Ludwig's "ideals". Idealizing "nice guys" like Harris who, as sometimes happens, are subsequently exposed to have a dark side.

Instead of dealing with it - and admitting that public personas often mask darker private realities, he insists on contorting his argument ridiculously to defend the indefensible.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 13 July 2014 11:21:41 PM
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Poirot, I think it goes further than that. I think he's not just contorting the argument in order to defend Harris, I think he actually believes in those arguments, and that's a BIG difference. There are NO moral grounds for attempting to diminish pedophilia and attempting to diminish the child victims as Ludwig is trying to do. He should feel ashamed. He stands condemned for good reason.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 13 July 2014 11:33:00 PM
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The interesting thing is what exactly is driving the machinations in Ludwig's head on this issue.

If we look back to his first post on this thread:

"It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that."

"It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women."

It seems he's hardly moved on from the views above despite a long long thread and being privy to a whole lot more detail than he had at the time of first posting.

It's been a very odd experience debating this issue with him.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 14 July 2014 12:38:17 AM
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I have watched the whole of this thread with sadness as Ludwig, who as usual got it right, has been overwhelmed by what used to be rudely called, I think, wowswers. I am the same age as Rolf and my parents would not have allowed me anywhere near. His proclivities were well known.

The trouble is that standards have changed over the years and behaviour which was dealt with by a firm slap or in the case of younger children by parents taking responsibility and not letting their children out of sight, is now apparently a criminal offence.

The criminal offence is the use of physical force, anything less should be no more than a serious misdemeanor.
However the result of this "wowserish" attitude is now that a male teacher feels he cannot give a little cuddle to a 5 year old who has fallen down in the playground and is in tears.
I would suggest we have all lost far more than we have gained by the rise of prudishness and it is very sad.

Life was much more fun and adventurous and noticeably all the victims waited years to complain when immediate action would have fixed the problem instantaneously unless possibly the adventure was too exciting at the time
Posted by Dickybird, Monday, 14 July 2014 6:05:19 AM
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I stand corrected. Sorry, I let my ire get the better of my judgement.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 July 2014 8:27:06 AM
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Come on folks, lets move on.

As for the severity of the offences, the judge determined it was a 5.9 on the nasty scale, not a 10, not a 1, but a 5 years 9 months. I can only take it that the judge was correct in determining the sentence.

As for saying "nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women." In another time, and in another place that may well have been true, its certainly not the case in our time, and in our society. To argue differently is a persons right to do so, but I think that line of argument puts that person well out of step with the prevailing social attitudes on the subject. Its not a political issue, its a social issue. I note that its a few of us who are deemed the "lefties" on OLO, who have been carrying the argument for the correctness of the status quo, interesting.
Graham you said "I'm not sure that I should have let this thread through" Even though I found the opening post was something I disagreed with I don't think it, or the subject itself should be censored or taboo.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 14 July 2014 8:49:17 AM
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Not so much the discussion of the issue, but the way it would be discussed was what I was referring to Paul. You'll see that we've published a couple of articles on the issue, so I'm not averse to it being discussed.
Posted by GrahamY, Monday, 14 July 2014 10:03:44 AM
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"I note that its a few of us who are deemed the "lefties" on OLO, who have been carrying the argument for the correctness of the status quo"

Mostly the case for this small sample and I may be more to the left than some regular OLO posters but I doubt I'm often deemed a "leftie". I hope this isn't a left/right issue, my own perception is that most on the right would be very intollerant of children being interfered with sexually as are most on the left.

I've not quite worked out what the demographic divide is that has some considering it a bit of low level or harmless fun, I doubt very much that political orientation has anything to do with it.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 14 July 2014 10:43:33 AM
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Lol!,'re one of OLO's most level-headed posters.

It seems, resting on that, that you are being defined as a "leftie".

What does that tell us about lefties?
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 14 July 2014 10:49:09 AM
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careful there dckey bird
backwarrs john [the nuber 1 TO 3 DUDE]
is taegeting anything anyone that agrees with ludwig

two pros you and me//thats 4plus/mor
with the two deletions/wgho somehow werrnt up*to..321's/form

I IM/forced to chose/and i reject the oppertuinity to/judge\+live in who juged others..[wrong]..THEM GODLESS WHO CALL themselves christian right yel/ing at homos abortionists/anybody but your pals

please note how families supPPort these peoPle[its/some-how;diferent;family/mates[ones-you/adore

if their evil/let god judge them
but/harras harras

there is already/too many good[but highly judmenta'souls in hell]
once they realise they judged too harsh/that\then our acts will be measured by what we now judged harras to have done/a mere press report/or a WORD FROM A corrupted judiciary..[who knows for sure]?\/.there is much worse being done by the high and mighty//than REVEALED IN THIS TOPIC


two posts delet2d]..[at-least]2 ids silenced!..[just this thread/hes has a modus opperandi/and many ids

[how dare\think differently

the worst thing its much like gay bashing
they do cause they like ding the bashing/or talking on their obsessions.

the usual thing is make a joke
see how they ract/its great to be innocent/but no excuse for inorance

if every rpeist got jails the jails would e full

think about that/harras is in jai
keeping worse criminas in//because hes the egsmple

3 decades ago/the sentancing judge said i have to jai firsat ofence[lettin a plant grow]..with jil ecause the media is intrSTED

then jails were empty/no sentnce supended[ie not even a FINE]
no..go do the time/caUSE THE PRES NEEDS A DISTRACTION FROM ARMOGEDDON IN UKRANE[and it worked/the wasted posts could have ended wars

its pathetic
securty agencies dont rule us/nor lord it over us by fear
i..look up half the letters are missing/so be it/im over it
Posted by one under god, Monday, 14 July 2014 11:55:55 AM
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Proverbs 15:9,Jeremiah 44:4,Jeremiah 44:11

The LORD detests the way of the wicked,
but he loves those who pursue
Proverbs 19:21,Isaiah 44:26,Ezekiel 12:25
Many are the plans in a person's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

Chapter 23

Labor not to be rich—As a man thinks in his heart, so is he—
Withhold not correction from a child—Be not among drunkards.

1 When thou sittest to eat/with a ruler,>>..
HAVING FOLLOWED custom/and protocol..<<..consider diligently what is before thee:>>


<<..2 And put a knife to thy throat,..if thou
be a man given to appetite.3 Be not desirous of his dainties:>>

THis is an all encompasing..appitite
HIS/NO OUR..daInty..TIES..

>>for they are deceitful meat>>.
MUCH LIKE moxck meat[ie soy dust bound with egg whites..
faux meat:..

<<4 Labour not be rich:..cease from thine own wisdom.
5 Wilt thou set thine eyes..upon/that which is not wise?

for riches certainly make themselves wings;
they fly an eagle toward heaven.

..;6 Eat thou not the bread>>..leven..<<....of him that hath an evil ....eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:7..*For as he thinketh in*..his heart, so is he:

Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart
is not with thee.8 The morsel which thou hast eaten
shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

9 Speak not in the ears..of a fool:..for he will despise\the wisdom of thy words...10 Remove not the old landmark;..and enter not into the fields of the fatherless/or faithless.

:11 For their mighty; he shall plead their cause..with thee.12 ..Apply thine heart*/PASSIOnS..unto instruction,...and thine ears to the words/of knowledge...knowing thyne masters voice by the affectation/of their wurds
Posted by one under god, Monday, 14 July 2014 4:38:08 PM
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I was going to post this last night, but I ran up against the post limit.

<< Which "uncertainties", Ludwig? >>

Poirot, I have explained that as clearly as I possibly can.

I don’t know how you can hold such strong views against me if you don’t understand this.

The very fact that you asked this tells me that it is time to terminate this discussion.

I’m not going to continue with a circular discussion. I am having to repeat really basic things all the time as it is, and constantly assert the basis of my opinion, and yet I am still getting accused of taking a stance that is much more strongly in favour of Harris than what it really is.

I am obviously not getting across even the basics of my message, despite long and detailed posts up around the maximum of 8 per day.

Poirot and R0bert, I wish to retain good relations with both of you. So I guess we will just leave it at that. We’ll beg to differ on this.

But just realise what it is we differ on. Go back and carefully reread my posts, starting with my critique of the judge's sentencing remarks. Then perhaps you will see that you are overreacting and attributing views to me which you just should not be.

Thanks for the discussion.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 14 July 2014 9:31:01 PM
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Then later I thought:

NAH, I’m not bowing out of this one. At least, not yet.

But please, let’s keep it progressing along and not let it become circular and repetitive.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 14 July 2014 9:32:03 PM
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Be willing to compromise
Your opponents may be willing to work with you in good faith, particularly if you have run a good advocacy campaign. Keep an eye open for situations that might turn into a chance to work together. Be careful that by saying cooperation, your opponents don't really mean capitulation to their interests. But be careful, too, that you are open to any legitimate possibilities for making a deal that come your way. If an opposition leader states publicly that some of your ideas have merit, that could be the olive branch you've been waiting for to achieve peace, and also reach some of your goals.
What are the ten D's?

The ten D's of opposition tactics are:

* Deflect
* Delay
* Deny
* Discount
* Deceive
* Divide
* Dulcify
* Discredit
* Destroy
* Deal

Specific strategies for responding to opposition tactics

Some of these tactics can be dealt with in similar ways; these are grouped together.
Deflect and Delay

Deflection happens when your opponents try to shift the focus of the debate from the real problem to other issues, or when they try to "pass the buck" to a group with little or no authority. Delays occur when the opposition says it is working on the problem, when the reality is that nothing has been done. Sometimes they do this by claiming that they don't yet have enough information to move on the problem, when there is already plenty of information. Often the opposition will form a committee or commission to study the problem, putting things off for as long as possible. Your opponent is most likely hoping that the public will lose interest if the issue can be put off indefinitely
Posted by one under god, Monday, 14 July 2014 9:35:16 PM
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<< why are you still attempting to mitigate his actions? >>

Why are you so determined to hold the hardest of hardline views, Poirot? This is not something that I would have expected from you, having come to know you over the last four years or more on OLO.

I am saying, for the umpteenth time, that other interpretations are possible. Yours might be right, but it might not be. The judge’s sentencing remarks raised significant concerns for me. Go back and reread my analysis of his remarks, especially pertaining to ‘C’.

And yes, pertaining to ‘B’ at least, I do indeed think that mitigation of Harris’ actions are in order. The six months (consecutive) jail time that he received for squeezing this girl’s buttocks is outrageous.

I am saying that you, R0bert, Foxy and co, need to have a more open mind on this subject, instead of upholding such a condemnatory position.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 14 July 2014 9:35:54 PM
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R0bert, you asked:

<< Have you considered that it may be far worse than has been to court so far? >>

Yes indeed.

So, given that you have thought about this, have you also thought about the possibility of it not being as bad as it has appeared to be…. so far at least?

<< There may have been victims too badly impacted by his actions to yet be at a point where they could deal with the trauma of being a witness. >>

Yes. And think about the converse: There may have been overstated impacts from one or more of the four girls, over which Harris has been convicted of committing offences against.

Are you willing to accept this possibility, or do your thoughts only extend in one direction – that things could be worse than what they seem?

<< There are lines adults should never cross in the types of situations were Harris offended. >>

Agreed. But, there are degrees of severity.

<< Do you understand that in interactions with children that it's the adults legal responsibility to restrain themselves even if they do feel led on sexually? >>

Absolutely. But there are degrees of severity.

Complete condemnation for lower-end-of-the-spectrum offences is just terribly unbalanced. Just think about that in relation to all manner of other offences. Littering. Speeding. Stealing, etc, etc. Why should pedophilic / child-molestation / child touching offences be viewed differently to everything else in this regard?
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 14 July 2014 9:39:54 PM
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[Deleted. I warned about explicit comments.]
Posted by Jay123, Monday, 14 July 2014 10:54:16 PM
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call me ovERLY susspitious/BUT

Comment History for Jay123

The Forum > User Index > Jay123 > Comment History
» 14/07/2014 10:54:16 PM Ludwig stands condemned by his own words. Shame on Ludwig. What a disgrace that a tiny mi.....
» 13/07/2014 11:33:00 PM Poirot, I think it goes further than that. I think he's not just contorting the argument i.....
» 13/07/2014 11:00:35 PM Poirot, his use of the term "minor" shows he just doesn't care and has scant reg.....
» 13/07/2014 10:50:56 PM I saw that horrible post from a Ludwig supporter and I'm so glad it was deleted. As I said.....
» 13/07/2014 7:48:02 PM I agree with GrahamY, Foxy and Poirot. Several people here including Ludwig should be thor.....
» 12/07/2014 11:35:18 PM Poirot, and others, I beg you to stop communicating directly with Ludwig on this subject. .....
» 12/07/2014 3:15:17 PM Paul1405 you said on the previous page, "Ludwig you are doing your best to act as an .....
» 11/07/2014 2:21:39 PM Poirot, please don't enable Ludwig to feel empowered by debating specific points with him......
» 11/07/2014 2:07:48 PM Ludwig continues on with his support of pedophilia. He has just written that he considers .....
» 11/07/2014 12:56:54 AM Poirot, Ludwig has shown by his posts he's a pedophilia supporter. People like that don't .....
» 10/07/2014 5:36:00 PM After reading the posts by Ludwig on page 28, plus some other posts from him, let me say t.....
» 7/07/2014 12:14:03 PM Scott Morrison has just informed us that 41 asylum seekers from Sri Lanka were handed over.....

12 comments in total: 0 article comments, 12 general comments.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 7:17:55 AM
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"I’m not going to continue with a circular discussion. I am having to repeat really basic things all the time as it is, and constantly assert the basis of my opinion......

......I am obviously not getting across even the basics of my message, despite long and detailed posts up around the maximum of 8 per day."


Thanks for the discussion.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 9:00:19 AM
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I hope that Jay idiot has been banned for life. Ludwig has been correct, and deep down we all know those girls likely asked for it and just like Ludwig said there were "mitigating circumstances" because of that.
Posted by Lester1, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 11:46:44 AM
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like there is a thing called parental duty


THEY ARE BAD MEN;;THAT SANTA PUTS ON HIS list/so santa said if someone rude
tell them loudly are you oN SATANS LIST?

WE ARR MISSING WHAT LOusy parents send their kids overseas without asking a fEW POINTED QUESTIONS[ONES IN..ON THE CHiLD SACRIFICE CULT?
opr trying to get a seat wiTH THE IN CROWD


they were hypnotised by nearness to fame

the flip side to THIS IS THE THORP'S TORPEedo;in speedos]

by its gotten poluted in athiest bias

BUT WE KNOW ALl molester claim to have been molesterd before them

[i thin the age even is relitive
with older/DIFFERENT//they simply caNT RELATE
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:06:46 PM
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I just checked something, and I'm glad of the result. I read Jay's now deleted post early this morning, and it was a list of quotes from Ludwig, nothing else, and one of those quotes was very graphic and this was obviously the reason that Jay's not with us anymore I bet. I assume he's been banned. He was warned. But the thing I'm glad about is that the original Ludwig post that contained the remark still remains. This shows that the moderator can see the logic and intelligence in Ludwig's posts and the stupidity in Jay's posts. Sanity prevails.
Posted by Lester1, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:15:10 PM
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I note that your own contribution that "was" on page 34 of this thread has been wiped "completely" by the moderator. It was so base and disgusting (and explicit) that not even a *Deleted* was left to denote it had existed.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:23:01 PM
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Dear Lester,

You're entitled to your opinion, but not your facts.

And the facts remain that - sexual
abuse of children is horrendous and intolerable,
that Mr Harris got away with it for
so long has done immeasurable damage to the victims.

Those are the facts and the findings of the Court.

May I politely suggest that you re-read Graham's earlier
post. Perhaps you may yet understand the excellent points
that Graham has made.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:24:59 PM
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GEE LESTER... your really in the wars
[changed anyhing re homosexuality "[ie being atacked by two wives one in each ear[thank god we got monogonY AND WE CAN SIT THEM AT OUR LEFT EAR[OR SEND EM ON LINE TO GO bug someone elSes ear

NOW I gone and forgot what i was going to say
[did you rEAd it girls?]

HES A REligious nut?..a sexist pig?..please HOW ARE WE TO LEARN IF WE AVOID BEING SPECIfic?

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:48:54 PM
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Nice twisting of the facts Poirot. There was NO deletions of a post from me on page 34. Try telling the truth next time. Foxy, I read the moderator's post, THAT'S what I was referring to when I said that Jay the fool had been warned. He ignored the warning and quoted one of Ludwig's graphic posts on page 28, thus I suspect Jay is now banned. I was saying the moderator had the common sense to NOT delete Ludwig's graphic posts on page 28, obviously because they were intelligent and made perfect sense. Jay chose to quote one of those posts, and Jay is obviously an idiot so he got the chop. Good riddance.
Posted by Lester1, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:53:54 PM
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There is no denoted "Deletion" of a post of yours on page 34 because it has been completely wiped off OLO's public record...we all saw it and it remained there for some time, despite it being particularly grotesque.

It's gone now.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 2:16:47 PM
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Ludwig and his supporters have really done us a service in demonstrating how pervasive some men's negative attitudes to woman (and children) are, and how far apologists for men's poor behaviour will go. Indeed the whole episode has highlighted this - as demonstrated by the widespread trolling on this subject, for example:

How entrenched... here are just a couple of other examples:

There is a positive side: the responses to this article from men who have challenged the apologists, thank you, guys! If this is ever going to change, we need you to stand up to unconscionable behaviour.

Ultimately this is all just power games - the groping of little girls in public (presumably for the thrill of getting away with it), the rapes, the public slurs and put-downs. What a travesty of masculinity.
Posted by Cossomby, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 3:32:45 PM
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I don't know whether Cossomby is male or female but that post sure sounds a lot like a page straight out of the Femminazi Manifesto.

When Ludwig wrote, "graphic description of sexual activity" in his 2nd post on page 28 (I'm not allowed to say the actual words Ludwig wrote), he then wrote, "Well hold on, I wonder how intensively cross examined "A" was over her assertion?". Good point Ludwig. They just automatically believe her. Same for all the other so called victims. They now have their 30 minutes of fame, and they'll no doubt be selling their "stories" for hundreds of thousands of dollars. There's only one victim here, Rolf.
Posted by Lester1, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 4:00:44 PM
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I haven't hit the 'Red X' over Lester1's remarks as vile and deeply offensive as they obviously are, especially again inferring to girls who had been 8 and 13 year olds were now only coming forward for money and fame and claiming Rolf is the victim not the girls.

The question I am posing is what should merit clicking 'Recommend for Deletion'? Sure Lester1's post is trolling and most decent people would consider it well beyond the boundaries of common decency to be making the assertions he has made but is it on the level of quoting directly from the court case?

I would argue more so but I am keen to hear what others think.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 5:14:57 PM
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I hit the red X whenever I feel a post has gone too far. Not so much for trolling, but usually if I deem a post to be overly offensive.

Graham doesn't always agree, but most of the times I've hit the red X he has agreed.

That's what it's there for - and Graham depends on us to indicate that a post may be out of order, as he hasn't the time to peruse and police every thread.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 5:33:38 PM
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So because you don't ideologically approve of someone's opinion you'd consider getting it censored. Go and look at Ludwig's posts on page 28. They are still there, and rightly so. They say what I'm saying. It's called free speech. Obviously the moderator supports free speech as those Ludwig posts remain, and good on him. Yes, good on Ludwig and good on the moderator. The socialists here can't stand it when their ideology is not agreed with.
Posted by Lester1, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 6:02:46 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

The forum has had its share of trolls trying
to attack people, derail meaningful dialog, and
control our conversations. Ignoring and not
responding to these sort of people is usually
the best strategy. That way the forum doesn't
give them any power.

The only time that I have used the Red X has been
when I felt that the posts were permeated with
comments that were vicious, unsupported, and outright
fabricated accusations. These posts have usually been
made by mean and nasty individuals who use online
anonymity to be cruel, and spread their own brand
of hate. The anonymity gives them the opportunity
to shed their veneer of decency and show their ugly sides.
They distort comments thereby "justifying" their

Entering into discussions with these people is
a waste of time and energy.
You're more likely to win an argument
with a tree than you are with a troll.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 6:19:16 PM
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Ludwig, I'm of the view that Harris senetence is not at the high end of the scale for the offences he has been convicted of. His offences were not at the low end either, I've not researched it but would assume that would be offenses not involving contact with a child (viewing child porn etc).

I found a sentencing manual from the UK which may throw some light on sentencing

That one is current and I gather Harris was sentenced based on the rules at the time the offences occurred so he may have got off lighter than similar offences committed today.

As an example based on what I interpreted to be the closest description I could find to the offence involved in reaching under the skirt and touching. Not certain its the right one BTW.
"Starting points: 2 years custody if the victim is under 13
Sentencing ranges: 1 - 4 years custody
Starting points: 12 months custody if the victim is aged 13 or over
Sentencing ranges: 26 weeks - 2 years custody"

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 7:07:27 PM
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A summary and link to a more detailed review of sentencing

Ludwig I have considered the points you have raised, no one has yet pointed to any credible evidence to cast doubt on the conviction. Rather its been allegations of a conspiracy or trying to pass of the proven abuses as trivial.

Court processes without physical evidence are difficult, especially after such a long period but I have the impression that has been accounted for. Harris's offenses were less severe than that of others and he got a lighter sentence than he would have received if convicted of worse offenses. In my view not harsh enough for the impact that child sexual abuse often has on the victims.

I don't consider the offenses trivial, I do think his victims will have paid a far higher price for Harris's choices than any penalty Harris will pay.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 7:32:26 PM
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<< Ludwig, I'm of the view that Harris senetence is not at the high end of the scale for the offences he has been convicted of. >>

Agreed R0bert.

I feel inclined to accept the judge’s sentence. I don’t feel happy about some parts of it (eg, six months for simply quickly squeezing ‘B’s left buttock). But there are several concurrent sentences (for 6 out of the 12 offences) which more or less make up for that.

I also note at this point that I have been accused of trying to mitigate Harris’ offences, as though that is an inexplicable and unforgivable thing to do. However the judge did this himself, as is evident on page 5 of his remarks:

<< Harris was sentenced based on the rules at the time the offences occurred so he may have got off lighter than similar offences committed today. >>

Yes, that is as I understand it.

<< Ludwig I have considered the points you have raised >>

Thanks for that, R0bert.

<< Court processes without physical evidence are difficult, especially after such a long period… >>

Indeed. So we need to be mindful that the scope and severity of the offences and the impact that they had on the victims is all rather uncertain. There is plenty of possibility that it could have all been a fair bit worse or a fair bit less significant than what the court has determined and the jury and judge have accepted.

Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 1:05:36 AM
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<< Harris's offenses were less severe than that of others and he got a lighter sentence than he would have received if convicted of worse offenses. >>

Yes, but he has also copped it enormously in ways beyond the official jail sentence. And this is where I really feel that it has all been highly over-the-top, given the ‘low severity’ of his activities/offences.

<< I don't consider the offenses trivial. >>

Agreed, even pertaining to ‘B’.

<< I do think his victims will have paid a far higher price for Harris's choices than any penalty Harris will pay. >>

I’m not so sure about that.

Hey this is good R0bert: I don’t think we are too far apart really in our overall views. And I am very pleased that I can have a good discussion with you about this highly emotive subject. Cheers.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 1:06:50 AM
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rolf the real_world
where money..can buy..anything/ESPECIALLY;IN_PRISon*

its lot..grew MORE WISE
BEFORE BOTH GOVT/2\partieS..SEND YOu broke
they bought off..the mEDIA/PRESSTITUTES

“The banking system,..s it now stands is a dis­ civilised communities...It places in the hands of a small..""


<<....the Bankers’ Association,..a power greater than that of Government—without\its responsibility =*to the country.”

Gilmour Brown,..Victorian State\Commission on Banking,1895.>>


In 1893, during the Australian banks’ smash,..the Governments of the various States rushed the assistance of the afflicted corporations*.

In Queensland,..the Government,..of which a majority were bank directors,*..substituted a State Note Issue..for the discredited notes of the private banks..>>


<<>.The new issues threw the responsibility of redemption upon the Government,..and relieved the banks..from the necessity of keeping a corresponding/amount..[of gold.

In Victoria the Government\guaranteed the private note issues.

The “Argus”..urged the Government to go further...It said (May 16, 1893) that the Government should issue notes..upon the security, of deposit receipts...In its issue of June stated that banks should be allowed Government meet liabilities.

It buttressed its arguments..with the statement that the Bank of England issued &#poUNDS..;16,000,000 in notes..outside any gold basis.

When the Federal Labor party came into power in 1910,..the Govern­ment, under Mr. Fisher,...introduced the Australian Notes Bill, This was an application to all Australia of the Queensland note scheme, as originated by the Tory Government of that State in 1893.

But the adoption of the Queensland Tory expedient of ‘93—the expedient whereby legal tender currency, given to private banks for the temporary use of gold that flows through the channels of trade..back to the banks—that was no part of the Labor programme...It could not be, cannot be,..else between Tory policy and Labor policy there is no difference.

The only justification was that of emergency—the emergency existed The Labor Party of 1910..was confronted with an empty Treasury..and it half a million deficit...It needed to raise money quickly...Instead of interest it paid the price,,*to the banks in a Government guaranteed*..note, tender..*for all their obligations.

money talk$$$
to some,,.money..IS A TOOL/ALL WE NEED..;DO..IS USE/THE POWER*..TO HEAL;..EMPOWER/THE LITTLE GUY*..via govt controling..its own currency/THEMSELVES;AND/Their..mates..[not justscREW-US].
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 9:45:47 AM
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The argument that ones standing in society, ones wealth, ones community service etc should be a consideration when determining a sentence in a criminal matter is simply ridiculous. ALL are, and should be, equal under the law. Loss of earning, public embarrassment, doing good works, having nice songs, etc etc, should be meaningless before the law, in any criminal matter. Its not a parking fine, now is it?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 11:57:23 AM
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Paul 1405, "Loss of earning, public embarrassment, doing good works, having nice songs, etc etc, should be meaningless before the law, in any criminal matter"

You are talking about sentencing. What about indigenous (Aus) who have been found guilty of rape of children but escaped with a smack over the knuckles? Or does the prevailing Political Correctness excuse some?

<Queensland's Attorney-General Kerry Shine says he will appeal sentences handed down against nine males who gang-raped a 10-year-old girl in 2005.

Cairns-based District Court judge Sarah Bradley did not record convictions against six teenage attackers and gave three others aged 17, 18 and 26 suspended sentences over the incident at the indigenous Aurukun community on Cape York.

The girl had "probably agreed" to have sex with the youths, Judge Bradley said during her sentencing remarks, The Australian newspaper reported.

Mr Shine met with Director of Public Prosecutions Leanne Clare for urgent advice on Monday, and determined the October sentences would be appealed, even though the deadline had passed.

"I am truly horrified by the circumstances of these offences," he told reporters in Brisbane.

"The law should be consistent in its application, whether it be in Aurukun or Clayfield.">


<(Premier)Ms Bligh and Mr Shine did not join others in calling for the sacking of Ms Clare and Judge Bradley.>

Ms Bligh for those who prefer to forget, was the Premier of Queensland at the time. No comment on which government was presiding at the time and most likely made the judicial and other senior bureaucrat appointments, but doubtless some may not bring more than 'gender' to their role.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 1:18:40 PM
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4 hours/till article'post/blahhhhgghhhpppt
a short quote..from a long expose/thats going to hurt many of you fragile few/but its a time for truth/if only i had more article posts

The knock-on effect would be the same for much of the rest of the world because what I am about to describe is happening in every country to a larger or lesser extent – not least in the United States.

The revelations about record-breaking paedophile and child procurer Jimmy Savile have exposed the former BBC ‘star entertainer’ as a purveyor of sheer evil on a scale that would challenge any imagination. Here are the cold and shocking numbers according to the police – and these are not nearly the whole story:

450 people of both sexes have made complaints about Savile involving 28 police areas throughout the country and among them are 34 alleged rapes. They spanned a period of 54 years between 1955 and 2009 when Savile was 82. The abuses happened to 23 children and young people on BBC premises and at 14 hospitals and at least one hospice. More than 70 per cent of his victims were under 18 and one as young as eight.

Metropolitan Police Commander Peter Spindler said that Savile’s crimes were ‘vast, predatory and opportunistic’ and he had effectively ‘groomed the nation.’ Sounds good, but personally, I would not trust the Met’s investigation Operation Yewtree to pursue the full truth about Savile any more than I would have trusted him to produce the school nativity.

Spindler added – ludicrously – that Savile used his celebrity to ‘hide in plain sight’. Oh, no, no, no, mate. That will not do. Savile got away with it for 54 years because he was protected by the highest levels of the paedophile-Satanist-controlled British Establishment for whom he was procuring children.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 3:31:50 PM
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Michael Shrimpton also describes what he says happened to the abducted little girl Madeleine McCann, the assassination of Princess Diana, the murder of weapons expert Dr David Kelly who could have trashed the lies used to justify the Blair invasion of Iraq, and what he says was the murder of former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

I can’t confirm what he says about Madeleine or Cook but for sure I can with everything else with regard to Heath, Savile and the Conservative Party and government. Nor do I agree with all of his assumptions about who was behind it all, and certainly not that British Intelligence are the ‘good guys’. But it is very interesting information very much worth hearing.

Click here to listen …

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 3:34:58 PM
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On this subject, I trust most of you have heard of the "Wicked Campers" uproar...

""Wicked Campers' owner, John Webb, wishes to acknowledge the prevailing community opinion by removing the slogan in question and making a commitment over the coming six months to changing slogans of an insensitive nature," the email states..."

Although Tim Wilson seems to think it was just hunky-dory:

"Earlier today, Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson defended the right of the company to use offensive slogans on its vans.

Despite the success of the online campaign, Mr Wilson said people who disapproved should protest by not using the business.

"Government shouldn't be going around telling people what they can and cannot say, unless it leads to direct and explicit harm," he said.

"Just removing things that are offensive, while it may seem attractive, is a very dangerous precedent at least because people always have very different views about what is offensive and therefore should be limited."
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 6:12:45 PM
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If it is deemed the sentence is manifestly inadequate, then the authorities should appeal. In fact the authorities have a duty to appeal. Naturally, you highlight that particular case because the perpetrators are aboriginal, something you will deny of course. To me I believe the colour of ones skin should have no bearing one way or the other. I also believe education is a useful tool to help prevent many of these crimes in the first place.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 6:23:13 PM
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In Queensland, thanks to Beetie and Bligh we have a couple of clauses in all acts of parliament that relate to "ABORIGINAL DISENTANGLEMENT'
and call on all 'decision makers' (and that includes judges), to take local and tribal culture into consideration when sentencing.
This sort of behavior is the norm in Aurukun, I know because I lived there and policed there as well.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 7:08:30 PM
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That is right, indigenous girls should enjoy the full protection o Australian law like the mainstream population. All indigenous children should also have full access to the educational curriculum enjoyed by other children, that will equip them for modern life.

What prevents all of that is not the lack of goodwill and good intentions by the mainstream population and certainly not the lack of taxpayer funding which is in the hundreds of millions every year. The reports of the federal government's own auditor, the Australian National Audit Office, have regularly confirmed over the years the misuse, corruption, fraud and wastage that have always been there and despite the simple and practical recommendations of the ANAO. Where a system is dysfunctional there are always those who somehow profit and are advantaged by that dysfunction and resist change.


Thank you. See my last sentence above.

I'd say that there is little doubt that the electorate is very, very unhappy with the lack of accountability, expecially for the $billions of taxpayers' money that have been pumped into indigenous policy, initiatives and services over the years, and for precious little result. In fact the abuses of the trust of the public are increasing if anything. There are country towns that we now swerve around when travelling. Who wants to be called a white c... in the street by some drunken punks and have your vehicle broken into or vandalised while parked in a public street?
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 10:06:28 PM
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The argument that ones standing in society, ones wealth, ones community service etc should be a consideration when determining a sentence in a criminal matter is simply ridiculous.

Is it Paul?

Here are the 'matters in mitigation' that the judge listed as part of his decision on the length of the custodial sentence for Harris:

(1) With the exception of ‘C’ the offences were brief and opportunistic.

(2) The fact that you have no previous convictions and have led an upright life since 1994 - albeit it is accepted that that must be tempered by the reality, underlined in the Attorney General’s Reference (above), that you got away with your offending for years.

(3) The fact that you have a good side, that there are many people who know you who speak well of you, and that over many years you have dedicated yourself to a number of charitable causes.

(4) The fact that you are not in the best of health, as attested to in the report of Dr Fertleman, and that therefore, although capable of serving a prison sentence, it will be particularly tough on you.

(5) The fact that your wife, who you help in looking after, has various health problems, as attested to in the report of Dr Mitchell-Fox.

(6) That you should be enabled to spend your twilight years with your family.

Paul, don’t you think that all of these are fair and reasonable things for the judge to consider and that some mitigation is indeed appropriate in relation to each of them?

<< ALL are, and should be, equal under the law. >>

Yes, but I would interpret ‘equal under the law’ as meaning that we are all entitled to expect a judge to consider all possible mitigating factors.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 10:08:09 PM
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Beach, I do not always agree with what you post, as from our past discussions on various subjects would indicate, but in this case I find I'm in total agreement.
If raping of children is done under the guise of being a "cultural thing", which I do not believe it is, then it certainly has no place in our modern society.
How can we relate this to Harris. Possibly old Rolf could have claimed what he done was culturally acceptable in his 'Wabble Board' Tribe.

I think the wabble board and the words explains a lot about Rolf.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 17 July 2014 6:29:03 AM
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OUG, I have read and listened to your links. Amazing stuff. If it is to be believed, then pedophilia is huge and all-pervasive.

I recommend that everyone reading this thread check out these links.

It just makes me really concerned that Harris may have been targeted because he was an easy target and very significant famous person and not because of any serious pedophile activity, while those who are really doing the damage are being allowed to continue to get away with it.

Could it be that the authorities have achieved a coup here: they are now being seen by the general public as having caught a ‘major pedophile', while the truth is just the opposite – they have diverted attention away from the big players in organised pedophile rings and dealt with very small fry, who hasn’t been associated with any of this organised activity.

I don’t know. But I wouldn’t put it beyond the realms of very real possibility.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:18:03 PM
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I've just discovered that on page 45 I had a post that was deleted with a sign that said, "Deleted. I warned about explicit comments".

The post consisted of a long series of Ludwig quotes, and only 1 of those Ludwig quotes was specifically explicit, yet my entire post was deleted, and I see that all the Ludwig explicit posts in this topic have been allowed to remain with their "explicit" content intact. Hmmmmm.

So I'll repeat my deleted post, minus the several Ludwig "explict" words which I've censored, in order to make this current post conform 100% to forum rules on explicit language.

The following quotes are from Ludwig himself, about Rolf Harris, and accurately show Ludwig's disgraceful attitudes in his "own" words:

"He was behaving in a manner that was acceptable and tolerable or at the worst a bit dodgy, but not to the extent of warranting police action".

"I would STRONGLY suggest it should be interpreted as playful behaviour".

"I often feel as though the sort of things he did are just par for the course".

"I would say not molestation at all, not by a long way".

"There is something very wrong in society that this can now be classed as being of a serious nature".

"The worst of it was just a little bit of groping which merely amounts to somewhat risque activity".

"She kept putting herself in situations (during her childhood) where those encounters could happen".

"If the other party (a child) is actually letting him do it then there is a very big mitigating factor".

"So how did he (censored) and (censored), if she wasn't willing to let him do it?"
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:27:57 PM
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The revelations about record-breaking paedophile and child procurer Jimmy Savile have exposed the former BBC ‘star entertainer’ as a purveyor of sheer evil on a scale that would challenge any imagination. Here are the cold and shocking numbers according to the police – and these are not nearly the whole story:

450 people of both sexes have made complaints about Savile involving 28 police areas throughout the country and among them are 34 alleged rapes. They spanned a period of 54 years between 1955 and 2009 when Savile was 82. The abuses happened to 23 children and young people on BBC premises and at 14 hospitals and at least one hospice. More than 70 per cent of his victims were under 18 and one as young as eight.

Metropolitan Police Commander Peter Spindler said that Savile’s crimes were ‘vast, predatory and opportunistic’ and he had effectively ‘groomed the nation.’ Sounds good, but personally, I would not trust the Met’s investigation Operation Yewtree to pursue the full truth about Savile any more than I would have trusted him to produce the school nativity.

Spindler added – ludicrously – that Savile used his celebrity to ‘hide in plain sight’. Oh, no, no, no, mate. That will not do. Savile got away with it for 54 years because he was protected by the highest levels of the paedophile-Satanist-controlled British Establishment for whom he was procuring children.

Michael Shrimpton also describes what he says happened to the abducted little girl Madeleine McCann,.. and what he says was the murder of former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

I can’t confirm what he says about Madeleine EDIT all of his assumptions about who was behind it all, and certainly not that British Intelligence are the ‘good guys’. But it is very interesting information very much worth hearing.

Click here to listen …

Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:31:42 PM
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Love him or hate him I did find this piece from Russel Brand on Rolf Harris' fall from grace interesting and contemplative and so offer it here;
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 17 July 2014 4:07:01 PM
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Let's more fully examine the contemptible social and sexual attitudes contained in the following Ludwig quotes:

"If the other party (a child) is actually letting him do it then there is a very big mitigating factor" .. lot's of pedophiles and rapists use this "excuse". When sexual activity occurs between a child and an adult there is NEVER a mitigating "excuse" for the adult. Ludwig belongs in the 15th century.

"She (a child) kept putting herself in situations where those encounters could happen" .. Again, this is Ludwig attempting to blame the innocent little child who is a target for pedophile molestation. Shame on Ludwig. He has no insight or just simply doesn't give a damn about the victims.

"The worst of it was just a little bit of groping which merely amounts to somewhat risque activity" .. Ludwig proves that hes no comprehension whatsoever of the implications of pedophilia, and the crushing effect it has on victims. I just hope and pray that Ludwig is not a father.

"So how did he (censored) and (censored), if she wasn't willing to let him do it?" .. Ludwig yet again blames the victim. Ludwig has no comprehension of the power an adult holds over a child, and if he does he has shown he just doesn't care.

"I would say not molestation at all, not by a long way" .. So Ludwig says sexually interfering with a child unless it's a serious rape etc etc is not worthy of much consideration at all. It's just minor and there's all sorts of mitigating "excuses", and how DARE those pedophile victims make something out of virtually nothing.

"I often feel as though the sort of things Harris did are just par for the course" .. this shows a complete contempt on the part of Ludwig for the victims of pedophilia in our society. Apparently if the offence is not at the higher end of the scale, well it must be just men being men, par for the course, according to Ludwig.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 17 July 2014 4:11:16 PM
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oh dear backwards hojn 123 is back[and right back into it]
anyhow baby..321..mate i have just one question for you



ITS ALL THE PARENTS[go..look at these things called foster parents]
they look after the kids/till the elietes need them/HAVE YOU EVEN BOTHERD READING;..ANYTHING

Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 5:51:47 PM
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i cant go that far less1
im sure ludwig wouldnt eitheR

THE MAN IS A SHAME..BUT I CAN SEE HOW HE HMSELF WAS GROOMED AS WERE THOSE BEFORE HIM[THIS CHILD CULT GOES BACK TO MOSUS]..its not just going to die[how can we live without pope joan and her child[ie renamed mary and the christ]

google pope joan..but thats another topic
Child sacrifice..was practiced in ancient today*>*Molech.. the Ammonite diety..[or mad]..for short]

a worship of natural.*fertility..*which was*..*SPECIFICALLY forbidden.. *by the laws..of Israel..[under/the..noahtide..laws.. tribe..of levi]..and many/other god creeds..besides.

See Leviticus 18:21; 20:..1-5;
1Kings 11:7;..2 Kings 17:17; 21:6; 27:10;

Jeremiah 32:35; Ezekiel 16:21...

AND EVEN..the GOSPEL..see matthew..23*[all]..5;14-48..james..2/3/4

ANYHOW..lets..vent a little
then quote..the sap[qr]..
are/trolling..[DISTRACTING},..others AWAY*..from..


what settlers..
in..dark/places..[in..others lands/with duel passports
diplomatic immunity..etc..LIVING..under the deserts..[unseen]

[what HOLY under?
talmudic [sic*].law?
some..quotations;..from the Soncino Edition
of/the Talmud,(Book]

"What is meant by this?...

Rab said:..Pederasty with a child//below nine years of not deemed/ pederasty..with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..
the passive..'subject'/..[I SAY..*victim}..*..of sodomy bloke..its ok..too ignore
sodomy..upon..little..ones..*UNDER NINE.!

YOU..LOT..[the..seemingly..GODLESS]..defending the indefensible
by Detraction..just S.A.P[qr]....are doing here/now..[sic*]

full..[not..just..the MINED/quote..continues

<<now lets..go EBEN..younger

YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it..the*..daughter of a..'proselyte'..
who was.,,*under..the age*of three years..[and one day]...,

and.Rabbi declared her/eligible* live/with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under*..the age of three years
and*married by a priest...

*And..*was a priest.

(i.e., continue/to live..with her*..*'husband'."]

[DO..YU0..[pair..of useful/idiots..[godless fools]..NOT GET>..IT..? putting the spin..[DETRACTive/spin]..into..your every mindless..even pathetic..mined/quote/post
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 6:13:13 PM
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Foxy you said on the Wicked Campers thread:

<< You appeared not to be offended by Rolf Harris's criminal behaviour. Yet you are offended by slogans on camper vans.>>

I am saddened by this.

Of course I am offended by Harris’ activities.

I have made it patently clear that I think the sentence he has received is reasonable, and that of course he has done the wrong thing, repeatedly.

But I have tried to put it all in context rather than just completely accept all that has transpired and condemn him to the hilt, like many people are doing.

I read the judge’s sentencing remarks to gain a full appreciation of what the charges were and what he had decided regarding the sentence and why. I wasn’t looking for anything by way of support for Harris. I certainly wouldn’t have expected to find that sort of thing in that particular document.

But I found disturbing uncertainties and apparent anomalies, which made me immediately think that no one should take as gospel what has been determined by the court or the judge, and that there is plenty of possibility of it all not being as bad as it has been made out to be, or perhaps considerably worse.

And I have implored everyone to consider the magnitude of his misdemeanours compared to the full spectrum of molestation and pedophilia and indeed offences of all sorts, and to not just absolutely condemn and destroy someone who is right at the light end of the spectrum of this sort of thing.

Foxy I am saddened that I have not been able to do this without you and a couple of others just immediately thinking the worst of me. This in itself is very telling. It reinforces my fear that normally intelligent and rational people, especially when they are all thinking alike, can (inadvertently) beat something right up and make it out to be much worse than it really is.

I am not saying that this has happened with Harris, but I am suggesting that it could have happened, at least to some extent.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 17 July 2014 7:56:58 PM
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Hinch on Harris

Lester1 said << Good on you Ludwig, we support you>>

Given the outrages nature of some of the pro Rolf posters, you have to ask; WHO ARE THE WE PEOPLE?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 17 July 2014 8:44:02 PM
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Here's some extra, more recent quotes from Ludwig. It shows that Ludwig remains just as intransigent, black and white and blaming the victims as he was in his first outrageous post. Nothing that can be said will change his 15th century social and sexual attitudes. So sad. He offers "excuse" after "excuse" for the pedophilia of Harris.

"The scope and severity of the offences and the impact they had is all rather uncertain"... this is yet ANOTHER Ludwig attempt to discredit the testimony of the Harris victims. Ludwig thinks it's good to try to discredit the victims, because if that's successful it will aid Harris. It's typically what adult rapists of adult women try to do; they try to avoid punishment by discrediting their victims. Shame on Ludwig, shame.

"Given the 'low severity' of Harris's activity/offences"... yet again Ludwig is forever trying to excuse Harris's pedophilia by implying it's not really all that bad. Ludwig called it "par for the course" activity and "playful behaviour" in another post. I truly, truly pray that Ludwig is not a parent.

"Harris may have been targeted" ... this is Ludwig's conspiracy theory that attempts to degrade and humiliate the victims. The idea being to attack the victim, so that the perpetrator is helped. Ludwig belongs back in the 15th century.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 17 July 2014 8:45:05 PM
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Paul thanks for the link. Some interesting stuff. I liked the Hinch one as well, very different style but maybe more me

Ludwig, a lot of your earlier comments seemed to go well beyond "what might have happened" arguments and into minimising and seemingly passing off as trivial actions that others of us find abhorent. Maybe bad phrasing but you will notice that its not just those keen to attack you who have read those comments in that way. I keep questioning myself to see if I could have misunderstood you on this but its difficult to see what you have written about Harris and his actions on this thread as intellectual exploration concerns with the justice system.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 17 July 2014 8:52:33 PM
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there are no win propositions
like are you still beating;..your wife

or you cant say a word properly
once someone has pointed 'it'..out; its become a self fullflling prophecy

like i notice 321 seems obbsessed by teaching us how to read what ludwig says[you have to because he says so
i have seen it with my writings/they cant refute so they polute

give a dog a bad name and hang him

proverb It’s very difficult to lose
a bad reputation, even if it’s unjustified.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 9:01:54 PM
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RObert, I just thought I'd mention to you that yes I'm keen to attack Ludwig. There's 1 reason for that, and it's Ludwig's heartless attacks on the victims of pedophilia. As I said earlier it's the rapist's excuse that these attackers use .. blame and accuse the victim as much as possible in an attempt to mitigate the actual crime.

I was a victim of pedophilia, and I will forever defend victims of pedophilia against attacks from people using the rapist's defence.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 17 July 2014 9:05:36 PM
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<< Ludwig, a lot of your earlier comments seemed to go well beyond "what might have happened" arguments and into minimising and seemingly passing off as trivial actions that others of us find abhorent. >>

R0bert, please be aware that as Poirot noted, this thread evolved as have my views. I started the thread before the jury had reached its verdict. I said that I was having considerable difficulty with the whole issue and was vacillating somewhat early on.

Just be mindful that quotes presented in isolation can be quite misleading if the full context is not understood.

Also, when everything that is construed as negative is pulled out and presented as a package, completely minus anything on the other side of the coin, then a very unbalanced perspective can be presented.

<< I keep questioning myself to see if I could have misunderstood you >>

Please don’t hesitate to ask if there is anything that you want clarified.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 17 July 2014 9:26:27 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

I have certainly been pretty shocked by the stance you have taken on this subject. A proposition from you of a $300 fine for a near 40 year old man twice raising a little girl's skirt to touch her genitals I felt was so completely out of synch with the way our community views this type of transgression that I was at a lost.

