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Climate change is dead, but talk about a bum fight.
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Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 22 September 2013 7:45:15 AM
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Sorry but if telling the truth makes me rude so be it.
Hasbeen comes armed with that special view only he and his views count. And avoids like an iceberg in his sailing days anything not supporting his views. So in my opinion, not based on the droppings of shock jocks but true research, he has no idea. The Leader of the United States within days of this threads birth reminded us of its importance and warned of the consequences of an Abbott style no action action. *This subject is to play a massive role in the Abbott first term* It alone may yet put Turnbull in the PM chair. I contend no evidence has ever been put that *no global warming has taken place in that time* In fact my view of the report says it told us the increase was less than predicted. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 September 2013 8:54:06 AM
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Luddy you say we must "diversify our energy base and cure ourselves of our total addiction the fossil fuels", but give absolutely no reason for this. It sounds rather like unthinking green policy, designed to damage western economies for not much more than a dislike of the average citizen living well.
You will have to provide some good reason for this if you want to be taken seriously. The continual rubbish in trying to prevent the harvesting of hydrocarbons is just that, straight rubbish, with no good reason ever given. How many con jobs like An Inconvenient Truth, & burning water can you let go, & still believe the theory? You must be able to see that if they had any true evidence they would use it. Don't these cons make you even a little doubtful? From where I stand it looks like elites with sour grapes, hating to see checkout chicks getting it too good. Belly old mate, my post was regarding the attempt to suppress the facts by governments that have leapt on the global warming fraud to rip money off the public, & enrich cronies. There is no question that these are facts, hell even the UK meteorology people are admitting it. To suggest anyone should pay any attention to Obama, the greatest catastrophe to befall the US since the civil war is ludicrous. If you can't see that they would use evidence of actual CO2 caused warming if they had it, you are just not looking at the facts. After spending billions trying to prove CO2 is the cause, they have nothing but their computer predictions, with their garbage in garbage out. And mate, it really is time to get used to the idea of Abbott as our next long term PM. He has seen the correct side of the debate, & will only get stronger as the truth becomes obvious to all but greenies. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 22 September 2013 9:43:04 AM
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Hasbeen you and I at best, are laymen.
I read any thing I can about the subject. And yes, in doing so read bull crap, from both sides. I truly and honestly hold the view that greenish painted fools are an issue. Again strongly believe they do more harm than good to the things they leach like grab on to. But am confident, know its hard to cop but firmly think, self interested super rich are funding the its crap case. I believe in man made climate change. To that a separate but related issue, needs us to look closer, we are polluting our world fast each year. So too think Abbott even in his own party has those who share my view not his. Did you hasbeen ever sail in to one of those rafts of rubbish? Not climate change but watch them grow how could ever ever ignore that we just may be reshaping our climate just as we are reshaping our world? My point about the red Indians, painted fools, is how many normal folk do not just ignore them? Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 September 2013 4:28:33 PM
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Hi folks,
It looks like someone has been telling porkies again. Not that Tim or Peter Carrot would fudge the facts, well perhaps not, well unless it was necessary to shore up the arguments. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 23 September 2013 8:17:58 AM
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I would just like to ask you if you are being paid for your denialist arguments or are you really stupid? Posted by Robert LePage, Monday, 23 September 2013 9:45:46 AM
We’ve got to diversify our energy base and cure ourselves of our total addiction the fossil fuels, especially oil in the short term.
In fact, your great insistence that AGW is BS really is most unfortunate. Surely you realise that this is just playing straight into the hands of the endless-growth antisustainability merchants of doom!
There really does seem to be the biggest contradiction in your thinking that I have ever encountered with anyone on this forum – your concern about population growth and hence endlessly increasing consumption and other utterly unsustainable factors just sits at enormous odds with your assertion that we can keep on burning oil, gas and coal at the same old unfettered rate for a long time to come, with no negative consequences!
Really, I think you need to step outside of the rather narrow insistence that AGW is all some giant hoax and start looking at the total picture of a sustainable planet, and sustainability at all the levels below that; in Australia and each region, city and town.