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Gender equality at any cost
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Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 5:51:28 PM
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Foxy, mikk,
Thought you might like to peruse this article on the subject of Tony -"Vote for me because I'm the guy with the not bad looking daughters" - Abbott. I'm sure it will break the monotony. : ) Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 5:57:56 PM
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Poirot the radical feminist quoting Van Badham who describes herself as a "feminist hag" and a radical feminist.
It will be Andrea Dworkin next. But wait a bit, she's 'gorn'. So Poirot, have you given playing dress-up as a Lady, to be the fierce feminist in Andrea's trademark denim overalls? Heh, heh, if you are big like Andrea was and maybe you are, the overalls are a better choic. They come in very, very large to help where it counts, you Dear Old Tin of Fruit. Too good. Tears in eyes. LOL Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 6:54:58 PM
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"Heh, heh, if you are big like Andrea was and maybe you are, the overalls are a better choic. They come in very, very large to help where it counts, you Dear Old Tin of Fruit." Ho, ho,'s the defender of women's honour once more "having a go" at a woman's shape. Sorry to disappoint, "Mr Let's label Women According to Their Shape"...but I'm a size 10 - 12 - and don't own an overall. Next..... (Didn't click on yer youtube link either:) Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:04:04 PM
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Dear Poirot,
Thanks for the link. Here's one you may have missed: I love the cartoon. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:20:42 PM
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Let's face it, whatever the gender make-up of the front bench there would have been criticism by many... after all equality, first and foremost, guarantees equality of disappointment and complaint.
As a cross-party, equal-opportunity, politician-naysayer I prefer to see it as an opportunity for poking fun. As in: 'It's because the First Hot Daughters made dad promise no extra competition for the limelight.' 'No-one seems to be crediting Tony Abbott for acknowledging the good knockers amongst the women of the parliamentary caucus.' 'Of course there is an absence of women on the front bench. It was selected on ability... the ability to not show up the PM.' I'm not convinced Abbott was deliberately being 'anti-female' but that he was being politically pragmatic in repaying partyroom promises... just a thought. And you, like me, know there is a tabloid sub-editor out there waiting for the first chance presented by the Speaker to run the headline "Abbott kisses Bishop's ring". Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:32:49 PM
Your true colours didnt take long to shine through did they.
If julie bishop is the best woman you lot can come up with then this country is doomed. Talk about an incompetent, vacuous airhead who thinks a death stare is some sort of meaningful response. An idiot who is now our foreign minister. Give me a break.
The fact that she was the best woman in your party room is beyond contempt and should make every womans(and mans for that matter) blood boil. What is this 1950 or 2013?
No matter what anyone says about "best man for the job" etc it is just impossible to believe that in this day and age there were no women suitable to stand for the lieberal party that were intelligent and able enough to serve as ministers. Just impossible.
And the only conclusion to take is that rabbottt and the rest of the born to rule lieberal party ARE misogynists just like gillard said they were.
The proof is now staring us all in the face and no amount of spin can change the fact that there is only one woman out of 90 odd parliamentarians that rabbott deems to be good enough to serve as a minister.
The conservative parties in Australia are nothing more than old boys clubs and unless you are a fire breathing, hard faced harridan ala the two bishops, mirrabella et al, then you will be ignored, marginalised, probably leered at and generally treated like furniture.
Welcome to the nightmare that is the rabbott government and it has only just started.