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KRudd..headspace..lets a scoop
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Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 August 2013 2:27:57 PM
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i was going to put this
on another thread.. but ..<<..Humans are also their behavior. <<..I'm sure you've seen examples of,..or read about, mass hysterical behavior....panic induced, rage induced, vengeance induced....hysterical mob behavior, often violent....>> [how depressing] <<..In our modern refined era, we most often see this phenomenon at highly contested sporting events....often with casualties...but not only at sporting events.>> oh..yes clearly.. ANYONE..who screams with orgasmic excitement because a fool..kicked a ball into a net..clearly has problems just..the thought is bringing me down..i think this thread went wrong putting the krudd filter first..i shouldnt have mentioned the war ps..look-up adverse prescribed drugs 1 in 100 hospitalizations is via adverse reaction to prescribed drugs 1 in 10..results in..*death depressing aint it Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 August 2013 3:58:38 PM
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to describes..official/deception,..and manipulation..of the past Orwell..hoped..that by writing..1984 that..he stop..such a state..ever coming to pass.. our depression..proves otherwise Read/ decide..for yourself. <<..The object..of persecution. The object..of torture.>> *“If you..want to keep a secret, you must..*also hide it..from yourself.”>>self deciet that..conundrum alone..can drive some..insane but really..its about..*self/deception.. [liars/polies/lawyers/salespeople.... they *it. *“He..who controls..the past controls..the future.... *..He..who controls..the present..controls the past.”.. *“If you want..a picture..of the future, imagine a boot..stamping on..SOME semi-human face..for-ever.” LEARN..THE SPIN..* <<“Doublethink..means the power..o f holding two..contradictory one’s mind simultaneously *..and accepting both of them.” true..>> [CAUTION:..also a sign..of insanity] “War is peace...[not.. Freedom is slavery.[not] Ignorance is strength.”[yes]..>> <<“Big Watching You.”>> so they to nice <<..“Until they became conscious they will..*never rebel,..and until..that time.. to come after..they have rebelled..they cannot become conscious.”>>.. negative self defeating good works erase bad words <<..“The choice..for mankind lies between..freedom and happiness and..for the great bulk.of mankind, h.appiness is better.”>> ahhh-men <<“The Party..seeks power entirely for..its own sake>>. from..the party/machine..<<..We are not interested.. in the good of others;..we are interested..*solely in power,..pure power.”>> dont..knock it..till you tried it it sure beats..helplessness << in tearing human minds* .to pieces..and putting them together new shapes of your own choosing.”>> hence the..many media /music movies songs/clubs/groups associations/parties/peers/cliche's <<..“Orthodoxy means..*not thinking –not..*needing to think...Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.” “For,..after all, do we know* that two..and two make four?>> WATCH_IT ALWAYS compare..only apples..with other apples <<Or..that the force..of gravity works?>> it dont..its interactive..not pro-active <<Or that the unchangeable?>> that pure lie.. words/meanings..change.. ..only the events done[or not done]..cant change <<If both the past..[ie apple].. and the external world..[say a pear].. ie..if two different things.. <<..exist..only in the mind,..>>..thats where they stay <<and if..the mind controllable..what then?”>> the..neither learn self-control or how NOT to NEED to control..other.. [its dog eat dog..but thats true only..if your a dog] <<“Power is not a means; is an end.>> nonsense <<..One does not establish a dictatorship..>>all alone <<in order to evolution; one makes the order to establish the dictatorship.>> The object of power is power” Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 August 2013 4:49:51 PM
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you..don't need rip-off game
any longer..unless you want to. They want burdened/down..with paying them/money..and hard..and so long..that you don't..have the time,money..or energy to stop..and think..about happening to you..and your family. They are stop you..from just walking away..from their scam,..and so they make every connect you..with the fiction which is your strawman..because fictitious entities..[legal..'persons..under the act] commercial companies/family trusts..cooperation's/business/as well as births/deaths/license/marriage CERTIFICATion..etc *can't have..any dealing..*with a real/man..*or a real/woman ie..[NO meeting..of minds] GOVT..can with another fiction like..your certificated/certified strawman,..and it is essential..that they fool you..into believing..that you have to*..act on behalf*..of your strawman-..