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Turning back the boats
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Is it possible that someone could tell Albinesy and Hanson young that we the people are NOT interested in knowing about the boats being turned back.Dont use us the public in your petty politics.We are more interested in trying to bring up out kids in difficult circumstances so STOP saying the public want to know I DONT
Posted by The Truth, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 4:40:44 PM
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you would think those who sprouted the dogma that it was impossible to turn back the boats would shut up. Instead they change their arguement.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 5:42:39 PM
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Dear TT,
So you don't care about the ones who come by boat? What about the over 1 million who come by plane? If you don't care about them either then I guess you didn't vote for the Coalition. Because they based their election on being able to solve the asylum seeker "problem," which they turned into a huge pre-election campaign. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 5:56:27 PM
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Yes the current government did say before the election that they would stop the boats and thus far they have made remarkable reductions in the numbers. Mostly without any draconian measures, but simply giving the message that the illegal entrants would not achieve what they sought. We can confidently look forward to more and more reductions, until they are stopped from attempting as they realize they will not get accepted. Both Labor leaders over the previous 6 years promised to stop the boats but they kept encouraging more to try and the deaths of many was the result. Then, of course, was the enormous cost of their failures. But please do tell, from where do you get the figure of 1 million illegal entrants that arrived by air. You see the boat arrivals are illegal entrants because they have no visas, but the few air arrivals that do not have valid visas are promptly returned to the place of embarkation. Me thinks you are engaging in a bit of 'spin'. Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 8:50:34 PM
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TheTruth, YOU may not want to know about the boats being turned back by this Government, as promised, but don't presume to speak for the rest of us.
After many months (years?) of ranting and raving by the then opposition of how they were going to "Stop The Boats" when elected, many of us who voted for them DO want to see the evidence that all the expensive military personnel and ships used in this endeavor are worth it! Of course there aren't many boats coming from Indonesia at present during the monsoon season. I will want to see proof their methods are working, and lives are being saved from drowning, during the calmer weather months in our north. If all is well with this military operation, why all the cloak and dagger rubbish we are being given? Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 8:59:33 PM
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Foxy, whether they come by boat or plane, and considering you seem somewhat supportive of their arrival, how do you propose we address the following issues moving forward.
Firstly there's our looming jobs crisis. With Holden and Ford shutting up shop, Qantas on the ropes, not to mention the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands employed by support industries, one has to wonder how anyone can even consider finding jons for new non Austraila arrivals. Then there's education, with our current system in a total mess and under funded, not to mention slipping away, how do you propose we find the resources to educate the kids from the new arrivals. Then there's health, again a total mess, yet you seem willing to place yet more strain on our failing health system, a system that sees people die before they get treatment. Finally, given the amout of waste that occurred under the previous government, it is quite obvious that we have no money to service the needs of our own people, let along illegals. So tell us Foxy, how do you propose we tackle these very important issues, because just because you have a good heart means little if you can't support those who you seem willing to welcome. Or, do you feel we should welcome these illegal arrivals, which obviously means we need to cut spending on our own needs. So where do you propose we make the cuts, because education and health are on their knees and higher unemployment is a given. As I have said before, either we stop them now, or we wait till they come armed. Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 9:07:02 PM
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rehctub - You can add the trouble poor Australians have getting legal aid to the list in 2012, Free legal aid for asylum seekers estimated cost taxpayers more than $60 million.
$32 million was paid to 22 law firms representing asylum seekers, News Limited reports up to the July period. On top of that, running the migration review tribunal cost $30 million. David Manne, the human rights lawyer who successfully led the appeal against the federal government's Malaysia solution, with his Melbourne-based Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre receiving $4.13 million since his High Court victory in August. Labor are probably in a tiff because they did not think of ways to stop them. The Greens just want them shipped here to vote for there party, Australians have woken up to them. They are also clogging up the hospitals one silly idiot swallowed a pair of nail clippers. They learnt how to scam the charities for food and things. If the Libs stop them well and good. Blame Labor for in excess of 50,000 of them, if I was the Liberals I would have the relevant Government department issue figure on how many of them are still on welfare or some other form of welfare payment, then Australians will really be angered. I would release the EXACT cost of everything to the public of Labors 50,000 economic invaders and how the public servants were coerced into declaring a lot as genuine refugees when they clearly were not. . Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 9:45:29 PM
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I don't give a damn about the boats. They can turn them around, tow them, sink them, throw some life jackets, or life boats at them, it is of no interest.
The thing I'm interested in is that not one of these gatecrashers set foot on Oz, ever. Our new government must be succeeding towards that, when the harpy from the south is on TV bitching about how bad they are. Keep up the good work Tony, just toughen up a bit mate. I don't worry about any air passengers who overstay. They work & support themselves. We don't have to house, feed or medically treat them, at our expense. If the idiot twins, Rudd & Gillard had done their job at all, & kept these gate crashers out, there would be no reason for anyone to be homeless in Oz at all. How do boatpeople lovers ever look at themselves in a mirror, knowing that thousands of Ozzies are homeless, because of boat people in our houses. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 10:23:07 PM
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Hasbeen "How do boatpeople lovers ever look at themselves in a mirror, knowing that thousands of Ozzies are homeless, because of boat people in our houses."
Really? "Thousands" homeless just because of boat people? Where is your stats on this? I would suggest there are many, many reasons for homelessness, not the least of which are mental health issues, substance abuse and anti-social behaviour in previous houses, which would account for many people who either refuse to live in houses, or are not able to find anyone who will rent them a house. The possibility of so many boat people using the available houses is a ridiculous accusation... Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 11:50:09 PM
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TT Welcome but!
You propose your thoughts are ours in that post. And show a bias that ignores the truth. Donnt like my words? Look again at yours. From Labor ranks mine are my true thoughts. We need to know IF THE BOATS HAVE STOPPED.We want them stopped about 65% of all voters all sides. But I think very few voted for a government that IS UNWILLING TO GOVERN OPENLY. That considers telling us what it is doing unwise. Tell the truth did you put much thought in to your tag? Because it is just what Australia requires from your side. On the issue of boat people and every think else Tony Abbott please tell the truth! If not what Sir are you hiding and why? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:32:08 AM
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The people who are coming by boat are less of a problem than the Suseonlines' within.
A million by plane ? As far as I am aware you wouldn't have a hope in hell to board an Australia bound plane without a visa. I have no problem in believing that there are immigration rorts but not to such an extent & at so much cost as those by boat. I know that some illegals are facilitated into Australia by indigenous Australians on occasions but the numbers are thankfully very low. The focus should really be on the Suseonlines' of this country because it is such people who are jeopardising just about everything this country has stood for thus far. Posted by individual, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:34:18 AM
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Hi The Truth,
Re: Anthony Albanese and Sarah Hanson Young --WTF! To work it out you have to understanding the barnyard factionalism of the ALP and Anthony Albanese's ambitions. ALP right faction champion, and now failed messiah, Kevin thought he might salvage a win by presenting the electorate with a bastardized copy of the liberal party's border control. When Rudd didn't resurrect, Shorten the new leader inherited the policy. The ALP left faction to which both Shorten and Albanese belong has never been happy with tough border controls(The ALP left live under the delusion that by allowing themselves to be hoodwinked into acting as publicity agents and facilitators for people smugglers they are doing something grand to save the world). However, Shorten is too mamby pamby to ditch it, so Anthony Albanese seeing his chance is running hard on the issue in a Machiavellian -Gillardian manuvere to undermine Shortens party support and usurp leadership. As for Sarah Hanson Young, she is just being a typical delusional Green. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:36:37 AM
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Stop the flow of migrants from Malaysia. Indonesia is only used as a launching pad. Returning them to Indonesia is only going to cause more bad blood against us. The boaters will find another way, like the one found just outside of Darwin. I presume that TT bloke is an Abbott fan.
