The Forum > General Discussion > Is someone willing to give cigarettes the butt?
Is someone willing to give cigarettes the butt?
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Posted by NathanJ, Saturday, 18 January 2014 10:18:09 PM
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NathanJ, I totally agree with what you are saying.
While I don't think it is a good idea to ban smoking right now, as that would be cruel to all the nicotine addicted people, phasing it out over 5 years is an excellent idea. That would give all the current smokers plenty of time to give up, and the tobacco driven industries etc time to find other sponsors or products. However, I have no doubt that all the 'lefties' and 'do-gooders' would be up in arms about smokers 'rights' etc . They will bang on about high-calorie foods and alcohol being next to go. But there are acceptable levels of eating these foods, or drinking alcohol, while NO smoking at all is the only healthy way to go. Surely the government could raise enough money to cover the losses from tobacco taxes by spending less on smoking-related diseases? Butt them out people! Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 19 January 2014 3:36:57 PM
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I reckon alcohol & other drugs kill more than tobacco ever did.
However I will go along with your ban, but only if alcohol is banned at the same time. Hell the same people could run both products. Should open a new avenue for people smugglers as Abbott closes that line of business. I wonder how you'll like the red spittle everywhere, when Ozzies take up chewing betel nut? Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 19 January 2014 5:39:47 PM
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Suse, I could be described as one of those 'lefties', 'do-gooders'. Firstly, to state my position, I am vehemently anti smoking, as the sarcasm that follows will testify to.
There is no relationship between smoking, alcohol consumption and fatty foods, although many people in Australia are consumers of all 3, no doubt to their detriment. Therefore we do not need to discuss smoking in the context of alcohol consumption or fatty food consumption, like stamp collecting and Yak hurding are completely separate issues as are the ones you mention and should not be discussed in the same context. If Sir Francis Drake was an Australian living in the 21at century and not an Englishman living in the 16th century and returned home today with a new product to market, namely spin sticks or coughn' nails. After a simple experiment by the authorities, like making monkeys do the draw back until they croak, that would take 60 a day of the 'Sir Francis Special Filters', the baboons would be cactus inside a week. I'm sure after that experiment the Sir Francis Fags would get the same approval as the 'Exploding Dunny Can', none, to be labeled forever "Not Fit For Human Consumption". My opinion on "Smokers Rights" is that they should be afforded the same rights as those that would peddle plutonium to children, none. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 January 2014 6:22:58 PM
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Nathan J,
Yes they could phase out tobacco but only if they let people grow their own, there will always be people who will want to smoke but if they ban the sale of tobacco but decriminalise it's use and possession then the habit will be restricted to a few enthusiasts. Marijuana smoking used to be a niche pastime, it wasn't difficult to find if you had the connections but it wasn't ubiquitous like it is now and before it became big business the product was actually better. When I used to smoke it in the 80's and 90's being stoned was a pleasurable sensation, the last time I smoked it in about 2000 one bong rendered me unable to function for about four hours, couldn't stand up or talk, didn't know where I was etc. If tobacco was organically grown by ordinary people instead of big business and passed around like pot used to be then I'm sure there would be better plant strains and better quality products for the enthusiasts to smoke. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 19 January 2014 6:50:07 PM
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Paul , I was being sarcastic when suggesting lefties and 'do gooders' would be upset about banning smoking. It never seems to translate well to online.
Whenever I argued about smoking on this forum before, everyone else ranted about every other 'bad' thing known to man, so I thought I would bring them up first. I am constantly accused of being one of those terms, even though I'm sure no one really knows what they mean! I sure wouldn't want to be a 'do badder'! Hasbeen, as I already said. Alcohol is ok in small amounts, so no point banning it, whereas smoking is no good no matter how little you smoke. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 19 January 2014 7:56:08 PM
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How do you ban smoking?
We haven’t been able to ban illicit drugs. Far from it. We can’t phase out smoking. Any efforts to do so would just drive it underground. It would still be out there, along with all the other illegal addictive substances. And it would be a huge operation, no matter how much the authorities tried to clamp down on it. It would turn a very large number of people who are presumably currently law-abiding citizens into law-breakers if they purchased tobacco. It would place them before the courts, impose large fines, perhaps put some in prison, give them criminal records and maybe seriously affect their jobs and careers. Hey, I’d love to see tobacco eradicated from our society. But let’s look at the practicalities. It can’t be done. Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 19 January 2014 8:26:56 PM
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Suse, I did think it was strange, your post, I thought this is not the normal, Suseonline, I must apologize for not realising you were being sarcastic. Yes what or who is the antithesis of the "DOGOODER" must be the "DOBADDER" those who castigate others as being a "Dogooder" must be from the other camp the "Dobadders" or somewhere in between.
"I reckon alcohol & other drugs kill more than tobacco ever did." "I reckom arsenic $ other poisons kill more than strychnine ever did." The justification for taking a dose of strychnine. "However I will go along with your ban, but only if alcohol is banned at the same time." "I will agree to ban the use of the guillotine, which I oppose, but only if you will agree to the banning of the axe. Until then we'll continue to chop off more heads. What a nonsensical line of argument Hasbeen. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 January 2014 8:55:25 PM
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In this book, I will show that the case against smoking based on bogus statistics and downright lies. I will show that the case for a link between smoking and disease has not been proven and that, indeed, the international statistics suggest that there's no link at all. Furthermore, I will show that the government estimates of "smoking-related deaths" are simply fraudulent and that the recent EPA report, purporting to show a risk to non-smokers from second hand smoke was predicated on manufactured "evidence" which some of the EPA's own scientists found appalling. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 19 January 2014 9:39:00 PM
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I am reminded of a skit I heard on the radio;
Sir Walter Raleigh rings up Sir Francis Drake from America; Francis, they have this great thing here, you roll up this leaf and put it in your mouth and then put a match to the end; Sir Francis, "you do what ?" "You set fire to it !" And on it goes in that vein. A very funny recording. I am in favour of an immediate ban. Actually, it is not so hard to implement. In a job I was doing I used to go to WD HO Wills plant and each shipment comes in in multiple 40 ft containers. Bit hard to smuggle them in, and they smell to high heaven. The leaf is very big and would use up a lot more room in a pot house judging by what I have seen on police raids on TV. Anyway they could not smuggle enough in to affect the countries health. Whenever anything becomes a health risk they rush around the chemists supermarkets etc etc pulling them all off the shelves. They do this for things that are a lot less risky than cigarettes. The tax I read is less than the cost of smoking illness. So why not ban it ? We have a fitness conscience PM, so now is the time. Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 19 January 2014 10:02:29 PM
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THE highest cause of lung cancer is diesel particulate
