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The Forum > General Discussion > Are the Greens responsible for loss of property due to fire?

Are the Greens responsible for loss of property due to fire?

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Is one of your sports boxing?

You sure know how to duck and weave!
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 27 October 2013 6:34:43 PM
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Thanks for the correction there guys, I did know that it was a fired rounds that started the fire, but I was mislead to believe that there where live rounds on the ground as well. Its just a pity that there was no massive firebreak to contain any possible fire within Army range.
Paul you are right, there is nothing in that guide to directly stop people clearing, but neither does it directly allow people to clear land.
It is just one of the pieces of tape you must go through to get permits, only to have them rejected. I am pleased that your son was able to clear around his house and make it safe. My family was unable to do so because we selfishly wanted to use what land we could to provide ourselves with an income, so we could feed ourselves and our children. We had in years past put our firebreaks on the road side, which was then common practice. That we can no longer do, and it took its toll when the fires came 7 years ago. I still can't get over the horror expressed at the tree full of bees that had been burnt down on our property whilst we stood and wondered how the heck we where going to pay the bills. We felt sorry for the bees too, but it was a small thing in the scheme of things.
Posted by Bec_young mum of 2, Sunday, 27 October 2013 9:19:59 PM
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We all know that even if Aus had reduced its emissions to zero in the last 6 years, the CO2 level in the atmosphere would have been almost identical. The climate change in Aus is going to happen whether there is a carbon tax or not. The question is whether one puts mitigation policies in place to save lives, or not.

The army caused one fire through carelessness and should ensure that it never happens again, but the reality is that there were over a hundred fires some caused by natural circumstances, and there will always be fires if the conditions are right.

These fires have been matched in the past by huge fires. The main ingredients are fuel load and hot dry weather. We can't control the weather, but can control the fuel load, if we scrap the greens stupid legislation.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 28 October 2013 4:18:35 AM
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Paul as you know, and as half the world knows climate change is real.
As we both know reducing our emissions does impact on the whole.
Not always in ways SM can, or wants, to see.
We are soon to confront a world doing much more than us.
But we too may face barriers to our over seas trade, as emissions and actions may see country,s not taking action boycotted.
In time, have no doubt, within this Liberal Government, putting a price on carbon will be called for.
And too in time it will again be Liberal policy,s.
It is a measure of *Tony Abbott* that he is still in election mode head kicking and insulting #even on the international stage#
A basic truth Labor was defeated, not its policy,s, time will see a huge reversal of public voting intentions as it become clear just what a petty little man we have elected.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 October 2013 5:37:31 AM
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SM, "The army caused one fire through carelessness and should ensure that it never happens again." that is a bit wishy washy , you expect these army boneheads to "ensure". I want them held responsible and made to pay. Should you not apologise to The Greens for the malicious accusations. An while we are in the apolodising mode David Johnston should get out there and say sorry on behalf of those military boneheads who caused such catastrophic destruction.
"Under Labor, the greens have had a free hand to make fuel reduction back burning, or clearance of trees near properties nearly impossible without a signature from God."
What has Barry been doing in NSW for the past couple of years? Sitting on his hands.
Don't worry Belly, cracks are already appearing in the Abbott facade. and its only 50 days in, give him a year. Turnbull is already sharpening the knife. PS, Turnbull is a committed believer that climate change is real, and he has stated in the past his parties policy is all smoke and mirrors.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 28 October 2013 7:08:29 AM
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"These fires have been matched in the past by huge fires. The main ingredients are fuel load and hot dry weather...."

Care to enlighten me when fires "of this magnitude" have been recorded in mid October?

You might also like to tell us the new timetable for fire preparation, controlling the fuel load and back burning - if indeed the season is extending?

Extended fire seasons - sufficient rain followed by lengthy warm dry spells....prognosis confirmed in this instance.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 28 October 2013 8:46:32 AM
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