The monk is having trouble with the width of his mouth, between what he promised the AU people and reality, are two different things. In other words the man went to an election with nothing but lies. Posted by 579, Thursday, 9 January 2014 7:42:46 AM
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Fair comment Suze, so why dont our governments provide housing, similar to that in detention centers, for our homeless.
Why do our homeless have to beg borrow and steel for a feed, warm bed, shower, shelter, when these illegals get all of these and more. In fact, it has been suggested that they get more in finacial benefits than our very own pensioners. Surely that's wrong! Now while there are those homeless who don't want help, what about those who are crying out for it and being ignored. Charity MUST start at home. Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 9 January 2014 8:46:39 AM
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Oh how it hurts the Gillard/Rudd followers that the current Government is again showing how incompetent they were.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 9 January 2014 9:20:22 AM
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Individual, what are you on about?
I never said anything about planes. The boat arrivals aren't ' illegal' anyway. Asylum seekers can, and do, arrive any way they want., by sea or air. Whether you like it or not. Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 9 January 2014 10:07:50 AM
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The boat arrivals aren't ' illegal' anyway.
Suseonline, must have been one of the likes of you who said the thing about plane arrivals, still doesn't let you off the hook though. Are you saying that someone who has an interest in an eventual overthhrowing of Australia that they can jump onto a boat without any personal i.d. & is not illegal ? It may be just my ignorant view but I believe if someone is seriously trying to escape the warring of a country then the first thing they'd do is to denounce the religious cause & start a new life here without the religious nonsense ? No they don't, they are forcing their cause everywhere under the pretence of being refugee. Posted by individual, Thursday, 9 January 2014 10:33:34 AM
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How many times must you people be informed that it is illegal to enter Aus without a valid visa. That is the only reason we can detain the arrivals that come by boat. They are breaking our laws and are detained for that reason. We do not detain people who enter lawfully. Butch, Great idea. Once the government has stopped the boats we then use the present centres where we can cater for the homeless. Maybe more will be required in the cities and, of course, some will not accept it. But it can be offered. The opportunity also exists to provide medical and mental health services. Something may yet be salvaged from Labor's folly. I would far prefer this than wasting funds on facilities for illegal gate crashers. You are right, charity begins at home. Time to get tougher on the illegal entrants and send them packing. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 9 January 2014 10:44:30 AM
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The Liberals came into government thinking the "big stick approach" with Indonesia was the answer to what is a very complex problem. This approach failed and failed badly, it done more harm to our relations with that country than the government will admit, something that is going to take years to fully repair. In opposition Abbott and co using a lot of provado exclaimed, "We'll Stop The Boats", which went down well with a certain section of the community, some are posters on this very forum. That was no more than a throwaway line to win the votes of the unsophisticated non thinkers, there was no real plan as to how they were going to achieve that end, just a vote catcher, nothing more.
Now in government they find themselves in a very tricky situation, they have failed to deliver on a "core promise" of stopping the boats and are left with no alternative to solve the problem. What do they do? They go into denial, introducing a veil of secrecy for their so called policy of Operation Sovereign Boarders. As their policy unravels the government is eventually going to have to come clean on the whole asylum seeker issue with the Australian electorate and admit their failure of policy. Below is a link to a bit of light reading on the subject. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 9 January 2014 10:54:21 AM
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<< the government is eventually going to have to... admit their failure of policy>> [says Paul]
"the Australian Navy forced an asylum seeker boat back towards Indonesia, where it ran out of fuel and ran aground" [say "Indonesian authorities"] I'll bet the passengers on those boats --who did their doe-- don't think its INeffective! I'll bet the smugglers --who'll be faced with hundreds of angry passengers demanding a refund --don't think it's INeffective! I'll bet the Indonesian officials --when faced with angry smugglers demanding their protection money back --don't think it's INeffective! In fact, I'd hazard a guess that the only ones who --pray & hope more than think, it will be ineffective are the Green Party king/queenpins at party HQ (facing an ever diminishing voter base). Here's something for you to pass along Paul, there is no more free sugar on the table. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 9 January 2014 12:30:41 PM
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We, that is those who care about out comes, and good government, must question the sheer bigotry of some posted views.
The thread started as an attempt to Murder Democracy. It very wrongly tried to put us all in the one basket. It bought those ever willing to scream at Labor but ignore truth to boiling point. Some clearly are unaware just how dangerous a government that hides its actions can be. Abbott,s opinion polls will continue the mad rush down wards if he continues to govern by deception Australia wants to know what is taking place in Canberra. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 9 January 2014 12:42:09 PM
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yep far less boats and definetely far less drownings. A win win you would think.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 9 January 2014 12:47:05 PM
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If the Skippers of the boats that are intercepted have their papers in order and if they have ascertained that their passengers also have valid papers then there would be no problem with being turned back.
Sad Sarah, sad. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 9 January 2014 12:51:06 PM
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What is happening in Canberra is a royal commission in the making. No drownings and no boats, and who said that. This govt; is acting without accountability, it can't continue. This is the way of communism. How many are on Nauru and Mannus adding to our deficit. Forty billion in 100 days, how much now. The 100 days has long passed and still nothing, they are content to go along with the budget from a govt; they condemned. Nothing but lies and slogans, Abbott and his yes men are going to really struggle, to find peace. With Howard and Pell driving Abbott's ambitions of lies and deceit will ultimately fail, they are guilty of a con.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 9 January 2014 1:07:45 PM
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"big stick approach" with Indonesia was the answer to what is a very complex problem. This approach failed and failed badly,
Paul1405 et al, A damn lot better with a lot more foresight that the pander approach of the morons. Foresight is obviously way above your heads as is pragmatism & sense of responsibility. You're appalling citizens & you're a liability to the rest of us. Get some sense into yourselves. Give yourselves a reason to call yourselves Australian. Posted by individual, Thursday, 9 January 2014 1:40:10 PM
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So far the Sovereign borders plan has been a stunning success, with the arrivals dropping by nearly 90% in the first 100 days.
The core promise to stop the boats within the first term is working so well that left whingers such as Sarah Hanson Young are trying to pretend that the boats arrivals have not dramatically slowed, and was caught out in a lie when she claimed that she had no way of knowing how many boats were arriving. It also appears that the Indonesian military is perfectly happy for the boats to be turned around, and the politicians huff and puff and turn a blind eye. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 9 January 2014 1:42:11 PM
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I would of thought that Sarah and her followers would be rejoicing about the lack of drownings which she and Labour caused while in Government. They really are sick turkies.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 9 January 2014 1:51:05 PM
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579 - Quote "How many are on Nauru and Manus adding to our deficit."
