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Racial Hate on our Streets

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Foxy only a fool could not agree with every word in your post.
However they are just words , while some action is assured you can bet in the short term not enough.
And unfortunate truths will not go away.
Racism is not the exclusive property of us unwashed Australians.
Here is my message, I every day see racism from minority's, THERE DONE IT!
Made a target out of myself, Paul is now scanning my every word to find out why I dare say that.
See we have seen HITLER bought up here, why would one of history's most evil men be compared with comments put up in this thread.
Never forget he lead his Nation, he bought them along to share his hate of others.
The west helped him! long after *they knew of the death camps* they did nothing.
Post war they sent Russians home knowing it was to their deaths.
So lets educate lets breed out the hate, never give up fighting it.
But to fix it both sides must always be held to account always.
And Foxy with the best of good will we must confront a section, not the lot, of our migrants must bury the hate they bought with them, sometimes that hate is directed at us.
And too the case under question shames most from within the community these youths came from, their parents are victims too and at least one we heard of here broken hearted.
Tongans mostly are strong active Christians
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 November 2013 3:03:35 PM
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Dear Belly,

Most human groups tend to display ethnocentrism,
the tendency to judge other cultures by the
standards of one's own. And some measure of
ethnocentrism is almost unavoidable in any racial
or ethnic group.

To most people, it is self-evident that their own
norms, religion, attitudes, values, and cultural
practices are right and proper, while those of other
groups may seem inappropriate, peculiar, bizarre, or
even immoral.

Within limits, such ethnocentrism can be functional for the
group's survival, for these attitudes ensure its
members' solidarity and cohesion. People who believe that
their group and its way of life are "best" will have
faith and confidence in their own cultural tradition,
will discourage penetration by outsiders, and will unite
to work for their common goals.

The key feature of prejudice is that it's always rooted
in generalisations and so ignores the differences
amongst individuals. Therefore someone who's prejudiced
against Arabs will tend to have a negative attitude
toward any individual Arab, in the belief that all Arabs
share the same supposed traits.

People who are prejudiced against one minority group
tend to be prejudiced against others. The irrationality
of prejudice shows that prejudiced people may be hostile
towards groups they could never have met or even have heard of.

People's personalities - including their thoughts and
feelings develop in, and are shaped by, their social
context. Certain environments, therefore, tend to
encourage or discourage prejudice. In general, if groups
interact regularly on terms of equality and co-operation,
there is likely to be little prejudice among it members.
Conversely, if there is inequality, competition, and
minimal contact between groups, prejudice can develop
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 November 2013 3:55:46 PM
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Belly & Foxy,
"As Australia's population grows and becomes even more
culturally diverse"
Should read;
"As Australia's population grows and becomes even more
culturally divided"
Its a bit like that old "you can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink" thing
You can only educate someone if they want to be educated and what you are teaching has some meaning in their life.
Being able to speak the English language and the use of it in everyday community interaction needs to be the criteria for entry into the Australian society.
At the moment everywhere you go the "new settlers" are conversing in their own language firstly generating suspicion and paranoia in the average Australian. New Australians tend to group together with their ethnic brothers as a means of protection against the inroads of the cultural norm of the Australian society.
If they want to live in this country then leave their so called cultural baggage behind. Bring the good and dump the bad.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 3 November 2013 5:11:21 PM
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The minorities thrive on racism and discrimination.
Take it out of their live and they would have nothing to complain about.
What right have they to complain anyway.
They came from the bad to the good.
Let them suck it up and get on with integrating into the fabric rather than trying to have the fabric rewoven to suit their cultural and/or religious outlooks.
As far as the Muslims are concerned always remember that their religious leaders preach a Koran version of "Death to the Infidel" and an infidel is defined as anyone who is not a Muslim and that is you and me.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 3 November 2013 5:18:59 PM
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Foxy, a couple of very good posts from you on the need for balance on this. The Guardian article is most agreeable with me. My position is to condemn racism in any form, but at the same time not to attack all members of a community because of the actions of a few. Unfortunately this type of incident gives the lunatic right the opportunity to jump in and push their agenda. Paradoxically, it gives the ratbags the opportunity to use a racial incident to do some racial vilification of their own. The ratbag will cry crocodile tears for the poor Jewish people while pushing a hate message against all within the community of the perpetrators or perceived perpetrators. When it become known that the boys involved were "Islanders" and not "Lebs" as some had hoped, one poster branded the entire community as headhunters and cannibals, totally undesirable.
Beach, a totally incoherent rant on your part linking support for immigrants to terrorism. then the gem "Trotskyist Greens Watermelons" ..."Trotskyists" is that your word of the day, is it, I doubt if you would know a "Trotskyist" if you fell over one.
Belly by and large we are in agreement on most of this. The Hitler line was a qualified comparison.
Chris, all I can say is you display your predigests often on this forum. Still getting your jollies by throwing gays into the Parramatta River?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 3 November 2013 7:05:07 PM
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Chris Gaff in part unless we change you are quite right.
Foxy and Paul while looking for the same world as you both it does not yet exist.
Tell me what country in the world, for that matter what race of people do not have racism in their country/people.
Look at yesterdays news, those body's of about a thousand MURDERED in the break up of the former Yugoslavia, total murdered? unknown.
Look at the Rewanda murders, see the failure of The United Nations people there.
But how did we get to these horrible things here? in a thread about elderly folk Jewish folk, first subjected to hate words then? bashed.
Are we to fight racism, or ignore the racism we saw in our streets and blame the messengers.
And from what moral vacuum can Paul ignore the purely racist idiot in his camp?
Paul unless you take a stand against the racial hate ,anti Jewish hate from the greens rat bag in that council I rather think you have no right to move the subject away from its birth the racial hate on our streets.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 4 November 2013 6:01:59 AM
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