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The Forum > General Discussion > Cap the population or health care will depend on the roll of the dice

Cap the population or health care will depend on the roll of the dice

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Four year wait for surgery has nothing to do with “Labor rorting” as the Minister claims. It is solely the fault of the NSW Government increasing demand for hospital services by attracting too many people to Sydney, much faster than the infrastructure additions can possibly be built or funded to even cope with present numbers.
The Government urgently needs to cap Sydney’s population and construct adequate infrastructure like hospitals, schools, roads, public transport, parking and recreation facilities plus all the human services government should provide, for the current population. Currently it just sells off assets to cover its own operating deficits.
Already hospitals cannot cope with childbirths, cancer and eye surgery demands to mention just three.
Posted by Voterland, Monday, 3 June 2013 10:42:08 AM
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Just hop on a boat from Indonesia you will get everything prioritized first medical and health, dental, housing, won't even have to wait long for welfare for life.

Welcome to the lucky country especially if you are not Australian.

Probably right about the infrastructure BUT if Juliar put more money into looking after her own people rather than economic invaders there would be enough for that it is not solely the states job.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 4:48:54 PM
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The (Labor) Government must be hoping to give them lung cancer too because they're even buying them cigarettes.
Posted by individual, Monday, 3 June 2013 5:48:17 PM
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individual - They will probably find a lawyer to sue the Government then we the taxpayer will have to pay more.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 3 June 2013 6:13:32 PM
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Philip S,
Yeah, they're already building 8 more water taxis at a cost of some $400 million. Maybe the boat people have complained about the present patrol boats not being comfortable enough ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 3 June 2013 8:34:47 PM
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Voter land slow on your site is it?
Not sure you put this in a way we can talk about the subject.
It will/has already bought the chop off their heads group.
I was talking of considered thought.
NSW health as is the case in every state under all forms of government needs fixing.
Both side see the massive costs but the will to fix it is dead on Doctor nos side, he no one else has to act post 13/9 13
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 7:31:42 AM
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Voterland, yes indeed the ever-increasing demand for all services and infrastructure due to very rapid population growth is a CRITICAL factor. Not just in Sydney but in the whole country.

Not only does it PREVENT us from significantly improving, health, education, roads and just about everything else, it necessitates enormous expense on these things in order to just try and maintain the same quality of service for ever-more people. And we’re failing at it!

It also makes the federal and state budgets impossible to balance, and causes our pollies to make undeliverable promises, and hence causes us to have great disdain for them.

In short, it is leading to the large-scale degradation if not destruction of our society.

It is of such utterly fundamental importance that we learn the significance of balancing the demand with the supply capability, in regards to all manner of resources, services and infrastructure, and our economic wherewithal to do it.

Instead of doing this, we are forever striving to increase the supply capability, while making absolutely no attempt to even slow the increasing demand, let alone bring it into balance with our ability to support it.

It’s utter MADNESS!
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 8:29:46 AM
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Welcome to the Post Peak Oil World
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 8:46:34 AM
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Don't be to concerned about Sydney, as no doubt the same thing will happen there, as did here in QLD.

The government encouraged southerers to move here in their droves, as many as 1000 each and every week, but they failed to provide the infrastructure and we are now in decline.

I hate to say this over and over again, but it's a labor thing, trough and through, and now, not being content with stuffing up the states, they have taken their wrecking ball the the entire country.

The ironic part about it all, is that come September, and post election, it will be someone elses mess, and they (labor) will have the nerve to play the blame game.

The illegals debacle will be our biggest challenge, and how on earth we are going to fix it, other than with brute force, I just don't know.

But what I do know is that it was under control pre Kevin 07, and that speaks volumes to me.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 9:26:23 AM
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Yes rehctub, & I was just reading that internal labor polling is saying Rudd will probably be the only Labor MP elected in Qld at the coming election. It really does say something, that the worst of them, the one responsible for most of the stuff ups is likely to get back, when all the rest have gone. God can't they still pick a looser can't they.

The ridicules thing with failure to supply necessary services is that it is so easy to fix. Just stopping immigration would do it.

With that stopped we might even be able to afford a defense force again.

Hell wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a country where if you want directions in any of our major cities, you could not only find someone who spoke English to ask, but a citizen who was happy to help you.

Yes I know, ridiculous as it is, that is more likely today in Singapore or Hong Kong.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 11:24:58 AM
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Belly -
Quote "It will/has already bought the chop off their heads group." You just can't help yourself with your childish sarcastic remarks.

Why not join in the discussion I will remind you of something you said.
Quote "I come here for intellectual stimulation, not the very opposite."