It was Rudd and Gillard that let those people come and in a lot of cases sent the navy to pick them up in Indonesian waters. The numbers on Manus and Narau & Christmas islands are here Plus those in detention in Australia leaves some where in the order of 40,000 that labor let in, in houses that could have been occupied by deserving Australians. Blame Labor for the monetary cost of the 50,000 plus they let in. At least Abbott is trying to fix there mess now he has put them to the end of the waiting list for family reunions. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 9 January 2014 2:01:09 PM
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Where does all this information come from, no drownings 90 % military huff and puff. We know nothing but a few privilaged no the lot.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 9 January 2014 2:02:26 PM
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You may know nothing, but that hasn't changed for decades. While the human traffickers and their supporters in Labor and the Greens would love to get the operational information to sabotage Australia's border protection, all information on arrivals is available weekly, and sinkings outside of Australian waters are reported by Indonesia as they have for decades. The reality is that Labor and the Greens are having to eat crow as the coalition achieves everything they claimed was impossible: A) stopping the boats B} Turning the boats around. I notice none of the left whingers complain when police refuse to report all the facts immediately for "operation reasons". Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 9 January 2014 2:26:42 PM
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Oh My Gawd, those that oppose the government have completely gone
round the bend. They seem to have lost all semblance of reality. Now hear this; LABOUR DID LOSE THE ELECTION. Live with it ! Tony Abbot said today that there have been no boats for two weeks. Now accept that or just throw a fit ! They seem to be going gently with Indonesia and not rub their nose in it. Australia is in a much more perilous position than many of you realise and from now on the amount of money the government will have to throw around will be a lot less than you expect. The so called prisoners we have are a very funny bunch, all they have to do is ask and they will be given money, travel documents and an airline ticket home ! Someone raised the homeless matter, well where are those that were released into the community living ? From what I have read and seen they are living in houses provided. How many homeless were offered to share with them ? Some seem to think that on insisting on our sovereignty we are insulting Indonesia. It now appears that Indonesia has accepted that unregistered boats with unqualified crew loaded with undocumented passengers departing from Indonesian ports are in fact an assault on our sovereignty. What you are seeing is round two of the new warfare. It is no secret, the various authorities behind it have been proud to trumpet it. We will overcome the "west" by the power of our womens' wombs. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 9 January 2014 2:37:18 PM
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Australia must maintain an orderly border protection, and Tony is doing the right thing by the Australian people and the people who trying to reach our land by boat.
The Left has gotten blood in their hands for allowing so many people died at sea. The Labor Party has been trying to build their voting block by importing people of hostile culture into Australia. Indonesia backs down when Australia asserts itself with reason and justification. Job well done! Tony! Posted by Peng, Thursday, 9 January 2014 6:37:28 PM
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In your last post you claimed that Abbott was governing by deception. Where is the deception? Are you claiming that the number of illegals has not fallen by about 90%? Or that Abbott is lying when he says that there have been no boats arriving for the last 2 weeks? You have previously agreed that the illegal entrants are shonks, con artists and gate crashers, who lie and deceive our immigration officials. So why are you not welcoming the reduction in illegal arrivals? you should be congratulating this government for its achievements in this regard. Compare it to the same period last year! So I ask again, where is the deception? Or is it that you cannot accept the truth simply because of bias. I expected a reduction to be far more difficult and take far longer, but am pleased it is happening. I look forward to hearing of more reductions and the sooner the better. The fewer boats that arrive, the less there is to report to a news conference. So what is the big demand for daily news releases? Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 9 January 2014 9:52:13 PM
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To all posters ignorant of the true facts re asylum seekers.
This is from the official Parliament Of Australia website: "Asylum seekers do not break any Australian laws simply by arriving on boats or without authorisation. Australian and international law make these allowances because it is not always safe or practicable for asylum seekers to obtain travel documents or travel through authorised channels. Refugees are, by definition, persons fleeing persecution and in most cases are being persecuted by their own government. It is often too dangerous for refugees to apply for a passport or exit visa or approach an Australian Embassy for a visa, as such actions could put their lives, and the lives of their families, at risk. Refugees may also be forced to flee with little notice due to rapidly deteriorating situations and do not have time to apply for travel documents or arrange travel through authorised channels. Permitting asylum seekers to enter a country without travel documents is similar to allowing ambulance drivers to exceed the speed limit in an emergency – the action would be ordinarily be considered illegal, but the circumstances warrant an exception.[9]" Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 9 January 2014 11:08:37 PM
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To those who are ignorant of illegal immigrants.
They pay people smugglers big amounts of money and destroy their ID. They take the place of some of the millions waiting in Refugee Camps. This is written to anyone who can think. Posted by runner, Thursday, 9 January 2014 11:21:34 PM
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Runner, were you on all those boats and know for sure they 'destroyed' their passports etc do you?
Or are you not thinking for yourself and blaming anything and everyone else for your really obvious hatred of 'boat people'? What did they ever do to you? Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 10 January 2014 12:45:39 AM
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One of the lunatics driving this whole affair is the Immigration Minister Scott Morrison. Check this fruit cake out.
Scott Morrison, the Minister for Immigration is an evangelical Christian with a background in the Assembly’s of God Church. For some time he attended the church known as Hillsong (Oh! my god); the largest church in Australia. As a fundamentalist Christian (Oh! my god), he is duty bound to take a literal view of Biblical events. So he would believe in the Biblical interpretation of creation (Oh! my god). Tony Abbott is also a practicing Christian who at one stage in his life took it seriously enough to want to follow his Lord and master as a Priest (Oh! my god). He is a friend of the highest-ranking catholic in Australia, Cardinal George Pell (Oh! my god). An aside: Incidentally, Cardinal Pell has been recruited by the new Pope to help clean up the worldwide pedophilia crisis in the church. This is strange because he has not been able to do that in his own country. If fact many people say, he is part of the problem. Abbott has never been afraid to mix his religious beliefs with his politics and his public comments on gay marriage, abortion and the place of women in society attest to that. These are truly a strange pair when it comes to asylum seekers considering their so called christian values. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 January 2014 4:23:01 AM
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Susie's post shows just how low, scurrilous and totally wrong headed the pro-asylum scammers lobby is. She comes up with this little pitch : "This is from the official Parliament Of Australia website" We are meant to fall back in awe and say something like "Golly gee if it is from the *official Parliament Of Australia website* it must be the final word on it, ay!" The reality is it is a propaganda piece from a asylum seekers lobby group that has been lodged with the parliament library but not produced or endorsed by it--NOTE SHE DOES NOT SUPPLY THE LINK! It is regularly and religiously reprinted on ABC sites, SBS sites, and the Refugee Council of Australia sites under the misleading heading "Ten Myths About Asylum Seekers" and is an hodgepodge of lies and half truths. But what is really significant and intriguing is why people like Susie persist in such misrepresentation? Why they are so intent on promoting one of the biggest baddest scams around --asylum scamming? Posted by SPQR, Friday, 10 January 2014 6:09:44 AM
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Now that the monsoons have arrived no boats will come via Java, people will now travel via Torres Strait under the cover of the monsoonal weather. The west coast of Cape York Peninsula needs to be watched now. Instead of sheltering at Thursday Island the Customs boats should hang around in the western Gulf. I recall one fisherman tell a few years ago that he saw a big boat sail south very close to the coast in a heavy squall & the next day when it was fine nothing was seen. he assumed that once the people got ashore they scuttled the boat.
Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2014 6:42:40 AM
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Banjo tell me why has Abbott not told us what boat people have come and other things we once heard instantly?
