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Turning back the boats

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rehctub - You can add the trouble poor Australians have getting legal aid to the list in 2012, Free legal aid for asylum seekers estimated cost taxpayers more than $60 million.

$32 million was paid to 22 law firms representing asylum seekers, News Limited reports up to the July period.

On top of that, running the migration review tribunal cost $30 million.

David Manne, the human rights lawyer who successfully led the appeal against the federal government's Malaysia solution, with his Melbourne-based Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre receiving $4.13 million since his High Court victory in August.

Labor are probably in a tiff because they did not think of ways to stop them.

The Greens just want them shipped here to vote for there party, Australians have woken up to them.

They are also clogging up the hospitals one silly idiot swallowed a pair of nail clippers.

They learnt how to scam the charities for food and things.

If the Libs stop them well and good.

Blame Labor for in excess of 50,000 of them, if I was the Liberals I would have the relevant Government department issue figure on how many of them are still on welfare or some other form of welfare payment, then Australians will really be angered.

I would release the EXACT cost of everything to the public of Labors 50,000 economic invaders and how the public servants were coerced into declaring a lot as genuine refugees when they clearly were not. .
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 9:45:29 PM
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I don't give a damn about the boats. They can turn them around, tow them, sink them, throw some life jackets, or life boats at them, it is of no interest.

The thing I'm interested in is that not one of these gatecrashers set foot on Oz, ever. Our new government must be succeeding towards that, when the harpy from the south is on TV bitching about how bad they are. Keep up the good work Tony, just toughen up a bit mate.

I don't worry about any air passengers who overstay. They work & support themselves. We don't have to house, feed or medically treat them, at our expense.

If the idiot twins, Rudd & Gillard had done their job at all, & kept these gate crashers out, there would be no reason for anyone to be homeless in Oz at all.

How do boatpeople lovers ever look at themselves in a mirror, knowing that thousands of Ozzies are homeless, because of boat people in our houses.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 10:23:07 PM
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Hasbeen "How do boatpeople lovers ever look at themselves in a mirror, knowing that thousands of Ozzies are homeless, because of boat people in our houses."

"Thousands" homeless just because of boat people?
Where is your stats on this?

I would suggest there are many, many reasons for homelessness, not the least of which are mental health issues, substance abuse and anti-social behaviour in previous houses, which would account for many people who either refuse to live in houses, or are not able to find anyone who will rent them a house.

The possibility of so many boat people using the available houses is a ridiculous accusation...
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 11:50:09 PM
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TT Welcome but!
You propose your thoughts are ours in that post.
And show a bias that ignores the truth.
Donnt like my words?
Look again at yours.
From Labor ranks mine are my true thoughts.
We need to know IF THE BOATS HAVE STOPPED.We want them stopped about 65% of all voters all sides.
But I think very few voted for a government that IS UNWILLING TO GOVERN OPENLY.
That considers telling us what it is doing unwise.
Tell the truth did you put much thought in to your tag?
Because it is just what Australia requires from your side.
On the issue of boat people and every think else Tony Abbott please tell the truth!
If not what Sir are you hiding and why?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:32:08 AM
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The people who are coming by boat are less of a problem than the Suseonlines' within.
A million by plane ? As far as I am aware you wouldn't have a hope in hell to board an Australia bound plane without a visa. I have no problem in believing that there are immigration rorts but not to such an extent & at so much cost as those by boat.
I know that some illegals are facilitated into Australia by indigenous Australians on occasions but the numbers are thankfully very low. The focus should really be on the Suseonlines' of this country because it is such people who are jeopardising just about everything this country has stood for thus far.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:34:18 AM
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Hi The Truth,

Re: Anthony Albanese and Sarah Hanson Young --WTF!

To work it out you have to understanding the barnyard factionalism of the ALP and Anthony Albanese's ambitions.

ALP right faction champion, and now failed messiah, Kevin thought he might salvage a win by presenting the electorate with a bastardized copy of the liberal party's border control.

When Rudd didn't resurrect, Shorten the new leader inherited the policy. The ALP left faction to which both Shorten and Albanese belong has never been happy with tough border controls(The ALP left live under the delusion that by allowing themselves to be hoodwinked into acting as publicity agents and facilitators for people smugglers they are doing something grand to save the world).

However, Shorten is too mamby pamby to ditch it, so Anthony Albanese seeing his chance is running hard on the issue in a Machiavellian -Gillardian manuvere to undermine Shortens party support and usurp leadership.

As for Sarah Hanson Young, she is just being a typical delusional Green.
Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:36:37 AM
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