*which you don't. They have a number..of well-proven methods..of distracting you..and keeping you..from finding out...They want you to see a great deal of entertainment,..not because there is..anything wrong with entertainment..but.. while you are..watching it.. you will..not be asking awkward questions. Also,..they are very careful..that most entertainment reinforces their make-believe world..and makes it appear to be "the real world" where..*everyone is under..'The Government',..WHERE..Police Officers uphold the law,..taxes are essential,,and things which are said to be bad for you..are taxed heavily ..not to make money) encourage avoid those things. They also have another..very effective technique, and that is fear...They want you to be afraid..Afraid of imaginary terrorists...Afraid of disasters...Afraid of new diseases...Afraid of foreign countries. Afraid of.."the economy" doing badly..and inflation rising. If you doubt this,..then take a look at the news..and count the number of positive,..uplifting news items,..and the number of negative or depressing news items. The reason behind to make you feel..that you need a government..and an army..just to protect you from these supposed dangers. It is keep the news items..biased that way, because all of the major news agencies,,and media the world*..are owned by only five..or six privately owned commercial companies. So to..supposedly connect the strawman..which they created for you when your birth was registered,..they use the Legalese technique..of conecting you..with the Name..of the strawman. a human cannot the legal world[paper]. only pieces of paper can,.and that is something..which they are very careful not to tell you. extracted from Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 August 2013 7:08:36 PM
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often in times of trouble..
they try to by repeating the hidden message..[key word][mantra] its basic human naturer..tobelieve something..after its said a few times if everyone is repeating it..we presume we KNOW too listen to john kerry..saying DESPIRATLY..he knows cause if he dont convince us we..*know israel it..[know that].. and in usa more powrful.,.than any level of govt here is what i said.. [to curly kerry..who thinks..he knows it all] know it aint so you..*know nuthin here is what we..*KNOW every second word = WE KNOW no no no no no NO..! KNOW..YOU DONT KNOW.. nuthin..but what big fibber$$$.. [professional liars]..tell you to say you know they may*know but really dont *KNOW..cant prove they KNOW..nor that you know/now knowing..isnt proving.. no matter how many times you *KNOW..[you must know/ not] WE DONT..want to know what you been deceived to believe you KNOW bythis really in the know..scamming their next known known..war we still say NO now go.. we heard..all you *know and suggest..instead of all grow up stop blowing things up.. our KNOWN/KNOWS DONT know..dont know now YOU lot..didnt KNOW go..we know known/knowns of clowns to us in the known..yes WE KNOW..YOU..only think you know but your known/knowns..been known to be wrong KNOWING..*before it links to exposes the insanity of and ends here Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 August 2013 7:19:56 AM
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how would you like to hear
*YOUR NOT PRETTY ENOUGH* course i had to watch it even..if its a bit off course. only to find its a psy-op but its peel back..the layers.. cause its typical auto mind suggestion..REPROGRAMING*.. ALLWAYS be noting the timing of being relitive and supremely..important..WHEN its happening/ for real right now.. context* in..the..;present key [for now] anyhow the scene opens..with..our heart open.. to this poor* conveniently..put down.. with such hurtful thats importasnt to acces the right part..of the brain.. VIA which to reprogram..yet another brain part guess which? ""YOUR NOT PRETTY..enough"' [where does that..hit your thinking?] the girl..looks like Semite.. [brown hair/big-nose..but not ugly in any way.. middle class..girl next door well made up..dressed up..well spoken.. no doudt..*not smelling anything..but nice.. the picture of injustice..of innocence wronged compare this to the truth of what her peers..are doing..NOW see its a psy-op yet the really real? who knows..what if she was black..would seven..even have run it? who..knows thats why ignorance is bliss Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 August 2013 9:44:21 AM
how to assure them..that..the big bad boogie man..
and the yellow peril..from the north..was only to frighten..the kiddies..
so johnhoward could build..the over the horizon array
better known as haarp..[its obvious now] see its not a long range radar..cause of all them boats..
dont sweat..most of them are only
the tyrants..[rich-tyrants]..kicked the new lot
they sneak
to steal..the very meal..from your kids mouths
to steal.,.YOUR DOLE..YOUR lunch money..your slum-lord rent subsidized house
wake up..its only the symptom of obsession..
and that leads on to full blown depression*..
breath-in deeply
there dont that feel..better
take the blue pill..
the red flag pill obsession..will only..make you ill