Why has our Medea not got some one on Christmas Island reporting these events. Why govern, EVER by stealth. And if you do not have answers for those questions remember this. *It is not the welded on supporters who return ANY government to power* As the polls are repeatedly telling us it is those who actually think before voting. Remember too, many tend to forget, I too want an end to the boats a total and forever end. IF we ever get a government with the guts to tell us the costs bought about by boat people. Highlighting Welfare costs and length of time receiving it the country too will demand it end. Danger of a government WANTING to hide its actions can not be ignored it is undemocratic Banjo! Posted by Belly, Friday, 10 January 2014 7:18:08 AM
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Errr Belly,
you have not heard about the boats because there are none to hear about ! Anyway, today is Friday so maybe there will be something today. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 10 January 2014 7:53:18 AM
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I just heard on the news a moment ago that Indonesia now views providing life boats as just another form of people smuggling. That's a bit rich. On the other hand why doesn't Indonesia follow Australia's policy of turning back the people that arrive there to stop over on their way to Australia ? Is it because they're all Muslims that they get facilitated rather than turned back ? If a westerner rolled up there in the same fashion they'd be locked up & made to pay big money to get out again. Why not facilitate everyone, why only Muslims ? Doesn't need Einstein to work that out. The facilitation of the boat people is a vital part in the agenda that so many silly Australians don't comprehend. The smart ones do.
Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:17:56 AM
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You said, "Remember too, many tend to forget, I too want an end to the boats a total and forever end. IF we ever get a government with the guts to tell us the costs bought about by boat people. Highlighting Welfare costs and length of time receiving it the country too will demand it end. Danger of a government WANTING to hide its actions can not be ignored it is undemocratic Banjo!" I too would like the government to reveal ALL the costs relating to the illegal entrants. Am sure it would garner even more support for action to stop the boats and highlight the folly of the previous Labor government. However I don't agree that it is undemocratic for us not to get daily briefings. We do not expect daily updates of operational matters on other defence force matters nor do we expect the police to keep us up to date on case involvement. We are informed after the event. The main thing I am interested in is hearing that the number of arrivals is decreasing. You are only suggesting some deception by government and put forward no factual evidence. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:26:25 AM
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...To those who are ignorant of illegal immigrants.
So if that's the case Suze, why is it that I, as an Australian citizen, need to show my passport to leave/enter Australia or any other country for that matter. Would it please you if I refrained from calling them 'illegals' and called them, uninvited instead? Indi, one word answers your question, CORRUPTION! Belly, your beloved labor party failed to manage the boat people situation, despite there being no problem when they took over government back in 07. You should be grateful that we now have a government that is pro active when it comes to stopping the boats and you must also remember, VERY IMPORTANTLY, that this problem DID NOT EXIST before your mate Ruddy came along. The mess was caused by your mate, so leave it along and let Tony fix the problem. Besides, chances are your labor party will govern again one day and they can go about removing our border protection barriers and wasting our billions once again, because let's face it, history does not lie. But for the time being, just relax and channel your focus on re diving the labor party of their rotten eggs. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:54:38 AM
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Belly, I have to support Banjo's comment to you about the lack of daily briefings.
It is unreasonable to complain about that and it is a refrain that has been taken up with gusto by the Greens Hanson/Young. I would not support her in a fit. Even her predecessor was more wearable. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:19:51 AM
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SPQR, pop your white hood on and read the facts , instead of spouting your increasingly ignorant remarks. Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:39:56 AM
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'What did they ever do to you? '
nothing Susie but only fools reward dishonesty and deceit. Why have you no compassion for the drowned kids or those waiting in refugee camps? Posted by runner, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:55:09 AM
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Is it labor's fault that Abbott declared the boats would be stopped in the first 100 days. That is what he went to the polls with. So all he achieved was an information drought. Pledges in blood mean nothing apparently, Stop the Boats. Abbott's three words is all he could manage,and nothing since.
Posted by 579, Friday, 10 January 2014 11:15:22 AM
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Indi, one word answers your question, CORRUPTION!
rehctub, I believe the whole show is far, far greater than just a bit of corruption. It's an agenda to which westerners need to wake up too & wake up fast. We need to weed out those traitors from within who are prostituting our freedom in exchange for more indoctrinated stupidity. Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2014 11:47:09 AM
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Suseonline you obviously want these illegals and are sticking up for them BUT! They traverse many countries to get here and it is here they want to stay. To enjoy all the benefits that we have worked for. I am a legal migrant and have been here for 40 years. In that time my wife and I have always paid taxes and are happy to help our fellow Australians. A lot of despicable lazy no-hopers are not welcome to our taxes.
Oh yes and Tony Abbott WON the last election and all these complaints just raise his standing in the polls, thank you. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 10 January 2014 11:48:30 AM
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I grew up on the the former H.M.A.S. Tarangau, known also as the Lombrum PNG Naval Base so may possibly deign to have some knowledge of the proposed, and the newly constructed facility near the village of Mokerang (closer physically to the Momote airfield than the Lombrum Naval Base) It is & will go into the future as a Serco gravy train of epic proportions. The local villagers do not want it, the local member for Manus Province has spoken out strongly against it on behalf of Manusian peoples, but the PNG Gov't, Serco & Australian Gov't will go ahead anyway to avoid "breach of contract" worth Aus$Billion$ if they reneg now. Having been inside the Wickham Point (Darwin) facility as a contractor it saddens me to see the absolute waste of taxpayers funds. It on average would take several hours to just get keys to gain access to do a 15 minute repair to an air con unit there. A phalanx of governmental agencies doing what exactly?
Yes statistically there are more "irregular arrivals" coming by air as opposed to risking it by undertaking voyages from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Irian Jaya, and such departure points. Our greatest risk is the lack of funds directed to man NORFORCE patrols. Vide the Roper River Bar (NT) incident some time back where 36 foreign nationals ran their vessel aground and were found wandering ashore. Dogs, cats, chickens...all infected with rabies. You worry about these people arriving? I sure as hell do ! Think for one moment the ramifications if full blown rabies or foot and mouth got ashore on the mainland? No beef exports let alone live exports, no lamb back to Manus Island...Big Brother makes sure you don't get near the Lombrum Point tent city, paramilitary goons escort you away, and the while the dogs bark, the circus rolls on as the late Peter Harvey would say. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 10 January 2014 12:13:09 PM
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True genuine asylum seekers are not breaking the law, however, the human traffickers are, and so are the many thousands of economic migrants who destroy their documents so as to make determination of their status difficult. Secondly, none of these refugees are fleeing persecution in Indonesia. Under labor's 5 years of incompetence, nearly 2000 people died at sea as a result. 579 Stop lying, Abbott never claimed that the boats would be stopped in the first 100 days. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 10 January 2014 12:26:37 PM
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Here is footnote from your source you overlooked: << The views expressed do not reflect an official position of the Parliamentary Library, nor do they constitute professional legal opinion>> Here it is again in case you blinked: << The views expressed do not reflect an official position of the Parliamentary Library, nor do they constitute professional legal opinion>> And here is a link to Janet Phillips's other *lobbyist* articles: NOTE THE COMMON THEME! Better luck next time! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 10 January 2014 12:31:51 PM
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Kevin Rudd stupidly demolished the Pacific Solution which was working admirably. Most people including myself are not interested in daily or even weekly reports on the numbers of boat people which under labour were very depressing. I congratulate the Abbot government on finally doing something about these boat people. We have a government that is finally acting to stem the flow and we need to support them.
A nasty spinoff of the refugee industry is the flock of immigration lawyers it has generated. Maybe we could trade a few boatloads of immigration lawyers and Hanson-Young with Malaysia for a few boat loads of genuine refugees. Posted by SILLER, Friday, 10 January 2014 3:17:31 PM
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As most of the refugees/asylum seekers appear to be Muslims then we don't need them and they simply represent a further toe hold for an eventual Islamic problem of massive proportions.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 10 January 2014 3:54:34 PM
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Ise Mise : Well said it is about time we put our cards on the table as you have done. The crocodile tears over drowned refugees are a façade. We have too many Muslims here now with their baggage, distortions and determination to change our culture.