[wood smoke comes number TWO theN Asbestosis...[then tobacco] lest we forget ASBESTOSIS WAS GOING TO BANKRUPT INSURANCE SO A Convenient scape goat WAS Manufactured[our asbestos didnt kill you/your smoking did[ITS CLever lawyer spin/REDIRECTED THE ASBESTOS/THREAT..TO BIG MONEY. . BUT so profitable for govt revenue raising also please compare the rates for cancer..of smokers versus non smokers THE SAME RATE* smoking isnt a factor..BUT I explained these facts and more in so many of these hate smokers and execute them its estimated that smoking TAKES Six years of our lives if it was half..i still WOULDNT Give a stuff..go hound boozers..their filling up 75 %..of hospital sevice pick on drunks if you dare blame drinking blame TRANSFATS..BLAME THE CHEMICALS THEY put into make it burn[then the other chemicals govt mandated to then add in to not make it burn.. buT WHO DOES ..CARE TO do the research lawyers and govt and science revenue raise [plus the hippies scarred the straights..into declaring war on smokers all make me suffer for yOUR OWN MINDLESS FEAR MONGERING WHAT ABOUT passive you inhale the booze fumes in the pub how about these yOUNG KIDS..And their ladY ATTRACTANT STINK ..[AND OLD LADIES WITH THEIR perfume stink Posted by one under god, Sunday, 19 January 2014 10:03:20 PM
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quotes from [quoted from govt speeches] ALP Chris Hayes ""Leaving aside the emotional costs..of that toll, ...*the social costs...* are estimated at $31.5 billion..."" [lost labour/income tax guestimates] and plenty of other lard/spin [social costs.. [attributable guesstimates]..not REAL COST] this new law raises 5 billion ALP Melissa Parke ""has a double purpose:it adds a significant price disincentive to the purchase of tobacco products,and it will generate an additional $5 billion..over four years to be directly invested* better health and hospitals"" yet costs 669 million smoking..""was responsible for 753,618 hospital bed days, and for $669 million in hospital costs..*."" the spin dont add up laurie furgessing[alp] smoking responsable...for ""...*20 per cent..! of all general"" Excessive taxes. How much more will they take from you? The government has already hit you with a 25% tax increase on your cigarettes in April 2010. How much more will they take from you? It’s time to get involved, speak up and say enough is enough. Did you know? As of February 2011, about two thirds of the $18.25 recommended retail price for Peter Jackson 30s is government tax. Less than 1% of tobacco excise taxes is put towards preventative health measures such as anti-smoking campaigns. (Source: National Preventative Health Taskforce, Technical Report 2, 2008) The recommended retail price of Peter Jackson 30s has increased by 109% since 2000. The real price of cigarettes has tripled since 1983. (Source: National Preventative Health Taskforce, Technical Report 2, 2008) Now’s your chance to write to your local MP to say NO to more tobacco tax increases, NO to more bans on smoking outdoors and NO to plain packaging of cigarettes. Click here to send a letter to your local MP. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 19 January 2014 11:09:07 PM
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.adverse reaction to *prescribed drugs..IS
killing 10 hospitalized for adverse reaction[1/100..hOSPITAL-admissions] [as well..find-out..about..ttn*..[as..'the numbers needed to treat number...[where the number..that need to take..a given subsidized achieve just one cure..that reveals most..of the heavily...lobbied for subsidy[subsidized drugs] only 1 in one hundred cases] ie 100...need to take..the drug cure anyhow back to .rocks-on..''the medical cost of smoking..[669 million] and how much the INCREASE was taking in..[6 Billion]..'' and rocks/on replied blah..blah blah social costs =31 billion to which the rat faced host replied oh 31 billion for medical costs IE HE WAS SPINNING A LIE CANT YOU LOT TELL SOMEONE IS SELLING us all..SPIN? since when is social cost =medical cost? social cost is AT BEST a guess just as CAUSE of death.. CANNOT be 'smoking'... [ie if you die..of cancer..WRITE..cause,,of death=cancer if you die..of heart atack..WRITE..COD=heart attack]..not 'smoking' CAUSE of death cannot be....the ACT..of smoking yes i hate smoking BUT.WHY..THE LIES/why the spin? to get a new tax and vilify harmless smokers HURTING NO-one drunks do more damage auto's do more damage why is prostitution and gambling just fine and dandy but smokers are vile and evil must be taxed into quitting but lets face facts..many hate smokers here is a chance to hate others and to be in the in crowd its all built..on fear and lies ya really think they can prove that little sick girl...was a smoker or that her sickness WAS..from someone smoking? ya think that eye/with the hooks went blind from smoking?.. ya really believe those black from smoking[not frostbite] ya really believe that those teeth went crooked and rotted from smoke or from softdrink or fructose acids...and them TB blisters on their lips..was that smoking related or to generate fear why would libs and govt buy shares in something they want to tax to shut up complaint..have a say on the kill us without ANY representation by govt or 'big tobacco' please think is smoke..the worst thing or just..the easiest to..generate hate or fear.! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 19 January 2014 11:31:36 PM
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Well come to our author hope you stay around.
You will not know it but we talk about this very often. No need to ask for a light, some will provide it. A contributor to these pages, indeed this thread was subject of a bitterness rarely seen,because of her views on smoking. One Under God stands firmly6 on his view smoking does not kill and all the science is crap. I think we should tax it our of existence,we currently are trying just that. In my defense I once was a walking ash tray. Buying [ordered in advance] on pay day[fortnightly] three packets of pipe tobacco 4 cartons of ten, 25 in each cigarets and 4 packs of roll your own. My lunch box always had more tobacco than food in it. Had I not got Q Fever I would have been dead and self embalmed 25 years ago. Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 January 2014 7:49:05 AM
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One under god, whether you want to continue smoking, with your head firmly placed under the ground, is totally up to you.
I don't need scientists to prove anything about the effects of smoking on people because I could see it for myself, on all the respiratory wards I have worked on. Do yourself and those around you a favour, and give it up. Even if you foolishly think they don't hurt you, the stink of a regular smoker should be enough! Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 20 January 2014 8:58:10 AM
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you said last TIME..15,000 deaths but the lawyers use..the word ATTRIBUTED ie not/the true-cause of death as such..but deaths ATTRIBUTABLE to smoking..IF..smoking was the sole cause..of dying. how is it deeming smoking to cause..SOME/ cancer some..heart-attack..some..emphysema and some..frost bite..IN RATS..MICE..[OR A FAVORED/BECAUSE IT GET.. TUMORS]..Guinea pigs.. can..claim..causation/let the spin be caused by smoking..thus any deaths FROM THE SAME are ATTRIBUTABLE to smoking.. its funny how we swallow the spin we heard lawyers colluded to hide the facts BUT ARNT ALLOWED TO SEE THE FACTS..its a clever catch 22 how do we KNOW ..they got the facts? they could have ..made this whole thing up..! just to get their mates a nice tax cash cake.. you know most politicization's...ARE or WERE lawyers over half ya govt members WERE LAWYERS..the self same lawyers that are now DEEMING tobacco to kill..and getting a nice new tax out of guilt UNSUPPORTABLE by the facts i dont know any sick smokers how many you know of? but aint it funny how they go into hospital and die within days aint it funy how we get a tax then get new guilt..from adverts ..WE PAYED for our tax started IMMEDIATELY but the miners TAX will never be whats the difference? 25 million of adverts? to be continued there is a lot more .. im going to be saying on this those who trust lawyers put their trust on fools GIVE US FACTS give autopsy reports but we dont do autopsies they would expose WE BEEN LIED TO I NEVER SMOKED IN YOUR FACE i dont complain about your stinking car or your perfume to callup on smoking in busses is living in the past..get real as for me not paying my way i dont visit docters..have paid my medicare levie have paid my tax on my smokes... and dont complain about you getting its use..mainly to ridicule me dont make up numbers 20 percent of all aborigonal deaths is the latest claim GIVE YOUR PROOF..[as no autopisies are conducted..its a GUESSTIMATE] based on hate/spin..and to make your point Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:12:49 AM