Having said that compared to individual's dreadful and cruel claim that all the molested young girls led Harris on to get at his money your position was hardly the worse. Individual refused to back away from his comments but from your last post I take it that you see your views evolving over the thread. It is in that light that I continue the conversation.

Harris has had the charges of downloading child pornography removed from this particular case but I'm keen to see where you put this component on your scale of severity given you see the interfering with an 8 year old child as a reasonably minor offence. Since it appears he did not pay for the images but rather searched for particular sites and downloaded them then it could be said did not finance the production of child exploitation material. He had no impact on the physical or emotional health of the children whose images he gathered. The case might even be made that getting his jollies online may well have meant he was a little less inclined to go after children in real life.

So a $50 fine? $100 - $200? $200 - $300? $300+?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 18 July 2014 1:06:11 AM
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Regarding Harris’ offence against ‘A’, which was his first offence, or at least the court would had to have assumed that it was his first… a nine month custodial sentence is surely just completely outrageous.

This is what I said about it:

If it had been his only offence, I wonder if he would have received a custodial sentence. I wonder how many people would receive that sort of a penalty for such a thing?

Given the quite considerable uncertainty in the stated effect that this very quick and once-off action had on ‘A’, I would think that the penalty should indeed have been very much smaller.

This offence was extremely minor compared to that committed against Tonya Lee for example for which he received 12 months jail.

Ok, perhaps something a bit more substantial than a 300$ fine would have been in order. But certainly not jail time!

Regarding Harris’ downloading of child pornography; I am of the understanding that he viewed websites a few times back at the start of the internet age and then ceased doing it, perhaps when he realised that these actions could amount to an offence and could be traced on his computer.

The simple viewing of images on screen apparently falls within the definitions of ‘downloading’ and the ‘production of images’ as I understand it, and that downloading in this instance did not refer to the storing of images on his computer or other device.

I also recall that these images were not of small children but were of girls that were only a little bit underage apparently, and that the authorities had to have a very close examination of the material in order to determine that they were actually of underaged girls.

Correct me if you know differently.

Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 18 July 2014 3:48:41 AM
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<< Since it appears he did not pay for the images but rather searched for particular sites and downloaded them then it could be said did not finance the production of child exploitation material. He had no impact on the physical or emotional health of the children whose images he gathered. The case might even be made that getting his jollies online may well have meant he was a little less inclined to go after children in real life. >>

Now this is interesting. Child pornography is one of the really big no-nos of our society. People generally just get condemned for having anything to do with it. And yet you are making a case for it perhaps not being so bad at all under certain circumstances.

So….can you extend this sort of thinking to child molestation and pedophilia when it is right at the least serious end of the scale and involves nothing more than very fleeting touches through clothing, as per Harris with ‘A’?

Or would you consider anything and everything that falls under the banner of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching to automatically be really really serious?

No I wouldn’t condone the viewing of child pornography at all, just as I wouldn’t condone any of the actions for which Harris has been charged or convicted.

But I would very carefully put it in context and think about it the scale of severity, and not just outrightly condemn people for things at the light end of the spectrum.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 18 July 2014 3:50:11 AM
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Jay123, I understand your point. The danger we all face though when dealing with issues we are so passionate about is the loss of objectivity when argueing a point and dealing with others comments on the topic.

I've struggled with your posts a bit because they are about someone who I mostly respect even when I disagree with him while recognising that I've used some of the same types of posts when dealing with issues around DV and family law. I try very hard to maintain objectivity on that but when I see the usual lies and excuses trotted out to hide or support abuse my interactions becomes somewhat less nuanced.

Its a topic where I feel there are some lines that just should never be crossed but where I would like to see more serious thought put into aspects around prevention. Black and white in some parts but maybe needing less emotive debate in other aspects.

For instance what treatment programs are there for those with an orientation towards children and who want help? How would we as a society deal with someone who came out and admitted problem in that area and asked for help in managing it?

Areas around the viewing of images and the impact on real world behaviours, my gut feel is that for most its likely to provide a release and make them less likely to seek physical contact (but I could be wrong). But then most images are of real children some of whom may have been abused in the making of the image.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 18 July 2014 4:51:46 AM
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I DID would be an easy find that paRENTS HAVE A DUTY*...TO PROTECT;THE WELLBEING OF TEIR AND OTHER KIDS*[if parents put kids in danger;its their duty

with proper parenting..he stAYS

Meaning..of parental responsibility

In this Part,..parental responsibility;in relation to a child,..means all the duties,..powers,r..esponsibilities and authority which, law,..parents have in relation to children.

BUT CHILD PERVERTS..OVERSEE..THE WRITING/OF THESE THINGS;SO THERE ARE LOOPHOLES.."parental responsibility" Part VII,..has the meaning section 61B.

"parenting order"..has the meaning given by subsection 64B(1).

"parenting plan"..has the meaning given by subsection 63C(1).

"participating jurisdiction"..has the meaning given by subsection 90RA(1).

"post-separation parenting program"..means a program:

(a)..that is designed to help people to resolve problems..that adversely affect the carrying out\of their parenting responsibilities (including by providing counselling services..or by teaching techniques to resolve disputes);..and

(b) that consists of lectures,..discussions (including group discussions) or other activities; and

(c) that is provided by an organisation that meets the conditions in section 65LB.

"prescribed adopting parent" , in relation to a child, means:

(a) a parent of the child; or

(b) the spouse of, or a person in a de facto relationship with, a parent of the child; or

(c) a parent of the child and either his or her spouse or a person in a de facto relationship with the parent.

"prescribed child welfare authority" , in relation to abuse of a child, means:

(a) if the child is the subject of proceedings under Part VII in a State or Territory--an officer of the State or Territory who is responsible for the administration of the child welfare laws of the State or Territory, or some other prescribed person; or

(b) if the child is not the subject of proceedings under Part VII--an officer of the State or Territory in which the child is located or is believed to be located who is responsible for the administration of the child welfare laws of the State or Territory, or some other prescribed person.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:05:41 AM
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R0bert, I'm not a huge fan of Derryn Hinch, try's to be the "human headline" but I did find it difficult to disagree with what he had to say on the subject at hand.

The question of penalty. I fully agree with fines for 'illegal parking', but these matters go beyond driving offences, and so they should.

Ludwig I took SteeleRedux posting as being a little sarcastic with this sort of comment;
<<The case might even be made that getting his jollies online may well have meant he was a little less inclined to go after children in real life.
So a $50 fine? $100 - $200? $200 - $300? $300+?>>
I didn't take any of it as being support for your line of argument.

In these cases the community expectation is jail time, nothing less. Harris as I understand it could have received 24 years maximum, which would have certainly seen him dead and buried, he got 5 years 9 months, a sizable discount on the maximum. Remember at the end of the day it was 12 counts, 12 guilty's, a unanimous decision by the jury. I have sat on a jury in a criminal case and that jury took its responsibility very seriously indeed, "what we decide here could mean jail time for people". When given that kind of responsibility a normal person does not take it lightly. In fact the court system was extreme in ensuring the accused got a fair trial, bent over backwards. As far as the jury was concerned, the instructions from the judge went to lengths, to make sure of that, eg "If you (the jury) should see anyone connected with this case in the street for example, do not approach them, do not speak to them etc etc.." Given the British justice system is much the same as ours, I don't think there has been the slightest hint of any miscarriage of justice in this matter.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:29:21 AM
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knew I shouldn't have come back to this thread..but...

I think I'm right in assuming you don't have children...especially young girls.

I'm wondering if you could imagine yourself as a parent...perhaps standing behind your innocent 8 year-old who's waiting for an autograph from someone like Rolf.

And you notice he's got his hand up her skirt while he's greeting her...and subsequently learned that he was in the habit of perusing titillating websites containing pics of "....of girls that were only a little bit underage"

(What!....your mitigations are amusing - "... girls that were only a little bit underage)

Would you still consider it "par for the course"...(let alone worthy of a $300 fine?)

I think if you were a father witnessing such an event, you'd probably be more likely to punch his lights out.

Those sentences were in light of Harris's serial offences. If he'd been found guilty of a one-off touching up offence (such as that of "A"), he probably wouldn't have received a jail sentence.

But, of course, his abuses were part of a "pattern of behaviour" which you appear determined to break down into isolated incidents with apparently no relation to each other.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 18 July 2014 9:05:07 AM
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Dear Ludwig,

With respect sir you have not given me an actual penalty you adjudge appropriate for Harris' crime of downloading images of child pornography.

You said;

“But I would very carefully put it in context and think about it the scale of severity, and not just outrightly condemn people for things at the light end of the spectrum.”

It is exactly your 'scale of severity' I am wishing to explore. I obviously think you recognise like the rest of us that there is indeed a scale, that physical contact involving touching of genitals is further along the scale than downloading images, that anything that involved penetration would be another a step further and full sexual intercourse a step further again.

It is when we overlay the offense scale on to a sentencing scale that community expectations are realised. I would put it to you that yours is not only patently out of synch with the vast majority of the community but will lead to nonsense conclusions.

So back to my question, let's focus it a little with a hypothetical. Assume Harris, instead of sexually assaulting the 8 year old, had taken a picture of her unclothed in a change room without her being aware of it. Given you have proscribed a $300 fine for actual physical and sexual contact what does your scale deem an appropriate penalty for Harris for this action?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 18 July 2014 11:01:49 AM
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SteeleRedux, <<given you (Ludwig) have proscribed a $300 fine for actual physical and sexual contact>> << Assume Harris, instead of sexually assaulting the 8 year old, had taken a picture of her unclothed in a change room without her being aware of it.>> <<what does your (Ludwig) scale deem an appropriate penalty for Harris for this action?>>

Its obvious, loss of internet access for a whole week! oh dear no kiddy porn for a week! How would good old Rolf survive?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 18 July 2014 12:09:02 PM
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R0bert, good post to Jay.

Here’s hoping they he may yet stop writing posts with steam issuing forth from his ears and his fingers nearly bashing the keys off the keyboard, and start thinking in a somewhat calmer and more level-headed manner!

<< I've struggled with your [Jay’s] posts… >>

Very tactfully put.

<< …someone [Ludwig] who I mostly respect even when I disagree with him… >>

Thankyou. And likewise.

<< I've used some of the same types of posts [as Ludwig] when dealing with issues around DV and family law. >>

Very interesting indeed.

<< Areas around the viewing of images and the impact on real world behaviours, my gut feel is that for most its likely to provide a release and make them less likely to seek physical contact… >>

Fascinating. So, if someone views child pornography, perhaps we shouldn’t just automatically condemn them for it then. Perhaps they could be looking for a way of addressing their ‘condition’ without letting it manifest itself into molestation? Just pondering.

<< For instance what treatment programs are there for those with an orientation towards children and who want help? >>

Good question. I think that just about everyone with that sort orientation would be too scared to tell ANYONE about it for fear of being borne down on very heavily. Indeed, once someone admits to having a sexual attraction for children and a liking for child pornography, they can say goodbye to their life as they know it and hello to demonisation for the rest of their existence! That’s how bad we treat people of that sort.

So it is indeed very brave of you R0bert to suggest that child porn could possibly have a positive effect for some people.

I’d consider this to be at least as ‘brave’ as me putting my views on Harris forward on this forum.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 19 July 2014 9:32:40 PM
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sorry old man..[i cant resist]

lewdwig-quote..<<>.Good question.>>


>>/I think that just about everyone..with that sort orientation would be too tell ANYONE about it for fear of being borne down on very heavily...>>

yes olchap..its a prime control mechanism..;globally
[once/ dirt*on-em..[their pathetic little obsessions
are slight..:COMPARED to the..true evils.

<<..Indeed, once someone having a sexual attraction for children..>>


but/were..missing a bigger picture

<..but were and a liking for child pornography,>>

every guy checks out other woman
woman often check out both sexesloking/thinking deluding THERE IS A LINE[KIDDIES IN ADVERTS IS JUST FINE/TO MAKE MOVIE STAR KIDS GREAT


what adult needs be entertained by kids;on stage;its perversion

thinkof them asults going to sports day/or watching net ballers skirts

<<..they can say goodbye to their life as they know it and hello to demonisation for the rest of their existence! That’s how bad we treat people of that sort.>>

yes were all perverts..[ok maybe its just me]
but to be honest im going to give up on woman..its like their on some freaking pedio0stool,..they can sniff babies..and love kids for them thats col/but men[well its said/so itmust be true;..all men are bar stewards..and as for it/sex is evil/bad sad and unhealthy//dont tought genitalia/their dirty..[here go for a run/run off ya sexual frustrations/or join the priesthoods..or..become-a*NUN
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 July 2014 10:10:06 PM
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Ludwig, it was actually jay123's style of post I was referring to when I said I've done similar.

My comments about the viewing of child porn as a release are a call for more investigation/research. The use of images of real children is a show stopper for me on that but there may be ways around that issue. What I don't think we know with an evidence base is if it reduces the incidence of physical contact with children. My impression is the laws and policing around that are not based around harm minimisation and research.

Agreed it would be very tough for someone with a sexual orientatiin towards children to seek help even if affordable help was available. Oddly though kiddy fiddlers seem to be able to find each other so its not apparently an insurmountable barrier.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 20 July 2014 6:29:28 AM
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RObert, Ludwig and Others,

The proposal that "child pornography" should be made available to those who want it, as an alternative to the acts of pedophilia that such persons may otherwise partake in. RIDICULOUS! The notion that this could be used as a sop, as a buy off, as an appeasement, as an alternative for these types of people, RIDICULOUS!
Please explain which children will be used to "satisfy" these pedophiles. Will it only be soft porn in the form of naked photos of children, or will it include more explicit pics including adults? What age will be the "cut off" five years old, new born's! And the big questions, will these children be given the opportunity to make an informed and rational decision? Which children will it include, Australians or will we get them from Asia, cheaper that way! What control will these children have over how their bodies are abused? As I said RIDICULOUS!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 20 July 2014 8:47:18 AM
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PAUL;quote..<<...a sop, as a buy off, an appeasement, an alternative..for these types of people,..RIDICULOUS!>>

yes it is/but
who's..saying it..[you?]

<<..Please explain/which children..will-be used"satisfy"..these pedophiles.>>

mate..your diverting..;the discussion
none..[who is suggesting this?..[you?]

<<.Will it*,,only be..soft porn,.>>

mate all child porn=hard porn
its abhorent..its baser-beast behavior

your mising..the point

<<..or will*it..>>

there..thats..the problem..;
><<or will it be*..>

mate were..not talking/of what
'will' now is`!`


its all being auto recorded;;this photo he looks at the most

mate get real..about//what now is..
where..SAfe place/to say the line
[and its based-on emotional/mental*age;not physical age

look at some porn.[educate yourself..problems
see/the issUES


then/boys\find the real ones
dont match up..the reality..and/go\gay*

were sold..youth is best when you\ask re tomorrow...thats what we are all asking....then figure out/a fair safe*mode..[stitch-em up till theIR 30?

you ask will..the future..<<.>>include.more explicit pics including adults?

mate there is stuff =..NOW..far worse*[police have;face id/these guys must be known..but the system lives on..THATS HOW IT IS TODAY*

MAKES THE PICTURES..oTHAT OFFEND GO you..wnt be offended ever again

oops thats what they do today
[ya heard of child locks? parental novices'

<<..What control..will these..children have their bodies..are abused?>>

facial-recognition/resques/and reports;those..who/were advantaged[thank-god/our govt;knows/everything.

we fit..all kids;at birth
that if they get..over a set-measure..of fright
GOD....kill every one.within 6 feet OF THEM..WITH LASERS


and they stay in..till the day you die;


<<..As I said RIDICULOUS!>>

as you felt like saying
then spoke/some speak it out as a joke
others as complaint/but think what motivated/these thoughts into your mind?

the media
And I wonder why it is so difficult to think a little, to get it into our heads that television news and photojournalism manipulate our thoughts and emotions.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:21:34 AM
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<< It is exactly your 'scale of severity' I am wishing to explore. >>

Excellent Steele. At last someone is taking notice of my much-emphasised point about the severity of offences and their position on the scale of all possible offences that come under the category of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching.

<< I would put it to you that yours is not only patently out of synch with the vast majority of the community but will lead to nonsense conclusions. >>

All the people I have discussed this matter with in the real world are of the same accord as me, except for one person. Whereas people in on this thread are of your accord, except for I think four respondents. So I wouldn’t assume that your perspective prevails overall, or that I am out of sync with the vast majority.

It is my fear that people who are very strongly condemnatory of offences at the light end of the scale and who fail to consider the broader perspective are very likely to reach ‘nonsense’ conclusions.

From your previous post:

<< A proposition from you of a $300 fine for a near 40 year old man twice raising a little girl's skirt to touch her genitals I felt was so completely out of synch >>

The judge stated:

< …you twice put your hand up her skirt between her legs and touched her [censored] over her clothing. >

So Steele, with respect you have overstated it somewhat by saying; ‘raising a little girl’s skirt’ and by omitting ‘over her clothing’.

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:39:43 AM
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I find this to be very significant, because it is an exaggeration of what really happened (accepting the judge’s account as accurate).

It is inadvertent on your part. Lots of people do this. Small exaggerations like this, plus an unquestioning acceptance of what a complainant has said as being the absolute truth, may lead to a strong bias and indeed to a ‘nonsense’ conclusion.

It all makes me fear that what we have heard and what the court has found and hence the judge has stated, may be considerably worse than what really happened. And if this can happen with the very simple and quick action regarding ‘A’, then it can happen to a greater extent with longer or more complicated actions, as those regarding ‘C’ and Tonya Lee, and to a very significant extent when considering the whole set of charges.

The very fact that there were 12 counts against Harris for the matters that came before the court is of considerable concern to me, as there really were only 8 incidents, 5 of which were in relation to ‘C’.

Counts 5 & 6 arose from the very same quick action, as did 7 & 8. Counts 10, 11 & 12 arose from one incident. I have a considerable problem with count 9 being an offence at all, occurring when ‘C’ was 19. And I also think that count 2 is extremely minor.

I see the whole setup as being considerably exaggerated. It seems to amount to an inbuilt bias, which one could argue was designed to maximise the impact on the defendant, rather than taking the matter forward in a neutral manner.

I also see several potential biases in the judge’s statement.

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:42:17 AM
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So, bearing all of this in mind and hence having considerable uncertainty in my mind as to whether the stuff I read about the whole case is accurate or biased against Harris, I feel that the penalties for some of the offences should be considerably lighter than those imposed.

However as I have said, the overall sentence is probably reasonable, given that 6 of the 12 charges involve concurrent sentences.

Also, regarding ‘A’, it was a first offence, and should have been treated as such. Later offences should not have meant that this first offence copped a bigger penalty than it otherwise would have.

So, nine months jail was patently way over the top. ANY jail time for that offence would have been quite extreme. A realistic penalty would have been a small fine. I previously said 300$. Well, perhaps 1000$.

I know you’re not going to like that. But I do hope you can appreciate that I have thought it out very thoroughly and gone to the trouble of explaining my reasoning here.

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:43:56 AM
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<< With respect sir you have not given me an actual penalty you adjudge appropriate for Harris' crime of downloading images of child pornography. >>

Given the circumstances, which I described in my first post of 18 July, I would allot no penalty. It doesn’t seem to be anything more than a matter of a bit of online exploration, involving material that was borderline child porn, many years ago at a time when the internet was just becoming established. There is no indication that it developed beyond that.

<< …let's focus it a little with a hypothetical. Assume Harris, instead of sexually assaulting the 8 year old, had taken a picture of her unclothed in a change room without her being aware of it… >>

Well, I am sure you can appreciate that one would want to know the exact circumstances. They would want to know what a critical assessment in a court of law came up with and they’d want to be able to have confidence that it was true beyond a reasonable doubt, and not exaggerated. In the absence of this, it is very hard indeed to suggest a reasonable penalty.

If he does this without a girl being aware of it, and the photo never gets seen by anyone other than him, then it is surely quite a different circumstance to the photo being seen by others or to the girl being seriously frightened by seeing a man in the change room pointing a camera at her while she is naked.

So…. what penalty would you impose?
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:46:03 AM
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lewd/but not crude;joke..<<..a change room without her being aware of it… >>

i have seen these sights/where guys get their jollies taking blury PHOTOS..of girls..ladies and even guys..doing everYDAY THINGS/but being watched

its a tottilaTION/the thrill of the chase
but the sceme of things..[materially..hurts no-one
and at least gets these introverts talking with/others shadLows..[these beings are important spiritualy[as we know in the karMIC REALITY/NO GOOD SIN goes unnoted[in hell the darkness really does have watching eyes

im noting these shy types/are spread through the realms[heaven/and\hell]

[think/like that bartender/saving homers jelly baby]
these snoops or the base of good policing[if their on side the police give them excellent jobs;spying on the rest of us[but sadly woman are best at noting the pathetic abuses]..and getting men is difficult.

<<>.Well, I am sure you can appreciate that one would want to know the exact circumstances.>>

no not really[i leave the judging to god*[inc/ltd]

<<..They would want to know what a critical assessment in a court of law>>

court law is preceeedant law[and by quoting a precident/the real criminals escape justice[the law is a seive/to any half smart lawyer]
high spiritual larma

lol/4\law..<<..came up with and they’d want to be able to have confidence that it was true beyond a reasonable doubt,>>

true law works by injury
damages/potential danger\expectation of future works

<<.If he does this without a girl being aware of it,>>
i see no sin*

<<..and the photo never gets seen>>

i have no need to judge others sins
'least that judgment se the measure for mine own judgment.

<<>>>So…. what penalty would you impose?>>

i say go and sin no more
as a man thinken in his heart; so is he
unavoidaby/the sooner we find the danger/the better for who
who the best judge of danger[the potential victim; there is a dog collar;that zaps anyone arround the kid fitted with it/we fit them at birth

problem fixed;you dieD

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 July 2014 10:20:18 AM
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OUG, I was responding to RObert who said <<My comments about the viewing of child porn as a release are a call for more investigation/research>>

RObert, How can there be more investigation/research, what kind of investigation, what kind of research. Experiments involving children and pedophiles? The word 'more' implies there has been past investigation, has there? I would maintain if there had been "research" using children against their will, which by nature it must be, then the "investigators" should be locked up, along with the pedophiles! If anyone could please explain this notion.
Ludwig said <<So it is indeed very brave of you R0bert to suggest that child porn could possibly have a positive effect for some people.>> Where is the consideration for the child in that "positive effect"?

Ludwig, your dissection of the judges findings In my view puts you and those your claimed << All the people I (Ludwig) have discussed this matter with in the real world are of the same accord as me, except for one person>> out of step with the general community attitude to Rolf and his punishment, in fact the general outrage may well have been for an even tougher sentence for good old Rolf! So who's out of step?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 20 July 2014 1:45:43 PM
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"How can there be more investigation/research, what kind of investigation, what kind of research. Experiments involving children and pedophiles?"

The best expertise on how to do the research with rest with others but a couple if examples of areas of research I had in mind.
- A review of changes in identified child sexual assault rates measured against internet takeup and crime rates for other types of crimes. Similar work has been done in Northern Europe and across different parts of the USA for general sexual assault rates. Its also been looked at for rates of violent assault and the release of violent films.
- Looking at patterns of abuse involving identified abusers prior to and after gaining access to the internet. Individual cases won't tell much but broad patterns would.

I'd thought I'd aleady made my concerns about the issue of the use of images of actual children pretty clear, not sure if Paul missed that or chose to ignore it. I think the first point is to gain a better understanding of the actual effect viewing of that porn has on assault rates then look at what should be done from there.

If it did have an effect of reducing assault rates then it becomes and issue of determining what if any advantage can be gained from that knowledge. Would generated images achieve the same benefits (if those benefits do exist)? Keeping in mind that curently cartoon's can lead to prosecution

If that sort of option is unthinkable what positive steps would others take to help reduce the risk of actual harm to children? Clearly Harris and others have committed their offenses while significant jail times are a known risk for those offenses. What can we do to treat the causes rather than just try and clean up the mess afterwards?

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 20 July 2014 6:11:05 PM
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Lester1; Do your best to minimise good old Rolf's, offences, do your best to portray him as a lovable old man with a wobble board, painting funny pics, and singing catchy ditties about Kangaroos and a bloke with 3 legs, if you wish. "Trust British Paints...sure can!" good old Rolf was famous for that line. "Rolf Harris is the victim" NO! others are the victim(s) Rolf Harris is a pedophile, nothing more, nothing less! "Trust Rolf Harris...sure can't!"
Should have Rolf Harris got the maximum 24 years for what he done, seem's not, according to the sentencing Judge 5 years and 9 months is what's appropriate, who is better positioned to determine that sentence, you, me, Ludwig others on this forum, the general public, or the Judge himself?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 20 July 2014 7:56:56 PM
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<< Ludwig, your dissection of the judges findings In my view puts you… …out of step with the general community attitude to Rolf and his punishment, in fact the general outrage may well have been for an even tougher sentence for good old Rolf! So who's out of step? >>

I don’t know, Paul.

It is very hard to say. All I can go by is what I glean from talking to people, both face to face and on OLO. That’s it. I haven’t broached the subject on any other forums or Facebook or over the phone to my relatives on the other side of the country or anything else.

But just judging from those to whom I have spoken, there are many who see it similarly to what I do.

I would suggest that at present it is in vogue to be totally condemning towards Harris and very risky indeed to present my sorts of views. So the general opinion appears to be very strongly against Harris. But ultimately this may prove to be an illusion.

I would like to think that in a month or so, after the shock of it all has died down, a few considered opinion pieces will start to appear in the media that question whether Harris has been fairly dealt with or whether it was all taken too far, and whether he is more a victim than a perpetrator of any really serious wrongdoing. I guess only time will tell.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 20 July 2014 8:43:45 PM
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a google search snap shot Laverne: How Rolf Harris bit me and got away with itThe Guardian - 1 hour agoIt was partly the media that let the vileness of Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile go unremarked, but now Twitter can help us keep watch, says ...Lauren Laverne: 'Rolf Harris bit me and it wasn't considered a big deal'The Independent

Rolf Harris, AO, CBE (born 30 March 1930) is an Australian entertainer. He is amusician, singer-songwriter, composer, painter, and former television personality...&#8206;Wobble board - &#8206;Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport - &#8206;Rolf Harris discography#Rolf Harris taken straight to cushy prison despite reports pervert;*

Paedophile Rolf Harris went straight to a cushy prison, despite reports he wasgoing to do hard time at a tough jail, reports the Sunday People.#Inside the strange world of Rolf Harris

./inside-strange-world-rolf-harris&#8206;* CachedGuilty on all counts, Your Honour.” So said Rolf Harris, weeping in contrition.#Rolf Harris sentence: UK attorney-general to consider whether;*Britain's attorney-general has been asked to consider whether the prisonsentence given to Rolf Harris for sexual offences is too lenient.#Rolf Harris

Rolf Harris, Self: Rolf on Art. Rolf Harris came to London in 1952 to study Art. Ayear later he was appearing on TV as an artist and storyteller and had his first hit...#The final act of Rolf Harris' harrowing courtroom Jul 2014 ... London: After two months of lead-up, it was a moment of anticlimax.

It was auseful reminder: Rolf Harris might be an entertainer, but this has ...#Rolf Harris to be on suicide watch as he heads to Wandsworth Jail Jul 2014 ... YESTERDAY he went to bed a revered figure and international star but RolfHarris awoke this morning facing the prospect of dying in jail as a ...#The royal show that unmasked Rolf Harris as a child abuser..The

Rolf Harris signs autographs on the grounds of the notorious Broadmoor ... LennyHenry welcomed Rolf Harris to the stage as “The Legend”.#Rolf Harris not the only 'octopus' in entertainment - The Rolf Harris was known as “the Octopus”. But he wasn't the only one.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:15:35 PM
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Ludwig, you said <<But just judging from those to whom I have spoken, there are many who see it similarly to what I do>> It may be so, just as there are those that are calling for good old Rolf's blood. Where I'm coming from is my trust in the (British) legal system to deliver justice. None of us, me, you, your friends, my friends etc etc etc are as well placed to determine a fair sentence for good old Rolf as is the judge himself. I am satisfied that not only has justice been done, it has been seen to be done, which is also important. I stress to you that good old Rolf got a sentence which was about 25% of the maximum possible, for any of us to disagree with that sentence is fine as for something worth discussing on a public forum. But no matter what we think is appropriate, we didn't sit in court day after day carefully listening to, and noting the evidence, pouring over previous decisions in similar cases, as did the presiding judge. So who are we to disagree with that judges findings? As there has not been any real signs of community outrage in regards to the judges finding, one way or the other, I can only conclude he has in general met community expectations on the matter.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 21 July 2014 7:18:52 AM
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<< Where I'm coming from is my trust in the (British) legal system to deliver justice. >>

Paul, the system is good. But it isn’t perfect. We should respect it, but not worship it.

As you would know all too well, there are a thousand factors and variables involved in a trial of this nature. There are many factors which the complainants assert which simply cannot be proven, nor confidently shown to have occurred exactly as they were purported to have occurred beyond a reasonable doubt…particularly regarding the consequences of Harris’ actions on the girls in queston.

If the fundamental dictum of ‘inncoent until proven guilty or shown to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ really strictly applied, I would suggest that Harris would not have been found guilty of at least charges 2 and 9, and perhaps received a much lesser sentence regarding charges 3 to 8. Maybe.

I would be a little concerned about this:

<< I am satisfied that not only has justice been done, it has been seen to be done… >>

Justice is seen to be done by whom? By the general public, who have gained their information very largely from the sensationalist media? And who are not privy to the details as presented in court, which were not released to the public until the judge released his sentencing remarks (??)…and which only a tiny percentage of said public would have bothered reading anyway?

This ‘justice-is-seen-to-be-done’ bit is fraught with danger. It may make a judge feel the need to boost the penalty well above what he thinks is fair and reasonable, in order to placate an irate public.…and in order to not be subjected to an appeal for a tougher sentence, and criticism of him for being too lenient, with a concomitant degradation of respect for him, for the process and the whole legal fraternity.

<< I stress to you that good old Rolf got a sentence which was about 25% of the maximum possible… >>

Considerably less than 25% I would think. But the maximum penalties are for the most serious offences.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 21 July 2014 10:12:30 AM
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"<< Where I'm coming from is my trust in the (British) legal system to deliver justice. >>"

I may presume then that you don't have an Irish background?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 21 July 2014 10:23:44 AM
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Is Mise, the injustices of the British legal system against Irish political prisoners has been well documented. So I know where you are coming from. That was then, this is now, they were trials of a political nature, this was a trial of a criminal nature, somewhat different. There is no evidence of political interference in good old Rolf's case.

Is anyone suggesting good old Rolf was subjected to a tie me KANGAROO down COURT? There is no evidence of that!

Ludwig; you are putting yourself up as having a superior knowledge on the matter than the judge himself. I do not accept that you do. With a solid legal background, which you may have, and without sitting through the whole legal process which the judge did, how can you claim you may have a better understanding than him, I do not believe you possibly could have. I certainly don't, so I can only rely on, that the legal process has been safe. I would not be so presumptuous to claim otherwise.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 21 July 2014 11:58:22 AM
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<< …you are putting yourself up as having a superior knowledge on the matter than the judge himself. >>

That’s a wonky conclusion, Paul. You know it is not the case. I am just putting forward things for you and others on this thread to consider. And I bet that neither you nor anyone else had even thought of some of these factors before I mentioned them.

You have made no comment on my remarks about justice being seen to be done. I would have thought that you’d have something to say about this.

The more I think about it, the more significant it potentially appears to be in this case. I’m sure you will agree that there is a very large number of people in England and Australia who are very strongly condemning of Harris, based on what they get from the sensationalist media, who think in very black and white terms, who don’t know anything more than the broad generalities of the case and who quite frankly don’t want to know.

So it seems to me that there is a major flaw in the principle of law, if there is a need for justice to be seen to be done, by this sort of very large and loud cohort.

Indeed, one could go as far as saying that if this cohort does perceive justice to have been served, then it probably means that the defendant has been considerably over-penalised.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 21 July 2014 1:28:44 PM
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"Is Mise, the injustices of the British legal system against Irish political prisoners has been well documented. So I know where you are coming from. That was then, this is now, they were trials of a political nature, this was a trial of a criminal nature, somewhat different. There is no evidence of political interference in good old Rolf's case"

The trust, if any, of the British Legal system must be based on the "then" because the "now" is too recent to have been analysed.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 21 July 2014 3:55:23 PM
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Ludwig, "there is a very large number of people in England and Australia who are very strongly condemning of Harris, based on what they get from the sensationalist media, who think in very black and white terms, who don’t know anything more than the broad generalities of the case and who quite frankly don’t want to know"

By the same token there is a small number of people supportive of Harris based on broadly the same criteria. You started this thread seemingly knowing little of the judges findings, despite some acknowledgement that he may not have been harshly punished you still seem to be broadly pushing that barrow. Despite the evidence that has come out you don't seem to have changed the main theme of your support for Harris over time, the following link is from April 2013

Time to accept that he has not been punished harshly, that his offences were not minor compared to legal and acceptable treatment of children. Produce some evidence that the trial was flawed or drop this nonsence of supporting a creep who used his privileged position to abuse little children.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 21 July 2014 6:34:20 PM
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Are you suggesting that the jury was suborned, Ludwig...

"If the fundamental dictum of ‘inncoent until proven guilty or shown to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ really strictly applied, I would suggest that Harris would not have been found guilty of at least charges 2 and 9, and perhaps received a much lesser sentence regarding charges 3 to 8."

Or the judge. Maybe?

Rolf Harris had expensive counsel (and a PR contract) to represent his credibility... which was found to be inadequate.

Perhaps Oktavia Dangel and Abel Hadden from Bell Pottinger could give better advice about yours in the court of public opinion?
Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 21 July 2014 7:39:02 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

You wrote;

“So Steele, with respect you have overstated it somewhat by saying; ‘raising a little girl’s skirt’ and by omitting ‘over her clothing’.”

Absolute semantics and balderdash my friend. Are you seriously proposing what must be assumed to be a very lightly materialed piece of clothing would have made a substantial difference to the impact on the victim or the gravity of the offence? Do you also think that given Harris' obvious intent that had he managed to get the girl alone for a period of time that he would not have taken his actions further?

Listen mate, you obviously have ideas that are not in lock step with society. That is to some extent forgivable. Once domestic violence was tolerated and mitigations abounded whenever cases came to our attention, 'oh if it was really bad she would have left him by now', 'she gives as good as she gets', 'it's just the booze, he loves her really'. But we as a society came to recognise the brutality involved, the fear of the abused, the physical and emotional scars of the victims and via our law makers gave police and the courts the power to intervene and to prosecute.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 12:33:43 AM
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There were times when the local 'old perv' was well known and kids were told to stay clear. In the military academy I attended as a young teenager the Catholic priest was well known by the boys as someone who did inappropriate things when able. Most of us wouldn't have stood for him trying it on but there were a few shy kids whom he groomed and used. Sadly in the fickleness of youth the prime emotion was one of derision toward those who fell victim. However there is no way the staff could not have been aware of this man's nature yet nothing was done to stop him.

Just as with domestic abuse society has also come to recognise that the 'old pervs' did considerable damage to vulnerable, powerless children. Damage that lasted lifetimes. We have decided that this is not to be tolerated and once again given the authorities the power to firmly act with small regard for so called mitigating circumstances against those who perpetrate sexual crimes against children. This may not have been the norm when you were growing up but it is now and it is a norm that is on the whole accepted and appreciated by most of us.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 12:35:38 AM
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Ludwig continues to put his foot in his mouth with every post he makes. He shows that his black and white attitudes have no comprehension of pedophilia and it's impact. Ludwig is a disgrace. Does anyone know if he has children, or has access to children?
Posted by Jay123, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 12:56:27 AM
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Ludwig, you took a set against the established view on pedophilia from the outset. Your very first post indicated this. Your opening was;
<< I was very dismayed when I (Ludwig) heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term. Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up.>>
Your concerns were not based on anything the judge had to say, as he did not speak on the matter until later, long after you had made your opening post. You obviously had a bias in favor of Harris. I ask how did you initially come to the conclusion that Harris had been "hard done by" from those media reports you later derided, as sensationalism. Later you tried to justify your argument by attacking the judges findings.
Welcome back Jay and SteeleRedux, we need your incisive input into this thread.
The most "interesting" post I found was one who claimed what Harris did was basically "normal" as the posters "mates" up in his neck of the woods were doing the same thing, I found that rather strange.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 7:52:51 AM
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I wrote:

<< …there is a very large number of people in England and Australia who are very strongly condemning of Harris, based on what they get from the sensationalist media, who think in very black-and-white terms, who don’t know anything more than the broad generalities of the case and who quite frankly don’t want to know >>

R0bert, you presumably agree. So then, you can presumably see that there is potentially a whomping great bias out there in the general community, which could potentially exert considerable pressure on the jury to declare a guilty verdict for all charges and on the judge to issue a heavier penalty than he might otherwise do.

I am not saying that this is what happened. I’m saying that there is a possibility that it did happen.

<< By the same token there is a small number of people supportive of Harris based on broadly the same criteria. >>

Well….of course.

Based on what they’ve heard in the media, you’d expect very few people to be supporting him. You also need to bear in mind that with such a strong and emotive level of condemnation, a lot of people who support him would just be keeping their heads low. I think this is the case with every person I have spoken to. None of them are involved in online debates or such like.

<< You started this thread seemingly knowing little of the judges findings…>>

I started this thread just after the guilty verdict had been brought down and two days before the judge released his sentencing remarks which explain the details of each charge.

<< Time to accept that he has not been punished harshly… >>

I have said that I agree with the sentence.

The judge declared that the sentences for 6 of the 12 charges will be concurrent, which basically means that they amount to no sentence. He then declared that Harris spend half of the allotted sentence time in prison. This effectively means that he is being punished for about the equivalent of three of the 12 charges.

Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 8:09:03 AM
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So it would appear that the judge could see the minor nature of these offences, in the context of all pedophilia and molestation. And I think that there is a pretty good possibility that he could see that there was a bunch of uncertainties, and without wanting to mention them, he took them into account.

I find it interesting that he says:

< In her Victim Impact Statement ‘A’ states, which I am sure is true…>

< I make clear that I am not sentencing you in relation to what happened on that holiday, but I am sure, in the light of the jury’s verdicts, that ‘C’ gave truthful evidence as to what occurred >

< Whilst I do not sentence you in relation to what you did to ‘C’ in the decade that followed that offence, I am sure that offences against her continued until 1994.>

Why does the judge say: ‘I am sure’ three times?

This suggests to me that he is NOT actually sure…and certainly not beyond a reasonable doubt.

(It is an interesting quirk of our language that people often say; ‘I am sure that is what happened’, when they actually mean that they think that is what happened but they aren’t absolutely sure. And if they were sure, they would simply say; ‘That is what happened’, in an emphatic manner)

How could offences continue to occur with ‘C’ once she was of legal age? How could she have been abhorred by Harris’ earlier touchings and then continue to put herself repeatedly in the situation where they could continue to happen, up to the age of 29?

Count 2 should surely not have even been taken to court. Count 9 is very likely not an offence at all. And the latter counts in the set of 3 to 8 would surely not have occurred if the girl had not put herself in a position where they could occur. She would have totally known by then what to expect. And on each occasion she gently pushed Harris away after about a minute. Why not straight away?

Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 8:09:41 AM
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<< …his offences were not minor compared to legal and acceptable treatment of children. >>

The offences are indeed at the lower end of the spectrum.

Like I said in the opening post:

>> Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up. <<

You wrote:

<< Produce some evidence that the trial was flawed or drop this nonsence of supporting a creep who used his privileged position to abuse little children. >>

Wow! Like; I am in a position to produce evidence! Obviously I am not. But it is perfectly fair and reasonable to point out potential anomalies.

And no, it is not ‘nonsense’ to be very closely looking at the whole saga and putting forward suggestions of how it could be viewed differently.

So I say to you R0bert: don’t close your mind to what I have been saying. Keep an open mind to the possibilities that some or all of the things I have mentioned are well worth considering and could be true.

Of course, I will maintain an open mind to the possibility that you are completely right, and to the possibility that Harris is actually a much worse offender than what has come to light to date.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 8:10:16 AM
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In terms of penalties I came across the following

"A "rogue" gynecologist who used tiny cameras to secretly record videos and photos of his patients has forced one of the world's top medical centers to pay $190 million to 8,000 women and girls.

Dr. Nikita Levy was fired after 25 years with the Johns Hopkins Health System in Baltimore in February 2013 after a female co-worker spotted the pen-like camera he wore around his neck and alerted authorities."

The images were as far as autorities currently knows not shared by the doctor, they did not contain faces or other readily identifying features. There is no indicatiin at this point that the hospital had any early indications of what the doctornwas doing. From whats in that report the failure was inadequate supervision.

The numbers were far higher than in Harris case but as far as I can tell all of the harm to the victims occurred as a result of them being told about the offence (but I do think they had a right to know).

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 8:29:01 AM
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You are so far out on that limb that one wonders at the continuing robustness of the junction with the tree's trunk.

It's time to climb down.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 9:41:01 AM
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That is truly incredible, R0bert. So what does this say about the legal system?

This medical centre has to pay 190million$ for what really amounts to a very small oversight in supervision, which no doubt happens everywhere, in hospitals and all sorts of institutions.

That’s 190million$ taken away from medical research, the implementation of top-rate medical procedures, the employment of highly trained doctors and nurses, and in short, from the provision of quality medical care at Johns Hopkins.

It would seem that this doctor was taking photos, not of faces, not for any devious purposes, and very possibly just for his own database of images of all manner of gynaecological conditions… and that it was all completely innocent and benign. Maybe. Quite frankly I can’t imagine what sort of devious intent he might have had.

And this doctor, having done great work at that institute for 25 years, was so traumatised by the condemnation that he committed suicide.

In the absence of anything more than a very cursory level of knowledge about this issue, I would still say that this is an utterly outrageous decision of the worst sort, which surely has millions of people questioning the veracity of the US legal system.

They must also be thinking that it is simply impossible for institutions and supervisors and managers therein to confidently make sure that everything is always absolutely good and proper…. and that it really is just a matter of chance as to whether someone will do something wrong and bring the whole house of cards tumbling down.

Relating this to Harris; I hope you can now see that if enormously over-the-top decisions such as this can occur within legal proceedings, then very much lesser faults can most definitely occur, and very easily so. I have gone to great lengths to point out that there are numerous potential inconsistencies, and that the verdicts and penalties should indeed be open to scrutiny, and not just blithely accepted as the best outcome.

I'm sure you have more open mind about this than the likes of Is Mise.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 11:27:18 AM
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RObert, at times there has to be unsupervised trust of doctors, nurses etc. When a professional violates that trust then the full force of the law must be applied.
There is little I can say about John Hopkins, other than what action has been taken so far is no less than what the community expects.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 11:48:31 AM
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Actually its insurance premiums that will be effected by the payout.

Whilst I think there are a number of issues raised by that decision regarding the concept of harm and other issues I think the suggestion that the images were for legitimate purposes is a very optimistic view of the behaviour.

Regardless of how they were used the doctor was clearly taking those images without consent using a disguised camera and outside of hospital policy. Like Harris reaching under skirts and touching a line is crossed when tjose actions were taken. Any concept of a credible defence is lost at that point.

Ludwig I have kept my mind open on this topic, if any credible reason to take an aternative view had been put I'd consider it but that has not been the case. Instead all I've seen is a determined effort on your part to minimise Harris actions (and from some comments) the actions of others who have crossed very clear lines around sexual autonomy and behaviour. Your main support has been from a couple of posters who are either trolls trying a dodgy portrayal of elderly kiddy fidlers or hopefully under police survelance.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 11:50:03 AM
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From RObert's link,

<Dr. Nikita Levy was fired after 25 years with the Johns Hopkins Health System in Baltimore in February 2013 after a female co-worker spotted the pen-like camera he wore around his neck and alerted authorities.

Levy committed suicide days later, as a federal investigation led to roughly 1,200 videos and 140 images stored on computers in his home.

"All of these women were brutalized by this," said their lead attorney, Jonathan Schochor. "Some of these women needed counseling, they were sleepless, they were dysfunctional in the workplace, they were dysfunctional at home, they were dysfunctional with their mates. This breach of trust, this betrayal - this is how they felt.">

It is nasty that there could be a photo of a body part in a secret drawer somewhere, but where no identification is possible why would it result in such serious harm?

Got to wonder about the social conditioning that causes women to suffer such long term, serious psychological harm - "brutalised", "sleepless", "dysfunctional" - from incidents like this. Decades of feminism but apparently women are even more disturbed by 'down there'(sic).
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 12:31:44 PM
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"I'm sure you have more open mind about this than the likes of Is Mise."

I have an open mind on this and am no admirer of some aspects of British justice, but given the Judge's comments, the evidence presented and the jury's verdict plus having known Rolf socially then I must concur that he got what was coming to him.
In some other jurisdictions the minions of the law would have allowed the fathers an unrestricted interview, whilst having an ambulance waiting.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 22 July 2014 2:45:08 PM
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Is Mise, yep the person who has a closed mind is Ludwig, as almost all of us realise. The person who can only see in black and white terms is Ludwig. The person who made up his mind before the judge's comments is Ludwig. The person who has been forced to back down (if only 5%) is Ludwig. The person who refuses to open his mind and see factual reality is Ludwig.

Why do we even bother? Ludwig is a lost case, closed minded and so terribly defensive that every single percentage of admission has to forced from him one percent at a time, page after page after page after page. He is close to totally close minded, and can only view in black and white terms.
Posted by Jay123, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 12:52:36 AM
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I find it very interesting Robert that those who strongly condemn Harris don’t seem to be criticising the sentence that he has received or the fact that half the prison penalties are to be served concurrently, which virtually means that they amount to no penalty, or that this total has then been effectively halved again, as he is required to spend only half of his sentence in jail…. which means that he is effectively being penalised for the equivalent of about 3 of the 12 charges.

I have quite considerable disagreements with this set of respondents, and yet we all seem to agree that the penalty is appropriate.

That doesn’t make much sense to me. If you feel that Harris is such a terrible deviant, then why aren’t you or others on your side of the debate crying foul about a perceived lenient sentence or about half the charges effectively amounting to no penalty?

Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 7:28:41 AM
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<< Ludwig I have kept my mind open on this topic… >>

Yes I believe you have. Certainly more so than some.

<< …if any credible reason to take an aternative view had been put I'd consider it but that has not been the case. >>

It is not a matter of ‘reasons’, it is a matter of possibilities, or probabilities. And given the number of potential issues that I have raised, you’ve surely got to consider there to be a reasonable probability that Harris has been too harshly dealt with, at least regarding some of the charges.

<< Instead all I've seen is a determined effort on your part to minimise Harris actions… >>

With respect; that doesn’t sit well with you having an open mind.

<< Your main support has been from a couple of posters who are either trolls trying a dodgy portrayal of elderly kiddy fidlers or hopefully under police survelance. >>

That’s a bit rich, given that one of your main supporters is surely a complete embarrassment to your side of the debate, while others have presented very simplistic responses that indicate a closed mind and a complete lack of will to critically examine the points that I have raised, and others have fallen off this thread and disappeared, perhaps because they can see the merit in what I am saying… or they are only interested enough in the issue to condemn Harris, but not interested enough get right into the nitty-gritty of it ?
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 7:30:37 AM
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Ludwig is now just playing games, as within his 2 last posts he's shamelessly contradicted himself. In the first post on this page he says the penalty is appropriate. Then in the second post directly beneath the first post he says there's a reasonable "probability" that Harris has been too harshly dealt with. People, he's just playing word games with you.

Also, in the second post Ludwig says Robert has an open mind, then in the same post totally contradicts himself again and says that RObert's words don't sit well with having an open mind. Just crazy stuff. RObert, Ludwig is just playing mind games. Ludwig wants to "win", and he's very immature.

To RObert and the other people attempting to debate with a closed minded and contradictory Ludwig ..... can't you see that Ludwig is just playing mind games with you now? Can't you see that Ludwig will NEVER change no matter what you say?

His closed mind and intransigent black and white approach leaves no room for intelligent debate, as with Ludwig it's "my way or the highway". He's clearly one of those people who takes a stance and does not possess the insight and maturity to back down when proven wrong. It's a matter of self esteem for Ludwig; if he backs down too much it hurts his self esteem.
Posted by Jay123, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 1:14:49 PM
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Jay123 not sure where to go with that. i can't really argue against the points you have made but at the same time see some value in having the debate out in the ooen. I doubt very much that Ludwig is the only one who thinks as he does (leaving aside the trolls).

Apart from a long term respect for Ludwig I find the process of debating the points usefull.

Ludwig, I'm not to bothered by the size of sentence. I would have preferred to see a longer sentence before the possibility of release but also don't really want to see his wife spending her last years alone despite my disgust with Harris's actions. Hard to build up a head of steam over the length of sentence. I think he got a sentence that was on the lower end of the scale for the actions involved but at least he is being dealt with for his crimes.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 5:18:36 PM
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Ludwig wrote: 'others have fallen off this thread and disappeared, perhaps because they can see the merit in what I am saying… or they are only interested enough in the issue to condemn Harris, but not interested enough get right into the nitty-gritty of it?'

I posted once on this thread. I have 'fallen off', not because of seeing any merit in what Ludwig has been saying, or am only interested in condemning Harris, but because I saw absolutely no point whatever in talking to closed minds. But I do admire those people who have persisted with challenging Ludwig and his mates.

However I have followed the thread and have given some thought to the subject. My conclusion in next post.
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 5:56:12 PM
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When we toilet-train small children, we instill in them concepts of shame and disgust. It's dirty. Don't touch yourself down there. Don't pull your pants down. Don't pull your dress up. Close the toilet door. Don't let anyone else see, or touch you there. Don't even talk about it! The very words are rude!

All cultures teach that 'down there' is private and embarrassing, and for good hygienic reasons.

However for little girls, it gets worse, when they learn about menstruation. It's even more icky, embarrassing and private. And then as they mature, girls learn that this is where babies come from, and that touching 'down there' can be a source of pleasure!

This is a huge contradiction to come to terms with. Around puberty, 9-14, when girls are highly sensitive to body image, it can be very confusing and deeply embarrassing. Of course most women survive, hopefully with happy experiences of sexual experimentation with young men of similar age.

The worst thing that can happen is when a trusted adult breaks the taboo on touching down there (or worse). It's shameful for all children, but especially for young girls in the lead-up to puberty. And in the case of Rolf Harris, when the adult is a child's hero, and it happens in a public place? You can't talk about it - it's rude! Who would believe you anyway? Is it your fault? You'll be blamed!

It will roll off some kids, but others will internalise it and continue to feel ashamed. For these, it may aggravate the normal confusion of the contradictions described above, an lead to continuing shame. If repeated it may undermine the normal process of awakening sexuality, making it difficult for a young girl to relate normally to young men and lead to fixation on the adult who broke the taboo (as perhaps in the case of friend of Harris' daughter).

This is why I do not accept such behaviour in adult men as a bit of harmless groping. It's a serious betrayal of trust of vulnerable children which can derail their normal gradual maturation
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 6:43:19 PM
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<< Apart from a long term respect for Ludwig I find the process of debating the points usefull. >>

Very good.

<< Ludwig, I'm not to bothered by the size of sentence. I would have preferred to see a longer sentence before the possibility of release but also don't really want to see his wife spending her last years alone despite my disgust with Harris's actions. Hard to build up a head of steam over the length of sentence. I think he got a sentence that was on the lower end of the scale for the actions involved but at least he is being dealt with for his crimes. >>

Fair enough R0bert.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 8:20:41 PM
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Thanks for your well-considered response Cossomby.

I have no issue with what you have said.

But I would just reiterate that it needs to be put into the perspective of all pedophilic, child-molestation and child-touching offences, and all other things that can have similar effects on children…. and the enormous prevalence of this sort of thing in our society and around the world.

Then we need to compare the position on the spectrum of Harris’ offences to the level of condemnation of him, the destruction of his image and life’s work, the revocation of awards and the removal of his artwork.

When we look at the overall penalty that Harris has copped, I think most reasonable people would see it as severe.

The formal charges and prison sentence is just one part of this.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 8:22:13 PM
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From Ludwig, "I have no issue with what you have said.. "But"....."

Ludwig then goes on to display he has MANY issues with what RObert's been saying. More word games from Ludwig.

Why oh why do people even bother with Ludwig's shameful attempts to reduce the seriousness of many acts of pedophilia? Talk 'about' him yes, but to directly engage with him only makes him feel empowered. People with children reading his posts, not that many people read this forum anyway, would be raising their eyebrows with nearly every Ludwig word.

The innocent children of this world deserve better than the shameful, backward attitudes from Ludwig. He has shown he has absolutely no desire to reform. It's so sad to witness.
Posted by Jay123, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 8:44:44 PM
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As others have said the actual jail sentence was on the lower side.

As for the "destruction of his image and life’s work, the revocation of awards and the removal of his artwork", well, surely that's poetic justice, given that he used his public image and standing to molest children, and got away with it for so long because of his fame.

The jail sentence was only for the specific proven charges. The disgrace is fair enough for all the rest over many decades.

His shaming is also poetic justice for the way his behaviour caused personal shame to the children involved.
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 9:16:47 PM
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There is what can been seen as rational debate, and then there is an attempt to justify Harris, and by default, the creation of an air of justification for all pedophilia. We have been subjected to the classic responses of, oh! the poor perpetrator, its all normal, besides everyone is doing it, after all he didn't do all that much, and it was the victims fault anyway, its the fault of the legal profession, the media are the guilty party, its society's fault. All awhile simply justifying the actions of a nasty "sick" person, who is now receiving long overdue justice.
Harris once held an undeserved place in society, but through the courage of his victims he has been exposed for what he is, a nasty vile human being. Harris has been brought down, and now stands condemned, and he now takes his rightful place in society, denigrated and despised, a convicted pervert who if he should die in prison, it would simply be an act of well deserved justice.
Thanks for those recent comments, Cossomby, RObort and Jay. Its been a long "debate" has it not. Good night.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 10:26:37 PM
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Lester: "In the same recent post you rightly pointed out regarding Rolf, that offences "would surely not have occurred", "if the girl had not put herself in the position where they could occur". As we all know, if a girl places herself in a place where someone might molest her, it mitigates the offence as you also pointed out before."
Right is (not) right: "One thing my dad taught regarding females -- once a trollop always a trollop. A lot of 'em start really young. I wonder how much money they'll eventually get from selling their stories? I've read even more money grabbers are coming forward with silly claims against Mr Harris, as he's an easy target."

This is TOTAL NONSENSE! Your dad is WRONG!

These were children, coming to see an admired children's entertainer and asking for an autograph, visiting a friend's place etc.

Do you really mean that any time a child goes out of doors, goes to the shops, goes to school, goes to a public performance, asks a hero for an autograph, then if they get molested, it is their fault ... they are placing herself in a place where someone might molest them and so the molester's behaviour is mitigated? (Does this apply to theft? He left the BMW in the parking lot - it's his fault, he tempted me. To murder too?)

Actually what you are really saying is that men are so entitled that any child who goes near them even at a public event is fair game.

Or so weak that they can't control themselves. She made me do it, your honour. She - 5 years old, 7 years old, 10 years old - she's a trollop - how could I resist? It wasn't my fault - she led me on.

It's all a bit like the "honour" killing defence, or the burqua. Are men across the world so weak, so lacking in self-control, that women have to protect them from themselves?

Grow up, guys!
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 11:30:51 PM
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I will be out of email contact for the next few days. This is to advise that the lack of further postings from me does NOT indicate that I have bought the arguments (!!) by Ludwig, Lester and Right is Wrong.

I would recommend that you stand back and consider the implications of your comments justifying crime (you could probably extend the same arguments to war - the country next door was flaunting their really valuable oil fields - it's not our fault that we were tempted to invade).

And if you don't agree with my extrapolation to theft, murder and war, then ask yourselves - why is it OK to blame women and especially children (boys as well as girls) for 'leading men on' to commit crimes
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 23 July 2014 11:46:28 PM
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'For example, Ludwig has several times here pointed out that one girl waited a whole MINUTE before she pushed Rolf away. She obviously wanted it.'

I don't buy it.

'One whole minute' - someone timed it? who had the stop watch? The girl (how old was she?) said it was one whole minute? The context? She was so shocked she froze and it felt like 'one whole minute'? A natural exaggeration - as in 'it felt like forever'?

It is totally wishful thinking on (some) men's part that young girls - children - 'want it'. They don't even know what 'it' is.

I can totally understand freezing for 'one whole minute' - or what felt like it.

First, you feel something touching you 'down there'. Then you realise it's the hand of that big old hairy man, twice/three times your size. No, it can't be! That's nice old Rolf Harris (to a 7-13 year old, Rolf Harris at 40-50 was REALLY OLD). You freeze. What to do? Is anyone watching? If I stay really still and don't say anything, maybe he'll stop. Should I yell out? How horrible! If I do, everyone will KNOW! That would be worse! I'll pretend it's not happening. So you stay still, cringing inside. It doesn't stop. You get up your courage and push him away. How horrible, that was at least a minute, it felt like forever, I didn't know what to do. Please, please, I hope no-one saw.

The LAST thing on a little girl's mind was wanting 'it'. She wanted it to stop and for no-one to notice. That's why she froze for what seemed like 'a whole minute'.

Why on earth do adult/old men think little girls want 'it' from them? Look in the mirror, guys.
Posted by Cossomby, Thursday, 24 July 2014 12:54:09 AM
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<< There is what can been seen as rational debate, and then there is an attempt to justify Harris, and by default, the creation of an air of justification for all pedophilia.… >>

So Paul, how could I have presented all my perceived uncertainties about the Harris trial or all the other things about putting this whole business into perspective, in the interests of rational debate, without it being seen by you as an attempt to justify Harris?

How could I have brought all of these things up for the notification of anyone who wishes to debate the subject, without being accused of supporting him all the way?

How could we have had a meaningful rational debate on this subject if these things hadn’t been brought into the discussion?

How could I have done this without you perceiving it as some sort of justification for pedophilia?

How could there have been a rational debate if someone hadn’t taken the approach to it that I have taken?

If I hadn’t done this, there would have been no debate, right?

Everyone would have merrily continued to completely condemn Harris without even thinking at all about any of the various factors that I have raised.

R0bert said that she thinks that the process of debating these points is useful. And yet you apparently don’t at all.

I have said numerous times that I agree with the prison penalty. I have questioned some of the charges that were brought against Harris, which means that there are charges that I haven’t questioned. In other words; I have NOT tried to justify Harris’s actions.

With respect Paul, you really do see things in very black and white terms. I get the feeling that you don’t want to consider anything that might go against your hardline stance, and that you’ve made up your mind and that's the end of it.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 1:07:59 AM
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<< 'One whole minute' - someone timed it? who had the stop watch? The girl (how old was she?) said it was one whole minute? The context? She was so shocked she froze and it felt like 'one whole minute'? A natural exaggeration - as in 'it felt like forever'? >>

Cossomby, you apparently haven’t read the judge’s sentencing remarks.

See his comments; ‘about a minute’ and ‘up to a minute’ in regards to ‘C’:

Read all of his comments relating to ‘C’. I’d be interested to know what you think.

My thoughts are that following the holiday in 1978 on which ‘C’ accompanied the Harris’s, this girl put herself in situations where Harris could touch her. She could so very easily have not done this if she had really been repulsed by his actions.

Harris touched her when she was right next to his daughter while she was sleeping. Surely he wouldn’t have done that if he’d thought there was any chance of her doing anything other than very quietly going along with his short and gentle actions.

He then continued to see her right up to the age of 29.

Harris has said that this whole episode was one of mutual understanding.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 2:17:32 AM
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I would suggest that the worst offence here happened on the holiday in 1978 when Harris first touched this girl. But the judge said that despite believing ‘C’s account of indecent assaults having occurred then, he was not penalising Harris for it.

My supposition is that his physical contacts with this girl after that time were based on the understanding that she was amenable to it. If this is the case, then there is a very big mitigating factor involved here.

He was still in the wrong to do it, but it should basically have been seen as a very minor offence. And Count 9, which occurred when ‘C’ was19 should not be considered to be an offence at all.

Cossomby, your last post could be quite right regarding a young girl being touched by an old man. But please consider the possibility that what I am saying in relation to ‘C’, and hence to charges 3 to 9, could be right… and that some or all of these offences would not have occurred if this girl had really been repulsed by it and had consequently not put herself in the situation where they could occur…. and that her account of the serious consequences of Harris’ actions on her life are very much open to doubt.

Harris got 8 years worth of jail time for offences 3 to 9, reduced to 3 years 6 months as 4 of the 7 charges were deemed to be concurrent…. and then arguably reduced to 1 year 9 months, as he is required to spend half of his sentence in prison.

But even at 1 year 9 months, the sentence would surely be way over the top if what I have said here regarding his ‘relationship’ with ‘C’ is true.

And I would suggest that it was not shown beyond a reasonable doubt in court to not be true.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 2:20:01 AM
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Now Ludwig is resorting to outright lies regarding what he has, and hasn't said.

Lie#1 = Ludwig wrote, "I have NOT tried to justify Harris's actions".

Well,here's what Ludwig HAS written ...
"If the other party (a little girl) is actually letting him do it, then there is a VERY BIG mitigating factor".
"She (a little girl)kept putting herself in situations where those encounters could happen".
"So how could she (censored) and (censored)if she wasn't willing to let him do it?".
"I often feel as though the sort of things Harris did are just par for the course".

Those were the words that Ludwig himself used.

Lie#2 = "I have said numerous times that I agree with the prison penalty". Well, the following words were written by Ludwig ....

"I think Harris has been very badly done by here".
"Most reasonable people would see it (the prison sentence) as severe".
"You've surely got to consider there to be a reasonable probability that Harris has been too harshly dealt with".
"The defendant (Harris) has been considerably over penalised".
"The penalties for some of the offences should be considerably lighter than those imposed".
"Harris got 9 months imprisonment for that, well I think that is just outrageous".
"I would think that is not something to send someone to prison over".

People, Ludwig is playing word games with you. in one post he says one thing, and then in another post he'll totally contradict himself. He's done that dozens of times in this topic. He'll try to do anything, in order to become the "winner" (in his own mind).

Ludwig has not been debating. He's been LECTURING, and he will never change his neanderthal sexual attitudes after reading what the decent people here write. He's a lost cause. It's pointless presenting an opposing viewpoint to Ludwig, he's just incapable of listening. He lives in a black and white world within his own mind.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 24 July 2014 2:36:36 AM
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Ludwig, thanks for the response to my last posting << I get the feeling that you (Paul1405) don’t want to consider anything that might go against your hardline stance, and that you’ve made up your mind and that's the end of it.>>
I must admit I'M SURE (and I'm not saying NOT SURE) Harris is not the worse case of pedophilia every recorded, so he got 5 years 9 months. I have never condemned the sentence as being anything but correct. In my view the judge did a very good job of meeting society's expectations.
So if my stand was "hardline" then I would be calling for Harris blood, I'm not.
Lester1 and Right Is Right, you guys are obviously out to gee up the debate, very funny. I see through you two, in some circles its called flaming but I think your funny, If your not, then boy I'M SURE (and I'm not saying NOT SURE) you guys have problems, then I'd ask, what institution for the criminally insane are you in?
Jay123 , good job of pointing out Ludwig inconsistencies, such can only be interpreted as irrational thinking on Ludwig's part, which lends nothing to any sort of rational debate on the subject.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 24 July 2014 7:09:43 AM
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So then Paul, how about rationally debating my comments regarding ‘C’.

Or my comments regarding various other aspects that I have mentioned.

And if you think there is something irrational about my comments, point them out and allow me to address them, rather than making the silly mistake of just simply branding me as irrational.

Let’s see which things that Jay has mentioned that you actually do think I have contradicted myself over and can’t very easily answer.

I mean; you will have realised that Jay is just out to ‘get’ Ludwig at all costs. He has done the same thing on other threads on completely different subjects and with other posters. He is not going to be concerned about presenting things way out of context, as is very easy to do with simple quotes. It might behove you to have a look at the user index and some of the posts of his previous incarnation as Nhoj.

It is incredible that you can point to potential flamers on my side of the debate without seeing that this person who you keep agreeing with is a classic troll and flamer, and the most irrational and hate-filled poster that OLO has ever seen.

So, if a more rational and intelligent person such as yourself was to present things that you think I have contradicted myself over, then I might see some point in addressing them.

Oh and thanks for this:

<< I must admit I'M SURE (and I'm not saying NOT SURE) >>


<< If your not, then boy I'M SURE (and I'm not saying NOT SURE) >>

I take it from this that you do understand what I have said about the judge’s use of ‘I’m sure’, and that you don’t disagree that it sounds a tad odd and suspicious and of poor legal terminology in his sentencing remarks.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 8:03:33 AM
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"The real victim here is Rolf."
said by Lester1,

Indeed, and the victim of self inflicted wounds.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 24 July 2014 8:56:48 AM
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Hi Paul1405, I've just read the last Post from Ludwig where he's now trying to tell you that I am really another member on this forum. As I'm sure you're aware anyway, this is a method trolls like Ludwig often use. When they lose the debate, all they have left is tactics like "oh he's "really" that other guy who I hate". It's very funny, but sad too that Ludwig adopts such juvenile tactics, simply because he can't bring decent people over to his neanderthal sexual attitudes.

Paul, I have only one identity here "Jay123", I post under no other names and I have never before been a member.

Ludwig is just trolling and trying to discredit me. He's so juvenile. Paul, how old is he? Maybe he's younger than I thought.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 24 July 2014 11:54:34 AM
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"I take it from this that you do understand what I have said about the judge’s use of ‘I’m sure’, and that you don’t disagree that it sounds a tad odd and suspicious and of poor legal terminology in his sentencing remarks."

Give it up mate...your mitigations and excuses for Rolf Harris's actions are nauseating...more so for you now claiming the judge's words mean "exactly the opposite" from what they say.

You've now reached the stage where you're turning this thread into a circus.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 24 July 2014 12:45:44 PM
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Ahh Poirot, hold on to that hardline attitude. Don’t let anything corrupt it. Don’t consider any of the points I have raised. Don’t consider the possibility that the judge is actually not entirely sure of what he said he is sure of, and that those particular things that he says is sure of have not been shown to be so beyond a reasonable doubt in his courtroom!

I put it to you that this is a very important point, and certainly not something to be dismissed lightly. And if you find it ‘nauseating’, then I will have to say that you do NOT have an open mind on this issue.

It seems that no one wants to debate this particular issue. They just want to lambast me for even daring to mention it. This is very telling indeed about how unsound the basis is for a lot of people who just want to outrightly condemn Harris.

At least R0bert can see some merit in me raising all the various issues and possibilities of different interpretations and having them debated here. So why can’t you? Why do you see this as a ‘circus’ rather than a healthy debate?

This is a shocker:

<< …more so for you now claiming the judge's words mean "exactly the opposite" from what they say… >>

I am not claiming that at all. I am saying that we should all consider the possibility of him not being sure beyond a reasonable doubt about the things he refers to when he says: “I am sure…”

You’ve misrepresented me here. Come on, you’re a better debater than that!

My whole thesis is that things MIGHT be interpreted quite differently from what they have been, and that Harris MIGHT have been too harshly dealt with as a result… and that everyone should carefully consider these POSSIBILITIES. And as I keep saying: maybe it is all pretty close to right as it has been interpreted, or maybe he is actually a much worse offender than has come to light.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 1:18:19 PM
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Poirot, Ludwig has just lectured you saying, "you do NOT have an open mind". Why did he say that? Because in disagreeing with his attitudes you find those attitudes "nauseating". This is a good example of the juvenile, black and white approach of Ludwig. For Ludwig, you can only have an open mind if you agree with him.

This proves the juvenile nature of Ludwig, and why no amount of reasoned debate with him can possibly ever sway him. Ludwig's world is a black and white, my way or the highway world.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 24 July 2014 1:55:39 PM
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"...Don’t consider any of the points I have raised..."

I have considered them...and I conclude nearly all of them are confected nonsense.

"....Don’t consider the possibility that the judge is actually not entirely sure of what he said he is sure of..."

That one is the biggest of your confected's resting on a big pile of "nothing".

"I put it to you that this is a very important point, and certainly not something to be dismissed lightly..."

I put it to you, M'Lud(wig)...that it is a wafty silken thread (woven by you) that leads precisely ....nowhere.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 24 July 2014 3:06:06 PM
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Ludwig, in his remarks to each of the 9 counts Justice Nigel Sweeney uses the most unequivocal of language, I quote;

"On Count 1 you indecently assaulted ‘A’"
"On Count 2 I have no doubt that you indecently assaulted ‘B’"
"On Count 3 you indecently assaulted ‘C’"
"On Count 4 you indecently assaulted ‘C’"
"On Count 9 you indecently assaulted ‘C’"
On Counts 5,6,7 and 8 Justice Sweeney is just as unequivocal in his assessment of Harris's actions.

I cannot for the life of me agree with you, that in some way the judge was some what uncertain about his findings. For me he was quite clear and concise, there is no room for the slightest doubt what the judge was saying when making his findings. You may want to see things differently but I am totally satisfied justice has been served.
So in no way is there any agreement on what you say, it has no basis in reality what so ever! So what should we debate?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 24 July 2014 6:32:07 PM
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Poirot, you are so dismissive. Surely if you had any open-mindedness at all, you would say something like:

‘Ok I can see your point Ludwig, but I would consider it extremely unlikely. Surely the defence lawyers did as thorough a cross-examination of the complainants as they could possibly do, at the end of which the jury and the judge were satisfied that the complainants’ Victim Impact Statements and accounts of events were accurate.'

But no, you just outrightly dismiss my suggested possible inconsistencies point blank.

Sorry, but this indicates one thing to me very clearly – that you are just not open at all to any sort of real debate, and are determined to uphold your hardline stance, end of story.

This just reinforces my great concern that a lot of people, probably the vast majority who have been involved in all parts of the process of getting Harris convicted and sentenced, are of the same sort of mindset…. and that this could potentially mean that he has been very hard-done-by here.

<< I put it to you, M'Lud(wig)...that it is a wafty silken thread (woven by you) that leads precisely ....nowhere. >>

And I put it you, my dear Belgian sleuth, that you are not in a position to assert that. You are not privy to the detail of the court proceedings, or to what was in the head of Justice Sweeney when he wrote his ‘I’m sure’ comments in his sentencing remarks… and that you therefore cannot logically just be dismissive of the possibility that he wasn’t sure, and that some things that he has accepted were not shown beyond a reasonable doubt to be as such.

It seems that if you were the open-minded one here, my good Inspector Poirot, that your highly-renowned detective talents would have led you to a similar conclusion to what I have reached.

And to reiterate my conclusion: that there is a real possibility that things are not as they seem with this whole case and that Harris could have been too harshly treated…… or he could be a lot worse.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 8:59:56 PM
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"....Surely if you had any open-mindedness at all, you would say something like:

‘Ok I can see your point Ludwig..."

But I don't see your point, Ludwig...or at least I do see the points you are making - but I think they are bunkum.

What I do see, however, is you contorting yourself ridiculously to paint Harris as hard done by.

You haven't raised one tangible point that mitigates his actions. They are all based on your subjective view - and the one you came to this thread with - that your hero got pinged for abuses....and that makes you unhappy.

"....You are not privy to the detail of the court proceedings, or to what was in the head of Justice Sweeney when he wrote his ‘I’m sure’ comments in his sentencing remarks..."

And nor are you.

I might add that if a judge says "I'm sure..."....then it is deliberate.

You, for some odd and desperate reason, have been going hell for leather trying to assure us that the judge must mean the opposite of what he said.

"It seems that if you were the open-minded one here, my good Inspector Poirot, that your highly-renowned detective talents would have led you to a similar conclusion to what I have reached."

Lol!...Poirot uses the little grey cells...but he doesn't let them go skipping off by themselves to the fun fair.

Maybe you should respect his conclusions!

"…… or he could be a lot worse."

Au contraire, my dear don't think "he may be worse" at all. You merely include such lines to give the illusion of balance and open-mindedness.

You think Harris was hard done by...and you have paraded that view ad nauseam and conclusively up and down this very...long....thread.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 24 July 2014 10:22:31 PM
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So Ludwig continues, in his dismissive, close minded way, to accuse Poirot of having a closed mind because she doesn't share his conclusions.

He then proceeds to lecture Poirot regarding how she should respond to him, and he tells her the exact words she "should" use, word by word by word. This process Ludwig calls debate.

Ludwig outrightly dismisses any Poirot view, point blank.

Doing this indicates one thing very clearly, that Ludwig is not open to any sort of real debate and is determined to uphold his hardline stance, end of story.

Ludwig then goes on to say if Poirot had come to the conclusions that Lugwig has reached, she would then be "open minded". In other words according to Ludwig, only Ludwig's opinions are open minded, and if Poirot doesn't agree with Ludwig's opinions she couldn't be open minded. This proves that Ludwig is arrogant, completely close minded, a non listener, juvenile and a bully.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 24 July 2014 11:13:10 PM
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<< Au contraire, my dear don't think "he may be worse" at all. >>

Oh well done there Poirot. You tell me what I really think. You tell me that what I’m really saying is different to what I keep repeatedly saying about open-mindedness and the POSSIBILITY that things might not be accurately portrayed in the whole Harris saga.

You tell me directly that my position is quite different to what I keep stating it to be.

Sorry, but you’re way worse than I thought. Very very polarised and blinkered.

You’ve got no qualms at all about asserting things just completely off the top of your head, with no foundation, and in stark contrast to my real position and motivation, which I have very clearly elucidated and with copious explanation.

<< Maybe you should respect his [the judge’s] conclusions! >>

Maybe one should respect, but not worship the judge or the whole legal process. And if one really cares about it, one SHOULD question things if they seem to need questioning, and seek debate, instead of just blithely accepting it.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 24 July 2014 11:56:27 PM
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So, Ludwig in his closed minded way continues to lecture Poirot, because she does not share "his" opinions.

Ludwig shows he is very polarised and blinkered. He proves yet again he blithely accepts only his own opinion, and is not man enough to admit he has been thoroughly out debated over the past 66 pages.

Ludwig shows he's incapable of change, incapable of questioning his own beliefs and prejudices and incapable of graciously accepting that other people have the right to have opinions that are not Ludwig's opinions. Closed minded children like Ludwig are their own worst enemy, and they never comprehend that fact.
Posted by Jay123, Friday, 25 July 2014 12:05:08 AM
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Ludwig, there is a substantial difference between questioning and assuming that they got it wrong and chasing every angle to try and make that case.

Its not just a judge, there was a jury as well. There has been intense media coverage. Nothing about the case so far except for the time gap between the offences and the trial including your efforts over the last 66 pages has given me reason to think they got it wrong enough to make any difference. From the ongoing tone of your posts on this topic you never seem to have seriously questioned your own views on the topic from april last year which from memory went something like "not good old Rolf" (link to that post posted earlier in the thread). A couple of grudging admissions that the sentence might be about right and a token acceptance that it may have been worse than found but overall you have continued to push the line that he was hard done by and what Harris did wasn't really that bad.

On the side topic of mixed identities I'm pathetic at picking them but Lester remindes me of the back to front John far more than jay123 does. But then occasionally the posts look like they could be serious rather than satire, yikes.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 25 July 2014 5:14:15 AM
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It's really about standards, in some parts of the world his actions would not raise an eyebrow, but in our part his actions are seen as disgusting and criminal.
Harris well knew this but went ahead with fulfilling his desires and as there was no plea of mental problems then we may assume that he knew that his actions were resistible and that he did them of his own free will.
In some other parts of the world his fate would have been much harsher.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 25 July 2014 8:32:46 AM
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"Oh well done there Poirot. You tell me what I really think. You tell me that what I’m really saying is different to what I keep repeatedly saying..."

Well Lol! to the high heavens...that one takes the cake for hypocrisy.

Might I point out that that is "exactly" what you've been doing with the judge's "I'm sure..." comments.

The judge says "I'm sure" and Ludwig sets about going up and down the thread assuring us that the judge meant no such thing.

"Sorry, but you’re way worse than I thought. Very very polarised and blinkered.

You’ve got no qualms at all about asserting things just completely off the top of your head, with no foundation, and in stark contrast to my real position and motivation, which I have very clearly elucidated and with copious explanation."

Ludwig, another thing you do is denigrate everyone else's thinking processes. You've spent the thread telling us that if we were this or if we were that then we'd obviously agree with you.

Where did you learn to debate?

You may have been "copious" in your elucidation - but that doesn't mean your conclusions are valid....or that we should be variously described by epithets like "way worse that I thought"..."polarised and blinkered" simply because we disagree.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 25 July 2014 9:10:32 AM
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Yes Is Mise, I agree.

That is a good perspective to put Harris’ actions in.

We should also consider the temporal scale.

If he’d been hauled up in say 1987, I wonder how he would have been treated.

I would hazard to say that it would have been much lighter.

I think the outrage over pedophile priests and Savile have greatly compounded the perceived magnitude of Harris’ actions.

There is surely something very wrong that with the passage of many years, of apparently no offending, one’s actions can become seen as much worse than what they would have at the time.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 25 July 2014 9:43:03 AM
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<< Ludwig, there is a substantial difference between questioning and assuming that they got it wrong and chasing every angle to try and make that case. >>

R0bert, is there?

Surely looking at ‘every angle’ is the appropriate thing to do. You’d want it all to be as holistic as possible, wouldn’t you?

The case is much better made if multiple things can be pointed out rather than just one or two in isolation.

[And again for the likes of Poirot, I say I am just pointing to how things could POSSIBLY be interpreted somewhat differently and could therefore POSSIBLY mean that Harris has been too harshly dealt with. Oh sorry, not for Poirot. Only for those whose mind isn’t completely closed]

<< Nothing about the case so far except for the time gap between the offences and the trial including your efforts over the last 66 pages has given me reason to think they got it wrong enough to make any difference. >>

‘Wrong enough’ Well at least you have an open mind to the possibility that they may have got some things somewhat wrong.

I respect your views after you have considered the various things that I have raised. This is enormously different to the approach being taken here by Poirot who has just hardened her stance and shut out any points that I raise completely.

So I thank you for your level-headedness in this discussion, R0bert.

<< From the ongoing tone of your posts on this topic you never seem to have seriously questioned your own views on the topic from april last year… >>

As I have said, I found it very difficult and I vacillated somewhat at the start. But once I started to see potential inconsistencies in the judge’s sentencing remarks, my views firmed up. And after all the points that I have considered, my views are in line with the sentiments I expressed in the opening post.

Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 25 July 2014 10:33:01 AM
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<< …Lester remindes me of the back to front John… >>

Haaa hahahaa! Careful, them’s could be fatal words for Jay. His blood pressure is critically high as it is. You might have just blown the top of his head clean awff with that comment. I can just picture it now:…. pieces of cranium all over the room. But not a trace of brains to be seen anywhere!! ( :>)
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 25 July 2014 10:34:08 AM
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"[And again for the likes of Poirot, I say I am just pointing to how things could POSSIBLY be interpreted somewhat differently and could therefore POSSIBLY mean that Harris has been too harshly dealt with. Oh sorry, not for Poirot. Only for those whose mind isn’t completely closed]"

: )

Sorry, Luddy, but watching you contort your argument up and down this thread to mitigate the actions of a man who has been convicted by a jury of multiple instances of indecent assault...and then to assure us you're being "open-minded" is laughable.

You're the one with the "closed mind".

Despite all your rhetorical haven't departed one iota from your original stance - even though you're now attempting to white-wash the periphery of your argument.

You've bounced all over the place in your efforts...and because I reject your reasoning, you now stoop to impugning Poirot.

You need to convince me...something you have failed to do.

That's not my fault.

If you need to stoop to impugning your opponents because they don't buy your argument...then....?
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 25 July 2014 10:55:22 AM
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"If he’d been hauled up in say 1987, I wonder how he would have been treated"

It is likely that it was brought up by a number of injured parties but at the time as with later offences the wily, powerful Harris managed to hide in full public view. Think of Keith Wright, politician, former Qld State Labor Opposition leader, Baptist lay preacher and ex-teacher. His parliamentary colleagues apparently had no inkling of his child molesting. As a child victim or the child's parents, how would you like to have tried a complaint against him?

Would Harris have received a similar penalty in Australia if only he had been caught years ago? Yes, definitely and probably harsher.

There are concerns of highly organised pedophile rings operating in Australia.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 25 July 2014 11:06:41 AM
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The legal system is fraught with problems. People can all too easily be found guilty, or be found to be more seriously guilty than they really are.

< Hundreds of people have been exonerated through DNA testing. >

So, if the legal system can get it this incredibly wrong, to the extent that hundreds of people have been wrongly convicted of very serious crimes, there is surely plenty of POSSIBILITY that in a case like that of Harris, with entirely circumstantial evidence from many years earlier, that things adjudged in a court of law could be quite substantially at odds with what really happened.

In light of Poirot’s outrageous assertions that my stance is actually very much harder than what I have repeatedly stated it to be, I refer readers of this thread back to two earlier posts of mine which outline the basis of my argument:

This one: and the one following it.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 25 July 2014 11:10:35 AM
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Ludwig is now referring readers (all 3 or 4 of them) back to his first 2 posts in this topic, as examples of where he now stands on the Harris issue.

This action by Ludwig conclusively proves he has not budged one inch.

This action by Ludwig proves that no matter what anyone says to him, he will absolutely, positively, no matter what, under any circumstances change his entrenched black and white opinion that Harris was probably or possibly hard done by and is likely the real victim in all of this.

Ludwig's latest crazy "excuse" for the pedophilia of Harris is that because innocent people have been found guilty of other crimes, then it must logically follow that there must be "plenty of possibility" that Harris's crimes are "quite substantially at odds with what really happened". Poirot, is Ludwig on cocaine? Seems like it. Ludwig's argument is about as illogical as it gets.

Ludwig keeps trying to "excuse" Harris's pedophilia. That shows a contempt towards all victims of all pedophilia. Ludwig is a disgraceful individual. No mature and insightful man would behave as Ludwig has behaved on this topic.

Ludwig has no intention of listening to people who don't agree with him, and no intention of changing his mind, no matter what. He's totally closed minded, and lives in a black and white world.
Posted by Jay123, Friday, 25 July 2014 3:37:50 PM
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When your article said "Hundreds of people have been exonerated through DNA testing." It does not mean that they were first found guilty and then exonerated. You are trying to put a slant on this is not there. Thousands of people have been found not guilty after being charge with a crime. So what!
You said "So, if the legal system can get it this incredibly wrong, to the extent that hundreds of people have been wrongly convicted of very serious crimes" Where did you get that from? best I can see is 33 in the US, known for having an unjust legal system in the first place.
p/s Your mate in the article pleaded guilty, did he not? Strange!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 25 July 2014 6:38:00 PM
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Paul, "Your mate in the article pleaded guilty, did he not? Strange!"

Plea barganing, threatened with a very very long sentence and told it would be much shorter if he pleaded guilty, combined with knowing it was a black mans word against white girls word. I see why they do plea barganing but there is so much potential for it to be abused.

Somehow I don't think there was any chance of mistaken identity in the Harris case.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 25 July 2014 7:33:34 PM
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There are highly organised pedophile rings operating in Australia. Whenever we got close to a high profile public figure or a very wealthy one in a 'kiddie crime' investigation there was always some impediment to the successful court closure of the crime.
In 35 years as an active detective in the NSW police Force I cannot recall with one exception, any high profile pedophile going to prison.
I am not talking about child sex killers or kidnappers like Bradley etc but actual community based pedophiles.
Franca Arena (Tina Areana's mother) tried to expose it in the MSW parliament and finished up ridiculed and incarcerated in a mental unit.
Pedophilia was a very powerful weapon in the cold war games where it was used to manipulate outcomes for government programs today it is a extremely profitable cash flow business for the select few who run it.
I have probabily said too much now but I am sure there are others out there who have a conscious awareness about the subject.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 26 July 2014 12:45:29 AM
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The US system of 'plea barganing' is well known as unjust, particularly towards the poor sections of society. Gives the law a great clean up rate, but thousands of "innocent" (and I do use that term loosely) people will plead guilty, trying to avoid a far more extreme penalty. I fail to see the correlation between the US legal system and the British legal system as applied in the Harris case.
Next thing you know Ludwig will come up with a web site that will claim, the police planted Rolf's 'Wobble Board' at the crime scene and produce a new star witness that saw "a three legged bearded man running away singing a catchy little ditty about a kangaroo!
I think its called clutching at straws.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 26 July 2014 8:10:18 AM
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<< When your article said "Hundreds of people have been exonerated through DNA testing." It does not mean that they were first found guilty and then exonerated. >>

Yes it does Paul, as with Michael Phillips:

You wrote:

<< Your mate in the article pleaded guilty, did he not? Strange! >>

R0bert, you replied:

<< Plea barganing, threatened with a very very long sentence and told it would be much shorter if he pleaded guilty, combined with knowing it was a black mans word against white girls word. I see why they do plea barganing but there is so much potential for it to be abused. >>

Exactly!.... which brings to light another sinister aspect of the legal system. I wonder how many innocent people have pleaded guilty when they haven’t actually been guilty, because they have been coerced into it or advised that it is the lesser of two evils, in a situation where there is no hope of them being found not guilty.

<< Somehow I don't think there was any chance of mistaken identity in the Harris case. >>

But there is plenty of possibility that the victim impact statements of the complainants were beat right up and that the effects on those girls, or some of them, were far less than asserted…. and that Harris’ contact with ‘C’ was of a mutual understanding.

POSSIBILITY I said. That’s all. Not saying it happened. I’m just considering the possibilities.

If those things are true, it wouldn’t exonerate him, but it would amount to considerable mitigating circumstances.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 26 July 2014 8:10:58 AM
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<< Next thing you know Ludwig will come up with a web site that will claim, the police planted Rolf's 'Wobble Board' at the crime scene and produce a new star witness that saw "a three legged bearded man running away singing a catchy little ditty about a kangaroo! >>


Have a great weekend Paul.

{ :>))
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 26 July 2014 8:35:17 AM
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Stalin's show trials of the 1930's and how they relate to good old Rolf. The Russians put people on trial, Britain put good old Rolf on trial, a similarity already. The Russians found people guilty, the British found good old Rolf guilty, another remarkable similarity. Stalin saw individuals as rivals to his leadership, what did Cameron see in good old Rolf, a threat to his leadership no doubt! He didn't actually say it, but there is no evidence he wasn't thinking it. The Russians put many in jail, the British put good old Rolf in jail, conclusive proof no less that there was a miscarriage of justice for both Russions and Rolf. I haven't even mentioned the fact that both Russians and Rolf both begin with the letter "R" and did any one also notice that the judge in the Rolf case, surname, started with "S" I ask you what does Stalin begin with hummm! More conclusive evidence of an unsafe verdict!
This can all be proven on a very reliable web site, I want everyone to go to that fantastic web site and have a good read of the proof I speak. once you have, like me you will be totally convinced by the evidence I present. Sorry, I clicked post before I could post a link to that fantastic web site, and unfortunately I'm up to 350 now, sorry OLO want let me post anymore than 350 words, so better luck next time, sorry about that.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 26 July 2014 4:20:41 PM
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"...and that Harris’ contact with ‘C’ was of a mutual understanding."

Still twisting poor old Rolf's culpability into something you think exccuses his actions.

It is against the law to sexually interfere with a minor.

"C" was a minor when Rolf initially sexually interfered with her.

Ergo, Rolf has been found guilty of that crime.

"POSSIBILITY I said. That’s all. Not saying it happened. I’m just considering the possibilities.

If those things are true, it wouldn’t exonerate him, but it would amount to considerable mitigating circumstances."

"C" was a child - and you are "again" suggesting that Harris's abuse of her may have been partially her fault.

You continue to insult our intelligence by pretending to be a neutral thinker on this subject...when it is patently clear to most us that this thread is merely a vehicle for you to make excuses for Harris's deliberate abuse of minors.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 26 July 2014 10:50:43 PM
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Poirot, there is such an enormous difference between you, R0bert and Paul. Even though there is strong disagreement, I can have a very good discussion with R0bert, and a pretty good discussion with Paul. And then there’s you, who seems incapable of keeping your cool and keeping the perspective when dealing with those with whom you disagree.

What you have done on this thread is to assert, many times, that I hold much stronger views which are much more geared towards ‘exonerating’ Harris than what I do, despite my frequently repeated statements about the context of what I am saying, which is no more than that one should consider the POSSIBILITIES that things could be quite different to what the court has found and to what the likes of yourself and many others perceive to be the case.

You have attributed a position to me that I just don’t hold, and then you lambast me for it!!


As I keep saying; this tells me so much about how many people think, and thus how things can get blown out of all proportion and result in people being convicted of much worse things than what they have actually done.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 27 July 2014 7:45:14 AM
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My position has always been that Harris was treated fairly in this matter. There is no evidence that those critical to the final outcome were in anyway prejudiced against him. Much of your argument in support of Harris is to read into, or speculate, that what is, is other than so. If you interfere with child, and in Harris's case it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt, you can question the verdict if you wish, then you suffer the consequences, end of story. You are yet to provide anything regarding the conduct of the trial or anything in the judges finding that is contradictory to the actual final outcome, Harris getting a sentence of 5 years and 9 months. If the judge had ordered Harris be taken out and hung, I would think that would be an extreme sentence and something not deserving, but the judge did not do that.
You said, in reference to the judge saying I AM SURE, he could have meant I am NOT sure, really typified your line of argument, it become nonsensical in the extreme. If an adult molests a child, then they are guilty of a crime in our society. It is immaterial as to what the child said or did at the time of molestation. The actions of the adult is criminal, nothing less. To give an analogy a bank robbery, if the teller hands the money over at the point of a gun, does it lessen the crime than if the robber had forceably took the money? No it does not.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 27 July 2014 9:00:51 AM
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Poirot, I've just read Ludwig's last post, and it dawned on me that he possesses an EXTREMELY manipulative, obsessive nature.

The result is that Ludwig obsessively manipulates every little twist and turn and spins it in a way that, in his mind, enables him to feign a high moral ground.

Imagine what it would be like to live with a man like that. We are lucky that we know him only through the anonymous internet. Manipulative men like that usually leave a trail of destruction in their personal lives.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 27 July 2014 5:41:25 PM
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Fortunately that is unlikely to be a problem, Jay123.

>>Imagine what it would be like to live with a man like that.<<

Here's Ludwig's opinion on the "horizontal tango", in his own words.

>>I’d rather be a single, free, non-HTist, nomadic beachbum who’s right into jogging, bushwalking and other good exercise... Nah… that old horizontal tango is very easy to beat in terms of adrenalin rush, endorphin-generation, health and wellbeing.<<

I suspect you would not be trampled in the rush to live with someone with that attitude to one of life's most delightful activities.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 27 July 2014 6:15:46 PM
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Ludwig "Poirot, there is such an enormous difference between you, R0bert and Paul."

Don't back me into a corner on that one, the differences may not be all that great. I hope my success in trying to keep my part of this discussion relatively civil has not been misconstrued as any kind of support for views you have posted here.

I generally try pretty hard to keep dialog civil (with occasional exceptions), this topic is not one that I have any great personal stake so perhaps its been somewhat easier for me than for Poirot to treat this all a little more casually. I've never to my knowledge been close to any child sexual abuse so there are no significant emotional triggers for me in this.

To be clear, I think you have done something quite different in this thread to exploring some what if's. Apart from all the what if's being in Harris's favor your repeated attempts to claim some mitigation by way of "consent" demonstates a massive lack of understanding of why we have laws about age of consent and the treatment of Harris groping even younger children as minor breaches disgusts me.

I don't know if its the life choices quoted earlier by Pericles that makes you so oblivious to the great harm done by vermin such as Harris and why your idea of consent in relation to some of those actions is so utterly flawed but suspect it could be significant. Maybe you just have not had enough closeness to childhood development as an adult responsible for the child to understand.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 27 July 2014 10:11:38 PM
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Ludwig, I concur with what R0bert has said. I agree with Poirot, that you have not been a neutral thinker on this subject at all. I will freely admit I can not find any mitigating circumstances for good old Rolf. I could not find any common ground with what you had to say.
I will say once more, Harris is not the worse pedophile ever discovered, that is obvious, but by saying that I cannot support Harris in anyway. He has been treated accordingly, got his 5 years and 9 months. end of story.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 28 July 2014 7:37:25 AM
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Well that’s a very useful and and relevant contribution to this debate Pericles…. NOT!