Posted by SILLER, Friday, 10 January 2014 5:35:16 PM
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Suseonline now has been caught red-handed, trying to deceive the public. This person has shown to be a disgrace.
Suseonline, you may hate Tony for certain unknown reasons, but you don't have to degrade yourself in this way. You can still be honest and argue your case with integrity and reason. Posted by Peng, Friday, 10 January 2014 6:49:17 PM
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Dear SPQR,
That footnote that you've cited to Suse from the Parliamentary Library is standard procedure. And not a disclaimer. It refers to the fact that Libraries and Librarians are not allowed to take positions on issues in their professional capacity - or give advice. They simply provide information and data. So what's your point? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 January 2014 7:03:37 PM
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that's like our shipping companies saying they're merely transporting goods & they're not liable for any damage. It's the customers responsibility. It's a pretty cheap cop-out. Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2014 7:53:45 PM
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Dear Indy,
It's not a cheap cop out - but a legality that has to be adhered to. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:01:10 PM
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Nice to see you back Foxy. Would you care to address the issues I raised with you at the beginning of this thread?
Of cause if you decline I will understand. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:10:33 PM
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Dear rehctub,
Thanks for understanding. We've already covered this ground so many times on this forum. I don't see the point in continuing on with the same old, same old arguments. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:33:12 PM
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Foxy, "That footnote that you've cited to Suse from the Parliamentary Library is standard procedure. And not a disclaimer"etc.
Bollocks! It might be 'standard procedure' but it is not as you seem to imply just a "legality to be adhered to" resulting from professional requirements, that is all. Surely readers' B.S alarm bells would have been sounding the minute you attempted to diminish it as a 'standard operating procedure'. Yeah right, nice try! Plainly these are well crafted legal words to (hopefully) protect. But against what? Come on, try again. The most obvious are against defamation and copyright infringement, but what other risks are there? Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 10 January 2014 8:47:43 PM
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Folks, this is for your information:
All libraries strive to provide accurate and up to date information. However neither the staff nor the library wants to be held responsible for any resource content in response to questions. Therefore all libraries inform their users and try to make them understand that any information or resources by the library or library staff in response to questions can't be misinterpreted as advice or endorsement of said materials or information. This is normal library procedure. And this information is usually provided in some written form to the library users. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 January 2014 9:04:26 PM
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This topic has about as much traction as the boats now. "Dead in the Water" take your toys and go home kids.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 10 January 2014 9:05:55 PM
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Oh dear me, while many posters on this forum celebrate the secret 'turning back the boats' supposedly going on up north, Indonesia is getting upset at the Australian military ships going willy-nilly into Indonesian waters to push the boats back to Indonesia.
Abbott promised two other things to the Australian people before he took the top job. He promised he would never hide anything from the Australian people, and he promised he wouldn't go into Indonesian waters to take boats back to Indonesia. He actually said he would 'turn them back', not take them in all the way. Two lies already. What would Australians say if Indonesian military boats wandered uninvited into Australian waters? Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 10 January 2014 9:13:34 PM
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Don't be silly Susan. Abbott is not hiding anything from "real" Australians only the migrant and refugee cultures. The rest of us "real" Australians get update emails every night.
I run an LNP party cell and I know exactly what is happening on all fronts. Sorry if you are not in the loop but it really means that you cannot be trusted. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 10 January 2014 9:22:06 PM
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Dear Suse,
First of all - how would we even find out? These things are now so hush, hush. But then again if we did find out - they would of course be labelled - "illegals?" And the government wouldn't want to talk about them for "security reasons." :-) Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 January 2014 9:24:03 PM
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Suseonline - Quote "Australian military ships going willy-nilly into Indonesian waters to push the boats back to Indonesia."
It appears you have more knowledge about these affairs than most, it was stated that the Australian ships turned away from Indonesia before they got to the territorial mark, which would be about 12KM's. Of course if the navy was not telling the truth please enlighten us as to the truth according to Suseonline. Posted by Philip S, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:26:12 PM
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a legality that has to be adhered to.
Foxy, How is then that These things are now so hush, hush ? Have you ever heard of legalities that need to be adhered to such as the Nation's security ? Surely even you would see the point of that. Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:41:17 PM
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Abbott calls my right to know what the Australian government does in my name "idle curiosity", belittling my rights, and refers to a "war".
I wonder if I was a German during WW2 whether my interst in what my goverment was doing to Jews would have been considered "idle curiosity" or that I should accept government secrecy about this on the basis of some phoney "war" If we are invading Indonesia's sovereignty I would like to know it. If we are towing boats back I would like to know it. I have a right to know these things so I can weigh them up against what Indonesia is saying and make my own judgements about the actions of my country. We have no right to turn back boat-people as illegal immigrants because we are a signatory to the UN refugee convention. Indonesia is not. Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 10 January 2014 10:54:37 PM
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Quite right Luciferase, , but the truth is not to be spoken on this forum or you will be howled down like other decent posters herein....
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 11 January 2014 12:06:06 AM
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Among other things, libraries do not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of anything they hold, which was rather the point of other posters. The quote posted out of its context by suseonline earlier (without link) has no claim to factual correctness or credibility because it was part of a holding by the APH library. One has to go to the author and her research for that, and another poster has already criticised that source. Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 11 January 2014 12:27:58 AM
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Your false analogies are devastating.(sic) It is disgusting that you would make that comparison with the Holocaust. You are obviously unaware of your own ignorance and for want of a better word, insensitivity. Sadly, you've won the rapturous applause of Suseonline. In kindness and in view of your likely young age, I will invoke Godwin's Law to save you from the censure you should be facing along with your much older but no wiser comrade in arms, Suseonline. Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 11 January 2014 1:00:10 AM
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e howled down like other decent posters herein....
Suseonline, from Latin decent- ‘being fitting’, from the verb decere . What makes you feel qualified to feel a belonging to this group when you don't even understand the meaning ? Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 January 2014 1:49:28 AM
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chrisgaff1000, "I run an LNP party cell and I know exactly what is happening on all fronts."
Has da Fuhrer given you an update on the Eastern Front! I believe we will be in Moscow before da winter. "LNP Party cell" Yes, I can just imagine it, down there in a dingy basement, Chris all alone in black uniform, sitting at a table, one dim light bulb, headphones on, getting Morse coded messages from da Fuhrer. What's the latest "another glorious victory at Stalingrad for da Fatherland? LOl Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:26:26 AM
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Abbott has got a personal war going in our name, and we are not allowed to know to much. [for security reasons]
Abbott is well known for his blundering and shooting from the hip, so what has changed. Anything done in the name of AU, we should know about it. What is he hiding. If the UN or other get in on the act WE could be in trouble. Will we know about it or not. We want the boats stopped, but there is no need to be inhumane,or hiding information from us. Anyone acting on our behalf should be accountable, and open. Posted by 579, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:37:18 AM
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I wasn't going to say anything no no no.
