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The biggest Loser
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 1:18:34 PM
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I have no intention of voting for Labor in the upcoming election.
However, I'll be putting my vote to the best use I can in upper house to ensure the Libs "don't" gain control of the upper house. What a freaky possibility. Tell me again, SM. Was it control of both houses that induced Mr Howard to introduce Work Choices? And can you refresh my memory as to whether or not it was the introduction of Work Choices which heralded his demise? Just imagine what could happen if Tony got hold of it! Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 4:34:55 PM
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Here's something for those who can think
instead of condeming: Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 5:14:29 PM
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If the Mad Monk was to get control of both houses of parliament we will all be required to attend church twice on Sundays instead of the planned mandatory once. I can hear a few atheists out there snickering "I just wont turn up" sorry sinner, it will be Archy Pell's inquisition, then the rack and thumb screws for you! Miss two Sundays in a row and things will really hot up.
Those of you who thought Howards Work Choices was bad, wait till you cop a serve of Abbotts Church Choices. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 6:07:26 PM
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Paul1405, thanks for giving me even more nightmares re the probable future PM!
Gillard and her Party may well be a loser this September, but I fear for what is ahead under the Mad Monks 'leadership'. Abbott's true colours will emerge soon after the 'victory', and he starts embarrassing us on a much larger world stage than his current Opposition Leader position. I look forward to some lively debates ahead on OLO... Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 7:35:16 PM
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Thank god we have mind reader Paul to tell us what Abbott is thinking. I do find it interesting how these lefties always can tell us what the libs really meant to say.
Suse, after Rudd & Gillard, Mickey Mouse would be an improvement on what we have had in the embarrassment department. Actually at present it is more shame most of us feel with this idiot representing us over seas. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 25 June 2013 9:15:26 PM
If Gillard wins 42 seats or less, she would have delivered Labor's worst hiding since the war, or since the Liberals existed. If internal ALP polling was to be believed, the outcome could be far worse than this.
For a while it was looking as though she would pass the poisoned chalice onto Rudd, but it is starting to look as though her pride, and Rudd's cowardice will ensure that she snatches this last record for her memoirs.
A cherry on the top would be coalition control of both houses.