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Belly, I understand your point about wanting to "tax smoking out of existence" but it is not that simple. If cigarettes were $100 a pack it would simply encourage a black market, which does already exist in Australia, with cheap Asian cigarettes being sold under the counter. The laws of supply and demand don't apply to a product like cigarettes, double the price does not see demand halved, it may be reduced but not by anywhere near a half.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:34:15 AM
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surprised that nobody seemed at all sceptical of the figure. Here's how they derived the figure -number reckoning revealed courtesy of an Official Information Act request and extensive correspondence with the ministry. After sorting the population by age, gender, income, ethnicity and smoking status, they then compared the costs of providing health services to compared to nonsmokers for each group. The excess costs of the smoking group were tallied up to produce the $1.9b figure. But there are two very big problems..with this way of estimating costs. think..of smoking as bringing forward..end-of-life costs. Smokers die earlier than nonsmokers. do..We know that.?..for fact/or spin? And the costs to the health budget..of somebody who is dying are rather higher than the costs..of somebody who is healthy. But everybody dies sometime..and most of us will incur end-of-life costs that will be paid..for by the public health system. Suppose that a smoker will age 65 and a nonsmoker..will die at 70.[at best..its about..4TO 5 YEARS/DIFFERENCE]..TRY..Comparing 65-year-old smokers to 65-year-old nonsmokers and calling the difference the cost of smoking..then rather biases upwards the measured costs of smoking.[ no difference] We ought to be comparing the health costs of a smoker..dying at age 65 with the health costs..of a nonsmoker dying at age 75. And, perversely, the deadlier cigarettes are,..the greater will be this bias...The younger smokers are when they die of smoking-related illnesses,..the greater will be the measured cost difference between smokers and non-smokers because a smaller proportion..of comparable nonsmokers would be incurring..end-of-life costs. The figures assume that in the absence of smoking, smokers would never have imposed end-of-life costs on the health system...But for their smoking, all smokers in this scenario would have died of a sudden,..and cheap,..heart attack and would only have had average health costs up to that point...That's clearly nonsense,..but the $1.9b figure only makes sense if it's true. note these numbers HERE..our real costs..FOR SMOKERS HOSPITALIZATIONS=889..MILLION even well under the nz boosted....[SOCIAL/COST NUMBERS..its criminal govts..lIE..FOR MONEY. lie down with DOGS..YA GET FLEAS/FLEECED..[IN TIME THEY come for your cash.].. no TAXATION..WITHOUT REPRESENTATION Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:43:31 AM
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So what do you know, we have a couple of drunks on here.
They want to ban tobacco, they obviously don't use it, but not alcohol, which they obviously do, How bloody lefty can you get. A bit like the Greens wanting to ban a prayer, they don't use it. Talk about little would be dictators. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:06:30 AM
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do you recall..EVER hearing
we have a cure..for cancer or a cancer only..a few years away..etc etc [they have been..saying it for decades] thing is curing cancer..has never been closer think why..[more suppressing symptom/than a cure] cure is more in-sight..than ever now they CHOSE to ban it.. [or rather attack it] or it thing is..ONLY one quarter..of the most..'obvious' smoking lung cancers are smoking related 3/4 ARNT..smoking related yet all are smoking deaths [ie ITS A LIE}..a profitable taxable lie see all/the spin i have..been exposing why the spin? to get a new tax and vilify harmless smokers..HURTING NO-one drunks do/more damage auto's do/more damage why is prostitution..BOOZE.and gambling just fine a..nd dandy but smokers..are vile and evil must be taxed/killed..into quitting..govt steals my tax..feeds me some guy coughing up..strawberry jam..pathetic, his cough..isnt even believable why arnt our suppliers..taking govt to court for the lies[lib/shareholders?] we see a cows artery..filled with margarine or some guy..with tooth problems teeth..mate aint that neat i got yellow teeth..with smokers breath..but NOThING LIKE THE ADVERT how many smokers got teeth like that? any dentist could tell ya it aint smoking what donbe that those teeth come from too much acid..[ie softdrink or orange juice] those teeth..are in some kids mouth..! their mother/father fed them..juice/lollies/softdrink not tobacco or how about the guy..with black toes mate thats some mountain climber..with gangrenous toes HOW YA THINK SOME JURY..WILL REACT TO THOSE LIES dont be joking lawyers wont represent us because they*.are the PROBLEM but all it takes is truth to be revealed we are still one third the of us will be on the jury or know a smoker and be forced into compulsory tax because of that BUT ITS ALL BASED ON A LIE/fear/spin..[sin]. tax by guilt shame blame lies and ever..more taxes you talk..about alternatives yeah like chewing gum..priced by lawyers? how hard is take suger..out of gum and throw in...a few ciggie butts? then charge us ten times..the price of real/chewing gum? Why..make it SO EXPENSIVE..CAUSE ITS ADDICTive..and they can.. Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:09:35 AM
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Isn't it equally dicatorial to keep the Lord's Prayer and to insist it remain just because a small group want it. Religion is a private matter. It really is that simple. Does it make our politicians more honest? Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:12:43 AM
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i dont know.any hospital
NAME many you got?..WHAT..PROOF/SMOKING CAUSE? how about..those abusing sugar..asbestos/micrO-PARTICULATE. who need medical aid..for diabetes are..they stealing from you..too? or those people need..their blood washed every/day..they stealing from YOU? are they paying tax..on the cause..of their disease reviled by all..blamed for everything ridicule..and insult smokers go to hospital..TO DIE.told you did it t..o you ..GO-AWAY who else cops many obese..DONT OVEREAT THEIR WAY INTO SICKNESS? but no we/must protect..the sugar industry must/not tax lollies..or transfats..or booze..OR LAZYNESS. mate..if law..really helped this lie couldnt..have got started but they been..sheparding..the lie..for revenue.. ASK YOURSELF WHY think of..the ruling in usa that forced..the companies to payout EVEN THAT..WE SMOKERS PAID FOR..PLUS..TAX..ON TOP. how come other..multinationals appeal and get off..but was all..that spin ever appealed? why not? we pay our way stop giving..the money to the media/PRESSTITUTES....for adverts that lie put the tax..WE ARE FORCED TO PAY..into health..for smokers but no..we get told you stink..go to hell is govt..allowed to declare war on its..OWN PEOPLE..via lies? you swallowed/the coolaid..and we get abuse..and a new tax IS IT BANNED NOW? then whats..the problem..if its really bad..ban it but no proof its we get sold spin/lies..via adverts drinkers..are the..real problem go to..the emergency center on any friday...or saterday night you will see..glassing/rapes/bashing's/cuts/BLOOD GUTS the result..of violence..and drink we got real-problems...mainly..that lawyers [processional-liars]..are running..poli-tricks spinning get ever more..shame/blaME/guilt taxes.. RECALL..the ozone-hole..will cause global heating now..the earth is melting..CURE.give us a new tax.. because now .its carbon..not ozone? cant you see..this spin..for ever/new taxes].. will be the death..of all of us cant find..that time/the libs..planned a smokers tax that julia..roxon..hurriedly..adopted then we got..the adverts just like..adverts spin the miners not*..get their tax then we..get a foolish/nurse..who thinks...she knows iT ALL SHE THINKS SHE..IS a docter..SHE THINKS..THAT ALL CANCER..IS FROM SMOKING..all NEVER Actually studied nuthin/RELated../BUT OPINION..yet.has her high horse..[me]..she loves riding..well be smoker LOBBIest *medicine causes..MORE DEATHS..THAN Smoking. be wary..of LIE.WITH your ..souls merge/YOU WILL..SPEND ETERNITY..IN THEIR HELL..[FACT..not threat]..[lest we..fORGET]. Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:35:17 AM
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Some responses have been very well thought through - so thank you to those people. Others however - who seem to be partners with large tobacco companies, in opinion have not. I thought my original introduction, which was based on a true story would have changed these people's minds - when clearly it hasn't.