You know how it is, a gentleman is not supposed to notice a ladies indiscretions. But since Foxy has charged in in defence of Susie, it is fair and reasonable that I draw the matter to everyone's attention. You see, there is some irony in Foxy defending Susies use of Janet Phillip's puff piece --and misrepresenting it as some sort of official govt source -- since that is exactly what Lexi (as Foxy was then known) "tried on" back in 2011--see here: This is Lexi (giving her little sales pitch )-quote: <<Dear Banjo, Not true. The following website gives the correct answer to the question, "Are asylum seekers illegal?": Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 25 September 2011 5:24:59 PM>> And this was my response <<Banjo, (Psst! a whisper in your ear) Lexi is up to her usual tricks. The publication she is pointing you to--is not some departmental report, or bipartisan govt study --it is by Janet Phillips (Social Policy Section) of Australian Policy online. A group supposedly set up to provide "RESEARCH AND RESOURCES IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST"! And from my reading of some of their other publications it tends to take a left-leaning view on most issues.It can make has no special claim to authority. And it reads like another of the thousands of activist website question & answer briefs for activists. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 25 September 2011 6:52:30 PM>> And here's the link if you want to check it out: So they must take turns at "trying it on" --next time, it will be Lexi's turn, again. Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:42:39 AM
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True story, back in the early 70's I once infiltrated a Liberal Party Branch meeting, as a prospective new member, what a hoot! It was held in a hall, about a dozen members in attendance, non under the age of 60, except me. On the wall was a picture of a very young and radiant looking Queen Elizabeth II. At the front was a table, with a photo of Sir Robert Menzies and a white table cloth, where sat 3 rather elderly persons, 2 men and a woman, the woman was the branch treasurer. Well, most of the nights discussion was taken up by this old bag with blue hair wanting to know why the government was not doing something about those long haired protesters against the war in Vietnam, she insisted something should be down along the line of what Mr Bjelke-Petersen was doing about the communists in Queensland. At the meetings start we sang Advance Australia Fair and at meetings end "we" all sang God Save the Queen, or was it the other way round. We then retired to the back of the hall for the highlight of the evening, the ladies had prepared tea and cup cakes, which I thought was rather radical, no scones! I never attended another meeting.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 11 January 2014 7:00:29 AM
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....What would Australians say if Indonesian military boats wandered uninvited into Australian waters?
Well technically they are Suze, as the hosts bringing the uninvited are leaving Indo waters. And guess what, most of us habe had a gut full of the lack luster approach from Indo on the matter. Evidence that further fuels the corruption theory. My opinion on stopping the boats, and the waste, is what ever it takes. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 11 January 2014 7:44:58 AM
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I recall the posts regarding Foxy's attempt to deceive readers of OLO that what she was quoting was official government opinion. I too refuted it at the time and am a bit surprized that Susie is trying the same thing again. If Foxy and Susie were honest they would merely quote the author, but they add the Parliamentry library in effort to deceive posters here. This Janet Phillips does not work in the Library for the government and it is not official advice. The DIMAC gives out official advice. In the same way that Foxy falsely claimed that 1 million illegal entrants have entered Aus by air. Completely untrue. These posters should be congratulating the government on its success thus far and for saving the lives of the illegals. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 11 January 2014 8:24:17 AM
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It really is time to tell the UN to go jump.
The hide of some UN monkeys in Indonesia to tell us what we can & can't do with an invading force, supported by Indonesian criminals. We really must make a stand, & withdraw all funding from this bunch of anti western tin pots. It only takes a quick look at the type of countries on various UN committees to see how far from useful it now is. I have yet to hear any UN people telling Indonesia to prevent their boats invading our territorial waters. Only after the UN take action to prevent these incursions, should we even consider taking part in the farce. Anyone who supports the UN against Oz in any way, can quite fairly be described as a traitor. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 11 January 2014 9:20:53 AM
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as a prospective new member, what a hoot!
Paul1405, The idea of it all is to keep critical information from morons because a little knowledge is dangerous especially for a moron. Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 January 2014 9:27:31 AM
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You will be pleased to know that nothing much has changed from your 'infiltration' days and what a great little investigator you would have been I'm sure. We don't have tea and scones these days. Coffee out of the 'Di Longio' and chilled Chardonnay (not French I'm sorry to say, the taxpayer can't afford it on our behalf yet}. We do have a good NZ label though and the bar setting is conjunctive to a lot of political banter as you would appreciate. The pic of Bob Menzies is gone but Johnny Howard is there alongside our Omnipotent leader Tony and his erstwhile sidekick Campbell and sadly the Queen seems to be gathering dust in the corner facing the wall I'm afraid but then one does have to move with the times What! Ol' Man eh!? Love to stay and chat but have got to get ready for our next promotion. Bill Glasson. Have you heard of him down in Griffith I believe. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 11 January 2014 9:57:14 AM
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What a rebel you are!! You "infiltrated" one open meeting 40 years ago by walking in the door and sitting down. No wonder you feel you are so in touch with the liberal party today. I'm sure they must be devastated you didn't come back. I have been to a few labor and Greens meetings not because I considered myself 007, but because I wanted to hear what they said. At the labor meetings, while I didn't concur with all their conclusions, I could at least understand the reasons behind them. The couple of green's meetings I attended appeared like a cult, some naive youngsters with no clue, and some older puffed up "leaders" with not a technical nor economics degree between them, talking in cliches and ignoring any hard questions. All in all pretty pathetic. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 11 January 2014 9:59:49 AM
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Seems to me that there are a lot of half cocked triggers going off here.
Nowhere have I heard or seen that Australian warships entered Indonesian waters. What I did hear and see on TV by a passenger was that an Australian ship towed his boat back to Indonesian waters then stood off and watched them go to an island port. Now that is substantially different to what many have said on here. So folks get your facts right and don't make assumptions. To have towed a boat back is not necessarily entering Indonesian waters. There is another point, the ship could have been an Aus Customs vessel and as that is a civil ship it could legally enter Indonesian waters. So watch what you say and don't make assumptions. Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:08:42 AM
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The single most pertinent fact is that there have been no illegal boat arrivals in 3 weeks.
THE BOATS ARE STOPPING Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:08:44 AM
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Before leaving this site I feel obliged to add
one more link to this conversation: This work has been prepared to support the work of the Australian Parliament using information available at the time of production. The Parliamentary Library staff are available to discuss the contents with Senate and Members of their staff. The author, Janet Phillips prepared this report. She works as a Social Policy Researcher at the Department of Parliamentary Services in Canberra. And she has supplied an extensive Bibliography at the end of this report from which this information was obtained. If any of you has evidence to contradict what the author is stating - please feel free to provide it on this forum. Otherwise your objections don't have much credibility. Also, if you have any questions, you may also contact the Parliamentary Library directly. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:39:55 AM
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cont'd ...
Suse gave this link to you gentlemen earlier, I find it hard to believe that a legitimate and credible researcher such as Janet Phillips who's researched this topic so thoroughly, and provided references all along the way - is found to be unacceptable to you - when her information is acceptable to the Australian Parliament. Amazing! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:47:23 AM
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Foxy, I am not surprised that the 'gentlemen' are not fans of such credible information.
With their obvious concern at the 'invasion' of our shores from all those nasty foreigners in leaky boats, I doubt anything anyone else said would matter. I am pleased if the drownings have stopped, by whatever means, but have they stopped? Or are we just not being told? Australia still accepts many other refugees into this country, so I am happy to see this. I doubt if the 'gentlemen' are though... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 11 January 2014 11:26:05 AM
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Suzie, have you stopped beating your husband ?
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 11 January 2014 1:22:21 PM
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Not at all Bazz.
