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The post-9/11 politics of fear.
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Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 8:11:24 AM
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what my translation..[nj dawood]
reads more clear..but hasnt made it on to the NET/web*..yet [nyet?] <<Dawood rearranged the chapters (suras) into more-or-less chronological order, as to make it easier to determine..which verses are abrogated. <<N.J. Dawood is perhaps the only Jew to have translated the Qur'an into English. Available in the Penguin edition, Dawood's translation, <<The Koran (London, 1956) is perhaps the most widely circulated non-Muslim English translation of the Qur'an.>>.. he has been judged..too harshly <<The author's bias..against Islam is readily observable in the Introduction. Apart form adopting an unusual Sura order in his translation, Dawood is guilty also of having mistranslated the Qur'an in places such as Baqara II:9 and A'raf VII:31, etc.>> <<No doubt, the peculiar circumstances of history which brought the Qur'an..into contact with the English language have left their imprint on the well as the Muslim bid to translate it. The results and achievements..of their efforts leave a lot to be desired>> <<Later editions restored..the traditional sequence of publishing the order of length>> anyhow them=gods messengers know thy masters voice..if its not good,..its not of god read surah 7.. re satans fall..[thus too..our own] . ps i know the catholic bible?..has some extra writers..not included in other sects/creeds translations if i had mind..i would will to find..them.. but the flesh..needs a tweak.... as my will is weak Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 8:15:13 AM
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The bloke that added the extra books wasn't even a Catholic. I think he was the Bishop of Rome then and there were 2 Popes at either end of the Mediterranean. Leo was one I think.
I wasn't the greatest theological student then or now. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 11:07:43 AM
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dear peter
please note..guidence is needed idont know this stuff thats your speciality thanks chris we all*.. have a bit..of the secret but one..has more here i put up a link to your topic here will you deney him..too? if he dare come?..back to where he ran from? i wrote him..<<..[im putting..loving pressure..on him..> you the three peters! asking you..3.. ..<<to forget big words.. and just to speak..>>..or simply show your listening..[care] <<..under law..notice to servant..via [peter] is notice to master..unto..[the two peters] he should reply.. your informative info in fact i will repost this at HIS thread to reveal his duty to truth/clarity/charity..etc <<I think he was the Bishop of Rome then..>>see previous post but mate..i dont know creed stuff just guided to..what to know/learn or quote <<..and there were 2 Popes..>> funny how we got two popes too>>> if not listening..with your heart listen to chris..father please give answer sir by johannine Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 11:54:56 AM
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sorry..about the mixed reply chris
i wrote this first then edited repost it at peters..thread here was my you thanks chris we all*.. have a bit..of the secret but one..has more here i put up a link peters thread i wrote to you.. <<..[im putting..loving pressure..on him..> to forget big words.. and just to speak...or simply show your listening..[care] he should reply.. your informative info in fact i will repost this at HIS thread to reveal his duty to truth/clarity/charity..etc <<I think he was the Bishop of Rome then..>>see previous post but mate..i dont know creed stuff just guided to..what to know/learn or quote <<..and there were 2 Popes..>> funny how we got two popes too.. sorry its messy but again..thanks for the info Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 September 2013 1:00:42 PM
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its futile to expect
petersimon..any message never the less as i run out of where..poirot I'd be what you..[peter sells]..think of this: It's a drawing I did in for a friend to render his ideas in image. It's not *to the glory of God. More,'s a rendering of man's conundrum>> peters connumdrumb? <..-his reality amidst his ideas.>> anyhow from..mmory [be-cause the page a blank screen] it looked like a completely empty vatican..library that shows the last pope..reading the creed..out of the one and only book..[left] the wit..his own bookof life[anyhow thats what i seee so much imagery..left unsaid its simple-ness..[of the firm/hand line drawing]..reminds me of etchings we must exchange etching/scratchings some time pleasure awaits hoping my job got dun it turned out god did use a special..language that of the simple confounding..the wise and of course the sleeping watchmen continued from poirot..said.. regardingher worthy work..of heart-art <<..I would "art", because.. there is a message..beyond its imagery. Make of it what you will, it's designed to make you think.. but more on man's condition methinks..than any truth regarding God..>>.. mate..>> its great* i got some great pictures like the 'imagery' Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 September 2013 2:04:31 PM
for egsample..The Quran says:
"We have issued two seas..that never mingle with one another >>
ie good/vile...
but back to the last link..
line 9
Satan is..*unable to touch anybut his own
..but*..he may tempt..a weak heart..weak will
ie is ONLY..making half heart-ed attempt [to do good]
<<..9 The devil said to Allah:
I shall certainly come upon them..from before them
and from behind them;..and from their right..and from their left;
and Thou wilt not find..*most of them*..thankful ..(Holy Qur-an 7:17)...?
them=good's servants
next..from same link
<<..46 My people..*must know the truth,>>
[good=god..not good =not of god]
<<the Gods truth --.the time>>
goodlyness..<<.is at hand!>
They are reared..and taught
by..devils and they know it not;
and being ignorant of the truth,..They offer the God even of their salvation,
Who is the very author of..ALL* Truth.>>
ie ONLY truth..
[good/truth][godly truth]
not the be the only true
regardless sura 55 is revealing
anyhow back to surah 7..satans fall
he was
*SPECICILY..talking..of gods servants
[them!][as will know their works]
<<..[Satan]said, "Because You have put me in error,
I will surely sit* wait for them..[your servants]..on Your straight path.>>
<<..16. He said:.."Because thou hast.thrown me..
out of the way,..lo! I will lie* wait for them*,
[YOUR SERVANTS]..[ie good/servants]..on thy straight way:..>>
<<....7:16 He said: Now,..because Thou hast sent me astray,
verily I shall lurk* ambush for them* on Thy Right Path...>>
it paINS ME ..
THAT CLEARLy reveals..*them..
refers to the un-fallen angels..[in this case only]
its a key bit to leave out. them/where/when?...