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Privatising the Profits and Socialising the Losses.
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Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 17 October 2013 9:10:19 AM
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I am just as horrified by these planned 'sell-offs' by this Government ,Paul.
Especially as I am a member of Medibank Private! If it is sold, I will immediately get out of it, as I am sure the premiums are bound to increase more rapidly than if it was left with the Government. Australia Post may also be sold. What worries me is what will be left to sell after all the Government Assets/businesses are sold off? Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 17 October 2013 10:59:40 PM
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Stop worrying Suse, if it's sold off, just like Telecom/Telstra, they will get rid of the 65% over manning, make a fortune, & the prices won't have to go up.
The only one we should not have got rid of was the Commonwealth Bank. Not only did it make a profit, it controlled the others by it's presence. Of course we all know ho sold that, now don't we? Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 17 October 2013 11:16:18 PM
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Why should you care about Medibank? The Greens oppose private health cover. Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 18 October 2013 12:07:47 AM
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Actually, that's quite funny, Suseonline.
>>If it is sold, I will immediately get out of it, as I am sure the premiums are bound to increase more rapidly than if it was left with the Government.<< Medibank already has the highest cost policies in the market. And because they buy their hospital services at the same price as all the other health funds, they make the biggest profits from your patronage, and the millions of unaware consumers like you. Where did you think this came from... >>Medibank paid a $450 million dividend to the federal government in the past financial year.<< Out of your pocket, that's where. Just another form of taxation. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 18 October 2013 12:28:37 AM
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Just an aside... "Tony Abbott has wisely left Australia's fiscal settings exactly as they were under Labor, putting the lie to his hysterical pre-election economic rhetoric..... ...Almost two months after a thumping election victory, there is not one hint of any economic policy change from the Abbott Government that will deal with the budget bottom line. Yet until the day before the election, this was painted by the Coalition as an "emergency" or "crisis". The reason is obvious. The budget is in triple-A shape and in the complete opposite of an emergency. If there were a budget emergency, Treasurer Joe Hockey and the Government would have acted with the same speed on spending and revenue measures as they have shown over abolishing the carbon price and implementing their boats policy." So the budget emergency was a "Clayton's" emergency - the emergency you have when you don't have and emergency - (although you do have an election to win and gullible voters to suck in) So all the intended sell-offs are merely a product of ideology, not necessity. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 18 October 2013 12:53:46 AM
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Ok Pericles, if myself and the other many thousands of Medibank Private customers are so blind to this conspiracy of ripping us all off, then which private health fund are you with?
I have always had good service from them , so I say good luck to them if they made a profit. I wouldn't be without Private Health cover, and I believe it should be mandatory to belong to one if you are working. The days of 'free' health care at public hospitals for those who could afford private health cover should be over. This country can't afford it anymore... Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 18 October 2013 1:20:43 AM
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Well according to the leftists, the State represents society, so they have no ground to criticise anything the government does.
What's the government doing running shops that sell toys, and greeting cards, and nick-nacks? Or TV and radio services for gossake? There is no justification for the use of force or threats to supply any of these services. All government businesses should be sold, starting immediately with the ABC. Those who want to listen to nauseating propaganda can pay for it themselves. Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 18 October 2013 6:16:50 AM
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It has alway been Liberal policy.
Socialism for the rich Capitalism/sink or swim for the poor. Expressed openly in Abbott,s parental leave. $75.000 for a rich working woman to have a child. For the stay at home mum nothing. May well be Abbott wants more upper middle class kids not ordarary Aussies. Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 October 2013 6:21:55 AM
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Now is the time to sell off Abbott. He will never again be worth as much as he is now.
Posted by david f, Friday, 18 October 2013 8:11:17 AM
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JKJ, who do you want the ABC sold to? Murdock, so you can be feed more of the right wing propaganda that you thrive on, from the criminals at News Corp.
