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We are many and we are one

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"Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, and/or social affiliation. First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, in the 17th century, people began to use the term to relate to observable physical traits....Social conceptions and groupings of races vary over time, involving folk taxonomies that define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits. Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete, and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.....Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptualizations of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways, some of which have essentialist implications. While some researchers sometimes use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race often is used in a NAIVE or SIMPLISTIC way [my capitalization], and argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens and subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens."
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 3 February 2014 7:56:33 PM
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"A bit difficult to canoodle with someone on the other side of the planet.
You can have phone sex, but not phone babies."

You may be surprised to know that young people (and some not so young) of all sorts are having much closer relations than from 'the other side of the world'.

As we speak :)

Half their luck: I've had to get glasses, everything was getting so blurry, they cost me $ 16.50 at National Pharmacies - and they have paid for themselves. Every day. Are women beautiful, or what ?!

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 3 February 2014 8:18:12 PM
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Dear reader,

If I could bother you for a moment of your time to engage in a modicum of de-constructing.

You will have seen Shockadelic write;

“I am no fan of the Nazis. They have ruined any possibility for White people to ever defend their own interests.”

Please note when he says he isn't a fan its not because of the millions of Jewish people that were gassed and sent to the crematoriums, its not because of the wholesale slaughter of millions of others, or things like the horrendous medical experiments carried out on children, rather it because it has meant he, Shockadelic, can't be an overt racist with impunity.

He doesn't tell us what the 'interests of the White people are' but penny to a pound, in his twisted mind, it is to preserve racial purity. Oh that is just beautiful and so modern Australia isn't it.

One odious individual in my book.

Speaking of which where on earth is onthebeach? Still revelling in his insipid little victory of forcing foxy to abandon this thread? And banjo seems to be missing in action as well. Two bilge-pipe barnacles basking in all that … you know what!

It looks like all the good folk have made their leave, just us down and dirty muckrakers left, why don't we have some fun?

Or perhaps instead we might pause a moment and reflect on some of the pernicious bile that has been bandied about on this thread, consign it to the medical waste bin, and never speak of it again. I for one am happy to move on and pretend it never happened, treating you civilly in other threads (my exception being Jay of Melbourne whom i have chosen to ignore). What about it lads? Let's shut this sucker down now.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 3 February 2014 8:40:16 PM
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Is Mise, thanks for "educating" us, but we already know the orthodox spiel.

Am I naive and simplistic to recognise that Dachshunds, Alsatians, Chihuahuas and Poodles exist?
Should I only see "Dog"?

Does it occur to you that the taxonomic definition of humans is politically motivated?

"Scientists" no longer define subcategories because its politically unacceptable.
When it was politically acceptable, they did.

"Scientists" acknowledge that certain genetic elements (such as haplogroups or alleles) occur in some people and not in others.
They show the relatedness (or unrelatedness) of "populations".

So does linguistics.
All languages are not related.

Some are within the same branch, others are in different branches but the same family.
Then there are completely unrelated families.

The spread of religion also shows where connections have been made or not.

Its not that any religion is "true", but that its presence or absence shows where there are connections or disconnections between peoples.

You can dispute *biological* race all you like, but you cannot dispute that certain peoples are demonstrably related (Dutch and German) and others are not (Dutch and Tibetan).

The peoples I, and many other people, consider related to us we call "White", simply because it's easier than any more convoluted description.

SteeleRedux, the "odious individual" is your own invented boogeyman, not me.

I'm no fan of the Nazis for many reasons.

You refer to what they did at the time.
We all know what they did at the time.

I refer to the aftereffect *now*.
Because it affects *current* political decisions about us, today.

"He doesn't tell us what the 'interests of the White people are'"

Survival. Self-evident, if you actually read my comments.

Survival of our distinct peoples, cultures and civilisation.

And survival within our advanced living standards, not as a minority in an newly expanded Third World.
Ooh, how selfish!

"Let's shut this sucker down now."

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
Won't get rid of dissent.

And it won't stop the inevitable civil war, a consequence of excessive, destabilising immigration and a never-improving/possibly declining economy.
Angry young men, on both sides, assure it.
Posted by Shockadelic, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 12:24:16 AM
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Just to nit-pick part of your rambling thread,

""Scientists" no longer define subcategories because its politically unacceptable.
When it was politically acceptable, they did."

Back in the 1960s, when I was an Anthropology student at Sydney Uni. one of my Professors, a renowned Anthropologist, taught the myth of Race and had been doing so since the early 1950s, hardly PC times.

He wrote and had published a book titled "The Myth of Race".
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 7:21:26 AM
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Is Mise, while I make the occasional grammatical error, my comments are meticulously coherent.
If you're having trouble understanding, the fault lies with you.

I didn't catch your professor's book, but I read the follow-up "The Myth of Breed".

Therein, he explains to us "naive and simplistic" types that despite observable morphological and behavioural variance, all domestic dogs are in fact the same species, can interbreed, and share a common ancestor in prehistoric Africa.

"Breed" is a fabrication of the human mind, imposed by White Men on those they consider inferior: domestic animals.

The genetic differences of apparently "different" dogs are so miniscule, that any intelligent person should consider them irrelevant.

In fact, the forced segregation of "breeds" is a form of oppression and should be prohibited by law.
Dog breeders, who talk of "purebreeds", "natural/traditional breeds" and "landraces" are Nazis.
There are only Dogs. Canis lupus familiaris.

Breed is a myth.
Don't cross the street. Let your child get know that Rottweiler.
It's just a Dog.
Posted by Shockadelic, Wednesday, 5 February 2014 2:04:03 AM
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