That’s tangential in the extreme to the subject at hand. Talk about being desperate to find something to use as a put-down.

And, what on earth is wrong with this if I choose to live in this way? …

>> I’d rather be a single, free, non-HTist, nomadic beachbum who’s right into jogging, bushwalking and other good exercise... Nah… that old horizontal tango is very easy to beat in terms of adrenalin rush, endorphin-generation, health and wellbeing. <<

What a silly post, from one who is clearly not interested in the subject at hand enough to actually be involved in the debate.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 28 July 2014 9:34:46 AM
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Well if you folks can’t admit to yourselves that Poirot was getting way out of line by projecting things that I had said to the end of the spectrum and asserting that my views were much stronger than what I was very carefully explaining them to be, then you’re not be being honest with yourselves.

And if you can’t admit to yourselves that there is a very real possibility, as there is in many many court cases, of things being somewhat different to what the judge and jury have declared them to be, then you are not thinking in a balanced manner.

I’m sure that at least R0bert and Paul can see this perfectly clearly. Then if they want to uphold their condemnation of Harris after having considered everything that I have put forward, then so be it. I respect that.

But Poirot’s stance is just extraordinary.

I remind people that there are others who think like I do about this whole subject and who have said so on this thread. For example, the post from Bec:

On 11 July I wrote:

"Regarding Count 2: ‘B’ in July 1978: Surely you don’t think that the six months jail time he got for simply squeezing this girls left buttock is appropriate. Surely that was utterly out of all proportion.

If the jury can find him guilty of this charge, and the judge can then declare it something warranting a prison sentence, then alarm bells ring for me about this whole process, and the very real POSSIBILITY that Harris has been too harshly dealt with overall.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 28 July 2014 9:37:49 AM
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You are lacking some credibility on this, Ludwig.

>>What a silly post, from one who is clearly not interested in the subject at hand enough to actually be involved in the debate.<<

As it happens, for reasons that I choose not to go into, I have followed every development in the case through the medium of someone who attended not only every day of the trial, but also the pre-trial hearings on the admissibility of various pieces of evidence. This has allowed me to compare this direct feedback with the mish-mash of contorted views that arrive through the press and TV reports.

The reason I have not been involved in the "debate" is simply because there is nothing to debate. There was a trial. He was found guilty by a unanimous jury on all twelve charges. He was given a sentence at the lower end of the spectrum by a judge who took into account the effect of incarceration on an old person, as well as the victim impact statements. Every argument was weighed by the judge, clearly and in detail. Justice was not only done, but patently seen to be done.

The only way you can "debate" any of this is to a) minimize the impact of his actions on the victims, b) blame the victims for leading him on, and c) claim that there's nothing particularly wrong with an older man sticking his fingers into an under-age girl's vagina.

Given your approach to all three of these, I consider my reference to your self-professed lifestyle highly relevant.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 28 July 2014 3:10:28 PM
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To all the people who don't agree with Ludwig's defence of the pedophilia of Harris:

Now Ludwig has just said that if you don't agree with "his" views, you're a dishonest person.

Ludwig also just said if you don't agree with "his" views, you are not a balanced person.
Posted by Jay123, Monday, 28 July 2014 3:15:14 PM
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Time for bed fellos. That is your own bed.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 28 July 2014 7:11:16 PM
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Well, well...I haven't been to OLO to comment for a couple of days...


"Well if you folks can’t admit to yourselves that Poirot was getting way out of line by projecting things that I had said to the end of the spectrum and asserting that my views were much stronger than what I was very carefully explaining them to be, then you’re not be being honest with yourselves."

As I said earlier, why are you making such a song and dance because I called you out on your faux neutrality...when it's clear that you are "projecting" exactly the same to the judge with his "I'm sure" comments?

The judge says one thing and you surmise that he meant the opposite...and you banged on about it as if you had found the smoking gun. Your assertion, of course, was entirely based on your own Rolf bias and had no foundation at all.

Are you out of line in that case?

(At least my suppositions are backed up the evidence of your own posts on this thread - not fantasy like yours on the judge)

"But Poirot’s stance is just extraordinary."

Nup..not even close.

What's extraordinary is that you have made around 75 posts on this thread...and all of them have been an attempt to mitigate or excuse Harris's abusive actions.

That's extraordinary!

For some odd reason, you appear to believe that your mitigations, excuses and blame shifts make sense...and you are baffled that "we" don't buy your logic.

You see we think that a grown man who knows that it is illegal to sexually interfere with young girls - should not interfere sexually with young girls.

It's simple really.

There is "no excuse" for a sane grown man to indulge in actions he "knows" are illegal.

I have no idea why you are going to such lengths to sound so biased and foolish.

(Btw, most entertaining watching you attempt to paint Poirot as "so much worse" than everyone else who has disagreed with you here. Interesting tactic - which apparently didn't work)
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 28 July 2014 11:01:03 PM
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chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 26 July 2014 12:45:29 AM, "There are highly organised pedophile rings operating in Australia. Whenever we got close to a high profile public figure or a very wealthy one in a 'kiddie crime' investigation there was always some impediment to the successful court closure of the crime"

I reckon and I hope I am wrong because the great majority of police are dedicated and earnest in the enforcement of laws, that Rolf Harris might have continued to avoid prosecution in Australia.

Police must be eyeing with suspicion those who have been trying to scuttle Operation Yewtree (and similar investigations in Oz), which would have kiddie fiddlers's weak at the knees.

What would be better would be for senior public bureaucrats (you know the departments) and politicians to look very carefully at those who have been lobbying to knobble Operation Yewtree, its investigators and sponsors.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 28 July 2014 11:23:38 PM
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My 'fiddlers's' should be 'fiddlers'. With apologies that I only correct the worst mistakes.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 28 July 2014 11:28:37 PM
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<< Ludwig, I concur with what R0bert has said. I agree with Poirot, that you have not been a neutral thinker on this subject at all. >>

That’s amazing Paul. So what would refer to as neutral thinking on this issue?

Someone who just thinks the absolute worst and takes what the jury and judge have declared as gospel?

Someone who just completely rejects all of the various things that I have raised?

Someone who is happy to see a person DESTROYED, who has done nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner… but with no injury, no physical force or deprivation of liberty, no rape…

...and all of which was one-off instances, except regarding one girl with whom he had numerous contacts and who continued to see him for many years after her childhood, which suggests very strongly that right from the start of those contacts that she was ‘at peace’ with it.

And apart from this episode, his actions were all conducted out in the open, to the extent that he gained a reputation as ‘The Octopus’, where there was ample opportunity for lots of people to make strong objections, and if they had he would presumably have ceased and desisted from those sort of activities.

Commentators readily acknowledge that he wasn’t the only ‘octopus’ by any means.

We know that much worse activities were happening in that era. A la: Savile. And we know of very much more serious pedophilic activity, conducted by high-profile people, in a highly organised manner.

There is no hint of Harris having been involved in this sort of organised crime.

Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:43:03 AM
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There is plenty of scope for the victim impact statements of one or more of Harris’ victims being exaggerated if not beat up out of all proportion.

The punishments for counts 1 & 2 seem way out of all proportion, and count 9 seems as though it should not have been deemed to be an offence at all.

There are all manner of other things that can affect children profoundly, such as my two personal examples:

These sorts of things are at least as irresponsible as Harris’ actions and yet practically nobody thinks anything of them. And even if the perpetrators were to get hauled up for repeatedly undertaking this sort of thing hundreds of times, they wouldn’t cop penalties anywhere near what Harris has copped.

Paul, THIS is neutral and balancing thinking.

To consider all of this stuff is to take a balanced approach. Failing to consider it is highly biased and unbalanced thinking. Considering all of this and then coming to the same conclusion that you reached before considering any of it is surely highly unbalanced thinking.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:44:43 AM
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Ludwig's latest defence of a man who was found guilty of indecently assaulting underage females:

"Someone who is happy to see a person DESTROYED, who has done nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner… but with no injury, no physical force or deprivation of liberty, no rape… "

Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 11:23:49 AM
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Regarding "C"...Harris did much much more "than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner…"

But, I've surmised "in your neutral and balanced" manner that poor old Rolf was not entirely to blame for that. He was apparently aided and abetted by the girl's inability to scream the house down when he first took liberties with her.

Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 11:29:01 AM
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Well of course someone who thinks like you would find the way I think unbelievable, Poirot.

And straight back atcha on that one!
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 12:08:14 PM
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Friendly advice, Ludwig.

When at the bottom of deep hole, stop digging.

Your credibility is zero. Your values are appalling. Your arguments are, frankly, staggering. Your empathy is non-existent (except when it comes to the fate of a dirty old man getting his just deserts). Your willingness to blame the victim is distasteful in the extreme. And your ability to uncover excuses for inexcusable acts is, frankly, very disturbing.

The natural assumption, I'm afraid, is that you would apply the same standards and "logic" to your own behaviour.

So, tell us. Would you?
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 12:25:53 PM
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"So, tell us. Would you?"

Pericles, I can't stop myself thinking that could read:

"So, tell us. Did you?"
Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 12:32:51 PM
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I wrote:

<< Someone who is happy to see a person DESTROYED, who has done nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner… but with no injury, no physical force or deprivation of liberty, no rape… >>

You said:

<< Gawd! >>

Gawd what, Poirot?

<< Regarding "C"...Harris did much much more "than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner… >>

Did you actually read my post…. or just very cursorily scan over it?

<< But, I've surmised "in your neutral and balanced" manner that poor old Rolf was not entirely to blame for that. He was apparently aided and abetted by the girl's inability to scream the house down when he first took liberties with her. Unbelievable.... >>

Unbelievable is right. As you seem incapable of not doing; you have again projected this to a ludicrous extent:

<< …the girl's inability to scream the house down when he first took liberties with her… >>

You have no idea if this was the case, nor anything like it, and yet you assert it in absolute terms.

In the very same sentence that you make this incredibly polarised and unbalanced statement, you are having a go at me for not thinking in a neutral and balanced manner!



Go suck an egg Pericles (and hopefully choke on it) (:>)
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 12:37:26 PM
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Hey Ludwig, I give you a chance to defend yourself, and what do I get?

>>Go suck an egg Pericles (and hopefully choke on it) (:>)<<

It is quite illuminating that you chose a kindergarten insult rather than actually answer the question.

But it was clearly an oversight, so I'll give you another shot at it.

The natural assumption, I'm afraid, is that you would apply the same standards and "logic" [with which you have supported Rolf Harris] to your own behaviour.

So, tell us. Would you?
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 2:35:51 PM
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"Gawd what, Poirot?"

That was in reply particularly to this portion of your odious sentence:

"....nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner…

Let me put it this is obvious to me what you think of Rolf's conviction and sentence.

That's your prerogative.

My critique at this stage of the thread proceedings is your constant bleating that you have treated this issue in a neutral fashion.

You have not.

You have been persistently and blatantly biased in your defence Harris's actions - often going to silly extremes of confected logic to make your point.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I take issue with your "pretence" of neutrality on the issue.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 2:51:30 PM
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Ludwig, I was careful to read Mr Justice Sweeney's remarks as published in the Harris case, in fact several times, during the course of our debate. I do not claim a great legal mind, but I do feel I am at least of average intelligence, so capable of formulating an opinion on the matter. There was nothing in Justice Sweeney's remarks that I thought I should take exception with.
<<Someone who just thinks the absolute worst and takes what the jury and judge have declared as gospel?>> I did say Harris is not the worse pedophile ever brought before a courts, and he was treated as such.
Its not a matter of taking what the judge and jury said as gospel, I was satisfied they had acted correctly, given the evidence as presented.
Harris was given a substantial discount on the maximum possible sentence, I consider the judge acted correctly by giving Harris that substantial sentencing discount. You seem to think Harris did little wrong and has been badly treated, I did not see his actions as trivial, to the extent you see them as trivial, I do not agree with you, and to say;
<< Someone who is happy to see a person DESTROYED, who has done nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner… but with no injury, no physical force or deprivation of liberty, no rape>> If there had been injury, physical force, deprivation of liberty and rape. I would expect Harris would be now doing substantially more time in prison than 5 years and 9 months!
This puts you well out of step with the general community attitude, and by saying that, you are simply an apologist for Harris, and by extension others of his ilk. Many on here are rightly finding your line of argument offensive. End of story. But you have the right to hold the views you do.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 8:11:51 PM
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Pericles, if ever you feel like contributing something meaningful to the debate, feel free.

Meanwhile, if you feel like just throwing personal slurs without in any way addressing the debate, feel free to do that as well.

Afterall, you are a whole lot better at the latter than the former.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:36:08 PM
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Poirot, you’ve got the worst case of foot-in-mouth disease that I’ve ever seen. You strongly SUPPORT my case every time you put finger to keyboard, with your incredibly polarised statements.

As I have said numerous times: you project the context of things I say to much stronger positions if not right to the end of the spectrum.

I thought that you were doing this just to boost your case against me, but it is now apparent that you just do it automatically… because that is how your brain works.

And again I say that I fear that many people thinking in a similar fashion can, perhaps inadvertently, beat a case against someone right up out of all proportion.

<< You have been persistently and blatantly biased in your defence Harris's actions - often going to silly extremes of confected logic to make your point. >>

I remind you for the umpteenth time that all I have done is look at the whole thing in a holistic manner, raising a whole lot of things that neither you nor anyone else who strongly condemns Harris would ever have even thought of if I hadn’t mentioned them…. and I am simply suggesting that there is a POSSIBILITY that some of these things could be quite significant and could indeed mean that Harris has been harshly dealt with…. POSSIBLY.

You don’t like this do you. You don’t want to accept this at all. You want to think the worst of me. You insist on thinking the worst of me.

And yet it is a perfectly fair and reasonable… and balanced… and neutral thing for me, or anyone, to have done.

To not consider all these things, and worse: to close your eyes to them when they are brought your attention… is about as un-neutral as you can get.

<< I take issue with your "pretence" of neutrality on the issue. >>

You are the last person on the planet who should be talking about the pretence of neutrality.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:41:04 PM
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Thanks Paul for a well-considered response.

I’ll just say again that I don’t have a problem with the penalty that Harris has received. So, given that, how far out step am I really?

<< This puts you well out of step with the general community attitude… >>

Are you out there talking to other people about this issue? I am and have been right from the start of the issue, long before I put up this thread. I can say that from my conversations I am not out of step with the general community attitude at all.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:42:02 PM
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We all have our opinions on this, Ludwig.

>>Pericles, if ever you feel like contributing something meaningful to the debate, feel free.<<

And my opinion is that it would be a substantial contribution to the "debate", if you were to answer this question.

>>The natural assumption, I'm afraid, is that you would apply the same standards and "logic" [with which you have supported Rolf Harris] to your own behaviour. So, tell us. Would you?<<

The reason being, of course, that if you do not apply the same lax moral standards to your own behaviour, then you are being highly inconsistent (I'm being polite here) in insisting that they must apply to the conduct of Rolf Harris.

If you do in fact believe that his is conduct worthy only of a light tap over the knuckles, then we have learned something about your standards that most elegantly explain the tone of your many contributions to this thread.

So, tell us, which is it?
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:46:23 PM
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Ludwig, I too have spoken to friends and family members about Harris. The general feeling has been one of shock, dismay and anger. Shock finding out Rolf was not the warm and loveable guy his public persona portrayed, dismay that this had gone on for years and had not been uncovered, and anger at being let down by one who was generally admired. I did not come across any sympathy for Harris at all.
With you saying;
<<Someone who is happy to see a person DESTROYED, who has done nothing more than opportunistically and quickly touch a few girls (perhaps many girls), in an inappropriate manner>> I found that statement by you underscored the seriousness (that the community views) Harris's offences. I though that statement put you out of step with community attitude. The attitude I found was not one of "poor old Rolf" but rather one of "dirty old Rolf". Surprisingly two of my friends who if anyone would support Harris it would be them, well educated, very liberal mined, strong on social justice, they too had little sympathy for Harris and like me thought he had been treated fairly and with all due consideration. I actually found the reaction of men to be harsher than that of women. With my son who has a daughter of that age, identifying what Harris had done on a personal level, seeing it very much in terms of anger, my daughter-in-law on the other hqand, was far more circumspect seeing it more as a tragedy, but still without sympathy for Harris.
If Harris died tomorrow, some would rejoice, but the vast majority would simply say oh well, I think only a few would shed a tear.
From all this i will add there is no winners, only looser's, Harris is a looser, as is his family, the victims are looser's as is society in general, Harris was once seen as worthwhile, now he is not, that is a sad loss in itself.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 8:02:55 AM
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"And again I say that I fear that many people thinking in a similar fashion can, perhaps inadvertently, beat a case against someone right up out of all proportion."

Erm...I've mentioned that when Harris was first charged, his reputation and my idea of him was so entrenched that I figured there had somehow been a mistake - and that it would all be sorted out.

Thinking back now, I should have known that he wouldn't have been charged if the authorities had not had considerable evidence of his wrongdoings.

I am stating my case here resting on what I know of the evidence given at the trial. That influences my argument.

You, on the other hand, rest your argument on your own ideas of what constitutes abuse (and it appears to differ from the norm in our society). You also base your argument on doubting the motives and the meaning of words from the judge and the victims.

You are the one who is projecting all kinds of fantasy scenarios and labling them "Possibilities". I'm going on the "actualities I have gleaned from the trial.

"<< I take issue with your "pretence" of neutrality on the issue. >>

You are the last person on the planet who should be talking about the pretence of neutrality."

I have not claimed "neutrality" on Harris (after apprising myself of the trial detail).

You have claimed such - and your argument derives entirely from the opposite stance.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 8:58:32 AM
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Thanks again Paul for a well-reasoned post that is highly relevant to the discussion… in absolute contrast to Pericles.

It is interesting to gain your perspective of how others to whom you have spoken view this issue.

My conversations have certainly resulted in a quite different perspective.

I can’t help thinking that there are indeed many people out there who feel very similarly about this to me. Some of those to whom I have sporken harbor a great deal of fear about the apparent mismatch between Harris’ actions and his overall penalty (including all the non-court-imposed stuff like the revocation of awards and removal of his artwork). But they dare not speak out in any more than a one-on-one basis, because the atmosphere is just so hostile to it at the moment.

I think that if Harris was to die in prison, or at home after release in a few years time, and after Operation Yewtree and the overall ‘pedophile purge’ has been completed and we have a much better overall perspective of the whole sordid business, then the atmosphere will be much more amenable to a close examination of all the sorts of things that I have raised in this thread.

Only time will tell I guess.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:10:17 AM
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One can only ask, why should they feel this way, Ludwig.

>>Some of those to whom I have sporken harbor a great deal of fear about the apparent mismatch between Harris’ actions and his overall penalty<<

You use the word "fear". What might they fear, Ludwig?

Let's recap. Your contention is...

>>It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that... I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour<<

Do they perhaps fear that they might be similarly judged?

Which is why I think it is entirely relevant to ask you whether you would feel similarly hard done by, if you perpetrated the same filthy acts.

Feel free to say "but of course I wouldn't even consider sticking my fingers in a young girl's vagina".

At which point it is equally reasonable to ask why, then, have you spent so much time and energy in defence of someone who did?
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:41:18 AM
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Ludwig, in another time and another place the actions of Harris may have been viewed differently, in fact they might have been seen as "normal" I understand in Ancient Greece pedophilia was somewhat accepted. Well, we are not in Ancient Greece now and our society's view of pedophilia is vastly different. That is not to say, that in the future society may again see it differently. An analogy, gay marriage, 50 years ago it would have been universally condemned, and those supporting it would hvae been out of step with social thinking of the time. Today the view on gay marriage is somewhat different with a far bigger section of society fully supporting the concept. By the way, I am proud to say I have attended a totally legal gay marriage, two friends of ours married in NZ recently. Some would condemn us as perverse for our attendance, but we found it a rather beautiful occasion.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 11:34:54 AM
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Paul, I certainly have no problem with gay marriage. But yes, many do have a big issue with it…. and of course it would have been unthinkable a couple of decades ago, and remains unconscionable for many.

It is indeed quite fascinating how our values and perspectives change over time, and how they vary in different societies and cultures around the world.

It is interesting that corporal punishment in schools is frowned on if not completely banned these days, and yet it was standard practice in the 70s when I was at school.

The one and only time I copped it, which was directly as a result of the deputy headmaster not giving a stuffing hoot about who was guilty or who was the victim of bullying and just deciding to cane the both of us, bully and victim equally, was a seminal moment in my life, as I have mentioned a couple of times on this thread.

It is every bit as significant as the worst of Harris’ antics. It is every bit as irresponsible. And the perpetrator should have faced a penalty at least as severe.

And yet it received I think only one response, from Poirot, who effectively downplayed it. I would have thought that Poirot, more so than anyone else, would have appreciated the significance of this sort of thing. But there you go.

There are all manner of things out there which can have an enormous effect on children. Those who have contributed to this thread can no doubt appreciate some of them. But other things go completely unrecognised. The sort of stuff that Harris got up to is held up as being way more serious than this other stuff. Well sorry, but in the bigger scheme of things, it isn’t more serious than many other things, for which perpetrators never get brought to account for.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 31 July 2014 7:21:33 PM
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<< Thinking back now, I should have known that he wouldn't have been charged if the authorities had not had considerable evidence of his wrongdoings. >>

Hold on Poirot, what about those that have been charged under Operation Yewtree and then aquitted.. and all those accused that were then not charged?

< Stephen Fry criticised the operation, pointing out that fewer than half of those accused at the time had been found guilty, and called for tougher laws to prevent false sex abuse allegations. >

Poirot, you are continuing to make polarised statements just as strongly as ever:

<< You are the one who is projecting all kinds of fantasy scenarios and labling them "Possibilities" >>

And this interesting:

<< I have not claimed "neutrality" on Harris… >>

Really? Well… then what ARE you claiming? And how can you be so critical of me for apparently not being neutral if you are consciously and deliberately not being neutral??
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 31 July 2014 9:54:43 PM
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We are discussing the trial and conviction of Harris.

I'm not required to be bloody "neutral".

You are playing us for bunnies by pretending to be neutral,

You are not think poor Rolf was hard done by.

And you have hopped about continuously on this thread raising dubious scenarios and points as if any of them had a leg to stand on under the laws of most of the Western world.

You appear to think touching up young girls is just fine...sorry but the law says differently.

End of story.

If evidence had come to light that exonerated him, then I'd be right behind him.

It would have had to have been overwhelming because according to him "They were 'all' making it up".

No remorse, no nothing, just a ditty in the witness box and blanket denial.

What a man!

Shame on him!
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 31 July 2014 10:32:16 PM
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<< You appear to think touching up young girls is just fine... >>

That goes beyond your normal polarised statements Poirot, into territory that you ABSOLUTELY KNOW is not true.

Shame on you.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 31 July 2014 10:39:26 PM
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All right Ludwig,

WHAT I MEANT was that you appear to think it's all right that Rolf Harris touched up girls.

I apologise if it came out otherwise. Pericles has mentioned:

"At which point it is equally reasonable to ask why, then, have you spent so much time and energy in defence of someone who did?"
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 1 August 2014 12:05:20 AM
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Pedophilia is indeed a very serious charge, people can go to jail for a very long time for such actions, etc. You rightly say, and I agree, when accusations of this kind are leveled they have to be dealt with, with extreme caution. I believe in this case Harris was treated correctly as far as possible, given he is a high profile individual. I can not accept the lines of argument that says, others are doing the same thing and getting away with it, or some other crime is just as bad and people got away with that. Those lines of argument are irrelevant to the matter at hand and no court rightly will accept that kind of defense.
You did say; << It is indeed quite fascinating how our values and perspectives change over time, and how they vary in different societies and cultures around the world.>> That is true, but what is relevant here is what applies at this time, and in this society. On that criteria alone Harris has been found guilty of very serious offences and has received a substantial penalty (I note the authorities in Britain are not going to contest that penalty, with the view of extending it).
I believe we are a better society, although a more painful society, today because we can own up to the facts that such disgusting people as Harris exist today and have in the past, and we can now deal with them appropriately but painfully, something we just could not bring ourselves to do previously. Not that society condoned pedophilia in those days, it simply tried to hide it, the Catholic Church is a prime example of that fact.
I can not defend what you have said, and you have come across on this as a defender of Harris's action, and by default the actions of pedophiles per-se, and that has got you a fair amount of condemnation from others, including me.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 August 2014 5:29:18 AM
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You may have only wanted to "liven" the debate with your posts, and you have achieved that, but in doing so you present yourself extremely badly.
I attended Catholic school in the 1950's and 60's and was caned and belted repeatedly by nuns and brothers, something that they certainly would not get away with today. but that's another subject altogether.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 August 2014 5:30:00 AM
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Thanks Poirot.

I don’t see my position so much as defending Harris. It is more a case trying to put it in context.

I started out in the same position as you when the news broke and when the jury brought down its verdict. We diverged after reading the judge’s sentencing remarks. You saw his comments as being totally good and proper, while I saw a whole series of potentially disturbing things, including a couple that just rang very loud alarm bells for me.

For example:

Nine months for Count 1, which was a first offence, is just outrageous.

Six months for Count 2 – the simple squeezing of a girls buttock, goes beyond outrageous into the realms of preposterousness.

And the nature of his relationship with ‘C’

Then what is one supposed to make of the prison time for half the charges being concurrent, and hence amounting to no penalty… and then the prison sentence being effectively halved, as he is only required to spend 50% of it in jail… which effectively means that he is being penalised for the equivalent of only 3 of the 12 charges against him?

Ultimately I think that his sentence is reasonable, as everyone else seems to. But we have arrived at that view in quite different ways.

As I have said: exploring all the aspects of this case which could POSSIBLY be interpreted differently or which could POSSIBLY not be as they have been purported to be, is a perfectly good and proper thing to do.

It is really very saddening that I have copped such beating around the head on this thread for doing this.

By way of comparison with the nature of Counts 1 & 2, I think that the mongrel who caned me at primary school in ~1970, should have copped about five years jail time, just for that one action, and about another five or so, because it was clearly standard practice for him to do that, and it is most probable that he did it many times to other innocent kids.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 1 August 2014 5:56:24 AM
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Ludwig, I copped some vile canings at schools as well. The first of them while I was still 4 years old (and not for anything that could validly be considered an offence), if ever these was a person I'd like to have had some one on one time with as an adult it would be that vile critter.

I suspect if my parents had believed that I'd been caned at the time my father would have ended up in jail, they got confirmation of of the caning via other means many years later. At the time though teachers were allowed to cane, there did not appear to be any safeguards around that process to keep the fruit loops restrained. Society has learned a bit from those kind of abuses that far to many of us suffered from as children and teachers no longer have the power to inflict physical punishment on children. At the time it was legal and to an extent socially accepted so there is no legal recourse against those who used it as an opportunity to abuse.

As has been pointed out Harris actions were not legal nor generally socially acceptable and something can be done about it.

Not sure how much I want to bother debating the claims you keep making anymore, you continue to base what you are posting here on an apparnt belief that what Harris did was not all that bad which is not a view others of us share. There does not appear to be a shared understanding of childhood development.

The concept of a first offence having some bearing in the consequences in Harrris case seems like a nonsence, he kept on abusing children for many years after. First offence makes some sense as a wakeup call for someone who appears to have only offended once, shows some remorse and is dealt with quickly, it has no valid meaning for a long term offender.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:07:13 AM
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That's your problem Ludwig, right there...

>>I don’t see my position so much as defending Harris. It is more a case trying to put it in context.<<

As the perceptive Rabbie Burns once said, "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion".

Your personal "foolish notion" in this case is that by making so many statements in defence of the indefensible, you associated yourself with the acts themselves. Retrospectively attempting to justify such a stance by claiming that you were merely "interpreting" the judgment simply does not wash, I'm afraid.

I doubt very much whether you are a closet paedophile, Ludwig, or even an active one for that matter. But it is a better image all round to join the majority who view Rolf Harris' actions as deserving of every punishment society can deliver (up to and including being in a cell with a twenty-stone tattooed father-of-a-teenage daughter), than to continue to protest that "the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.".
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 1 August 2014 9:46:51 AM
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<< I can not accept the lines of argument that says, others are doing the same thing and getting away with it, or some other crime is just as bad and people got away with that. Those lines of argument are irrelevant to the matter at hand and no court rightly will accept that kind of defense. >>

Paul, they are not relevant to the actual proceedings in a court case such as that of Harris. But they are very much worthwhile mentioning in order to put Harris’ actions into context with all the things that can impact on children.

I think that there is a great deal of very narrow thinking going on on this thread. There is a huge need for a bit of perspective.

Unfortunately though, my exploring of this wider perspective just gets nothing but condemnation from some.

<< …you have come across on this as a defender of Harris's action, and by default the actions of pedophiles per-se, and that has got you a fair amount of condemnation from others, including me. >>

<< You may have only wanted to "liven" the debate with your posts, and you have achieved that, but in doing so you present yourself extremely badly. >>

So Paul, how could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking like this about me?

Would it have even been possible?

Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

This is a very important point.

I think I have raised issues in a totally proper manner, and constantly reasserted that we should all be considering them as POSSIBILITIES only.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 2 August 2014 9:49:14 AM
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<< At the time it was legal and to an extent socially accepted so there is no legal recourse against those who used it as an opportunity to abuse. >>

Robert, I think you might find that the caning I received was not legal. There has always been a responsibility of care on those in positions to use corporal punishment, and if it could be shown that they totally misused it, as with the caning of an innocent child who was the victim of bullying, then that person would have broken the law, surely.

I say ‘surely’, which effectively means that all logic indicates that this would be the case, but I am not absolutely sure that it actually is or ever was.

<< Harris actions were not legal nor generally socially acceptable and something can be done about it. >>

Yes…. But….. He did it very openly, gained a reputation for it….. and was allowed to continue doing it.

It makes no sense to me that his actions could now be deemed to be so utterly disgusting, while for all the years that he was doing this stuff, it never got him into trouble, at all, whatsoever.

You can’t explain this away by simply saying that all the girls he touched felt completely powerless to even mention it to their mothers or anyone else who could have done something about it, if they’d felt it serious enough to warrant it. Surely if he had gained a reputation for doing things that people felt were beyond the pale, then someone would have acted strongly in accordance, somewhere along the line of all those years.

<< The concept of a first offence having some bearing in the consequences in Harrris case seems like a nonsence… >>

Ok, I respect your views on that point.

So, what about count 2? Six months prison time for simply squeezing a girl’s buttock?
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 2 August 2014 10:10:35 AM
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You still don't get it, do you Ludwig.

>>So, what about count 2? Six months prison time for simply squeezing a girl’s buttock?<<

When you're in a hole, it is generally best to stop digging. If you genuinely wanted to go "exploring of this wider perspective", there are ways to do so that do not involve the exculpation of a dirty old man who systematically groped and fingered young children.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 2 August 2014 10:49:26 AM
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When it comes to this crime and crime in general, it is important that the law makers and the judiciary are seen to be applying those standards that the community expects. You have a view, which is perceived as seeing some acts of pedophilia as being a minor misdemeanor, rather than a criminal offence.
The mistake I believe you are making is to base your whole arguement on a one liner eg. <<So, what about count 2? Six months prison time for simply squeezing a girl’s buttock?>> The case and the evidence was far more complex than that. That is why I rely on the judgement being correct.

If the case was nothing more than this;

Witness; "Your Honour, he squeezed my buttocks"
Judge; "Did you?"
Plaintiff; "No!"
Judge; "Guilty, 9 months jail!"

If that was all it was, and it wasn't, then yes a very shabby case, but no it was far more complex that that simplistic bit above. the judge applied far more complexity than that, coming up with the correct outcome.
You have every right to explore pedophilia in the context of how it is treated by society. I agree it is something that has be be kept in prospective, just like any offence should be. That is why Harris was treated in the particular way he was. The penalty is somewhat arbitrary, but having said that the judge just didn't pluck a figure out of the air an apply it to Harris. There was a massive amount of consideration given before imposing the penalty. Correct procedure has be followed and to argue otherwise is simply wrong. but keep trying if you want.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 August 2014 12:18:26 PM
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"Yes…. But….. He did it very openly, gained a reputation for it….. and was allowed to continue doing it."

I think that line of reasoning applies to his adult victims - and even then he usually groped when the opportunity arose that he and his victim were alone.

I'm sure he went to considerable measures to mask his groping of young girls. Can you imagine him "openly" feeling them up?

And remember, according to him "They were all making it up"

The fact that it took so long for him to be brought to justice is complex, and much of that rests on his fame and reputation. Pericles posted an article where his victim even wrote to the Queen when Rolf was doing her portrait...but nothing happened because of the impenetrable fortress of Harris's reputation as a nice guy.

So he wasn't touching up young girls "openly". His was a case of a sly hand under the skirt, down the top or whichever method presented itself as the opportunities arose...that's not "openly" - that's feeling up young girls on the sly.

If he had have been abusing young girls "openly", he would been arrested and charged much quicker.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 2 August 2014 2:36:36 PM
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<< You have every right to explore pedophilia in the context of how it is treated by society. I agree it is something that has be be kept in prospective, just like any offence should be.>>

Thankyou Paul.

The mistake I believe you are making is to base your whole arguement on a one liner eg. <<So, what about count 2? Six months prison time for simply squeezing a girl’s buttock?>>

Well that is a perplexing statement. I have clearly stated that my whole premise (I wouldn’t call it an argument) is based on looking at a whole series of things with the POSSIBILITIES of viewing them differently and thus forming a different impression of Harris where a different penalty (or no penalty for some of the charges) could POSSIBLY be more appropriate. I have tried to look at it in a holistic manner, or at least in a manner that is whole lot broader than just simple one-line single issues.

<< The case and the evidence was far more complex than that. That is why I rely on the judgement being correct. >>

The whole case was complex, but the circumstances of Count 2 weren’t at all.

Judge Sweeney said:

< With the exception of ‘C’ the offences were brief and opportunistic. >

There was nothing in the slightest bit complex about that particular issue.

Six months in prison for that offence is just simply amazing. If it had happened in the absence of the other offences, then surely no judge would have deemed that to be an appropriate penalty, not anything like it.

So, one could assume that because of Harris’ other misdemeanours, he copped a much bigger penalty for this one than he otherwise would have.

I think there is something quite disturbing about that.

<< Correct procedure has be followed and to argue otherwise is simply wrong. But keep trying if you want. >>

No it isn’t wrong at all to argue or question the process or express views contrary to what a judge, jury and rigorous court process have demonstrated. It happens all the time.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 3 August 2014 9:11:48 AM
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"Six months in prison for that offence is just simply amazing. If it had happened in the absence of the other offences, then surely no judge would have deemed that to be an appropriate penalty, not anything like it."

But it didn't happen in isolation.

It was exposed during a trial that encompassed many instances of indecent assault of young girls.

He was found guilty of that charge.

You carry on as if it was "an isolated incident"

It wasn't.

If all he'd been had up for was the "one" opportunistic grope - then it would have been different.

But in light of the evidence shining a light on his serial groping and full-on abuse, all tried at the same trial - why are you surprised that he copped a decent penalty for one of the actions?

You appear to be fossicking around the edges of Harri's abuse field attempting to discover some angle to mitigated him.

Waffling on a about a grope being next to nothing if it had happened by itself is silly - when it was shown to be one of a series of dubious actions and abuses by Harris all within the ambit of the trial.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:31:55 AM
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People, Ludwig has not budged ONE INCH. He will NEVER change. Arguing points with him is USELESS. It makes him the centre of attention, and in his immature mind it makes him feel EMPOWERED.

Ludwig has nothing but disdain for your views, unless you change those views to reflect "his" views. So, let's bring this discussion down to Ludwig's level with a comment based on the very words that Ludwig himself used when he lost control against someone who didn't share "his" views --- "Go suck an egg Ludwig and hopefully choke on it" (I have received confirmation from the moderator that such a phrase is acceptable on this forum).

People, why are you making Ludwig feel, in his own immature mind, EMPOWERED?

Ludwig is a lost cause. People like him are incapable of change. One member contacted me and informed me that Ludwig has no children. Thank goodness for that. We need to protect our children from people like Harris and his handful of supporters.
Posted by Jay123, Sunday, 3 August 2014 1:09:29 PM
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This stream of posts is becoming like a hollow tooth, one knows what will happen but....
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 3 August 2014 6:25:18 PM
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<< I'm sure he went to considerable measures to mask his groping of young girls. Can you imagine him "openly" feeling them up? >>

Poirot, the judge makes reference to others being present while he was doing this stuff. See his comments in the sentencing remarks regarding Counts 1, 2 & 10, and other nearby with Counts 11 & 12.

I can’t see how he could really mask these actions. It was more a matter of them not being thought of as harmful and just as being a bit cheeky?? Maybe. I don’t know.

<< If he had have been abusing young girls "openly", he would been arrested and charged much quicker. >>

He wasn’t exactly doing it in a particularly closeted manner. He just simply couldn’t have gained a reputation as ‘The Octopus’ if he was acting in a highly surreptitious and masked manner. Sly, certainly, but not so sly as to not be noticed by adults some of the time ??

I think it is more a case of the comparatively very minor (but yes, still significant) nature of what he was doing which allowed him to get away with it.

Obviously we don’t know. We are both just conjecturing here. You might be totally right. But we do need to consider other possibilities.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 9:48:09 AM
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<< Waffling on a about a grope being next to nothing if it had happened by itself is silly - when it was shown to be one of a series of dubious actions and abuses by Harris all within the ambit of the trial. >>

Poirot, six months jail time for the simple quick opportunistic squeeze of a girl’s buttock is surely outrageous in anyone’s terms.

It has surely got to make you think about what was really going on in that courtroom or in the judge’s head! It suggests to me that the mindset was one of utter condemnation of Harris for anything that they could possibly hold against him.

I’m not looking at it in isolation. I have also mentioned the nine month jail term for Count 1, which I similarly think is outrageously large, the nature of Harris’ relationship with ‘C’, which I think could very likely have been quite different to the manner in the judge described it, and the veracity of the victim’s impact statements.

In other words; I am looking at the six month penalty for Count 2 in a holistic manner.

Again I say that this is just one of quite a few things that have rung alarm bells for me.

And again I express my amazement at the incredible difference between the nature of this OLO discussion and those which I have had face to face with people in the real world. They are just poles apart.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 9:51:15 AM
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I asked Paul:

How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

Would it have even been possible?

Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

Would anyone else care to address these questions…..
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 9:52:20 AM
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Interesting point, Ludwig.

>>And again I express my amazement at the incredible difference between the nature of this OLO discussion and those which I have had face to face with people in the real world. They are just poles apart.<<

So we can infer that you do not consider OLO to be part of "the real world".

Which leads us to the question, what do you actually see as "the real world"? Presumably, it is a place where the Rolf Harrises of this world can freely grope and stick fingers into children without people raising anything more than an indulgent eyebrow - "hey, it's only old Rolfie up to his tricks again."

I suspect you may be a long way from what most of us would describe as "civilization" - a word that incorporates the concept of civility, and encompasses civilized behaviour.

I know that I may be reflecting somewhat more urban values, Ludwig, but amongst those with whom I have discussed the case face to face, there is one hundred percent agreement that not only did the dirty old man get an exceptionally fair hearing, but also that he was given a punishment vastly under-weighted against the harm and distress that he caused through his disgusting actions.

That's one hundred percent. Not one single voice, male or female, has been raised in his defence down here in the wicked city. In fact, it is only here on OLO that I find any argument that he was badly done by.

And not many of those, either.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 4 August 2014 12:44:01 PM
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Dear Ludwig: You ask: How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

Very easily! Instead of your first post:

"I was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term.
Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up. It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that. He apparently did it openly, and gained a reputation for it. Even though he was known as The Octopus as a result of this, he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort. It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women. Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus. I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here."

Maybe a more neutral stance?

"Rolf Harris's trial is an opportunity to explore attitudes to a wide range of behaviour from outright pedophilia to what some may call just a bit of groping. Where should the line be drawn, with respect to legal action? Have attitudes changed?"

This would have encourage a balanced discussion, without your personal view (that Harris got a raw deal) becoming the topic. You might have then found it easier to accept the consensus of comments rather than feeling obliged to defend yourself to the death.
Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 4 August 2014 1:31:27 PM
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Cossomby, society can only be thankful that Ludwig is not a parent.
Posted by Jay123, Monday, 4 August 2014 2:07:34 PM
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"Poirot, the judge makes reference to others being present while he was doing this stuff. See his comments in the sentencing remarks regarding Counts 1, 2 & 10, and other nearby with Counts 11 & 12.

So, you appear to be saying that it was all "in the open" and that other people were aware of his actions as he was putting his hand up the skirt of the 8 year-old....when he accosted the young girl at the hotel by putting his hand on her knickers and later when he further accosted her in the hall outside the toilet (where, presumably, she had fled after his first indulgence for sanctuary)?

Nooo....these actions were "not" in the open. They were slyly enacted while he was in the company of other adults.(Some abusers like the extra thrill of committing their abuses when in company) Can you imagine him doing it in the open! Directing others to his abuse while doing it?

He'd be arrested faster than you could say "Who's a dirty old man who thinks his fame can protect him?"

And I agree with Pericles. I haven't come across one person who has defended Harris since the detail of transgressions came out at the trial.

"You might be totally right. But we do need to consider other possibilities."

No we don't. He was fairly tried and was found guilty - and received a reasonably light sentence.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 4 August 2014 2:33:47 PM
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Ludwig, its time to move on, so I've got a few new topics for you to kick the discussion off with, take your pick.


Like I said, you can kick the discussion off by showing your support for any of the above. LOL
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 4 August 2014 6:47:56 PM
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Thanks Cossomby.

But I doubt that would have made a hoot of difference.

It would seem that the very suggestion that Harris might POSSIBLY have been more harshly dealt with than he should have been, and the mere questioning of ANYTHING in the judge’s sentencing remarks, were just completely taboo.

<< Maybe a more neutral stance? >>

This is the Online OPINION Forum…. where one is SUPPOSED to put up their opinion, rather than just introduce a subject in as neutral a manner as possible.

Don’t ALL general threads, or at least the majority, start off with someone’s opinion?

And while we are talking about OLO; people are supposed to debate things in a non-personal and non-derogatory manner. To stoop to personal slander or trying to take the discussion into personal territory, is fundamentally against the principles of this forum, is it not? And as for the constant flaming by one particular poster, who violates forum rule No 2 with every post…

Cossomby, I think that my opening post is just fine, as has been my conduct throughout this thread… in stark contrast to some.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 8:06:59 PM
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I said:

<< You might be totally right. But we do need to consider other possibilities. >>

Poirot you replied:

<< No we don't. He was fairly tried and was found guilty - and received a reasonably light sentence. >>

Wonderful! Well keep those blinkers on then.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 8:13:59 PM
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Paul, one moment you are carefully considering what I am saying and debating it in a good and well-considered and almost friendly manner. And the next moment you are writing a complete clanger of a post, like your last one.

You have agreed that Harris’ misdemeanours were at the light end of the scale of pedophilia, molestation and child-touching.

So then, what's this about Milat, Hitler and Manson?

Very unfortunate comments.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 4 August 2014 8:18:37 PM
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Absolutely right, Ludwig.

>>Don’t ALL general threads, or at least the majority, start off with someone’s opinion?<<

And your opinion was that "the worst of it was a bit of groping".

And, "It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women."

The fact that you haven't resiled from that view one iota for the entire length of the thread, hardly indicates an open mind. In fact, you went further, on a number of occasions.

>>I often feel as though the sort of things he did are just par for the course<<

You even felt it reasonable to indulge in a bout of "blame the victim"for a while. But for me, this is the one statement of yours that says it all:

>>Complete condemnation for lower-end-of-the-spectrum offences is just terribly unbalanced. Just think about that in relation to all manner of other offences. Littering. Speeding. Stealing, etc, etc. Why should pedophilic / child-molestation / child touching offences be viewed differently to everything else in this regard?<<

To compare Rolf's disgusting behaviour to dropping a Big Mac wrapper in the street says more about your moral compass, Ludwig, than you can ever know.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 4 August 2014 10:18:00 PM
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Ludwig, I don't like to go page after page with grinding serious stuff, its depressing, so now and then I'll throw in some bit of flippant nonsense, tomfoolery you may call it, its only my warped sense of humor. We need a reality check, now and then otherwise we are in danger of taking ourselves far too serious. Remember there are no 'sheep stations' to be won at the end of the battle, its just a few lads having a discussion between ourselves.
I beg your forgiveness I don't mean to offend. I do believe we need to see the lighter side of things at times. Cheers my friend. As for Milat, Hitler and Manson, I liken you to a 'Don Quixote' type character, trying to argue the impossible, for what is after all an impossible cause, like the bloke who would try and argue "Mother Teresa was a Bad Woman!" Its called taking on the most unpopular causes and then trying to make a logical argument about it, in the end you just can't do it. Do you see that, no matter how good your argument is you are never going to overcome the innate prejudices within the subject. i'll give it to you, you have tried.
Now back to the discussion,
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 4 August 2014 10:38:36 PM
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Ludwig, the community at large takes a very dim view of crimes against the most vulnerable members of the community, and children would top the list, followed by the elderly, the infirmed, the mentally retarded etc. With pedophilia being seen as the despicable crime it is, its very difficult to equate the sentence to the actions, part of the sentence is based on community expectations, the harm done to the vulnerable children, thus for Harris it was 5 years and 9 months in total, with only a very small part of that sentence being imposed for the actual physical actions, Harris did things that consenting adults do to each other every day of the week, so the actions in isolation are common place. Harris by his actions with non consenting children, and they could not consent even if they had agreed, crossed the line of no return, there is no way he will ever be able to redeem himself, no matter how long he lives, he will forever be remembered as a pedophile.
If Harris had committed, say a financial crime, ripped millions off the tax system, in time he would have been able to redeem himself in the eyes of the community, make restitution for his crime, but with this one he can't.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 7:30:31 AM
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Ludwig wrote this, "people are supposed to debate things in a non personal and non derogatory manner. To stoop to personal slander or trying to take the discussion into personal territory is fundamentally against the principles of this forum".

Ludwig "conveniently" neglected to say that he himself has written the following abuse in this topic, directed towards forum members:

"Well keep those blinkers on then" ... personal abuse directed at Poirot.

