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Self Defence
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 20 February 2014 10:53:51 AM
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As is usual you didn't answer the question. If the person breaking into one's home is armed and fires at one do you really think that it should be unlawful to fire back and with the intention of stopping the intruder from firing again? Kindly answer this question and remember dialing "000" is not a viable option in the circumstances. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 20 February 2014 11:05:50 AM
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and the truth..shall set you free knowing is the best OFFENSE we can wIN..WITH WORDS ALONE let thyne tongue be thyne sword thy pen is mightier than the sword all word is sacred sacred/words..=..s/words LET THY TONGUE..CUT both ways THUS I PRESENTED MY TONUGE CUTTERS I RECALL..many that talked their way out [like her majesty..talken down to the intruder. UNLIKE HER HUSH BAND..the wanna be/but she loves him..what cAN WE DO BUT ..turn the other cheek/recall who's realm THIS IS..and know its nbot us that will be standing before our father [trying to explain why we took AN OTHERS LIFE/A LIFE ONLY THE FATHER can give] than god we know we are eternal spirits merely living out one mortal LIFE IN SEntanence. the flesh is weak yea thou i shall WALK THROUGH the valley of FEAR..i shalt not fear no evil. SDONT WORRY..BE HAPPY8 wherE IS THE LOVE..[?] {..IM WITH SUZE*] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 20 February 2014 11:38:42 AM
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Of course where injuring an assailant who might attack her is concerned Suseonline benefits greatly from her gender shield as a woman. A woman who injures an offender who is attacking her is unlikely to be taken straight to an interrogation room, charged and required to meet a reversed standard of proof in court to defend her actions.
But then women can kill their partners and get away with it too. Strange that Suseonline has never asked if alleged or real domestic abuse is a defence for hiding in the bushes with a rifle and shooting the offending partner dead. The alternative was calling the cops and she did have the opportunity. Nonetheless, as far as most Australians are concerned, a person should be able to defend him/herself from an attacker, be it domestic abuse or whatever and they should not be re-victimised by being required to satisfy the unfair reversed standard of proof. Of course if anything like a reversed standard of proof applied to criminals Suseonline would be up in arms against it. As if challenging the REVERSED standard of proof that re-victimises the victims of shocking crimes is being 'red-neck'. Suseonline talks the talk and walks the walk of a Greens Watermelon, but she says she once used to vote 'Liberal'. LOL, pig's derriere she ever did. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 20 February 2014 12:13:48 PM
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thought i would search..the pope
SEEING AS THE CURRENT POPE..IS A LOVER anyhow seems the spirit buzzing with this /sharp tongue form..of self-defense... NOT SURe how that TIES IN..WITH THIS BUT CLEARLY THERE IS A MESSage re using the sharp tongue massage..TO REVEAL THE MESS-AGE*.. self but one word from self offense..[self fence/self DEFERENCE..self sufferance..self deliverance..self transference] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 20 February 2014 5:31:35 PM
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Is Mise, the law says we can use reasonable force against those breaking into our homes. I would certainly ring 000, wouldn't you?
Obviously, if some mad cowboy breaks into someone's home madly shooting at anyone within, then the occupants should be lawfully allowed to shoot back to save themselves. In most of those situations I have read about in the papers, it usually turns out to be drug dealers looking for their money from the drug takers with However, if the perpetrators don't have weapons, and are just there to steal, then I don't think death by firing squad, without a jury, should be attempted. You would rightly go to jail... That's not my 'idea', that's the law. And here in Australia, we have far less murders by gunshots than in trigger happy US, where all and sundry carry guns. So how do you figure we would be better off arming the citizens here with guns 'just in case', when it doesn't work elsewhere? Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 20 February 2014 8:37:16 PM
<<Obviously I am closer to the truth than all the rednecks on this thread, because the law, as it stands now, agrees with me.>>
What a concept!
So if one day parliament will legislate that people must lay eggs, then you would feel guilty and miserable for not complying with the law?
There was a time when the law executed Galileo for claiming that the earth revolves around the sun - but of course the law is the law, so Galileo was wrong!