It also has to be noted you failed 6 times to answer questions to explain how you arrived at a conclusion on the other thread after making ridiculous statements attacking me.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 12:43:17 PM
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Bazz interesting story about peak oil.
America it seems is near and about to become, independent in oil.
Shale oil has made that happen.
And is putting presure on OPEC as it was the worlds greatest user of oil.
Not sure a case can be made we are past peak oil or close to it while such news is breaking.
Ludwig, answers must be found to cut costs and not services in health, if that is what the thread is about.
Good bad, no matter what brand you give to population growth , and I say it is needed.
We are not going to get it, yet, or even soon.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 2:46:52 PM
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I fear the seed of revolution are being sown.
So much discontent breeds disillusion and disillusion leads to social anarchy.
We are not some radical free franchise like Turkey or France driven to venting our frustrations in the streets.
We have no constitutionally guaranteed rights that allow full and frank freedom of speech or equality before the law.
We are here to do as we are told, to be guided by our masters whomever they be and provide all the financial ammunition they need to support their political machinations and the indulgent gratification prerequisites of the minorities.
Revolution is an answer, probably not the correct one at the moment. There is a better one.
Simply withdraw from the UN conventions on refugees and social niceties and spend on ourselves.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 3:54:00 PM
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No Belly, they are nowhere near being oil independent.
Even with the shale oil going flat out, they still import 40% of the
oil they use.
You have been reading the investment propaganda for the shale oil
industry as they are having trouble keeping the finance up to keep up
with the Red Queen phenomena due to the rapid decline of shale oil
well production which averages 60% a year.
Calculations indicate that shale oil production will start declining
either later this year or in the next two years.

Shale oil is properly known as "tight" oil as the pours in shale are
very small and it takes a lot of effort to get the oil to flow.
That is why they frack it, to increase the surface area.
Despite all the money spent on shale the total oil production has
only increased by almost 1 million barrels a day and is only just
keeping up with the old wells decline.
The rate of decline of the old oil is increasing and as old oil is
still about 30 times the shale production you can see the impossible
task shale oil has.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 4:49:39 PM
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Australian infrastructure is failing because during the Howard years, instead of using the income from mining to repair, maintain and increase infrastructure, it was all blown on tax reduction making the rich richer.
Shale oil is only popular with the oil companies, the locals are seeing their land and water poisoned for the foreseeable future. That isn't preventing State governments here from granting miners the right to poison our soils and water tables.
We're stuffed
Posted by ybgirp, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 7:34:30 PM
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Voterland old chap, you can't cap the population of a region.

Now if you suggest we stop all immigration, of all kinds, that would cap the countries population, & do a great deal of good for everyone, but you can't stop people living where ever they chose in a democracy.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 6 June 2013 12:27:33 PM
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I don't know that this is a Labor thing. The NSW Government (Coalition) has new planning legislation being considered that is all about growing the population and we have already insufficient hospital and schools capacity and roads that resemble parking lots. The only way they can afford anything is to sell off the assets we so painstakiingly acquired. Both major parties are at fault, but really it is us the voters who are at fault. After all, we could elect more competent MPs. This is also not a refugee item. Of couorse we shold take refugees, but they should come the right way, not by boat. This is pay back for us invading Iraq & Afghanistan. They never thought of coming before. MOre fools the politicians who led those invasions.
Governments are not really trying to attract boat people, but they are tryingto attract others to Australia. It is not just health. Foreign ownership is pricing our kids out of homes in Sydney. Most counntreis are not silly enough to sell most of their real estate and power utilities to foreigners. We need to get our infrastructure right, then attract people here, but develop inland so that housing is far more affordable. We don't have to block foreigners. We just have to move sensibly to expand our population.
Posted by Voterland, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 4:03:45 PM
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<< …you can't cap the population of a region >>

Hazzabeen, why not?

If things became really bad, why couldn’t the government, state and/or federal, pass legislation to prevent anyone else from moving into a region or city or town, until the supporting resources/services/infrastructure are up to catering for further increase?

Meanwhile, it makes eminent sense for governments to implement disincentives for people moving into R/S/I stressed cities or regions.

Governments SHOULD strive to influence where people choose to live if their choices are likely to cause serious problems.

<< Now if you suggest we stop all immigration, of all kinds, that would cap the countries population, & do a great deal of good for everyone… >>


But even if that were to happen tomorrow, the government should still consider policies to slow the rate of population increase into some cities or regions. Afterall, even with no immigration we would still have population growth for perhaps three decades from births before it levelled off of its own accord.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 8:36:15 PM
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Governments want to increase the population because they think that
will increase growth.
Unfortunately the politicians and many economists believe this due to
their ignorance of the truth of the matter.

Growth is dependant on energy availability and its other half the cost
of energy.

That is it, nothing more to it.
The more population the greater the demand and so the higher the cost
of energy and the less available per head and so the less economic
product available to the population.

It has reached the state where the pie cannot be grown bigger so each
slice must be smaller.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 14 June 2013 11:17:29 AM
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All wise observations. But, Hasbeen, we can cap the population in certain areas if we wish. In a democracy we can do anything we wish. The easiest way to cap Sydney's population is to introduce very high stamp duty on land purchases in Sydney and remove all stamp duty on regional and rural cities and towns, then increase the existing zone allowance in the Tax act to give a 50% tax concession to anyone for their first 10 years in a regional or rural city or town. That is very much how Darwin and Canberra were populated. The present NSW government and its predecessor could not provide even the m,ost basic infrastructure, schools and hospitals, to cater for our existing population.
Posted by Voterland, Friday, 14 June 2013 8:50:56 PM
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