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how to stop the boats

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What the "do gooders" need to accept is that none of the things they want and the harmony they envision cannot be achieved in multiracial societies, if Sweden and Norway can't make it work nobody can.
Every time socialism (or social democracy) has been tried in homogenous societies it's worked for the most part, look at the aforementioned Scandinavian countries, Ireland, Israel and so forth, every time it's been tried in multiracial societies it's failed, see South Africa as the most recent example. China and Vietnam are successful socialist countries but they segregate out the ethnic minorities and keep them way out in the provinces for the most part.
Every boatload of Sri Lankan or Iranian colonists arriving here or every planeload of Indians or Chinese pushes the egalitarian dream further and further away, ethnic diversity is not a strength when it comes to achieving social justice and an equitable society, it's a weakness.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 20 July 2013 5:24:44 PM
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There are hundreds of thousands of Afrikaners in South Africa who are in dire poverty and face severe repression and discrimination by the state, what is the Australian government doing to help them?
What about the 18% of Irish children who live in poverty?
What about the Greeks whose kids may never find work or live the lives their parents had?
These people will make a huge difference to Australian society if given refugee status, it's already been proven, this society was founded and developed entirely by poor and working class Europeans.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 20 July 2013 5:40:29 PM
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These people will make a huge difference to Australian society if given refugee status,
Jay of Melbourne,
The Marilyn Shepherds & the Paul1405s would never allow needy, decent folk in. Their idea of helping is to fast-lane those who are against us & want to drag us down.
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of marilyns & pauls voting in Australia.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 20 July 2013 5:47:43 PM
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Come to think of it, what about the many australian pensioners doing it tough. How about letting them have some of the care afforded so promptly to the invaders ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 20 July 2013 6:02:03 PM
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What's the difference between towing them back, or taking them to PNG, because either way, if they don't want to go they may still choose to jump in the water in protest.

....Come to think of it, what about the many australian pensioners doing it tough. How about letting them have some of the care afforded so promptly to the invaders ?

Yes Indi, many of them must be feeling very betrayed, given they have worked and paid taxes all their lives.

I will say this till the day I die, Rudd caused the problem and, no solution will ever get OUR MONEY back.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 20 July 2013 6:11:56 PM
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Looks like another $60,000,000 repair bill for damaged goods on some God forsaken island that we (Australia) destroyed a few years ago by allowing the phosphate to be mined leaving the locals starving.
Our sins always come home to haunt us.
It seems Mr Rudd is going to take on a Obama role and use executive powers to move the new arrivals to NG.
I didn't have much empathy for them in the past but having policed the place I certainly do now.
Can you imagine the terror being struck into their hearts when some of the oldest civilization people come into contact with the savages of that place.
The High Court is going to be flooded with petitions and injunctions based on human rights and natural justice and the lawyers are already spending the cash.
Who needs fringe benefits with this flood of money coming?
Personally I think Rudd has panicked and moved too far in the wrong direction....again.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Saturday, 20 July 2013 7:57:03 PM
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