I now feel the need to say something. There clearly are a range of damages caused by smoking and using tobacco products. Some include: 1. Medical impacts in general. All types of smoking are bad for your health. There are multiple websites to back this up. Visit: 2. Medical problems and children - smoking will affect their future. This can't be good for future generations. Visit: 3. The impacts on running a business and our economy. This is not free. 4. So many people don't see the emotional impacts of smoking related illnesses on the individual, families and friends - particularly when someone dies or is left lying in hospital. Read a persons story and other comments at: There are just so many reasons at the present moment to why cigarette and tobacco products should be phased out in Australia. To those who want smoking kept legal in Australia - realise people like myself, don't want to see you die and we are actually caring about your future. Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:40:28 AM
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As one of the legion of ex-smokers, I feel very sorry for those who for whatever reason are unable to give it up. But I refuse to join the control-freaks who want to ban it. Freedom to indulge in activities such as smoking, drinking, driving SUVs (and occasionally running over the odd child while backing out of the driveway), is a staple of our civilized society. Selecting one particular "vice" to be banned can only lead to the mindset that says "ban everything we (that is, I) don't like".
This form of totalitarianism suits the outlook of the kind of people who want others to make all their decisions for them, just like mummy and daddy used to. Actually taking exclusive responsibility for their own actions, rather than investing their energies in involving themselves in everyone else's, seems to be an alien concept. Freedom is a delicate flower. We often don't realize how lucky we are to have it. We should exercise it carefully. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:52:39 AM
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I tend to take Pericles point here although I am pleased that there have been changes to smoking rules in regard to enclosed spaces like restaurants and aeroplanes etc.
The right to smoke stands next to the right of others to say, enjoy a meal without having to tolerate a smoker nearby. Freedom is sometimes a two-edged sword. I don't buy the costs to the community aspect. If judged on that basis all manner of slightly dangerous pursuits and habits would be banned. Humans are not perfect, they sometimes drink, smoke, over-eat and undertake dangerous sports. That is just part of life and as such there has to be room for that from the idea that communities work for us. It is not always a cost equation. That said tobacco companies annoy me no end. That they got away with lying to the public for years about health consequences and interfering in the government policies of others..... but I digress Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 11:01:09 AM
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Spot on, pelican.
>>I don't buy the costs to the community aspect. If judged on that basis all manner of slightly dangerous pursuits and habits would be banned.<< I feel exactly the same way about McDonalds. We read reams of evidence that the kind of food that they serve in their restaurants is damaging to our health. Yet I still believe they have a right to peddle their fat-soaked burgers to willing purchasers... Tobacco products are labelled, dramatically, with the potential consequences of their use. But we should accept that people will willingly ignore the potential for harm in the same manner as folk will happily lunch on the 77 grams of fat (113% of their RDI) in their Big Mac 'n' fries 'n' shake, in the full and complete knowledge of what they are doing. Totalitarianism comes in many guises, including in the shape of little, grey people who firmly believe that what they are doing "is for your own good", and expect us to be grateful. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 20 January 2014 11:35:06 AM
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Pericles, your point is fine except that you expect others to pay the
costs of the smokers' medical treatment. I have seen the treatment that has been going on for years. He never got lung cancer but his other lung problems make him an invalid. He cannot even get leaves out of their pool let alone mow the lawn. Even the three steps at his front door are an obstacle to him. He stopped smoking years and years ago but too late. He is 15 years younger than me but looks and moves like he is 20 years older than me. OUG, well I can even smell it on his emails ! Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 January 2014 12:42:19 PM
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Welcome to planet bullsh!t...a lot of that getting around now days:)..Its still the same rules.."survival of the fittest"..just because money is the root of all evil, commonsence should be worth to you, a little more.
Its your life...longer or shorter...its your choice. Planet3 Posted by PLANET3, Monday, 20 January 2014 2:30:55 PM
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Perhaps we should ban driving cars. The costs to the health system are enormous.
Yes I am being sarcastic. There is a line somewhere between where rights are conferred by society that meet the fairness test. Fair for the individual and fair for others whom may be affected adversely by a particular behaviour, ie. where those rights might impinge on others. Many will disagree where to place such a line. I prefer to draw it with minimal interference, and only to differentiate where there might be obvious detriments to the freedoms of others. Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 3:51:24 PM
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OUG Face it my friend it is my view that on this subject you are talking rubbish.
It is my right to have that view as you have every right to continue putting the minority one. No doubt, not a mili gram, exists in my mind smoking kills. And via our health system unfairly costs the majority. Not a nanny state thing, but if people continue to smoke, with the evidence we now have make them not us pay for associated health costs Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 January 2014 5:09:44 PM
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Belly sometimes you do get things very wrong.
Smokers have been paying huge taxes for decades. I remember seeing figures many years & tax increases ago showing 72% of the cost of a cigarette was tax. Smokers have paid so much tax that they can never get it all back with any amount of medical care. That is fine by me. I have no trouble taxing the hell out of pleasures, including grog, gambling, boating & motoring, we have to get the money people want spent from somewhere, & better to tax these things rather than essentials. However, I have always been offended in the pity for illegal drug users, & the hate directed at smokers. From what I have seen, nicotine is a harder addiction to kick than most. I know a couple of ex smokers who a decade later are still on nicotine patches or gum. I gather this "treatment" is about as expensive as the smoking, but we offer no help. With the poor smoker, we tax the hell out of them, denigrate them, then spend their taxes treating illegal drug users, giving them no help. Typical bleeding heart technique However it is very wrong to tax the hell out of some consumers, then claim they are a liability, I think the fool smokers are suffering enough these days, without being wrongly denigrated as a community expense. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 20 January 2014 6:40:44 PM
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Yep, that's the elephant in the room that no-one really wants to address, Hasbeen.