"Go suck an egg Pericles and hopefully choke on it".

"The likes of Is Mise"

"That goes beyond your normal polarised statements Poirot".

"You are not thinking in a balanced manner".

"Talk about being desperate" ... a personal put down to Poirot.

"But not a trace of brains to be seen anywhere" ...personal abuse directed at a forum member.

"That's a wonky conclusion".

"You're way worse than I thought. Very polarised and blinkered".

These are examples of an abusive Ludwig from a mere 20 pages out of 80 pages. I got tired of reading Ludwig's personal abuse against forum members, so I quit looking after 20 pages.
Posted by Jay123, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 2:46:26 PM
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"....people are supposed to debate things in a non personal and non derogatory manner. To stoop to personal slander or trying to take the discussion into personal territory is fundamentally against the principles of this forum"

Yes, Jay, I must admit to a bit of a chuckle over that little gem of hypocrisy.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 3:35:30 PM
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<< I beg your forgiveness I don't mean to offend. I do believe we need to see the lighter side of things at times. Cheers my friend. >>

Thanks Paul. Much appreciated.

I was thinking about your comments after I had posted my response and it had occurred to me that you probably had no ill-intent and that I had only seen the worst possible interpretation.

<< Do you see that, no matter how good your argument is you are never going to overcome the innate prejudices within the subject… >>


Thankyou very much indeed for that.

I was just writing a post along the lines of this thought, going into some considerable detail of how people react to unpalatable opinions or suggestions, in just the same way as has been the case with all sorts of things, like homosexuality, racism, and my previously-mentioned example of the population debate. I won’t bother now.

<< If Harris had committed, say a financial crime, ripped millions off the tax system, in time he would have been able to redeem himself in the eyes of the community, make restitution for his crime, but with this one he can't. >>

Another very good point, which I was going to delve right into shortly on this thread.

Kiddie-fiddlers, even at the very light end of the spectrum as with Harris, have done things that are simply irredeemable. And yet those who conduct all manner of much more serious crimes, which have much bigger effects on many more people, can completely redeem themselves if they try hard enough.

At least three people on this thread should take a good long hard look at themselves in relation to this. Their intolerance of what really are quite gentle and reasonable suggestions of POSSIBILITIES of different interpetations, is really quite extreme. If they expressed the same level of intolerance in relation to various other subjects, they'd be absolutely howled down for it.... in much the same way as they howling me down on this subject.

I see an enormous amount of duplicity here.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 8:32:12 AM
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"Kiddie-fiddlers, even at the very light end of the spectrum as with Harris..."

Well, there you go folks.....Luddy considers what Harris did to "C" "at the light end of the spectrum"

Says it all.....

"Their intolerance of what really are quite gentle and reasonable suggestions of POSSIBILITIES of different interpetations, is really quite extreme. If they expressed the same level of intolerance in relation to various other subjects, they'd be absolutely howled down for it..."

I love the way you label it "intolerance".

We "disagree" with you mitigations and excuses for a grown man abusing children "knowing" that it is illegal.

How about we label your disagreement with the law, the judge, societal mores and us as "intolerance"?

"I see an enormous amount of duplicity here."

Here you go again. Complaining about personal asides and then labeling those of us who reject your line of thinking as duplicitous in our arguments.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 8:47:33 AM
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You are in a deep hole of your own digging and with no ladder, about the only way out is to let the sides crumble in silence then slowly climb up the fallen debris.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 9:02:05 AM
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Thanks again Poirot for demonstrating your incredibly blinkered view…. and for showing how right Paul is with this statement:

<< Do you see that, no matter how good your argument is you are never going to overcome the innate prejudices within the subject… >>

I said a few posts back:

>> But we do need to consider other possibilities. <<

You replied:

<< No we don't. >>

Well that just says it all. You are not really blinkered at all. You’ve got the shutters down completely. You are just blocking out anything other than what that great esteemed unquestionable guru of a judge came up with.

What an incredibly hopeless way of thinking. Or I should say; of NOT thinking!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 9:22:06 AM
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Carry on...I believe you're nearly through to China.

"Thanks again Poirot for demonstrating your incredibly blinkered view…. and for showing how right Paul is with this statement:"

"What an incredibly hopeless way of thinking. Or I should say; of NOT thinking!"

What happened to these sentiments?

"..."people are supposed to debate things in a non personal and non derogatory manner. To stoop to personal slander or trying to take the discussion into personal territory is fundamentally against the principles of this forum"."


I'm not interested in your confected "possibilities".

Harris was found guilty of crimes - violations of the law and of societal mores. is my wont...I'm fascinated from a psychological standpoint by your tactic of trying to get Paul "onside' by painting me out to be so much worse.

Paul appears to agree with my stance on the issue.

And apart from a few revolting wonks earlier in the thread - so does everyone else.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 10:27:36 AM
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Ludwig when you say <<Kiddie-fiddlers, even at the very light end of the spectrum as with Harris, have done things that are simply irredeemable>>

That is where you are wrong, there is no light or heavy end of the spectrum. Being a pedophile is like walking off a cliff, you can't walk off a little, or a lot, for that matter, you can only walk off. A person simply by action passes a point of no return through a one way door, "Rolf Harris you are a pedophile" that is the community attitude, there is no "Rolf Harris you are a little bit of a pedophile" or "Rolf Harris you are an ex-pedophile" the last two do not exists. Hariis got fairness from the judge, to the best of his ability, in the sentencing process. Harris has now "gone" forever.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 11:27:07 AM
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I see Ludwig is yet AGAIN resorting to direct personal abuse against forum members, simply because he's long lost the argument.

When Ludwig loses, he abuses: "Thanks again Poirot for demonstrating your incredibly blinkered view". "What an incredibly hopeless way of thinking. Or should I say of NOT thinking". Yes, Ludwig the personal abuser.

I suggest we have a special forum award, 'The Forum Personal Abuser Award'. My nomination is Ludwig. Does anyone wish to second this nomination? Should Ludwig win the award, we can list his achievement in BIG letters on the forum main page. That way new members will be immediately aware that Ludwig is the official 'Forum Abuser'.
Posted by Jay123, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 12:18:32 PM
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That's a howler, Ludwig.

>>Their intolerance of what really are quite gentle and reasonable suggestions of POSSIBILITIES of different interpetations, is really quite extreme. If they expressed the same level of intolerance in relation to various other subjects, they'd be absolutely howled down for it.... in much the same way as they howling me down on this subject.<<

You have been "howled down" as a result of your own extreme intolerance of ideas with which you disagree. The image that you have of yourself - a fair-thinking, open-minded explorer of potential injustice is pure self-delusion. You opened the discussion with an impassioned appeal for clemency, on behalf of a convicted paedophile, a proven molester of little girls, and then feign bewilderment that so many people find your stance objectionable.

The fiction that you then tried to create - "hey, I'm only saying that everyone should carefully consider these POSSIBILITIES" is gossamer-thin, and cannot hide the fact that you are an unrepentant apologist for despicable behaviour. The fact that you consider groping a girl's bottom to be entirely trivial, even after hundreds of posts pointing out that it is anything but trivial, demonstrates that you still maintain a value system at odds with the bulk of the human race.

Accept the fact that you are out of step with society in this matter, and learn from it. Society does not tolerate the sexual molestation of children. You cannot simply transfer this abhorrence to other fields, and pretend they are pari passu. As you tried to do here...

>>Just think about that in relation to all manner of other offences. Littering. Speeding. Stealing, etc, etc. Why should pedophilic / child-molestation / child touching offences be viewed differently to everything else in this regard?<<

Swallow what might possibly be left of your pride, and accept that it is your reality that is out of step with the world, and not the world that is out of step with reality.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 4:01:50 PM
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That is a good post, Pericles...beautifully articulated.

This thread has become not so much about Rolf's conviction...but more about Ludwig's curious reticence to accept that other people disagree with his stance.

Apparently he can't get his head around it.

I've seldom had occasion on OLO to be told I'm "not thinking" because I won't buy someone's outlandish hypotheses.

The reason I've hung around this thread is out of a morbid fascination for Ludwig's argument, which, contrary to societal standards, appears to be constructed on his own confected moralities - and a goodly dollop of fresh air.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 8:41:57 PM
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<< You are in a deep hole of your own digging and with no ladder, about the only way out is to let the sides crumble in silence then slowly climb up the fallen debris. >>

So Is Mise, who dug the hole?

Was it the person who rightly and calmly made suggestions that perhaps the judge shouldn’t be held up as a saint and have his every word worshipped as gospel, and that other interpretations are indeed quite possible?

Or was it the small bunch of total intolerants who couldn’t stomach these suggestions, without launching straight into tirades of personal abuse?

I put it to you that it was the latter.

There is only a perceived ‘hole’ here on this thread. There isn’t one out there in the real world. Lots of people share my views. And I have much more faith in peoples’ opinions when I am speaking to them at length face to face than I do with this sort of correspondence on OLO.

You will recall that there were several people early in this thread who expressed similar views to me. They have rightly left, in light of low-lifers that would have hounded them if they’d hung around.

Have a look at the character of people still in this discussion. There is one of good character, there is one of a very polarised nature and quite nasty character and there are a couple of dismal personal character, who don’t respect the OLO forum rules and who just flame to the hilt.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 7 August 2014 8:36:40 AM
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One of these characters, with whom I have had numerous long debates involving many hundreds of posts over a period of several years on this forum, has shown himself to be of the lowest possible personal quality. I consider people like this, who are simply incapable of entertaining a debate without constant personal abuse and who go to the max to build straw-man cases against those with whom they disagree, to be nothing short of the absolute scum of society.

So Is Mise, would you care to address questions that I have already posed a couple of times….

How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

Would it have even been possible?

Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 7 August 2014 8:37:49 AM
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<< That is where you are wrong, there is no light or heavy end of the spectrum. Being a pedophile is like walking off a cliff, you can't walk off a little, or a lot, for that matter, you can only walk off. A person simply by action passes a point of no return through a one way door, "Rolf Harris you are a pedophile" that is the community attitude, there is no "Rolf Harris you are a little bit of a pedophile" or "Rolf Harris you are an ex-pedophile" the last two do not exists. Harris got fairness from the judge, to the best of his ability, in the sentencing process. Harris has now "gone" forever. >>

Paul, you appear to be contradicting your earlier agreement that his actions were at the light end of the spectrum. I am not going to hunt back through old posts to find your exact words.

I vehemently disagree with you on this point. There most definitely IS a spectrum of severity. If there wasn’t, then Harris would have got life imprisonment, which would be the correct penalty for offences committed at the severe end of the spectrum.

We as a society, and the little band of nasty intolerants on this thread, are TOTALLY WRONG to just completely condemn Harris or people who undertake misdemeanours which are towards the light end of the spectrum.

Why should this sort of principle be different for pedophilia / child molestation / child touching than it is for all other offences?
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 7 August 2014 8:46:59 AM
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"....and the little band of nasty intolerants on this thread, are TOTALLY WRONG...."

Aww, come on....surely your not classifying us thus without exploring the other POSSIBILITIES.

I mean you've passed judgement according to Ludwig's Law of Debate - which apparently condemns those who don't buy his reasoning as "nasty intolerants" who are (prime shouty font) TOTALLY WRONG".

Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 August 2014 9:13:05 AM
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".... to just completely condemn Harris or people who undertake misdemeanours which are towards the light end of the spectrum."

Kiddy fidling is a crime not a misdemeanour.


"English definition of “misdemeanour”

noun [C] UK (US misdemeanor)
› an action that is slightly bad or breaks a rule but is not a crime:"

As regards the "hole" Ludwig, you dug it yourself and, metaphorically speaking, you are doing well to be able to throw the spoil so high but it is has started sliding in on you.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 7 August 2014 9:31:26 AM
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"... I consider people like this, who are simply incapable of entertaining a debate without constant personal abuse and who go to the max to build straw-man cases against those with whom they disagree, to be nothing short of the absolute scum of society."

You're the one who's slinging about "personal abuse" on this thread...and merely because people dismiss your argument.

Here's a juicy selection of Ludwig's idea of courteous interaction - these from his most recent posts:

"Thanks again Poirot for demonstrating your incredibly blinkered view…"

"What an incredibly hopeless way of thinking. Or I should say; of NOT thinking!"

"Or was it the small bunch of total intolerants who couldn’t stomach these suggestions, without launching straight into tirades of personal abuse?"

"Have a look at the character of people still in this discussion. There is one of good character, there is one of a very polarised nature and quite nasty character and there are a couple of dismal personal character, who don’t respect the OLO forum rules and who just flame to the hilt."

"One of these characters, with whom I have had numerous long debates involving many hundreds of posts over a period of several years on this forum, has shown himself to be of the lowest possible personal quality. I consider people like this, who are simply incapable of entertaining a debate without constant personal abuse and who go to the max to build straw-man cases against those with whom they disagree, to be nothing short of the absolute scum of society."

"...and the little band of nasty intolerants on this thread, are TOTALLY WRONG to just completely condemn Harris..."

Step up and take a bow, Ludwig.

Accusing others of personal abuse while spraying it around yourself is quite a feat.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 August 2014 10:26:36 AM
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As I said Ludwig, Harris is not the worse case of pedophilia ever uncovered, all would agree. But a branded pedophile never the less, something Harris will have to live with for the rest of his life, he did not get hung, and that lightness was reflected in the sentence. They were all crimes, and that's where we may differ. Do you see some of the convictions as unwarranted? I don't. You may also think the sentence was too harsh. I don't.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 7 August 2014 11:54:43 AM
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Yep Poirot, you're correct. When Ludwig loses he abuses.

Ludwig has shown himself on this topic, to be the worst and most consistent personal abuser on this forum.
Posted by Jay123, Thursday, 7 August 2014 11:58:31 AM
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BLACK KNIGHT: None shall pass.
BLACK KNIGHT: None shall pass.
ARTHUR: I have no quarrel with you, good Sir knight, but I must cross this bridge.
BLACK KNIGHT: Then you shall die.
ARTHUR: I command you as King of the Britons to stand aside!
BLACK KNIGHT: I move for no man.
ARTHUR: So be it!
[parry thrust]
[ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's left arm off]
ARTHUR: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.
BLACK KNIGHT: 'Tis but a scratch.
ARTHUR: A scratch? Your arm's off!
BLACK KNIGHT: No, it isn't.
ARTHUR: Well, what's that then?
BLACK KNIGHT: I've had worse.
ARTHUR: You liar!
BLACK KNIGHT: Come on you pansy!
[parry thrust]
[ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right arm off]
ARTHUR: Victory is mine!
We thank thee Lord, that in thy merc-
BLACK KNIGHT: Come on then.
BLACK KNIGHT: Have at you!
ARTHUR: You are indeed brave, Sir knight, but the fight is mine.
BLACK KNIGHT: Oh, had enough, eh?
ARTHUR: Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left.
BLACK KNIGHT: Just a flesh wound.
ARTHUR: Look, stop that.
BLACK KNIGHT: Chicken! Chicken!
ARTHUR: Look, I'll have your leg. Right!
BLACK KNIGHT: Right, I'll do you for that!
ARTHUR: You'll what?
BLACK KNIGHT: Come 'ere!
ARTHUR: What are you going to do, bleed on me?
BLACK KNIGHT: I'm invincible!
ARTHUR: You're a loony.
BLACK KNIGHT: The Black Knight always triumphs! Have at you! Come on then.
[ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's other leg off]
BLACK KNIGHT: All right; we'll call it a draw.
ARTHUR: Come, Patsy.
BLACK KNIGHT: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 7 August 2014 3:02:41 PM
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Wow, this thread has reached 500 posts!

I wonder if that’s an OLO record.

There must be at least 100 posts which actually add something meaningful to this discussion… …and about 400 from the little lowlife band of Ludwig bashers.

Whadayareckon folks, shall we try for 1000?
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 9 August 2014 9:11:03 PM
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Is Mise, you would appear to have been sucked in by the slag that has overrun this thread.

If you want to know my true position, then read my posts only! If you want to know what my postion and views AREN’T, then read the post of the patheric little primary-school-level-intellect lowlife band of Ludwig bashers, who have gone right out of their way to build a case against me which is fictional, and then proceed to lambast me to the hilt for holding it!!

They are very skilled…. If you can call a six-year-old child who has just discovered how to be nasty to some of his fellow schoolmates skilled!

Once you gain a true perspective of my position from reading only my posts, you will then find that I haven’t dug myself into a hole at all, but rather, the little lowlife band of three have heaped a great mountain of their excrement upon me, which they have pulled out of their stinky little backsides, and which is completely independent of their brains (unless their brains are up their bums, which seems like a distinct possibility).

When you have the real perspective, then you may apologise, because you will find that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my views or my approach regarding this whole issue.

Is Mise, you haven’t answered my fundamentally pertinent questions, which I asked directly of you.

You have completely avoided them. This is very telling.

I glean from this that you do indeed see that my exploration of the things that I have raised in this ‘debate’ is entirely proper, and that in the presence of extremist lowlife elements, there is no way that I could have done this without having been absolutely hounded for it.

So…. good move not to repond to my questions. Because you couldn’t have done it honestly without incurring the wrath of these three… who have beat themselves and each other up into a particularly frothing rabid state, and would have you for breakfast if you said anything in agreement with me.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 9 August 2014 9:18:14 PM
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<< As I said Ludwig, Harris is not the worse case of pedophilia ever uncovered, all would agree. >>

Indeed Paul.

But be careful saying things like that - you’ll have Polarised Poirot and her two rabid Ludwig-bashing lapdogs comin after you.


Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 9 August 2014 9:21:23 PM
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I can't find the questions in all the spoil,
be a good lad and tell me approximately which post(s) they are in.

The safest way out of that hole is to call for help, someone might throw you a rope.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 9 August 2014 10:02:20 PM
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Oh dear, Ludwig. Oh dear.

>>I consider people like this, who are simply incapable of entertaining a debate without constant personal abuse... to be nothing short of the absolute scum of society.<<

Do you perhaps have a mirror close by?

>>the slag that has overrun this thread<<

>>the patheric little primary-school-level-intellect lowlife band<<

>>the little lowlife band of three have heaped a great mountain of their excrement upon me, which they have pulled out of their stinky little backsides, and which is completely independent of their brains (unless their brains are up their bums, which seems like a distinct possibility)<<

>>extremist lowlife elements<<

>>rabid Ludwig-bashing lapdogs<<

And all in the same post, too!

That must be something of a record also, don't you think?
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 9 August 2014 11:55:56 PM
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[This person is a sock puppet who has been barred from the forum for offensive behaviour. If anyone notices someone like this turning-up again can you please notify me? Their previous persona was Jay123. Thanks, GrahamY]
Posted by JayI23, Sunday, 10 August 2014 12:25:54 AM
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For me to say << Harris is not the worse case of pedophilia ever uncovered, all would agree.>> That is obvious, for example it did not lead to the death of any of the complainants, which is a good thing.
Like the charge of murder in some cases the penalty will be 10 years jail, in others it will be life. But even thought the degree is different the crime is the same, both murder. With, Harris again I stress its degree, but still a charge of pedophilia. "Harris is a pedophile." that is my position.

You put forward that at least some of his actions were something other, like "playful fun", I do not accept that.
I take it all the charges were proven, I accept that.
The penalty imposed fitted the crime. I accept that.
The community attitude to pedophilia sits well with me, and the outcome here was appropriate based on my personal attitude and my perception of the general community attitude to the crime. I accept the court system got it right this time.

You may have a different attitude to the crime and Harris, and therefore could perceive Harris was treated harshly. If that is the case, I do not agree.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 10 August 2014 8:38:55 AM
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The only record, Ludwig, is in the degree of hypocrisy and childish foot stamping and name calling you displayed in your previous post...I reckon a 7 year-old could demonstrate more sophistication than the embarrassing load of pre-school twaddle you've unloaded towards fellow posters - merely because they reject your line of reasoning.

(Unfortunately, although this is along thread, there was a nasty whackamozzie thread sometime back which collected over 600 you dipped out there I'm afraid.)
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 10 August 2014 8:57:43 AM
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[This person is a sock puppet for Jay123 etc. Account has been deleted.]
Posted by Right Is Right, Sunday, 10 August 2014 12:23:49 PM
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Of course Rolf was in it for a bit of fun, but what was a bit of fun for Rolf was a criminal act.

Funny that.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 10 August 2014 1:32:20 PM
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Right Is Right,
Harris may well have been having "a bit of fun" but that doesn't make it right.
I have dealt with hundreds of perverts, rock spiders and pedophiliac killers in my police life and this bloke fits the profile of a sick weirdo if I have ever seen one.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 10 August 2014 9:43:46 PM
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Well, Is Mise, if you can’t even find the questions to which I have referred you, then it makes me wonder how well you have read or comprehended my posts and my overall views on this thread.

I would suggest that you are in no position to make the assertion that I am in a deep hole here.

The questions are again:

How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

Would it have even been possible?

Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:19:49 AM
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Is Mise, I’ll also save you the trouble of reading my posts in order to understand my position. I’ll outline it, yet again…

I have suggested that there are other POSSIBLE interpretations to what the court, jury and judge have come up with. Upon reading Judge Sweeney’s sentencing remarks, a number of things appeared to warrant questioning and hence some debate on this thread.

Rather than pulling out a couple of things in isolation, I outlined all the things that I thought could be a little bit problematic and which warranted a closer look, which is the right holistic approach to take.

I particularly question the magnitude of the prison sentence, let alone any prison sentence for Count 2, and the length of the sentence for Count 1, and the veracity of girls’ Victim Impact Statements or the judge’s assertion that is “sure” that they are accurate accounts. This I particularly question in relation to complainant ‘C’.

I do not have an issue with the length of the sentence that Harris has received, given that it really amounts to the equivalent of three of the charges brought against him, after considering that the judge declared several of the prison periods to be concurrent with others, and then declared that Harris was required to only spend half of the allotted penalty actually in prison.

That’s it in a nutshell.

So, these simple and totally proper points have raised a great deal of debate, including agreement from some, disagreement and sensible debate from some decent people such as R0bert and Paul, and an intense blast of internet bullying from three respondents who have shown themselves to be of particularly poor character
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:20:39 AM
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".... and an intense blast of internet bullying from three respondents who have shown themselves to be of particularly poor character."

I put it to you that nothing posted by those "who disagree with your stance" from the likes of Pericles or Poirot or Is Mise have approached this childish and belligerent response from "you".

Exhibit 1:

"Once you gain a true perspective of my position from reading only my posts, you will then find that I haven’t dug myself into a hole at all, but rather, the little lowlife band of three have heaped a great mountain of their excrement upon me, which they have pulled out of their stinky little backsides, and which is completely independent of their brains (unless their brains are up their bums, which seems like a distinct possibility)."

I would be too embarrassed to come back to a forum in a hurry if I had posted anything approaching that rancid and puerile diatribe.

You, Ludwig, are the bully here...and you have been doing it up and down this thread whenever your POSSIBILITIES have been rejected.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:45:19 AM
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The internet has a long memory, Ludwig. In this case, it doesn't need to be particularly long to expose your shape-shifting for what it is - pure revisionism. You found yourself defending the indefensible, so you needed to pretend that you are arguing for something that is defensible.

You started with an outright defense of Rolf Harris' behaviour, beginning with "the worst of it was a bit of groping", and reaching a climax with "Just think about that in relation to all manner of other offences. Littering. Speeding. Stealing..."

When this met some level of revulsion from your fellow posters, you tried to convince everyone that "hey, I'm only saying that everyone should carefully consider these POSSIBILITIES", which has now fully morphed into "I have suggested that there are other POSSIBLE interpretations to what the court, jury and judge have come up with".

Can you not see how this effort at dissembling and sophistry can be seen as offensive? Particularly when you accompany it with diatribes against those who remember why you started this thread in the first place: to defend the actions of a convicted paedophile, who also seemed to believe that what he was doing was just "a bit of groping"

Take heed of the fate of Monty Python's Black Knight in that sketch I excerpted for you. He was left armless, legless and bleeding.

Still talking up a storm of complete rubbish.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 11 August 2014 12:05:59 PM
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Q. How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

A. Absolutely impossible.

Q. Would it have even been possible?

A. See above.
Q. Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

A. No and no,

"I particularly question the magnitude of the prison sentence,....

I do not have an issue with the length of the sentence that Harris has received,...."

Make up your mind.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 11 August 2014 5:08:30 PM
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Fascinating, Is Mise!

<< Q. How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

A. Absolutely impossible. >>

But then…

<< Q. Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

A. No and no, >>

So where does that leave us?

You would not have preferred that the things I have raised went unmentioned. But to simply mention them incurs the wrath of many people, and leads you directly to think that I have dug a deep hole for myself.

That’s highly conflicting stuff Is Mise. Please, think a bit more about that.

<< "I particularly question the magnitude of the prison sentence,....

I do not have an issue with the length of the sentence that Harris has received,...."

Make up your mind. >>

Oh come on. That’s being particularly silly. You know that those two statements were made in entirely different contexts, as clearly explained in my last double post. To conflate them like you have to make them appear to be conflicting is highly dodgy, which anyone can immediately see upon reading my original comments. You do your credibility a real disservice with this sort of thing.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 9:27:53 PM
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<< You may have a different attitude to the crime and Harris, and therefore could perceive Harris was treated harshly. If that is the case, I do not agree. >>

Fair enough Paul.

Thanks for your post outlining just how you feel about this issue. I respect your views.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 9:34:29 PM
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Credit where credit is due, you can dig the hole deeper.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 11 August 2014 9:39:01 PM
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<< Harris may well have been having "a bit of fun" but that doesn't make it right.
I have dealt with hundreds of perverts, rock spiders and pedophiliac killers in my police life and this bloke fits the profile of a sick weirdo if I have ever seen one. >>

Chris, that’s a bit concerning.

If you have dealt with all manner of rotten people in your working life then you must surely realise that Harris is not amongst the worst of them, and indeed is surely not in the ‘sick weirdo’ class. He’d have to be in the ‘little bit weird’ class at worst.

I mean, it is all relative. Pedophilia extends from opportunistic brief episodes of touching at one end of the scale all the way up to kidnap for decades, and rape and murder.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 9:43:42 PM
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So, Jay is no longer with us. Poirot must be saddened at the loss of her new best friend.

Jay was off the rails right from the start. No one would respond to him because he was so obviously completely irrational and seething with hatred.

Then as Poirot slipped from calm rationality at the start of this thread, into a more and more decrepit state of mind, she started to embrace Jay. Then they both just slipped quietly… no, actually, very noisily, into complete insanity!! Haaahahahaa!

This thread has been and continues to be an amazing study in psychology, or I should say: psychosis, or perhaps sickology!!

It makes old Rolf’s antics look very tame indeed! (:>)
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:02:30 PM
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Ludwig did not complain to the moderator.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:28:25 PM
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"So, Jay is no longer with us. Poirot must be saddened at the loss of her new best friend.

Jay was off the rails right from the start. No one would respond to him because he was so obviously completely irrational and seething with hatred.

Then as Poirot slipped from calm rationality at the start of this thread, into a more and more decrepit state of mind, she started to embrace Jay. Then they both just slipped quietly… no, actually, very noisily, into complete insanity!!

This thread has been and continues to be an amazing study in psychology, or I should say: psychosis, or perhaps sickology!!

It makes old Rolf’s antics look very tame indeed! (:>)"


What have Jay's comments got to do with me?

I think I agreed with his sentiments once.

You appear to be displaying some interesting psychology yourself late on this thread.

Like to bully a bit while you're busy playing victim, eh?

That appears to the general modus operandi for those who don't get their own way - and throw a tantrum about it.

I haven't personally impugned you on this thread.

I have disagreed with the stance you've taken.

You've exposed a rather irksome and mildly disturbing facet of your personality, methinks.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 11 August 2014 10:29:09 PM
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Ludwig, you are not helping yourself by trying to make it about Poirot. From my perspective my views and I'm guessing Paul's and most others who have disagreed with you have not diverged far from what Poirot has said on this topic. We may focus on different aspects and the topic of child sexual abuse is probably a lot more personal for Poirot than for some of us but by and large Poirot has been fairly polite (keeping in mind the importance of a scale of offence).

I've pretty much given up trying to discuss the issue with you, your claims about what you are and have done on this thread don't match the evidence of your posts regardless of what you choose to claim (or even believe) about it. I was mostly leaving it be, we disagree but I don't want to spoil future interactions by dwelling on that more than necessary but given the repeated attacks on Poirot for saying what I mostly agree with I started to feel my silence was not the best course.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 6:11:22 PM
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Yes, Ludwig.

Can I say that in the space of one thread you have "completely" lost my respect.

Not for your sentiments regarding Harris...but for your tactics in demonising and abusing certain of your fellow posters who disagree with your stance.

Most disappointing.


(Thanks RObert:)
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 7:17:34 PM
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<< From my perspective my views and I'm guessing Paul's and most others who have disagreed with you have not diverged far from what Poirot has said on this topic. >>

Well R0bert, if you set aside all the polarised statements and the making out that I hold much stronger views than I really do, plus the absolute nastiness that Poirot has pumped out on this thread, then yes you’re probably right.

The enormous difference is in the way the you and Paul have conducted yourselves, compared to Poirot.

I had considered Poirot to be a very good OLO buddy for years before this thread. But she has now just completely corrupted that, and I see her as the second worst-ever respondent on OLO (No, Jay is not the worst).

<< … your claims about what you are and have done on this thread don't match the evidence of your posts >>

Sorry, but that is absolute BS!

I have gone to great lengths to repeat my primary motives over and over again.

<< …given the repeated attacks on Poirot… >>

Oh for goodness sake. I held off responding at all for a long time, while Poirot put out a lot of most unfortunate posts, one after the other. Then I eventually let it be known what I think of her. You are looking at this particular aspect of this long ‘discussion’ in a very unbalanced manner R0bert.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 8:33:14 PM
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<< …you have "completely" lost my respect. Not for your sentiments regarding Harris...but for your tactics in demonising and abusing certain of your fellow posters who disagree with your stance. >>

Who are you kidding, Poirot?

It was DIRECTLY my views that you got so worked up and led you to become really quite nasty towards me.

My strongly worded posts, critical of you and a couple of others, have been quite recent. They have come after a sustained barrage of abuse from you and the other two.

I kept my cool for ages and then perhaps I let my guard down with a couple of strong posts. Or perhaps if I hadn’t eventually responded strongly, I would have been seen to have totally lost this ‘argument’ and to have been pummelled into submission by a bunch of aggressors.

It is easy to be very blunt and offensive. Yes I can do it too. Any six-year-old child can do it.

Anyway, I was just thinking today, while sitting on the beach here in Cairns, that maybe the relationship with you Poirot is recoverable. Afterall, you did seem like a nice person for about the first four years that I knew you in OLOland.

So I’d be more than happy to set our differences aside and just resume cordial discussions, either on this thread topic, or by just agreeing to let this particular topic go and to be friendly to each other elsewhere whenever we encounter each other.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 8:49:36 PM
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Posted by Ludwig Tries To Mitigate Rolf Harris' Pedophilia, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 9:10:54 PM
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All you are doing Jay is showing that you are very much not of sound mind!
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 9:21:34 PM
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"It was DIRECTLY my views that you got so worked up and led you to become really quite nasty towards me."

Okay....would you please post links to where I "got really nasty" towards you?

Cough up the "sustained barrage of abuse".

I mean produce them please...coz I don't believe you can.

Apart from the one wrongly worded - which I apologised for - my argument was solely against your reasoning - not to personally impugn you which you have been merrily dancing around doing to me for the last few pages.

"So I’d be more than happy to set our differences aside and just resume cordial discussions.."

Would you really...

Well isn't that dandy.

You lose your cool because we don't buy your particular brand of reasoning on this subject.

You accuse several of us of abusing you personally.

You single out Poirot in order to get a few of the others onside (shame they didn't go along with your ruse, eh?)

Then you continue to paint me as a 'nasty abuser' right up to your most recent post...only to deign at the last minute to "resume cordial relations".

I don't think so, mate.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 12 August 2014 10:56:41 PM
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Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 12:22:37 PM
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This has been a disturbing and illuminating thread.

I was initially taken aback by Ludwig's "It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that."

I thought (naively?) maybe he didn't understand the implications of a 'bit of groping' for the children 'groped', and explained why this would cause confusion and shame, with potential damage to later development of sexuality. Then I worried that spelling it out might play into the fantasies of those men who get a kick out of 'risque' behaviour with its feelings of (sexual) power over powerless children, getting away with it in public, when they knew that the children would be too confused and ashamed to say anything, after all who would believe them.

Yesterday on the radio I listened to interviews following the Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse - soul-searching about why it was so pervasive, quietly condoned by so many who must have known. One conclusion: the assumption that children tell lies, and lead men on (note the contradiction: they can't both falsely claim they were abused AND have lead men on abuse them!). I am sure (and that 'sure' is not open to debate) that children have always not spoken up because of embarrassment, but also because they knew that they would simultaneously be called liars, and be told it was their fault - this is after all the default position for a child.)

Illuminating: the responses by Ludwig and his supporters indicate how deeply entrenched is the sense of male entitlement - to just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others - especially children - not to be groped, to not be the object of an adult's desire to have a bit of fun. (Of course for some men it goes beyond just groping: to sexual harassment, domestic violence, rape etc.)

I regret that the recent angry exchanges about who said what have overshadowed the truly serious issue at the heart of this theme.
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 1:05:42 PM
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Cossomby,"how deeply entrenched is the sense of male entitlement "

I'm having some issue with the use of the term male entitlement, probably because of the way it's so readily flung around (mostly by people who are not male) as though it in some way represented the ways males in our culture think. I've rarely met men who have any sense of male entitlement, rather the attitude is one of sacrifice for their families. There are exceptions just as their are females quite happy to operate under assumptions of entitlement based on their gender.

What Harris did is disgusting to most men of our culture, even amongst criminals child molesters need special protection. The vast majority of men have a great sense of the rights of others.

I'm undecided if Ludwigs supporters on this thread were real or troll's posting to try and make Ludwig look even worse. I'm a little concerned that at least one of them was real and if so I hope he is being closely monitored by the authorities.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 4:46:50 PM
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Robert, I accept that. I should have said some males.

The majority of men I know are people of integrity, with a strong sense of right or wrong. However I have personally come across some who were not: at the extreme, a serial sexual harasser, and a paedophile-murderer. I met the latter incidentally through work and it came as real shock when he was later arrested and convicted. A salutary lesson that people are not always what they seem on the surface.

The point of my post, however, was that in many cases (including Rolf Harris, catholic priests etc.) other people did know what was going on but did nothing - or tacitly protected them. I guess I meant by 'male entitlement', partly the idea that some of the things that men do are not so bad - just a bit of groping, or she asked for it. etc.
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 5:08:54 PM
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Cossomby, all fine. I'm not trying to make that the issue but did feel the need to comment.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 13 August 2014 5:42:45 PM
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"I regret that the recent angry exchanges about who said what have overshadowed the truly serious issue at the heart of this theme."

This is very long thread, and I think it's fair to say that many of us covered "the truly serious issue at the heart of this theme" substantially in the course of it.

I don't believe I erred in confronting Ludwig over his serial demonising of my conduct toward him on this thread. Why should I remain silent when I'm impugned and falsely accused by Ludwig of "verbally abusing him".

I note he hasn't produced links to my copious abuse of him...(mainly because they don't exist)



I'll just add that the experience I related earlier in the thread certainly doesn't overshadow my life. I hardly ever think of it. It was once - and, shocking as it was for me at the time, was not ongoing and was not of the worst of its kind (if I can put it like that)

The reason I spoke of it at all was because of individual's contribution in attempting to blame young victims for opportunistic men taking advantage of them out of the blue. I was incensed, knowing that my situation was one of true innocence...that's why I spoke up.

It's certainly not something that plays on my mind...a long time ago...and rarely comes into my mind at all.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 14 August 2014 8:31:51 AM
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Poirot, sorry I wasn't trying to imply that it has. I've not personally noticed a difference in tone in your comments on this thread compared to others of us on this thread but do tend to be somewhat blind to variations of that stuff anyway. Thinking about your comments I accept that I've given accusations against you more leeway (which was not much leeway) than they deserve for which I apologise.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 14 August 2014 5:51:28 PM
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Please don't apologise...there was no problem at all.

In fact, I appreciated your sensitivity to the issue, especially since I'd had that experience.

Just wanted to let you know that it isn't something that dominates my thought patterns...just that my decision to mention it on this thread was triggered by individual's attitude.

Cheers : )
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 14 August 2014 6:26:32 PM
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I wrote:

>> So I’d be more than happy to set our differences aside and just resume cordial discussions <<

Poirot, you replied:

<< I don't think so, mate. >>

Ok, the record shows that I tried to make peace and you rejected it.

I tried to uphold a good conversation with you early in this thread. Then when you became heated and polarised and just plain nasty, and it was clear that I couldn’t entertain a sensible dialogue with you, I stopped responding to you, and eventually told you what I thought of you and the two other little Ludwig-bashers.

I took the right approach there.

You are incredibly two-faced. And it is clearly impossible to have a sensible conversation with you. You just insist on seeing the absolute worst in everything I write. Everything just gets projected way out into very negative territory.

Even my desire to make up with you got turned around and made to appear as a negative thing.

I actually thought that you'd agree to put our differences behind us so that we could resume a cool-headed discussion of this issue. But alas, it is not to be.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 14 August 2014 10:07:59 PM
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<< I regret that the recent angry exchanges about who said what have overshadowed the truly serious issue at the heart of this theme. >>

Me too Cossomby.

<< the responses by Ludwig and his supporters indicate how deeply entrenched is the sense of male entitlement - to just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others >>

Excuse me, I would ask you to either retract that statement or to at least take my name out of it.

Never have I given any indication anywhere that I think it was <just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others>

You’ve apparently been sucked in by Jay’s rantings ??

Oh dear Cossomby, I appreciate your input in this thread. I don’t want to get offside with you. But I’ve got to set that particular statement of yours right.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 14 August 2014 10:09:44 PM
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You are incorrigible, Ludwig. Your denial of reality would make Joseph Goebbels blush.

>>Never have I given any indication anywhere that I think it was just a bit of groping<<

May I remind you of your opening post, in which you said:

>>It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping<<

In most people's universe, one of these must be incorrect.

Not in yours, apparently.

Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 14 August 2014 11:25:46 PM
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Bizarre is right!

Ludwig claims:

"Never have I given any indication anywhere that I think it was <just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others"

And all we have to do is go back to his first post.

"It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that."


"It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women."


Now for the other part.

Ludwig accuses Poirot of "barrages of abuse" - of being "heated and polarised and just plain nasty"...however, when I ask him to produce evidence of my so-called abuse...he doesn't (because it doesn't exist)

Then.....after several pages of pushing mud pies in my face and dumping detritus on my head, he invites me to sit down and have a cup of tea and a cordial conversation....and gets all huffy when I decline his offer.

Posted by Poirot, Friday, 15 August 2014 6:32:17 AM
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Police now investigating CLIFF RICHARDS!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 15 August 2014 6:36:47 AM
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Ludwig: Pericles beat me to it, but I was also going to remind you of your very first post where you wrote 'It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping'.

So, no, I can neither retract my post or take your name out of it.

However, my apologies to everyone else - I definitely didn't want to inflame things. I am just trying to understand why some men are in denial about the seriousness of such behaviour and why there has been such a long history of cover-ups
Posted by Cossomby, Friday, 15 August 2014 11:44:35 AM
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Hello all. Hope you had as great a weekend as I did.

Now, let’s see what’s been happening on the Rolfie thread…

Oh NO! Ludwig’s been accused of contradicting himself!! ( :>0

I said in response to you Cossomby:

<< Never have I given any indication anywhere that I think it was <just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others> >>

I should have made it patently clear that never since the judge released his sentencing remarks on 4 July, two days after I started this thread, have I said that it was just a bit of groping, etc (as far as I can recall).

I have long since moved on from the sentiments presented in the opening post and have made it clear my position is based on the information presented in the sentencing remarks, which fully elucidate the nature and penalties for each charge.

The opening post stated my views based on gut feelings at the time. None of us really knew the detail of the whole affair, nor anything more than generalities, before the judge released his comments.

I also outlined my position, yet again, in a post on 11 August:

I accept that you may not have been following this thread closely enough to appreciate this, Cossomby. But Poirot has. So it is completely disingenuous of her to jump on me in regards to comments in my opening post.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 18 August 2014 8:38:51 PM
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So let’s go back to the basics of this whole issue. Is Mise crystalised the situation beautifully when he answered my questions:

Q. How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

A. Absolutely impossible.

Q. Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

A. No and no.

Is Mise didn’t make any attempt to explain this apparent glaring conflict: that the issue should definitely be open to scrutiny, but anyone who does it exposes themselves to very poor treatment from some. He didn’t attempt to explain this because it is obviously simply unexplainable in logical terms.

Those who lambast me so strongly on this thread do indeed uphold the most glaring and basic of contradictions in logic.

It is obviously perfectly fair and reasonable and proper to question things and to raise all the issues that I have raised that have come out of my reading of the judge’s sentencing remarks.

But there is no way that I, nor anyone else, could have done this without being thought of very poorly by some.

Some people just jump straight into absolutely condemnatory positions at the very mention of the suggestion of the possibility that something related to pedophilia or child molestation might not be as bad as it has been purported to be in a court of law.

Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 18 August 2014 8:41:10 PM
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I wrote:

>> But we do need to consider other possibilities. <<

Poirot replied:

<< No we don't. He was fairly tried and was found guilty - and received a reasonably light sentence. >>

That says it all really. Poirot was completely intolerant of me even daring to question anything regarding the judge’s sentencing remarks. All the shrillness and nastiness and he-said – she-said bunkum on this thread stems directly from that incredibly poor and just plain WRONG basic premise, from her and a couple of others.

I say again; OF COURSE it was fair and reasonable to question such things.

This happens all the time with court proceedings. Indeed one could argue that it is a fundamental part of the legal process, and that our whole legal system would be in very dangerous territory if a jury’s or judge’s findings and reasonings and scale of sentencing were beyond scrutiny.

Poirot needs to consider how much of her stance is emotive and based on intense dislike of me simply because I have dared to question the judge and how much of it is rational and in line with a sensible debate on this subject.

And I would call on her to reconsider her statement above ( << No we don’t…>>) and to surely renounce it, and agree with Is Mise that it IS entirely proper to question a judge’s findings.

In this particular case, that meant looking at the details and explaining what I thought could POSSIBLY be problematic with them and perhaps be interpreted differently in terms of the seriousness of Harris’ misdemeanours…… possibly………... and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with that.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 18 August 2014 8:43:35 PM
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"Poirot needs to consider how much of her stance is emotive and based on intense dislike of me....'

I don't dislike you, Ludwig. My impression is that you're acting a little unusually on this thread, in that you appear to be regarding my (and others) disagreement with your reasoning as some kind of "personal attack".

You also appear to be tarring me with a brush you have reserved for the poster here who did attack you while he appeared to be supporting me. I didn't do that - the other poster did. I didn't ask him to do that. It had nothing to do with me.

You wrote:

" But we do need to consider other possibilities."

I replied:

"No we don't. He was fairly tried and was found guilty - and received a reasonably light sentence."

What I was saying was that "we" don't "need" or have to do anything of the sort - if we are satisfied with the evidence, the verdict and the sentence.

Fair enough, if you're not satisfied, then go for it. But don't get all huffy and outraged because other posters don't concur.

"...... Poirot was completely intolerant of me even daring to question anything regarding the judge’s sentencing remarks. All the shrillness and nastiness and he-said – she-said bunkum on this thread stems directly from that incredibly poor and just plain WRONG basic premise, from her and a couple of others."

Don't blame me because you can't handle it when fellow posters disagree with you. This is an opinion forum. We debate issues...and frankly I've seldom seen such a puerile tantrum, ongoing and unreasonable, as the one you continue to throw on this thread.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 18 August 2014 9:16:05 PM
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Your memory is letting you down again, Ludwig.

>>I should have made it patently clear that never since the judge released his sentencing remarks on 4 July, two days after I started this thread, have I said that it was just a bit of groping, etc (as far as I can recall).<<

On 10th July, almost a week after the judge's remarks were published, you observed...

>>In short, I often feel as though the sort of things he did are just par for the course. Many young women, in many cultures around the world including ours, must have similar and much worse experiences.<<

Just-a-bit-of-groping type experiences, you mean?

On the subject of where Harris "groped her bottom, squeezing her left buttock a number of times", you observed...

>>He should have received NO penalty at all for such a non-issue<<

And then there's this one:

>>...the sorts of things that he has done are really just as common as dishwater, and are very meek in the greater scheme of things<<

Just-a-bit-of-groping meek, I suppose?

Ludwig, I haven't the faintest idea what you are trying to prove here. But even you cannot change the past.

You said what you said. A number of people read what you said, and drew the conclusion that you are the sort of person who thinks groping young girls is just a bit of a lark. No amount of attempts at revisionism on your part is going to change that view.

But the worst, in my opinion, is when you couple that view with the idea that it is all the girl's fault anyway...

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

Also written a week after the judge's sentencing narrative.

>>Those who lambast me so strongly on this thread do indeed uphold the most glaring and basic of contradictions in logic<<

I don't think so. They simply read what you write.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 12:27:48 AM
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Put it this way, Ludwig.

If you have changed your mind on the nature and severity of Rolf Harris' crimes, then that is to be applauded.

But if you have, then you cannot keep rabbiting on about the nature and severity of the sentencing.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 9:05:27 AM
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Ahh Poirot, it seems like you might be calming down a bit at last, and perhaps realising that my approach to this issue is not as bad as you have been making out.

<< I don't dislike you, Ludwig. >>

Well I’d like to believe that, but it seems to sit at stark odds with your behaviour towards me on this thread.

I’ve got to admit: you’ve become very hard to like, especially after resoundly rejecting my offer to set our differences aside and debate the issue in a cool, calm and non-personally-attacking manner.

I tried on that occasion to recover the good relationship that I have enjoyed with you on OLO for some years.

<< …frankly I've seldom seen such a puerile tantrum, ongoing and unreasonable… >>

Fascinating comments. I’d say a similar thing about you, and put your comments fairly and squarely in the realms of utter hypocrisy.

<< This is an opinion forum. We debate issues… >>

Haaahahaa. YES it is!

So then, shall we do it?

Lets start off with this point, as it seems to me to be the single most glaring oddity in the whole Harris affair…

Six months imprisonment for simply squeezing a girls left buttock. A number of squeezes in quick succession, but all part of one grope lasting only couple of seconds in total duration, as I understand it.