Sell Australia Post. naturally you would want the government to retain the $160 million loosing letter business, would you not. How about privatizing the army? What, no juicy profits in that one. Hasbeen your a genius, an expert on Medibank Private, 65% over manned no less, do you dream up that number or did space aliens telepathically pass it onto you. Could you give us the same figure for Australia Post. The conservative ideological mantra; have government establish vital services at taxpayer cost, because capital is unwilling or unable to do so, then when these loosing services becomes profitable businesses sell them of to your "mates" at a bargain basement price. Then when the new owners find the business is "overstaffed" they can sack them or move the jobs offshore, and again the taxpayer can pick up the cost in the form of social security payments.In that way the conservatives can prove their ideology that "governments can't run profitable businesses, best left to private enterprise." of course they can't if all you leave them with is the crap, but even then you can have your "mates" feeding off that crap, by being contractors or service providers at super inflated prices. Good for "mates" bad for taxpayer. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 18 October 2013 8:56:50 AM
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Don't be so silly david f.
In 2023, with a full 10 years successful prime ministership behind him, we will be able to clear what ever is left of Labors national debt, & cover our out goings for half a decade, selling Abbott to the Poms. Of course if the Poms have had another Labor government by then, they wont be able to afford to buy him. Neither will the yanks, after Obama has finished with their economy, We will probably have to loan him to each in turn, as a kind of extension of the Colombo Plan, our contribution to saving the western world sort of thing. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 18 October 2013 11:13:34 AM
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"....In 2023, with a full 10 years successful prime ministership behind him, we will be able to clear what ever is left of Labors national debt...." Arf, arf, arf...I hear Hockey's raising the debt ceiling. "While the US has at least temporarily increased its ceiling on the amount of debt the government can accumulate, one of the first things the Abbott government will do when parliament resumes next month, after introducing legislation to repeal the carbon tax, will be to increase the Australian government’s debt ceiling. The current ceiling in Australia is $300 billion, which is less than 20 per cent of GDP. By way of comparison, the US debt ceiling is around 105 per cent of GDP. People with knowledge on this issue realise that Australia’s gross government debt is tiny, and in fact is so small that Australia has had to get special dispensation from several of the post-global crisis new international banking regulations. These include the Basel III requirements for bank assets and capitalisation because there simply aren’t enough Australian government bonds on issue for the banks and others to hold." I hear also that Hockey has left Labor's settings exactly as they were. Have you seen the "budget emergency"...(it seems to be missing) Tones is a clod of quite impressive proportions. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 18 October 2013 11:33:21 AM
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I thought the "Budget Emergency" was a labour confection of Rudds? That was the reason the interest rates were dropped.
Of course punishing savers and helping spenders is surely the basis, the bedrock and the foundation of Socialism. Also the SEC went from 13,500 workers to around 3,500, now if that isn't overmanning? Margaret Thatcher famously said Socialism was OK until you ran out of other peoples money. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 18 October 2013 5:11:21 PM
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I did not mean to offend, Suseonline.
>>Ok Pericles, if myself and the other many thousands of Medibank Private customers are so blind to this conspiracy of ripping us all off...<< The reality is that the actual services you would use if you had to go into hospital are provided at precisely the same price to all the Funds. That's not to say that all hospitals charge the same - Ramsay Health hospitals have a different tariff to Primary Health Care or Resmed - but they all provide the same service to all the Funds they have arrangements with. Which is usually... all of them. You will also notice that it is the hospital groups that are creaming it in. All the health funds can do is pass those costs on to the consumer by way of increased premiums. >>...then which private health fund are you with?<< Your family circumstances and healthcare needs are bound to be different to mine, so knowing which company I'm with won't help you one bit. The price you pay is made up of the actuarially-determined cost of the services you have selected in the policy - they are all packaged slightly differently, you'll notice - so my policy components are highly unlikely to be the same as you have chosen. What I can guarantee, though, is that you will get the same level of service from the cheapest policy that covers the bits you need, as you will from the most expensive. >>I wouldn't be without Private Health cover<< Nor would I. >>The days of 'free' health care at public hospitals for those who could afford private health cover should be over.<< That's a tough one. I'd hate to get to the US situation where they ask for your policy details before they scrape you off the road after an accident. But yes, anything remotely elective should be the sole provenance of private health. Sorry if I sounded abrupt - I was focussing on the privatization bit, and its likely effect on pricing, rather than commenting on the value of private health insurance itself. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 18 October 2013 7:05:10 PM