>>Smokers have paid so much tax that they can never get it all back with any amount of medical care.<< That blows the "it costs us all" argument completely out of the water. >>...via our health system unfairly costs the majority.<< Belly is repeating the mantra of the control freaks, who are offering up a completely spurious argument based on the cost of treating lung cancer sufferers. It is an argument that ignores both the revenue from smokers, and the fact that they generally pop their clogs ahead of the pack, thus lowering the financial burden of end-of-life care. Which, by the way, is huge, and getting bigger by the day. I think pelican has the answer: >>Perhaps we should ban driving cars. The costs to the health system are enormous.<< Pelican is absolutely right, of course. If the objective is to reduce the cost of our health system, this is an excellent place to start. Unfortunately, s/he is under the impression s/he is being sarcastic. >>Yes I am being sarcastic.<< We all know that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It isn't often, though, that we see it deployed quite so self-destructively. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 20 January 2014 7:07:27 PM
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Self-destructively. It made the point I thought... but each to his/her own method.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 7:42:26 PM
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I wanted my parents to give up smoking. Why? Because I really care for them. I didn't hate them. It unfortunately took my father to have a heart attack to give up smoking, but I didn't mind - at least he was still alive. When I see people smoking out in public I feel very sorry for them, knowing they are using a toxic product that is killing their body. Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 20 January 2014 8:11:06 PM
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<<..When I see people smoking out in public I feel very sorry for them, knowing they are using a toxic product that is killing their body...>>get over yourself.
i see drunks spewing blood guts and i feel ill BUT I GOT OVER IT. i see the drunks carryiNG THEIR CARtons..OF BOOZE AND SEE..MY TAXES PAYING FOR THEIR 'NEW LIVERS' I HEAR MY MATES..saying im being cared for by THEIR MONEy as NEAR AS I Can tell..INCLUDING GST STATE ANd federal taxes COMES TO 16/BILLIon//plus the extra 5 billion=21 billion..JUST ADDING IN THE FEDERAL INCREASES..NOT STATE/GST.. but the INFO IS KEePS DIVIDED..CAUSE THEY NEED IT LOOK LIKE ONLY 5 BILLION[THE LATest tax hike] regardless we got a kid scared out of his wits hounding his parents[just like my kids hounded me for years..LIttle realisING THEIR TOOLS FOR GOVT TO REDirect..moneY For the kids into revenue for muggins in lie. HEART ATTacks are bought on by stress so go ride your sick of mindless children telling me what THEY..want me to do..[YOUR MAKING ME ANGRY..THINK..WHY?].. BELLY STOP DRINKING it rots ya brain..and im worried about your drinking BUT I WILL HELP YOU.. BY DOUBLING THE PRICE OF YOUR TIPPLE..BECAUSE YOU DRUNKS..CANT Empathize...BUT I CAN..YOU POOR HELPLESS VICTIM..OF DEMON DRINK LOL Drunks..ya just gotta love the way they 'care' ..ITS..FOR YOUR OWN GOOD MATE..YOU WONT MISS IT. Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:33:12 PM
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cancer deaths is 9000
[one quarter of which is smokers] 2000?.. yET..ONE THIRD OF US SMOKE the rest [MAJORITY]..are non smokers so smoking 'prevents many cancers the numbers cant lie those one in four is the same ratio as the 3/4..who simply CANT Sustain cancer..[ie are resistant]. ie smoking makes no difference..! [or at woprst reduces cancer ..Forty years ago President Richard Nixon declared a "war on cancer". [SOUND FAMILIAR? Yet in spite of $100bn (£60bn) of taxpayer-funded research in the US alone,.. the cancer mortality rate remains little changed. Dozens of much-hyped "cures" developed by drug companies are either useless or have marginal effect*. but there is great..$$$ in building buildings dont forget to note the cancer cures i posted previously see the ban smoking topic link..previous posts that cost less than 5 bucks..noted on lasts nights q&a simon crean...dolling out more cream to wit auberry/woodonga getting 65 million for a.. ...CANCER CLINIC seems townsville got one[41 mil] and we want one too is anyone seeing a pattern here? our smoking tax building...BUILDINGS read on about this global SCAM realize the why of these wars on smokers [oh and china has just declared its first shot against the one third chines that smoke..too] Cancer: The beat of an ancient drum? By: malterwitty Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:21:12 AM
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How many road deaths are there, I'm sure the rate is way higher than that of smokers. I have heard of passive smokers but no where near as many deaths from passive smoking than from passive road accidents. We have way too high a population so why not let the smokers go for it. Same for druggies, they should all be required to have their own health insurances instead of depleteing the health resources of the people with self control. What about authority induced stress then ? That probably kills even more people than smoking & road deaths put together, where's the outrage there ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:37:10 AM
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lymphoma has over come breast highest cause..of death[as they are death by smoking/numb-ers.
cancer is cancer? [There IS..43 types..of lymphoma cancer] its called 'the power of love' currently its on this page ..the current 'best practice'..that failed..[in the power of love.. [after going the normal route..of radiation and tcell that often fails..but negass sold as some miracle-cure] the very next short the other cure..that worked after negass cure failed..and is in danger of being lost in the chatter yet agai see how big medi-sin works someone finds a cure..that works/but the media..goes for the propaganda/spin..of the old way why govts...NEED..give a subsidy..for nicoteen gum..[and patches] becomes more clear when we notice the inspiration[rational] of the big pharma lobby..for a crackdown on smokers to get they new subsidy why? they are loosing..their old ones need..more money FDA Suddenly Bans Drugs That Have Been On The Market For Decades ..Big Pharma's patents are beginning to expire,..and the drug companies are freaking out. *For years they have been spending..more money on research..and testing..and getting..fewer results. This year alone..[2011]..11 patents expired fv on drugs..that bring in approximately..$50 billion in revenue to the big pharma firms. Of course,..the flip side to this is that consumers can start saving about 95% on.the price of those drugs, generics hit the market. More than 2,000 vaccinated ..babies died: The cost of doing business *the real news..Is never reported: more than 2,000 babies the United States after receiving pneumococcal and Hib vaccines..yet authorities refuse to warn parents and halt production. A safety review is the..Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), ..ointly operated by the FDA and CDC, has received more than 59,000 reports of adverse reactions to pneumococcal and Hib vaccines during the past several years. More than half of these cases -30,094- required hospitalization, with 2,169 deaths. About 95 percent of these deaths were in children under three years of age. its so easy to change the death numbers no doudt..*all died by smoking Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:59:29 AM
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OUG please explain away this stat from the American Lung Association.
"Smoking, a main cause of small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men, respectively. Men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Women are 13 times more likely, compared to never smokers." We wont even mention the stats for the myriad of other preventable diseases caused by smoking. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:34:59 AM
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INDI..i just get..the run around..[SPUn/numbers] goes to sO..I GO TO ''..5.78, or 5.73..''..per 100,000 ONCE YOU TAKE OUT MODIFIERS..LIKE THOSE who died by drive/SMOKING. The age-standardised*..suicide 2010 was 10.5 deaths per 100,000 population 22,526 suicide deaths..*registered in Australia over the 10 years between 2001 and 2010. ALP Laurie Ferguson ""The Centers for [USA}..Disease-Control..<<esti*mate>>..that 443,000 people a year the United a result of cigarette smoking. That is related to an..,,>>*estimate*<< that eight* million Americans will die."" ""They note: More tobacco use..than by all deaths from human..immunodeficiency virus(HIV), illegal drug use,alcohol use*,[*think about..that one]..motor vehicle injuries,suicides,..and murders combined."" note what is excluded? ie..abortions...war.. and..other*..sickness*.. NOTE..{extracted QUOTE from next speaker} ""Tobacco-related deaths account/for ..*approximately*..''15 per cent...*of all deaths""..! back to/previous speaker ''This is indeed..a very serious area of public/policy...[20 BILLION/REVENUE..YES..Of course] ..Our nation has the this area"" so serious..THAT..THE*disease control center* *excludes*...*other diseases..! ""..perfidious industry."" meaning:..deceitful..and untrustworthy surely pot/kettle..stuff? ""So there has been...very long-term action*[read preemptioN/SPIN].. by this country... I think Australia..and South-Africa were amongst..the countries that were most draconian..with some of these measures..many decades ago."" yes ..a selective/LOBBY/hate-base..helps get hate..*smokers and..bobs ya uncle.. ""The a COAG agreement"" ""..As I said,the health figures..are very persuasive:"" {smoking is.....*attributable..}.. ""...*20 per cent..! of all general"" ""tough regulations..have restricted their*..ability to make money"" and we..dole it candy to those hating..*smokers NOTE re indexing..ANNUAL price increases above*indexed/inflation told would catch on here in qld PUBLIC transport prices..*HAVE BEEN INDEXED for the next 3 15 %..[compounding] see..i told you...! the media..serve the interests of state..COMMERCE..WAR..and corporate powers..which are closely interlinked,..framing their reporting and a manner supportive of..established privilege..and limiting debate..and discussion accordingly."-- Noam Chomsky but back to quotes ALP Melissa Parke ""At that time a review.*under the guidance*..of the then parliamentary secretary for health,Trish Worth,seemed to conclude change was required. I say ‘seemed’ report was prepared"" *to the public..! ""as a result of..the review..and the inquiry submissions.. were not made public."" feed the sheeple spin have..meetings in secret hear the lobby..and PUBLIC CONCLUSIONS sound familour? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:44:54 AM
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OUG mate please!
