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Privatising the Profits and Socialising the Losses.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 21 October 2013 2:47:27 PM
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the scam..has deep..treasonous..roots Generally, powers in section 51 of the Constitution of Australia *..nor..make anything but gold or silver coin.a legal tender in the payment of debts”. RBA Banknotes: Legal Tender - Reserve Bank of Australia Banknotes tender.html Australian banknotes are a legal tender throughout Australia (this is provided in section 36(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959). A payment of coins is a legal a lawful tender THE ONLY LAWFUL TENDER so..why cant we pay cause..under the note system..[a bank*bill..REALLY..IS A BILL at best its a debt receipt..[and paper debt is fictional debt lawful tender cannot be used to..commit crime..yet *they..DEBASED THE CROWNS COIN seek to end..the coin-age [rage].. her hrh..face on the back.. WAS.assurance of weight/quality..of the coin [in pounds shilling penny WEIGHTS..even..a a specific weight quality.... all coin was by WEIGHTS..a pound was a promise to pay in..coin.. [pay pound sterling silver* thing is.. its decree its only value..when..govt says it is but in reality..its only an..iou [a check] paper only.. unless some mug gives you goods..for it..cause they are lawful...imbeciles..[legal term for ignorance's][wards of the state].. how it happened..was bankers BOUGHT UP GOVT WAR BONDS then DEMANDED ..instant payment..IN GOLD SILVER silver WE/they defaulted[was legally BANKRUPT* colluded bwankers we were bankrupted..and then the thieves really began looting ALL THE GOLD..all the silver..all the copper[now they want our copper cables from our phone system thee gold WASNT SOLD it was needs returned..but they sold it thats like you..leasing someones car..or house..then SELLING-IT*..[plus keeping the proceeds of crime] extra unspeakable treason's we need to repeat..what that ling did..AUDIT see who claims what][no lawful title exists..for things stolen..from us all simply having proof of crime see how nuts the treasonous lawyers have made things recall..that 1/3..rds..the bank of england.. was a tax stick..[fraud..thus guy faulks set the tally sticks afire..[nearly burned down..parliament hide that FRAUD..PROCEEDS OF CRIME*!* Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 October 2013 2:54:22 PM
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talking..exactly..about this topic some extra info signs..of the times the working poor debt..we take body parts lets talk of the 13 billionfines upon chase states/ functional-bankruptcy [thats how they stole the fed..step one send it plunder the assets/pensions already..gone..[last time it..was only..the fed..this time it will be your srevice providers..wanting to steal..ever more cash imf more green taxes more imf green energy tax burden[eu] power=money tax sunshine* crack-down..on..frakking the great resesion..was a buying..opportunity[when we held actual shares..but now we only bet if they goup or down..we only got options of a share of a share[maybe][the house opf settlements..had to morgauge allow 'instant'..share trading..but they dont hold your share..only..a promise to THE..MORTGAUGED share crosstalk,,wealth govt stimulus=corporate proffit bric* does deals post bubble production..what product? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 8:35:35 PM
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SM, surly would it not be true that given the inefficiencies and incompetence inherent of public enterprise we should see Medibank Private either sustaining huge loses and being supported by the public purse or being driven out of business by the more efficient and more competent private enterprise owned heath funds. Why is it not so?
When the conservatives come to power and find public enterprise like Medibank Private, Australia Post and others do not fit their philosophical mantra of "private enterprise does it better" they simply remove the blight, that is the well performing public business, often at a bargain basement price to their cronies. By leaving the costly non profitable services in public hands, it proves the conservatives philosophical mantra of "private enterprise does it better". Why not get your man Barry in NSW to "privatise" the railways? In NSW where private enterprise is "competing" with government in transport the state is forced to subsidies these private businesses to the tune of millions of dollars. SM, why is that so? Surely they would be such efficient operators that the public should not have to give them a cent. Why do Private Schools need such heavy financial assistance from the state? Could they not offer a quality education at a competitive price? Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 6:36:04 AM
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Firstly, there is no justification for the government being in private health insurance. The government is directly competing with other businesses. Secondly for a company with a supposed market value of $4bn, its profit of $400m over 2 years gives an annual return of 5% which is feeble by market standards. If sold, a private organisation could get greater profits, and pay company tax of almost as much as the government is getting now, and the $4bn could be used to build infrastructure or pay off labor's debt. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 12:16:22 PM
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"In May 2009 the Rudd Labor government announced that Medibank would become a 'for profit' business and would therefore in future pay tax on its earnings. The process of converting the status of the business was completed on 1 October 2009, following approval from the regulator"
IOW, not only does Medibank already pay taxes just like any other -private- company, but also pays a dividend of 200m/PA into the gov's coffers. Yep, we should definitely get rid of that. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 1:33:53 PM
A "public good" which by definition provides benefit to the public exceeding its market price and requires government intervention to deliver it. Even the most basic public economic course would not classify private health insurance as a public good, and here the government is directly competing with private industry. The sale of medibank private would release funds and value to the government to build other infrastructure that is really a public good and needed now.
There are other icons that have no real justification for remaining in government hands such as Auspost, Qantas, Telstra etc, that if sold could launch a new wave of infrastructure development, or even just pay off Labor's debt.