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extracted..from..the header/forum the 9th richest person in Australia. His wealth is estimated at $3.6 billion,..and most of it comes from his company, Fortescue Metals Group or FMG. This sort of ‘philanthropy’ is what capitalist megalomaniacs do when they want to buy a form of immortality for themselves and gratitude from the rest of us. But here’s the funny or not so funny thing, depending on your point of view. According to Laura Tingle in the Australian Financial Review of 17 June 2011: Forrest has never signed a corporate income tax cheque for any of the listed companies he has run in the past 16 years. And FMG has another $700 million in tax losses still to bring to account before he will have to do so. So since 1995 the Great Twiggy’s company FMG has paid no income tax. Not a penny. Now that is philanthropy. And the $65 million will be tax deductible, which means you and I bear the cost at Forrest’s personal marginal income tax rate, i.e. 46.5% of $65 million, or about $30 million. Maybe we wouldn’t have to rely on the ‘largess’ of parasites like Forrest and his ilk, people who live off the labour of their workers, ..if we actually had a tax system..that got something out of the bludgers.>> plus no fueltaxes..on their juice..and acorn rent and avoidance of water theft/ free rail-line/ports..rorts..worrker education..dead corperations run by clever lawyers are bleeding tthe bleeding loyt of the living dry bbut the lie is wage..ISNT income..wage =wage..and we got nowage tax but EVERY cent a corperation gets IS INCOME yet the mongrels avoid it[cause half our polies [from..both sides ARE..OR WERE LAWYERS [and lawyers making treason but mate..wouldnt you rather chose where..your TAX Deductible cash/cache.goes to private education..even..gets a dollar for dollar extra subsidy..on-top..of the tax credit/income deductible][ avoidance] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 October 2013 10:16:31 AM
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Herein lies the sheer stupidity of the Neo-liberal ideology.
While acknowledging that Government does have some legitimate function, Neo libs insist that governments must NOT indulge in any profitable ventures, while at the same time constantly barking for lower taxes. This allows governments just one way of creating the funds necessary to fulfill their necessary function: printing money and encouraging inflation to pay off the debt. Who complains most loudly about this strategy? The bloody right whingers. FACT: no one likes paying taxes. FACT: democratic governments are elected by POPULAR vote. FACT: since 1951, the top rate of income tax has dropped from 75% to 47% and will no doubt continue to drop, as the majority are never going to vote for a party that threatens higher taxes (witness recent election). For decades in NSW the dairy industry worked under a quota system, supplying affordable fresh milk all year round. In 2000, largely for ideological reasons this highly functional system (remember when milk was FREE to primary and infant school kids?) was dismantled, resulting in small farmers (the pillars and mainstays of rural communities) being driven from their land, and consumer prices going UP. The system WORKED. The current postal system also WORKS, and provides income (tax alleviation) for a gov. hard pressed to find money any other way. If it ain't broke, why frig around with it? If you believe government does have a legitimate function, and you don't like paying taxes, don't like govs racking up debt, don't like inflation, please tell me where the gov is supposed to get the necessary funding from if it isn't allowed to conduct profitable business? Screw ideology. Why not just go with what works? Currently the world's most powerful gov. is undergoing a crisis over medical care. The US currently spends more per capita on health than France, yet the WHO ranks France no. 1, and the US at no. 38. Screw ideology. What works? Posted by Grim, Monday, 21 October 2013 7:22:06 AM
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grim..what works=govt printing..its