You need to focus on you not me. And by the way last beer single stubby was on new years night, next same, will be Australia Day. Kidneys mate need looking after, never been a drunk. You are trying to tell us science is wrong you are right. I too while in hospital with the then undiagnosed Q Fever heard a room mate all day saying *if only I had given up smoking I would have seen my grand kids grow up* A week away from finding out what I had I used his words and my illness to give the habit away. Think as you want but do not put other down for not agreeing. I remind our author of my warning this thread would get heated enough not to need a light. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 8:48:21 AM
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Belly, G'day old mate. you and I are both at the age now where for many of us "the chickens start to come home to roost" 2013 was a bad year for me health wise, with a heart attack in August, 12 days in hospital and 3 days more in November to have a stint put in. The very first question my doctor asked me in hospital was "Do you smoke?", "No", "Good that puts you in front for starters."
I have lost 2 mates to cancer, one lung and one throat over the past 2 years both heavy smokers. If you ain't got your health, you've got nothing. SO it GOOD HEALTH to you in 2014. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 9:19:40 AM
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CONTRADICTION..OF/FACT..actualy SAID..IN..PARLEMENT[extensive] DEAR research..RE/THE..LUNG-ORGANIZATION entrenched LOBBY..[FROm..1913]. ITS LOGO..IS symbol..for/the.."crusade"..*against tuberculosis. is..The double barred#cross..that..was..originally/ the coat of arms..of Godfrey..of Bouillon,..[Duke of..Lower*Lorraine,..a leader of..the first..crusade] it.. FUNDING..WAS $63,288,874..[2012]..[mainly from..'groups] poST/monday] of WHICH..*Public*Health*Education [Got..45%]..$26,128,524 $9,803,233..WAS SPENT ON LOBBY ""$6,930,326 [MAINLY..*COLLATING..TARGETS*TO Lobby..and..miSS-education/MATERIAL] ""..founded in..1904 to fight/ the*National Association for..the Study..and..Prevention..of Tuberculosis. '"The American/Lung particularly highly meritorious..[IE..IN..WORTHY..their eyes]..research projects consistent*..with our mission..related Strategic*[sic]..Planning Goals: *..Eliminate tobacco use.. *..Improve the air..we breathe.. *..Reduce..the burden of lung disease..on patients..and their families..[by SPIN] ''Since 1904,..the American/Lung Association..has fight..lung disease..[read tb] helping people..*quit smoking,..*funding/research,..improving indoor..and outdoor air quality,..and MISS-educating..millions about asthma.*.. ''Our work is possible..only/through..public donations...[from other lobbies..AND BIG PHARMA..NEEDING..TO SELL..nicotine-gum..franchise. mate..they* lobbied you..BUT PLEASE NOTE..*TB IS AGAIN..*ON THE RISE.. [BUT/That lobby..'died'..THUS MORE CASH..IN MISS-Educating..[alienating]..the kids..of smokers?.. ITS..more easy,,to..make money..[to take]..from smokers..than those..with tb..? im you paul..your spot-on [but..peer why..PLUS/ half their budget..GOES TO..PROPAGANDA FOr,,our/kids. [they grow-up..blaming..them..theIR/PARENTS LOWly..SMOKERS.. NOT..THEIR real/POISENers..[big multinationals.]..NWO.. slick/sick/sic*..[..neo-WORLD...orders] ..about..small-CELL..HERE ARE THE CAUSES.. [excluding..smoking]..IE ALL..the..NON SMOKER..CANCERS].. so much..lobby money..[PLUS/THEY GET A PERCENTAGE Of..the tax take/lol..TAX FREE*] BUT LETS..TRY..TO RIDE/THROUGH..THE SIN..[SPIN] that..usually your WELL AWARE OF PAUL... think..why you now? ''Adenocarcinoma...This is the most/common*..type of NSCLC.''... '' (NSCLC)..equALS..small cell lung cancer...NSCLC..accounts for about 85%..of all lung cancers.'' ""Although related''.. [ATTRIBUT*ABLE].. ""to smoking, is *..the most common type..of lung nonsmokers.'' GET IT? ''However*,..more..and more..lung cancers are being diagnosed ..*in people..*who have never*..smoked.''.. ..SEE? yet..just further...''cigarette smokers are..13 times..more likely* develop lung cancer..than nonsmokers.'' UTTER RUBBISH..[85%=NON-smokers..GET IT?] why? THEY..TOO..WERE/ real causation [GETTING ALL OF Us/smokers/non smokers alike..SEE THE..[RATIO] [quote]..[causes]..[ATTRIBUTED SMOKING EXISED..FOR CLARITY].. [OTHER Causes] NON-SMOKERS..too/ radon gas...[FOUND IN GRANITE/concrete/even earth]..ALL* to asbestos.all*..are exposed to other..cancer-causing work..These include uranium,*..arseni..*,..vinyl chloride,..nickel chromates,..coal/petro products,..mustard gas,..chloromethyl ethers,..gasoline,..thinners /preservatives..perfumes..and diesel exhaust. PLEASE NOTE..though mentioned last..diesel micro particulate=THE HIGHEST..REAL CAUSE of the lung.[POLLUTION] tb*..was mainly..'cured' smoking..[now smoking is going down..antibiotic RESISTANT/tb is..on the up.] TWO MILLION..GOT TB...LAST YEAR..[ITS UP 40%] so the lung/ass..has its earner.. as drug resistant..TB INCREASES..AND GETS..ALL THEM..[YOU/ALL].. TRYING TO AVOID KARMA.. [YOU POLLUTED....our wORLD..IT*..HAS ITS KARMA].. try..and take a man.. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 9:48:18 AM
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I have had 3 acquaintances die of "smoking related cancer", & none of them ever smoked tobacco.
One had cancer of the mouth & two of the throat. Non smokers, but you can bet they are included in the smoking related death figures. Although non smokers, 2 had spent much of their lives driving around first Sydney, but more Brisbane. Both of them were adamant that it was Brisbane's stinking busses that did them in. Forget about smoking, what we have to do is stamp out diesel busses, or move those worth saving to the country. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 10:05:23 AM
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My main point was in reference to political parties at either a state, territory or federal level. What would they do to phase out tobacco products in Australia?