Do you honestly think that this is fair and reasonable? Even if you do, can you not see the POSSIBILITY that it could be considered a grossly over-the-top penalty and that court got it wrong on this occasion?

Can you not consider the possibility that such an action should not have been brought forward as a charge at all, given its incredibly minor nature?

Can you not envisage the very bringing of this charge, and IMHO the enormous penalty imposed, as a clear sign that the authorities were out to get Harris with everything that they could possibly throw at him, and to maximise the impact on him?
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 9:19:45 AM
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"Ahh Poirot, it seems like you might be calming down a bit at last, and perhaps realising that my approach to this issue is not as bad as you have been making out.

<< I don't dislike you, Ludwig. >>

Well I’d like to believe that, but it seems to sit at stark odds with your behaviour towards me on this thread...."


Okay, Luddy...

When I said I thought you were acting "unusually" on this thread....I was being polite and toning it down.

I think you are acting in a very strange and unbalanced manner on this thread...and I'm wondering if you have other issues we're not aware of.

That's the truth of what I'm thinking.

And you can bang on about the buttock grope till the cows come home...It was a disturbing act - and one which was tried in conjunction with many other grossly disgusting acts.

It was illegal.

Harris knew it was illegal..but decided to do it anyway.

You're the person who keeps popping up abusing fellow posters who you've debated with for yonks. I haven't addressed you in the same manner at all.

Cough up Poirot's abusive remarks to you, Ludwig.

You won't - because they don't exist.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 10:20:33 AM
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Okay folks the Rolf show is over we'll all move onto the Cliff thread very shortly. LOL
My advice to Ludwig is, if we do, please load your gun with different powder.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 10:32:42 AM
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Ok, Ludwig, since you insist.

>>Six months imprisonment for simply squeezing a girls left buttock. A number of squeezes in quick succession, but all part of one grope lasting only couple of seconds in total duration, as I understand it. Do you honestly think that this is fair and reasonable?<<

Let us imagine for a moment that the person doing the groping was not Rolf Harris, but you.

The thirteen year-old tells her mum, and the next thing you know there is a knock on the door. The police would like to interview you down at the station. You go with them.

In the interview room, what would be your position? Flat-out denial that it ever happened? Let's imagine that they didn't believe you.

If convicted, what would you see as a reasonable punishment?

Let's say that you admitted that yes, you did go the grope - but hey, it was only a simple squeeze. Or two. Would you expect to be charged for the offence, or let off with a finger-wagging? If charged and found guilty, what would you expect the judge to say?

On the other hand, what would you say to the thirteen year-old, and her mother, if they let you off with a caution. How would the Cairns Post handle the story, do you think? Do you think they would be on your side, or the victim's?

Your problem here (apart from constantly shifting the goalposts) is that you have absolutely zero understanding of the harm that you have done - sorry, in what Rolf Harris actually did.

And incidentally, this is all without the added impact of it being a pattern of behaviour, spanning decades.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 19 August 2014 11:07:36 AM
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Paul, yes it will be very interesting to see what happens with Cliff, and how it compares with Rolf. I can’t wait. It should be hoot!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 8:46:28 AM
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<< When I said I thought you were acting "unusually" on this thread....I was being polite and toning it down. >>

Fascinating Poirot. And guess how I feel about you…

You have acted very oddly on this thread, compared to what I have known you to be like in the previous four years on this forum. So intolerant of the views I have put forward. So polarised. So nasty in your implications about me! And so hypocritical.

To paraphrase you: I think you are acting in a very strange and unbalanced manner on this thread...and I'm wondering if you have other issues we're not aware of.

Now, you have done NOTHING to address the point I made about Harris’ six month jail term for this simple buttock grope.

Why are you on this thread if you are not interested in actually debating this subject??

Can you simply say whether you think a six month sentence for this offence is fair and reasonable or not.

Of course you will say yes because that is what the judge declared, end of story.

So then, should every man or woman who has done such a thing be hauled into court and charged and given a similar sentence? Or is it somehow different for Harris, because this act was one of several, part of a pattern or whatever other extenuating circumstances you might like to consider?

Hey, I’m just trying to keep this debate on track…. in line with the fundamental principles of OLO.

So please, don’t just dismiss this stuff with a quick throw-away line. Give us a well-considered response if you would.

<< Cough up Poirot's abusive remarks to you, Ludwig. >>

No! Don’t you get it by now; I am not going to be drawn into the negative pointless he-said – she-said merry-go-round any more.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 9:07:07 AM
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Have you hit water yet?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 11:25:54 AM
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Nah! Is Mise, but by the way he a' dig'n I expect him to break through into China very, very shortly! LOL
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 11:53:46 AM
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I've made my point perfectly clearly regarding what "you" term as a "simple buttock grope."

"So then, should every man or woman who has done such a thing be hauled into court and charged and given a similar sentence? Or is it somehow different for Harris, because this act was one of several, part of a pattern or whatever other extenuating circumstances you might like to consider?"

It was part of a pattern of behaviour that included - and was tried in conjunction with - other grossly indecent acts committed against underage girls.

No-one hauled Rolf up just on that charge alone...which appears to be the point you are attempting to make. Rolfy wasn't nabbed for a one-off grope of girls bum. You are making a ridiculous spectacle of yourself in trying to isolate "that" particular charge from the rest of his self-indulgent indecencies....indecencies for which he was found guilty in a court of law.

"You have acted very oddly on this thread, compared to what I have known you to be like in the previous four years on this forum. So intolerant of the views I have put forward. So polarised. So nasty in your implications about me! And so hypocritical."

You continue to chuck a tantrum merely because I refuse to agree with your reasoning.

That's the beginning and the end of it.

Poirot doesn't concur with Ludwig's reasoning on this so she is

1. Nasty

2. Polarised

3. Intolerant

4. Abusive

5. Hypocritical

Etc...(according to Ludwig)

What, may I ask, are you still doing on this thread if you can't stomach others holding (and sticking to) opposing views.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 11:55:06 AM
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Not only, Jay 1 2 3, but also...

>>When Ludwig loses the debate, he abuses those he perceives to be his enemies<<

He also uses his own personal cone of silence when it comes to responding to questions that he knows will land him squarely in the proverbial.

For example I am one of a number here, still waiting on a number of replies to simple, straightforward questions that Ludwig has judiciously avoided.

One thing you may be absolutely sure of, though: he is smart enough to avoid asking which questions I am referring to...
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 3:23:13 PM
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Hi Is Mise. Thanks for your very useful contribution to this debate.

Please continue to prove my point that some things are just simply unmentionable.

Remember this? …

Ludwig Q. How could anyone have explored the things that I have explored here without you and most others in the debate thinking really poorly of me?

Is Mise A. Absolutely impossible.

Q. Or would you have preferred that all the things I have raised remained unspoken… and the very narrow perspective of this whole issue upheld?

A. No and no.

So um, if you reckon I’m still digging, then it would seem that you have answered the second question disingenuously, and that you do indeed think that the things that I have raised should have remained unspoken, yes?
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 10:50:51 PM
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Ahh Poirot, you have addressed the debate. Good!

You wrote:

<< It was part of a pattern of behaviour that included - and was tried in conjunction with - other grossly indecent acts committed against underage girls. >>

So you are suggesting that he copped a six month jail sentence not just for that particular misdemeanour, but because it was part of a pattern?

Well, hold on, he copped substantial penalties for all the other parts of that pattern that were brought before the court. So he surely shouldn’t have copped a bigger penalty for that particular buttock grope because of any other actions.

The judge imposed six months jail time simply for that action, and that action alone…. which is surely an outrageous penalty for such a thing.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 11:01:41 PM
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Ludwig: You continue to miss the point. It is fine to speak about these things (indeed essential, since they have been covered up for far too long). You are entitled to post your opinion on OLO.

But, so are the rest of us. And the opinion of the majority of us who have posted differs from your opinion. Tough.

I wonder if anyone saw the report from the Royal Commission on the ABC on Monday night, re the priest who abused two generations of one family? Twin brothers both abused, too ashamed to tell even each other until one discovers his son has been abused by the same man. An example of how some individuals misuse the authority of their position and status, how they 'groom' their victims (and in this case their families), how children put up with it in secret (because they think no-one will believe them, or they'll get in to trouble), how it doesn't just happen to girls (who might be accused of leading men on), ad infinitum.

It's NEVER 'only' a bit of groping (etc.), it's ALWAYS a breach of trust and adult responsibility. (And, by the way, it's against the law).
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 11:54:12 PM
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Judge's sentencing remarks

"On Count 2 I have no doubt that you indecently assaulted ‘B’ in July 1978 (when she was aged 16. and you were aged 48). You did so on the day that you took part in Star Games on Jesus Green in Cambridge. You were clowning around and took advantage of the fact that she was somewhat awestruck. Again others were present. You groped her bottom, squeezing her left buttock a number of times...."

"The maximum sentence....... on each of Counts 2-9 it is one of 2 year’s imprisonment....

Keeping in mind....and addressing the totally of the crimes for which Harris was found guilty during the one trial.

"With the exception of Counts 10 & 11 the equivalent offences today attract significantly higher maximum sentences. For example on Count 1 the equivalent offence today is sexual assault of a child which carries a maximum of 14 years’ imprisonment and would be likely to involve a starting point of around one year’s imprisonment. On Counts 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 & 12 the equivalent offence today is assault by penetration which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and would be likely, to involve a starting point (given the severity of the psychological damage to ‘C’) of around 8 years’ imprisonment on Counts 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 and a starting point of around 4 years’ imprisonment on Count 12."

And remembering that Rolf's defence for that one was that he was never where she said it happened...until someone produced evidence that he was.

Remember, Rolf is so hard done by, that he reckons all the witnesses were making it up.

Great guy, what!

But the most pathetic thing is Ludwig scratching around amongst the sentence fallout for some angle akin to poor old Rolf being hauled off the streets for a passing grope - a one off.

Did you read the above from the judge...the maximum sentence for such behaviour - count 2 - is two years.

And here you are, banging on about six months.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 21 August 2014 8:21:30 AM
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I'll just add, Ludwig, that there's a reason why groping young girls' buttocks attracts a jail sentence.

You appear to think that something akin to a parking fine is more appropriate.

Imagine if that was the case, and grown men could walk up to young girls and grope them, knowing full well that all they'd have to do in societal recompense is pop into the local court house and pay a "groping fine".?

The mind boggles....
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 21 August 2014 8:58:37 AM
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I see you are still maintaining a stubborn reticence on the key questions put to you, Ludwig.

You know, the ones that would illuminate your personal stance on child molestation in a manner that you would vastly prefer to avoid.

Keep it up. Your silence is eloquence itself.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 21 August 2014 10:59:44 AM
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<< Ludwig: You continue to miss the point. >>

Sorry, what point am I missing, Cossomby?

<< It is fine to speak about these things (indeed essential, since they have been covered up for far too long). >>


Not only has this sort of thing been covered up or blind-eyed for a very long time, but it all seems to be beyond critical examination, to the point where it is entirely feasible for us ordinary folks… or a significant portion of us…. to jump from knowing nothing about it to being extremely strongly condemnatory of anyone who has perpetrated such actions, without knowing or caring about the severity of those actions.

There is an incredible unwillingness to look at the detail and debate it, let alone an incredible lack of acceptance of ANY questioning or critical examination, by way of ordinary debate of the sort that OLO is based and which we all condone very openly in relation to all manner of other subjects.

It is basically the flavour of the moment to be absolutely condemning of anyone connected to this sort of activity.

This couldn’t be more evident than it is with Harris and those who have responded on this thread.

Most of these people will admit (many only under duress) that Harris’ misdemeanours were right at the light end of the spectrum of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching offences and yet they wish to utterly condemn him and show utter intolerance for any discussion on the matter (Or am I thinking in too much of a polarised manner here?).

The pendulum has swung from way over on one side to way over on the other side. It has yet to come to a balanced position. I’m sure it will in the fullness of time. I see myself as just being ahead of the times in that regard.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:26:37 AM
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I reckon some people on this thread will be eating their words in the not too distant future, when the general community view calms down a bit.

Yes, the outrage is entirely understandable when we consider the magnitude of the whole business with priests and Savile, etc. But to launch this outrage at Harris in such a totally condemnatory manner as some have done is not fair and reasonable. He, judging by the charges brought against him, is not in the same league. Not a by a very long way. And we really do need to be very careful about that.

<< But, so are the rest of us. And the opinion of the majority of us who have posted differs from your opinion. >>

Yes, there are a few opinions in amongst the heavy condemnation of me for daring to even raise the points I have raised. It should make for a very good debate / discussion…. if we could just get past the extreme lambasting of me for simply daring to bring on the debate in the first place.

<< It's NEVER 'only' a bit of groping (etc.), it's ALWAYS a breach of trust and adult responsibility. (And, by the way, it's against the law). >>

As with everything else, the penalty needs to match the offence. And I really can’t see how anyone can accept six months imprisonment as being a fair and reasonable penalty for the action that was brought before the court as Count 2 against Harris.

Again I say that this penalty seems so far out of whack with the offence that it rings loud alarm bells for me. And when I put it together with several other concerns that I have with the sentencing remarks and hence the whole court proceedings, there is a very big need for it to be aired and debated…. And OLO is the right place, indeed the perfect place for it, is it not.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:29:03 AM
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"Most of these people will admit (many only under duress) that Harris’ misdemeanours were right at the light end of the spectrum of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching offences and yet they wish to utterly condemn him and show utter intolerance for any discussion on the matter..."

"The sentences that I impose are as follows:

Count 1: 9 months’ imprisonment.
Count 2: 6 months’ imprisonment consecutive
Count 3: 15 months’ imprisonment consecutive
Count 4: 15 months’ imprisonment concurrent
Count 5: 15 months’ imprisonment concurrent
Count 6: 12 months imprisonment concurrent
Count 7: 15 months’ imprisonment consecutive
Count 8: 12 months’ imprisonment concurrent
Count 9: 12 months’ imprisonment consecutive
Count 10: 9 months’ imprisonment concurrent
Count 11 9 months imprisonment concurrent.
Count 12 12 months’ imprisonment consecutive"

Counts 3 to 9 involved the grossly indecent abuse of "C"

Counts 1,2, 10, 11 and 12 relate to his serial perversions taking advantage of young girls with opportune groping and indecent touching.

Nice to know you consider the totality of these crimes "misdemeanors at the light end of the spectrum".

Also fascinated at your continued outrage at Harris being brought to justice for "all" these counts of indecency...and yet not one ounce of "outrage" at what he has done.

Are you going to address the questions put to you by Pericles?
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:41:09 AM
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Hold ya hosses there Poirot. I’ve still got two of your posts to respond to…

Well done. Those two posts were almost entirely directed at the debate and almost free of directly personally attacking offensive statements! ( :>)

However, your comments do nothing to allay my concerns about the six month penalty. There is only mention of a maximum penalty, no minimum is mentioned. So there was presumably plenty of scope for the judge to have imposed a much lesser sentence than he did.

<< You appear to think that something akin to a parking fine is more appropriate. >>

Well, what did I say early in this thread? $1000 fine? Yes, that would have been more appropriate.

<< Imagine if that was the case, and grown men could walk up to young girls and grope them, knowing full well that all they'd have to do in societal recompense is pop into the local court house and pay a "groping fine".?

The mind boggles.... >>

The mind boggles alright at such silly comments.

You’ve got to put it in context with all the possible offences related to pedophilia / child molestation / child touching and with everything else that people can do that might impact significantly on a child in a negative manner. When you look at the whole context, you must surely agree that if such an action can incur such a penalty, then all manner of other actions would have to incur much bigger penalties than they now do… many of which would now incur no penalty and not even be counted as offences.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:50:14 AM
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You are a disingenuous little chappie these days, aren't you.....

"Well done. Those two posts were almost entirely directed at the debate and almost free of directly personally attacking offensive statements! ( :>)"

I note that after many requests that you provide my so-called "nasty abusive posts" that you still refuse to provide them...the same as you won't respond to the questions put to you by Pericles. the absence of any proof of my "abusive posts" at least you now have my reference to you as "a disingenuous little chappie"...something to take home as a memento of the great big hole you have dug for yourself on this thread.

You can put it on your the spot where your credibility used to be.

I'm out.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 21 August 2014 3:02:35 PM
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<< I note that after many requests that you provide my so-called "nasty abusive posts" that you still refuse to provide them.. >>

You can’t help yourself can you Poirot. I explained why – I’ve had enough of being drawn into the negative he-said – she-said drivel, that doesn’t address the debate.

Why can’t you just accept that?

And in your last post, you’ve made no attempt at all to address the debate… which by the way is against OLO rule No 1.

Have I got you in a position where you can’t offer any response, regarding this:

>> …no minimum is mentioned. So there was presumably plenty of scope for the judge to have imposed a much lesser sentence than he did. <<

And surely he should have, if there is to be any reasonable correlation between the scale of an offence and the scale of punishment.

<< I'm out. >>

Haaa hahahaaa. Just as we are starting to get into a bit of nitty-gritty real debate, you’re off.

Why am I not surprised!

But I bet you’re not. I bet you’ll be back.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 22 August 2014 7:02:24 AM
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Oh look, there’s another Poirot post that I haven’t addressed…

<< Nice to know you consider the totality of these crimes "misdemeanors at the light end of the spectrum". >>

Too right!

Not just Count 2, but all of the charges put together still amount to misdemeanors at the light end of the spectrum.

It is fascinating that you don’t see this.

Very brief gentle opportunistic touchings. No rape nor anything anywhere near it. No deprivation of liberty.

Yes, they were misdemeanours for which he has rightly been brought to account for… and for which the overall penalty is I think in the right ball park. But no, nothing of a particularly serious nature, when you look at it in context with the full gamut of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching and all other crimes and all other things that people can do that impact in a significant negative manner on children.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 22 August 2014 7:17:06 AM
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That's a good point you make Jay regarding comparisons, and I agree with you after reading Ludwig's 2 posts. I went back and read several other posts from him, and I'm flabbergasted that someone has such non existent empathy towards victims of pedophilia. Some men are like that, they just don't have that type of emotional intelligence, whereas it's very rare indeed for a woman to be like that.

But your point about 'comparisons' is very valid and telling.
Posted by AdrianD, Friday, 22 August 2014 2:05:03 PM
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It is fiendishly difficult to take you at face value, Ludwig.

>>...if we could just get past the extreme lambasting of me for simply daring to bring on the debate in the first place<<

The debate that you "dared" to put before us was clear, and unequivocal. I offer your opening post in evidence:

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' actions] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

You can pretend as much as you like that you were actually concerned about the minutiae of the judge's ruling. But that was not the debate that you introduced. We all clearly recognized that you had to devise a diversionary tactic, once you realized that you may have inadvertently displayed a fondness for going the grope on young girls...

>>If the jury can find him guilty of [simply squeezing this girls left buttock], and the judge can then declare it something warranting a prison sentence, then alarm bells ring for me<<

Which was why I asked you directly, whether this is the sort of behaviour you feel comfortable with...

>>The natural assumption, I'm afraid, is that you would apply the same standards and "logic" to your own behaviour. So, tell us. Would you?<<

So far, this question has gone unanswered.

I'm sure that even you can see that leaving this on the table without a response leaves it open for anyone observing your line of reasoning to assume that yes indeed, this is the sum total of Ludwig's ethical standards. As I also tried to make clear to you in an even earlier post...

>>The only way you can "debate" any of this is to a) minimize the impact of his actions on the victims, b) blame the victims for leading him on, and c) claim that there's nothing particularly wrong with an older man sticking his fingers into an under-age girl's vagina.<<

You may carry on pretending to yourself that I am not asking these questions, Ludwig. But really, that's not particularly adult, is it..
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 22 August 2014 3:07:05 PM
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You said "Yes, they were misdemeanours for which he has rightly been brought to account for…..."

Not misdemeanours but criminal acts.

"NOUN :misdemeanour
1A minor wrongdoing:

Example: the player can expect a suspension for his latest misdemeanour"
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 22 August 2014 7:53:23 PM
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"NOUN :misdemeanour
1A minor wrongdoing.

Like I said Is Mise - misdemeanours.

Also officially criminal acts. But nonetheless: misdemeanours.

Minor criminal acts if you like.

Is Mise, surely you can't argue with that when you look at what Harris did in the context of all offences that come under the banner of child molestation and pedophilia.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 22 August 2014 8:27:44 PM
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Ludwig - (you were right, I'm back)


From the the sentencing remarks:

"With the exception of Counts 10 & 11 the equivalent offences today attract significantly higher maximum sentences."

"For example on Count 1 the equivalent offence today is sexual assault of a child which carries a maximum of 14 years’ imprisonment and would be likely to involve a starting point of around one year’s imprisonment."

"On Counts 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 & 12 the equivalent offence today is assault by penetration which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and would be likely, to involve a starting point (given the severity of the psychological damage to ‘C’) of around 8 years’ imprisonment on Counts 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 and a starting point of around 4 years’ imprisonment on Count 12."


"....On Counts 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 & 12 the equivalent offence today is assault by penetration which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment..."

Ludwig calls them misdemeanors.

Minor criminal acts, he calls them.

Apparently they're so "minor" that nowadays one of them carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Strange days on planet Ludwig....
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 22 August 2014 9:05:30 PM
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I simply can't believe what I'm reading here. Pericles showed in her post that Harris put his finger inside an underage girl's vagina. That's digital rape. Is Mise then posted that such a thing was a criminal act. That's a fact.

Then this character who started this thread posted in reply that it's just a mere misdemeanour and minor. I simply find it very difficult to believe that that man could have such backward, dangerous attitudes. I thought men, in these modern times, had generally progressed beyond those ancient beliefs. This is very worrying, and I really hope that man doesn't access to children. Pericles and Is Mise, thanks so much for being the voice of reason in this, it's people like you two who bring reason and compassion to this worrying thread. I'm terribly worried that that man may have access to kids. I'm terribly concerned.
Posted by AdrianD, Friday, 22 August 2014 9:07:13 PM
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No-one is going to agree with that either, Ludwig.

>>Like I said Is Mise - misdemeanours. Also officially criminal acts. But nonetheless: misdemeanours. Minor criminal acts if you like.<<

Grown-ups understand these words - especially when they refer to judgment in a court of law - in a very different way.

"Typical misdemeanors include: petty theft, disturbing the peace, simple assault and battery, drunk driving without injury to others, drunkenness in public, various traffic violations, public nuisances".

They do not include sticking fingers into a young girl's vagina, no matter how hard you stamp your feet and cover your ears.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 22 August 2014 10:48:06 PM
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Hahahaa. Hello Poirot. Welcome back!

<< Apparently they're so "minor" that nowadays one of them carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. >>

Are you really incapable of putting things into context, of perceiving that things range enormously in severity, or that maximum sentences are going to apply for very serious acts and that they are not relevant to acts at the minor end of the spectrum?

From the sentencing remarks:

< With the exception of ‘C’ the offences were brief and opportunistic. >

That is: minor, in the greater scheme of things.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 22 August 2014 11:42:35 PM
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Ludwig, Poirot said 'one' of them carries a minimum sentence of life imprisonment. Therefore Poirot is not putting them all in the higher range of penalties. Everybody else reading Poirot's post would have realised what he was saying, but you're 'pretending' he wrote something he didn't write. You couldn't be so stupid you didn't understand, so the only conclusion I can draw is that you are here solely to twist and misrepresent. Why I don't know. Maybe you have history with him.

You wrote the offences were minor in the greater scheme of things. So your twisted logic is that by comparing a pedophilia crime to worse types of crimes in the greater scheme of things, that that somehow makes the pedophilia crime really not too bad at all; after all, who can argue that digitally penetrating a minor is as bad as mass murder. Your lack of logic is twisted and perverted, and solely designed to lessen the perceived severity of the crimes committed by Harris. Nobody's falling for it Ludwig. Why are you doing it? Are you trying to justify your own past actions? I really have my suspicions regarding you. Harris got an appropriate total sentence. Move on son, you are obsessed and illogical.
Posted by AdrianD, Saturday, 23 August 2014 12:14:45 AM
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Yes,it's obvious that I have way to much time on my hands - or why else would I continue to bother with this thread - and your, shall we say, "interesting" views in defence of Harris's perversions.

You appear to believ that the terms "brief" and "opportunistic" = minor.

Brief and opportunistic, of course, describes perfectly Harris's penchant for ambushing young girls with his wandering hands as he interacted with them as part of the fun and games of being the celebrity, Rolf Harris.

It takes a real big man to use his exalted position for abusing such access.

Remember of story of the 8 year-old waiting for his autograph?

(of course, if Ludwig had his way, that's the sort of action which would attract a hand-parking fine)

I do find it fascinating how the further down you've dug your hole on this subject...and the tattier has become your OLO reputation - that your swagger has actually increased!

As is usually the case when folk attempt to defend the indefensible....
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 23 August 2014 1:04:26 AM
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Reports coming out of London. Seems Rolf has committed 'hurry curry', impaled himself on his 'wobble board' while wobbling away to the tune of 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport' I always knew that was the way dear old Rolf wanted to go.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 23 August 2014 8:29:54 AM
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Still, getting it wrong I (along with everyone else) see, Ludwig...

"Like I said Is Mise - misdemeanours. Also officially criminal acts. But nonetheless: misdemeanours. Minor criminal acts if you like."

Harris was convicted of arrestable offences, the legal distinctions between felonies and misdemeanours being not applicable in the UK.

Further, as you have repeatedly been told, the judgements DID take into account BOTH the lesser sentencing guidelines applicable at the time of the offences as well as the 'scale' of the offences of which he was found guilty.

The shallowness of your opinions is contrasted by the depth of the hole you keep digging by regurgitating them... I've checked and your antipode is in the North Atlantic off Mauritania so let us know when you hit water.

Now I need to go and wash off my shame at contributing to your desire to obtain the longest general thread on OLO.
Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:06:13 AM
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WmTrevor With the 579th post you have hit the 'nail' (read Ludwig) on the head. The facts as you state them have been pointed out to Ludwig over and over again. At the end of the day they didn't hang the "B" they gave him 5 years and 9 months. End of story. Ludwig's attitude is basically Rolf did not commit a crime, criminal or otherwise, its all a big mistake by society, Rolf was simply having a bit of playful fun with the kiddies as he was prone to do from time to time, and we should accept that. In fact its nothing to do with justice, all society wanted was to crucify a tall poppy Rolf, because of his fame and fortune. Nothing could be further from the truth. Granted there has been plenty of media coverage, and that is to be expected, given the high profile of the accused. Imagine the media if say the Queen of England was caught shop lifting, likewise it would be no ordinary case.
On aspect which I would like opinion on is; when the rich and famous are found guilty of a crime in general they nearly always plea they should get a lesser sentence because they have lost more in fame and fortune and prestige than ordinary people because of their position in society. In a nut shell higher they are the harder they fall. its an argument I for one don't accept. All are equal under the law.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 23 August 2014 11:37:35 AM
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All are not equal under the law, if one is rich then certain bits of law breaking are but trifles.

One example, a poor person who commits X may be given the option of time or a fine. The poor person cannot pay the fine so does time and as a consequence loses his job.
A rich person who commits the same and is given the same options pays the fine and keeps his job.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 August 2014 10:48:21 PM
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Is Mise, that certainly applies to general fines, like a parking fine of $104. A far greater impact on a pensioner than a billionaire.

Take this case for example;

<<Jodhi Meares (James Packer ex-wife) was on her sixth driving suspension on the night she rolled her Range Rover while more than three times the legal blood ­alcohol limit.>>

Seemed to be a straight forward case, Meares pleaded guilty, the full weight of the law should be applied.

Meares got off for high range drink driving with an $1100 fine and a 12-month disqualification period — a third of the automatic sentence of three years, after her lawyer argued Ms Meares had suffered enough with her marriage to Packer.
She got an extremely light sentence
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 24 August 2014 5:47:33 AM
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Maybe her lawyer had a point!!
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 24 August 2014 7:24:18 AM
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Point taken Is Mise.

Cliff Richards has been interviewed by police in relation to sex allegations.

One of the "positive" aspects of Old Rolf's conviction, and here we are at post 600 is the inmates down at 'The Scrubs' are in for some "quality" free entertainment. If Cliff goes for a stretch, it could be a double act. The judge didn't take that into account when determining the sentence.
I can't see what defense Cliff could possibly have. Unlike Rolf's rock solid line of "I play the wobble board, and sing silly ditties."how could Cliff match that?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 24 August 2014 11:44:31 AM
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Rolf H. will have some respite as the sacrificial male to sex power from women, The leader of the opposition and Cliff Richard are reluctantly filling that space for awhile until a bigger fish comes along to sacrifice.
How long will the insane use of women's power be allowed to wreck havoc, and especially the wars it has caused. Rubbishing all men as violent animals and raising the price of sex is sure to make most women gloat.
Sex must be demystified and deweaponised.
A big move. The first time in human history. We could start by educating high school students with sex dolls. No more frustration and ignorance being taken advantage of.
Wouldn't that be nice.
Posted by laz91, Sunday, 24 August 2014 10:18:32 PM
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Now, let’s see what’s been appnin of the Rolfie thread, after having left it alone for five days.

Hey! There’s been some good discussion here. Excellent!

Firstly to the amazing Poirot….

<< I do find it fascinating how the further down you've dug your hole on this subject...and the tattier has become your OLO reputation - that your swagger has actually increased! >>

And with that statement, you have just absolutely confirmed that you are willing to take nothing but the hardest line over what really does amount to the bottom-end-of-the-scale offences of the pedophilia / child-molestation / child-touching type.

Thank goodness not everyone thinks like you do. Thank goodness there are at least some people with a better sense of perspective than that!

<< As is usually the case when folk attempt to defend the indefensible.... >>

Is this a deliberate misrepresentation of my position, or have you convinced yourself that I am trying to defend the indefensible? It’s got to be one or the other.

As I have said numerous times; it is about perspective; about matching the crime with the penalty; about NOT just utterly condemning someone who has not committed rape, not deprivation of liberty, nor any act longer than a few seconds, or about a minute with ‘C’; about NOT just taking the judge’s findings and sentences as gospel but RIGHTLY questioning and seeking to discuss them; and about being able to do this without the low-life coming down on you and accusing of all manner crap, with the express purpose of trying to defame you and derail the discussion.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 27 August 2014 8:22:45 AM
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<< Ludwig's attitude is basically Rolf did not commit a crime, criminal or otherwise, its all a big mistake by society,… >>

Paul, you’re an enigma.

I was under the impression that you were one of the better and more level-headed debaters on this thread. I had actually increased my respect for you as a result of this discussion.

That has just entirely evaporated.

You’ve made knowlingly false assertions about of my position.

Careful, there are laws pertaining to defamation you know.

Well done mate.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 27 August 2014 8:30:12 AM
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I can give you my answer, Ludwig. Not that you are listening, of course.

>>Is this a deliberate misrepresentation of my position, or have you convinced yourself that I am trying to defend the indefensible? It’s got to be one or the other.<<

You certainly have convinced me that you are "trying to defend the indefensible".

And failing miserably in the process, by the way.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 27 August 2014 12:42:30 PM
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Geez, now this Ludwig fruitcake is threatening Paul1405 with defamation action. Mind you, this was after Ludwig called the people here 'low life'. Ludwig is too stupid to realise you can't sue an internet monicker who defames another internet monicker.

I only took part briefly in this thread, as did most people, owing to the utter arrogance and sheer stupidity of 'you know who'. In all my life, I have never seen such stick in the mud arrogance and such an ignorant lack of self awareness displayed by anyone like 'you know who' displays. It would be a joke, but 'you know who' is actually serious. He's mentally sick.

Sorry folks that I got personal, but that bloke is just arrogance personified.
Posted by AdrianD, Wednesday, 27 August 2014 6:22:37 PM
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AdrianD is apparently just another incarnation of Jay123. So I won’t be responding to this person… who was banned from the forum for offensive behaviour. Obvious we can’t believe a word he writes, as it is patently clear that his whole aim is to just condemn Ludwig as strongly as he possibly can… and he ain’t gunna be letting the truth get in the way of that.

Further to Paul…

You of all people on this thread would have known my real position and views. You’ve followed this discussion all the way through. I cultivated a good relationship with you, which appeared to be successful. We differed in our views but were able to debate them in a proper and sensible manner.

I had clarified my position here:

And then you come out with defamatory stuff, asserting that my ‘attitude’ is something that it completely is not.

<< Ludwig's attitude is basically Rolf did not commit a crime, criminal or otherwise, its all a big mistake by society, Rolf was simply having a bit of playful fun with the kiddies as he was prone to do from time to time, and we should accept that. In fact its nothing to do with justice, all society wanted was to crucify a tall poppy Rolf, because of his fame and fortune. >>

I don’t know what’s with you Paul. But you’ve shot your credibility in the foot totally. I understand that you are a bit of a greenie, as I am, so you would be used to getting stupid and entirely false allegations made against you, as has been the lot of environmentalists since the day dot.

So then, apart from just wanting to be a good sensible and accurate debater, I would have thought that you’d be doubly sure that you didn’t level stupid allegations, let alone assertions, against anyone with whom you are debating.

But alas, logic doesn’t prevail…. and it seems that many people are highly contradictory and hypocritical at least some of the time.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 28 August 2014 9:35:23 PM
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So… I have made my position perfectly clear, over and over again, as per the post for the link above. My questioning of various aspects of the judge’s sentencing remarks is perfectly fair and reasonable. Desiring a sensible discussion of these points is perfectly reasonable, and totally in line with the basic philosophy of OLO.

Being condemned and defamed left, right and centre, is of course totally against the very purpose of OLO, and I would suggest that those who do this should not be on this forum at all. They are corrupting the quality of this very good forum.

Those who do anything other than debate the points that I have tried to get debated here, in a neutral and non-personal manner, are corrupting this forum. Not only should they leave this thread, but they should leave OLO.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 28 August 2014 9:36:50 PM
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Ludwig, my position all along was that the judge and the legal system got it right. You more than once questioned the outcome. On several of the counts you questioned the guilty verdict, and on others you questioned the penalty imposed.

I post your opening << I (Ludwig) was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term.

Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up.

It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.>>

Your position never deviated from that.

"found guilty on all 12 charges" SO; on some or all of the charges there should have been a not guilty verdict, I took that to be your opinion.
"substantial jail term but this just doesn’t add up" SO; you thought on some or all of the counts the penalty was too severe.
"the worst of it was a bit of groping/risque activity" SO; that implies that on the worst of the charges there was no crime at all involved, just grouping risque activity, that cannot be a crime.
SO; I stand by my post;
"Ludwig's attitude is basically Rolf did not commit a crime, criminal or otherwise, its all a big mistake by society, Rolf was simply having a bit of playful fun with the kiddies as he was prone to do from time to time." Given the above I think that is fair comment. Then you go on with << And then you come out with defamatory stuff, asserting that my (Ludwig) ‘attitude’ is something that it completely is not.>> I don't think so.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 August 2014 10:48:29 PM
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It may dawn upon you one day, Ludwig - not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but some day - that it is you who is out of step with the world, and not the other way around.

You can keep trying to persuade yourself that you are conducting a genuine and legitimate enquiry into the "things that [you] thought could be a little bit problematic and which warranted a closer look".

But anyone who has followed you through this thread knows for a certain and incontrovertible fact that what you really wanted to debate was "that the worst of [Harris' behaviour] was a bit of groping". A phrase, you may remember, from your very own opening post.

And that is the reality that you are going to have to live with, I'm afraid.

>>Those who do anything other than debate the points that I have tried to get debated here, in a neutral and non-personal manner, are corrupting this forum<<

We did actually manage quite a strong debate, for a while, on your views as to what constituted "a bit of groping". Even after you introduced your diversionary tactic of questioning the judge's sentencing technique, you still found yourself relapsing...

>>...the sorts of things that he has done are really just as common as dishwater, and are very meek in the greater scheme of things<<

You may wish to leave it there. You do not have a winning card in your hand, only a reputation for defending the indefensible and a display of ethical standards that should be, but so obviously isn't, a source of considerable shame .

>>Not only should they leave this thread, but they should leave OLO.<<

You said it, pal. Not me.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 28 August 2014 11:31:59 PM
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"Those who do anything other than debate the points that I have tried to get debated here, in a neutral and non-personal manner, are corrupting this forum. Not only should they leave this thread, but they should leave OLO."

Two thirds of the way through this thread after Ludwig has attempted ad nauseam to bring us round to his way of thinking, he posts this regarding "C' (the worst of Harris's offenses:)

"My supposition is that his physical contacts with this girl after that time were based on the understanding that she was amenable to it. If this is the case, then there is a very big mitigating factor involved here.

He was still in the wrong to do it, but it should basically have been seen as a very minor offence. And Count 9, which occurred when ‘C’ was19 should not be considered to be an offence at all."

I described Ludwig's "mitigations" as "nauseating, etc" - and from that time onwards Ludwig starts to get nasty.

"Sorry, but you’re way worse than I thought. Very very polarised and blinkered."

"...Oh sorry, not for Poirot. Only for those whose mind isn’t completely closed]"

"In light of Poirot’s outrageous assertions..."

And introduces tactic of gathering some opposition "on side" while painting Poirot as "blinkered and polarised".

"Poirot, there is such an enormous difference between you, R0bert and Paul. Even though there is strong disagreement, I can have a very good discussion with R0bert, and a pretty good discussion with Paul. And then there’s you, who seems incapable of keeping your cool and keeping the perspective when dealing with those with whom you disagree."

"Well if you folks can’t admit to yourselves that Poirot was getting way out of line by projecting things that I had said to the end of the spectrum and asserting that my views were much stronger than what I was very carefully explaining them to be, then you’re not be being honest with yourselves."

Posted by Poirot, Friday, 29 August 2014 8:15:00 AM
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""I’m sure that at least R0bert and Paul can see this perfectly clearly. Then if they want to uphold their condemnation of Harris after having considered everything that I have put forward, then so be it. I respect that.

But Poirot’s stance is just extraordinary."

"Go suck an egg Pericles (and hopefully choke on it) (:>)"

"Poirot, you’ve got the worst case of foot-in-mouth disease that I’ve ever seen. You strongly SUPPORT my case every time you put finger to keyboard, with your incredibly polarised statements."

"At least three people on this thread should take a good long hard look at themselves in relation to this.....I see an enormous amount of duplicity here."

"Thanks again Poirot for demonstrating your incredibly blinkered view…"

"Well that just says it all. You are not really blinkered at all. You’ve got the shutters down completely.....What an incredibly hopeless way of thinking. Or I should say; of NOT thinking!"

"You will recall that there were several people early in this thread who expressed similar views to me. They have rightly left, in light of low-lifers that would have hounded them if they’d hung around."

"Have a look at the character of people still in this discussion. There is one of good character, there is one of a very polarised nature and quite nasty character and there are a couple of dismal personal character, who don’t respect the OLO forum rules and who just flame to the hilt."

"One of these characters, with whom I have had numerous long debates involving many hundreds of posts over a period of several years on this forum, has shown himself to be of the lowest possible personal quality..."

Posted by Poirot, Friday, 29 August 2014 8:29:33 AM
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"....and the little band of nasty intolerants on this thread, are TOTALLY WRONG...."

"... I consider people like this, who are simply incapable of entertaining a debate without constant personal abuse and who go to the max to build straw-man cases against those with whom they disagree, to be nothing short of the absolute scum of society."

"Or was it the small bunch of total intolerants who couldn’t stomach these suggestions, without launching straight into tirades of personal abuse?"

"There must be at least 100 posts which actually add something meaningful to this discussion… …and about 400 from the little lowlife band of Ludwig bashers."

"But be careful saying things like that - you’ll have Polarised Poirot and her two rabid Ludwig-bashing lapdogs comin after you.


"..... and an intense blast of internet bullying from three respondents who have shown themselves to be of particularly poor character"

"Then as Poirot slipped from calm rationality at the start of this thread, into a more and more decrepit state of mind..."

(still attempting the divide and conquer tactic):

"Well R0bert, if you set aside all the polarised statements and the making out that I hold much stronger views than I really do, plus the absolute nastiness that Poirot has pumped out on this thread, then yes you’re probably right."

(Then when RObert reminds Ludwig he concurs with Poirot):

"Oh for goodness sake. I held off responding at all for a long time, while Poirot put out a lot of most unfortunate posts, one after the other. Then I eventually let it be known what I think of her. You are looking at this particular aspect of this long ‘discussion’ in a very unbalanced manner R0bert.

The enormous difference is in the way the you and Paul have conducted yourselves, compared to Poirot."

Posted by Poirot, Friday, 29 August 2014 8:44:16 AM
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(After Ludwig's continuing rant regarding Poirot, he suggests we resume cordial arrangements! - which I refuse...his response...):

"I tried to uphold a good conversation with you early in this thread. Then when you became heated and polarised and just plain nasty, and it was clear that I couldn’t entertain a sensible dialogue with you, I stopped responding to you, and eventually told you what I thought of you and the two other little Ludwig-bashers....You are incredibly two-faced. And it is clearly impossible to have a sensible conversation with you."

"[To Cossomby] "Never have I given any indication anywhere that I think it was <just a bit of groping, to just having a bit of fun, with no sense of the rights of others>"

"That says it all really. Poirot was completely intolerant of me even daring to question anything regarding the judge’s sentencing remarks. All the shrillness and nastiness and he-said – she-said bunkum on this thread stems directly from that incredibly poor and just plain WRONG basic premise, from her and a couple of others."

"I’ve got to admit: you’ve become very hard to like, especially after resoundly rejecting my offer to set our differences aside and debate the issue in a cool, calm and non-personally-attacking manner."

"Well done. Those two posts were almost entirely directed at the debate and almost free of directly personally attacking offensive statements! ( :>)"

And who could forget Ludwig's crowning glory of "reasonable dialogue" with people who disagree with his reasoning...

"Once you gain a true perspective of my position from reading only my posts, you will then find that I haven’t dug myself into a hole at all, but rather, the little lowlife band of three have heaped a great mountain of their excrement upon me, which they have pulled out of their stinky little backsides, and which is completely independent of their brains (unless their brains are up their bums, which seems like a distinct possibility)."

Probably best to leave it there...hard to top that....from the man who accuses others of abuse, yet refuses to provide evidence of such behaviour.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 29 August 2014 9:05:10 AM
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Yea!! Page 100!!
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 29 August 2014 10:01:36 AM
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<< SO; I stand by my post; >>

Well that says it all, doesn’t it Paul.

It says that no matter how clearly and repeatedly I state my position, you and a few others with incredibly warped thought processes will insist that my position is something quite different.

How incredibly hopeless!

You can’t possibly legitimately condemn me for holding the position that I have clearly stated, so you have to invent stuff to hold against me.

Congratulations on that.

I see that I am not the only one who is copping this sort of utter extremism…

The Dalwallinu Shire Council in WA has decided to re-hang some Harris artwork.

This decision was arrived at after an intensive process of review… and yet, of course, they have received condemnation from some quarters for forgiving Harris, which they absolutely have not done.


< An article in a local newspaper said the decision gave the impression the shire had forgiven Harris for his offences.

Dalwallinu Shire President Robert Nixon said he was disgusted by that accusation.

"I find that totally abhorrent because council did not indicate that at all," he said.

"What council did was make a decision to reinstate the painting after it had been down for several months based on community feedback.

"I think it's very wrong - it's inferring something that wasn't council's decision in the first place." >


There are clearly just some subjects that cannot be discussed or dealt with in a sensible manner without utter condemnation from completely irrational extremists.

This phenomenon appears to be so overwhelming that just about no one can do anything other than uphold the most extreme line against Harris without being hounded and accused of being a pedophile sympathiser and the like.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 30 August 2014 10:07:42 AM
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You clearly refuse to digest the point I was attempting to make in my recent series of posts.

Displayed there, for all to see, Is Ludwig employing abuse to consistently condemn those who disagree with his reasoning. Post after post, impugning others for their character, calling them "low-life Ludwig bashers"

Post after post of you displaying your frustration that others didn't buy your reasoning by abusing them for their "conduct" and/or "character" on this thread.

The crowning hypocrisy was you consistently accusing others (and I'm talking of regular OLOers here - not blow-in trolls) of "personal abuse"...none of which was occurring - while "you" blistered away merrily abusing all and sundry in some kind of reverse logic.

My reason for not accepting your invititation to resume cordial interaction was in light of that hypocrisy. Nowhere here have I "personally abused" you. I have disagreed vehemently with your position regarding Harris's culpability is all.

You are the one on this thread who has been abusing others - all the while screaming "abuse" at the top of your voice.

And you're still at it, I see.

"It says that no matter how clearly and repeatedly I state my position, you and a few others with incredibly warped thought processes will insist that my position is something quite different.

How incredibly hopeless!"

Those of us who've disagreed with your reasoning have done so, based on your reasoning.

And we've put up with your constant abuse for a third of this long thread while doing so (Poirot in particular)
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 30 August 2014 10:25:39 AM
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Perhaps you ought to try again, Ludwig.

>> matter how clearly and repeatedly I state my position, you and a few others with incredibly warped thought processes will insist that my position is something quite different<<

To begin with, you can tell us how your position differs from this one:

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' actions] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that<<

So, do you confirm that is this your position?


>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

Do you still maintain that she was a willing participant?

I think those two will do for now, don't you?

Once we have cleared up the misunderstanding that arose from believing that you actually meant what you wrote, we can move on to discover other, similar misunderstandings and consequent misrepresentations.

But you are still not listening, are you.

And that, when all is considered, is your biggest problem.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 30 August 2014 10:59:56 AM
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Further to my last post;

< "The community is divided on whether it should stay up or come down," he [shire president Robert Nixon] said.

"At the end of the day, council had to make a decision, and council received a lot of feedback from the community, and based on that it made a decision to reinstate it.

"I think you've got to listen to the community and the consensus we got from the community was that the painting ought to be put up and I emphasise once again that doesn't mean the council condones the act of Rolf Harris." >

So clearly there are whole lot of people in Dalwallinu who are not of the utterly hardline extremist type of sentiment that is being expressed on this thread.

I am sure that the spread of views in Dalwallinu shire is a whole lot closer to that across the country and in Britain, than the views expressed on this thread are.