He likes being beaten! How about your wife? Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 11 January 2014 2:43:18 PM
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Yep, no boats arriving, just like the day "Australian Media" reported only 9 SIEVs off Ashmore Reef in 2009...P3C Orion photo of the same day/time showed 36 vessels in frame. Yep I believe the Murdoch electronic whorehouse, sure do... and Elvis is jamming with Harold Holt and JFK in Langley Virgina as I write.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Saturday, 11 January 2014 2:46:40 PM
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Shadow Minister, I thought it a bit strange at our last two Greens branch meetings. The old bloke, who no one knew, at the back of the room. Keep interjecting with "Down with Stalin, death to the Bolsheviks." Was that you?
"The couple of green's meetings I attended" SM wasn't once enough, you had to come back for seconds. You will be attending for a third time, I hope not, its a special occasion Lenin's Birthday, organic tofu cake, sorry no candles, they give off too much CO2. Individual "The idea of it all is to keep critical information from morons because a little knowledge is dangerous especially for a moron." Indi, I don't care what they think of you, I'll fight for you right to that information to the bitter end. Chris said "You will be pleased to know that nothing much has changed" You don't have to be a Liberal Party member to realise that. Can I put up a new motion up for next meeting. "The party resolves to throw more poofs into the Parramatta River." Remember posting that claim! "The pic of Bob Menzies is gone but Johnny Howard is there alongside our Omnipotent leader Tony and his erstwhile sidekick Campbell." Gee, I can see how that trio would really turn anyone off their tea and scones. At least us Greens meet in a pub and can have a beer. Foxy/Suse keep up the good work, I fully understand. Unfortunately its not in single syllables so the "Usual Suspects" will be at a loss to comprehend. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 11 January 2014 4:55:41 PM
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Susie and Foxy.
if you want to quote credible sources of information relating to the illegal entrants, try the DIAC. Where an outside author and the DIAC differ in information, I will back the DIAC every time. Despite what Janet Phillips says, the DIAC state they are unlawful entrants and that is the only reason we can, and do, detain them. They are breaking our laws by entering without a valid visa. The fact is you are caught out trying to give false credibility to the author of your chosen document. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 11 January 2014 5:35:55 PM
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Dear Banjo,
Janet Phillips gives the DIAC in her Bibliography. She is a credible author. Any person as you well know (because we've been over this many, many times), who applies for asylum is not breaking any laws whether they have documents or not, whether they arrive by boat or plane. They are not unlawful, until they have been assessed as such. Read the given link. Check the given Bibliography. Neither Janet Phillips (a Social Policy Researcher) at the Department of Parliamentary Services in Canberra, who provides information to the Australian Parliament, nor Suse and myself are out to be deliberately contentious. We're simply stating from the information that is being provided to the Government of this country by Government sources. If you dispute the information - and have a different opinion - that's your prerogative. Ours is to continue to set the facts straight. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 January 2014 5:49:02 PM
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"Any person as you well know (because we've been over this many, many times), who applies for asylum is not breaking any laws whether they have documents or not, whether they arrive by boat or plane. They are not unlawful, until they have been assessed as such" Absolutely correct, under Australian law, we have the "Usual Suspects" revising the law to suit their own purposes, or are they simply ignorant. In fact its unfortunate that it is Australia who is guilty of breaking international law and convention by towing boats back from Australian or International waters to Indonesian waters regardless from where they come. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:19:01 PM
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Unlike the greens I am not crass enough to interject with irrelevant statements. Secondly it would appear that I am significantly younger than you. Secondly the greens meetings that I attended were in separate areas. I thought the group was intellectually very lightweight. Foxy, What Janet Phillips states may be true, but there is much that she deliberately leaves out such that her article can in no way claim to be balanced. The boat arrivals that she covers does not include the period before 2008, nor after 2011 which would make her argument specious. She does however admit that the term illegal immigrants is the technically (if not politically) correct term. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:25:45 PM
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The Australian navy has never towed boats into Indonesian waters. They are towed to just outside the 12 Nm limit. No international law is broken. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:36:48 PM
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Sorry old sausage but I cannot recall saying that the party threw poofs into the Parramatta River. That was my own personal pleasure whilst a member of the NSW Police "FORCE" Sorta like sport I guess. That was when we weren't kicking the crap out of "offenders' to get their confessions. More sport I guess. Actually I was a card carrying member of the ALP back then and a good unionist. Funny how the truth turns your head. Read the front page of the QLD Courier Mail today and prey your kids aren't so called "Tradies" Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 11 January 2014 6:38:09 PM
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You and Susie are deliberately spinning and trying to deceive the posters here. While it is not against the law to apply for asylum, they first have to get here and they are breaking the law on entering without a valid visa. All non-citizens require a valid visa to enter. The DIAC confirms this fact and is the reason we can hold them in detention. We do not detain asylum seekers who arrive by lawful means. i.e. with a valid visa. These lawful asylum seekers are free to go about their business. You deliberately and wrongly claim that asylum seekers can go wherever they like and enter contrary to our laws. All non-citizens must have a valid visa to enter. If you google Janet Phillips you will see she is employed by Swinburne University and not by the government. The mere fact that the Parliamentary library hold her writings does not give her credibility. The library exists to provide information to members and their staff. If a member wished to gain info on what Mike Gibson, Andrew Bolt, Phillip Adams or Paul Sheehan had written on an issue, I am sure the library could provide same. However that does not make it any more credible. You and Susie both have used the information from the library to try and boost the credibility of the author of your choice. Again I say the best information on illegal entrants is from the DIAC. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 11 January 2014 8:20:50 PM
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Banjo my boy, let me educate you. I'll keep it extremely short and simple so you can comprehend.
Point 1 ..... according to Australian law the "entrants" are NOT illegal Point 2 ......according to Australian law the "entry" is illegal. Do you now comprehend? Probably not, I bet. Oh well. Posted by PJack, Saturday, 11 January 2014 8:50:36 PM
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Pjack is correct,
Anyone who has entered the country not through the legal channels is an illegal immigrant. Some more legal points. Until their status is recognized they can legally be detained, off shore if required. Turning boats around or towing them in international waters is not illegal. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 12 January 2014 2:34:59 AM
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Further to Shadow Ministers's post above --here is the official DIMA [and might I add, the logical and commonsense] position,from Stewart Foster, Director Public Affairs DIMA:
Note the following key points: 1) "It is not true that an asylum seeker cannot be an illegal entrant or indeed be an illegal immigrant. Nor is it pejorative to use the correct terms to describe an illegal entrant or illegal immigrant" 2)" In some quarters to the use of the words 'illegal' or 'unlawful' or 'unauthorised' to describe asylum seekers arriving without Australia's permission seems to have at its root vigorous attempts by some in the community to mislead the public into believing a myth that all unauthorised arrivals are asylum seekers and that all asylum seekers have a right to enter a country of choice without authority and therefore 'can never be illegal'. This is just not true. The reality is clear in international law and has been made crystal clear by the High Court of Australia." 3) "Neither asylum seekers, nor refugees have a right to enter, without authority, a country which is not their country of nationality" 4) "The use of the word 'illegal' or 'unlawful' to describe asylum seekers entering a country without authority is standard international practice, not least by signatory states to the Refugees Convention. This is because the Refugees Convention (Article 31) explicitly refers to the "illegal entry or presence" of refugees who arrive in the territory of a country "without authorisation"." It should be noted that these facts have been point out to those on the asylum-scammers-are-poor-little-LEGAL-darlings side of the discussion numerous times but they seem to have a problem with retention. There is something of a culture war being waged by many on the left, who seek to redefine things to suit their narrow agendas. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 12 January 2014 6:04:10 AM
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<< Our schools will be more Westernised, more Christian, more "white" centric and the Liberals and Nationals will be celebrating>> Well, we've had a couple of decades now where you and like minded have celebrated them being anti-Western, anti-Christian and anti-white --share the joy around. @Susie <<If Pyne wants to teach his kids that human life began with Adam and Eve, whose kids must obviously have had to mate with each other to carry on the human race, then so be it.But leave all the other kids out of that>> Holy mackerel! Look PJack, now you've gone and scared Susie, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! There is zero to no prospect of Adam and Eve being taught in state schools in place of --or even in conjunction with --evolution, Adam and Steve maybe, but definitely no Adam and Eve. This whole thread is the result of post-election trauma that many in the left are experiencing right now: Here's a snap shot of a typical lefty couple --on election night: Partner A: "What do you mean Abbott wasn't supposed to happen this way". "Boohoo boohooo ..the ABC assured us that Abbott had no chance boohoo boohoo is the end of the world". Partner B: "We can fight this, we can overcome (gently massaging partner A's shoulder) get out there on OLO and spread some wild rumours" Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 12 January 2014 7:19:08 AM
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whoops sorry wrong thread.