The Federal Liberal parties website for example - has details on very separate items like reducing drowning, helping problem gamblers and online safety for children - all important - - but nothing separate on phasing out smoking. I've tried a range of other political parties online, via their websites and I can't find anything. It seems to me, its too difficult for political parties to deal with - but I won't be giving up. Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 11:01:12 AM
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Since the smokers and their supporters can't mount even the most puerile defense of the obnoxious, deadly habit, they resort to condemning other obnoxious thing in society. This condemnation is supposed to be justification for this vile habit of smoking.
Please some smoker tells us about your grandpa who lived to a 103 and smoked 80 a day, or you uncle who smoked 70 a day and got run over by a double decker bus when he was 27. Or simply lie,why not just refer to the exhaustive research work of Professor Bob Gobble who not only proved smoking isn't harmful, but proved it was positively good for you. All of this will be of great comfort as you gasp for air while suffering the slow death of emphysema, or the agonizing pain of lung cancer. These are the things the addicted don't like to hear, I'm am not sorry, for being confronting, because the reality is so. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 11:14:07 AM
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I think we understood that, NathanJ.
>>My main point was in reference to political parties at either a state, territory or federal level. What would they do to phase out tobacco products in Australia?<< But surely you realize that as a policy challenge, "phasing out smoking" differs greatly from the initiatives you discovered on the Liberal Party website. >>The Federal Liberal parties website for example - has details on very separate items like reducing drowning, helping problem gamblers and online safety for children<< All very worthy. But note that they do not advocate the phasing out of gambling, merely "help" problem gamblers. There is a parallel in the "help" that the government provides to smokers, through education, health warnings and plain packaging. But no ban, no phasing out. Unless the government legislates against tobacco products, there are no grounds to "phase it out". And they won't do that, for fear of slapping a totalitarian label on themselves. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 11:49:57 AM
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PAUL/QUOte..<<..I have lost 2 mates to cancer,..[EDIT]..over the past 2 years both heavy smokers.>>
PLUS YOU..have had a heart-attack seems we all dying..WITHIN TWO YEARS. anyhow..i noTE..your green..THUS..ITS LIKELY*..YOUR MATES Were tO so here is my question..DID EITHER OF THEM..PRotESt nukes[or visit 'the outback''or WORK With poisons.. see PAUL..the 60/70..THEY were bombing nukes dust..onto TOOBACCO ALL THAT STUFF WAS KILLER..dusT..THEN ASBESTOS DUST..THEN BENZINE LIGHTER FLUID[THE SAME STUFF THEY PUT INTO FUEL..AS LEAD Replacement[a known carcinogen]..take out lead..put in a cancer causing MUTAGEN. OK YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK.. they got the END WE ALL DIE. BUT OUT OF RESPECT..FOT YOUR TWO MATES,PLEASE find out the real cause..of their deaTH [DID THEY GO VIETNAM?..CLEAN F111 FUEL-TANKS..LIVE IN FIBRO COTTAGE..OR EARTH Houses or bessa block/CONCRETE HOUSES..DID THEY LOVE Vinyl..dID THEY drink..AND smoke..thats the woRST. but heck two years << lung and one throat>>.. PLEASE THIS is out of HOW MANY..peers? was it asbestosis..OR OTHER..too many unknowns..were they autopsied? of cOURSE NOT/DOCTERS ARE GOD. oR docters simply wrOTE..'died SMOKING'.. [ITS..symptom..not any..beyond doubt CAUSE...of death] i respect you paul..PLEASE THINK HARD AND long what did they really die from? bad doctors kill hippies/DRUGGIES/SMOKERS..THE OLD FEEble and troublemakers..OF THE 30 DEAD I KNOW..ONly one was cancer[stomach] id say the heavey drinker got THE THROAT CANCER AND THE other was radio-active. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 12:03:59 PM
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State and Federal government policies - they simply don't have anything serious. This whole matter re phasing out smoking has got nothing to do with slapping a totalitarian label on anyone. It's just simply living on certain things (like the Federal tobacco tax) and lack of leadership. Adelaide City Council has banned smoking in Rundle Mall. A fantastic policy. Why? There's no money for them to lose and as a result policy independence. Find out more here - Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 12:21:58 PM
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Thanks Paul1405! my recent health history will one day make a good movie in the carry on style, how about that? carry on Belly.
2004 very sick Doc on third visit in a week told me he needed to change my medicines [I was not on any!]I had pneumonia! 2008 told for third time I had cancer, but not known where. Every test in the world, constant assurances I was not going mad blood tests concerned a list of Doctors but? Still trying, them not me, kidneys need watching not good at all, anemic but have been for near ten years. Look the autopsy will find it mate. A stoic beggar I am OK and quietly amused at the weekly information day at some Doctor or others surgery, I answer questions they have only one answer we will find it! Sorry old mate OUG you flog a long dead road kill in an effort to get it to its feet. Have no doubt if I had not stopped smoking it would have killed me long ago. Living long enough to own my own home and put my jungle/garden in place more than makes up for no longer trying to kill myself smoking. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 2:51:57 PM
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IF you reaD my would know hOW..colonscopy is spreading antibiotic resistance bacteria..just by LOOKING..into the pOOP shUTE. YOU WILL have notED..sorry..could have..noted much jump on me..and encourage others to jump on mE..even..[ban me etc]..JUST for telling..SORRY..trying to reveal home-truths.. like go figure..the lobby..gets..thEIr SAY PEOPLE LIKE..THE LUNG/mob..get ontO..THE job..of doing/their job your..AN outside guy..while you/were getting skin cancer/risk..on the road..i was inside..the power the asbestos dust/MIXED With coal dust..driving diesal tiny/storage sheds..for day on end/Rotating stock...AND FLESHING..HIDES. mate its almost..liKE you forget..the workers being slow their jobs..sure there are telecom..PITS..made from..ASBESTOS+..they are now refusing to..put kruds nbn into..but When..the telicom workers were..putting them one cared..about it..*then then*..the UNIONS TRUSTED..the boss..[do it or LEAVE] you forget..the out..the f-111 tanks..WHO GOT SICK AND forget..EVERY bad chemical..was handled/repeatedly by 'a worker' thing a just world..they could sue..someone this world..they did it/by smoking mate..think of the tar/ breathed in..think OF THE/ breathed in..think of..your dirty work Grimed hands..putting in pesticide..AS THE Dust/poison..WENT ONTO..your sanger/*SMOKO THING the..'other'..causes..and SEE..HOW MANY/OF those you handled..but..NO/..ITS easier to say..its smoking..[THAT way/you cant sue..and they you..instead of you/getting your DUE*] its..a waste/of TIME..even trying to explain..[to you]..WHY YOU BEen tricked..let alone how..thing is were/chosen..especially were..SO SMART..we/ clever peoPLE..LIKE YOU.. WE you loyal/trusting..they PREY..ON YOU..FAITH.[LOYALISTS]..dont over-think. been tricked just so..we cant sue the boss...just so we..cant sue..'tHEM' so rabidly/FAITHFULLY/Consistently..defend.. [its sad pauL..HASNT..replied..hE too..COULD simply/reveal names/details..and places..his mates were slow because..THEY the WRONG/pLACE mate..ya heard of..cancer clusters..AT ABC ETC well it is..our workplaces..can/do..kill us then THEY GET..A SCAPE GOAT..and say..'you caused yourself'. its futile to..try to explain..the those..SELECTIVITY-ignorant..OF THE smoked..MOST OF YOUR LIFE..[ONE SMOKE CAN..KILL?][bulldust]. you worked with..many POISONS..from asbestos..and yOU DIDNT GET..LUNG CANCER..[THINK why] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 6:45:07 AM
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Calm down mate, drop the caps please, do you know I question my own far less frequent, use of caps to highlight?