I would suggest that the views expressed here, by all contributors other than me, are way out towards one end of the spectrum of the general thinking on this subject, and that there are many people out there who are thinking along the same lines as I am. Indeed, that has very much been my experience in face-to-face chats with lots of people, as I mentioned early in this thread.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 30 August 2014 8:58:42 PM
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No! No! Jay, let it continue; I hear that a couple of Unis have picked up on it and are contemplating Psychology and/or Sociology courses to be known as "Lud.101".
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 August 2014 10:31:42 PM
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Let me see if I understand you correctly, Ludwig.

>>I am sure that the spread of views in Dalwallinu shire is a whole lot closer to that across the country and in Britain, than the views expressed on this thread are. I would suggest that the views expressed here, by all contributors other than me, are way out towards one end of the spectrum of the general thinking on this subject, and that there are many people out there who are thinking along the same lines as I am.<<

You are suggesting that the majority of people of Dalwallinu Shire, of Australia, and of Britain share your view that:

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' actions] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that<<

And that they also believe, as you do, that Rolf's behaviour was welcomed:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

I cannot agree.

Further, I put it to you that you are in fact completely alone in your perception of what other people are thinking of Rolf's sins.

Another possibility, of course, is that you are keeping some very dubious company.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 31 August 2014 9:49:37 AM
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Ludwig, I simply quoted your opening remarks, and based my assessment of your stance on those opening remarks. If at some stage of the discussion you did in fact changed your stance, then I apologies.
A simple question, do you STILL agree with your opening remarks? I you do not then please rewrite it, just for me, so I'm clear on your new position. I'm not opposed to the discussion as you have presented the facts, forgetting the attacks on personalities contributing from you and others. Can I say this, to encapsulate it in a nut shell, one side, your side, that Harris was to some degree hard done by, on the other side Harris was fairly treated and the court judgment was correct and reflected the over whelming prevailing community attitude.
I don't wish to be a forum "enemy" of yours. You and I have a basic difference on this. I agreed wholly with the outcome, you don't, it does not make us "enemies".
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 September 2014 10:12:56 AM
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I wasn't going to comment again on this topic, since it has been thoroughly dealt with, but ....

While I totally agreed with the result of the court case, indeed think Harris got off lightly because of his age (by Ludwig's criteria I am one of the 'utterly hardline extremist types'), I also do not think Harris' art works should be removed. If we removed all art works, music, books etc, on the basis of the artists' morality or criminality, there might not be much left!

Rather, they provide an opportunity to meditate on the complexity of humanity - that being creative does not necessarily mean being ethical or moral. Indeed, with Harris it provides an opportunity to contemplate how much our assessment of art is based on the celebrity of the artist. Now, knowing what the man got up to, will opinions of his art change? So we need to keep the work in the public arena.

In summary, the people of Dalwallinu who voted to keep the works on display do NOT necessarily condone Harris's behaviour. They may be as utterly hardline extremist as me.
Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 1 September 2014 3:54:50 PM
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I would agree, Cossomby. Up to a point.

>>If we removed all art works, music, books etc, on the basis of the artists' morality or criminality, there might not be much left!<<

It is unusual, for example, to hear Paul Gaugin's work linked with his amorality...

"After dumping his wife and five kids, Gauguin upped sticks to Martinique, Brittany, Arles (where he spent nine notorious weeks with van Gogh in 1888), and finally the South Pacific islands of Tahiti and Hiva Oa. He took three native brides – aged 13, 14 and 14, for those keeping score – infecting them and countless other local girls with syphilis."

It doesn't seem to affect the appreciation of his artwork much, if at all.

A smart investor might even consider hoovering up as many of Harris' works as he can while their price languishes in the basement...

In fact, that is what appears to be happening already...

I have one small reservation comparing Harris with Gaugin, though. And that is the underlying quality of the work itself.

I do have a suspicion that the value of Rolf's painting was inextricably linked to his public persona of the cheery, slightly batty uncle, rather than any intrinsic artistic merit. And while Gaugin's uber-bohemian antics might actually have given his work added cachet in the salons of Paris, I fear Rolfie's work may ultimately have to stand on its own merit.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 1 September 2014 4:59:36 PM
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Pericles - that was one of the points I was making: that views of Harris' work may have been influenced by his celebrity. In time, the art work can be assessed on its own merits. If the end result is that it has little merit, well, that's still a reason to have it publically available as an educational example of how celebrity influences our views.

(I recognise accept that many people never thought much of it!)
Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 1 September 2014 5:43:14 PM
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There's a very big difference between the canvas art of a professional entertainer who uses his celebrity in his art, and the canvas art of a proper professional artist.

I think both the artistic value and dollar worth of the so called art of Harris is very much tied to his celebrity, in other words his acceptance by, and approval from, the community. So, when that acceptance and approval is high there is interest in the art. When that acceptance and approval takes a nosedive, there is lesser interest in the art. That's how the free marketplace works, and rightly so.

Harris would incorporate his artwork into his old TV shows. entertaining people while he painted and drew. He got to paint the Queen, not because he was a great artist, but because he was a very high profile, accepted celebrity, who could paint a bit on the side.

His art work will now decline in dollar value over the coming decades, and eventually be forgotten. Same for his second rate music. And rightly so. The man is a scumbag.
Posted by AdrianD, Monday, 1 September 2014 10:58:26 PM
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I agree Harris is a scumbag, but <<His art work will now decline in dollar value over the coming decades, and eventually be forgotten. Same for his second rate music. And rightly so.>> I think the opposite might be the case. One thing this trial has done for Harris, is it has brought him to the attention of a wider audience. Adolf Hitler was a failed artists, but I think any of his artwork would be far more valuable today than it otherwise would be, given not his artistic ability but his notoriety. Winston Churchill was also a painter of dubious quality, but his works are worth more than the price based on quality. Paul1405 is also a failed artists and his works value is reflected in his notoriety as well, you got 5 bucks, can flog you a "nice" landscape in the early trashy style!
When I was 13 I graduated from painting the chook shed to painting people, I painted my younger brother, aged 4, I think it was green, mum was very upset it took about a week to get all the paint off him. A living work of art you could say. At least the chooks were happy they never complained about the paint job I did for them. LOL.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 September 2014 5:27:45 AM
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Hi Paul,
I think the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls, as most of us have fathered/mothered children. So it's a very "personal" thing. A good comparison is the work of pedophile guitarist Bob Brozman, who committed suicide just before he was due to be charged for a lifetime of pedophilia. Brozman was a hero to other guitarists, extremely respected and loved and a renowned educator. Now he is reviled amongst fellow musicians, and his music just makes them want to vomit. This is because of the deep, "personal" nature of pedophilia crimes.

I'm sure the so called art of Harris will be close to totally forgotten eventually, along with his bad music; let's face it he could barely sing at all.
Posted by AdrianD, Tuesday, 2 September 2014 12:49:02 PM
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Alright, let’s see what’s happening with the Rolfie thread, having left it alone for another few days.


Looks like things might be improving a bit here. Maybe people have calmed down a bit ??
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 8:43:17 AM
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I heard this on Radio National recently:

It resonates with the Harris case inasmuch as a jury and judge agreed on something, which everyone else then took as gospel.

But some years later due to the persistent research of one person, this was later found to be wrong, just as I feel that there is a very good chance that things will be seen somewhat differently regarding Harris in the years to come.

Vince Gilmer, a very well-respected doctor, murdered his father. He was deemed to have been lying and putting on an act all the way through his trial, and doing so in a really quite obvious and poorly constructed manner.

People just generally had entrenched preconceived notions of what a murderer would be like and how he would try to do anything other than admit his crime and show contrition.

He didn’t have a chance of being seen as anything other than a cold-blooded premeditated murderer.

In a very similar manner, many people have strongly preconceived notions about pedophilia, even pertaining to acts that are right at the light end of the scale.

Vince Gilmer is now known to be a sufferer of the horrible genetically transmitted Huntingtons Disease, as was his father in all probability.

This case is very different from that of Harris, except for the two things that I have mentioned.

1. The decisions of the jury and judge must not be taken as final and unquestionable.

2. Very strong preconceived notions played a critical part in the outcome of Gilmer's trial.

This is worth thinking about in relation to Harris.

Regarding 1. : the findings of the judge and indeed the guilty findings on all counts by the jury should absolutely not be taken as gospel, and should always be open to question and discussion and…

2. : We need to be very careful about preconceived notions, especially with highly emotive subjects such as murder and child molestation.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 8:54:49 AM
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Very interesting post AdrianD.

Firstly, there was every indication in your first few posts that you were just another incarnation of Jay123. You were very condemning of me, in a grossly unreasonable manner, having come on to this thread very late in the piece, and presumably not having understood all the rank criticism that I had copped, before I responded with strong words.

So I am guessing that you are not Jay, although obviously I can’t be sure. You do indeed seem to be considerably more intelligent than he, and hopefully you will prove to be someone worth debating this subject with in a reasonable manner. So I’ll give it a go.

You wrote:

<< I think the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls… >>

<< …it's a very "personal" thing. >>

<< …and his music just makes them want to vomit. This is because of the deep, "personal" nature of pedophilia crimes. >>

Well.. it is not a personal thing for me. I’ve never experienced anything of the sort, either as victim or perpetrator, I don’t know of anything like this to have occurred in my family and I don’t know anyone who has ever been involved in it. So I am looking at it all from a dispassionate or neutral point of view, if you like.

Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 9:49:44 AM
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I see an enormous spectrum of crimes or misdemeanours that can fall under the banner of pedophilia or child molestation. I see that serious crimes should be very seriously dealt with, but it seems that the big difference with my views and those of everyone else left on this thread is that actions at the light end of the spectrum should not be treated as being particularly heinous.

It would seem that just about everyone can appreciate that there is a spectrum in relation to all manner of other crimes, and that acts at the minor end should receive small penalties. However, it is just so different with pedophilia / child molestation / child touching in the minds of many people. There is a huge tendency for any act that could possibly fall under this banner to be deemed extremely heinous, end of story.

I heard ‘Conversations’ on ABC radio a couple of weeks ago. I was about a woman who had got herself embroiled in drug smuggling, and had served a jail sentence as result of it. She then went to uni and became a lawyer, and is now considered to be a fine upstanding citizen.

But drugs ruin peoples’ lives. They can be every bit as bad as child molestation. So, why did she have the chance to totally redeem herself over illegal actions, while Harris will have NO chance, when he has conducted considerably less serious crimes?

That’s the nature of child sex offences. They do indeed strike so deep into the psyche of many people, because they are seen as personal or putrid or just utterly unacceptable.

And yet there are many other crimes that can be every bit as bad, or a whole lot worse, which most people just simply don’t view in the same sort of manner, nor anything remotely like it.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 9:53:04 AM
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Ludwig wrote: "I heard ...about a woman who had got herself embroiled in drug smuggling, and had served a jail sentence as result of it. She then went to uni and became a lawyer, and is now considered to be a fine upstanding citizen. But drugs ruin peoples’ lives. They can be every bit as bad as child molestation. So, why did she have the chance to totally redeem herself over illegal actions, while Harris will have NO chance, when he has conducted considerably less serious crimes?'

The woman served a jail sentence (1), then went to uni and turned her life around (2). Fair enough, she served time and redeemed herself. We don't know whether she suffered remorse (3) though the fact that she turned her life around suggests this.

Why do you consider Harris has NO chance to redeem himself? He is serving a jail sentence (1), he perhaps is too old to have a career change, so we'll let him off the hook for (2), but I have yet to hear that he has shown any remorse (3).

There is another factor: the 'women got herself embroiled in drug smuggling' - maybe she was an addict herself (one of those whose life was being ruined) as many people who get embroiled in drug smuggling are, if so there could be extenuating circumstances, even though the crime was serious.

I can see no extenuating circumstances for Harris' behaviour. He appears to have no understanding of why his behaviour was wrong and illegal. And pedophilia ruins people's lives (see my previous posts).
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 11:52:50 AM
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All very good questions, AdrianD.

Ludwig's "moral high ground" was asserted pretty much as an afterthought, once he realized that the mood of the thread was to condemn Harris' actions for what they were. Introducing cases where injustice may have occurred is simply an extension of the thesis that "we can never know everything", which dominated his previous defence stance. Neither has been particularly persuasive, in my view.

My own crime in this, and the reason Ludwig has sent me to Coventry, is that I asked him some difficult questions about his own motivations, which he has refused to answer. Until he does so, I find it impossible to take him seriously.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 12:24:53 PM
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<< Why do you consider Harris has NO chance to redeem himself? >>

Well there’s a question I did not expect, Cossomby.

I would have thought that you, and everyone else on this thread, would have totally agreed that he has no chance of redeeming himself, and that no one who is ever branded as a pedophile has any possible chance of redemption.

So, do you think that he does have a chance of doing this?

<< I can see no extenuating circumstances for Harris' behaviour. He appears to have no understanding of why his behaviour was wrong and illegal. And pedophilia ruins people's lives >>

Firstly, we don’t know whether there were any extenuating circumstances or not for the woman in my previous example, but from listening to the interview with Richard Fidler, she seemed to be very forthright about it and not making any excuses nor indicating that she was pulled into drug-trafficking against her will. And no she was not an addict. My feeling is that any extenuating circumstances or the lack thereof didn’t play a significant part in her case.

I think that at the time of his child-touching activies, Harris quite possibly didn’t see it as being of any particular consequence, and once he realised that it could potentially be legally seriously bad for him, he stopped doing it… some 25 years ago. I don’t know – I’m just surmising.

If this is true, then it could amount to extenuating circumstances.

And as I elucidated early in this thread; I think that there could possibly be considerable extenuating circumstances pertaining to girl ‘C’. I don’t know. But judging purely from Judge Sweeney’s sentencing remarks, there could well be…IMHO.

Thanks for the good response Cossomby. If this standard of could be upheld by all, then we could have a very good and useful discussion here.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 3 September 2014 1:19:56 PM
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Ludwig, the Harris case was conducted in a properly constituted court. Harris availed himself of the best possible defense team money could buy. The process was unscrupulously fair and exhaustive, in no way was there any hint of a miscarriage of justice. No, there are no possibilities of these so called "extenuating circumstances". If there were, I am sure the Harris team would have brought them up during the long period of the trial. All we can say is that at the end of the day Harris received fair justice.
I did ask you if you still stand by your original post; I did not catch your answer.

You said;

<<I was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term.

Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up.

It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.

He apparently did it openly, and gained a reputation for it. Even though he was known as The Octopus as a result of this, he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort.

It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women.

Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus.

I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here.>>

Is there any change from your original position on this?

AdrianD, I will go along with that, it's a rather accurate summation of this thread.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 September 2014 6:16:46 AM
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Well now isn’t this fascinating.

The post above by Ludwig . is presumably by Jay123.

Presumably that post will soon be deleted by the moderator.

Note the difference between Ludwig . and Ludwig

Isn’t Jay a clever fellow.

So then, I wonder if this has happened previously and that some people here are actually attributing stuff to me that this fool has written?

Isn’t it incredible the lengths some people wil go to.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 4 September 2014 8:00:54 AM
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Adrian, believe it or not, the subject of this thread is actually Rolf Harris, not Ludwig!

Yeah I know, it is very hard to believe eh.

So, you have gone to considerable lengths to assert that Ludwig is a terrible person who is totally out of line on this thread… and lo and behold, you have made ZERO attempt to address the discussion at hand or respond to anything that I put to you in my previous double post.
One has got to wonder why you would do that.

Why are you on this thread, or this forum, if you are not interested in actually discussing the subject??

Now, I’ll try one more time to engage you in the debate at hand…

You did say something very interesting in your previous post, with which I agree:

<< I think the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls… >>

<< …it's a very "personal" thing. >>

<< …and his music just makes them want to vomit. This is because of the deep, "personal" nature of pedophilia crimes. >>

So what you seem to be saying is that for some people extremely strong personal revulsion overrides everything else. Their sense of logic or perspective is overridden by revulsion, and their feeling of revulsion is extend very strongly to anyone who says anything whatsoever that is not in full and absolute support of their revulsion!

This is a very important point. Would you like to discuss it?

Or would you prefer to take the easy road and completely avoid the subject and just dish up another dose of Ludwig condemnation?
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 4 September 2014 8:31:03 AM
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"Presumably that post will soon be deleted by the moderator."

"So then, I wonder if this has happened previously and that some people here are actually attributing stuff to me that this fool has written?"

Have you pressed the red cross on that post?

You can't expect Graham (and others) to ride gunshot for you if you're not prepared to be vigilant also.

(All the other posts attributed to Ludwig are yours...)
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 4 September 2014 8:57:26 AM
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Interesting, that someone has gone to the trouble of trying to pass themselves off as Ludwig. Such fame...!

I knew instantly that it could not be the real deal, though, because whoever-it-was addressed a comment to me. And we all know that Ludwig has given up on answering any of the outstanding questions I have put to him. Which makes this protestation to AdrianD doubly hilarious:

>> have made ZERO attempt to address the discussion at hand or respond to anything that I put to you in my previous double post.
One has got to wonder why you would do that<<

Why do you not equally wonder, dear Ludwig, why you do not respond to any of the direct questions put to you, concerning your personal attitude towards the nature of Rolf's crimes?

But I do like whoever-it-was' summary of the echt-Ludwig's position:

>>Why can't you admit that there's a possibility of possible extenuating circumstances regarding Harris? It's possible those possible extenuating circumstances are positively possible in many possible ways, and it's not impossible to admit that the possibility of the possibleness is positively possible.<<

Neatly encapsulating both his (secondary) argument, and the manner in which he poses it.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 4 September 2014 9:31:12 AM
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There is every likelihood that someone is posting in Ludwig's place,
some computers don't work well in deep holes.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 4 September 2014 9:52:26 AM
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Is Mise,

Apart from that one "Ludwig" post....all the other Ludwig posts are Ludwig's.

Ludwig himself would have noticed otherwise - and it didn't take him (and others on this thread) long to spot that one.

And let's face it, it wasn't hard to spot...the satire of the real Ludwig's rhetoric being way over the top.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 4 September 2014 10:10:59 AM
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Is Mise,

"some computers don't work well in deep holes."

Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 4 September 2014 10:39:50 AM
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This is post 628 to officially tie with rehctub's Islamic riots thread from 2012 as the longest ever...

Galaxy Quest Jason Nesmith's catch phrase, "Never give up. Never surrender" seems to be the Ludwig motto here but unlike the situations in that fictional film, not something to be admired.

Rolf Harris pleasured himself at others' expense too, Ludwig.
Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 4 September 2014 11:36:54 AM
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Ahh Poirot, you are a classic.

Here we have OLO’s number 1 rule breaker, with many posts completely failing to address the thread topic, thus breaking rule no 1; who despite being told about it just continues to do it over and over, with impunity… … and then has the gall to tell me how I should behave regarding illegal posts and the hitting of the little red cross.

Of course I did the right thing and hit the red cross as soon as Ludwigdot’s post appeared.

So how about you do the right thing for once and STOP writing blatantly illegal posts!

Somewhere in this quagmire, there is actually a subject that is very much worth debating. So how about it Poirot.

Would you like to respond to this incredible foot-in-mouth comment from Adrian, given that he seems to be completely unable to.

For the third time; he wrote:

<< I think the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls… >>

<< …it's a very "personal" thing. >>

<< …and his music just makes them want to vomit. This is because of the deep, "personal" nature of pedophilia crimes. >>

He seems to be saying that for some people extremely strong personal revulsion overrides everything else. Their sense of logic or perspective is overridden by revulsion, and their feeling of revulsion is extended very strongly to anyone who says anything whatsoever that is not in full and absolute support of their revulsion!

This certainly seems to be borne out on this thread.

So what do you reckon Poirot? Is Adrian right?
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 5 September 2014 9:37:40 AM
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Silly me.

>>Here we have OLO’s number 1 rule breaker, with many posts completely failing to address the thread topic<<

I thought the thread's topic was...

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' crimes] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

And that the victims were actually to blame:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

I'm still waiting to hear whether that is still your position, Ludwig.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 5 September 2014 9:55:04 AM
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And there is another question that I asked just recently that is well worth getting a few responses on…. if there is actually anyone here who is genuinely interested in the thread subject…

Cossomby asked:

<< Why do you consider Harris has NO chance to redeem himself? >>

I replied:

>> I would have thought that you, and everyone else on this thread, would have totally agreed that he has no chance of redeeming himself, and that no one who is ever branded as a pedophile has any possible chance of redemption.

So, do you think that he does have a chance of doing this? <<

It is apparent that people who commit all manner of other crimes do have a chance to redeem themselves. But not with pedophilia / child molestation / child touching, no matter how minor the offences may be.

What do you think, people?
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 5 September 2014 9:55:25 AM
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A couple of points. Western legal systems tend to have the concept of reasonable doubt built into them. So its possible to speculate all sorts of reasons to accept that Harris was mostly innocent a group of people (assumed to for the most part to be reasonable) looking at the body of evidence against him came to the conclusion that there was no reasonable doubt as to his guilt. No one has yet pointed to any evidence withheld from that jury to make a case that they were not working with the facts.

So in the realms of the imagination its possible that Harris was largely innocent or in some way his actions might be mitigated by some circumstance not already allowed for in the judgement in the real world a group of people looking at all the admissable evidence cam to the conclusion that there was no reasonable doubt as to his guilt.

As for redeming himself. At Harris age probably very difficult. Others may have some chance, accept responsibility for their actions, do the time, ensure they never ever place themselves in the type of contact with children again that places them at risk. Those recent years Harris appears to have spent not abusing children might have counted for more if he had shown some remorse for his actions and accepted responsibility for them.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 5 September 2014 11:29:31 AM
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You can count me in, Ludwig.

>>...if there is actually anyone here who is genuinely interested in the thread subject<<

I most certainly am. But I'm not too sure that you are still "genuinely interested in the thread subject".

Which is...

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' crimes] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

And that the victims were actually to blame:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

Perhaps you could let us know.

In your own good time, of course.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 5 September 2014 1:48:22 PM
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I repeat, Harris was convicted on the basis of the evidence proving his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. It is of course possible that aliens had abducted him and were exercising mind control however given the lack of evidence for that possibility what may be possible but implausable should be discounted.

Kiddy fiddling was against the law at the time Harris committed the offences, the fact that some of his peers seemed to be getting away with it at the time should never be an out. He was as I understand it sentenced on the basis of sentencing laws from the time the offences occured, not on the basis of more up to date laws which reflect an improved understanding of the harm done.

He was and is a creep who preyed on children and women who were not in a position to raise a stink about his behaviour at the time. He has shown no public remorse for his actiins. His defence was based on calling his victims liers, not an expression of remorse and shame for his actions and a plea that he didn't understand the wrong he was doing at the time.

There is nothing about Harris actions at the time or since other than that he appears to have stopped his abuse of children some years ago that deserves any sympathy or respect. Given his unwillingness to face up to his earlier actions I'm not inclined to view his stopping as a rejection of the harm he had been doing by sexually abusing others.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 5 September 2014 5:07:33 PM
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Finding someone who agrees with you should be a worrying event, Ludwig, rather than reassuring.

>>I can’t say that he might not possibly be right on the money, or that he isn’t at least a whole lot closer to the truth than any of those who have presented strong anti-Rolf sentiments on this thread. I don’t know. All I can say is that his views could POSSIBLY be right.<<

This person - should he actually exist - claims to know that "Rolf is basically a very gentle person", which is contrary to the stories of people who have actually met him. That should ring alarm bells, for a start.

What you still haven't told us is whether you still hold the views with which you began this thread - the actual topic, if you will, that we all need to be discussing. Let me remind you.

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' crimes] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

And that the victims were actually to blame:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

Perhaps you could let us know.

In your own good time, of course.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 5 September 2014 6:29:30 PM
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What idea does you mate have Ludwig?

<<He said that he thinks that Rolf is basically innocent>>
<<could possibly be leading to such an extraordinary level of public humiliation and then to the destruction of his reputation, career and all that he had achieved. Innocence isasmuch as Rolf had thought that he had not done anything wrong that should be of any significance to anyone!>> yuda, yuda, yuda

From the judges summation when referring to a 15 year old girl and a breach of trust;
"You (Harris)took her pants down, spat on the fingers of one of your hands, and digitally penetrated her vagina (Count 5), then you took off your glasses bent down to her vagina and started licking it (Count 6) - continuing until she closed her legs and pushed you (Harris) away."

Your mate is either ignorant of what took place, or he/she too is a basket case.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 September 2014 7:51:05 PM
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Problem being, Paul, that Graham told us not to post anything explicit.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 5 September 2014 7:57:42 PM
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Ludwig but a judge would and a national newspaper would print it.
<<Problem being, Paul, that Graham told us not to post anything explicit.>> Poirot, depends on what one considers "explicit" the "V" word and the "p" word are rightly used in sex education classes in Catholic primary schools in NSW, I know because I was there when they were used. Yet on another thread a poster puts this up;
<<Perhaps in the long term this could actually be a good thing, if it brings the human population down by a couple of billion.>>
Okay don't mention the private parts even using the words of a learned judge and the oxford dictionary. Hummmmm, but reference to the deaths of 2 billion people by TB is a good thing, its acceptable. How American,
Ludwig you just keep on press'n that red cross. After all my post sunk your mate, did it not? Besides its Grahams forum anyway, he does what he likes, no argument from me.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 September 2014 8:48:08 PM
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Well R0bert, at least you have considered my views and responded in a decent manner. So I thank you for that.

You might be right. But I am certainly not willing to accept that you definitely are.

The views of this fellow I was talking to are very similar to the views of numerous other people that I have spoken to. Only one person that I have spoken to over the last ten weeks that this thread has been running has indicated a different view. And when it comes to actually debating the issue, he backs right away from it, while those who agree more or less with me are perfectly happy to delve right into it.

BTW, I now see no less than four posts above by Ludwig . (Ludwigdot). So we all need to be aware that this thread, and indeed the forum, is under attempted corruption, from one person (originally Jay123) who became so outrageous that he was not just suspended but banned from OLO.

I thought that he was directly and vehemently opposed to me and everything I have said, but now I am not so sure. It seems that he might just be out to embarrass and weaken the arguments of those against me…. or perhaps he is just so peeved at having been banned that he is only interested in trying to corrupt OLO and get at Graham.

Who knows. But he sure is a prize-winning fruitcake! ( :>)
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 5 September 2014 9:15:14 PM
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To the real Ludwig, I apologise for any confusion re your nic. My eyesight is not all that good. If someone is trying to steal your identity, and it appears they are, they are juvenile in the extreme.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 September 2014 9:58:49 PM
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<< To the real Ludwig, I apologise for any confusion re your nic >>

Thanks Paul. This person is indeed juvenile in the extreme.

Hahahaa. I now see 7 Ludwigdot posts above!!

One of them is a hoot, where he makes fun of Paul for not noticing the difference between Ludwig and Ludwigdot!!

He writes:

<< The fact that Paul has been reading my posts, and still thought that I was Ludwig, shows how absolutely CRAZY the real Ludwig is. Paul couldn't tell the difference. HA HA HA HA HA. >>

Hahahaaa. Shows how crazy WHO is??

Oh dear. He is a very very fruity prize-winning fruitcake. But at least he is providing a bit of entertainment value!


Oh hullo Poirot.

Another post infringing Graham’s forum rule No 1 I see, in which you uphold Graham’s requirement for us not to post anything explicit.

Ummm… there couldn’t possibly be a touch of duplicity in that, by any chance??

I did try to get you to re-enter the debate by asking you a direct and very pertinent question a few posts back.

But alas, you have passed it over.

AdrianD really did hit the nail on the head when he said:

<< I think the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls… >>

I can understand your reluctance to respond to it, because I’m sure you think it is oh so true, but to admit it would be to admit that it does indeed not sit at all comfortably with cool-headed logical thought processes and realisitic perspectives.

And here’s the interesting thing: It would appear that AdrianD and Ludwigdot are the same person. HAAAAA hahahahahaaa!!
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 5 September 2014 10:43:34 PM
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stop all the mud slinging, this is very important subject perhaps. I can't understand why there is no discussion on causes and prevention if child abuse is so vile. IMO te biology of the subject should be looked at eg My wife and I licked ,hugged and kissed our 3 boys constantly until they were about 18 months. That's bonding and protection like most mammals. About 2% of boys start to show homosexual urges after that I believe. My observation is that at about 9 yrs old about 2% of girls start to flirt their sex. (like Lolita?) These natural variations can be adjusted I contend.
Adjust the hormones and neurones and neurotranmitters. Problem solved.
Posted by laz91, Monday, 8 September 2014 1:36:26 PM
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Hullo Mollie. Welcome back.

I see you just ‘joined’ OLO today, and have put up ten posts. All short, half of them just one-liners. Not much substance in any of them. Oh except the one on this thread.

So, you’ve just dropped in briefly to a few other threads and made throw-away comments, in an attempt to look like a genuine OLO contributor.

But, on this thread, you have apparently studied it in depth to the extent that you can come up with a whole set of conclusions. Hmmm.

And you have made a fatal error in asserting things that you cannot possibly know enough about to be able to assert anything.

You assert that I invented…

<< …an imaginary friend, who just by sheer "coincidence", just happens to possess the EXACT SAME views that Ludwig holds, 100% word for word. Hmmm. >>

Of course you wouldn’t have a clue whether I did that or not. So you are I no position to assert anything.

Hahahaha. You’ve been caught out making patently false assertions, which means that you’ve been caught out lying!

Which, you silly dummy, means that no one can believe a word that you have written.

There’s only one other person who has done this sort thing in such a blatant and utterly unintelligent manner.

Welcome back Jay123!


Oh, and by the way, I don’t ever invent stories. My conversation and the views of that person were 100% genuine, just as I expressed them.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 8 September 2014 9:47:57 PM
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Wow, didn’t that put a dampener on this ‘discussion’!

The stark truth is unanswerable so it seems.

Adrian’s classic admittal that:

<< …the difference with Harris is that most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls… >>

It just overrides cool-headed logical thought processes and realisitic perspectives.

Hasn’t this thread so emphatically proven this!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 7:39:47 AM
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Talking of admissions, Ludwig...

>>...most people (except Ludwig) have a deep revulsion towards the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls; a revulsion that goes very deep into our souls<<

Your lack of revulsion is precisely the characteristic that puts you at odds with the majority of posters here. You seem to take pride in it, for some strange reason...

>>It just overrides cool-headed logical thought processes and realisitic perspectives.<<

I suggest you review that statement. Because it tells us that in your opinion, it is necessary to have an absence of revulsion towards "the act of a grown man sexually touching underage girls", in order to think about it in a logical fashion.

I wonder what other crimes - say, a father throwing his four year-old daughter off the West Gate Bridge - engender the same lack of revulsion. Which was, of course, the reason why I asked you to express your personal views on Harris' crimes.

Now we know. And frankly, it is not a pretty picture.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 8:56:52 AM
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Regarding Pericles:

He and I have probably had more exchanges between us than any other two people on this forum. We’ve had many long debates, going back several years. So I know his nature pretty well.

He delights in playing the man, not the ball!

He came off the end of this very long discussion all about GDP:

…where he got trounced and finally gave up on 26 July, at which point he jumped straight over to the Rolf thread with this gem of a post on 27 July:

This post engages Jay123, who by that time everyone well and truly knew to be a nutcase, with only one motive: to say whatever he could to make Ludwig out to be as bad as he possibly could.

Not only did Pericles engage him, but he offered nothing related to the subject of the thread.

He had not been on this thread up to that point, except for a couple of much earlier comments.

He wrote in a subsequent post:

<< The reason I have not been involved in the "debate" is simply because there is nothing to debate. >>

Ahh but then there suddenly WAS something to debate, was there?

No, the reason he jumped over onto this thread was to play the man, not to debate the subject. His subsequent posts were geared towards personal denigration. He was in effect screaming at me:

‘I am a grub who is not interested in this debate but is only using it as a vehicle to attack Ludwig, because he beat me so comprehensively in our previous discussion, and I HATE him for that. I am NOT someone that any sensible person would have anything to do with’.

So I did the right thing and refused to acknowledge his existence.

Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 9:00:59 AM
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There are only two respondents after nearly nine years on OLO that I have ever just ignored because they have gone crawling in the gutter with personal attacks to the extent that these two have. Both on this thread: Jay and Pericles. One of them was not just suspended, but banned for this sort of behaviour. The other operates in a slightly less blatant manner.

I said recently:

>> …if there is actually anyone here who is genuinely interested in the thread subject <<

…to which Pericles smartly retorted:

<< You can count me in, Ludwig. I most certainly am >> (5 Sept).

Well, I’d love to believe that. But everything he writes runs counter to it.

So, if he was to give an undertaking to actually debate the subject, in neutral terms, and steer clear of the personal BS, then we could have a good discussion here. Ah but I think he would soon lose interest if that were to be the rule.

I am tempted to give it a go, even though I foresee a 99% chance of it failing.

There is afterall a whole lot more to be discussed here…. and if we were to get into it as we did on the other thread regarding GDP, then it could prove to be very interesting.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 9:02:31 AM
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Ludwig said, among other things, ".... just overrides cool-headed logical thought processes and realisitic perspectives.

Hasn’t this thread so emphatically proven this!"

Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 9:03:21 AM
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You still don't get it, do you Ludwig.

It is not about my being "trounced"- anybody reading that particular thread quickly realizes how little you actually understand about economics - and it is not about playing the man. You made yourself the target with your opening statement, compounded the problem by proceeding to blame Harris' victims, and then complain that you have become the focus of attention.

Judgment was passed on Harris, and most folk understand that it was his just desserts for a long string of sleazy, criminal acts against young girls. You may have some friends in your part of the world who disagree, but that does not justify a massive, seemingly never-ending discussion on your perception of his actions.

The topic is just that. Your perception.

Your perception, right from the opening post, was that Harris' offences were trivial. Since this was your perception, you should not be at all surprised that you are taken to task for owning that view. If you choose to think of this as an attack, rather than an invitation to meditate on your on-the-nose value set, then so be it.

Incidentally, you got this completely wrong, in your attempt to deflect attention:

>>he got trounced and finally gave up on 26 July, at which point he jumped straight over to the Rolf thread with this gem of a post on 27 July<<

My first post on this thread was on 3rd July, over three weeks earlier, when I made my feelings crystal clear:

>>I hope they put him away. Ideally, with a six-foot-six tattooed father-of-teenage-daughters as a cellmate<<

So you can stop trying to change history, yet again, and reflect on the character that you have now placed on display on this Forum.

It is not a particularly attractive persona, I'm afraid.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 9:32:10 AM
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"So you can stop trying to change history, yet again, and reflect on the character that you have now placed on display on this Forum.

It is not a particularly attractive persona, I'm afraid."

Ain't that the truth.

One is startled by the revelation on this thread.

Life is full of surprises!
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 10:24:41 AM
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Yeah yeah, yada yada yada Pericles.

You wrote:

<< You can count me in, Ludwig. I most certainly am >> …. genuinely interested in this subect.

So does that mean that you are genuinely interested in discussing it with me? Or have you closed your mind?
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:24:02 AM
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Oh dear Poirot, you are a classic. You’re still haunting this thread, but you won’t be drawn into actually debating anything meaningful!! Strordinary that is!

Your nil response to Adrian’s comments, which sit right at the core of this whole issue, is very telling indeed.

I’ll take your non-response as agreement with me.

Who needs friends when they’ve got enemies like you eh!

Haaaaahahahaaa! ( :>)
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:34:03 AM
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Your talent for self-deception is seemingly boundless, Ludwig.

>>Yeah yeah, yada yada yada Pericles. You wrote: <You can count me in, Ludwig. I most certainly am> …. genuinely interested in this subect. So does that mean that you are genuinely interested in discussing it with me? Or have you closed your mind?<<

I tried to point out in that very post, that the subject that genuinely interested me was precisely the same one that started the thread:

Which was:

>>It seems that the worst of [Rolf Harris' crimes] was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<

And that the victims were actually to blame:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

You didn't take the hint then, and you are not taking the hint now. Talk about a "closed mind".
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:37:08 AM
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I here some hootin' and a hollering' amidst the swagger in the background of that there thread.

I'm having the same trouble as you.

Having sent the first two thirds of this thread "debating" the issue with the person who started the thread. He decided at that juncture that abusing those who didn't agree with his reasoning was the way to go.

And now he wonders why we won't engage his further abuse!

I've said all I've got to say on the subject of Rolf's conviction.

I note, however, that the person who started the thread and has a faux principle of "sticking to topic" - seems to have spent the last few pages "off topic" and heaping derision on anyone who didn't agree with him, while parading around attempting to fashion a self-styled halo.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:47:32 AM
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Wow Poirot, if that isn’t a direct snub of Graham’s rules, nothing is!

You write:

<< I've said all I've got to say on the subject of Rolf's conviction. >>

And yet here you are still posting on this thread…. with no intention of addressing the topic!!

Methinks you have just foregone your right to criticise any other poster on this forum about anything, without being a total hypocrite.

Not only have you no intention of adhering to forum rule no 1, but it seems that your very presence on this thread is now 100% geared at infringing forum rule no 2!

Absolutely incredible!!


Pericles, I’m still not getting it. Do you want to debate this subject or not?

You’ve been hankering to engage me ever since you came back on this thread on 26 July. Well, now’s ya chance. Just give me an undertaking that you’ll keep on-topic and away from playing the man, and bobs ya runcle… we’ll be away on another rip-roarin rib-ticklin riveting robust wrangle, of the sort that you and I have had many of over the years on this forum.

I am hankering to address the points that you raise in your last post. So just give me that undertaking, and off we’ll go.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 8:47:55 AM
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Ludwig in fairness you have put a heap into this topic and by any forum standards Poirot has also contributed to the hilt as well, thoughtfully and on topic, both of you have in my book done well. I honestly don't know why it got so out of hand. I can be as bad as anyone here dishing out satirical nonsense at times, and in fairness I deserve to cop plenty back, but the last thing I would do is "report" anyone to he who must be Obeid about anything. So fellas I ask you to put an end to this and move on. Remember its only a discussion forum and there no sheep stations at steak or lamb chops for that matter!
Cheers to you both, and lets move on.

p/s I'll be starting The Cliff Richards thread very shortly LOL.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 September 2014 11:18:39 AM
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Paul, on 4 Sept you asked if I still stand by my original post.

I wrote:

>>I was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term.

Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up.

It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.

He apparently did it openly, and gained a reputation for it. Even though he was known as The Octopus as a result of this, he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort.

It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women.

Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus.

I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here.<<

Firstly this was written on 2 July and I have repeatedly made it clear that my views were modified when Judge Sweeney released his sentencing remarks on 4 July, in which he outlined the details and penalties for each charge:

None of us had any more than a very generalised idea about the whole affair before this document was released.

I have said that my comments since 4 July have been based on this document, which is the ONLY reliable source of information for any of us to go by.

But, by and large, YES I still hold the sentiments expressed in my opening post.

Let’s look at that one statement at a time…

>> I was very dismayed when I heard the news that Rolf Harris had been found guilty on all 12 charges and now faces a substantial jail term <<

I remain very dismayed. But I accept that he is guilty of offences against young girls. However, I do not accept that all the charges and convictions are fair and reasonable.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:01:16 PM
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It seems that the prosecuting authorities built the strongest possible case against him that they possibly could, out of offences which really are pretty minor in the greater scheme of things.

I think they absolutely stretched it to the limit in bringing 12 charges against him in relation to the four girls.

Upon analysis of the sentencing remarks, it seems to me that there really are only 6.

Count 2: the quite squeezing of ‘B’s left buttock; does not seem like something that should have been brought before the court. Harris was wrong to do it, but surely the bringing forth of this action as if it was a serious criminal act is taking things beyond a reasonable perspective.

Counts 5 & 6 arose from a single incident. There really should have only been one count registered here.

Same for Counts 7 & 8.

And for 10, 11 & 12.

Count 9, involving ‘C’ when she was 19, sounds very suspiciously like a non-offence, or at least something for which he should not have been found guilty, as there seems to NOT be a reasonable doubt that he undertook this action without the will participation of ‘C’.

So if one was to look at the whole thing in what I would argue would be a more balanced manner, then Counts 2, 6, 8, 11 & 12 should not have been brought in the first place. And he should not have been found guilty of Count 9.

And… there is surely a reasonable POSSIBILITY that Counts 5-6, 7-8 & 9 would just not have happened at all if ‘C’ had been truly repulsed by his actions early on and had not put herself in the position where he could repeatedly touch her, on several occasions, long-removed from each other.

Sorry, but that is my dispassionate analysis.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:01:51 PM
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>> Sorry, but this just doesn’t add up. <<

I continue to feel this way.

Further to the abovementioned points pertaining to the counts brought against Harris that just don’t add up for me; the penalties don’t add up either.

The most glaring one is for Count 2. Six months for a simple quick buttock grope! You’ve got to be kidding!

There seems to me to be a glaring contradiction in the imposition of jail terms for every charge, but for half of them to be served concurrently, and then for only half of the total sentence to be served in prison.

This effectively means that Harris is only being penalised for the equivalent of one quarter of the charges brought against him… or that each penalty is stated to be four times larger than it really is.

I believe that penalties imposed by a court of law should be served 100% as imposed, and that anything else amounts to duplicity or double standards or a dilution of the rule of law and the judicial system.

I think that the overall penalty given to Harris, which in reality amounts to nearly three years in jail, is fair enough, albeit at the severe end of the spectrum of fair and reasonable penalties for what he did.

I think the judge would see it in the same way, but had to impose penalties as he did, which are four times as severe on paper and nearly eight times as severe before declaring that half the sentences were to be served concurrently, or else he would have been hounded for leniency and there would have been an appeal against a lenient sentence for sure (BTW, I haven’t heard anything about a possible appeal in this regard beyond it being mooted back in early July).

It seems that there was unavoidable strategic ‘game-playing’ undertaken by the judge in order for him to get the sentence down to somewhere near what he thought was really appropriate, and make it stick, in the face of many who were baying for Harris’ blood.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:02:16 PM
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>> It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that. <<

Basically; yes. He never did anything that went beyond risky activity, around the very margins of pedophilia.

The worst of his offences was with Tonya Lee (Counts 10, 11 & 12). I think that 80% or more of his total sentence should have come as a result of that incident.

>> He apparently did it openly, and gained a reputation for it. Even though he was known as The Octopus as a result of this, he was generally not thought of as being a pervert or pedophile, nor anything of the sort. <<

This remains a very interesting point.

The paradigm back then was very different. The sort of child-touching antics that he got up to were not considered to be of any significant concern. If he gained a reputation for this, then that means that lots of people knew about it. ‘Lots of people’ means that there would have been at least a few who would have been concerned enough to take the matter forward to the authorities or confront Harris in a very loud and public manner, if they had thought it serious enough to warrant it.

He did it very openly. He did it in a manner that others could and did see it happening. He didn’t do it in a devious manner as per Savile and pedophilic priests, except perhaps regarding Tonya Lee.

The charges for those sorts of offences were much less in that era than they are today, which further strongly suggests that the paradigm was quite different back then.

The lack of any action against him back then CANNOT be explained away by his celebrity status and any consequent immunity he may be perceived to have had against reactions from parents or any adults that observed or came to know about his antics.

It can be explained by a shift in the boundaries of tolerance of that sort of activities.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:02:43 PM
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>> It really could be, and I would strongly suggest should be, interpreted as nothing more than playful behaviour, if at times a little worrying for some young women. <<

Yep. Far removed from deprivation of liberty, injurious assault, rape, serious molestation or anything seriously pedophilic.

He was wrong to do it. And he’s copped an arguably appropriate (but severe end of the spectrum of what is appropriate) penalty of nearly three years incarceration for it.

>> Comparing him to the likes of pedophile priests or Jimmy Savile is like comparing a flea to a walrus. <<


>> I think Rolf has copped a very raw deal here. <<

Regarding the sentence that Judge Sweeney imposed, no.

Looking at the overall impact on his life, career, achievements, etc, yes absolutely.

So there you have it Paul.

When you look at Harris’ antics and put them into perspective with all manner of other stuff that comes under the banner of pedophilia / child molestation / child touching, and you look at all the other things that adults do that has a big impact and causes a loss of innocence for children, and you do this in a cool, calm, dispassionate, level-headed manner, then you would surely be very hard-pressed to condemn Harris to the extent that some on this thread have done.

Ok, bring on the total condemnation without addressing the debate, Poirot and Pericles!!
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:03:15 PM
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No need, Ludwig.

>>Pericles, I’m still not getting it. Do you want to debate this subject or not?<<

There's no longer anything to debate, now that you have confirmed that you maintain your position as an unrepentent apologist for the unconscionable behaviour displayed by Rolf Harris.

>>By and large, YES I still hold the sentiments expressed in my opening post<<

You also confirm your quite unforgivable "blame the victim" stance.

>>...there seems to NOT be a reasonable doubt that he undertook this action without the will participation of ‘C’.<<

There seems little point in "debating" with someone whose values are reflected in these statements. We have nothing at all in common in that area - I think that a life sentence with a six foot six father of teenage daughters, with all that this implies, would be lenient, while you think Harris' actions were essentially victimless.

I sincerely hope that you will keep your attitude towards young girls to yourself. In the event that you choose to exercise it, you might not get a judge who makes the sort of allowances for age and health that Harris received.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 11 September 2014 12:54:45 PM
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<< You also confirm your quite unforgivable "blame the victim" stance. >>

No Pericles, you’ve got that one entirely wrong.

If the ‘victim’ was a willing participant, then there WAS no victim! This is a possibility only with ‘C’. Not with any of the other three girls.

Harris was to blame. No one else.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 1:19:00 PM
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"Ok, bring on the total condemnation without addressing the debate, Poirot and Pericles!!"

"But, by and large, YES I still hold the sentiments expressed in my opening post.

Let’s look at that one statement at a time…"

Let's not bother.....been there, done that...and copped a truckload of abuse for my trouble.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 11 September 2014 3:47:23 PM
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If, Ludwig.

>>If the ‘victim’ was a willing participant, then there WAS no victim!<<

But the jury, and the judge, assessed that she was not a willing participant, and therefore she was a victim. It is very likely that you would have arrived at the same conclusion after hearing first-hand the evidence over several weeks, instead of reading second- and third-hand reports,then using them to propose a string of "if this" and "if that" scenarios.

Which makes this suggestion of yours both redundant and extremely offensive.

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

That is what it is: blaming the victim.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 11 September 2014 4:24:10 PM
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If; if chalk was cheese the White Cliffs of Dover would have been fertilizer millennia ago.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 September 2014 6:48:19 PM
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Is Mise, what do you hope to achieve with your one-line posts?