not interest from..bankers[who stole the money the gold/silver from...our coin..and teeth.. continues at..end who..via USURY..scape the cream.. into;;their own tax free trust funds..that own..any thing of value[via paper cyber proof..only.. true govt money is based onthe value..of our estates [based on the assets worth..[increase..of capital; base..creates its own funds..thus free govt services etc govt is CREATED...reason of about service but now its about revenue raising..from..its poor..and stealing us selling off our services..for capitalist profit lately..going in to..take the gold reserves from..building 7..@[911]..cyclone sandy..[more gold lost]../sadman-insane gold got took..then..gadfiffy's gold..etc etc..[loot and plunder has to..stop] we need create the the asset the hold control..over the value..of its own legal tender..and the business..of lending..interest free [only lawful-tender..but by deflating the worth of notes..they stole everything else govt dont need to borrow nuthin nor even raise any tax/user pays it need merely issue a bond..and govt bond is as good ass gold [because it holds SUPPOSEDLY..[but by acts of treason..all.our service assets safe from capitalist gain/price rise pain. Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 October 2013 8:36:32 AM
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A "public good" which by definition provides benefit to the public exceeding its market price and requires government intervention to deliver it. Even the most basic public economic course would not classify private health insurance as a public good, and here the government is directly competing with private industry. The sale of medibank private would release funds and value to the government to build other infrastructure that is really a public good and needed now. There are other icons that have no real justification for remaining in government hands such as Auspost, Qantas, Telstra etc, that if sold could launch a new wave of infrastructure development, or even just pay off Labor's debt. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 21 October 2013 2:47:27 PM
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the scam..has deep..treasonous..roots Generally, powers in section 51 of the Constitution of Australia *..nor..make anything but gold or silver coin.a legal tender in the payment of debts”. RBA Banknotes: Legal Tender - Reserve Bank of Australia Banknotes tender.html Australian banknotes are a legal tender throughout Australia (this is provided in section 36(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959). A payment of coins is a legal a lawful tender THE ONLY LAWFUL TENDER so..why cant we pay cause..under the note system..[a bank*bill..REALLY..IS A BILL at best its a debt receipt..[and paper debt is fictional debt lawful tender cannot be used to..commit crime..yet *they..DEBASED THE CROWNS COIN seek to end..the coin-age [rage].. her hrh..face on the back.. WAS.assurance of weight/quality..of the coin [in pounds shilling penny WEIGHTS..even..a a specific weight quality.... all coin was by WEIGHTS..a pound was a promise to pay in..coin.. [pay pound sterling silver* thing is.. its decree its only value..when..govt says it is but in reality..its only an..iou [a check] paper only.. unless some mug gives you goods..for it..cause they are lawful...imbeciles..[legal term for ignorance's][wards of the state].. how it happened..was bankers BOUGHT UP GOVT WAR BONDS then DEMANDED ..instant payment..IN GOLD SILVER silver WE/they defaulted[was legally BANKRUPT* colluded bwankers we were bankrupted..and then the thieves really began looting ALL THE GOLD..all the silver..all the copper[now they want our copper cables from our phone system thee gold WASNT SOLD it was needs returned..but they sold it thats like you..leasing someones car..or house..then SELLING-IT*..[plus keeping the proceeds of crime] extra unspeakable treason's we need to repeat..what that ling did..AUDIT see who claims what][no lawful title exists..for things stolen..from us all simply having proof of crime see how nuts the treasonous lawyers have made things recall..that 1/3..rds..the bank of england.. was a tax stick..[fraud..thus guy faulks set the tally sticks afire..[nearly burned down..parliament hide that FRAUD..PROCEEDS OF CRIME*!* Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 October 2013 2:54:22 PM
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talking..exactly..about this topic some extra info signs..of the times the working poor debt..we take body parts lets talk of the 13 billionfines upon chase states/ functional-bankruptcy [thats how they stole the fed..step one send it plunder the assets/pensions already..gone..[last time it..was only..the fed..this time it will be your srevice providers..wanting to steal..ever more cash imf more green taxes more imf green energy tax burden[eu] power=money tax sunshine* crack-down..on..frakking the great resesion..was a buying..opportunity[when we held actual shares..but now we only bet if they goup or down..we only got options of a share of a share[maybe][the house opf settlements..had to morgauge allow 'instant'..share trading..but they dont hold your share..only..a promise to THE..MORTGAUGED share crosstalk,,wealth govt stimulus=corporate proffit bric* does deals post bubble production..what product? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 8:35:35 PM
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SM, surly would it not be true that given the inefficiencies and incompetence inherent of public enterprise we should see Medibank Private either sustaining huge loses and being supported by the public purse or being driven out of business by the more efficient and more competent private enterprise owned heath funds. Why is it not so?