I am not and never will try to get others to dump on you. Or am I trying to get you banned OUG I see how important this site is to you, and understand it is just as needed by many here . I consider you a mate. But a mate who truly values his mate MUST BE THE ONE TO TELL HIM/HER You are doing your self no favors with abuse [computer wide it is named that] of caps. Mate I understand your defense of smoking, it is your right to think as you wish. Just as it is mine to say rubbish my friend. My posts got better, maybe not good enough, when I started to spend more time editing them that writing them, keep well mate. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 5:40:48 PM
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According to environmental clean-up reports, cigarette butts are the Number 1 littered item on U.S. roadways and the Number 1 item found on beaches and waterways worldwide. Yuk.
There was a lot of cleaning up of cigarette butts after New Years Eve. The environmental damages of this are very serious - let along the toxic impacts on people! Posted by NathanJ, Thursday, 6 February 2014 3:29:53 PM
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nathan//>>..The environmental damages of this are very serious - let along the toxic impacts on people!>>
yes i stood upon a cigarette butt once it near blew off half my foot my boot was so smelly..i had to burn it i once received a ciggie burn so bad doctors had to cut off my fun arm...dont forget the lighter flash burns,,3 rd degree it can BLIND YOU...avert ya eyes there goes another one/ incomming incomming..warning warning look out will robinson i blame the air pollution ..of my burning shoe on smokers i would much rather stand on dog that sure smells better than dirty butt stink. OR i love walking on them free needles govt gives to them druggie users that buy that from cia [aphgan drug supply/inc] mate i could clean up every FEW SECONDS just offer 5 cents each for them..[that would only add two buck of the 30 dollar extra per pack..we pay now and shut up igno*rants as well if nicotine is so 'deadly..why..IS govt subsidizing the addictive stuff in chewing gum?..[so chemists can clean up on the ciggie cash flow?] do you know how much wild fish die from the chemicals in our urine boy fish become girls mate you got any idea how poisonous the runoff off a road puts into the ocean[you know the asbestos dust from brakes..the oil leaking from the car..the burnt lead free..but carcinogenic/fuel..the diesel micro particulate..the battery acid yep ban cars they are killing the wildlife too plus you iner city muggins..even the farmers sitting in their sheds man butt out stop drinking it rots ya brain[why do drunks get so holier than thou? Posted by one under god, Thursday, 6 February 2014 6:31:32 PM
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THINK*..they hate they tax me,,more why do you defend hese same EQUAL/opportunistic haters taxing you/ ,,SEE WAGE..<<taxes are by far the most horrible of the taxes as they punish you..for producing and creating wealth...After all, if the purported reasons..for sin taxes such as alcohol and cigarette taxes is to de-incentivize people..from drinking and smoking, what do you think an income tax does?" -- Robert Taylor >> they tax your wages for revenue THEY TAX OUR SMOKING FOR REVENUE SAME SAME get it? [if you dont get it..wait till they need the next tax..look fair] THE CURRENT THING IS TAX YOU SO YOU USE LESS..[so DOUBLING THE PRICE YOU PAY SOME QUASI clearly revenue raising. taxing income=revenue raising taxing your wages=revenue raising..levies fines service fees is revenue raising..Smokers drinkers is revenue raising/but better we pay..that AT LEAST HER HONEST ABOUT THAT so they saY SEE THE CIGGIE BUTts..[I SAY SEE THEY DONT GO INTO THE WATER WAY..because their there]..and eveN IF THEY DID..its much like a leaf..containing nicotine..[it wont kILL THE FISH..ITS ADDICTIVE] think of the poisonous flora..LEAVES..falling iNTO THE WATERS OR THE PORK INDUSTRY OR POLTRY INDUSTRY OR AGRICULTURE POISONING..CIGGIE BUTTS ANd smokers isny the real issue ITS TAXING THOSE YOU HASTE BY WHAT RIGHT HAS GOVT DECLARED WAR ON SMOKERS iTS UNLAWFUL..EVEN TREASON..ITS A TAX..AND I SAY BY WHAT RIGHT ghandi is famous for saying no tax on salt am,erica..said no tax on they put the tax burden..on me your pathetic..[no tax withoutr representation] docters are killing you your love of western life style is killing you heck think smokers are falling yet cancer rate has doubled smokers and non smokers get the same cancers at the samE RATE ie smoking wasnt the causE..ONLY 'ATTRIBUTED'.. ie BY LIE/Ridicule/threat intimidation/loathing QUE WARRENTO by what right? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 11 February 2014 6:44:09 AM
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and sO came the weak-end*
no PROOFS..of concept..for evolution..presented no alternate..SCIENCE 'BEGUN'..[RE 'SCIEnces/ opposed to bible..STORIES.. I TAKE tales in writing..AS HARD FAST CLAIM..[UNREFUTED]..OVER THOSE WITH FAITH..IN SCIence On THIS WEAK let the dawning of logic weakly end. AHHH MEN..SO..SURE..of..'the science'..BY FAITH..alone i laugh at presented by the aloof in lue of PRESENTed proof. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 February 2014 1:06:36 PM
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i hate tHROW Awly..
AY LINES BUT JUST HEARD ,ON MEDIA DIABESTUS = ONE MILLION AUSTRALIANS and two million AT RISK..[POTENTIALLY 3 MILLION IN 10 YEARS] CURRENT..1 million]..costs 14 BILLION..per year so in ten years that could be 42 billion/..just for diabetics [LITTLE WONDER THEY WANT/NEED 6 DOLLARS PER Docter visit[while hounding us smokers you set uP A PANDEMIC..ELSEWHERE..AS YOU GOT GREEDY/REVENUE RAISING OFF FALLING NUMBERS..OF SMOKERS. i guess thats karma..for lying re 'social costs'..of smoking [AS OPPOSED To smokers TOTAL /MEDICAL COSTS ACTUALLY costing 800 million] Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 February 2014 7:03:18 PM
Both of my parents were smokers since I was born. After the incident - he said to me I wish I'd listened to you earlier. This comes from my childhood. One day about when I was eight - I wore a heart (like I was from the Heart Foundation) and ran outside with my parent's cigarette packet. They ran after me. I threw the cigarette packet onto the roof as I wanted them to give up smoking - right into my adult life.
Currently tobacco kills 5 million people per year worldwide according to the World Health Organisation.
A solution? Have all tobacco products phased out by the time you turn 18 - say in five years time. Existing smokers could continue to use the products.
The other side to this debate however is the Federal Government's addiction to tobacco taxes - read:
Then of course there are the multiple government funded anti-tobacco groups - who I'm not impressed with and don't support a ban on smoking, in my view to simply keep themselves going. Certainly no phase out for them - to difficult.
Imagine if my father had the heart attack immediately and died, killing my mother and other road users whilst driving?
All of this, however raises the question for me - do we have a government in Australia that is willing to phase out tobacco products in Australia?