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Visual art versus film?
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Posted by NathanJ, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 6:47:06 PM
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dont we all JUST SWALLOW too much cccc-rap
if you ONLY GOT FOO..WELL POO..WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO I COULD TRAKE THE CCCC-RAP..FROM THE SILVER SCREEN PAP BUT WE LOVE OUR MINIRITIES....yet crap eating is far from a minority occupatioN/WE ALL EAT EACH OTHERS RUBBISH In the end. i recall the piss christ..inspired us INTO spending billions on ON DD-CELL PLANTS..IN ORDER TOMAKE SALTY PEE MORE TASTY..SO WE Could eat it anyhow i recall they once mADE A CCC-RAP MACHINE AND EVEN SELL CRAP BY...THE CAN..HECK IEVEN GOT A CAN OF KANGEROO CRAPP..ITS RUSTING in the outside..but its still all craP ON THE INSIDE YOU HAVE KICKED OFF AN AVALANCHE OF FORGOTTEN CRAP IN MY HEAD so its best i stOP PUTTING THAT CRAP OUT THERE[I WAS GOING TO IGNORE..'it'..but so much crapp..was racing into my mind..i needed to spout it ouT..BUT NOW ITS OUT I REALIZE I shoulda held it iun WHO WANTS TO END UP THE BUTT OF A JOKE AND BE KNOWN For the lengths OR Breadth of his wordy worldly truridly..[turdy/sturdy]..crap rap..i can even believe IM SPELL CHECKING..THIS CRAPPY POST..SHOULD HAVE OBEYED MY first in-stinkt CUT A big one from the gut..and run..[nO SILLY run not runs] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 February 2014 6:48:52 AM
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Visual art versus film?
UNsure even regarding THE TITLES question visual art..cannot include visual for art sake...doth not forsake..THE IMAGERY IT DOTH MAKE...SEE THAT EVIL WANYS OUR MINDS WHERE THEY ARE. [IM USING THE INFLOW OF CCCRAP TO MAke pearl before swine know the stuff sending the mind imagry into my mind/cpomes directly froM HELL. SEE IN HEaven..there is no crap..none whatsoever IF ANYTHING HAS ITS GOOD USE..IT ALLREADy has formed/that proper use so in heaven we eat..yet we dont poop/because we 'eat'..the essence of the thing..once our attentions/focuses on the thing is goNE..SO TO IS ITS REASON FOR BEING. poOp is rife in hell..[thats that shadows stuff you see swirling around/your feet..[in hell] IN hell/thEY CAN WITH LITTLE MIND EFFORT.make the etherized crapp look like food..again..but it STILL TASTES LIKE CRAP. I RECALL THERE WAS HIGH VALUE PUT ON ROMAN CRAPP [AS THERE WERE MANY it/plus trace elIMENTS] ITS A TOPIC THAT CAN be really confronting[MAINLY because those who love the crap/get so obsessively loving the stuff. ITS SAID THAT THE FIRST LIFE WAS CREATED/JUST TO RECYCLE THE UNWANTED CRAP FIRST LIFE WAS SIMPLY A MOUTH..A GUT..AND AN ANUS IN TIME WE DEVELOPED ARMS LEGS ETC..FOUND FUN-TIONS IN OTHER ORIFICES/AND FOOD Obtaining evolutionary appendages and crap detecting senses..but now you see why the dude had to edit the film doWN TO 6 HOURS IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE CRAP HES BEEN TAKING you would pay him to take it..and explain more about it but in the end..its just more crap we didnt need to know..SO BE IT BULL/MERDE'..or HALF-wit.. its still all Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 February 2014 8:04:14 AM
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I HATE THESE QUIET DAYS..when all there is is an endless loop
as new if cuts off the connection..but the run of imagery marches ever on i heard..of this dude..who got the measure of his turd[literally] apparently..he layed hIS MERDE..End to end..IN A LONG A LONG line..and took notes of what came in..tO WHAT WAS ADDED his daily bowl movents..[PUT ONTO THE LINE] [iT MUST HAVE FAILED THE CUT.. [blame the spinCter valve..for this errant cut] ANYHOW DUST..YOU ARE FROM TO THE DUST YOU SHALL RETURN.. [HOW THEY SAY..THE PRETTIEST BLOOM\FLOWERS GROw/..FROM THE VILEST 'FERTILIZER'..the best way to to value others crap] o know i dont want to see the film.. i get enough crap/just writing..THE fruits of others C/RAP. hoping that others see the value where others just see the the end fruit-loop... ALL gods perfect creation..THAT WE OF MAN-KINd..have made into poop Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 February 2014 9:17:46 AM
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There are good evolutionary reasons why we are disgusted with our (and other animal's) excrement - to avoid disease. Yet we are also fascinated by what disgusts us. The passion for forensic novels and TV programs is an example.
For those who may not want to see the film, but would like to pursue this disgust/fascination aspect, I can recommend: Lewis, R.A. 1999 'Merde: Excursions into scientific, cultural and sociohistorical coprology'. He's a biologist, and dedicated his book 'To my mother who changed my nappies and to my father who occasionally helped.' Among many other things, he points out that word 'science' and the word starting with s (that the website insisted that I remove, even though I used asterisks) derive from the same ancient Indo-European root meaning 'to know'. Maybe such an important part of human existence does merit artistic treatment? If this is too much, then start with one of my favourite kid's books: Werner Holzwarth & Wolf Erlbruch 'The story of the little mole who knew it was none of his business.' 'A terrible catastrophe befalls the little mole one bright, sunny morning. It looks like a little sausage, and the worst thing is that it lands right on his head. Our plucky little hero sets out to find who has left their business on his head. His highly entertaining and informative search reveals and important but often neglected side of animal life'. Whatever your views, just remember - someone once changed you nappies, and when you are really old, you may need someone to do it again! Posted by Cossomby, Thursday, 27 February 2014 2:51:20 PM
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Is there any taxpayers money spent on this and, if so, who is the bureaucrat signing the cheque ? I think these people need to be named because if some poor sod loses his job & has difficulty supporting a family he won't be given the slightest thought by sickos like that.
Unless we expose such morons we can not hope of changing things. Are they sickos themselves getting sexual favour kick-backs for handing over taxpayers money ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 27 February 2014 9:14:13 PM
The film, by a New York artist, and partially supported by Australian taxpayers - has been labelled a “torrent of filth” in the Australian Newspaper. The film contains scenes of human defecation, a range of other (disgusting) things and coprophagia (eating of animal faeces in some form) - I haven't seen the film.
On the ABC the Adelaide Festival CEO justified the film and rejected one reviewer who said the film was pornographic.
As the film is considered "visual art", there is no official classification. Only age restrictions will be put on - 18+ only. Why? Where are the guidelines? Where are the moral and legal standards here?