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 12 January 2014 7:19:58 AM
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Last July you claimed that Rudd would win the election. Going on your own record, me thinks your advice is best ignored Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 12 January 2014 8:24:59 AM
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Janet Phillips is a Social Policy Researcher at the Department of Parliamentary Services in Canberra (check her profile on Linkedln). She gives all of her sources in her Bibliography with each article which includes Government souces such as DIAC. She does not mislead or give out false information because her job depends on accuracy. However, what you choose to believe is beyond my control. See you on another thread. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 January 2014 10:26:52 AM
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There are lots of people churning out spin at the taxpayer's expense. That JP provides references does not change the fact that much of what she says is based on her opinion and not the facts. Such as: That illegal boat arrivals displace those that have legally applied for asylum outside the country is a fact. That these new comers displace legitimate refugees qualifies them to be called queue jumpers. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 12 January 2014 12:57:19 PM
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And these que jumpers came from the que in Malaysia, and that is where they should be returned to.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 12 January 2014 1:01:47 PM
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<<Janet Phillips... does not mislead or give out false information>>
Oh yes she does --here's one example: She asks (Dorothy Dix like]<< Are boat arrivals ‘genuine refugees’?>> And then answers herself [Lexi like] [yes because] <<between 70 and 97 per cent of asylum seekers arriving by boat at different times have been found to be refugees and granted protection either in Australia>> Even Bob Carr woke up to that MISREPRESENTATION --Janet & co still see fit to peddle it. And her puff piece is riddled with similar. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 12 January 2014 1:04:05 PM
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That is the inconvenient truth isn't it? That the previous Labor government tried to conceal and bluff its way out, but even strong lefties Carr and ors finally blew the gaff on the scam of economic migrants being let through as refugees.
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 12 January 2014 1:14:24 PM
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No 579, Indonesia let them in, planning to make a profit from them, charging them a fortune to ride a clapped out old boat to Oz.
They are the ones who must get them back, & do what ever the hell they like with them after that. Not our problem, or interest, that is, unless you are a traitor to our youth. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 12 January 2014 1:29:27 PM
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The boaters are recruited in Malaysia. You surmise indonesia gets something out of this, prove that. The traffickers are the ones to profit. The chances are Indonesia don't know they are in the country.
No doubt the traffickers have recruited persons to smuggle people from Malaysia to Indonesia. The same as they recruit people to take the illegals on boats to au. Posted by 579, Sunday, 12 January 2014 1:55:10 PM
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579 - Quote "The chances are Indonesia don't know they are in the country."
I feel sorry for you if you really believe that statement, Just look at the photos of the people on the boats that have arrived the occupants stick out like a sore thumb. You could not congregate more than a few in the one place before they came to the attention of the police. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 12 January 2014 4:13:32 PM
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Philip S,
Especially in Indonesia where everyone from the top down is on the take. Indonesia gets social turmoil and disruption leading to political dissent and division out of its allowance of the boat traffic. The quicker they can divide us the quicker they can conqueror us. If anyone thinks they like us above our lands then they are not only delusional but suffering from the same appeasement complex that triggers WW2. People have to realise that there is no bridge between Islam and Christianity. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 12 January 2014 7:07:18 PM
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There is no bridge between Islam and anyone who is not also Muslim.
There is token toleration of "people of the book" but it is in reverse proportion to Muslim power especially when those wielding power (the sword) are fundamentalists. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 12 January 2014 9:30:42 PM
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That's right Philip, what were the numbers under labors watch, a few boats a week at some stages and 579 wants us to believe nobody in law enforcement saw them!
In my opinion the next move from Tony should be to suspend all foreign aid to Indo until they take responsibility for the boats leaving their shores. Shaw we can work together, but they (Indo) must do their share to stop the boats leaving, then, they must accept this boats that get through, back. Posted by rehctub, Monday, 13 January 2014 5:34:03 AM
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It's not Indonesia's problem. You know as well as i do these people congregate in the jungles.
Posted by 579, Monday, 13 January 2014 8:52:11 AM
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<<It's not Indonesia's problem. You know as well as i do these people congregate in the jungles>> You've been reading too many fairy tales.The Indonesians know who they are and where they are: Posted by SPQR, Monday, 13 January 2014 9:01:46 AM
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579 - Quote "You know as well as i do these people congregate in the jungles."
Your powers of imagination are boundless when it comes to refugees. As SPQR stated and with his link the truth of the matter. You supply links to people hiding in jungles, there are plenty of stories of them staying in hotels and being ferried to wharves on buses, sometimes even being escorted by police or the military. Also arriving at airports (sure someone would have seen them there). In the past your comments had a slight degree of believability but on this thread you appear to have lost the plot. Posted by Philip S, Monday, 13 January 2014 11:15:11 AM
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Good to see Morrison's obfuscatory weekly briefings are going to cease! That's great, because completely out of sight is completely out of mind, the way the many keepers of the flame like it here on OLO. The government calculates that that is the way the people want it too, which would be tragic were it true.
So far, this government is an abomination on all fronts, with many more promises yet to be broken, with the usual apologists for it here seeing no problem at all in its secretiveness and furtive actions. Give me a hung parliament any day, with accountable and transparent government where it all hangs out. Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 11:42:37 AM
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Politicians represent the people and all information about policies come into the gambit of right to know. Australia is a democracy.
Those who hold no interest can always choose to stop reading the papers or watching the news. It really is that simple. There are still many who want to keep politicians accountable. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:18:11 PM
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Happy new year. As there have been no boat arrivals for 4 weeks, (unlike the daily arrivals under labor) what is there to talk about? "This week nothing happened again." We are all tired of labor's continual promises to stop the boats via a "regional solution" and doing stuff all. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:53:40 PM
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It now appears we've "accidentally" invaded Indonesia's sovereignty.
C'mon you usual apologists for this cowboy outfit, tell us why that's OK. Actually, save yourselves the keystrokes. I've stopped reading the BS on OLO and just drop by to advise of the truth from time to time. What a moribund forum it has become. Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:45:33 PM
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Nearly 5 weeks with no boat arrivals. Labor negotiated authorization for Australian vessels to enter Indonesian water was given originally for the RAN to act as a taxi service, but it still stands. It is now perfectly clear that while the Indonesians are playing lip service to the public sentiment, they are perfectly happy for Abbott to turn the boats around, and they only comment when it appears in the media. This is justification why silence is justified for the operation, and why Labor was such a dismal failure. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 18 January 2014 7:59:29 AM