When the conservatives come to power and find public enterprise like Medibank Private, Australia Post and others do not fit their philosophical mantra of "private enterprise does it better" they simply remove the blight, that is the well performing public business, often at a bargain basement price to their cronies. By leaving the costly non profitable services in public hands, it proves the conservatives philosophical mantra of "private enterprise does it better". Why not get your man Barry in NSW to "privatise" the railways? In NSW where private enterprise is "competing" with government in transport the state is forced to subsidies these private businesses to the tune of millions of dollars. SM, why is that so? Surely they would be such efficient operators that the public should not have to give them a cent. Why do Private Schools need such heavy financial assistance from the state? Could they not offer a quality education at a competitive price? Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 6:36:04 AM
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Firstly, there is no justification for the government being in private health insurance. The government is directly competing with other businesses. Secondly for a company with a supposed market value of $4bn, its profit of $400m over 2 years gives an annual return of 5% which is feeble by market standards. If sold, a private organisation could get greater profits, and pay company tax of almost as much as the government is getting now, and the $4bn could be used to build infrastructure or pay off labor's debt. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 12:16:22 PM
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"In May 2009 the Rudd Labor government announced that Medibank would become a 'for profit' business and would therefore in future pay tax on its earnings. The process of converting the status of the business was completed on 1 October 2009, following approval from the regulator"
IOW, not only does Medibank already pay taxes just like any other -private- company, but also pays a dividend of 200m/PA into the gov's coffers. Yep, we should definitely get rid of that. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 1:33:53 PM
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WE DONT WANT..government...<<<..directly..competing..with other businesses.>> no..they dont want..the competition love.the forced no..competition <<..If sold,..a private organization..could get greater profits..>> now..where would these EXTRA PROFITS come..from[tax payers..and customers?]*[thin air?] , government is directly competing with other businesses. <<..Secondly for a company with a supposed market value of $4bn, its profit of $400m over 2 years gives an annual return of 5% which is feeble by market standards...>> yet so..if only 400customers..the extra=1 million..EACH million..that=extra 400bucks.each EXTRA..[give or take gst/bank-charges/special fees] <<..If sold, a private organization could get greater profits,..and pay company tax>> lol yeah..[after the TAX DEDUCTABLE..'s of new*..4 billion..DEBT/plus..[with/our compulsory super..or free govt yanki zero intrest compounding/interest shrinking customer wealth=? get there are no free lunches.. only..infinite us dollars to buy up..any asset.. into triple..the costs of GOVT was SET UP fees PLUS charges/levies fees other charges so easy added on top of the real-bill all..bought up..with..our..COMPULSORY SUpER*[or yank-paper increasing fees and charges..we buy our own..super off[maybe]..but wont own..the assets[till..govt locks up..the criminals..or they repent their thefts coming up..with all/this ENRON-esq..capitalist rubbish for..their colluding mates..backers..[and their defenders!]..jail the lot..SEIZE BACK as PROCEEDS OF yeah go ahead.,.make my day sell sell sell [go2hell] blah blah their works know them. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 2:00:39 PM
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That makes government ownership an even worse deal for policyholders, Grim.
>>...not only does Medibank already pay taxes just like any other -private- company, but also pays a dividend of 200m/PA into the gov's coffers.<< And this largesse comes straight out of the consumer's pocket. The industry is very tightly regulated, operates on "community rating" - i.e. the insurance risk is spread across the entire population - and buys its hospital care from the same hospital groups, so the cost base is identical across the inductry. Medibank trades on its size to give the image of being more "secure" than the smaller players in the market, and can therefore charge higher premiums. However, this is just smoke and mirrors when you look at the content of the policies themselves. But the reality is they are not able to be properly competitive with other Health Funds, when the government keeps dipping into their pockets every couple of years. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 4:17:44 PM
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Ahem. That should read "industry". Rats.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 4:20:21 PM
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which really makes it a "user pays" taxation system, which effectively subsidises income tax.
I don't have much of a problem with that. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 7:06:17 PM
Now Abbott is eyeing what may be the juiciest plumb of them all, to throw into his one off fire sale, the $23 billion worth of HECS university student debt. Now that would be a real winner for the coalitions “mates”, a business that is expected to grow to $42.1 billion by 2016/17. Abbott has no mandate to sell HECS or Australia Post. The private sector isn’t lobbying for this change to HECS out of the goodness of their hearts. They’ve looked at the United States, where private student debt is over $1 trillion and are keen to replicate that very profitable model here. The incentive for capitalists to “take over” student debt in Australia is the Coalition’s plan to slash Start Up Scholarships, adding thousands of dollars to the already crippling debts of low income students.