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In search of Cosmetic Asylum.

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You really are a one trick pony. Travel entitlements are very broad, and just about every Labor MP incl Juliar Burke, etc, have had to repay claims at some point, claiming for weddings, Tour de France attendance etc.

The issue is about the over inflated expectations of the economic refugees that make up many of the illegal immigrants, especially since labor so moronically opened the borders.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:05:54 AM
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That would be an invalid comparison, Poirot...

"Using that measure, should we assume that "all" Coalition MP's are rorters?"

Not one of the detainees received cosmetic surgery or treatment whereas the (not just coalition) MPs did receive their rorts.
Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:14:12 AM
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would not it be refreshing if once in the life of the Labour diehardts we heard the words 'we got it wrong'. Don't hold your breath. Only when they come out of denial will their be hope for progress.
Posted by runner, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:29:00 AM
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If Diogenes with his lantern could find one Coalition MP who HASN'T rorted his entitlements, would that make them all squeaky-clean ? I don't think so. By the same measure ......

Back to topic: there are genuine refugees - clearly those from Syria - who should get some sort of priority. And there are economic refugees, such as those poor buggers from Lebanon who perished 50 metres from an Indonesian beach, sort of within Indonesian territory, and some Iranians.

But once genuine refugees get to a first-country of asylum, say Kenya in the case of Somalis, or Jordan in the case of Syrians, they should be assisted to apply in all the proper ways and wait their turn, apart from an intake of exceptionally needy cases, orphans, etc.

Because there are more than forty million people 'waiting their turn' around the world. And that raises the issue of: how many genuine refugees can Australia take each year out of that forty million ? What's our limit ? What's my preferred limit ? What's yours, Poirot ? I'm prepared to up mine to, say, thirty thousand a year (no 'illegals'), if you will up yours, Poirot :) Or at least specify what it might be, that would help the discussion.


Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:35:43 AM
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Really Suzie you have to get over this earworm: <<What do many Australians do?....Blame the poor dead asylum seekers>>

They are nothing short of scammers --(if you are able to) take a step back and look at the facts:
1) Those from the ME fly into Indonesia or Malaysia
2) They discard all their ID --but not their mobile phones
3) They then for appearances sake board a slow boat to the pick-up point (usually) just off the coast of Java.

It is a con!



<<...highlighting extreme examples as somehow representative of the majority...Using that measure, should we assume that "all" Coalition MP's are rorters?>>

Well if ALL coalition MPs HAD deliberately filled in fraudulent paperwork with the intent to make a claim they would be--would be rorters!

The asylum scammers have to a man/woman set out with the intend to deceived: destroying ID; misleading immigration officialism and conspiring with criminal people smugglers.



<<Not one of the detainees received cosmetic surgery or treatment ...>>

How do you know "not one of the detainees" over the six period has not receive "cosmetic surgery or treatment" --inside info?
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:46:53 AM
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Thanks you for pointing that out.


SPQR, SM, runner (what's a Labour diehardt?)

I se exactly where you're coming from.

Take Barnaby Joyce, who's waxing lyrical here about good ol' Gina saving the taxpyer's money for paying for him to go "to" the wedding.

"...Barnaby Joyce says Gina Rinehart stopped him from having to claim more for Indian wedding trip"

"If someone else wants to pay half a trip, pay for it privately, which is basically what Gina Rinehart did, then it's actually made it cheaper for the taxpayer," he said."

Well, golllly!

No shame - even when caught out.

At least good old Tones rushed off to pay his dodgy Mirabella wedding expenses back (well, after 7 years) but as soon as the media got hold of it.

Thank you Gina for saving us some money...hyuk,hyuk, hyuk

The fact that he concocted a one day "study period" in Malaysia to cover for his taxpayer-funded expenses to come home, apparently is neither here nor there.

"How do you know "not one of the detainees" over the six period has not receive "cosmetic surgery or treatment" --inside info?"

hyuk, hyuk, hyuk

: )
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 7 October 2013 11:59:26 AM
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