Surely you can see that they are doing your credibility or perception of intelligence no favours, nor by association those of people on your side of the debate.

Come-on, get involved in the debate. There is plenty of juicy stuff in my last few posts for you to get stuck into.

If you really think that I am at the bottom of a very deep hole, then put some substance into your opinion. Tell us just exactly what it is that you think I have got so so SO terribly wrong.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 11 September 2014 9:25:19 PM
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One Liner: Everything.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 September 2014 9:37:40 AM
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<< If, Ludwig. >>

YESSS Pericles…IF!

<< But the jury, and the judge, assessed that she was not a willing participant, and therefore she was a victim. >>

Did they? Or did they just ASSUME that this was the case?

Neither you nor I nor anyone else in this discussion is privy to the detail of court proceedings in this regard. All we know is that the jury treated ‘C’ as the victim, and the only thing the judge said in this regard is:

< In her Victim Impact Statement, which I am sure is true…>

….which tells us NOTHING about the veracity of ‘C’s case. The judge has said nothing about why this girl’s evidence should be taken as being 100% true.

Compare this to the great detail that Judge Masipa went to yesterday in order to assess the veracity of witnesses and evidence in the Oscar Pistorius trial.

So there does indeed remain a very big IF.

IMHO, there has to be a reasonable doubt about the testimony…. and hence about the magnitude of guilt of the defendant.

<< Which makes this suggestion of yours both redundant and extremely offensive. >>

No. Certainly not redundant. And if you are extremely offended by my mere mention of things like this, then I would suggest that you do not have an open mind to a rational debate on this subject, or to the consideration of all the possibilities here.

Can’t you see that you are doing your side of this debate no good at all by branding my very suggestions that things might possibly have been quite different to how they have been portrayed in court, extremely offensive… and hence utterly unacceptable?

For goodness sake Pericles, you’ve surely got to have a more open mind than that!

Respect the decision of the jury, judge and whole legal process. But don’t treat it as gospel. In fact, questioning and critically examining it is actually a fundamental part of the whole process.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 12 September 2014 10:18:37 AM
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You are still manufacturing controversy where there is none, Ludwig.

>>Did they? Or did they just ASSUME that this was the case? Neither you nor I nor anyone else in this discussion is privy to the detail of court proceedings in this regard<<

It was not an assumption that they made, Ludwig. It was a judgment.

And as you yourself just reminded us, the judge and jury spent seven weeks hearing, first hand, the evidence that condemned Harris. You sit in your banana lounger in Queensland, and imagine scenarios of "if" this and "if" the other, all of which are the purest speculation, and all in the most dubious cause of excusing the inexcusable.

And you do so love taking snippets out of context, don't you.

>>...if you are extremely offended by my mere mention of things like this, then I would suggest that you do not have an open mind to a rational debate on this subject<<

Your statement was offensive to the victims, Ludwig. Not me, the victims.

And one has to wonder why you want to turn the victims into the bad guys in this sordid case. What is it that you feel the need to justify? That we should all be allowed to grope young girls, without paying a penalty for it?

You are very much on the wrong side in this argument, I'm afraid. What will it take to get you to take your bat and ball and go home? Because it is not about the judicial system, or the freedom to question the court's decision. It is about your moral compass, which, regrettably, is pointing entirely the wrong way.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 12 September 2014 1:04:09 PM
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<< It was not an assumption that they made, Ludwig. It was a judgment. >>

Excuse me Pericles, you are making an assumption there. We simply don’t know to what extent ‘C’s complaint was critically examined.

I find it very interesting that the judge had nothing more to say about this extremely important point other than:

< In her Victim Impact Statement, which I am sure is true…>

I would have thought that there would have been an absolute necessity for him to have gone into some level of detail as to why he considered this to be so.

I find his word: ‘I am sure’ to be very unconvincing, in just the same way as lots of people say ‘I am sure this is true’ when what they really mean is that they think this is true but they aren’t absolutely sure. If they were absolutely sure, they would simply say; ‘this is true’.

This is just the sort of thing that SHOULD be scrutinised. And doubly so, given the extremely emotive nature of this whole case.

<< And one has to wonder why you want to turn the victims into the bad guys in this sordid case >>

One has wonder why you are keeping on about this when I have clearly told you that Harris is to blame….

Even if ‘C’s complaint was fabricated, or exaggerated, Harris is still to blame for doing what he did. That is: even if ‘C’ went along with his touchings, he was still wrong to do it.

However, if ‘C’s complaint is not true at face value then, it should amount to at least mitigating circumstances and at most, a dismissal of Counts 3 to 9.

Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 12 September 2014 2:44:12 PM
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This is NOT about me or my moral compass; it is about a cool sensible debate of this subject and how it fits into the overall perspective of pedophilic offences and indeed all offences concerning children.

Just one statement concerning the moral compass thing – how morally sound is it to just resoundly condemn someone and be happy to see their career and reputation destroyed, who has done nothing more than undertake a few inappropriate gentle touches of young girls? That’s not morally sound, surely.

I could have a great deal more to say about the moral compass. But I wonder Pericles if you want to go there, given your demonstration of a highly corrupted moral compass regarding your reappearance on this thread for the specific reason of denigrating me rather than addressing the subject at hand. I think we will find that your moral compass is considerably more unbalanced than mine, if we were to get right into exploring it.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 12 September 2014 2:45:42 PM
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I sometimes wonder whether you remember what you have written here, Ludwig.

>>One has wonder why you are keeping on about this when I have clearly told you that Harris is to blame…<<

Let me remind you of what you told us:

>>So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute.<<

It doesn't sound to me that you are at all convinced that Harris is to blame.

And frankly, your assertion that the judge's "I am sure" actually means "I am not sure" is quite pathetic. You even got it wrong:

>>I find it very interesting that the judge had nothing more to say about this extremely important point other than: <In her Victim Impact Statement, which I am sure is true…><<

He made that observation about "B", not "C".

Concerning "C":

>>We simply don’t know to what extent ‘C’s complaint was critically examined.<<

But we do know. The judge tells us so.

"I am sure, in the light of the jury’s verdicts, that ‘C’ gave truthful evidence as to what occurred, and that it was the indecent assaults that you carried out on that holiday that emboldened you to commit offences against her in this country thereafter".

That says, "I am convinced, exactly as the jury was convinced". End of story.

You are wrong about this, too:

>>This is NOT about me or my moral compass; it is about a cool sensible debate of this subject<<

The only debate left on this thread is your moral compass. Everything else has been done to death and beyond, yet still we wonder how you can continue to defend the indefensible.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 13 September 2014 1:46:22 AM
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One more thing.

>>I wonder Pericles if you want to go there, given your demonstration of a highly corrupted moral compass regarding your reappearance on this thread for the specific reason of denigrating me rather than addressing the subject at hand.<<

If you recall, the subject at hand is:

>>It seems that the worst of it was a bit of groping, which really amounts to somewhat risqué activity, and nothing worse than that.<<

And that is the only subject that interests me: how you can possibly defend the disgusting antics that the judge summarized thus:

"the verdicts of the jury show that in the period from 1969 to 1986 you were also a sex offender - committing 12 offences of indecent assault on four victims who were variously aged between 8 and 19 at the time. There were a number of aggravating features."
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 13 September 2014 1:47:09 AM
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OK, this is good Pericles; we are actually getting right into debating the subject!

I wrote:

>> So how did he take her pants down and put his head right in her crotch if she wasn’t willing to let him do it? It does not compute. <<

Pericles, you replied:

<< It doesn't sound to me that you are at all convinced that Harris is to blame. >>

Well, it would appear that you are wont to pick and choose what I say, and if it doesn’t sit with your preconceived notions, then you reject it.

I can’t say it any more clearly than this… again….

Harris was to blame!

Even if ‘C’ was a willing party all the way, he was still in the wrong to touch a minor in that sort of a manner.

Do you get it? Or are you going to come back yet again and insist that I think Harris was not to blame??

Now, the question I ask is very pertinent indeed:

How did Harris touch ‘C’ to the extent that he did if she was not willing to let him do it?

He stopped as soon as she gently pushed him away, which was after about a minute. If she’d gently pushed him away as soon as he started, he would have presumably stopped then.

I put it to you Pericles that he could not have put his head down there if the girl was not willing to let him do it.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:17:25 AM
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I put it to you that she was a willing party to his actions, on each occasion regarding Counts 3 to 9… and that if she hadn’t been, then NONE of those events would have happened. Nothing would have happened after the holiday in 1978 that ‘C’ spent with the Harris family.

Re-read the sentencing remarks about the details of Harris’ actions regarding ‘C’, and then see if you can honestly assert that ‘C’ was definitely not a party to his actions. You surely CAN’T!

Anyone reading that, and maintaining an open mind, would have to consider there to be a very real possibility of ‘C’ being very accepting of Harris’ advances.

But again… even if this was the case, Harris was still wrong for doing it.

Judge Sweeney wrote:

< …but I am sure, in the light of the jury’s verdicts, that ‘C’ gave truthful evidence as to what occurred, and that it was the indecent assaults that you carried out on that holiday that emboldened you to commit offences against her in this country thereafter. >

Wow, what a controversial statement!

Firstly, even if ‘C’ had been a willing participant, Harris would still have been found guilty. The jury would still have to have found him guilty.

So the jury’s verdict of guilty does NOTHING to suggest that ‘C’ was or was not a willing participant.

And yet the judge declared that because the jury found Harris guilty, he was therefore sure that ‘C’s account was accurate!

This is a terrible flaw in logic in the judge’s statement!

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:17:55 AM
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I wrote, quoting the judge:

>> In her Victim Impact Statement, which I am sure is true…<<

You replied:

<< He made that observation about "B", not "C". >>

NO Pericles, you’ve got it wrong! Go re-read the sentencing remarks.

The judge wrote in paragraph 13:

< In her Victim Impact Statement, which I am sure is true, ‘C’ says, among other things… >

But yes, he also said this ‘I am sure’ bit in relation to both ‘A’ and ‘B’.

I wrote:

>> We simply don’t know to what extent ‘C’s complaint was critically examined. <<

You replied:

<< But we do know. The judge tells us so. >>

Well, now that I have brought to your attention the flaw in basic logic expressed by the judge in this regard, maybe you will rethink this.

<< The only debate left on this thread is your moral compass >>

NO Pericles. That is NOT the only debate here. It shouldn’t be a part of it at all.

But if you insist, I will delve right into that. You won’t come out of it looking like someone who has a well-tuned moral compass, I can assure you of that.

Stay tuned…….
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:18:19 AM
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I find it somewhat concerning, Ludwig, that you can write...

>>How did Harris touch ‘C’ to the extent that he did if she was not willing to let him do it? He stopped as soon as she gently pushed him away, which was after about a minute. If she’d gently pushed him away as soon as he started, he would have presumably stopped then. I put it to you Pericles that he could not have put his head down there if the girl was not willing to let him do it.<<

...and at the same time believe that this is not about your general attitude to men molesting young girls.

Because only someone who believes that "the worst of it was a bit of groping" can spend so much time and energy defending the antics of someone who clearly believes the same.

And if that isn't indicative of your moral compass, I don't know what would be.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:31:55 AM
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The only thing wrong with Ludwig's compass is that it points South South West instead of North.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:37:59 AM
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This debate is "bonkers" - and it's already been done to death many times over.

(one wonders why Ludwig is so set on revisiting the machinations time and time again - as if he's going to convince us "eventually?)

Rolfie decides to break the law. Rolfie decides to indecently assault a young girl ("C")...and because she hasn't the temerity to stop him as he's launching his assault - apparently the blame lies with her)

Yup...a moral compass that comes up with bilge like that isn't just faulty.....

It's exploded!
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:50:46 AM
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Regarding one’s moral compass…..

Is jumping over onto this thread, engaging Jay123 the village idiot, directly playing the man while contributing nothing to the debate… and even admitting that one was not interested in the debate because ‘there was nothing to debate’, morally sound or morally corrupt or what??

Which direction was your moral compass pointing regarding that very grubby piece of work, Pericles?

How morally sound is it to condemn someone and be happy to see them get totally destroyed for undertaking nothing more than a few inappropriate touches of underage girls?

How morally sound is it to see things in such black and white terms as to condemn someone like this as being a despicable pedophile, equal to someone who has molested, injured, deprived the liberty of, and raped hundreds of girls, or boys?

How morally corrupt is it to not have a reasonable perspective about this sort of thing, and to not be interested in the greater perspective?

I could go on, but you get the picture.

Enough about your immorality.

Now to my very strong morality…

My moral compass is based on principles like these:

When someone does something wrong, be sure to understand just what they have done as best you can, bearing in mind the full perspective, any mitigating circumstances and any doubts about the veracity of the complaints and charges.

Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 12:59:14 PM
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When you are not absolutely sure that the charges are real as stated, or that you think the penalties are too severe or light, or anything else that doesn’t seem to add up, then endeavour to find out, and debate the issue.

Do not get put off or cowered into submission by unscrupulous people who hold opposing views who are incapable of entertaining sensible debate and just wish to condemn you and make you look as bad as possible.

Respect the legal system, but do not worship it. Question anything that seems as though it could possibly not be quite right. Realise that this sort of critical inquiry is a fundamental part of the legal system, and that if it was not allowed, then judges could get away with being much less accountable for their decisions.

Realise that pedophilia strikes right at the core of our social mores. And that this is why lots of people are so condemnatory of anyone that is deemed to have done anything that comes under the banner of pedophilia.

And realise that social mores do not always sit comfortably with dispassionate analysis… and that matters concerning pedophilia arouse very passionate responses, which are not necessarily very logical or reasonable.

Realise that there is a great deal of highly passionate pressure upon the judicial system to very severely deal with pedophiles, no matter what they might have actually done, regardless of whether their activities involved rape, etc or just tipped into the realms of pedophilia with nothing more than very gentle and brief touchings.

Etc. You get the picture.

My morality is based around the understanding of a realistic perspective, not only of what is right and wrong but of how wrong something is… and how appropriate the penalties are.

In short:

Me: very morally sound. You Pericles; rather dodgily moral at best.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 1:01:09 PM
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"In short:

Me: very morally sound. You Pericles; rather dodgily moral at best."


Like I mentioned...this thread has now taken ownership of the "Bonkers" title on OLO.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 13 September 2014 1:27:05 PM
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Since this thread is still going, it gives me a chance to comment on something that troubled me earlier: Ludwig's views on the judge's words.

Ludwig wrote: "I find his word: ‘I am sure’ to be very unconvincing, in just the same way as lots of people say ‘I am sure this is true’ when what they really mean is that they think this is true but they aren’t absolutely sure. If they were absolutely sure, they would simply say; ‘this is true’."

Ludwig is correct that people often say things ironically, reversing the meaning or underplaying for effect. (A plumber recently categorised my iron roof as 'ordinary' - it was totally stuffed and had to be replaced.)

However judges have to be extremely very careful in how they word their judgements because of the possibility of legal challenges. It would be quite dangerous for them to use irony because of the risks of misinterpretation.

Further, what they say is "their" judgement. They understand that they will be quoted, their words will go down in the judicial record, and may set precedents. It would be essential for a judge to say "I am sure" to make it clear that this is their formal judgement on a contested matter (ie where two parties contradict each other). They would restrict the form "it is true" to statements that were evidentially proven such as "the performance at which the alleged event happened was held at the Town Hall on 5 October 1980".

One way to assess this would be to do a textual analysis of judicial statements generally and this judge's past record of judicial statements. Is the terminology "I am sure..." a standard one in similar contexts in legal judgements? Did this judge regularly use this format? I don't know, but then neither does Ludwig. It would be necessary to do some substantial research to find out.

In the meantime, however, I conclude the judge is most likely to have said what he meant and meant what he said, using a formalised set of words to indicate that it was a "judgement".
Posted by Cossomby, Saturday, 13 September 2014 3:46:23 PM
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Really, Ludwig?

>>Me: very morally sound. You Pericles; rather dodgily moral at best.<<

Until recently, I might have been prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you might be so upset at being in the wrong, you just want to continue to muddy the waters of the discussion until everyone else stops out of sheer logic-fatigue.

But we are long past that. You have consistently asserted, and reasserted, your belief that the worst of Rolf Harris' behaviour was "a bit of groping". You have failed to take any opportunity to deny that is what you do in fact believe. You have chosen to maintain this stance against all the evidence, deciding - unilaterally - that there must be other interpretations of that evidence.

It is also indicative of your recidivism that you started lecturing others on the need to stay on topic, while simultaneously attempting to lead the discussion in another direction entirely. Away from your own tacky morality, and towards the more neutral ground of dispassionate evaluation of available information. Which might have worked, but for the vast number of self-incriminating statements that preceded this change of tack.

You should contemplate some of your own statements:

>>Realise that pedophilia strikes right at the core of our social mores. And that this is why lots of people are so condemnatory of anyone that is deemed to have done anything that comes under the banner of pedophilia.<<

Think about that for a moment, and reflect where your behaviour sits on a scale of one to ten, where laissez-faire is one, and total revulsion is ten. Think of this recent statement of yours, when self-assessing your score:

>>He never did anything that went beyond risky activity, around the very margins of pedophilia.<<


>> and large, YES I still hold the sentiments expressed in my opening post<<

Then you might just see why the low number you ascribe to yourself can never be understood, or condoned, by people who actually do believe that yes, paedophilia is entirely loathsome, and that those indulging in it should be punished accordingly.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 13 September 2014 3:51:25 PM
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Thanks Cossomby. That is a good point of debate.

You are probably right. Trouble is, we just don’t know. And when there is an element of doubt, there is a genuine concern.

This whole issue is so emotive. There are very many people who very strongly condemn Harris. There was a great deal of pressure on the judge and jury to find Harris guilty on all counts and to give him a big sentence.

There is also an enormously long time period between this case and the offences. There is a big paradigm shift in how we think about pedophilia as a result of the enormous extent of institutional molestation that has come to light in recent years. There are real concerns about how Harris was able to repeatedly touch ‘C’ a whole series of times, and do it for about a minute on several occasions, and stop as soon as he got an indication from this girl that enough was enough.

So all-considered, it was surely beholden on the judge to give us something a bit more convincing about the veracity of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’s complaints, than just saying ‘I am sure’ that they are accurate accounts.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 8:52:55 PM
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Well Pericles, your last post does NOTHING to further the debate. It seems like you just threw it together really quickly, because you couldn’t be bothered actually addressing the debate.

Hey, you raised the issue of my moral compass, and said that it was the only thing worth debating.

But now you’ve basically avoided the issue and just fallen back on the personal condemnation diatribe. Really, that doesn’t help us here.

How about telling us (me and all the hundreds of enthralled readers who are following this thread) just what you think is wrong with my explanation of my moral position, sentence by sentence, if you would…. please.

I put it to you that you cannot genuinely say that anything in my explanation of my moral position is wrong or flawed or immoral or amoral or unprincipled or unethical.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 13 September 2014 9:13:16 PM
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You can put it whichever way you choose, Ludwig.

>>I put it to you that you cannot genuinely say that anything in my explanation of my moral position is wrong or flawed or immoral or amoral or unprincipled or unethical.<<

I can, and I have, and it is.

The simple fact that you believe that Harris'actions were nothing more than "a bit of groping", demonstrates a complete absence of empathy for the victims of a predatory paedophile.

As the judge pointed out, unambiguously, these were the actions of "a sex offender - committing 12 offences of indecent assault on four victims who were variously aged between 8 and 19 at the time".

What more evidence do you need of your lack of morality, or even awareness, than the fact that you consider indecent assault to be no more than "a bit of groping"?

Be specific.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 September 2014 12:24:30 AM
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"How about telling us (me and all the hundreds of enthralled readers who are following this thread) just what you think is wrong with my explanation of my moral position, sentence by sentence, if you would…. please."

I think we have it wrapped up in that paragraph....Luddie thinks there's "hundreds of enthralled readers who are following this thread" - and he's obviously quite enamoured of that thought.

To me, wanting to regurgitate the same points and arguments over and over again appears somewhat unbalanced. We've already debated the points Ludwig wants to rehash many times - and still he wishes to do it again.

Is it any wonder, in that case, that we now turn to Ludwig himself for examination? Why, after forensically picking the case apart and putting our views across "so many times", is Ludwig inviting us to do just that once more?

He says.....

"I put it to you that you cannot genuinely say that anything in my explanation of my moral position is wrong or flawed or immoral or amoral or unprincipled or unethical."

It's an odd statement, seemingly devised so that Ludwig can go on pretending to himself that his long thread is somehow a show stopper - with Ludwig having the starring role.

For him to continually toot his horn this far into the thread to bring attention to his odious ethics regarding Harris's crimes seems deliberate and inflammatory. He's enjoying bating us with statements that are beyond the pale in a society that condemns grubby pedophiles and their defenders.

It appears, he's quite excited at any attention he can muster from any of us - and continually goads by rehashing points that have already been well and truly debated.

Quite an interesting psychological study of a poster who appears to be vicariously enjoying the "cause célèbre" aspect of this thread in association with Harris's crimes.

Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 14 September 2014 5:50:49 AM
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Good point, Poirot.

>>It appears, he's quite excited at any attention he can muster from any of us - and continually goads by rehashing points that have already been well and truly debated.<<

I really should stop feeding this sad addiction of his. Now that you point it out, I realise it is a strategy he has adopted on other threads, where he goes to enormous lengths to maintain an argument that he has well and truly lost any number of times. I was under the misapprehension that I was doing him a favour by drawing his attention to the massive flaws in his assertions, but I guess some people just cannot listen.

Perhaps it is time I bowed out, and let him have the last word that he so desperately craves.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 September 2014 11:16:53 AM
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I agree.

My last post on this topic.

My recommendation to all: do not engage with Ludwig on any topic.
Posted by Cossomby, Sunday, 14 September 2014 2:09:29 PM
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Churchill's quote could be adapted: "...someone who can't change his mind and pretends to change the subject"?

Except the 'subject' has apparently been the 'someone' for many pages.

Many, many pages.
Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 14 September 2014 3:35:27 PM
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I wrote:

>> How about telling us (me and all the hundreds of enthralled readers who are following this thread) just what you think is wrong with my explanation of my moral position, sentence by sentence, if you would…. please.

I put it to you that you cannot genuinely say that anything in my explanation of my moral position is wrong or flawed or immoral or amoral or unprincipled or unethical. <<

And as predicted Pericles, you made no attempt whatsoever to do this.

The reason of course is obvious: you CAN’T, as there is NOTHING wrong with my moral compass!!

You won’t be drawn into having a detailed look at my morals. You wouldn’t dare because you can see very clearly that there is nothing wrong with them. And at this point I refer all of those hundreds (or thousands?) of readers of this riveting discussion back to the elucidation of my morals, principles or ethics or whatever you want to call them, all of which comprise one’s moral compass:
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:28:22 PM
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As for Poirot, she’s dangerously close to achieving Jay’s village idiot status.

We get nothing but complete negativity geared at denigrating Ludwig, which comes completely unaccompanied by anything to do with the actual debate!

And this comes from someone who appears to not only not have a north-pointing moral compass, nor one that is pointing way off to the side, but appears to just not have one at all!!

No respect for OLO rules. No interest in actually debating the subject. No probs at all about showing her truly rank nature by just delivering post after post of pure sputum.

And to think that she was a good OLO mate for four years or more.

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:30:01 PM
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And in response to Pericles again:

Your last post is of the same standard as Poirot’s recent posts. Completely off-topic. And a very clear indication that you are not willing to debate the very subject that you wanted to discuss.

The reason being – because you CAN’T!

You can now see that there is nothing whatsoever wrong with my moral compass, but that I do indeed have a very good point about the dodginess of your moral compass, as evident from the way you behaved when came back on this thread on 26 July, and in subsequent posts.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:30:56 PM
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Cossomby, what on earth is your problem?

One moment you are debating this very important subject in a decent manner, and the next moment you completely spaz out!!

Well goodbye then. Just make sure you live up to your suggestion… and don’t engage me ever again on this forum.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:31:28 PM
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So perhaps in conclusion, I will say…. again…

Harris was wrong to do what he did.

He’s copped a fair and reasonable penalty.

But he did NOT do anything more than a series of brief opportunistic touchings. And this is NOT something that he should be completely condemned for or have his career and reputation completely destroyed over.

Critically examining the court’s findings is the RIGHT thing to do if one feels that there is anything that needs to be questioned. And there certainly is in this case.

Debating this subject is the right thing to do as it is a very important topic. OLO is the right place to do it.

All those who have condemned me for simply expressing the views that I have and striving to debate them here are totally WRONG for doing that, and should be highly ashamed of themselves.

They need to take a good long hard look at where their moral compasses are pointing.


Do the crime, do the time. NOT ten or hundred times the time that the crime deserves!

Catch and deal with the really significant offenders. DON’T make scapegoats out of people who have just tipped into the realms of minor offending, while letting the big fish remain at large.

Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:33:49 PM
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The atmosphere around this issue is so supercharged at the moment that it is impossible for my sort of views to be put out there in the mainstream media. But I am sure (I think it very likely but I am not absolutely sure) that this paradigm will change in the near future and that we will start hearing people expressing concerns about the Harris case and how he has been viewed compared to what he actually did. And hopefully common sense and balance will come to prevail…. eventually.

Oh yes, one more thing…once again repeated, for I think the third time….

People I have spoken to and discussed this issue in some detail are ALL (about 20 people) of the same accord as me, except for one, who is not interested in looking at the detail. This sits in stark contrast with those left on this thread. But NOT in stark contrast to those who commented at the start of the thread.

So I would suggest that it is the likes of Pericles and Poirot that are the ones who are out of touch here, not Ludwig.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 14 September 2014 10:35:01 PM
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Ludwig, if public opinion was running in favor, and to the extent you present, that is, 20 to 1 questioning the outcome and therefore some strong community outrage. Would it not be reasonable to expect evidence that the media would have picked up on this outrage and be running stories questioning like you are, the media is clearly not doing that. This indicates that the community in general is satisfied with the Harris trial and its findings and penalties. End of story.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 September 2014 6:41:42 AM
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Paul1405, "if public opinion was running in favor, and to the extent you present, that is, 20 to 1 questioning the outcome and therefore some strong community outrage. Would it not be reasonable to expect evidence that the media would have picked up on this outrage and be running stories"

I reckon he was due his sentence. Regrettably though there are many more serious offenders in Rotherham and elsewhere who are magically escaping investigation, and the public denunciations - plentiful here for Harris, but strangely not so evident where the Rotherham abusers are concerned.

However your faith in the media responding to public opinion or acting in the 'public interest' is rather quaint and misplaced. So often it is the editors themselves who are making the news and the only agonising is over how to play a story long and to take advantage of all angles. Corby is an easy example.

Seemingly, editors don't mind sensationalist stuff that can increase their audiences of headline readers, and activists rely on that. But otherwise, forget it.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 18 September 2014 7:29:15 AM
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This is the 700th post on this thread! Incredible!

[Not counting the posts of our resident village idiot, which keep appearing and getting deleted at a regular rate, as they have all through this long thread!]

Paul, my little personal sample size of people’s views, which has worked out to be about 20 to 1, obviously cannot be projected into the wider world.

Who knows what the real spread of views is. But my feeling is that it is much more evenly distributed than what this thread would indicate, with perhaps more than 50% sharing my sort of views??

I think that the views of the Pericles and Poirots of the world do NOT represent those of the majority, and really are right up towards one end of the spectrum of opinions on this subject.

But again; who knows!
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 8:25:24 AM
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OTB, you make a vitally important point:

There are BOUND to be MANY more offenders out there of a much more serious nature, who will escape investigation.

We need to realise that pedophilia at the light end of the spectrum is everywhere. And much more serious stuff is also very common.

It is hard to imagine that ANYONE who has done anything of the sort of magnitude of Harris would ever be brought to account for it, unless they are a high-faluting big name. (Are we about to see the same with Sir Cliff Richard?)

While Harris deserves to be penalised, I would question whether the case should have even been brought against him in the first place, given that there are many much more serious cases out there. An enormous amount of resources must have gone into the whole Harris episode, which should have been put into pursuing much more serious cases….. surely!

I think it really is a case of the authorities going after the WRONG person with the Harris case, while things hundreds of times worse were happening.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 8:50:08 AM
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With Rolf Harris as the benchmark, what investigations, charges and penalties are properly due for all involved in Rotherham and other towns?

What accountability of decision makers AND the politicians involved?

Comparisons must be made.

What prevents Australian children from being similarly groomed, plied with drugs and traded? What credible assurances can Australia's leaders give that it is not already happening here?
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 18 September 2014 9:29:31 AM
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Ludwig, "I think it really is a case of the authorities going after the WRONG person with the Harris case, while things hundreds of times worse were happening"

I take it that you are arguing about priorities, not that offenders whose crimes are not as serious as the the Rotherham abuses should not be charged. Words on a page can seem to have a different meaning to that intended.

Of course you are right in that priorities for investigation and allocation of resources seem askew in this case. The Rotherham abuses were (and are!) on-going, resulting in more victims, the offences are far more serious and long-reaching (drugs for example), it was already known about and reports were already before responsible persons including politicians.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 18 September 2014 9:39:34 AM
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To say <<There are BOUND to be MANY more offenders out there of a much more serious nature, who will escape investigation.>> Totally illogical, there are people who get away with murder, so should all murderers get off? So should Harris get off. If I should get booked for speeding, should I get off, others speed and get away with it, as I said totally illogical.
Beach, <<However your faith in the media responding to public opinion or acting in the 'public interest' is rather quaint and misplaced.>> Rubbish! I'm not saying that at all, if the media could get some mileage out of Harris in some way, not necessarily in the 'public interest' way, but to increase readership or viewers etc, and therefore revenue, don't you think they would be doing so. Nothing like a but of spice and division to get peoples interest and the money rolling in. If Ludwig was the British PM, or third in line to the thrown, or just won Wimbledon and making public what he has been posting here don't you think the media would not be all over it? Oh, in the public interest of course, no other reason.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 September 2014 10:30:10 AM
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<< I take it that you are arguing about priorities, not that offenders whose crimes are not as serious as the the Rotherham abuses should not be charged. >>

Absolutely, OTB.

Its not just about priorities in terms of the severity of offences, its about the most effective use of resources. And one has surely got be a little concerned about the enormous resources that went into convicting Harris that would otherwise surely have gone into dealing with more significant cases.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 11:06:39 AM
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Sorry Paul, I have read, reread and rereread your last post and I just can’t understand what you are trying to say, in your first paragraph, re: ‘illogical’.

I wrote:

>> There are BOUND to be MANY more offenders out there of a much more serious nature, who will escape investigation. <<

I can’t imagine what issue you would have with this.

You wrote:

<< If Ludwig was the British PM, or third in line to the thrown, or just won Wimbledon and making public what he has been posting here don't you think the media would not be all over it? >>


If I was a well-known person, it would get into the media for sure….. and then there might be a bit of critical analysis of all the various points that I have raised.

Of course there would still be all of the sorts of reactions that we’ve seen on this thread. But it wouldn’t be all so incredibly one-sided; there would at least be a few people out there who would be willing to delve right into my suggested possibilities that it could all be quite different to what it has been portrayed.

I’ve said a couple of times in this discussion that I think this will happen. When the atmosphere becomes a little less heated, and perhaps a few other cases have run their course, the community will be more receptive and the media more inclined to really explore the sorts of points that I have raised.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 11:07:59 AM
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Ludwig, I do not understand this <<Its not just about priorities in terms of the severity of offences, its about the most effective use of resources. And one has surely got be a little concerned about the enormous resources that went into convicting Harris that would otherwise surely have gone into dealing with more significant cases.>>
These are criminal matters, they have to be investigated and persecuted. Should the victims be told "Yes, we believe a criminal offence has been committed but, its not economically prudent to pursue the matter.>>
So how much should society set aside to investigate criminal matters each year, and when the budgeted amount is exhausted what do you do then? Issue 'Get out of Jail Free Cards'. Our legal system costs a lot of money, I don't deny that, but its necessary expenditure to catch people like Harris. In Harris's case a lot of the prosecution cost would have to do with Harris putting up a very strong defense case.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 September 2014 12:06:07 PM
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<< These are criminal matters, they have to be investigated and persecuted. >>

Well…. no. They don’t need to be pursued. The authorities could make a decision about the significance of the offences and the likelihood of getting a conviction, and could decide not to pursue someone, even if there is a high probability that they did offend or they were absolutely known to have offended.

When you look at the magnitude of offences in Rotherham and compare them to Harris, you’ve got to wonder whether they should have bothered with Harris at all. Especially when he apparently stopped offending many years ago while Rotherham is still a very active event.

You’ve got to consider that Harris did nothing more than very brief opportunistic touchings. I mean, this is just extraordinarily different to what has been happening in Rotherham.

<< Should the victims be told "Yes, we believe a criminal offence has been committed but, its not economically prudent to pursue the matter >>

If the offence is very minor or if there isn’t a particularly high chance of getting a conviction, then yes. Ideally, no. But in the practical real world, yes.

<< So how much should society set aside to investigate criminal matters each year, and when the budgeted amount is exhausted what do you do then? >>

I don’t know. But resources are not infinite. They do need to be carefully allocated, and this should happen with priority on the most serious matters.

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 10:05:09 PM
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<< In Harris's case a lot of the prosecution cost would have to do with Harris putting up a very strong defense case. >>

Well, maybe at some point in the future we will have a better understanding of why he did that. My suspicion is that he simply thought that what he had done was not anything of any particular significance, and that it should not be allowed to result in him copping a big penalty such as some years in jail, if he could possibly help it.

The whole episode was about antics right at the bottom end of the spectrum of pedophilia. So I guess he thought that there was a reasonable chance of it all not leading to anything more than a warning or small fine if he mounted a strong defence case, and that if he hadn’t, he would have left himself wide open to the maximum force of the judicial system.

I think he had no choice but to strongly defend himself. All those against him condemn him for his apparent lack of remorse for mounting this defence. But I think it was more a matter of trying to put things into a more realistic perspective, where the level of significance of his actions would be seen as being considerably less than what they otherwise would have been, and indeed now are by the court.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 18 September 2014 10:06:53 PM
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"I think he had no choice but to strongly defend himself. All those against him condemn him for his apparent lack of remorse for mounting this defence. But I think it was more a matter of trying to put things into a more realistic perspective,...."

Rolf's defence was:

"They're all making it up."
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 18 September 2014 10:45:34 PM
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<[Rotherham] Report author Professor Alexis Jay said senior managers had "underplayed" the scale and seriousness of the problem and police also failed to prioritise it.

She insisted that, given her findings, "nobody could say I didn't know".>

It is simply amazing, incredible, that there were inexhaustible police resources and senior executive support (including the Minister) to pursue Rolf Harris and later Sir Cliff Richard, where the BBC also wielded its paddle (though it was noticeably subdued previously where Rotherham was concerned),
authorities, police, minister (and the BBC) were nowhere near as guno-ho on the Rotherham complaints and reports over the years.

Why the difference?
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 19 September 2014 5:56:37 AM
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Make that'gung-ho'.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 19 September 2014 5:57:42 AM
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<< "They're all making it up." >>

Poirot, are these his exact words? Do you have a reference? Was this in reference to the all the charges brought against him, or to certain allegations made by just one girl, or what? Can you give us the full context of this statement?
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 19 September 2014 7:35:34 AM
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"BARBRA MILLER, EUROPE CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Tony. Yesterday we had Rolf Harris singing part of Jake the Peg in the witness box. He demonstrated the wobble board, made sound effects of the wobble board and also demonstrated the sound of a didgeridoo. Now the prosecutor got straight to that performance, as it were, when she made her opening statements in cross-examination. She said, "You delighted us with a demonstration of your many talents as an artist." And she said she wanted to make it quite clear that the prosecution did not suggest for a moment that Rolf Harris was anything other than a brilliant and polished performer. But this case, as you know, she told the defendant, is not a talent show. And she told Rolf Harris that the case was about deciding to what extent the dark side she's talked about of Rolf Harris dominated his behaviour. The prosecution's case here is that he was a serial molester over a large number of decades and that he also groomed the main complainant in this case from the age of 13."

"Now as far as the other allegations go, Tony, the prosecutor has put it to Rolf Harris that they're all making very similar claims, that their stories of Rolf Harris approaching them, wanting to hug them and then indecently touching or assaulting them all ring very similar. He's admitted that that's the case, these stories do sound similar, but he said simply, "They are all making it up."

"Harris denied inappropriately touching any of the alleged victims and pleaded not guilty in court. "They are all making it up," he told the jury in late May."
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 19 September 2014 8:26:04 AM
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Ludwig, based on you cost assessment annalists, if presented with two similar cases, and given the laws finite resources to fight various cases, then Harris may well have never been prosecuted at all. Harris with his 20 million quid could have got off scott-free, put into the too hard basket. Now that other bloke Jake Thepeg, a doley relying on a public defender, he's a soft target , we'll go right after him.

Poirot, (above post) I think the word is "Touché" on that one.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 19 September 2014 8:43:16 AM
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Thanks Poirot.

That’s good. Directly in line with the subject of this thread.

However I would still suggest being very careful about the true context of his comments.

In your quotes we are reading what journalists have said that Harris had said, and have put it into some sort of context, which is their interpretation.

We all know that we need to be a tad careful about that second- or third-hand sort of assertion… not least in very emotive cases like this one, where there are many people who really want to think the absolute worst of the defendant.

But having said that; they are probably pretty accurate.

So, it begs the question then; why did you put up so many posts that were not contributing to the topic but were just sniping from the sidelines?

It would seem that you are very willing to put up relevant stuff very quickly where you can, but that when I raise points that you can’t counter or argue against, you simply choose to snipe instead.

I’ve got to admit that I have found that to be most unfortunate, especially given that we had got along very well for years before this thread.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 19 September 2014 8:47:42 PM
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"So, it begs the question then; why did you put up so many posts that were not contributing to the topic but were just sniping from the sidelines?"

I put of reams of on-topic material...that is...until two thirds of the way through the thread when you began abusing me (and others) for not agreeing with your "possibilities".

And falsely accusing me (and others) of abusive posts.

You have behaved abominably during this thread - completely lost my respect.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 19 September 2014 9:04:24 PM
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Paul, again I am finding it difficult to understand just what you are trying to say.

I think there is a tendency to go for soft targets rather than more difficult but much more significant cases.

I was involved with environmental regulation for many years. I suspected early on that my department pursued small easy targets much more readily than larger, somewhat more difficult, much more expensive, and much less certain-of-conviction cases. I heard many colleagues express the same sort of concerns.

This is probably the case across the board, with all manner of legal matters.

And when a soft target of a minor nature is a famous person who can be made an example of to great effect, and thus highlight the 'great work' of the regulatory body that has brought forth the prosecution, then it really does become quite irresistible to put resources into that, ahead of larger and more significant issues.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 19 September 2014 9:06:23 PM
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Ludwig, that is why we have people like the DPP in Oz, I assume they have similar in England, who's job it is, is to evaluate the evidence and to some degree preempt the courts. The DPP launch prosecutions where there is a reasonable chance of a conviction. Harris was not actually a soft target, he had a numbers of strings to his bow to use in his defense.

<<And when a soft target of a minor nature is a famous person who can be made an example of to great effect, and thus highlight the 'great work' of the regulatory body that has brought forth the prosecution, then it really does become quite irresistible to put resources into that, ahead of larger and more significant issues.>>

Some of what you say in the above could well be true, but its only based on speculation, we can not say its fact. I must say we differ with the notion that the offences were of a "minor nature", I didn't consider them so. the judge obviously didn't either with a sentence of 5 years 9 months, but having said that Harris wasn;t treated in the extreme category either. I don't agree Harris was simply a soft target, he had several things going his way, fame and fortune not the least. If larger and more significant cases come to light, then they too must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I just feel in the Harris case its was a victory for justice, even if as you say there was something in it for the prosercutors.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 September 2014 7:41:09 AM
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<< Some of what you say in the above could well be true, but its only based on speculation, we can not say its fact. >>


Same applies for a lot of what I have raised on this thread – it is speculative. There is a POSSIBILITY that it could be true. And it is well worth considering that possibility.

<< I must say we differ with the notion that the offences were of a "minor nature" >>

We do indeed differ on this fundamental point. The more I think about the whole case, the more I think that Harris has been absolutely clobbered with a sledge hammer, while a small tack hammer would have been much more appropriate.

I refer to the overall penalty that he has copped, not just to the official court-imposed jail sentence.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 20 September 2014 9:11:07 PM
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So… Poirot…

You have written yet another post that doesn’t address the topic!

It beggars belief that you keep doing this sort of fragrant infringement of the forum rules, while at the same time criticising me for my behaviour. This is duplicity in the extreme. And of course it is your behaviour that led me to have strong words to say to you in the first place.

Now, there is something very interesting in your second last post…

< The prosecution's case here is that he was a serial molester over a large number of decades and that he also groomed the main complainant in this case from the age of 13. >

This is just extraordinary. Talk about emotive and utterly over-the-top language. A ‘serial monster’… for very briefly, gently and opportunistically touching girls, four of which were examined in court… and hence four only of which were of any relevance to the case.

Of course he was wrong to do this. But a serial monster?


Surely any commentator could see that that sort of language is utterly inappropriate and extremely unbalanced.

< …groomed the main complainant… >

In other words, he befriended his daughter’s friend, to the point of touching her sexually, in a manner that she was at peace with, and which could only have resulted in repeated touchings if she continued to be at peace with it…. and would never have happened if she had rejected it at the start and would have stopped at any point along the way if she had indicated that enough was enough.

This is what ‘grooming’ amounts to, doesn’t it?

How else could you interpret it?
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 22 September 2014 9:46:28 AM
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It is a very interesting point, isn’t it Poirot.

I can understand why you haven’t responded.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 8:08:32 PM
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So you are still wittering on, Ludwig.

More fool you, really, as you seem insistent upon digging yourself an ever deeper hole.

Because this post of yours is possibly the creepiest yet. Your defence of the indefensible has reached yet another level of pure sleaze, of a dimension that almost defies belief.

You start off quite slowly:

>>for very briefly, gently and opportunistically touching girls<<

As if this approach were in itself an excuse for his behaviour. Instead of which, it depicts very clearly some deplorable characteristics your morality, where brevity, mildness and frequency are somehow more important than the act itself: child molesting.

But it gets worse. This, I would imagine, is the tenor of your conversations with your "twenty mates".

>>...he befriended his daughter’s friend, to the point of touching her sexually, in a manner that she was at peace with, and which could only have resulted in repeated touchings if she continued to be at peace with it…. and would never have happened if she had rejected it at the start and would have stopped at any point along the way if she had indicated that enough was enough.<<

So, she must have agreed to the sexual touching, in the view of you and your mates, because she didn't "reject it at the start". Therefore she must have been "at peace with it".

This attitude demonstrates two things. One, that you have no idea whatsoever of the potent mixture of fear and shame involved in these transactions. Here, have a read, and start to get your head around the principles involved:

The second aspect is what it says about you, and the fact that you still, after all this time, believe that offences are trivial.

Just be careful, when discussing this with your "twenty mates", that there isn't a twenty-five stone tattooed father of girls within earshot.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 12:49:54 PM
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You’re back!

By crikey are you all over the shop!

One minute you are saying that there is nothing to debate. The next minute you are saying; ‘count me in Ludwig’, I’m very interested in pursuing the debate.

You doggedly, almost obsessively, pursue me to get you to respond to you, after presenting yourself in your reappearance on this thread on ~26 July as one who should absolutely NOT be responded to as you were obviously not interested in the debate but is very interested in playing the man, and in the most low-life manner you could muster.

And then when I finally did respond to you, on the proviso that you address the debate and leave the personal stuff out of it, you didn't hang around for long!

You pushed me about my moral compass, then as soon as I outlined it, you were gone…. thus demonstrating very clearly that there was nothing about my moral compass that you could argue with….and you certainly would have if you could have!

Come on, get it together mate!

OK, welcome back.

So I wonder if this is the start of another long Ludwig-Pericles ding-dong battle, of the sort of which we have had many…. or whether you will be off again as soon as you realise that there is nothing else that you can pick holes in.

I’m betting on the latter.


I’ll fully respond to your post later.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 8:01:37 PM
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Lol!....after post upon post of berating Poirot for posting off topic...what does Ludwig do - but post a whole post "off topic".

To reiterate Pericles' point: >>...he befriended his daughter’s friend, to the point of touching her sexually, in a manner that she was at peace with, and which could only have resulted in repeated touchings if she continued to be at peace with it…. and would never have happened if she had rejected it at the start and would have stopped at any point along the way if she had indicated that enough was enough.<<

"At peace with it"...sounds a bit sicko to me.

What 13-15 year old would be "at peace" with a not particularly attractive middle-aged father of a friend interfering with her sexually at his whim - covertly and opportunistically.

Rolf, the middle-aged man, chose not only to break the law, but to load this child with guilt and shame...for YEARS.

And Luddie thinks she was at peace with it!
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 8:56:41 PM
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Not to mention, that Ludwig sounded a bit over-the-top excited that someone was addressing him.

Methinks he's getting way to weird a thrill from pasting his odious sentiments on this thread.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 8:58:55 PM
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[Deleted for abuse and significantly off-topic.]
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 10:19:59 PM
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Okay, Luddy,

I think I've had enough of

Something appears a little amiss in the bell tower.

(so I think I'll dispense with even clicking on the number of posts it takes to get to this thread)

Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 25 September 2014 1:04:56 AM
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[As above.]
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 25 September 2014 7:25:51 AM
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Don't bother, Ludwig.

>>Oh yes… poor old Pericles is waiting for me to respond.<<

Your last few posts have moved way beyond tacky, and are now simply disgusting.

You seem to have completely persuaded yourself that children enjoy being sexually fondled by dirty old men.

>>So, how could it have happened if she was not ‘at peace’ with it?<<

That is... repulsive.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 25 September 2014 1:33:43 PM
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[Deleted for arguing moderator's decision online.]
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 25 September 2014 9:21:54 PM
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Just dropped in to see how things are going.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 25 September 2014 10:02:52 PM
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Ludwig's email address in the system is an old one and bounces, so I can't communicate with him directly, but he has been suspended for a month for abuse in the first place, and then posting questioning his suspension. As he acknowledged in his third post that he would be suspended, it called for a longer than usual suspension.
Posted by GrahamY, Thursday, 25 September 2014 10:13:38 PM
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